• To upload copies of your work into your assignment follow these steps:
STEP 1: Click on the "Work on this assignment link" Â bottom of assignment page. STEP 2: Click on the "UPLOAD" button on the left menu. STEP 3: Use the BROWSE buttons to locate your work/ files. Check that you have converted Task 2 (Storyboard) to PDF! STEP 4: Click the OK button to confirm your upload.
The contents of your folder should look like this:.
• To SUBMIT your assignment folder follow these steps:
STEP 1: Click on "SUBMIT WORK" bottom of assignment page.
STEP 2: Click on "BROWSE" The TOP one!
STEP 3: Tick the correct folder (A4Presentaiton) and then click SELECT. STEP 4: Click the OK button to confirm your action!