SGSU Spring '14 Elections Voting Guide

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A voting guide for the SGSU Spring ’14 Elections

change happens




Eric Sype

Chris Johnstone

Peter King

Vice President of University Affairs

Meggie Green

Executive Vice President Vice President of Finance

Raquel Davalos Matt Kelly

At-Large Rep. Senior Rep.

Owen Goetze Luke Larson


CANDIDATES Palmrya Jackson

Monica Chan

Sophomore Rep. MacKenzie Gaddy

Sophomore Rep.

Multicultural Rep.

Our Mission As the elected representation of the Seattle University undergraduate student body, the Student Government of Seattle University (SGSU), formed in harmony with the University's mission, is the official voice and advocate for students. SGSU communicates with students regarding their collective and constituent interests, promotes opportunities for student leadership and involvement, assists in the development of a cohesive undergraduate community, and provides the undergraduate community with political and financial support.

PRESIDENT Candidates for

Eric Sype

Chris Johnstone

In my three years at SU, I have seen Student Government grow a tremendous amount. I had the privilege of being a part of that growth as AtLarge Representative my Freshman year and Executive Vice President my Sophomore year, and cannot think of a better way to finish my career at SU than to help SGSU grow even more. I have been extremely pleased with the work SGSU has done this year, and want to continue to build on what they have done. It is the job of Student Government to ensure the voice of the student is heard, and it seems to have become much easier for students to voice their opinion. The divestment movement is a great example of this. As President, I would provide my full support to these existing movements, as well as work to empower the student body as a whole, to bring new issues to the administration. I am not focusing on issues I will work on, because I want issues to come from the students! However, I care deeply about Divestment, Gender neutral bathrooms and accessibility on campus in general, as well as increased collaboration between student organizations to enhance the student experience. From my experience in SGSU, my deep knowledge of the university, and my passion for enhancing the student experience, I believe I will make a great President! Please vote for me if you agree!

My name is Chris Johnstone, and I am a junior environmental studies major. I want to be your next SGSU president because I believe that diversity serves an important role on our campus as both a strength and a challenge. As we strive to celebrate the diverse talents of our university’s student body, further discussion and attention are required. Diversity comes in many forms at Seattle University including culture, talent, and leadership. My hope as president is to foster a greater and more frequent conversation around our cultural diversity. We can do so via forums, programs, and marketing around campus and social media so that students can become more aware of and accepting of their peers. I would also like to expand on our university’s definition of what it means to be a leader by promoting the various talents and leadership skills that many individuals in our campus community possess, in a greater effort to build community and school spirit. I plan to work with clubs and organizations around campus to create a more inclusive atmosphere for all students. Our greatest challenges are also our greatest assets. Together, we can make our great university even greater. In borrowing some words of infinite wisdom from Dr. Seuss, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.” Let’s get to work!

Peter King

Hello Student Body, As SGSU president, I will reduce yearly rainfall in Seattle. In all seriousness, it’s my goal to see that every undergraduate student has a positive experience in her or his time at Seattle University. Everything I will do as your president will be guided by this approach, no matter what the issue is. In my time at SU, I have been seriously involved with two student clubs: D1 Improv and Seattle University Cycling. These two organizations have been paramount in creating an enjoyable university experience for me. As a result of my club memberships, I believe that the club structure at SU has the potential to benefit all students. Yet, “red tape” and organizational concerns often stifle clubs’ plans. As president, I will work with the university and club leaders as well as other student groups to increase student involvement and improve club experiences. Finally, to ensure the happiness of the undergraduate student, I will act as mouthpiece for student concerns. Whether the issue is a safer campus, better toilet paper or divestment from fossil fuels, I am determined to represent the will of the student body. Thank you for your time and more importantly, happy spring!

CANDIDATE Executive Vice President

Raquel Davalos

Hello Redhawks! I have spent this past year in Student Government as the Junior Representative and I have loved my time working in SGSU and representing students. I have gained some great experience working within SGSU, and have also had the opportunity to work with the current EVP to see what is required to successfully accomplish the requirements of the position. I would like to utilize my strengths in creating structure and organization, and apply them to the position of EVP next year. I want to help SGSU perform at its best so that it can accomplish great things for YOU! I deeply care about the success of Student Government in representing the student body and I believe my leadership skills can help SGSU succeed at this. I have come to love this organization that does great work making a difference for students at Seattle U, so I would really appreciate your vote for Raquel Davalos for the 2014-2015 Student Government Executive Vice President.

CANDIDATES Vice President of University Affairs

Vice President of Finance Meggie Green Hello Redhawks! My name is Meggie Green. I’m a current freshman and I’m running for the Vice President of University Affairs position for next year’s SGSU. I’m running for this position because I have so much pride in this university – in its inclusivity, sustainability, and growing school pride, and I want to be a part of m a k i n g t h e R e d h aw k e x p e r i e n ce YO U R experience!!! Working on projects on behalf of my constituents is something I am not only passionate about, but that that I have experience in, from being an ASB representative in high school, to the Freshmen Representative in this year’s SGSU! I am dedicated and determined to do well in this position, and if you elect me as the Vice President of University Affairs for next year, I will continue to work on projects such as continuing to see the sustainable, secure bike structure project that I worked on getting approved and funded this year through construction next year, getting more bus passes available at the CAC, extending library hours, promoting gender inclusivity and facilities, and implementing air hand-dryers in restrooms! But most importantly, I want to hear from you all a n d h av e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o w o r k o n accomplishing what YOU want accomplished!!! So, please email me or come talk to me about what you want to see happen at SU next year, and if you elect me for Vice President of University Affairs, your voice will be heard!!!!

Matt Kelly

If you elect me Vice President of Finance for SGSU I can bring real world experience to the table. I’ve kept the books for Seattle University Men’s Rugby Club and been apart of several budget allocations in my time here at SU. I want to represent you because how we spend our money is important! I will hold the projects, clubs and student organizations SGSU supports financially accountable and assist them in doing their best work possible for the student body. I will be professional, sincere and trustworthy with the money SGSU apportions for the 2014-15 school year and work closely with other members of student government to make sure your voice is heard. You will not be disappointed if you vote for me. I’ll work hard and see to it that Seattle University continues to be a great, open learning environment for its entire community. A vote for me is a vote for you. I will represent students through strong character, leadership ability and hard work keeping our books honest and transparent. So say *I’M WITH MATT* for SGSU VP of Finance 2014-15 school year.

Seattle University is a unique place that is filled with many dedicated clubs and organizations that all do incredible work. As At-Large Representative, I will seek to build a stronger sense of school identity by working with all of these amazing clubs and by establishing more formal avenues of open communication. Social justice clubs, environmental justice clubs, LGBTQQIA advocacy and support, music programs, athletics, theater, business clubs, political clubs -- all of us can work together to better achieve our own goals while still pursuing a greater university experience in our quest for a more just and humane world. Furthermore I have several ideas on improving the University. One, I hope to continue to make the university more ecologically sustainable through promoting more efficient and effective composting. Two, I want to help establish a more inclusive and transparent atmosphere, especially in regards to the budget transparency forum by inviting more speakers to participate in this integral conversation. Thirdly, I will continue to push the University towards forming an official inclusive housing policy for Transgender students. While improving the workings of our school is definitely an important part of my job, the position that I hope to fill is At-Large Representative, so the most important aspect of my job will always be answering your concerns. Please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime by email at, and I will do whatever I can to improve your student experience.

Owen Goetze At-Large Rep.


CANDIDATES Monica Chan Multicultural Rep.

Seattle University brings together hundreds of diverse undergraduates and with our unique perspectives we all can contribute to furthering the mission of creating a just and humane world. If elected your Multicultural Representative, I would seek ways to actively incorporate a greater range of voices who have not been heard as explicitly before on our campus, and to ensure student government and university decisions keep these students in mind. We all hold different identities relating to race, gender, class, age, ability, religion, and sexual orientation. A part of social justice is listening and serving those with identities at the margins. I would also hope to provide more opportunities for the campus to connect with the diverse communities that surround us through events on and off campus. If elected as your Multicultural Representative, I will listen to your concerns and suggestions, and seek how to best provide resources as a school. The multicultural voice is a rich one, and I want to be a part of making sure it is supported and heard.

Class Representative

CANDIDATES Palmrya Jackson

Sophomore Rep. Hello, my name is Palmyra Jackson and I am running for Sophomore Representative. I have decided to run for this position because I felt a need to speak up for the folks of our class, and to ensure that the environment created by SGSU is conducive to the development of our persons as a whole. We go to a Jesuit University that focuses on teaching the whole person, but what do we do that carries that approach outside of the classroom? We all exist and share this University, this campus, this city together; we need to make more decisions with that in mind, for it not what is good for me, but rather what is good for us all. There needs to be more attention to the different lenses that we look at the world through and how each person’s perspective can compliment our own, specifically concerning the sophomore class. I plan to create a better cohesion amongst all clubs and organizations, so that more voices can be heard and understood. Most of these clubs and organizations were started by and are continued by our peers, our colleagues, and their voices need to be heard, their ideas implemented, their worlds intertwined. Finally, as your Sophomore Representative, I would like to recognize the efforts, the growth, and the change that we have made in ourselves and in each other by continuing the tradition of Halfway There, a celebration to mark our halfway period of our college careers.

Luke Larson Senior Rep.

MacKenzie Gaddy

Sophomore Rep. Hello, I'm MacKenzie Gaddy! During my first year at SU, I have grown to love this school, its community, and all the wonderful people here. But there is always room for improvement! I hope to serve as a representative in SGSU to make student opinions known - whether they concern divestment, tuition transparency, CAPS programming, or anything they are concerned with. I also hope to do my best to help fix problems or bring them to the attention of the appropriate party. I want to enable students to make their voices heard in the SU community by finding meaningful projects they feel are important and keeping in contact with them via social media and email. Seattle University is a place I have become passionate and prideful about through being on the rowing team and being on Dance Marathon’s steering committee, and I hope to get the opportunity to serve in SGSU in order to make your voices heard and improve SU for all students.

My name is Luke Larsen, I'm running for senior representative because I want to make sure the senior class stays involved with SGSU activities and the needs and wants of the senior class are met head on.

REFERENDUM Referendum 901: Seattle University Tobacco-Free Campus

Over the past several months SGSU has made great efforts to educate the student body on all of the aspects of the tobacco industry (including its negative environmental impacts), the effects that the presence of tobacco has on Seattle University, and the health effects of smoking and tobacco usage. We urge you to consider the breadth of information that has been presented and if you have questions or would like to see some of the information please contact or stop by the SGSU office in STCN 360. Referendum 901: Seattle University Tobacco-Free Campus Note: The length of transition to and implementation of a tobacco-free campus will be decided by the University Administration which understands this referendum as the official and final demonstration of the undergraduate student opinion. Do you support transitioning Seattle University into a tobacco-free campus? Yes: A “yes” vote shall indicate your endorsement of officially beginning the transition of Seattle University to a tobacco-free campus1 No: A “no” vote shall indicate your endorsement of the current smoking policy2


A tobacco-free campus will prohibit the use of all tobacco related products on University owned property. Tobacco items include but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, chew tobacco, snuff, dissolvable, and other non nicotine replacement therapy devices. 2 Current

SU Policy: Smoking is prohibited within fifty (50) feet from building entryways, operable window, or air intakes.



You support adding the Students with Disabilities Representative to SGSU You support changing the name of the “Appropriations Committee” to the “Finance Committee” You support the chiefs of staff serving on the President’s Advisory Board

You support the establishment of an annual student body survey (the SUSS)

You support the formal establishment of a Quarterly Report

A “yes” vote means

A “yes” vote means

A “yes” vote means

A “yes” vote means





A “yes” vote means

A “no” vote means

A “no” vote means

A “no” vote means

A “no” vote means



You do not want a Students with Disabilities Representative in SGSU

You want the “Appropriations Committee” to keep its name

You do not want the chiefs of staff to formally serve on the President’s Advisory Board You do not want the an annual student body survey (the SUSS) to be required

You do not want to require the creation of a Quarterly Report

Constitution & Bylaw Changes

IN DETAIL see where you land

The Formal Creation of a Students with Disabilities Representative

This year, SGSU voted unanimously to create the Students with Disabilities Representative position, which with your approval will be formally added to the SGSU constitution. This position will provide much-needed representation and advocacy for the more than 900 students with disabilities currently at SU. The person will work as a liaison between the Disabilities Services Office, student interest groups and SGSU to most effectively advocate for a more accessible and inclusive campus. By supporting this constitutional amendment, you will officially place the students with disabilities voice at the SGSU table for years to come.

Change the name of Appropriations Committee to Finance Committee

In an effort to make the appropriations process intuitive and more accessible to students, a name change from Appropriations Committee to Finance Committee has been approved by SGSU. If approved by the student body, this change will be reflected in the bylaws of Student Government of Seattle University.

Addition of the Quarterly Report

The Quarterly Report will be a review of the projects and actions of SGSU completed during each quarter. If the student body approves this change, the required creation of this report will be added to the bylaws.

Addition of the State of the Undergraduate Student Survey (SUSS)

The State of the Undergraduate Student Survey will serve to guide Student Government of Seattle University in identifying and addressing issues pertinent to students in that academic year. The SUSS will fall under the responsibility of the SGSU President's Advisory Board (PAB). If the student body approves this bylaws change, PAB must conduct this survey every year.

Role of Chiefs of Staff on the President's Advisory Board

The role of Chief of Staff, as described in the Constitution of Student Government of Seattle University will be divided to include Internal and External roles. If the student body approves this bylaws and constitutional change, the officers in these two positions will also serve on the President's Advisory Board for the duration of their terms in office.

While this is not a part of the official ballot, SGSU will be asking a poll question at the end of the ballot regarding the unionization movement of adjunct and contingent faculty. SGSU is working to ensure that the student voice is accurately and appropriately represented in this issue as its resolution will affect students. Therefore SGSU asks that, in advance to answering this question, all students take the time to educate themselves on the issue by visiting and the SEIU local campaign website, seattle-university/. Your SGSU President Eric Chalmers, as well as several other members of SGSU, have done extensive research on the issue and can act as reliable, non-biased information sources. Thank you very much for taking the time to consider this important issue and inform SGSU of your opinion, therfore ensuring that your voice is amplified.

Excluding candidate statements, the content of this voting guide was created entirely by members of SGSU, specifically those not running for office in this election. No candidate had access to this guide (or any of its written or visual content) prior to its release to the entire student body. Please send all inquiries to Mackenzie Hoffman, Secretary of Elections, or Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff.


STUDENT GOVERNMENT OF SEATTLE UNIVERSITY 901 12th Ave / PO Box 222000, Seattle, WA 98122

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