Spring '15 Candidate Guide - SGSU

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GUIDE Student Government of Seattle University



As the elected representation of the Seattle University undergraduate student body, the Student Government of Seattle University (SGSU), formed in harmony with the University's mission, is the official voice and advocate for students. SGSU communicates with students regarding their collective and constituent interests, promotes opportunities for student leadership and involvement, assists in the development of a cohesive undergraduate community, and provides the undergraduate community with political and financial support.

MOVE US FORWARD Use this guide to learn more about the candidates seeking office!


Mallory Barnes My name is Mallory Barnes and I am a junior Sociology major from Davis, California. My vision is to be an advocate for what all students want and deserve; my top priority is to advocate for students’ issues. I will ask the administration for greater budget transparency, in the form of quarterly budget reports to be easily accessible to students. Furthermore, I intend to develop a need-based salary program for student leadership roles on campus, so students of all financial backgrounds are able to lend their voices to campus issues. Most importantly, I value your voice and promise to listen attentively throughout my term as President. I envision a school where student movements and student government act in cooperation with one another; the job of the student body president is to be a catalyst for change, a representative for students, not administrators. The student body president does not answer to administrators at the end of the day; she works for the people who elected her. I am prepared to put student needs first during my term as president, and to represent your voices to the best of my abilities as an advocate. As someone who was elected as an SGSU representative and executive, I will expand the focus of the current governing body by paving the way for emerging issues, while strongly supporting current issues such as divestment, disabilities advocacy and faculty unionization. With your support, I would like to become your next Student Body President, because together we’re better.

Manuel Sigüenza I believe in Student Government’s purpose in representing, advocating, engaging and supporting the students. I find that this campus needs leadership that is critical of the status quo but supportive of just causes and concerns from the students. In my time at SU, I have learned to be more open, inclusive, loving and respectful through my experiences and relationships with others. I would like to seek office because I want to support undocumented students and make discussions of race and privilege more accessible to the community as a whole. I also would like to create more unity within campus so that there is less over programming, and build connections with the community outside of SU. I want to empower, uplift and advocate for student voices that are all too often unheard. In addition to this, I want SU to be a more welcoming community and one that is positivelyminded to all. We are a whole community and when we work together, we make the community better for all. I am not the one with all the solutions, which is why I am open to listening to students’ input and views. We do not exist alone, we work together collaboratively.


Palmyra Jackson After my experience in SGSU, I would like to continue serving the student body by being the Executive Vice President. In this position, I hope to increase student advocacy, access to administration and factual information, as well as make SGSU as a whole more approachable. My plan for this is to change the culture of SGSU being a singular body and instead be one that is present in other clubs and organizations on campus in an effort to remain in the conversations students are having. Of course I don't have all of the answers, nor endless ideas, so if you have reached this point in the candidate statement, send me an idea!

Aaron Nordman Finding your voice and what calls you to action can be a deep, reflective experience; one that may take time for many individuals, including myself. My mission is for everyone to become comfortable expressing his or her beliefs and concerns by assisting along the way, regardless of how long this journey takes. I strive to communicate with the entire campus, including those who feel under-represented and those looking to find their voice and express their concerns. I believe encouraging students to think clearly, think for themselves, and test commonly accepted knowledge can do this. Advocating for the wide range of different perspectives regarding campus-wide, social justice and academic issues throughout our university will foster optimal student life. Continuing to celebrate the diversity in views, ideals and personal backgrounds while bringing these all together in order to continually improve the quality of experience at Seattle University is integral to my belief system. I will be looking to personally advocate for the student-body perspective; looking to exceed the every day needs of our students by being open-minded and willing to listen dynamically, in hopes of making progress and coming up with solutions. My name is Aaron Nordman, a Psychology and Environmental Studies student, and I want to advocate for the student Redhawk perspective as your Executive Vice-President.

VICE PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Alaina Bever As a student leader who has been actively involved in the Seattle University community since my first year, I have always been passionate about the ideas, concerns, and initiatives that students contribute to the university. In my role as Vice President of University Affairs, I will serve as a student representative to the administration, making sure that student voices are heard and that the communication between different groups on campus is efficient and open. My experience as an Orientation Adviser and News Editor for the Spectator has made me realize that much of the dissatisfaction on campus is due to miscommunication, and that progress will be made most efficiently by improving communication between students, the administration, faculty, trustees, and all groups on campus. I will strive to create open conversations between all groups and make sure that all voices are heard, in line with the mission of the university to provide holistic education that is inclusive to all. I look forward to working with students and promoting creative, innovative ideas for making our campus a more inclusive, vibrant, and spirited community.

Paul DeWater Hello Redhawks! As the Vice President of University Affairs, I hope to create a transparent, honest, and consistent relationship between SGSU and the student body. I believe SGSU must reach out to more of its constituents to improve its work and decision-making processes. To do this, I have three main ideas: an advisory board, more accessible meetings, and expanding access and outreach. The creation of an advisory board featuring some student leaders from different offices and departments in addition to other underrepresented students will help inform SGSU and allow it to make decisions that better represent the voice of the student body. Additionally, students should have the opportunity to hear what their representatives are discussing in meetings beyond meeting minutes. If elected, I would expand accessibility to meetings by utilizing different mediums like live streaming to give more students an opportunity to understand what is happening. Finally, YOU should have the opportunity to participate and engage with SGSU: it’s time for SGSU to come to you! Our campus is engaging many issues right now—divestment, unionization, the ISC-OMA merging--and it is vitally important that SGSU be an ally and an advocate for your voice, and so if elected, I will commit myself to coming to YOU to hear YOUR voice and to let you know what your opportunities are, instead of making you come to me. Change is in the air at Seattle University; vote for Paul DeWater so that we can work together for change!


VICE PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Alyssa Garcia If elected your SGSU VP of University Affairs, I will work to bridge the divide that has been forming between students, faculty, staff and administration. I aim to counter this and unite our campus by making the advocacy of SGSU more accessible to students, especially those that SGSU has yet to connect with. I will personally reach out to students in order to provide a wider platform to voice concerns and needs. In my three years at SU, I have continuously been presented with opportunities to grow into a just and humane leader. Despite, the gratuity I have for the benefits and development that SU has given me, I have also recognized that it is not perfect. SU is not above criticism and as students; our voices and opinions should be of high worth. Thus, I will passionately advocate for our student voice and together with the student body, faculty and staff, and administration will work to ensure that our campus community is just and humane for all.

VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE Matt Kelly I look forward to serving the student body of Seattle University with character, respect and enthusiasm. I'm currently this year's SGSU Vice President of Finance and hope to continue to work in that role with your vote. I will maintain and operate the SGSU budget and other financial obligations with the utmost professionalism. You can count on me to continually work to improve your student experience here on campus. Thank you!

AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE Claire Conway I care about being the official voice and advocate for students because I want to help create a cohesive community on campus that includes every person on our diverse campus. There are many people from many different backgrounds, beliefs, and interests, but we all have one thing in common: We are Seattle University. I believe the students of Seattle University are co-creators in the vision of what the community of Seattle University means to students, faculty, staff, and community. I want to be a facilitator of conversation and community to ensure that every voice is heard. My goal is to help my fellow students accomplish their visions, dreams, and goals in any and every way I can. I truly care about people; I'm interested in what drives people, what their visions and goals are. I want to help realize those goals. I want to promote opportunities for involvement and leadership so students can share their interests, passions, and skills and make a difference. As At-Large Representative, I will be accessible, visible, engaged, and efficient in responding to the needs of my constituents. I will keep my eyes and ears open on campus in order to understand and respond to the needs and desires of my constituents. I will be available for any questions, concerns, criticisms, and ideas. There is no concern too small, and no idea too big that I will not listen to and respect. I will be a listener, a resource, and an advocate.

JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVE Riley Jackson Hello everyone, my name is Riley Jackson and I am running for the opportunity to represent the Junior class in Student Government. I believe that I will be able to provide an unbiased voice for the Junior class regarding both its wants and needs to the larger Student Government. I fully intend to be a voice that speaks on the many issues that students are facing at Seattle University which many feel are not being addressed. Many I have spoken with, including myself, are confused by our University’s choices on big issues such as divestment and adjunct faculty. I believe there needs to be transparency between administration and the student body on all major issues. As Junior Representative I would have the opportunity to ignite real change in the way that the student body interacts with the administration. I want to see Seattle University be the best University it can be for its students, and I am not afraid to be vocal about what our class needs. I love so many things about Seattle University and the type of community it has been able to foster for me these past two years. As a member of SGSU I would look forward to being even more involved on campus and having the opportunity to help foster changes that make this campus an even more inclusive and beneficial environment for everyone.

Jose Carlos Rodriguez I would like to seek office for the Junior Representative position because I believe I could be a bridge between the junior class and our student government. As a representative, I will make sure my interactions with our class stay strong so that I can properly voice any thoughts or concerns that may arise. I hope to become a bridge between students and our Student Government so that we can have productive conversations with administration around issues and concerns that we as a student body will have. I value and consider the experiences of all students and aim to base my support for students on those factors so that any action taken through Student Government can be founded on student views. I hope to get to know you all and thanks! #Carlos2k15 ;)

MULTICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE Stephenie Simmons Hello Redhawks! My name is Stephenie Simmons and I am running for the Multicultural Representative position. As the Multicultural Representative, I want to challenge the ways in which Seattle University values and thinks about diversity in and outside of our campus. I am a junior majoring in biology and completing my degree has been challenging; however, it has prepared me to become a stronger student, mentor and leader in and outside of the classroom. With current changes in the Office of Multicultural Affairs, I believe that it is the most important time to have strong leadership and representation for underrepresented students. Before applying to this position, I asked students the following question: How could your experience at Seattle University be improved? The most frequent answer I received was for all students to have a safe space that would allow them to discuss their experience and needs on campus. I believe that SU has been progressive in generating conversations with students. Now is the time that we have more honest dialogue about generating opportunities for students who may face different needs. As the Multicultural Representative, I would like to develop welcoming and inclusive opportunities for students at Seattle University. However, this cannot be done without support from you! Thus, I am asking for your vote in helping me to become the Multicultural Representative for the upcoming school year!

Amrit Singh My name is Amrit Singh and I am currently a second year Nursing student at Seattle University. As a student at Seattle U, I have realized the importance and value our school has towards culture and diversity. It is important for there to be a constant conversation about how our student body, school, and society understands culture. It is my mission to bring voice to all the different cultures that exist on our campus by brining awareness to the issues and accomplishments those groups of people encounter. As a school we must work towards preparing our students for the outside world and understanding different cultures, different people, is a huge part of that. I want to be a resource to help prepare students to better navigate the world that we must all co-exist in. Let us work towards living up to the diversity and cultural importance our school embodies by electing me, Amrit Singh, as your multicultural representative.


MULTICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE Jordan Ward The voices of my brothers aren't loud enough.

SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE Katie Gallagher I want to run for SGSU because I have been apart of the Seattle U community for three years now and I am interested in how the decisions are made regarding students. I have been apart of many groups both on campus and in the community surrounding SU and I feel that I could be a great asset to SGSU with all the knowledge that I have picked up in the last three years. I am a dedicated Redhawk and want the best for my peers and the school.

Quan Tran Although there are many reasons I wish to run for the Senior Representative position, I'd love to focus on the major ones: As an international student, I understand the difficulties and advantages we face everyday. Although we need not register for a second-language class, many face English barrier in our conversations. That clearly leads to other difficulties, for example separation. I’ve been working to limit them, athough if elected, more effective efforts can be made. As a transfer student, I appreciate the hardness we have to overcome. For some, changing from semester to quarter system can be an ordeal due to the fast paced, pressuring load of work. Another fact to consider is that even if students are used to this system, the content, required course textbooks and homework will be a lot more stressing. If selected, I can work better on how students need to relax to overcome the stress. Finally, as a student, I understand the benefit of social engagement. This provides opportunities to earn experiences, expand network and so much more, all of which uphold our Jesuit tradition: the sense of community. I’ve been the President of North Seattle College Asian Student Association, a club focusing on connecting both domestic and international students through social activities, especially volunteering. If selected, I’ll work to combine our tradition and the students’ desires to unite our community. I thank you for your time and eagerly look forward to representing our Juniors.


SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE Samuel Wolff I have attended Seattle University for the entirety of my college career, and as a soon-to-be senior, I’ve reaped great benefits from existing within and learning alongside the passionate community of students at this school. Perhaps most importantly, I’ve gained a meaningful awareness of many of the issues that we, as a campus, currently face. I run with the intention to listen to, participate within, and open up space for meaningful dialogue at our university for the sake of addressing these issues. I plan to represent the voice of the collective student body as ardently as I can, especially within regions of our community’s discourse which lack equitable deliberation.

SOPHOMORE REPRESENTATIVE Jon Cantalini At the end of next year we will be halfway there, halfway to graduation, halfway through the race, halfway to infinity and beyond. Freshmen year was your time to figure out how to survive in a new environment. A new home, with a new, extended family. In your sophomore year we are going to make it all about US! When you elect me, Jon Cantalini, as Sophomore Representative you are voting for US. Our voice will be heard when planning events, communicating with administration, and leading US through our sophomore year. It is about time for OUR voice to be heard; everything from a transparent budget to adjunct unionization—we need to hold Seattle University accountable. I will lead US into our junior year strong and focused on the issues that matter to US. Let US make your sophomore year count and let US do it together. So vote me, Jon Cantalini, as your Sophomore Representative. I will be the space ranger you are looking for to take US through this Seattle universe!

Jonathan Miranda Hello, my name is Jonathan Miranda and I am running to be your Sophomore Representative. As a first year student at Seattle University, I wanted to make a difference in college and I believe that SGSU would be the best way to get involved. In high school I was fortunate enough to be elected Student Body President and would like to continue to have an active leadership position on campus. I am committed to being a part of a team that strives to provide all students with the best SU experience. As a first year student I’ve seen a need for a more tight knit underclassmen community. However, as a Sophomore Representative I will organize and construct a unified community amongst the sophomore class. This is what I plan to do for you and hopefully I’ve earned your support to be your next Sophomore Representative.

Maxx Schlabach The community at Seattle University is something that i've come to love over the course of my first year here, and i feel that working with SGSU is the best way for me to give back to this school and all its people. The Jesuit tradition of our school, accompanied by its awesomely manifested diversity, is also something that i've especially come to admire. Ultimately, i just want to do my part to continue this tradition and environment, and if can, maybe even add to it in a positive way.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES REPRESENTATIVE Nikki Kurtz The transition to college is difficult for any student, but can be especially challenging for those with disabilities. I am running for Students with Disabilities Representative because I would like to create a more supportive community on campus for students like me who have a disability. A disability should not inhibit a student from pursuing an active and fulfilling college life. If elected, I would work to improve accessibility, accommodation, and acceptance for students with disabilities.

Braden Wild I want to run for Student with Disabilities to build upon the work I have been able to accomplish this last year as the current Disabilities Representative. I have built many informative and helpful connections with students and administrators at this school and want to carry the awareness I created this year and translate that in more student driven projects and advocacy work this upcoming year. I am well situated to advocate for individual needs, continue to grow advocacy across campus and adjust to student needs as they come to my attention. Thank you.

VOTE April 29 - May 1

Excluding candidate statements, the content of this voting guide was created entirely by members of SGSU, specifically those not seeking office in this election. No candidate had access to this guide (or any of its written or visual content) prior to its release to the entire student body. Please send all inquiries toTyler Saito, Secretary of Elections at SGSUElections@seattleu.edu.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT OF SEATTLE UNIVERSITY 901 12th Ave / PO Box 222000, Seattle, WA 98122

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