GCUSA handbook

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Students’ Association Handbook 2010/11


To represent and enable students to enhance all aspects of their student experience


That our students will have an outstanding experience that will live with them forever

VALUES Diversity

We are proud of our diverse student body and are dedicated to activities that celebrate this diversity.

Community We foster a welcoming and inclusive environment, allowing students to form and build upon strong, lasting relationships that contribute into an enjoyable and productive university life.

Participation We promote and provide the opportunity for widespread involvement through sports, societies, volunteering and in all our activities.

Fun We are dedicated and passionate about the professional nature of working for students whilst maintaining a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Support We provide a high level of consistent, reliable, confidential and independent support, ensuring the welfare of all our students.

Leadership Throughout all our activities we encourage students to become leaders, to take pride in their university and fellow students, enabling them to be outstanding graduates.

Hello and welcome to the start of a new decade here at Glasgow Caledonian University! Whether you are a new fresher about to embark on the next step of your life, an existing student back for round two, three or four of Caley-life or a post-grad clinging onto a council-tax free existence – we, the Students’ Association team are here to ensure that your student experience is second to none. As the representative body of all students here, we not only have your back at all times but we also oversee the smooth co-ordination of all sports clubs, societies, welfare campaigns and services, student media and pretty much everything else on offer outside the classroom. I’m a firm believer that life is what you make of it – so by using the services and options we offer you (yes, that includes you first years too!) can really enhance your student experience and certainly make some great friends along the way. After all, due to Caley’s vast cultural diversity – we give you the opportunity to meet all kinds of people from different backgrounds, cultures and creeds. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from getting involved, whether by playing a sport, becoming a radio Caley presenter or enrolling in our unique Student Leaders Programme, which is again sponsored by Endsleigh Insurance Services. And to tell you the truth – you have as much right as anyone to run in an election as I did and become the next figure head of our wonderful Association... just wait until I’m done first though please! Having spent the three best years of my life here at GCU, I can honestly say that I would have experienced a considerably less amount of great times (the only way I can describe them) without the help of GCUSA. I can’t possibly tell you about everything that’s on offer here at Caley so please don’t hesitate to come and visit us upstairs in the Students’ Association Building or alternatively drop me an email on studentpresident@gcu.ac.uk. I wish you every success here at Glasgow Caledonian University and hope that you enjoy every moment. The years ahead of you here have the potential to be the best journey of your life. We call shotgun! Have a good one, Rory

Student President


Contact Details T: 0141 331 3886 E: studentsassociation@gcu.ac.uk W: www.caledonianstudent.com


What is GCUSA?


Students’ Association Building


Executive Committee


Class Reps


Summit/Caledonian Conference


Caledonian Student Parliament








Welfare Support






Give It A Go


Student Leaders Programme


Volunteering with Welfare


Volunteering in Student Media


Star Awards


We are here!


What is GCUSA?

What is Glasgow Caledonian University Students’ Association? As a student at Glasgow Caledonian University you are automatically a member of Glasgow Caledonian University Students’ Association (GCUSA) and your matriculation card is your membership card. The main purpose of why GCUSA exists is to represent the 16,000 students studying at GCU. Each year an Executive Committee of nine students is elected through a campus wide vote to speak on behalf of all students.

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There are also lots of other ways that we get to hear about what students want to see happening at their university such as the Caledonian Student Parliament, our annual student survey, and feedback from students. Caledonian Student Parliament also holds the Executive Committee to account.



The Executive Committee are committed to GOATing! - Going Out And Talking to students. So that means you’ll see them around campus on stalls promoting the latest campaign (longer library opening hours anyone?), speaking to students about the latest news at the university and generally finding out what it is that you want them to O / L UT !ND 4A do for you.

on campus in order to improve your student experience. There are class reps, programme board reps and school officers. All reps get together annually at Caledonian Conference to talk about the big issues and most importantly, tell us what they want done about them.



The Students’ Association supports all student reps

The Students’ Association runs many services and activities to make your university experience memorable, to develop your employability or to help you through a tough patch. This magazine will help you discover these services, such as the Student Leaders Programme, Sports Clubs, Societies, Volunteering, Welfare Support , Student Media Groups and our Give it a Go programme.

Students’ Association Building (Building Code – NHS) Level 2 • • • •

SA Reception SA Training Room (NH208) Sabbatical and Staff Offices Volunteer Computers

Level 1 • • • • •

Student Social Space Welfare Department (NH117 and NH118) Cafe SA Meeting Room (NH112) Radio Caley

Level 0

• 24 hour computer labs • ICT Skills (University Service)

Executive Committee

Rory Herron Student President The Student President is the figurehead of the Students’ Association and takes the lead in representing all students. The Student President is a full-time elected and paid student officer.

Jas Sangha Vice President Support and Advice The VPSA ensures welfare provision on campus as well as promoting student welfare campaigns. The VPSA is a full-time elected and paid student officer.


Keiran Livingston

Andrew Smith

Vice President Student Development

Vice President Sports and Societies

The VPSD ensures student development through training and support for volunteers and student reps. The VPSD is a full-time elected and paid student officer.

The VPSS is responsible for developing a diverse range of sports clubs and societies as well as encouraging involvement. The VPSS is a full-time elected and paid student officer.

Ewan McLean

Jen Buntin

Communications Officer

Women’s Officer

The Communications Officer ensures that the student body knows what is happening within the Association and University.

The Women’s Officer ensures that women students are represented within the University and externally.

Matt Wilberton

Janice Sousa

International Students’ Officer

Campaigns Officer

POSITION TO BE FILLED Position to be filled LGBT Officer The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans) Officer ensures that LGBT students are represented within the University and externally.

The International Students’ Officer ensures that all international students are represented both within the University and externally.

The Campaigns Officer takes the lead in Association and National Union of Students campaigns.



Class Reps IS PERFECT* OUT MY COURweSEhande EVERYTHING ’tAB d in six weeks ago and had any feedback on that essay

* Except, well, we haven yet. In fact that class has been now that you mention it we don’t have any of the notes online going to be in the exam! cancelled for the last two weeks … and I’m not sure what’s

DON’T PANIC THIS WON’T HAPPEN TO YOU… as long as you have a Class Representative Every programme within the university should have class reps at every level – usually two but sometimes more. Class Reps are there to let lecturers know when there are problems so that things can get fixed quickly rather than turning into bigger problems. They are also there to let lecturers know what things students like about the course so that they will know to keep doing them! In the first few weeks of term your lecturers should ask students on your programme if they are interested in becoming a Class Rep and if they don’t then you can ask your lecturers about it because it is really useful to have one as soon as possible – especially in first year. Anyone can be a Class Rep, you don’t need any experience and it doesn’t take up a lot of time (only two meetings a year). Not only that but full training is offered by the Students’ Association and once you become a rep you will have the option of taking part in things like Caledonian Student Parliament and the Student Leaders Programme but only if you want to! Being a Class Representative is a good way to develop communications skills, make useful contacts within your department and add something to your CV.

Class reps are supported by School Officers and the Students’ Association. Your School Officer contact details are below: •

School of Health shofficer1@caledonian.ac.uk, shofficer2@caledonian.ac.uk

Caledonian Business School cbsofficer@caledonian.ac.uk, cbsofficer2@caledonian.ac.uk

School of Law and Social Science lssofficer@caledonian.ac.uk

School of Engineering and Computing secofficer@caledonian.ac.uk

School of Life Sciences slsofficer@caledonian.ac.uk

School of Built and Natural Environment bneofficer@caledonian.ac.uk

Representation Summit/Caledonian Conference Class Reps do an incredibly important job making sure that there is good communication between students and staff and that any issues are getting addressed. This means that they tend to be the people in the know about what the most important issues affecting students at GCU are. That’s why each year we hold two big feedback events (Student Summit and Caledonian Conference) to find out what the issues are currently and what to do about them. We also bring in university staff to report back what is being done about issues that have been raised in the past. These events are very popular and so when they are advertised be sure to sign up quickly as demand is high. Both events are fully catered and there are usually a selection of conference goodies for all who attend including a conference folder, usb stick and hoodie. For more information about becoming a Class Representative or about Summit or Caledonian Conference get in touch with Kevin Ward the Student Representative Co-ordinator on 0141 273 1614 or at kevin.ward@gcu.ac.uk. More information is also available online at www.caledonianstudent.com/studentreps.

Caledonian Student Parliament The Caledonian Student Parliament (CSP) is an important part of how we do things in the Students’ Association because we want to make sure everything we do is agreed upon by the students at GCU. That’s why any student can apply to join the CSP and have their say about what activities we’re running, what issues we’re campaigning on and what services we provide. If there is something we’re doing that you don’t like – you can change that. If there’s something we’re not doing that you’d like us to do – well, you can change that too! What we offer students in terms of sports, societies, welfare services, volunteering and social activities – amongst many other things – can only be decided by students who get involved and tell us. So why not join up at www.caledonianstudent.com/studentparliament. With only three meetings per semester it won’t take up a lot of your time but you will get a real chance to have a say on what happens on campus and to meet lots of new people. In the past years the CSP has allowed lots of new sports clubs and societies to be created and called for successful campaigns to move the winter exams, get Wednesday Afternoons free from classes for sport and volunteering and get free drinking water on campus. CSP is your chance to have a say and make a difference. If you have any more questions or want to know more then please visit the website or contact Kevin Ward, Student Representative Co-ordinator, kevin.ward@gcu.ac.uk.




Elections Everything we do in the Students’ Association is decided by the students at GCU – including who runs the place. Each year we hold campus wide elections to elect our new Executive Committee of nine students. Four of these roles are full time paid positions and five are part-time voluntary positions. All of them provide you with a unique experience of running an organisation with a budget of over half a million pounds and around a dozen permanent staff. Being on the Executive Committee gives you the chance to represent 16,000 to the top people in the university and to the outside world while picking up many of the important key skills which greatly add to your employability after university. Any student can stand to be on the Executive Committee and with nine different roles to choose from there is likely to be something that interests everyone. The elections take place in March and information about them will start appearing around December/ January. For more information please visit www.caledonianstudent.com/elections.

NUS At university, your Students’ Association is here to represent you, to fight the campaigns you want it to fight and provide the services and activities you want to see on campus. But - there is a bigger picture. The Students’ Association and the University together don’t make all the decisions about your education – some of this including rules regarding fees, number of places and visas (for international students) are decided at either Scottish or UK level by the Government. For national issues you need national representation and that’s why we have the National Union of Students (NUS). In the United Kingdom nearly every Students’ Association is a member of NUS which means a collective voice representing not just thousands of students but millions of students. Like a Students’ Association, NUS is also a democracy and its leadership is elected and campaigns decided by its membership which includes representatives from GCU. NUS also do lots of work supporting different minority and representation groups to help Students’ Associations make sure there are no barriers for any of their members no matter what course they study, what country they come from, their gender, ethnic background, sexuality or disability status. The Students’ Association are very involved with NUS and their campaigns and any student can get involved with an NUS campaign or attending NUS Conferences. To find out more about NUS please visit www.nus.org.uk and to find out more about how you can get involved at GCU then please visit www.caledonianstudent.com/nus.

Representation Campaigning The Students’ Association is committed to campaigning to improve the student experience at GCU. The Students’ Association has many officers that campaign to the university on your behalf. The campaigns often link into the campaigning work of the National Union of Students (NUS). The Students’ Association have officers that look over a variety of campaigning activity. If you are interested and want to get involved with campaigning then contact the: • Student President • VP Student Development • VP Support and Advice • VP Sports and Societies • International Students Officer • Womens Officer • LGBT Officer • Disabled Students Convenor • Ethical and Environment Convenor • Mature Students Convenor • Postgraduate Students Convenor • Research Students Convenor • University Residence Convenor • Black & Minority Ethnic Students Convenor • INTO Students Convenor aigns check out For more information about Students’ Association camp







Welfare Department

Welfare Support The Welfare Department is located on the 1st floor of the Students’ Association Building. We provide a free non-judgemental and confidential service to all Caledonian students were we represent and promote the interests of both individuals and the student body as a whole. We are the only service in the University that provides independent and confidential advice, guidance and representation to students on academic procedures such as Special Factors, Academic Appeals, Student Disciplinary, Complaints and Harassment issues.

Contact the Welfare Department on

0141 273 1650 or email welfare@gcu.ac.uk We also offer advice on a wide range of other issues including: • Problems on your course: Difficulties with fellow students or tutor? Do you feel your course is not right for you? • Representation for Disciplinaries: Information on your rights and responsibilities including minor and major offences e.g. plagiarism and cheating, anti-social behaviour. • Listening and support: Coming to University for the first time can be daunting and challenging. If you just want to talk and need someone to listen in complete confidence or you might be worried about a friend, then pop in to see one of our Advisers as we are here to help. • Financial worries: Why not come in and talk to one of our Advisers about it? If appropriate we can refer you to other services. • Sexual Health: Would you like an unlimited supply of condoms and information about sexual health? Then pop into the Welfare Department and access the free condom service. Our service is linked to the sexual health clinic at the Sandyford Initiative.

The department is open

Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Our 2 full time Welfare Advisers, Caroline and Kirsty can be contacted by phone and email to make an appointment in advance or you can just drop into the department in the Students’ Association Building at a time that suits you.

Call Nightline on

0141 55 22 555 7pm to 7am during term time

confidential listening and information service run by students, for students jointly funded by Scottish Registered Charity No SC005914 and SC022887



Sport and Active Lifestyles The Students’ Association supports an impressive assortment of sport, physical and recreational activities for all students to take part in. Whether you prefer exercising on your own, surfing at your leisure with friends or competing in team sports at the weekend, there is something to suit your needs. Living a healthy life at university by remaining active increases your general wellbeing dramatically and will benefit you in all aspects of life. Through the use of physical activity you can improve your mental wellbeing by reducing stress which is very important to help you cope with added pressure, especially at exam time. Taking part in the variety of activities on offer can also assist in; preventing ill health, maintaining a healthy weight and improving mood, physical self-worth and self esteem. The Students’ Association wants you stay as active as possible. To support you in this, most course timetables allow Wednesday afternoons free of classes to allow students to participate in sport and physical activities. This includes inter-university competitions, internal events and even non competitive, recreational activities where you can try various sports and games in a fun, friendly and relaxed environment.

Sports Clubs Athletics, Badminton, Basketball (m & w), Cricket, Fencing, Football (m & w), GAA (Gaelic Sports), G-cal Muay Thai (Kick Boxing), Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey (m & w), Horse Riding, Karate (Tei), Kayaking, Mountaineering, Netball, Rugby (m), Skiing, Swimming, Snowboarding, Surfing, Table Tennis, Taekwon-Do, Tennis, Trampolining, Volleyball (m & w). Whatever your ability and aspirations are, becoming actively involved in a sports club can be a great way to make new friends, enhance your social life and get fit as well as participating in your chosen sport. Most sports clubs hold weekly activities and compete against other Scottish universities in leagues and tournaments throughout the year. Activities take place on campus at the Arc and off campus at local sports facilities. Sports clubs also offer the opportunity to travel abroad for snowsports, rugby, football and hockey activities.

Sports Club Annual Membership GCU Student: £30

This student membership incorporates access to ALL sports clubs.

GCU Graduate or Staff: £50

This graduate and staff membership provides membership to ONE sports club.

Buy Online: www.caledonianstudent.com/sports

ch sports club go to: For more information on ea rts



Societies Societies So, you’ve arrived at university and will soon be starting classes where the hard work begins, but what about the fun stuff? What are your hobbies? The last thing you want to do is give up the thing you enjoy because your environment has changed. Joining a society is a fantastic way of meeting new people with a common interest and having fun. Your Students’ Association has over 30 societies already available for you to join! There are course based, faith based, hobby/interest based, social and political societies...the list goes on and it’s dead easy to start your own. Active societies last year included…. BASS, Cali Otaku, Christian Union, Comedy, CUMSA, Environment & Sustainability, Erasmus Student Network, GCU Choir, GCU Hellenic, GCU Research Students, Indian Social Group, International, Irish, Law, Nigerian, Occupational Therapy, Optics (SSOS), Photography, Signs 4 Life, GCU Enterprise: The Brightest Crayons (previously Start from Scratch), Baking, Bulgarian Society, Business Events Society, Caledonian British Desi Society, Caledonian Investment Society, GCU Cheerleading, GCU Chinese Students & Scholars (CCSA), GCU Fashion Society, GCU Saudi Students’ Association (GCUSSA), Hong Kong Students, Music, Physio Society, Social Work, Society of Civil Engineers.

Many societies have hugely successful events and the STAR awards, attended by all societies, recognises their biggest achievements over the year. Categories include Volunteer of the Year, Best New Scoiety and Best Society Event. For more information on societies then check out

www.caledonianstudent.com/societies or contact Jaki Speirs, Societies and Involvement Co-ordinator on 0141 273 1610 or jaki.speirs@gcu.ac.uk



Give It A Go/Events

Give it a Go Programme The Give it a Go programme is where the Students’ Association gives you the chance to try something new. The programme runs at the beginning of each semester allowing you to try out different activities. This year there will be cookery, sign language, cocktail making, ceilidh dancing and lots of sports to name but a few. It’s a great way to meet new people within the university in a relaxed, fun environment. Best of all, most of these events are free! Keep an eye out at www.caledonianstudent.com/giag for the timetable of events and information on how to sign up to taster sessions. More information can be obtained from Jaki Speirs, Societies and Involvement Co-ordinator on 0141 273 1610 or email jaki.speirs@gcu.ac.uk

For more information on societies then check out


Students’ Association Events The Students’ Association runs many events throughout the year. To find out about the latest then check out

www.caledonianstudent.com and look on the events calendar. The Students’ Association also sends out bi-weekly all student emails about the latest Students’ Association news.

Student Leaders Programme


STUDENT LEADERS PROGRAMME The Student Leaders Programme is a fantastic way to scrub up on those all important ‘employability skills’ while you’re at University. With 78% of employers stating that employability skills are the most important factor when recruiting graduates (CBI, 2009), it’s something that YOU should start thinking about now! The programme is split in to three levels. At Bronze Level, which is where you would start, you are introduced to leadership and the fact that each and everyone of you has the opportunity to demonstrate leadership in the workplace, in University and in volunteering/mentoring that you do. This level of the programme also gives you the chance to learn how to be more confident, how to start a business, how to perform better, how to deal with conflict, how to negotiate and much more. We have workshops on so many different topics, there’s bound to be something that takes your fancy. All you need to do to gain your Bronze Award is attend two workshops and complete a reflective journal on how you’ve been involved in some leadership activities. There’s not a lot to it and there are so many benefits from getting involved! After you’ve handed in your journal, you will be invited to the FREE Student Leaders Awards Ball. Last year 180 students attended the Ball and celebrated their success with other Student Leaders. A sparkling wine reception, two course meal, presented with your certificate by the Student President and University Principal AND a ceilidh! We pull out all the stops to show you how proud we are of your achievement. There’s also the chance to win an Award - the Student of the Year Award and The Allister Boyd Award for Contribution to Health and Wellbeing in a Leadership Role, both of which are announced at the Awards Ball.

Student Leaders Programme Winners 2009/10

To get involved in this amazing programme, you must first of all take part in some sort of volunteering or mentoring that is recognised by GCUSA. There are so many activities to get involved in ranging from Radio Volunteer, Sports Committee Member, Class Rep, Student Mentor, Caledonian Club Mentor, Welfare Volunteer, Nightline Volunteer, Society Committee Member and many, many more. To find out about this programme and how to get involved please go to www.caledonianstudent.com/slp Meet new friends, learn new things and develop these ‘employability skills’ so sought after by employers, because you’ll be a graduate before you know it!!

For more information on the Student Leaders Programme then check out



Volunteering with Welfare

Welfare Volunteering The Students’ Association hold many campaigns throughout the year to help promote issues surrounding student welfare. In past years these have included personal safety, sexual health, cultural awareness, alcohol awareness, stress management and many more. However, these campaigns would not be as successful as they have been without the help of Welfare Volunteers. Why not join us and see how YOU could make a difference to the welfare of 16,000 students that attend GCU. With so many exciting areas to focus on, welfare is a lively department to get involved with. Not only will you meet students with similar interests, but through Welfare Volunteering you will learn and develop skills that are essential for graduates in any degree! We don’t ask for any experience as full training is given. Welfare Volunteers can participate in the Student Leaders Programme and at the end of the year volunteers are invited to the STAR awards and given the opportunity to win various awards. To register your interest or to find out more information then contact: Vice President Support & Advice, Jas Sangha, on 0141 273 1612 or email vpsa@gcu.ac.uk

Nightline Volunteering Nightline is a confidential telephone listening and information service for students that is run by committed, trained and supported student volunteers from 7pm to 7am, 5 nights a week during term time. The service is coordinated jointly with Strathclyde University Union and volunteers from both universities train and work together to provide this peer support service to their fellow students at Strathclyde and GCU. New volunteers are recruited at the start of both semesters (in October and February) and are fully trained and supported by welfare staff from both Students’ Association’s as well as by their fellow experienced volunteers. Being a Nightline volunteer is a commitment – it is both challenging and rewarding. It is a great opportunity to gain useful training and experience, to make news friends and to have fun whilst also providing a valuable service to your student community. Nightline Volunteers can participate in the Student Leaders Programme and at the end of the year volunteers are invited to the STAR awards and given the opportunity to win various awards. If you are interested in applying to become a Nightline volunteer in 2010/11 then please contact our Vice President for Support and Advice, Jas Sangha on 0141 273 1612 or email vpsa@gcu.ac.uk for more information.

Volunteering in Student Media Re:Union Magazine Re:Union is a FREE Students’ Association magazine written by GCU students for GCU students. Re:Union are looking for student photographers, writers and graphic designers would could volunteer for the magazine. If you are interested in volunteering for the magazine then contact Josie McKay, Communications and Media Co-ordinator on 0141 273 1608 or email Josephine. mckay@gcu.ac.uk. If you like to write about anything from fashion, arts, student news, music or any other subject then join the Re:Union mailing list where you will find out deadlines and opportunities. Join the mailing list at www.caledonianstudent.com/reunion At the end of Semester B a new Editorial team is selected. The team selects articles, edits them and puts the magazine together. With 2,000 copies distributed throughout the campus and also online, it’s an excellent opportunity for your work to be published. The Magazine Editorial Team can participate in the Student Leaders Programme and at the end of the year volunteers are invited to the STAR awards and given the opportunity to win various awards.

Radio Caley Radio Caley is your award winning student radio station and what better time than now to join and be part of the team. Whether your interest is in production, presenting, fundraising, music, PR or technical, we have a role for you, and you might even win a Radio Caley Award. No experience is necessary and full training is provided. The Radio Caley Team can participate in the Student Leaders Programme and at the end of the year volunteers are invited to the STAR awards and given the opportunity to win various awards. If you are interested in volunteering for Radio Caley then look online at www.caledonianstudent.com/ radiocaley or contact Jaki Speirs, Societies and Involvement Co-ordinator on 0141 273 1610 or email jaki.speirs@gcu.ac.uk. Check out the station at www.radiocaley.com and click “Listen Live”. Even if you’re not a volunteer you can still be a fan!



Star Awards

STAR Awards The STAR Awards are where volunteers from Societies, Welfare, Nightline, Re:Union, Radio Caley and Caledonian Student Parliament are nominated to receive shiny awards for all their hard work over the year. It is a great chance for the volunteers to let their hair down and a chance for the Students’ Association to thank everyone for their contribution. What better way to do so that with a big shindig at the end of the Semester B.

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