Iznik cini english

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IZNIK; A PORCELAIN CITY FOR THE SULTANS Iznik, Anatolian city of Iznik´s lakeshore next to the sea of Marmara and the Dead sea, was conquered by Alexander the Great and named Nicaea in honor of his wife Nike. He called it the Little Rome of Asia, and it was chosen by the Emperor Constantine the Great, to build its imperial summer palace and become capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, home of the Constantinian Ecumenical Councils. During the fall of Rome, it was born Byzantine Nicaea, and its name was transformed in Iznik, meaning in Greek "go to Nicaea". The paradisiacal city also seduced the sultans and in the fourteenth century was already a part of the Ottoman Empire. Its ceramic furnaces created fine examples of ceramics inspired by the excellent Chinese blue and white porcelain from the Yuan and Ming Dynasty, treasured in the collections of the sultans. And in the sixteenth century, the initial turquoise and cobalt blue colors were added sage green and pale purple, colors in the half of the sixteenth century were replaced by a soft red and emerald green. With an iconography very characteristic, the quality of Iznik pottery became a coveted desire for collectors around the world, and remains so now, given the low occurrence of these pieces on the market. Recently, a dish that for its rarity has gone unnoticed by Goya Auctions cataloger Madrid and has gone on sale for 300 Euros has ended up selling for 145,000 Euros, with a subsequent offer of 500,000 Euros. Experts from auctioneers speak of the beautiful and prestigious Iznik pottery. I Y II COUNCILS IN NICEA (IZNIK) The first ecumenical council was held in 325 at Nicaea (Turkish: İznik), a city of Asia Minor, in the territory of modern Turkey, and received the name by which it is known, Council of Nicaea I. He was summoned by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, on the advice of the bishop Osio of Cordoba. The Council of Nicea II was held from 24 September to 13 October 787 at Nicaea. It was summoned by Irene, mother of Emperor Constantine VI. The most prominent participants of the meeting were Adriano I, the papal legacies: the Roman Arcipreste Pedro and the Archimandrite of the Greek monastery of Saint Saba and the patriarch of Constantinople Tarasio.


First Council of Nicea, 325


Hagia Sofia´s cathedral at Iznik, currently museum and mosque.

An Iznik panoramic view.


Yesil Mosque, also called Green Mosque

Iznik or Nicea walls, built in the fourth century EXPERT´S COMMENTS ON IZNIK POTERY AND TILES Christie's Sara Plumby, Director Department. Islamic Art "Iznik pottery is an area of Islamic Art that has a timeless appeal. Their bright colors and powerful designs have been sought by Western collectors almost since its inception. The result is often found outside Turkey and in international auctions.

WWW.IZNIK.COM If you buy Iznik, there are several qualities that add value to a piece like the clarity of color and shape, and their conservation status. " Goya Auctions Juan Pablo Casas, Director "At first we did not know it was a plate of such characteristics; the owner had no information on whether the piece had been in some collection ... I did not know what I had! It was an old and broken plate and take it out to 300 Euros. Before the auction we knew it was going to go up, but did not think much because the dishes were auctioned at Balclis were a type of decoration that here we were used to. In the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum there was no equal piece; and we had listed as the as an eighteenth century piece, we could have changed cataloging, but such interest was unleashed to see a lot that had gone unnoticed by the cataloguer, we opted not to change the catalog or price; on the other hand, if we had put out 45,000 Euros, probably we would not have sold at the price sold, 145,000 Euros. The dish quickly aroused much interest; during the exhibition came collectors interested to see from Cairo, New York, London ... some even called to not close because their plane was late, and the day of the auction some bidders sent a person who was in the room in case there was a fault on the phone. At the end she was won by an English collector, and the funny thing is that after the auction, another collector has offered half a million Euros. " Auctions Balclis Jordi Carreras, expert Decorative Arts "The dishes and jugs of Iznik that we have always auctioned have traded between 5,000 and 7,500 Euros. As pieces of interest to collectors, whether Turkish or other countries, their prices tend to be high. Additionally pieces are not very abundant in the market. The highest price achieved by the plate in Goya Auctions can surely be explained by a particularly rare object that was disputed by several collectors. Iznik´s most valued pieces are of the sixteenth century that can be considered the golden age of the Turkish manufacturing. Usually paid more for (jars or dishes) that the tiles. The usual floral decoration is the theme, but when other items such as ships or figures, appear prices soar. Iznik has a specialized collecting group, also interested in art objects of the Middle East in general. It is very different from Chinese porcelain, because the pieces are much more scarce, since production ended in the seventeenth century. With regard to Chinese blue pieces, found in Spain they are usually late, like much of the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries, but it is usual that most are from the nineteenth or twentieth century’s. If we add to this that the production was much more abundant, it explains that the prices are lower. "


http://www.goyasubastas.com/resumentemporada/pages/page_1.html Turkish dish of glazed ceramic "Iznik" S.XVI. I lanado 34 cm 300 - 400 € Auction: 145.000 €/ then sold in 500.000 € Sotheby's Benedict Carter, Department Manager. Middle East and India


"When you start a collection of Iznik pottery you must take into account several aspects. The ceramic furnaces period lasted about 150 years, from the late fifteenth century to the first quarter of the sixteenth century, so the style and quality (and ultimately the price) varies significantly. The first pieces, executed in blue and white, reflecting the influence of Persian and Chinese decorative arts, are now extremely rare. The pieces of the early XVII are comparatively less rare so they can be acquired more easily and at lower prices. The height of Iznik production was during the last quarter of the sixteenth century, when its ceramists developed a true, unique and recognizable Ottoman Turkish style, with the use of green, blue and soft red pigments. Many dishes, vases and jars were decorated in floral style, incorporating hyacinths, tulips, carnations and roses, among other foliage. Other designs include abstract forms, like tiger stripes, fish scales, and motives 'cintamani' as well as animals, birds and elegant forms of boats. In practical terms, personal taste is obviously a consideration when buying a work of art and this is always worth paying attention to the state of the object. Sometimes we should not be too picky about the state of the piece, especially when it comes to rare specimens primitive, but it is advisable to examine the object with ultraviolet light as breakages and restored areas can be clearly detected. When Iznik plates are purchased, always we advise to look at their background, as well as architectural elements as culturally sensitive, as Turkey has very strict laws for export of objects of cultural heritage. Finally, of course, one should buy what you find attractive. IZNIK ceramics provides a great opportunity to acquire objects of genuine beauty, which, since ancient times have been recognized as one of the greatest artistic achievements of Ottoman repertoire and even the history of ceramics in the world. " Dorothea Ingeborg Fiegl, Expert "Iznik pottery is not readily available on the market; it is rare, and collectors are interested mainly for parts of the sixteenth century and early seventeenth centuries. To get started collecting Iznik pottery must look well preserved pieces. We have to be very careful with imitations that exist since the seventeenth century from Italy and France. " Gerald Reitlinger, Historian Asian Ceramics - 1900-1978 The magisterial study of the late Gerald Reitlinger's on prices in the art market, "The Economics of Taste," documents the very high prices that have been paid by the ceramics of Iznik in the European market over the last hundred years and more; "unusual" prices on Iznik market of the last two decades can be seen as part of a distinctive and unusual historical continuum. In Europe. At the end of the 19th century, collecting fashion products of Iznik, documented by Reitlinger, made of Iznik ceramics from the 16th century, the most expensive in the world.



An Iznik polychrome pottery dish, Turkey, late 16th century Estimate 3,000— 5,000 GBP


Bonham’s Alice Bailey, Director Department. Indian and Islamic Art "To form a good collection is essential to be clear about what you want to collect and not be swayed by both the art market considerations or other collectors. Some of the largest collections of Islamic art, including Ottoman Iznik ceramics are valuable because they reflect the personal and nontransferable like of a collector. If we talk about quality, I recommend looking for a good composition´s distribution design the piece, the glaze is transparent and is not run, and the piece it is intact. There may be reasons for buying a part that is broken or present other shortcomings, perhaps because it is a rare example of a design or a rare form. I suggest purchasing parts with significant sources, such as from an antique collection. The wonderful thing about this pottery is the variety of its design. One of the largest collections of Iznik, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum Lisbon, reflects the rich decorative repertoire of Iznik produced between the early and late sixteenth century XVII. Whoever wants to start a collection should find out which design inspires more and always follow the dictates of his passion. Our room sold to a Belgian private collector, on October 4, 2011, a large jug of water (Surahi) datable to 1575, 190,000 pounds. " Tajan Laure Soustiel and Tara Desjardins, East specialists Art "The best advice to a collector attracted by Iznik pottery is to choose good quality parts that are fascinating and colorful designs. Since Iznik kilns were in operation for several centuries, the decorative motifs obviously experienced an evolution, although some designs and flowers never ceased to be fashionable. The pieces of the sixteenth century are considered a reflection of the golden age of Iznik, but many of the later works incorporate more ancient motifs that reveal the extraordinary continuity of styles and mixing techniques that defines this Turkish manufacturing. For a novice collector these designs, so different, original and beautiful, is a good starting point; on the other hand, inscriptions, dates and contextual marks contribute to increase the historical value of a piece.

Ideally, from the point of view of the market, a combination of both aspects which would guarantee interesting results at auction. Purists usually opt for pieces of suggestive forms, because for them the form is more important than function. For all its acquisitions focus on authentic and good quality parts. Among the most significant batches that have passed through Tajan include a Plate of 1580 that left 3,000 Euros and flew up to 30,000 Euros (June 2007) and a delicate dish Ottoman "to the four flowers", sig.- 1575- 1585, which sold for 7,500 Euros (May 2010).


http://www.bonhams.com/auctions/22816/lot/54/ An Iznik pottery Tile Panel ,Turkey, circa 1570 Vendido por £18.750 suplemento incl

http://www.bonhams.com/auctions/23436/lot/105/ AN IZNIK POTTERY TILE ,Turkey, 17th Century, £2,000 - 3,000/€2,500 - 3,80


IZNIK TILES AND POTTERY IN MUSEUMS AND PRIVATE COLECTIONS                        

Louvre Museum, Paris National Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris National Museum of Ceramics, Sevres National Renaissance Museum, Ecouen Museum of Orsay, Paris Museum of Hermes. Museum Adrien Dubouche, Limoges National Museum of Asian Arts, Guimet, Paris MOMA Museum, New York Museum of Los Angeles County Victoria and Albert Museum, London British Museum, London Benaki Museum, Athens Walters Art Museum, Baltimore Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon The David Collection The Wallace Collection The Germain Bapst Collection The Benjamin Altman Collection The Salting and Godman Collection The Binney Collection The Isabella Stewart Gardner Collection The Denman Ross Collection


Turkey, Iznik, Peacock, Sig. 1550, Louvre

Iznik, Turkey, Sig. 1565-1575, Louvre

WWW.IZNIK.COM IZNIK CERAMICS “CHINI” "Chini" is the name given to a special quality ceramic tiles and pottery produced in Iznik (Nicea historical) during the 15th and 16th centuries these exquisite tiles and ceramics represent the cultural and artistic zenith of the Ottoman Empire. Examples of these tiles and ceramics are part of the best collections of museums in Turkey and around the world. Due to a number of reasons, technical knowledge and used documentation to create these tiles and ceramics were unfortunately lost for humanity during the economic decline of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 17th century this art was transmitted by the master to apprentice or from parents to children therefore no record has been preserved. Starting with the Seljuk era when tiles "Chini" were used in architecture as decorative elements in buildings; this art was favored by the Ottomans as well. Iznik Ceramics was the official gift from the Ottoman palace to many other foreign dignitaries, while the Blue Jays "Chini" were used in palaces, mosques and other buildings that have survived until today. The designs were created in the "Nakkash Hane" - art and design center of the Ottoman court and used on tiles, ceramics and crafts all of the Ottomans. Once lost in the mists of time, the precious art of the Ottoman Empire; tiles and ceramics of Iznik "Chini" have been reborn after a period of 400 years, through the efforts and years of research followed by a number of experiments conducted by the training center and Education of the Iznik Foundation, established by the Prof. Dr. Işıl Akbaygil in 1993. The fundamental objectives of the Iznik Foundation are to publicize the heritage of culture and art of Iznik and its surrounding communities, to activate the current potential of the area to classify both existing information and new information obtained in connection with traditional art Iznik and pass this knowledge to current and future generations through training and education. The workshops of Iznik Foundation have succeeded in reproducing Iznik tiles and ceramics of the same high quality as their predecessors; with the same old traditional methods of the 16th century that constitute the zenith of this art form in the literature of world ceramics. Today tiles and ceramics "Chini" are handmade, preserving the traditional quality and aesthetic form, using current technology to research.

Seljuk Empire´s Tile


IZNIK TILES Ottoman Empire

Dimensions Thickness Weight 23.3 cm x 23.3 cm - 7.5 fingers (Ottoman) 12 mm 1200 gr 29.5 cm x 29.5 cm - 9 fingers (Ottoman) 14 mm 1400 gr

WWW.IZNIK.COM THE RENAISSANCE OF IZNIK TILES Iznik tiles produced during the 15th and 16th centuries represent the artistic and cultural zenith of the Ottoman Empire. Due to a number of reasons, expertise and documentation used in the production of these tiles have been unfortunately lost humanity towards the end of the 17th century. "The Iznik Foundation for Training and Education" was founded in 1993 by Prof. Dr. Isil Akbaygil, aiming to revive this lost art. Having spent years of research and countless experiments, the Foundation, has discovered the secret of Iznik Quartz Tiles and began producing with traditional methods of the 16th century.

DR. PROFESOR ISIL AKBAYGIL Işıl Akbaygil graduated from Istanbul University; Faculty of Economics in 1962 and in 1966 began studies for her doctorate at the same university. Between 1966-1968 has worked on the "Reorganization of the Post Administration" at the London School of Economics With the achievement of his title of Professor in 1980; she has held various positions at the University of Istanbul. She directed the "Institute of Social Sciences" from 1986 to 1993. An international exhibition of ancient pottery İznik was held in Istanbul in 1989; considered the "Year of İznik" - Thanks to the efforts of Prof.Akbaygil the book "İznik" was published with the aim of reviving the art İznik Iznik Foundation created in 1993 with the aim of discovering the original formula of Iznik pottery. through a prolonged investigation. In 2000 a symposium on İznik was organized by Prof. Akbaygil with the participation of international experts to call attention to the work of the Iznik Foundation. Exhibitions and monuments with Iznik tiles have made the Iznik Foundation renowned worldwide. The design department of the Iznik Foundation in addition to R & D continues to research and development of traditional Iznik tiles that are being used as contemporary applications in architectural structures in many countries.

Investment in research for the development of the unique ceramic in the world produced of quartz The Iznik Foundation has reached this important milestone with the tireless efforts of the team of 45 members of the "Research Center of Ceramics" and the "Corporation Tiles and Ceramics" along with efforts convened by the University of Istanbul, the Mimar University Sinan, TÜBİTAK, (Research Institute of Turkey) and Princeton University, USA Today, the Foundation Iznik tiles are produced in accordance with the formulas of the 16th century and is composed of 85% quartz. The most important feature that distinguishes Iznik tile is this semi-precious stone that forms the main ingredient.


"The Iznik Foundation for Training and Education" was founded in 1993 by Prof. Dr. Isil Akbaygil�





Fully handmade, local and very laborious production time. The Foundation Iznik tiles are made using traditional methods and modern technology. Production is in Iznik and the central office is located in Istanbul. Each production cycle takes about 70 days. Each process is performed by its own skilled artisan. Each color is applied by the expert of that particular color. The Foundation produces all dyes in his Atelier in Iznik ... Totally organic. In addition to the tiles as an architectural element, the Iznik Foundation, also produces tableware and accessories called "evani". These include plates, cups, bowls, glasses, candles, etc. The production process and raw materials used by the Iznik Foundation, such as enamels and paints, are friendly to the environment. The Foundation consists of three units: * Iznik Foundation for Training and Education, Istanbul * Research Center Iznik ceramics in Iznik * Corporation Iznik tiles and ceramics and at Iznik (related to commercial activities) Special customer orders are taken directly from customers, designers, architects or over the Internet, and project development can be made on demand. The design team creates unique private collections, murals and architectural projects according to customer demand. Publications / Books: "İznik" Chini " Oven Excavations " Based on archaeological findings during the excavations, scientific proof of the production of "Chini" in Iznik. "IZNIK" Iznik goods; assembled from various collections and prestigious museums in the world are exhibited in Istanbul in 1989 (the year of Iznik). The featured in Iznik book was published after this exposure and has become the best source as a reference catalog. "İznik during the War of Independence" Memories of old veterans who come together to create the history of Iznik during the days of Greek invasion. "İznik throughout history” Articles written by international experts and historians who convey the importance of Iznik throughout history, to future generations.



WWW.IZNIK.COM II. Exhibitions: Turkish and Islamic Art Museum, Istanbul - 1989 "Chini" Iznik collected from various museums and collections of exposure. Bahrain - 1998 Sponsored by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark the 75th anniversary of establishment of the Republic of Turkey, an exhibition of products of the Iznik Foundation. Paris, Chateau Bagatelle - 1999 Collaborating with the City of Paris, an exhibition of products of the Iznik Foundation. Hannover, Turkish Pavilion - 2000 Display products of the Iznik Foundation. Paris, UNESCO, - 2000 Exhibition Iznik tiles Foundation. Chicago, Cervantes Institute- 2003 A conference and an exhibition of ceramic tiles and Iznik Foundation Orlando 2004 An exhibition at the annual Feria "Coverings" as the guest speaker of the Federation of Turkish ceramics. Mexico City, Parliament House, Mexico - 2005 An exhibition of Iznik tiles, sponsored by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mexico City, municipality building, Mexico - 2005 An exhibition of Iznik tiles, sponsored by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "ร iniiรงin" - Agia Sofia, Istanbul - 2005 An exhibition of Iznik tiles designed by artists, architects and Turks and International for the conference in Istanbul UIA (International Union of Architects) designers. The concept was to create mosaics as an "infinite integration as a problem area." Participation in the design of tiles Ettore Sottsass and Zaha Hadid. New York School of Visual Arts - 2007 An exhibition of ancient pottery Iznik Metropolitan Museum along with new tiles and ceramics of Iznik Foundation. Lisbon, National Museum - 2010 Exhibition Iznik tiles with traditional and contemporary motifs opened by the President of Portugal. Leiden, Consulate General honorarium 2015 Exhibition of Ceramics and Tiles Iznik Foundation and its office in The Netherlands.













III. Selection of some installations made by the Iznik Foundation:                                 

Tokyo Mosque – 1998 Turkish Peace Garden, Montreal Canada 1998 Corporate Office Coca Cola, Istanbul, 1998 Restaurant Pizza Hut, Istanbul – 1999 Friendship Monument Tokyo, Japan 2000 Mosque Ashjabat - Turkmenistan – 2000 "Peace Park" at the Botanical Garden - Montreal, Canada – 2000 Simona Petra Monastery - Agion Oros, Greece – 2001 Halkbank Corporate Offices – 2002 Kiptas Mosque, Istanbul – 2002 Design Panels for Ann Sacks showroom in New York 2003 Blue Palm Court- Mall Bur Juman, Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 2004 Hotel Ritz Carlton, Istanbul -2004 Al Rawdha Palace Mosque - Bahrain – 2004 Higher Naval School in Turkey - Istanbul – 2004 Mohammed Al Amin Mosque - Beirut, Lebanon – 2005 British Consulate, Istanbul -2005 Co design air extractors line between Elica brand with Italian design tiles Iznik Foundation- 2005 Mosque Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates -The Iznik tiles installation is finished, but continues construction- 2006 EXPO Chiang Mai, Thailand, for the King Monument in the park of Love, Peace and Brotherhood -2006 Dubai and Istanbul Sister City Monument 2006 Private residences in London-2007 International Ataturk Airport in Istanbul 2008 Hotel Les Ottomans 2008 Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to our offices Corporate-2008 Collection at the corporate offices of Hermes, Paris-2009 Centre for Islamic Studies in Oxford, OXCIS, 2010 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 2010 Metro stations -1998,99,2011 Yapi Kredi Bank, Turkey Metro station Alcantara, Chile, 2013 Murals in Metro stations for Marmara Tunnel connecting Asia and Europe-2013 Metro stations in Warsaw 2015






VI.Overall assessment and future goals • With the help of archeology, scientists and experimental studies, the long-defunct production technology, has been revived by the Iznik Foundation. • Workshops Foundation has begun with traditional production methods, but through research, has developed a much better quality. Consequently, the Foundation was awarded the "YEM Yapi Merkezi Endustrisi - Altin ÇEKÜL Ürün Ödülü - 2005" - as the best product of Tradition. • In addition to production, the Foundation systematically conducts research and applies contemporary designs. • The collaboration is being carried out with Turkish designers, architects and artists, as well as international names. • The design of the "Chini" scattered in many countries are scientifically classified for further evaluation and the creation of a new and contemporary design school. • For the conservation and development of the art of Iznik Chini be established in Istanbul Center "Design / Concept" similar to the "Nakkashane" which was established during the Ottoman era. • The "Center Design / concept" will be in the same location with the "Chini Museum" which is also expected to be established. • Guide to apply Islamic contemporary art to everyday life with the collaboration of the Gulf countries, especially in architecture. Exhibitions to support conferences organized by the Iznik Foundation. • Disseminate the exhibition to be held in Los Angeles, USA, in countries like Canada, England and France. • International support for press conferences, exhibitions and workshops. • The II. International Symposium will be held in Iznik Iznik, with the concept of "design" • The Foundation will participate in the "Cultural Capital of Humanity 2010" with the applied arts of international artists. • A documentary film and a book about "De glazed bricks to Iznik tiles" will be published. • A book and a movie to be made on the ottoman (or Sinan) architecture • A documentary film and a book to be made on the use of ceramics and "Chini" in modern architecture. • The ultimate goal is to establish Iznik and Istanbul as centers of contemporary art internationally recognized design. • The Foundation has been produced in Iznik since 1993 with a staff of 100 people, as a nonprofit organization.


The Seven Seals of IZNIK Foundation Iznik tiles of the Foundation are created at Iznik Foundation Workshop. Quartz is the basic ingredient of the Iznik Foundation´s Tiles and the colors are produced from minerals. After long and tedious research we have found 16th century´s technique that was used in the production of Iznik Tiles. The pasta is handmade, as well as the patterns are drawn by hand; colors and glaze. Iznik mosaic is an ecological product. There are 7 prints labels on each tile is a test article that is our original product. All patterns and designs belong to the Iznik Foundation.


This sign proves that Iznik Foundation Tile/pottery" has been produced in accordance with ISO 9001 internationally recognized standarts for quality.

This precious tile/pottery, a great heritage from the Ottomans, is produced in conformity with the original formulas and seal symbolizes that your product is an Iznik Foundation artefact.

This Iznik item is a totally handmade work of art; every detail on it is made by a craftsman's hand.

All colours seen on this tile/pottery are mineral based and in-house produced specially by Iznik Foundation.


All materials used in the production of Iznik Foundation tiles/pottery are enviromental friendly.

Iznik Foundation's logo for energy and creativity.

The term "Ottoman Work" symbolizes aesthetic quality and everlasting. Your Iznik artefact is an Ottoman Work.





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