For this assignment you are required to draw a landscape using ONLY pencil of a rural or countryside scene. This work should be done on A2 paper, and demonstrate your ability to use a whole range of tones achievable from pencil. Depth, layers and detail will be crucial for your work to gain good marks.
Task instructions: 1. You should have planned for this assignment in your sketchbook by finding a variety of sources of inspiration and explained in detail where you gained your sources from. 2. Look at the art gallery, to see what other students have done for this assignment. (Use the weblink icon EXPLORE) 3. You should demonstrate a variety of research skills such as images from magazines and newspapers. But you will get more marks for originality such as using photographs from your holiday destinations and/ or places that you have visited. If possible take some photographs of chosen landscape around your local area. 4. Visit locations in person, and sketch directly in your sketchbook. Doing this will improve your chances of good marks. 5. Before you submit your sample work make sure that it is complete! A complete artwork needs to have a full interesting background and all of the surface on the paper should be covered with a range of tone and detail. 6. Make sure you have read the assessment objectives so that you know what you will be marked on. (Use the document icon EXPLORE)