Dear Fellow Citizens both North and South, I wish to enlighten our Nation with this Treatise that aims to provide us with strategies to counteract the difficult challenges facing Ireland from 2017 onward. The integrated approach of achieving Irish Unity and Socio-economic stability, inclusive of creating an Environmentally sustainable nation, has been expressed throughout, other relevant factors of Public Health, Education (inc. Language), Housing, Transport, Sport and Culture have also been addressed. The use of this Treatise is not prop up the current political system, rather to enforce much needed change so that a comprehensive unified and prosperous Republic can be achieved. I believe a fresh start is needed for Republicanism in this century, relative to all representatives from civic republican orientated groups, as the stigma from the past related to violent conflict, political misjudgement and political understating of what the taxpayer, voter and citizen should know in regard of where and how your tax money is spent, to make credible what is possible, reliable and in good faith or otherwise. To create this “Fresh Start”, it is my belief that Republican minded groupings and individuals and others can realise and show bravery in making such a Political and Cultural change for the greater good of Ireland as a whole into the future. The embodiment of this New Republicanism must also concentrate on Environmentalism and keep in view Centre Left-Left comprehensive citizen centric policies to remain empowering communities with greater measures of governance as laid out in this document. In the search to achieve an Equitable, Equal, Stable and Inclusive United Ireland, regardless of Race, Creed, Colour, Ability or any factor that may deem a group or individual as weaker minority. A United Ireland must be United economically, socially and psychologically, therefore the proposed changes presented aim to achieve this objective by creating an environment for democratic and peaceful unification. Currently, this proposal and it’s Author have written this is in a non-party affiliation sense, as it’s objective is much greater than any party endeavour. The Citizen and the Nation have been at the very core whilst trying to find an adequate balance between the activities, economic or otherwise, and arenas of the Public and Private, so a sensible and realistic harmony is achieved. I hope this can give us hope and method to navigate our into prosperity, stability, unification and long term sustainable growth. Is Mise le Meas,
Joseph Francis Kelly
The Second Republic will encompass the betterment of Public Services in regard of Infrastructure, Micro-Macro Economic adjustment, Banking, Health, Agriculture, Education, Culture and Language. The Ireland that we live in now is a good place but it can be so much better and prevention is better than cure to lay the right foundation for another growth surge which will protect the environment and it’s peoples from hasty, profit driven and political poll topping endeavours which have a diminishing impact on our identity, society and other facets of our lives which succumb to the mal-contentious motives and orientated influences that overlook the will of behaving for the good of the Irish people and Island. There are some epistemological issues which are also addressed throughout which have emerged in the times of Modernity, these issues, I hope will challenge us to think, feel and act in ones best interest and in the interest of the belief of The Second Republic. The ideal format for the Second Republic would include a leaner and more defined approach by placing tighter administrative boundaries to regulate expenditure and budgetary control in accordance with population and income per household suited to each region.This is a co-operative federalist method (different than America’s Competitive Federalist structure) which supports wealth distribution therefore tackling regional inequality, this structural method has been very effective in the management of Germany and it’s reunification. As Ireland, both the Republic and the Six Counties , faces new challenges externally and internally, the current centralized system has become detached from the peripheral areas of the country , therefore has superseded control of budgeting and decision making ability . This dissonance has created one of the most inequitable and unequal environments known on the Island since the foundation of the Free State and the Stormont Parliament. To counter this process, this document, The Second Republic, has to examine many aspects of the current structure of government and public services and compare systems which exist that could be adapted to create a more equitable, transparent and empowered system which can achieve what had been the intention from 1798 , 1916 , 1921 and 1998 . Ireland, a member of the larger global and social economic grouping of the European Union and now facing a threat and opportunity with the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, has very little options but to align it’s structure to suit an optimal stabilization of it’s larger part of the 26 counties to create the political and economic environment by installing a more regionally based system, to achieve : 1. Economic stability through a reasoned balanced of both public and private sources of capital so that an equitable and Regionally balanced Republic exists 2. To empower regions to micro manage the immediate affairs of allotted budgeting fixed toward the exact needs of the Region based on actual existent variables so that equitable development of the citizen’s essentials can be implemented and maintained thus creating a more certain localized existence therefore installing 9 Regions in the Republic and 2 Regions in the Six Counties. 4
3. To make transparent the democratic, economic and political dealings of the Government and it’s services transferred and exchanged to the citizen, that includes live voting and visualized vote counting, Live and visualized Regional Parliaments and live and visualized voting for internal ballots, decisions on spending should also be reported on a public forum 10 hours after the decision has been finalized , the Revenue intake from the private sector could be tallied live online, therefore the public can view how much has been received in to the Public Coffers and in each region. 4. The Nationalisation of Educational Institutions in the area of language teaching thus creating Irish graduates with skills befit for both a European and International Market ,so that greater economic ties can be strengthened with fellow economies of the Eurozone , Private English language schools must become defunct and in their place an installation of a European Language Institute inclusive of an Irish Language learning Modular program in a Saturday School based system from 9am to 11:30am , the other European languages of German , French , Italian , Swedish, Danish , Dutch and English can be based in both on Daily and Evening Modular programs.The objective to achieve an Ireland which has 75% of the native population with trilingual attributes of English , Irish and a functional Mainland European Language by 2040 5. The Empowerment of Regional courts to fix sentences akin to the regional parliaments decision i.e. Class A substance distribution and possession should be reprimanded sternly due to the impact on society and the threat to Public Health and competitiveness 6. The implementation of a Fossil Fuel Free Ireland by 2035, this would incorporate Sustainable Public and Private Transport and greater Renewable Energy use. As Ireland does n’t produce Oil the alleviation of such a heavy and a non-returning import would decrease Public Spending in this area thus returning a greater share into the Public coffers and aiding Ireland reaching the agreed Carbon Emission Targets agreed with the European Union and more over creating a SocioEnvironmental and Economic harmonious cycle of mobility. 7. The visualization of Auditing of the Food Industry, therefore the citizen can view the process of the Food Supply which has essential ramifications on long term National Public Health. Educating citizens on food choices and a healthy lifestyle would also be an integral part of the Irish Macro Health Plan into the future achieving a Fitter , More Competitive ,Highly Educated Ireland by 2040 , an island of diplomatic scholarly athletes, both Gentlemen and Ladies within reason and where fit.
8. The Nationalisation of a Co-Operative D.E.D Managed Agricultural Production Units in areas where farmers earn below ₏35,000 per annum, the export of livestock and tillage would be better placed in direct export into the European Markets, with the establishment of a Agri-Specific Merchant Marine from ports capable of Ten T capabilities thus enhancing the prospect of adding to the Atlantic Ten T network from Derry to Cork inclusive of Derry, Shannon-Foynes and Cork Ports for live Agri Export 9. The Modification of the Sporting Competitions so that more involvement can be achieved across society , placing competition structures so that a co-operative form of co-existence can operate at underage and Senior levels in both Rural and Urban Societies 10. The Installation of a Works Council, a National Body that accompanies the Public and Private Arenas of Work and Work related affairs, this body would ensure better employee involvement and non-exploitation of the worker by liaising with companies and employees so that Industrial disputes can remain balanced and equitable thus not leading to large Unionized conflicts with Companies or Governmental Departments. 11. The Nationalization of work related Pensions and Health Insurance, so that a Universal Health System is easier installed, with this Non-Acute health centres would be installed(if not already) in every location for every 30,000 to 40,000 people. 12. The establishment of Localized Non-Acute Constituency Hospitals or an Intermediary and Emergency Medicentre for every 35,000 to 45,000 people, the flattening of Local Health Centre based GP’s would be implemented into the Non-Acute Constituency /Intermediary Emergency MediCentre (for every 35,000 to 45,000 people) this would create direct provision closer to Public servants and representatives managing this facility. The HSE as it stands will have to be downsized and merged into a leaner system inclusive of choosing an adequate number of personnel akin to the care needed coupled with new remote methods i.e. the employment of Electronic Monitored Health care for Cardio-Pulmonary issues. Local GP’S which operate from their address would continue to do so on an individual basis. Consultancy would be better placed to serve the citizen when Nationalized and audited bi-monthly, the rates would also be better placed in a transparent manner so that the private business element and reselling is removed from the care giving process. 13. 1 year National Defence duty is asked of all able citizens from 17 years to 27 years of age, so that essential skills can be learned as well as improving physical fitness, the overseeing of the Voluntary Contribution (Busary inc.) is undertaken by Cadets and Officers. 6
14. Housing expenditure would seek to find a balance between the Public and the Private market housing project installation and selection of application end proceedings should be assessed on variables and a co-efficient of Economic Capability depending on location/Region, Education level , Personal History and Miscellanuous Standards Appraisal, Age, Martial Status, Family Status , Disability, Language , these real life variables personalizing the selection thus placing applicants of Public Housing in areas where similar individuals would reside with similar Individuals thus creating more active and social mini communities within communities strenghtening a stable, safe unified D.E.D. The construction of such models would be best assessed with similar programs in other Eurozone countries , inclusive of properties constructed to incorporate Energy efficiency i.e. Gas for heating and cooking, Buildings built to suit a damp climate in the biome of Northern Atlantic Europe thus trying to lessen the amount of Cold Climate related illnesses and increasing a healthier society. These Installation of good quality Housing Projects must adhere to standards and No unregualted Public Private Partnership should undertake the building project, with this , a constant liasion from the Regional Housing and Planning Ministry , National Department of Housing and Planning must accompany the project on a daily basis.Rental Schemes of already established housing should also come under greater scrutiny , an ELogging of Activity between Landlord and Tenant would be best placed in the process where a Rented room or Property does not exceed €400 per month. Therefore a transparent low price renting system should be installed thus combating homelessness. A landlord renting a property which does n’t exceed €1200 per month must also opt into the system and participate in the E-Logging system as all activity is recorded and monitored by the Regional Representation in the Dept of Housing and Planning, any defects on the property such as dampness or lack obligations from the Landlord or a trouble giving tenant can be dealth with in a transparent , mediary manner where the relationship , both capital and social is checked and balanced where fit. 15. An Garda Siochàna would also come under assessment, A rebranding of the Police Service to bring it line with the P.S.N.I may be a sufficient step ,“Seirbhís Póilíní na hÉireann” or “Póilíní” (Police Service of Ireland) and a Second Service of Police would be installed under the “Stàit Garda na hÉireann” model incorporating members of the Defence Forces from Cadetships and Officer Positions , the choices of time period service or total enrolment would become available , the State Police or “Stàit Garda” would handle serious crime and would be given a charter of rights to approach serious crime with the justified amount of force with objectives of maintaining a safe liveable society with the citizen being free from Threat or Fear to enjoy the public arena.The P.S.N.I is also proposed to be rebranded the “Police Service Ulster” upon agreement and unification.
16. The National Flag and Anthem will have to change if an inclusive United Ireland of all traditions are to be included on the Island. Also the National Parliament , would be best placed in a new , neutral and accessible location , where Leinster House would host the representation for the Dublin Region. The structure of The Second Republic will be presented in the form of Regional Parliamentary structure, Regional Profiles inclusive of variables and the placement of National and Regional Governance, the relative information included.The Case Study of South Tyrol will also be examined and compared and contrasted into the concept of The Second Republic to highlight a functioning parallel democracy within a democracy as is the case of the Six Counties of Ulster within a united democratic socialist regionally based Republic.
Germany 1990, The issues of Unification and other Relevant examples Highlighting of Changes which took place with German Unification, and how they might draw comparisons to the processes involved with Irish Unification . “German Unification case is the most prominent example of the importance accompanying policy plays in economic and political unification. Across the life cycle of German Unification, currency valuation, wage setting, fiscal transfer, and industrial policy, among a myriad of other significant policies, each strongly influenced the accounting and opportunity costs paid by taxpayers. In the case of German Unification, given that both entities had their own currencies and the currency of the former German Democratic Republic was not convertible, a decision had to be made about an adequate exchange rate. Rather than following underlying economic fundamentals, the decision was guided by political considerations. The conversion rate of roughly 1:1 implied a 400 % appreciation of the former currency of the Democratic Republic, and this enormous cost-push drove substantial parts of the economic sectors of the East into insolvency. Moreover, in the German case, the also politically motivated initial move to adapt the system of industrial relations of the West, and to put East Germany on a wage path that was close to the one of the West, contributed further to undermining gravely the price competitiveness of the Eastern industrial sector. Unlike the first mistake, however, the second one could be reversed, but this revision was time-intensive. Finally, in a positive way, German unification can be seen as a case where ongoing accommodating policies for the relatively weaker region in the economic union paid off over time. Only substantial fiscal transfers from West to East made it possible for Eastern Germany not to lose out in the unification process. “1
The areas of currency change would not pose the same problems as had been the case in German Unification as the Euro currency exists in Northern Irish economics although as a secondary currency however easily convertible to Euro therefore a drastic and negative cost push factor would not affect the 6 counties due to the influential and active connection to an All Island Irish Economy, the threat of insolvency in this case would not appear to emerge , in fact according to Hübner (2015)2 , an eventual increase the Gross Value Added to exports would emerge upon unification into a solid political and economic unit within a Eurozone and broader International economy . Within this treatise there also an observation and adaptation of the Case Study pertaining to SouthTyrol-Trentino (Italy) and how ethnic differences and semi autonomy were balanced through adequate governance intertwined with favourable taxation policies , these factors are very applicable to staging a Unification of Ireland and also the active established of a Regional System. With both situations of how The Second Irish Republic would form and function within this Treatise. The example of South Tyrol is best examined through the literature relevant to each eventuality of Taxation, Governance and historical similarities with Northern Ireland. This literature will be referenced and used to examine the best fit for A Unified Socio-economic stable Ireland within the concept and constructs of the The Second Irish Republic.
Hübner et al ,(2015) Modelling Irish Unification , Vancouver, p.65-74
Ibidem (2015)
The Second Republic National Political Geography and Governance Structure
Regional Geographical Structure
(Image Source : Author & Stephanie Reif Design, DĂźsseldorf , Germany)
The proposal to create 11 new regions, 9 in the Republic and 2 in the Six Counties, aims to create greater micro-management working from the Citizen to Regional to National to European Governance. The structure is designed to clearly set out Regional Budgets in occurrence with the National Budget, so that equitable regional development can take place, the overly centralized present system has hosted an ambiguous disproportionate decision making and expenditure authority where we are currently in a state of peripheral decline as capital city centric bias has overridden the National Interest. Each region would host a regional parliament (as per the map above) these regional powers would enact the same powers of the Seanad i.e. improving and suggesting legislation, the powers of Local councils would also be transferred to the Regional systems , both Reserved and Executive functions of Local Authority would come under the Regional TĂĄnaiste and the appropriate Regional Ministry. With this, the dissolution of the Seanad and Local Government may need to change with a more transparent, tighter and pragmatic Regional System, for the citizen to have a greater effect on Immediate Local and Local levels, The D.E.D. and L.E.A. representative would then take the place of the Local Councillor which would then report directly into the regional parliament on a daily basis. As technology has lessened the distance between governance and the citizen, this would in turn create a more efficient and cost saving measure to Regional Management. The D.E.D and L.E.A Representative would also satisfy the executive function of local authority. 12
(Image Source : Author) To achieve this transition from Centralized to Regional, in keeping with a National and SubNational system, the structure of governance proposed would appear as so (please view diagram above) The National Level signifies National Government, which would also be based at a new neutral and accessible location for all eleven regions to reach. With a view to upholding Articles 2 and 3 of the current constitution , the environment still remains to achieve a Peaceful and Democratic United Ireland within the constructs of the Good Friday Agreement and the European Convention of Human Rights, therefore the Six Counties of Ulster could operate in a semi-autonomous State to respect the complexities of traditions within this geography, the Case Study later in this document highlighting South Tyrol’s active but semi-independent regional role amongst differing ethnic groups within the Italian Republic will explain this in greater detail. The 11 regions would also become branded with their new symbolism embroidering their characteristics of county, province and City or Urban centre where their Regional Parliament is held. The use of these regions would attract greater support from funding at European Level as most regions would qualify as NUTS Level III thus qualifying the regions for greater infrastructural support, this would also aid closer representation in the European Parliament as each Region can be used to present a European Constituency. A CoOperative Federalist or Regionalist style system would incorporate and allow greater budgeting transparency and fairer allotment of National Funding in accordance and relative to each region’s socio-economic and demographic variables, allowing co-efficient assessments and parliamentary decision making to qualify public expenditure befit for each regions essential needs (i.e. Dublin needing more Public Housing, Galway and West needed Infrastructural development, Cork needing more Schools etc..) ,thus in turn activation a Regionally balanced equitable Republic , where opportunities, Public Service efficiency and quality of life are equal across the Nation. 13
The Proposed Location for the New National Parliament : Portnashangan, Westmeath
(Image Source : Author) Accessible at a Central Location on the Island with direct Communication Links of Rail and Road , this is an Ideal Location to start a new , In the above picture , is a conceptual vision of ideally such Infrastructure is best reflected of Ireland , a largely rural country with Idyllic scenery where a National Government can work in peace and tranquillity away from the packed and rushed atmosphere of Dublin City , it also enables a new sense of confidence, that a National Government doesn’t have to use a “Hand me Down” Building of the once divisive ascendancy ,such is Leinster House. 14
National Parliament Composition
(Image Source : Author) The suggestion to decrease the number of representatives from 158 to 143, is reaffirmed by the implementation of a leaner supportive Regional Structure , where Minister of State posts would be included in the Regional Parliaments thus making Public expenditure, decision making and the application of more efficient and less costly on the taxpayer , with such savings , money could be better deployed into the Regional Budget . In addition, the proposed Dรกil in the Second Republic would compromise of a fairer and regionally balanced composition (please view image above), thus reflecting this in Budget decision making and National Issues. The requirement selection for elected representatives to hold a Primary Level 8 (Honours) degree would suffice to be selected for candidacy to contest an election. This measure would ensure that good quality representatives would be involved in challenging decision making in a National and International context. The proposal of Bills to Law would remain the same in a National Context , however when a Regional Bill is forwarded for debate , the Regional Parliament can vote this into Regional Law this must be also be debated at National level and ratified by the Dรกil, if needed.
Assembly of Ulster Composition within the Second Republic
(Image Source : Author) The Assembly of Ulster would aim to represent both Regions of the current Northern Ireland or the Six Counties, both the Mid Ulster and Ulster North East regions would aim to seat 51 individuals creating a more efficient , flattened Public Service . The internal right to self-determination of Ulster people would be accepted however external self-determination would not be welcomed after democratic agreement, as Ulster would exist in a Unified Regionally based democratic Republic of Ireland. 3The parification of languages in Public Service would exist to include English , Irish and Ulster Scots , as Ulster Scots should remain to have their distinct Identity recognised by the Second Irish Republic , therefore a “package solution� should devolve more powers to the Province , while holding two Regional Parliaments, The Mid Ulster Parliament would be seated in the Guild Hall, Derry City and the Ulster North East Regional Parliament at Belfast City Hall , the Ulster Assembly would remain seated at Stormont buildings , within a new autonomous Statute under the Constitution of the (Second) Republic of Ireland, The Constitution of The Second Irish Republic should acknowledge regions would have powers and be independent centers of decision makers for certain matters regarding the imperative of Regional ,Local and Immediate Local issues as the State should stand for the main frame of reference within which the regions can self-regulate and pass legislation to allow financial autonomy, however not to override a co-operative regionalist approach in the National Economical interest. Similar principles adapted to the South Tyrolean Region in Post War Italy where Ethnic divisions, Terrorism had caused operational problems, these have since been overcome with more thoughtful and adaptable legislation within the Regional Structure to allow for special status to exist for specific regions where such problems of ethnicity and selfdetermination lay. 4Special Statute regions such as both Mid Ulster and Ulster North East regions would have competence over local and regional banking, expropriation in the National Interest , Public Health , Public Housing , Industrial Relations , Social Protection, Industry, Commerce. 3
Donald Sassoon, Contemporary Italy ; Politics , Economy and Society since 1945 (London :Longman 1991), p.186-210
Daniel J.Elzar , Fedreal Systems of the World : A Handbook of Federal , Confederal and Autonomy Arrangements (Harlow:Essex, U.K. Longman Current Affairs , 1991) p.130-131
The dissolution of Local Councils shall exist as both new established Regional Parliaments in Ulster would suffice to handle the business of the D.E.D’S and L.E.A’s of Mid Ulster and Ulster North East. This creates savings on the Ulster taxpayer thus leaving more funding available to propriate in the Ulster supra regional and sub national budget. The Province of Northern Ireland would no longer exist after agreement and an Ulster proxy sub national state would exist under the remit of The Second Irish Republic, this would have to be concluded in democratic and unilateral agreement on the Island of Ireland , the Westminister Government should have no more bearing on Internal National affairs from this point of agreeing to hold a referendum and election on the matter , however assistance would be sought from the architects of the Good Friday agreement and the European Convention of Human Rights thus including the advice from relative bodies of the European Union. As the appropriate changes would be made to accommodate both regions in a unified Ireland, such as symbolism such as the Irish Tricolour and the Northern Irish State flag would be no longer used as National Symbols. The new National Standard would be proposed below :
(image source author)
The new national standard would symbolize a Green Background , symbolic of both Irish and Northern Irish representation , the centre piece would symbolize the harmony between Agriculture, Industry, Education and the Environment with a shield signifying the unified provinces at the top and a risen Phoenix from the Flames at the core of the centre piece , signifying a people reborn from division and risen to the left of centre, the gold star symbolizes the membership of the European Union , the trimming of tricolour banding on top represents the First Republic of Ireland as green had been on top where the lower banding places the Orange on top , symbolizing the once state of Northern Ireland. The banding around the sheath of corn aims to represent both Catholic and Protestant Irish people whom have sacrificed their lives to bring about Independence or belief in Ireland and Ulster. A new National Anthem shall be implemented to overcome the division and represent unity. This would also be open to competition basis, both states would be Unified in the Second Republic ,as the country would be officially known as Ireland. The Official religion should be stated as “Christian”. 17
Regional Profiles & Governance Regional Parliament Composition, Economic Variables, Demographic Statistics*
*Some of the figures from the Census 2016 are partially prepared therefore may not reflect the true present values until they have been completely inputted into the Online accessible system (23/05/2017) (All Profiles have been created by the Author)
Budgeting, Finance and Taxation National to Regional
As the Economy of the Six Counties (Northern Ireland) has an annual expendtiure bill at stg£10 billion (€11.35 Billion), the management of the Ulster economy is best placed within a sub national and semi automonous mode , depending on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations , the budgeting for a Northern Ireland or a Six County Ulster within a Co-Operative Regionally based Ireland would then be more transparent with assistance from a British Withdrawal needing to compensate a Pro Europe Ulster with losses and a threat to the already declining quality of life index 5 , although the unemployment rate of Northern Ireland remains at 6% , the high level of Public Sector based jobs again reafirms the need to appraoch a Semi Autonomus state in a Sub National Irish context as per South Tyrol’s self management of Regional budgets with some state subsidies from the National Government and the European Union, the same criterion may suffice for the Six Counties of Ulster within a Unified Ireland as suggested by this document , The Second Republic.Both new established regions of Mid Ulster and Ulster North East would also help to establish greater transparency of economic needs and indicators thus making a an accurate measure of funding to stablize and prepare the Six Counites of Ulster for an investment ready economy .The Irish economy in the 9 regions and/or 26 counties would benefit from Regional economies allocating National funding based on variables and economic indicators to ascertain affluence compared to under developed regions , this in turn would create an equitable , regionally balanced Ireland , stablized economically and politically so growth can be easier to create from a strong and united socio-economic co-operative platform. A Nationalized Regional Banking System The establishment of Nationalized Rural and Agricultural Regional Banks are also proposed under the terms of The Second Republic , this institution would deal with people from less urban areas whom are earning under €27,000 per annum, therefore a foothold of Educational, Agricultural and S.M.E’s of Rural based Entrepeneurship can gain a competitive advantage in the Private Sector and overcome monopolisation by foreign franchises. The Agricultural mechanisms of this institution would seek to assist a D.E.D based Co-Operative Farming structure where farmers who don’t exceed more than 30 acres or €30,000 per annum can work within these Co-Operatives to prodcue a fine yield thus Machinery , Labour and Logistics costs could be assited by the aforementioned Regional Financial Institution. The Co-Operative style D.E.D based system is fixed toward the Live Export of the National Herd which has been reared from the Co-Operatives thus the remaining established large Farms supplying to the Private Meat distributors may continue. This will be outlined clearer in the agricultural chapter. The Regional Banking system also aims to provide greater post-budget transparency whilst being a vessel of capital for Regional Development projects thus incorporating a stable supply of capital to enrich and maintain equitable Regional Development to completion. The interest rate for mortgages on properties beneath €175,000 would be assessed within the active economic variables of each Region , this would present a favourable and affordable repayment method and interest rate to long term interested buyers whom are low wage earners (due to the fluctual and uncertain cycle of the labour market in peripheral areas of the country), the objective being to fill the existing properties available with long term buyers and provide the essential needs for the citizen i.e. shelter, while providing clemency onto to a damaged medium size and overpriced housing market , which has left vacant
Northern Ireland Executive Budget 2016-2017 (accessed onhttps://www.northernireland.gov.uk/publications/budget-2016-17) , pages 5-24
properties and many people homeless of 2017 after a speculated overinflated housing crash due to irresponsible banking methods. Within Constitutional changes the classification of Regions would adhere to Ordinary regions i.e. the 9 regions of the 26 counties and Special Regions i.e. the 2 regions of the 6 counties , the tax regime would be set by National Government , the automony of financing and taxation for regions in general would orginate with personal cost items such as Rental Rates , Property Tax , Housing Prices, Wage rates, (however national employment tax band rates would be Nationwide), the direct transfer system from the annual National Budget would exist but would also reflect the satisfying of key indicators of the region.In the case of both special regions of the 6 counties , to uphold the once Northern Ireland economy, it would need a combination of direct transfer , regional banking and external direct transfer i.e. granting initiatives from the European Union and compensation from the Westminister government for creating the disruption to the economy of the 6 counties and burdening the Irish and Eurozone Economy with a departure from the European Union. The classification of regions would compare the example of the Italian State to Regional taxation regime in the case of South Tyrol 6 , In this case the use of the “variable quota” method based on participation of the region within the National economy , the direct transfer system for the special regions may not be as useful as they could benefit from 90-100% of tax revenues from the National office within their region, as had been the case of Trentino-South Tyrol during the 1990’s. The National Budget would transfer for important Public Services such as Police , Judiciary , Tax Administration etc..using the variable quota method would increase the tax as the participation index would justify and reaffirm the quota system, for example the of Trentino-South Tyrol had benefitted immensly in 15 years from it’s installation in 1990 , the regional tax revenue had been 8.7 million , the variable quota and participation index had been then introduced where the Tax Revenues increeased to 19.03 million in 20047 . The constitiutional recommendation should outline that “Regions have the power to establish their own taxes in harmony with the prinicples of the National tax system on subjects of their respective competencies” 8 , For example Mortgage taxes would be retained 100% by the region whereas motor tax , 65% would be retained by the region and 35% by the National.
Jens Woelk et al ,(2008) Tolerance through Law; Self Governance and Group Rights in South Tyrol , European Academy Bozen,p.105-106 7
Ibidem , p.107
Ibidem , p.108
The Regional Statute within the Constituion of The Second Irish Republic should highlight some important prinicples as is the Constitutional standing of Trentino-South Tyrol9 ; 1. A region is entitled to receive nearly all tax revenue collected by the National Budget , The National retains a portion of regional tax revenue (1/10) or variable depending on the key economic indicators of the region and surplus which might emerge from more affluent regions. V.A.T rates and their proportion , the needs of Region and weighted among the key indicators and socio-economic indicators, the V.A.T Regional must be a human based tax regime within the wieghting and assessment of Tax Rates. The setting of rates would also be a first test and bonding , encouraging debate between Regional Parliament and the National Parliament. The Regional V.A.T rates would be subject to floors and ceilings thus maintain fair and balanced price elasticity avoiding stagnation, this in turn would also subject to regional unemployment rates and inflation. 2. The allocation of financial resources to the region must take place in regular periods , placing budgetary freedom before the Region and the collecting of taxes being the responsibility of the National Adminstration. 3. The financial system of the region must not be altered without the ratification of the regional parliament , presenting three kinds of revenues in a Regional Budget; a) Automatic Revenues: all revenues coming from the National Tax Revenues in a fixed share along with the revenues from the regions own taxes. b) Revenues connected to periodical agreements with National Government and E.U. would be transparently programme linked to contributions and the financing of the Regional Administration. c) Revenues from the Public Property , assets and services
Therefore the fiscal environment leading to a regionally balanced , equitable Republic can then take place , the strengthening of weaker areas adds to the strengthening of the All Island economy with the Eurozone , retention of Mortgage Taxes (100%) within the region can also stablize house prices in each region which would not be agitated from a centralized system , the balance between Public Housing and implementation for those beneath a certain income threshold would also aim to create a greater balance in the housing market in the main thus upholding the key essentials for citizens such as Shelter, Food, Mobility and Employment . Being a household owner and using this 100% retention of the tax also creates Regions to have a greater say in Regional ,Local and Immediate local decisions taken from the Regional Parliament to the National Parliament. The retention of the Mortgage tax to the region avoids a “property bubble� which had been speculated from a centralized capital city centric regime close to central national government. Such kind of economic influence on property has created a neagtive cycle thus leaving the current centralized government, we have massive problems which needs to be broken down into it’s adminstrative form to tackle these problems head on without electoral retibution by the people. A Regional System holds the attributes to achieve this.
Ibidem , p. 109
In the Anaylses of each region ,(from the Regional Profiles above) we can also include the economic strengths of the region and suggest the appropriate changes that would improve each regions capacity to maintain employment levels , stabilize GDP, fix fair rates of rent and wages to project an improved standard of living inclusive of longevity and security rather than panicked clientele based profiteering which incorporates deeper class division. The Second Republic should promote industrial expansion, entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment but also endorses meritocracy in employment supported by an education system geared toward recognising students’ ability at earlier stages to steer them into the appropriate sector. Recognising there will always be “well off” people in society that will be able to create their own path and security ,however as of 2017 these people are in a stark minority compared to those who work and struggle to maintain a humble and worthy lifestyle. With each region under analyses we can adopt a profile to outline the necessary merits and demerits of the region’s status and suggested improvements needed ….
Education Creating an internationally competitive and culturally advanced population through Nationalization of Extra-Curricular Institutions to meet the needs of Ireland’s Eurozone Economy 2017 and beyond.
Irish Educational Structure with proposed additional Nationalized Language Institutions
(Source; http://www.ibe.unesco.org with Author’s modifications)
The additions to the education system are justified in the current uncertainty of Ireland’s external market behaviour with Britain planning to leave the European Union and Ireland being a Eurozone country, an education system would be best placed to suit an open TEFL Market for other Students from European and Global countries, this would also be better managed and regulated under the auspices of State control working in tandem and with the European Centre for Modern Languages and the Department of Education as the Nationalized European Language Institutes would run parallel to the National Educational curriculum . The objectives of such infrastructure is to create a competitive strong trading network within Eurozone by 2040 with 75% of the population being Tri-Lingual i.e. Fluency in Hiberno-English (Formal) , Gaelige and German, French , Italian, Swedish, Danish , Dutch , Portugese and Spanish. This will increase Ireland’s international competitiveness and attract new industries from other larger Eurozone Industries to strengthen the already Diaspora based networks in the Americas, Southern Hemisphere and England. 37
The Nationalized Language Institutes would enable some changes to take place : 1. The dissolution and disbanding of Unregulated Private English Language Schools. 2. The Nationalized language Institutions could then use some of the Buildings used by the unregulated Private English Language schools. 3. The students whom arrive to learn English as A foreign language would then enter a regulated and monitored environment where additional living endeavours i.e. housing would then need not be overwhelmed by the vulture culture of Language institution’s fees and the private renting market where more often than not, are inextricably and subtly connected to optimise profit at the behest of the student’s learning experience. 4. An Evening and Saturday School Model to align with National Curriculum open to Children and Adults depending on Language learning 5. The addition to the National Curriculum’s matriculation process of Irish and English this Evening and Saturday school method would be compulsory for young students until Junior Cert and Students whom need to satisfy the criterion to pass. The Nationalized Institute would concentrate on the mechanics of the Matriculation subjects i.e. Grammar etc.. 6. The transparent accounting of Teaching graduate numbers from the training institution to the classroom 7. The ability to train more Primary school teachers in Irish and another European Language (except English) 8. The ability to provide extra support to Business and Linguistics Students so that they are prepared and flexible to experience and perform in another Eurozone country
The additions to the National curriculum would be an increase to the compulsory school age to 18-19 or Leaving Certificate Standard. Along with choosing a European Language apart from Irish in the National Curriculum compulsory stages to additional Nationalized Language institutions provide additional training to prepare students for further linguistics training in a Third Level environment . The key tenants of placing extra-curricular educational infrastructure are as so ; 1. To create competitive Irish graduates able to be flexible and to perform to the highest standard in the Eurozone 2. To attract more trade and investment from the Eurozone 3. To strengthen Ireland’s position on the International Trading stage creating a reliable “Atlantic Crossroads of Trade” between Mainland Europe and North America
Such an effort, will ask for a degree of dedication from the Irish people , however the situation in front of the country at present , 2017, has presented itself with two stark choices either we go back to being subservient to a Monarchy of a troubled country from pre-independence days or we stand together as a country in a team effort to better the Republic and achieve total independence in a New Europe while also striving to Maintain a United Ireland Economy and make the very most of the next 50 and more years in Eurozone economy with a flexible single market. Every Irish person has the right to a good quality of life and has the right as a European to participate as much as possible in the European life at all levels. This can be implemented and managed with greater ease within a Regional Structure.
“Skilled and knowledgeable human capital attracts more cluster growth through FDI, leading to information spillovers and, with the help of improvements in physical infrastructure, further investment. This process is fostered and supported with political action. High-value economic activities ask for high-end professional training, and thus for a forward-looking education system, an open labor market that makes efficient use of labor mobility in the EU, and active state based provisions that ensure excellent infrastructure, to name only the most prominent policy actions. In other words, successful economic unification, in terms of output, can’t be expected from a solely market-driven process.”10 From the conclusions of Hübner (2015) of KLC Consulting, the exact policies presented in this Treatise are that of providing the infrastructure to produce a flexible and capable Labour force which can adapt to the labour mobility of the European on an import and export basis. With the Nationalization of Language Institutes supporting the already strong framework of the educational system, on the findings of KLC Consulting and drawing on personal experience , the confidence that this is the right strategy to undertake for the greater good of the Irish people and the Economy is without any doubt . With a surplus of teachers being unable to earn a secure renumeration with the profit level maintenance nature of the Private English Language schools further regulation can also adapt the arbitration from the Works Council. The ideal teachers would have Bilingual capabilities i.e. English and another European Language , so that a utility of high quality labour regulated by the State are able to employ their high quality skills in a learning environment without operating under duress of the retention of profit margins. The institutes would be enabled to run on a self sufficient basis as they host an intake of European and International students to learn English through the Institute’s TEFL structure thus creating a balanced funding to financed by ratio , the Teaching of European Language Courses would also include fees however subsidised to a greater amount than the the TEFL intake, the Teaching of Irish through these institutions would also be subsidized through the Department of the Gaeltacht , Culure and Languages in joint venture with the Department of Education. As the findings from KLC Consulting , such a measure is pre-emptive and a pre-market necessity for Irish Economic survival and prosperity. The allocation of funding for such Nationalized Language institutes would also aim to “ringfence “ or in ordinary terms sought purely from , Business Networks attached to Enterprise Ireland i.e. German-Irish Business Network, Franco-Irish Business Network , Italo-Irish Business Network , Scandinavian-Irish Business networks etc….also the Multi National Organizations would also be approached for sponsorship as it is in their long term interest to avail of a more advanced and flexible workforce along with favourable Tax Incentives to establish and operate with Ireland, the National Corporation Tax level of 12.5% should remain and even include a 5% tax rebate in to most appropriate regions i.e. Mid Ulster, West , North West, Midlands etc.. so that new and established Multi Nationals can operate while upholding the benefit to employment levels of the worst affected Regions as of 2017 and beyond. As per Hübner’s Report (2015) the consultancy has outlined that “Attracting FDI is not only about implementing globally competitive tax rates but also, and in many ways more importantly, about restructuring an entire policy framework to attract and feed high valueadded enterprises. This process catalyzes an initial clustering of similar industries, which generate a skilled and knowledgeable workforce”11
Hübner et al ,(2015) Modelling Irish Unification , Vancouver, p.73
Ibidem (2015)
Agriculture Creating an equitable and prosperous Agriculture Sector and Strengthening trading links with our Eurozone partners
Initially, undertaking the European Ten T Transport Strategy and proposing purposeful additions to this, in Ireland’s case the Atlantic section of the Ten – T network, would be justified further with Live Exports of the National Herd , as one of Ireland’s strengths being the animals reared on a grass based environment produces high quality product and is one of Europe’s largest exporters of Good Quality food . This industry has been monopolised by a private sector which has discouraged farming in Ireland over the past 20 years, to counter this and to justify the needed additions to Infrastructure both Political and Physical within the European Framework, both the additional infrastructure and political change would be best managed under The Second Republic’s recommendations of Regionally based changes.
Source: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/news/ten-t-corridors_en and Modifications by Author
The Infrastructure of Political and Commercial significance that would be best placed is that of a regional structure, within the Regions, the right to set prices from the Co-Operatives could also be a significant activity of the Regional Parliament thus debating for fairer prices and assisting with Logistics and Financing which is also relevant to the establishment of a Regional Banking system. The installation of Co-Operative along the most affected counties is also justified by the findings12. The Agri Food Sector accounted for 6% of Gross National Product and 8% of Total Employment (= 100% of Employment rate compared unemployment rate) in 2009 , with an output of over €22 billion per annum13, working with this strength herald the need for greater support. With the average income per Family Farm is below €29,500 per annum14, this justifies the needed implementation to gather farmers beneath a certain income level and acre level farm to form co-operatives, the Proposal of District Electoral Division based Co-operatives would boost farming output and stabilize Family Farm Incomes with adequate State and European funding, the establishment of Regional Rural and Agricultural Banks would support such a production structure. With this political and financing structure, the physical infrastructure must be prepared for Live Export haulage, thus the reinstallation of the Western Rail Corridor for Freight and Passenger carriage would be best rebuilt and connected from Derry City to Cork City, the transport of livestock would then be undertaken by Rail, Road and Sea from rearing to market sale on Mainland Europe. All very tightly managed and debated within a Regional Structure. The current large Farmers of the East and South East could remain supplying the main distributors to Britain.
The Farming Sector in Ireland; A Profile from Revenue Data (2015)
O’Hagan , etal (2011) The Economy of Ireland , National and Sectorial Issues, p.295
Teagasc National Farm Survey ; Components of Family Farm Income, 2014
Source : Revenue Ireland (2013)
From the figure above, the most affected family farming incomes are placed along the Western Coastline and immediately East of this in the early Midlands and Border North East Regions.With the uncertainty of Brexit, this is an integrated measure which could stabilize and enhance the Irish Farming Industry as the largest exporter of quality food per capita in the Span of the European Union. The Nationalization of the Agricultural Live Export cycle aims to achieve : 1. Adequate renumeration for a number of small farmers whom qualify beneath a threshold of Income and Farm size to better their quality of life. 2. Encourage Physical Infrastructure development such as Rail connected Ports i.e. Cork , ShannonFoynes 3. Encourage transparent community based banking for specific purposes 4. Produce a High Quality yield in easier regulated administrative zones i.e. D.E.D to Region 5. Create a more transparent and sustainable food production cycle and supply chain 6. Encourage Sustainable supply chain use thus moving away from Fossil Fuel burning logistics transport 7. Create productive rural communities and re-establishing Rural Ireland from the short sighted Capitalist form management which has created a vacuum in Rural Ireland at present 8. To create an Agriculturally Specific Merchant Marine with specially Hulled vessels to incorporate live exports to Mainland Europe. 42
9. The District Electoral Structure of Ireland inclusive of the Six Counties
Source: Rarelibra , Wikipedia/Six counties Map (http://airomaps.nuim.ie/flexviewer/?config=NICensus2011.xml)
Source: Iarnrรถd Eireann and Modifications by the Author
The additional Freight Rail lines would : 1. Re-establish a declining Rural Periphery with employment 2. Promote and Strengthening Irish Rail 3. Provide a Sustainable Transport Mode within the Supply Chain 4. Decrease Logisitics Costs on Co-Operatives 5. Provide an ability to swiftly Transport large amounts of tonnage (both Arable and Pastoral) to the TEN T ports for export 6. Lessen the Strain on the Road Infrastructure by using Rail. 7. Place Testing and Dispatch centres close to Road Networks therefore providing an Integrated Network creating easy access for the transport of Co-Operative yields 44
Industry Creating an Meritocratic, Fairly Taxed, Competitive Private and Public Sector with Synchronized Wage Rates with Actual Variable reflective of the Essentials needed by the Citizen
Ireland’s Industrial and Commercial environment is on a good platform, the Corporation Tax Base of 12% is a reasonable level at present, although this may have to be made more flexible with the outcome of Brexit. The interactions of employee and employer would be best placed with greater National based monitoring, a proposed Works Council would be established, this would incorporate the monitoring, mediation and arbitrary measures from the finite interactions to the grander group based negotiations. The stabilization of the employee-employer relationship within the Industrial Sector is a key factor, the relationship is inclusive of Emotional and Financial facets which are important for producing good and reliable quality work. The Works Council would create a leaner structure of Industrial Relations Management therefore The Labour Relations Committee, Employment Appeals Tribunal and the Office of Corporate Enforcement and the Workplace Relations Commission would all come under the new Works Council Act of the Second Republic. The terms of the Employment Equality Act would still suffice and stand, however with greater measures of Recruitment and Selection monitoring being put in place and assessed regularly by the Works Council. The matrices of Interviewing should be completed with some different components and submitted online to the Works Council within 48 hours of the Interview taking place, those components may include Audio and Textual form the detailed explanation of questions asked, candidate qualifications, candidate answers. Any relation to the candidate must be declared on the submission form (relevant to Registered Companies with more than 7 employees), if there is a relation known before the interview, the interviewer may not be present in the interview. Such a measure aims to eradicate nepotism and to promote meritocratic appointments, with the objective of placing the best person for the role specified taking place thus improving the quality of work and creating better productivity overall. To date, the Irish Constitution has not accounted for Employment Rights as concentrated article of Constitutional/National out stated legal framework.
Source: MacCarthaigh. M, (2008), Government in Modern Ireland,Dublin
The Works Council structure would gain arbitrary powers as it would operate parallel to both the Departments of Industry and the Department of Justice thus enabling greater decision making powers and neutralizing strike action ,increasing and fostering an active and communicative environment of Social Partnership. 46
The Interconnected Structure of Works Council, Labour and Industry
(Source; Author)
The Works Council working from Regional Bases would create a stable working relationship providing transparency, peace of mind and security for employees and employers, the Regional Liaison Office working with the Work Council Representative of the Company, Individual Employer and Employee (and Interest groups) can assess the merits and demerits of each case of Grievance and Disciplinary procedures and can neutralize workplace conflict at the early stages. The monitoring of the Industrial Relations on daily basis is undertaken by the Works Council Regional Liaison Office. This aims to maintain productivity. The Works Council Regional Liaison Office would also implement ;
A workplace fitness standard so that a Public Health agenda is carried through the workplace with the citizen.
The Works Council would also aim to install fitness facilities in companies which have over 150 employees and aim to promote a healthy lifestyle thus working with employees and canteen facilities to provide healthier food.
The implementation of medical screening of employees would also take place with personal health issues being handled with utmost discretion and proper referral or advice can be given.
Workplaces would also be obliged to introduce Breathalyzer testing with readings being taken on entrance on to the premises
The introduction of Drugs Testing would also accompany the Breathalyzer test
The introduction of better measured income tax band rates which would return a fairer amount for employees, for example, below is the current Tax Band rate:
Source: http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/money_and_tax/tax/income_tax/how_your_tax_is_calculated.html
The current tax band rate annually takes €6,760 from the lower earners this is not reflected in Regional equity of development therefore depending on the variables of Regional House price average and rental rate, the reflection of lower tax bands should include these variables. The objective to nationally introduced tax bands that are incrementally fairer and reflective of the Regional personal expenditure trends i.e. house prices and rent. The creating a fairer and elastic disposable income for lower wage earners thus introducing the incremental income tax bands , this would not discriminate on Martial status or Family status. Although single parent family taxation would qualify an automatic 4% reduction in cases beneath the €31,000 annual income threshold and a 8% reduction in the cases over the €31,000, to accompany the 4% reduction on single parent families, the Single Parent Grant and Children’s allowance is also available which aims to support the 4% reduction so living and medical expenses and caring costs are made easier on an already stressful environment for a Single Parent. Wage Rate Band
Percentage Deduction
Mean Avg. Annual Total Deducted
€39,000- €42,000
€50,000 +
Table:Author 48
The USC rates would still remain however the USC tax would be renamed as the Public Service and Infrastructure Levy and transparently expressed how it is distributed throughout the regions , the signage of projects of roadsides will express a financed by percentage of the USC/ Public Service and Infrastructure Levy or PSI Levy. The Reserve fund levy would be also deducted within the tax band, it would also collect 2% from the Property Tax and a Regional Reserve fund levy would collect 3% from the Motor Tax within the specific region, this would be highlighted in the presentation of the Regional Budgets shown on the third week of November each year. The taxation on the Self Employed would also be greatly assessed the incremental grading and using the threshold of €100,000 of earnings per annum would remain , however the Works Council would hold assessment of a Self Employed persons case if their business has run into difficulties this in turn can advise an entrepreneur to withdraw and register for welfare assistance , this would be handled on a case by case basis by the Regional Works Council Liaison Office and thorough recommendations can be advocated thereafter. The use of measured economic variable matrices to assess recommendations of Regionally specific wage rates in accordance with House Prices, Regional Car Purchase amounts , Rent Rates, Unemployment Rate , Regional G.D.P, Regional Employment Growth (previous 18 months to updated review) , Investment trends ,Government Funded employment programs and average disposable regional income per household. It is a proposed function of the Works Council to satisfy both the activities of Planning and Regulating in this manner as the fundamental objective is to create a human based relationship between Government, Corporations and the Workforce. The Works Council would also involve the Office of Corporate Enforcement under it’s remit , so that Auditing and Investigation of Fraud , Money Laundering or White Collar Creative Accounting and Speculation is tackled with a “Hands On” appraoch. The Works Council Officers would have the right to arrest and question a suspect where appropriate evidence has presented a reasoned belief that there has been a gross breach of standards and laws . “The Paperclip Police” or the enforcement arm of the Works Council would also be audited by the Department of Justice if deemed applicable, therefore there is a shared responsibility to uphold the principles of Justice thoroughly from the State to the Business Arena , the main objective of these measures is to ensure that transparency , fairness and accurate figures can be obtained to analyse , value and present a precise as possible form of annual budget to the taxpayer. Using this method of monitoring , regulation and enforcement can also bring reassurance as Market prices for housing and essential needs for the citizens are not being gambled by solely profit making ventures whom have overlooked the use of business and corporate social responsibility as a stakeholders in Society. The Enforcement arm of the Works Council would work with concurrently with the Police and Department of Finance and the Financial Regulator.
Transport & Energy Creating a Fossil Fuel Free and a Sustainable Republic in terms of Mobility and Energy Production by 2040.
As Ireland’s heavy reliance on Fossil Fuels places an over bearing burden on the economy and environment , coupled with the agreed emission targets sought to be met by 2020, applying pragmatic changes with an integrated approach to Mobility and Energy Usage. The implementation of Public Transport to larger Urban Areas i.e. Galway, Limerick , Cork , Dublin, ,Derry and Belfast may aim to eradicate fossil fuel burning private car usage , where commercial and emergency vehicles would have more freedom to move in Urban thoroughfares. The Rural Transport agenda in the short term may have no other option but to maintain road infrastructure for private car usage although V.R.T incentives should be introduced for purchasing Electric Private vehicles. The proposed installation of Regional Urban Public Transport systems for Galway, Limerick and Cork can be viewed here : https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/suig_brt_report_final_june_2016_sta15 As Galway’s traffic chronic congestion has been duly noted by many public and private organization’s therefore, ideally a Light Rail system would be the optimal choice, the Sólás Uirbeach Iarnród na Gaillimhe/S.U.I.G is the best placed system to solve Galway’s congestion problem , this system is presented here : https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/suig_future_projections_and_visions 16 As Dublin already avails of a reasonable amount of Public Transport however greater implementation would be sufficient to incentivize people from over-using private cars for essential mobility needs i.e. employment, study or commercial intentions. Focusing in on the Western Region (Galway, Mayo and Roscommon), according to the study undertaken by the Atlantic Greenway Project “The Cost of the Car the Western Region”17 the total expenditure by citizens amounted to €1,071,068,020 in 2015 , this may have risen somewhat as the car purchase numbers are predicted to rise in the future. The ideal integrated implementation of Public Transport with cycling infrastructure would promote a cleaner, greener and healthier daily commute for people thus combining positive Health mitigating benefits whilst protecting the environment and providing greater cost savings for taxpayers thus having more disposable income to recycle into the commercial sector and economy. As the national expenditure on energy imports nears €7 billion annually, providing infrastructure for other modes of Transport would aim to decrease long term spending on imports which fluctuate and are beyond National control, at European level and the measures and recommendations introduced , would also aim to reduce fossil fuel spending and emissions based mobility. The implementation of Rural Based transport is best designed with a Parish Loop Small Bus System or the Córas Lúb Paroiste which would aim to serve every Parish Nationwide, such a model can be viewed here : https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/clpdraft1 18 The creation of renewable power sources would also take priority as measure to bring as close as possible, Sustainability in all land uses i.e. Residential ,Commercial , Industrial , Educational , Recreational etc, and the Supply Chain i.e. mobility , transport from home to service or production. Increasing the amount of Wind, Wave and Solar use should be given greater priority than other energy sources into the future , this would also lessening the amount of imports needed to create energy and aim to avoid the adverse effects of Climate Change. An integrated program of Sustainability achievements should be implemented with Mobility and Renewable Energy source installation , providing more pragmatism than the “Low Carbon Transition” Government White Paper (2015) the proposal to construct Wind, Hydro or Solar generating field for every 60,000 persons aims to provide a synchronized manageable Kilo Watt production to match 15
Future Urban Regional BRT Implementation in Ireland, accessed online: https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/suig_brt_report_final_june_2016_sta
SUIG Future Visions and Projections accessed online: https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/suig_future_projections_and_visions
Cost of the Car to the Western Region, accessed online : https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/cost_of_the_car_galway_and_the_west_bd5f97ac10c975 18
Córas Lúb Paroiste (Parish Loop Small Bus System) https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/clpdraft1
measured and more precise usage thus implying a patchwork method to build a desired ubiquitous Sustainably powered Island by 2035. To highlight Ireland’s energy imports and to align with strategies to counter balance this please view image below, a breakdown is presented :
Source: Irish Times, February 2015
Also, the amount of Energy used as renewable energy has been stated by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (S.E.A.I), as 27% , as per the S.E.A.I report of 2015
Source: www.seai.ie
The objective to employ strategies to decrease Fuel Importation and Increase Renewable energy usage is a key motivation of The Second Irish Republic thus upholding the principles of an Equitable, Regionally Balanced, Socio-Economic and Environmental national consciousness. 52
Nationalized Household Recycling Scheme The introduction of a Nationally ran Recycling scheme would be implemented in every household in Ireland, the new recycling centers would be established in a zonal strategy, in a ratio of 1:35,000 persons . The scheme would require cooperation from citizens to do their part of dividing their relative material into the correct division from the household to the courier to the recycling center and the refuse contractor (for landfill), this service would also be accounted for automatically from those who pay U.S.C and from those who are unemployed it can be paid in cash to the relative office. The affordable annual amount of â‚Ź80 from each household would be asked of citizens this would accompany the government grant and funding to run the operation, as each region holds different variables of Population and Disposable Income per household , the tariff could be debated at Regional Level ,also Regional Laws regarding the use of Plastic condiments could be curtailed or banned where applicable and possible i.e. Forks , Knives , Coffee Lids , Shopping Bags etc.. The sorting recycling stations could also create jobs for the unskilled or learning demographic, as the automation needed to clean and prepare the material needs manual guidance. The administration of the scheme is easily managed on a D.E.D to District to County to Regional basis. The Policy of Consumption awareness is also a key objective of the Environmentally Concentrated Second Republic. The idea of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle incorporates the Reduction of Consumption and Unemployment simultaneously , creating jobs in every region from this scheme.
Image :Author
Healthcare Creating accessible Intermediary and Emergency centers through a zonal strategy in addition to the existing Public Medical facilities and promoting an environment of Health Conscious living by providing infrastructure to absorb future population growth.
As Healthcare in Ireland is an outstanding issue , there seems to be no easy option to tackle the deepening crisis of access , the healthcare system appears to quite good once a patient has accessed the system , however overcoming the access problems appears to be the main hurdle , this is proposed to be handled on many fronts , firstly an active population engaging and being educated in a Healthy lifestyle from the early school years and secondly grading the participation of Citizen and Healthcare system so that balance can be reached to gain stability and efficiency. This second prong of the strategy involves the proposing of both administrative i.e. grading of medical card and health policy purchase and physical infrastructure implemented in a zonal sense and classified by Acute and Non-Acute services adding to the existing healthcare infrastructure so that the payment and volume options can be tackled so that an outcome of inclusive and affordable healthcare can be accessible and exist by 2025. The main areas of concern which have dominated the discussion and debate surrounding healthcare over the 15 years are that of increasing levels of Public Expenditure , Accident and Emergency overcrowding coupled with excessive alcohol related injuries , obesity and suicide. 19 The Public Health Campaigns inclusive of the installation of Cycling Infrastructure , Encouragement of the population to become involved in Sport and Exercise needs an integrated approach and infrastructure , essentially Transport Infrastructure and a mindful comprehensive approach to future planning of such infrastructure would aim to support this measure. To also re-energize the youthful population from Bad Health habits , one year Defence Forces service would help to steady the youth whom may have lost touch with exercise and Self Discipline , the Defence service can be completed between the ages of 17-27 years old , and incremental participation could also be an option , the main objectives of such a service is to maintain physical fitness among the youth and learn essential skills, this would include a bursary during their time spent so an incentive is there to encourage young people to participate. The positive health and social benefits would be immensely helpful for young people to avoid falling into the trap of apathy and bad health habits. Such programs would be overseen and come under the care of Cadets and Officers , so that optimal instruction and leadership is given, the main objectives being sought are a healthy population being existent and brought about by a holistic team effort.The installation of new hospital centres per 35,000 to 45,000 persons is the zonal infrastructural approach, Using existing and/or vacant buildings where possible. These new centres would handle Accident and Emergency (A&E) Non-Chronic to Semi-Chronic intakes and act as an intermediary bedding facility for semi able cases awaiting more focused treatment , this adds to the existing infrastructure and relieves some of the volume burdening on an already stressed Hospital access process, a detailed map will present the proposed additions and strategy (Page ). The retention of the U.S.C tax would also include an automatic percentage contribution toward Health Insurance, the Voluntary Health Insurance Act of 1957 would remain with certain positive additions and amendments such as the Intermediary Medical and Emergency Center Bill, an addendum to the Voluntary Health Insurance Act. To create an equitable environment, the Voluntary Health Insurance would be poised to be the only Health Insurance Company in the State , the packages of Private and Public Insurance would be offered annually and with a choice to renew ; Public Health Policy with Medical Card
Adult: €90 per annum (excess €35)
(Private &Public) Dual Health Insurance Policy
Adult :€175 per annum (excess €75) (€65 per child, 80% excess over 8-21 years old)
Universal Health Insurance Policy inc. of Prescription discount (35%)
Adult: € 265 per annum (excess €125)
This would accompany the installation of Intermediary Medical and Emergency Centers (ionad leighis idirghabhálaí) thus removing the overly private element within the health service.
O’Hagan et al , The Economy of Ireland ; National and Sectoral Policy Issues ,Health;Funding,Access and Efficiency , Chapt 12 ,p.324
Current Locations of Public Hospitals in Ireland
Source: http://www.hse.ie/eng/services/maps/ & http://archive.niassembly.gov.uk/health/reports/reportE2-02.htm
Proposed Zonal Strategy to Implement Intermediary Medical Centers/Ionad Leighis IdirghabhĂĄlaĂ
Source: Author and Modifications by Author
The Intermediary Medical Centers/Ionad Leighis Idirghabhálaí aim to : 1. Place supporting structure to existing Public Medical Structures so that the Volume and difficulties of Access can be overcome 2. Accompany New Policy packages for Citizens so that access to medical treatment is ubiquitous , affordable and available to all facets of society . 3. To ease the strain on General Hospital bed waiting lists by providing the infrastructure to accompany the classification of In-Patients and Out-Patients i.e. Non–Chronic, Non-Acute , and holding In Patients awaiting Special Care . 4. Within the Intermediary Medical Center and it’s holding capacity , this also aims to provide the opportunity for patients or next of kin to seek assessment and purchase an affordable addition to existing policy if needed, in the case of the patient needing Non-Urgent or Semi-Urgent and Medium Term Special Treatment 5. The Intermediary Medical Centers which would be built in uniform are proposed to host beds to cover 2% of the constituency population and/or 45,000 persons thus hosting 900 beds or space for 900 beds. the other services with a uniform structure would also host an Accident and Emergency department, an Ambulance Service testing, screening and daily examination capacity with GP’s, administrative staff, Social Care Staff, as well as Pharmacists onsite . 6. Create jobs for Medical Staff returning from England in the wake of Brexit 7. A Hosting station for Remote Medical treatment i.e. E-Medical methods such as telemedicine Cardio-Pulmonary remote monitoring. 8. To use existing facilities with extensions or to construct new facilities where needed . 9. To provide medical infrastructure for a growing population with a view to implement a complete All Island program by 2035, starting in the most needed peripheral areas initially and working toward the less stressed areas i.e. Dublin and Ulster North East , the implementation would begin westward and work across the island until a critical mass and optimal objectives have been reached . This introduction of the Intermediary Medical and Emergency centers could be implemented modestly due to using existing medical facilities and placing an extension of terms to the functional and operational agenda, on estimate there maybe 15-20 new centers which may need to be constructed. The introduction of the affordable policy amendments to Voluntary Health Insurance Act see to it, that people from all income bands can access quality Healthcare , fast and without overbearing bureaucratic hindrance. Medical Card holders are included within this framework and the offering of an annual policy for an affordable rate , this enables the participant and the service to share the integrity of the service , the measured of assessment of employing management and administrative staff shall be applicable to the matrices of recruitment and selection under the Works Council act , so that a top heavy expensive nepotistic culture does not emerge. The Intermediary Medical Executive (I.M.E) would not come under the Remit of the H.S.E , the I.M.E. seeks to provide a high quality professional executive that can lead to a downgrading of the H.S.E to bring it to Balanced Levels of Management/Administrative to Patient numbers. Eventually, sensible levels of Cost bearing to healthcare with a high quality service should emerge thus stabilizing and making predictable as possible for each annual National Budget , the amount needed for Health subvention.
Policing, Justice, Courts and Law
The proposed conditional unification within the Second Irish Republic aims to incorporate the sensitivity and complexities of Identity, thus this is reflected in the Police Force both North and South. Initially , the proposed additions to the Police force in the 9 Regions or Counties would be an additional service , “An Stáit Garda” , this addition would compromise a unit of the Defence Forces , Officers and Cadets to accompany the Police Service . The implementation of the Stáit Garda model would aim : 1. Bring equity into the Law Enforcement arena 2. Enable an active environment of shared transparency and responsibility 3. To enable efficient accountability processes 4. To engage in serious and violent crime with exact measure 5.
To create safe living and public spaces
6. To give ordinary people a greater sense of security 7. To neutralize the threat of Political Violence 8. Adequately train members of the Defences who opt for An Stáit Garda in Policing , Sociology and Negotiations 9. An Stáit Garda defence force tour of duty can be optional just as foreign peacekeeping work .. The proposal to disband An Garda Siochána and reform under a new act “Seirbhís Pòilíní na hÈireann Act” renaming the Police Service of Ireland to the “Pòilíní” , both new forces would operate in parallel sharing the concern of policing the country to ensure a just , trustworthy, transparent and apt Police Service is active and exists within the Nation. Please view below to highlight the standing of both services in within the Second Republic :
Image Source : Author
Within the process of reforming and rebranding the Policing service new insignias of identification
are proposed to reflect the impartiality and novelty of the new service. The Póilíní and it’s insignia can be viewed below :
Template Source: https://www.psni.police.uk / modifications by Author
The new insignia aims to embody the Irish Language in it’s title , the insets of the celtic banding surrounding the Initials S.P.È , aim to express Justice in Ireland (top) , the service and loyalty to Government (viewer’s right) , the application of Irish Law (viewer’s left) and the application of European Law , where applicable (bottom). The Uniforms would also change the colour of the shirt, blue to Navy or White, this eradicates any street level implication of political affiliation as has been the case for many years. Please view example of Uniform changes below:
Image source: http://www.polizei.bayern.de/content/5/6/3/2/preview_161027_2760.jpg / modifications by author
The insignia for the Stáit Garda Model of implementation would incorporate a division of the Defence forces thus it’s insignia aim to strike a balance of Policing within it’s expression :
Template Source: http://www.military.ie / Modifications by the Author
The Insignia expresses Justice in Ireland with the Scales and the figure of Hibernia at it’s center , the laurel represents the legal framework with the National Provincial shield at the bottom , and that legal framework stemming from The National with the Star representing European Membership and Law all of which justice in Ireland is incorporated within both Legal Frameworks.The Stáit Garda would carry a firearm whether it being a Handgun or Stun gun , depending on the geography it is located in , a Firearm would be brought on Patrol whether within the vehicle or on the Stáit Garda’s person , the Póilíní would be required to only carry a baton and a stun gun in most instances . The Stáit Garda would be the first point of contact for Violent and Serious Crime and adequately trained to apply the measured amount force to a dangerous situation.
Image Sources : : http://www.polizei.bayern.de / Grafton Street Dublin (Google Maps) /Modifications by author
Image Sources : : http://www.polizei.bayern.de / Modification by Author
Image Sources : : http://www.polizei.bayern.de / Modifications by Author
The above highlights the difference in Uniform , so that there is a distinct difference in appearance of both sets of Police Services although both have the ability to arrest and detain as well having the same social outlets of Youth work and Community reciprocity .
The Police Service in Northern Ireland would also merit a reform with changing political boundaries , although initially minor due to their establishment in the 6 counties, the renaming from the Police Service of Northern Ireland to the Police Service of Ulster is proposed upon Unification , giving the service a certain autonomy from the National force until such time as agreements of auditing ,appraisal and monitoring are agreed , initially the Police Service of Ulster (P.S.U) would be proposed to be managed by the Interior Minister for Justice in the Ulster Assembly and accountable to the National Department of Justice, the insignia would merit a slight change, uniforms would remain the same , please view below :
Image Sources : : https://www.psni.police.uk / Modifications by Author
Image Sources : : https://www.psni.police.uk / Modifications by Author
Image Sources : : https://www.psni.police.uk / Modifications by Author
An Stáit Garda would not operate in the 6 counties unless it merited an extreme situation , where a decision would have to be verified by An Taoiseach , The Ulster Assembly First Minister ,National Minister for Justice, Chief Superintendent of the P.S.U. and An Stáit Garda Captain . This would maintain the autonomy of the Service in Ulster and present terms of good faith to manage the obvious sensitivities and complexities of identity. Within the Second Republic, the jurisdictional changes of Unification would prompt three standing Policing Authorities , An Stáit Garda , Na Póilíní and The Police Service Ulster , this would allow for time to negotiate issues of Policing among the Semi-Autonomous 6 counties of Ulster . To maintain Peace, Security and Civil Balance, these tiers would suffice as not to present a heavy handed approach but to be prepared for complexities reaching fever pitch in differing times of year. With Unilateral acceptance and agreements of certain parades and expressions of self-determination being also negotiated at a high level, thus opening the invite for parades to also take place in the 9 regions or the 26 counties as well. The issues of Police Transparency , Accountability and Jurisdictional changes due to unification are poised to be addressed in this initial proposal.
Jurisdictional Governance and Courts System, (National, Regional, Ulster ) As current courts system has a remit over most cases of Criminal nature , the void of holding court for cases relating to corruption , work related infringements , corporate mismanagement and politically related cases has always been passed over to a tribunal at a huge expense to the taxpayer. Within the Inclusion of Ulster within the Second Republic’s Legal frame work, the new implementation of Regionally based courts would be best placed to handle such geopolitical additions. The installation of a new Court , the Court of Works, Ethics and Equality would then hear cases which qualify under the new Works Council Act , including cases from the Labour Court , Employment Appeals Tribunal , Equality Tribunal , Workplace Relations Commission , Equality Tribunal, Corporate Law and Corruption based cases , Cases from which the Financial Regulator has brought before the Department of Public Prosecutions, Cases brought by the Works Council to the Court system. As it stands. this is court system in Ireland as of presented in February 2016 and accessed May 2017.
Placing the new Court of Works,Ethics and Equality (National and Regional) under the new Works Council Act ,also the Special Criminal Court would be named as the the Court of Special Hearings, hearing cases of Political orientated infringements, as per the image of the structure below :
Image Source: Author
The new court structure aims to: 1. Lessen the cost on the taxpayer by holding cases pertaining to Labour , Political , Corruption , Corporate Mismanagement , Regulation inc.Planning , Employment and Consitituional within the new Court of Works , Ethics and Equality (C.O.W.E.E) 2. With the new C.O.W.E.E installation aims to handle such cases on a regional and national structure and is linked to the High Court appeal procees . 3. Enabling Regional Laws to be placed within the legal system and thus penalized on a Regional basis, laws which can be appealed in the High Court and laws made to suit the region. 4. To accompany the new structure of An Stรกit Garda thus maintaining law enforcement with a court system to match. 5. To maintain law and order at a Regional level and National Level to tackle serious crime with a serious court system , thus laws broken which are criminal and affect society as whole would severly penalized i.e. Harmful Substances Macro distribution , Firearms offences , Violent orientated crime, Public Order, Financial Irregulatory based cases at a Regional Level i.e. Money Laundering. 6. Tribunals would not be allowed to take place , hearings from the public accounts committee can be used as evidence . 68
Housing and Planning Public Housing “Cuid� based system & Regional Banking based Mortgages
Housing expenditure would seek to find a balance between the Public and the Private market housing project installation and selection of application end proceedings should be assessed on variables and a coefficient of Economic Capability depending on location/Region, Education level , Personal History and Miscellaneous Standards Appraisal, Age, Martial Status, Family Status , Disability, Language , these real life variables personalizing the selection thus placing applicants of Public Housing in areas where similar individuals would reside with similar Individuals thus creating more active and social mini communities within communities strengthening a stable, safe unified D.E.D. The construction of such models would be best assessed with similar programs in other Eurozone countries, inclusive of properties constructed to incorporate Energy efficiency i.e. Gas for heating and cooking, Buildings built to suit a damp climate in the biome of Northern Atlantic Europe thus trying to lessen the amount of Cold Climate related illnesses and increasing a healthier society. These Installation of good quality Housing Projects must adhere to standards and No unregulated Public Private Partnership should undertake the building project, with this, a constant liaison from the Regional Housing and Planning Ministry, National Department of Housing and Planning must accompany the project on a daily basis. Rental Schemes of already established housing should also come under greater scrutiny, an E-Logging of Activity between Landlord and Tenant would be best placed in the process where a Rented room or Property does not exceed €400 per month. Therefore a transparent low price renting system should be installed thus combating homelessness. A landlord renting a property which does n’t exceed €1200 per month must also opt into the system and participate in the E-Logging system as all activity is recorded and monitored by the Regional Representation in the Dept of Housing and Planning, any defects on the property such as dampness or lack obligations from the Landlord or a trouble giving tenant can be dealt with in a transparent, mediatory manner where the relationship, both capital and social is checked and balanced where fit. The use of the Tax band and Income system would still apply to the citizen there would also be additional layers such as Education Level, Citizenship type, Spoken Languages, Martial Status, Family Status and Age included within the selection and sorting criterion for Public Housing, this also quantifies the amount and classification of accommodation which needs to be constructed. It is the position of the Nation within the Second Republic, to provide the essentials for the citizen within the reason, a contract of expectations would be needed in certain situations as this is a fair trade off of loyal and active citizenship for an essential such as accommodation, it is also the position of the Government of the Second Irish Republic to assist the citizen in finding employment, as a part of active and participatory citizenship. The process of public Housing allocation would be classified and sorted as so: Cuid de na Tithe (Part/Type of housing)
Disposable Income band
Citizenship Length and type (i.e. Full, Applicant status)
Qualified for assessment for Cuid A,B,C,D,E,F
29 years/ Full
Education Level
Family and Martial
(Please add Academic results
Status i.e. Single, Married (please state how many children reside with you),divorced , separated
or transcripts)
Honours Degree
Languages Spoken and to which level i.e. Irish
Fluent, English Fluent , German Intermediate
English Native ,Irish Native, Polish Fluent
Table by Author
The classification of housing allocation would then be in accordance to the processing of the qualifying criterion , this enables the department to analyse , assess and implement the exact units needed working in D.E.D basis , for D.E.D outside the 10 kilometre radius of an Urban Centre , they would be labelled as “Dormant” and those D.E.D’s on the fringes of an Urban Centre within a Peri-urban or Suburban catchment (3km-10km of Urban Centre), would be labelled as “Active” D.E.D’s in regard of installing Public Accommodation allocations. 70
The “Active” D.E.D ‘s would aim to follow a Uniform plan whilst taking into architectural consideration of aesthetics while also implementing adequate amenities in the area based on an age bracket ratio assessment i.e. playgrounds , sports pitches, medium sized community hall , café , medium sized store, medium sized library/study area, the new centre and accommodation would be aimed to be supplied with Natural Gas for heating, washing and cooking ,however in the construction of the Public Accommodation units , the inclusion of a communal based furnace system piped through the construction would be added . The classification of the housing units would be deemed as so : Cuid de na Tithe (Part/Type of housing)
Housing Size
Disposable Income Band
Family/Martial Status
Citizenship Level
Education Level
Age Grouping
Cuid A1
2 Bed Apt
Full Citizenship
3rd level education
Age 2440
Cuid A2
2 bed Apt
2nd level to 3rd level
Age 24 - 40
Cuid B
3 Bed apt
€10,000 €25,000
Married/Attached (no children)
3rd level
Age 1832
Cuid B1
3 Bed apt
Married/Attached (1-2 children)
2nd to 3rd level
Age 1832
Cuid C1
3 Bed Apt
Married/Attached (1-2 Children
2nd to 3rd level
Age 25+
Cuid C2
2 Bed Apt
2nd to 3rd Level
Age 25+
Cuid D1
4 Bed Duplex SuburbanUrban
Married/Attached 3+ Children
2nd to 3rd level
Age 25+
Cuid D2
4 Bed Duplex (Peri-Urban)
Married/Attached 3+ Children
2nd to 3rd Level
Age 25+
Cuid E1
3 bed apt
€10,000 and variable
Full inc. Pension/JBSA
Age 55+
Full inc.Pension/JBSA
3rd level
Cuid E2
Cuid F1
Cuid F2
Cuid G1
3 bed apt
2 bed Apt
2 bed Apt
4 Bed Duplex
€10,000 €25,000
Married/Attached Children 0+
Applicant/ Full plus
1st level +
Age 2040
Applicant/Full Plus INC. JBSA/Pension
1st level +
Age 40+
Age 40-55
2nd to 3rd level
Age 40-55
(Peri Urban) Cuid G2
2 bed apt (Peri Urban)
Table by Author
With adequate Public Transport installation, the reclamation of ground level car parks and brownfield sites would justify the use of these spaces for accommodation purpose, please view below an example of a Cuid A1/A2 Public Accommodation Development below :
image: https://www.brookfieldhall.com/ Google maps /Modifications by Author Such a development is using a ground level Car Park , for accommodation purposes , in a Suburban setting , the implementation of adequate Public Transport would lessen the reliance on the car thus creating new spaces to implement much needed accommodation , the conditions of a Cuid A1/A2 development are by basis of contract between the Government and the citizen , which includes conditions of Noise Levels , Anti-Social monitoring , Drug and Repetitive Alcohol Testing(for excessive drinking) if requested , CCTV review on request by other residents .. Due to the Irish youth culture being one of enjoyment and prone to being enjoyed with alcohol, music, singing and dancing or otherwise none colloquially as “The Craic” , the contract aims to provide the checks and balances appropriate so a liveable, quiet and respectful accommodation is shared by the youth , the conditions of this would be in the contract agreed and signed by the Citizen and the Government , it is then legally binding, such a measure aims to counter act Emigration and Unemployment among the Youth in society and restore a sense of purpose. Communal areas during certain hours would be used for activities which noise levels may exceed natural dissatisfaction by other residences The other “Cuid” based accommodations would have similar conditions with a more mediatory basis as the Cuid housing system aims to give citizens a start in life whilst having their dignity of persona.
The current figures show that the approach to the housing situation has failed , with this pitching of policies toward the sole private and profit making venture , this has helped create a stagnant and barricaded market which has erected an obstacle to Social Mobility and created an impossible environment of hopelessness for the citizen. The Housing Assistance Program is reluctant aid which remains shy of tackling the system into balance , fairness and neutrality . The nepotistic and subtle culture of Private dwelling owners pitched to the rental market and the reciprocity from the electorate has to be overlooked for the greater long term good. From the infographic below the vacant apartments and houses remain quite high, with greater research and with the administrative infrastructure of the “Cuid” system some of these Apartments could qualify for a sector under the “Cuid” system , albeit the properties would need to go through assessment and agreement with the owners to enter the “Cuid” system or engage in a state purchase form the state.
Image: http://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-cp1hii/cp1hii/ ,C.S.O (2016)
Nationalized Regional Banking System/ Regional Interest Rate/ Regional Mortgages With a Regional Banking System it is recommended for people who are in full time employment and/or possess over €100,000 to access their mortgage through the regional banking system which would base the mortgage rates on the economic index variables of the region , such as Unemployment rate , Regional GDP, Working Population of the Region, Amount of persons employed in the region coupled with the size of house of the mortgage applicant with their collateral and guarantee this could be also measured with type of employment i.e. self-employed , full time employment, Salary Rate, Contract based employment, public or private organisation , private organisation’s solvency ratio , thus a deep debt assessment of macro-micro risk is undertaken , so that a successful mortgage can be carried through placing collateral and renumeration for the bank and the peace of mind in purchase for the buyer , the legally ethical standing of the Home and/or the Family unit being an integral platform for building societies should be enshrined into law and any or all cases heard by the Court of Works, Ethics and Equality where the mortgage agreement has reached breakdown through artifice , bad faith or dishonest financial/banking mechanisms. The low priced private property market which incorporates apartments, smaller dwellings assessed and valued within the Cuid system based on Meter Measurement, access to transport links , distance from center and/or D.E.D’s of High employment prospects, this also adds to the premise of using the radial zoning of Peri-Urban , Suburban , Urban , Central. However, such dwellings would still be available to be purchased through private market methods however fairly priced within the mortgage structure of the Regional Banks. The properties which are easily comparative to such a strategy are those priced between €150,000 to €220,000. 73
Defence Military service for one year staggered from 17-27 to engage in an active Public Health Strategy and another structure of learning .
The application of One Years Military service, for persons aged between 17-27 years old, is aimed to counteract these growing problems and positioned (to) : 1. Obesity and inactivity emerging in youth culture , placing a latter strain on Personal & Public Health 2. Restore a competitiveness in the future generation 3. Host another layer of learning including practical and language skills 4. To promote the use of sport as a pastime 5. To create a social cohesion among individuals 6. Promote the Value of Teamwork 7. Tackle youth unemployment ,providing a Bursary during service 8. To complete the Training cycle of Cadets and Young Officers adding skills of management The Military Service is not positioned to train participants from this application into combat techniques or methods, however a participant can also enter the Reserve while in the Military Service, both can run parallel. To give an example of a regular day within the Service,please view table below : Breakfast@07:0 0
3km Run, Obstacle course
3km Run, Obstacle course
3km Run, Obstacle course
3km Run, Obstacle course
3km Run, Obstacle course
Language Class (French or German)
Language class(Irish)
Language class(French or German)
Language class(French or German)
Language class(French or German)
Language class(Irish)
3 km run
Lunch/Dinne r
Practical Class (I.T.Programming )
Practical Class (Carpentry,
Practical Class (I.T. Training Excel)
Practical Class
Practical Class
Engineering, Electrical)
Carpentry, Engineering, Electrical)
(I.T. Training Video and Audio Production)
Sports Options (GAA,Tag Rugby,Soccer)
Sports options (GAA,Tag Rugby,Soccer )
Sports options (GAA,Tag Rugby,Soccer )
Sports options (GAA,Tag Rugby,Soccer )
Sports options (GAA,Tag Rugby,Soccer )
Evening Tea & Assembly, Civics Forum
Evening Tea & Assembly, Civics Forum
Evening Tea & Assembly, Civics Forum
Evening Tea & Assembly, Civics Forum
Evening Tea & Assembly, Civics Forum
Free time & Lights Outs
Free time & Lights Outs
Free time & Lights Outs
Free time & Lights Outs
Free time & Lights Outs
Table by Author
The minimum term of service would be set as 6 weeks. Opting out of Service would invite consultation with Fรณroige Representative and the Cadet whom is Service Co-ordinator. Understanding between parties is a key objective of the Service. 75
Sport Proposing Competition Modifications for the Duality of sports and greater involvement increasing competition on the National and International stage.
Recommending modifications to competition structures in Gaelic Football, Hurling and Soccer would approach the Club system rather than affect the Inter County system in G.A.A , in regard of Soccer the additions and modifications would appear different as the status and performance on the international stage manifests a different approach to achieve the objectives of International success without negatively affecting on the Gaelic Games or causing a cultural conflict within the country. Increasing competitiveness with variety is at the core of the proposed changes. Hurling; Club Championship additions As per the map below, the darker shaded grey areas signifies where Hurling is a prominent game and is played as a primary sport or has shown success at club level in the past and into the future.
Map by Author with grey layering created by Dr.Kevin Whelan accessed at http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/sports-recreation Working with these areas and adding to the club championship at county level , introducing a new layer of regional club championship and/or league . For example, using the best top four clubs from Galway , Clare ,Limerick , qualifying from the county championship semi-finals of the previous year , these clubs would play in parallel championship to the county championship , the conditions of fielding four U-21 and two minor players would add to the formula of increased competition thus bearing fruit at inter county level . 77
This in turn could be also applied to the clubs performing at intermediate and at junior level thus making them more competitive , including the best of junior and intermediate to compete with the Dublin and Ulster clubs i.e. Cuala ,Ballinteer St.John’s, O’Donovan Rossa, Dunloy , Ballycastle etc.. the addition of a strong club from weaker county this gives the incentive to compete to a Senior level in the Regionals, although. Placing Cork , South Tipperary and Waterford clubs would pursue the same effect and likewise for Wexford , Kilkenny and Laois. The objective is to increase competition,creating a more competitive Hurling Championship therefore making it a exciting prospect for the citizens and followers around the world moreover at ground level the Public Health issues of keeping young players interested and involved plays a key part of such a strategy. Regional Club Senior Hurling Development Championship Knockout Format Must field 4 U-21’s & 3 Minors (Over 60 kgs) Played between Phase 1 February to May, Phase 2 August to November West-Mid West (Galway,Clare,Limerick inc.Kerry) Central (North Tipp, Offaly, Laois) Southern (Cork,South Tipp,Waterford) South East (Kilkenny,Wexford) East-North East (Dublin & Ulster) (Qualifying: Each Finalist plus preliminary playoff of best runner-up and worst section winner) In General, to keep the Hurling Championship interesting and competitive would restore the game of Hurling at club level thus creating a maintaining structure to resist the negative affects of economic downturns and emigration, introducing younger players to a competitive environment can improve overall quality and place ambition before their peers to aim for such a target thus giving commitment and performance to this structure. The 12 teams from the West-Mid West, Central and Southern, should be seeded and graded by their performance in the County Championship thus being drawn against new opponents from a different championship in the early stage of the Regional Championship , please view example below of the West/Mid West Regional Development Championships Qualifying Stages.The same format should apply for those regions hosting 12 teams .
Image; Author 78
Image : Author
Gaelic Football The Gaelic football club championships would also benefit from increased competition in peripheral areas, Using the Regional Structure could also aid the increased competition and therefore increasing the competition on to the inter county stage . Taking the Four best 4 club teams in each region , and placing the conditions of fielding 4 U-21’s and 3 Minors (60 kgs plus) adds a developmental layer to the Club Championship extracting the optimal competition from the population of each region. Please view map below; The areas excluded, are that of Dublin (due to high population and Self Sufficiency) , Kilkenny (Insufficient interest in Gaelic Football) , North Tipperary (Insufficient amount of teams to compete at Senior Football Level).
The Regions which have a 12 team competition are proposed to adopt the seeded and graded preliminary round structure please view below :
(Image ; Author)
The Regions hosting 8 or 16 Teams teams per competition enable an easier structure, i.e. Automatic Quarter Finals / Last 16 , such as Southern , South Eastern, Midlands and the Mid West . Placing this structure at Senior Club level , would bring through potential younger players which may prepare them for the Inter County Structure , thus making the All Ireland Football Series increasingly competitive and adding an interest to the citizens and supporters.
Association Football The application of the Regional Structure could also add to the development of players at Club Level, As Association Football is largely an Urban based game in Ireland therefore the classification of Higher level teams and their location would be first presented , the proposal to have an All Ireland League with 2 divisions consisting of 32 teams as per the map below these are the current League of Ireland and Irish League Based teams and their locations , please view below :
(Image:Author) In support of having An All-Ireland Senior Soccer League , the Junior Competition would add an additional layer of competition based Regionally therefore the best 4 teams from each district league in the region would enter a league structure , to develop younger player into higher competitive level and thus feeding into the All Ireland League structure , this method should bear results with a view to strengthening the International squad to compete to win International Competitions and place Young Irish Born Players into the World Class Standard Leagues , with the Nationalized Language Institutes , the Military Service and Language learning within , the Younger player could aim beyond England to more flexible leagues such as Germany , Holland , Sweden , Italy ,France, Spain etc‌, also with the Regional Banking system , grant funding from the National government can be funded through this financial infrastructure thus helping to support sporting clubs avoiding external financial shocks as much as possible. 82
To show an example of how a Regional Junior Structure would function : please view below :
(Image :Author)
The fielding of U-17’s and U-19’s would be greatly encouraged by this league structure or in replacement for the district league , as demographics are less than favourable to the Association Football arena at present , the New Irish from a Migrant background (either Africa or Europe or elsewhere) would find greater incentive to play association football and thus with greater competition results should appear unto the National Football Team by 2030. The Integrated strategy to achieve the objectives of a competitive , healthy , stable minded and advanced educated citizenship by 2035 includes Sport within it’s structure . Please view diagram of the intended Integrated strategy .
Image:Author 83
The National Football Team It is proposed that a United National Football Team is formed either with the establishment of a United Ireland under the Second Republic or otherwise, to overcome the complexities of identity is also proposed that The National Anthem is changed to a new song and that the National Flag is changed , the showing of Tricolour or the Northern Irish flag at Football grounds would be banned after this would be put agreed and established. From a greater pool of talent in all 11 Regions or 32 counties, the chances of greater success on the international stage would create a better atmosphere on both sides of the border , as had been shown at the European Championships 2016 .Where both sets of supporters and team had done quite well and also been at the center of the carnival atmosphere created. The integrated youth competition structure should bear results also on the international stage The association to govern the Football affairs would also have to change , it is proposed that the Association of Irish Football would be established and the F.A.I and the I.F.A would no longer need to exist. Such emblem changes are projected below :
Image : Author
Image: thissportingstrife.blogspot.ie modifications by Author
The A.I.F would have sub governance based on a Regional Structure of the Second Republic . As both teams currently where Green , this may not lead to any issues of being retained and the crest has expressed a Celtic and Provincial Theme accompanying the relevant sporting expression. With the Anthem and Flag changes the objective to achieve an easy compromise is thoughtful throughout .
Culture and Symbols Proposing New National and Regional Symbols to express identity to fairness achieve a culturally balanced United Ireland inclusive of Flags. Anthems and Government Location
As the complexities of Symbols and Cultural indicators have caused issues of sensitivity in the 6 counties and the Tricolour has been a Standard adopted from the War of Independence, although had been mentioned in earlier references to the United Irishman Rebellion and the Young Ireland Revolution of 1848 , the contemporary significance of the Tricolour has fallen into a vague reflex of a failed system of negative economic behaviour and stands as ill-defined at present , in the era of “The Troubles” it has been used to to signify support for a Catholic and Nationalist United Ireland for these reasons , a new flag and standard would be placed to symbolize the New United Republic , although largely a Christian Republic but an Equal Republic of Religious, Economic and Governing principles thus shedding the old symbols and signs of the past and placing new symbols of Resurrection , Identity of Purpose and Characteristics which represent the key attributes of Ireland United with a Second Republic .The abandonment of both the Irish Tricolour and the Northern Ireland Standard would purvey a decommissioning of the past both symbolically and spiritually. As the first flag used was that of Solid Green with a Harp by Owen Roe O’Neill , an Ulsterman and the Universal colour that presently represents both Irelands on the international stage is Green, therefore keeping the Green as the main colour should already disclose an agreed sense of identity . Please view below, the First Known Irish Flag .
Image Source: https://flagspot.net/images/i/ie-green
The present Northern Irish Football Supporters Flag
Image Source: http://www.pinsdaddy.com/northern-ireland-football
Compromises have already been made in the International Rugby affairs to accommodate players from the 6 counties, such compromises as using a different Anthem and flag on away matches has been agreed.
The Universal use of Green should remain , The new national standard would symbolize a Green Background , symbolic of both Irish and Northern Irish representation , the centre piece would symbolize the harmony between Agriculture, Industry, Education and the Environment with a shield signifying the unified provinces at the top and a risen Phoenix from the Flames at the core of the centre piece , signifying a people reborn from division and risen to the left of centre, the gold star symbolizes the membership of the European Union , the trimming of tricolour banding on top represents the First Republic of Ireland as green had been on top where the lower banding places the Orange on top , symbolizing the once state of Northern Ireland. The banding around the sheath of corn aims to represent both Catholic and Protestant Irish people whom have sacrificed their lives to bring about Independence or belief in Ireland and Ulster. A new National Anthem shall be implemented to overcome the division and represent unity. This would also be open to a competition basis, both states would be Unified in the Second Republic ,as the country would be officially known as Ireland. The Official religion should be stated as “Christian�. Please view Proposed New National Standard below :
Image Source : Author Such a Standard may keep to a compromise when representing a United Ireland under the Second Republic, as both the Tricolour and the Northern Irish Standards would ceased to be recognised at State level, it would be best to place a ban on the showing of both , officially and unofficially , in the regions of the 6 counties due to the complexities and sensitivities it would cause and has caused .Each Regions would also express a Regional Identity with new Regional Flags representing their Counties administered and City/Urban Centre which hosts the Regional Parliament.
The Regional Standards express the new sense of Regional Pride, please view below the presentation of each Region and their Standard.
Image Source: Author and map by Stephanie Reif Design Dusseldorf, Germany.
To add to the sense of a New Departure and compromise found within the Second Republic, the relocation of National Parliament, would also seek to physically represent the equality by being situated in the Centre of The Country’s landmass , with access by all modes of transport that are available, such is the example of the of Rail and Road at Portnashangan , Westmeath . the location also boasts a stunning vista of Natural Beauty , being one of Ireland’s key attributes , in a Rural location this also allows representatives the idea of space and reflection to carry out duties of the Republic , devoid of being placed within an heavily Urbanized area where the pressures from tabloid Media and Private business interest would be detached from the issues of Public Service and National Parliament debate. Please view proposed new location below :
Image Sources: Author
Hübner et al ,(2015) Modelling Irish Unification , Vancouver,
Donald Sassoon, Contemporary Italy ; Politics , Economy and Society since 1945 (London :Longman 1991),
Daniel J.Elzar ,(1991) Fedreal Systems of the World : A Handbook of Federal , Confederal and Autonomy Arrangements (Harlow:Essex, U.K. Longman Current Affairs ,
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The Farming Sector in Ireland; A Profile from Revenue Data (2015)
O’Hagan , etal (2011) The Economy of Ireland , National and Sectorial Issues,
Teagasc National Farm Survey ; Components of Family Farm Income, 2014
Census Northern Ireland accessed at http://airomaps.nuim.ie/flexviewer/?config=NICensus2011.xml
European Transport Ten T Strategy accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/news/ten-t-corridors_en
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http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/money_and_tax/tax/income_tax/how_your_tax_is_calculated.ht ml
Future Urban Regional BRT Implementation in Ireland, accessed online: https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/suig_brt_report_final_june_2016_sta
SUIG Future Visions and Projections accessed online: https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/suig_future_projections_and_visions
Cost of the Car to the Western Region, accessed online https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/cost_of_the_car_galway_and_the_west_bd5f97ac10c975
Córas Lúb Paroiste (Parish Loop Small Bus System) https://issuu.com/agpireland/docs/clpdraft1
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