The US administration is trying to erect a national regime of secrecy, where any government employee revealing sensitive information to a media organisation can be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.
“I’m from where the gold and diamonds are ripped form the earth right next to the slave castles where the water is cursed, from where police brutality’s not as half as nice, it makes the hood in America look like paradise compared to the Aid infested Caribbean slum African streets where the passports an American gun…”
“We’re from where Blacks, indigenous people and Asians were once slaves of the Caucasians”
They trained them to be racist against themselves in a place they were raised in and then kept them caged in… destroyed their culture and said that they civilised them.
Brothers and sisters!! “They paint the third world to be savage and backward. But the super powers are no less corrupt, they’ve just learnt how to disguise it better, cause they fix elections too, they embezzle tax money, go to war for resources, they fund terrorism for their own benefit and when there’s enough at stake…history has taught us they’ll even assassinate!”
The puppet rulers were given billions of US tax dollars to fund civil wars, death squads, execute political dissidents and overthrow democratically elected governments. The manipulated free market has never been free, because it doesn’t regulate itself. It survives because of its image. Destroy the image and the enemy will die.
They supported corrupt governments that were almost like the old slave masters in their oppression of the people, because their loyalty is to those who enable them, restored them and kept them in power.
They massacre people and try to keep it quiet then spend the next twenty-five years trying to deny it. They drop bombs that they used to drop on Vietnam killing children of which are born deformed eight months before they are born.
The super national sovereignty of a so-called religious intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.
Behind the mask of efficiency, they claimed we need them to succeed... Opportunity comes at the price of soul, so remember what they are underneath the elaborate architecture, glittering rented jewellery, the cars, IMF loans seeds with suicide genes, twenty-year contracts and oil blood money.
The man who declared Hosni Mubarak was a Democrat and that Julian Assange was a high tech terrorist.
Al Assad finally errupts, whilst Obama gets his way once more.
A world Government can intervene militarily in the internal affairs of any nation when it disapproves of their alleged activities.
No hope for Palestine.
Cameron and Sarkozy not only signed the defence nuclear joint-working treaties, they are now plotting a mission on Iran’s apparent nuclear threat. Will the judiciary have something to say about this?
Why would america kill their own CIA tactician?
System of the corrupt
China’s result of de-population.
Cameron wants British values: “We have tolerated these segregated communtities behaving in ways that run conter to British our values�. He struggles to fight in the London riots.
Obama devises one of many greatest puupet government tactics to win the election: He kills Osama Bin Laden and then his body was not shown because they claimed they threw his body in the sea as it was said to be part of Islamic religion...This is false. So how can everybody believe this ?
Inspiration by Peter Brookes.
Inspiration by Peter Brookes.
They built capital for capitalism and when they gave them what they call liberty, everything they had was still owned by them.