Portfolio JDOS 2020

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ABOUT ME Industrial and Urban planner designer that works across different fields of the design discipline, focus on the transdisciplinary developments that supports the design process. The investigative research before starting any new concept is crucial for my design progress supported by representative technics and specifically addressed by systems theory and critical design as an agents of social transformations.



2020 - 2022

2015 - Currently

Msc Sistemic Design Politecnico di Torino

ProyecTTo 3d Modeling and Industrial Designer


PGDip Urban Design Jorge Tadeo Lozano University


UJTL in colaboration with Grupo Bolivar Industrial Designer Student

2015 - 2019

BA Industrial Design Jorge Tadeo Lozano University


UJTL in colaboration with Aron and Solidworks Industrial Designer Student Advisor

2012 - 2015

Industrial Design National University of Colombia


UJTL - Design Research Seedbed Movilab Industrial Designer Student

LANGUAGE English Italian Spanish














Fusion 360




Graphic representation about myself as a designer. HOLON means either, a total complexity and a part of it.


Based on Neri Oxman diagram

CO.LA.BO.RE Alternative Service Product System for Agricultural Contexts Individual Proyect

Increasingly, technological development feeds the social gap between the countryside and the City, creating “the new excluded technological illiterates” Gérard Fourez. Although many technological projects have been developed to improve production models in the agricultural sector, they lack social content that complements traditional rural dynamics, which differ from industrial contexts.

OBJECTIVE Design an alternative prospective independent and cooperative system that allows the peasants diverse configurations of it according to their needs as well as deep knowledge about their territory and consequently develop more democratic social, environmental and economic relationships.

As is evident, the economical component is a crucial axis for sustainability in this project, since it establishes basis for a new development of the land in terms of relations between actors and then with the environment, as a result it generates less soil impact, but at the same time effectiveness and efficiency.

Current operational cycle

By strengthening these relationships, determines changes in the whole institutional production chain that starts from the individual farmer to the state.

Future vision

In order to gain a better stable vision in society years to come, It is certainly necessary to think technology not as a privilege but as a resource generator of equity, collaboration and progress. For this reason, small coffee producers in Colombia are the main case of study, who play a very important role in the Colombian industry and economy. Spite of being the basis of production, they are affected by the inequity that the same system imposes through technology. Preventing them from having stability in the productive chain.

Chimbungo Alternative Water Supply System Individual Proyect

San Basilio de Palenque is one of many cases where globalization has forced indigenous populations to change their lifestyles to be able to fit in modern society in a short period of time, generating detrimental cultural and territorial losses in different levels, at the same time combined with global warning issue that causes disappearance of iconic places in the territory, indispensable for life in society and the maintenance in time of their own traditions.

OBJECTIVE Develop an alternative drinking water system with the main axis of preserving the vital resource and making awareness of meaningful social practices, built in community for different contexts of appropriation.


Water functioning system

Sustainability is fundamentally linked to the social environment as a basis, due to the urgent need for cultural and environmental preservation that this population lives, adding the introduction of new materials such as PET that can be harmful and even more when there is no knowledge for its proper disposal. Somehow it becomes visible the need to incorporate it into the cultural base to be appropriate, and this can only be achieved through the participation of private and government entities along with the community, providing both monetary and information resources.

The system can be personalized according to the graphic traditions of the community.


The demands for new ways of conceiving and occupying the territory are increasingly urgent in the current context, which is why new ways of urban conception are necessary. The intermediate cities are territories in constant interaction transition and development between the urban and the rura context and determine new solutions and transformations to the global problems derived from climate change originated by the old models of urbanization.

OBJECTIVE Regenerate and transform the contemporary urban landscape into uses that are suitable for current forms of living through the development and construction of a new urban-rural paradigm that shapes both architectural and urban projects committed to sustainability.

TENJO - PROJECT This project is mainly based on an exhaustive investigation of the territory by means of the SWOT analysis, where different points of intervention were identified throughout the territory and an imaginary visual approach of these places was reached.

In terms of sustainability, the institutional and economical components are more relevant because they provide the starting point for urban development to become tangible. However, specific territories -environmental- where different communities live -social- were being intervened as well, which also determine the direction of the project.


Based on parameters of estimated real costs, national urban development laws and land use. This second proyect, has an strategic intervention area of 12 hectares, identified by GIS methodology, as the most convenient place to be develop for the existing requirements and needs of the population. The projected regional route is a fundamental axis for the regional industrial and tourist developments contemplated in this project.

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