CV 20140807 Jérôme Li-Thiao-Té

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Born in Le Port (Reunion Island), on December 11 , 1982 Email: / cell phone: +36 30 323 9262


Jérôme Li-Thiao-Té is a sound artist, performer, music director, producer, composer and coach in performing arts interdisciplinary improvisation. Born in Reunion Island, off the coast of South Africa, he is accustomed to living in a multicultural environment. Travelling since a very young age within orchestras, coming to Paris in 2000 for his education and living in Warsaw, Prague and Budapest since 2006, has also given him experience in adapting to and enjoying new cultures. He is extremely interested in working in an international, multi-cultural and interdisciplinary environment, because of his interest in exchanges, collaborations, experimentations, culture, youth, education and his belief in its missions such as its potential for growth. Since his very early childhood, Jérôme Li-Thiao-Té learns and practices the violin, attending various schools on Reunion Island. In 1999 he graduates from the Conservatoire National de Région de Musique, Danse & Art dramatique de la Réunion. In 2000 he settles in Paris and enrolls at the École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées (Engineering school). In 2006 he graduates Master of Sciences studies on Information Systems and Software Engineering. Since 2004, Jérôme Li-Thiao-Té develops his artistic and scientific techniques and vision with many of the great artists, musicians, coaches, artistic directors, Culture and Arts professionals from all over the world he encounters at workshops, residencies, courses, conferences, trainings, shows and various events.

In his experience as a sound artist he has scored, performed and produced: 1) 2)

Hybris – international collaborative performing arts laboratory (multidisciplinary, experimental, improvisational) J3ZZ – solo performances/installations

In his experience as a music director he has scored, performed and produced: 1)

Talking heArts (2012), based on Hybris’ concept (as founder / violinist / artistic director / coach) (performances at Fabbrica Europa festival 2012 / Sziget festival 2012 / Bucharest Godot café October 2012) Talking heArts is a youth initiative funded by the Youth in Action programme of the European Union and coordinated by Subjective Values Foundation (Budapest, Hungary) in partnership with Associazione culturale Fabbrica Europa (Firenze, Italy), EuroEst Foundation (Bucharest, Romania) and University of Barcelona - LMI (Spain). It brings together 4 groups of young music, media and dance artists from 4 European countries with a diversity of cultural roots, to promote creative European collaboration and social inclusion. Encouraging young people to develop a common vision of a future Europe of cultural diversity as well as concrete artistic, social, intercultural and entrepreneurship skill, Talking heArts is designed and organised by young people who met and worked together in various projects throughout various international artistic networks. Why Talking heArts? Artists can express themselves in the most various languages and by the most various means, but art speaks one language: so this project wants to focus on the awareness of the creative process, on the teamwork between the different participating young artists while creating/working but also on stage, and on the common, shared message to deliver to the audience. Each participant or small group, representing one kind of art, has to establish ways to interact with others. It can be codes/hand signs, sensors with some programming, defined space on stage, etc. The final exercise will be to combine them in an improvisation-based show. Through this process we believe (we are convinced) that one can improve his/her own art but also his/her understanding of others (tolerance, etc.), and put positive energy in a participative creative process.


Talking heArts mixes visuals, music and movement. The focus and the main challenge is to strongly inter-connect visuals to the performing activities (more common for dancers and musicians), to initiate all the participants to self-expression in performing arts. In other words, each of the participants should experience the feeling of performing as a jazzman on stage. 2)

Reality in Disguise (2010-2012) (as violinist / music director / coach) (performances at Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld Cologne 2010, Arenbergschouwburg theatre Antwerpen 2010, Fabbrica Europa festival 2011 / Sziget festival 2011) 12 young people from all over Europe present the multidisciplinary performance Reality in Disguise: one of the 7 original productions developed by 40 young musicians, dancers and media makers in creative residencies throughout Europe within the frame of the biennial project “ARTnGO – New Routes to Intercultural Creativity”, promoted by organisations from 10 European countries under the coordination of the prestigious Sziget Festival, and with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.

In his experience as a composer and producer he has scored, performed and produced: 1) 2)

Travel Buddy (short film) - not yet published ENKNAP What happens when you touch it (contemporary dance show) 3) 1000 AND 1 REALITIES (documentaries & animation film) - 4) NEBÁNCSVIRÁG (contemporary dance show) - 5) KEEPING (short film) - 6) A FILM TO BE TOLD (documentary) - 7) OUVERTURE (short film) - 8) FISSION (short film) - 9) FAR POINT (short film) - 10) RICORDI DI COSA PROFUMA LA TERRA? (animation film) - 11) EUtropia (as composer / electronic musician / violinist / coach) (performances at Fabbrica Europa festival 2012 / Arkadas theatre Cologne March 2012) EUtropia is a 2-years cultural and artistic project involving young artists from 9 European countries in the making of an international multidisciplinary performance-in-progress. Designed in a four-monthresidency in Silkeborg, this work is travelling through the different European partner countries and is "reinvented" and re-created at each stop in workshops and residencies, involving new artists and new artistic disciplines, all contributing in the creation of a new shared expressive language based on the cultural heritage and modern influences of each, while bridging traditional and contemporary aesthetics. EUtropia is an activity funded by the Culture programme of the European Union. Nine international partners are involved; RIF (France), S.Mou.Th. (Greece), Zuiderpershuis World Culture Centre (Belgium), Associazione Fabbrica Europa (Italy), Sziget (Hungary), Stichting ROOTS & ROUTES (The Netherlands), Performers House (Denmark), SVI (Serbia) and jfc Medienzentrum (Germany) who is in charge of coordinating the project.

In his experience as a performer he has joined on stage with his violin: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

AZALAI (2012-2013) - Festival Au Désert / Presence d’Africa (2011 and 2013) Jamie Winchester (2012) Summer Suite (July 2011) Michael Kentish (since 2010)


6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

The Last Drops (2008-2011) Home Sessions (2012) One More Round (2011-2012) The Poosta Ramblers (since 2012) morzsa records (2011-2012) Iparkutya (2011-2012) Grecsó Zoltán’s Willany Leó Improvizációs Táncszínház (since 2010) 13) Teacher’s orchestra of the Conservatoire National de Région de Musique, Danse & Art Dramatique (1995-1999) 14) Orchestrades de l’Océan indien (1992-1993)

In his experience as a recording musician and voice-over he has participated in the following albums: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

past by J3ZZ, released 16 December 2013 FIGHTING HATE WITH LOVE by MC Kiko, released 14 February 2014 SO PROUD OF YOU by Jordi Abel, released 30 June 2013 All the Promises by Michael Kentish, released 15 April 2013 polish graffiti by morzsa records, released 29 July 2011 Love, Truth and Other Myths by Mookie Brando, released 30 September 2011


For more information onCurriculum Europass go vitae to of For more information on© Europass Europeango Union, to 2004-2010 24082010 Li-Thiao-Té Jérôme © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010

Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es)

LI-THIAO-TE Jérôme Molnár utca 22-24 Budapest 1056 Hungary


+36 30 323 9262


Nationality Date of birth Gender

French 11 December 1982 Male

Desired employment / Artistic and cultural projects coordinator, (music) performing arts, intercultural Occupational field mediator, youth and adult education in ICT and web 2.0 applications Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Since June 2013 Secretary General (part-time) Administration of the ROOTS & ROUTES International Association (RRIA). Support and coordination of the development and application process of new international R&R projects. Representation of RRIA on international level. Advice on and monitoring of R&R activities in all partner countries. Ensuring the valorisation and capitalisation of R&R project results

Name and address of employer

ROOTS & ROUTES International Association Delftsestraat 17 C, 3013 AC Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Type of business or sector

NGO, Arts, Social, Cultural and Educational field

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

January 27th to March 17th, 2014 Coach (“Steps Ahead – Professionalisation of Junior Coaches in Performing Arts and Media” project) Preparation and conduct of the following activities: peer coaching and tutoring to group dynamics and to self-entrepreneurship; coaching to the development of creative processes through musical and acoustic experiences and practices, as part of the second Academy in Florence at Exfila connessioni metropolitane (8-16/03/2014). Associazione Fabbrica Europa Borgo degli Albizi 15 I - 50122 Florence, Italy NGO, Arts, Social, Cultural and Educational field August 12th to September 14th, 2013 Coach (“Steps Ahead – Professionalisation of Junior Coaches in Performing Arts and Media” project) Preparation and conduct of the following activities: peer coaching and tutoring to group dynamics and to self-entrepreneurship; coaching to the development of creative processes through musical and acoustic experiences and practices, as part of the first Academy in Florence at Il Vivaio del Malcantone (2-13/09/2013). Associazione Fabbrica Europa Borgo degli Albizi 15 I - 50122 Florence, Italy NGO, Arts, Social, Cultural and Educational field


Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

July 2013 Facilitator (“U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe” project) Accompanying the cluster groups and the development of their ideas/concepts, as part of the U-CARE national seminar in Florence at Sonoria (8-13/07/2013). Associazione Fabbrica Europa Borgo degli Albizi 15 I - 50122 Florence, Italy NGO, Arts, Social, Cultural and Educational field September 2012 Improvisation coach (“EUtropia” project) In the frame of a European project gathering a multicultural group of 14 young adults with artistic talents (dance and music). Sharing my experience of improviser and stage art performer and helping them improve their improvisation skills. RiF Association 79 Rue Gantois BP 80 272 59 019 Lille Cedex NGO, Arts, Social, Cultural and Educational field May 2011 Music Coach (“Follow-Up” project) Peer coaching a multicultural group of 10 young adults with music talent within the Roots&Routes Follow Up project, an action-research project addressing non-formal and informal learning in artistic contexts in Europe supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. Sharing my experience of stage art performer and helping them to collaborate with dance and media talents and to create their own show. Helping in the production of this show. Fundation Bosch I Gimpera Balidiri I Reixach 4 0828 Barcelona SPAIN Art, Culture and Education field February 2011 Cooperation Coach (“Follow-Up” project) Peer coaching a multicultural group of 6 young adults with artistic talents (media, dance and music). Sharing my experience of stage art performer and helping them to create their own show. Helping in the production of this show. Subjective Values Foundation 1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 18. HUNGARY NGO, Social, Cultural and Educational field September 2009 – August 2010 Human Resources Clerck In charge of the International Professional Roster updates. • Responsible for the interpretation and application of the Staff Rules, regulations and procedures ensuring uniform application in accordance with guidelines from Headquarters. • Provide advice to staff members on specific entitlements, taking action locally as appropriate, or submitting recommendations for exceptions to DHRM (Division of Human Resources Management). • Participate in the selection of internal candidates and submit appropriate recommendations; Interview and test new candidates, verifying educational qualifications and previous employment record; Manage the advertisement and filling of local vacancies, advising applicants on the nature of the responsibilities to be performed as well as entitlements and career prospects. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ipoly utca 5\b, c, d. 1133 Budapest, HUNGARY NGO


Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

November 2008 – March 2009 Web project manager Understand the technical capabilities and constraints of the development team and be able to communicate them to the client. • Lead and manage the content creation for the "as-is" and "to-be" maps for enterprise. • Provide strong project management for the process mapping activities to create high quality end to end process maps within time and budget. • Refine/optimize processes to reflect feedback from the execution phase. UHT – The Full Service Web Agency Andrássy útca 32, 1061 Budapest HUNGARY Web industry November 2007 – November 2008 Chief technical officer In charge of the organization and procedures connected to CPM’s information systems. In charge of all IT business analysis projects • Manage business requirements for the clientele • Schedule, coordinate and pilot IT projects • Representative Business analyst of CPM for the employees, suppliers or third-party contractors involved in IT projects • In charge of project acceptance and delivery validation for every software, product or IT service. Projects: CPM’s information systems rationalization & consolidation – Back-Office software implementation, set up IT systems for more than 200 auctioneers’ companies –Implementable services for auctioneers/customers – White labelling project – Set production & financial scorecards. CPM (Commissaires-priseurs multimedia) 28 boulevard Poissonnière 75009 Paris FRANCE Auctions, history of art, Law, Web

January 2007 – November 2007 Business analyst Insure IT systems for the NETWORK business line in compliance with GEFCO rules in the Czech Republic. • Implement functional IT tools, manage functional IT project, act as the head office representative of NETWORK organization in Czech Republic. • In charge of project analysis, planning. Advise Czech Republic NETWORK head management regarding administration and procedures. Project: Set the new information system of GEFCO NETWORK Ceska Republika, working with all the European GEFCO NETWORK representatives.

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

GEFCO NETWORK Ceska Republika Pobřežní 620/3, 186 00 Praha CZECH REPUBLIC Logistics industry


January 2006 – July 2006

Occupation or position held

Junior project manager

Main activities and responsibilities

Costs methods formalization & application within IT services Objectives: obtain a new metric indicator regarding the follow-up of the projects scope: a quantification scorecard allowing the follow-up of the final product. • Business analysis: Acted as liaison between user and IT to translate high-level business requirements into technical specifications in terms of architecture, programming and testing. • Project management: Managed a team of programmers aligning their activity to time, quality, costs and business requirements, anticipated and managed risks.


• Change management: Led conferences and training. Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Type of business or sector

Bouygues Telecom - Information System Central Direction, Pre-project Department 51 Avenue de l'Europe 78944 Velizy cedex FRANCE Telecom industry Since my teenage Violinist, music performer, independent artist Music in various formation (orchestra, bands, solo, etc.) Auto production, composition, promotion, management Art, Culture, Music and Entertainment

Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training

August 2010 Peer coaching certificate A two year international training programme (running in France, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom) for a selected group of coaches and talents who had the ambition to optimize their coaching skills and/or to work as a professional art coach, aimed at developing new training methods, competence sets and skills for coaches and in non-formal training situations. The Roots&Routes Transnational Academy, supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission, was organized on two levels: A. Train-the-coaches: coaches that had worked in previous R&R projects were trained in order to optimize their coaching skills B. Talents-become-(junior)coaches: participants of R&R projects were educated in coaching other R&R talents. jfc Medienzentrum Hansaring 84-86, 50670 Köln (Germany)

2000 – 2006 Master of Sciences Information Systems and Software Engineering Engineering school for Computer Sciences and Advanced Techniques (EPITA) 1994 - 1999 Diploma in Violin, with honors Music theory and violin Conservatoire National de Région de Musique, Danse et Art dramatique de La Réunion July 1996 Music theory and violin Académie Nationale d’été «Musique au Grand Jardin», Joinville en Champagne, France 1985 - 1994 Music theory and violin École municipale de musique, de danse et d'art dramatique, Saint-Denis, Réunion


Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s) Self-assessment


European level (*)





Proficient user


Proficient user



Basic User


Basic User

Hungarian German Spanish

B1 Intermediate User B1

Intermediate User


Basic User


Basic User


Basic User


Basic User

Speaking Spoken interaction C2

Proficient user


Spoken production C2

Proficient user


Proficient user

B1 Intermediate User B1 Intermediate User B1 Intermediate User

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences

Organisational skills and competences

Intercultural mediator gained through coaching in Budapest and Barcelona with multicultural groups and participating to several Roots & Routes Summer school exchanges in Florence, London, Koln, Budapest and Barcelona. Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work experience abroad. Good communication skills in different languages gained through my experience as project manager and team leader for several international organizations. Good team spirit and easy to adapt myself to new conditions gained by working in different Environments. Good listener gained by always aiming to mediate conflict trying to find the best solution for all. Stress resistant gained by working with tight time schedules and overloads of work. Project management skills acquired during my studies and professional experiences. Experienced in groups organization also from distance gained in creative projects with large groups of participants over 10+ European countries.

Technical skills and competences

Knowledge management acquired during my studies and professional experiences. Project management methodologies and quality (V Cycle, XP, UML, ISO/IEEE, ITIL EFQM and CMMI) acquired during my studies and professional experiences. Music software such as Ableton Live, Logic acquired during my participation to some workshops but also self -taught. Sound engineering acquired during my participation to some workshops but also self -taught. Public relations skills acquired from organizing and promoting shows, but also from my professional background.

Computer skills and competences

MS Office, MS Visio, MS Project,, iWork, Wordpress

Artistic skills and competences

Driving licence

Music directing: coordination of the arts, crafts and techniques of performance, work on texts and scores, use of space. Performing: performative use of the sound, the voice, space, objects and techniques. Teaching/Coaching: coach/educator through performance, improvisation, self-entrepreneurship, inter and multidisciplinary laboratories. Music composition and production: soundtracks scoring, field recordings, live recordings, installations. French driving license

August 8th, 2014 Jérôme Li-Thiao-Té


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