For this assignment you will need to create a painting in the style of Piet Mondrian, using your drawings done in class of unusual view points for inspiration. Follow the instructions below carefully, and use the other links for more information and help.
Task 1: Drawing your Mondrian painting. 1. In previous lessons leading up to this assignment you should have developed and created a pencil drawing of an unusual viewpoint by looking down on top of school buildings. You are going to use this previous work as the source for your painting. 2. Using a small view-finder (paper frame) select an interesting area of your drawing and then attach your paper frame to the page so that it does not move. Click on the image icon (in the EXPLORE section) to see an example. 3. Using A3 (size) paper draw all the line that you can see inside of your selected area (inside the paper frame). 4. DOUBLE up the line so that thin lines become thick, this is important as Mondrian used thick bold lines in his work, and you are trying to achieve a similar style. 5. After you have sketched out your drawing go over your light line with a stronger cleaner line - ensure that you use a SHARP pencil. 6. When you have replaced all your line use a rubber to gently remove any old sketch so that you are left with neat straight lines to paint inside.