Jaime Rivera resume (extended version)

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Jaime Rivera

http://issuu.com/ja-river jaime@id.iit.edu (312) 860-8011

Behavior Change, User Experience & Prototyping Methods

Ph.D. in Design exploring the intersections of cognitive sciences, technology and experience design with the purpose to facilitate positive behavior change. I’m a designer with experience working in interdisciplinary research teams solving complex problems and understanding the user behaviors, in order to generate new values and cultural connections. Work Experience

Research Assistant, IIT Institute of Design - Project Coordinated Healthcare Interventions for Childhood Asthma Gaps in Outcomes CHICAGO trial. Chicago, Illinois. USA (Summer 2014) Funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute PCORI, I collaborated in the design, implementation and analysis of user centered interviews from caregivers of children with asthma, key informant interviews of clinical staff and guided observation tours in six different emergency departments in the Chicago area, with the purpose of redesigning the discharge information that caregivers of children with asthma receive. Information Technology Design Analyst , Lancaster General Health, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Summer 2013) Conducted user research for high risk patient populations to design a remote patient monitoring system integrated with electronic health records (EHR). At the end of the research, I conducted a workshop with the different stakeholders using persuasive technology frameworks and selfdetermination theory to promote patient engagement and improve health outcomes. Teaching Assistant, IIT Institute of Design. Chicago, Illinois. USA (Spring 2013) Assisted Professor Anijo Mathew in the course Graduate Intro to Digital Media, introducing students to GUI, information architecture and prototyping interactions. Research Contractor - Root Learning, Chicago, Illinois. USA (Summer 2012) Conducted qualitative research in stores around the US, generating insights about retail management styles, associate behaviors and customer interactions. Research in Interdisciplinary Projects (with medicine and engineering) - University of Los Andes, School of Engineering. Bogota, Colombia (2001 - 2010) My experience as an industrial designer focused on facilitating a human centered approach to the project through these activities: - Reframing the problem from the users point of view. - User research of the different stakeholders in real context. - Synthesizing new opportunities for strategic innovation. - Presenting new concepts through user storytelling examples to other teams. - Prototyping early low fidelity concepts for user experience evaluation. - Prototyping high resolution concepts with complete functionality for usability testing. (2007 - 2009) Development of a system acquisition to store data about mechanical parameters in order to improve ventilatory assistance. (2006) Monitoring system for non invasive blood pressure. (2005 - 2006) Development of a method for ambulatory monitoring of peak pressure in the insensitive foot and alerting the patient to prevent plantar ulcers. (2005 - 2006) Design of a portable electromiography system. (2003 - 2004) Design of an assistive technology for augmentative and alternative communication. (2002 - 2003) Development methodologies and instrumentation for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of osteomuscular impaired patients. Project Professional - University of Los Andes, School of Architecture and Design. Bogota, Colombia (2002 - 2010) I started working with the school of Architecture and Design on different projects to generate quality standards in research and education. These activities include: - Advising research groups according to international quality standards. - Synthesizing information (quantitative and qualitative) to present the academic program of Design to the National Accreditation System. - Developing new policies to measure research in design practice, (such as quality in design creation and artifacts)


PhD in Design IIT Institute of Design- Chicago, IL Fall 2015 (expected) Master of Design (MDes) IIT Institute of Design- Chicago, IL 2012. Bachelor of Industrial Design (BID) University of Los Andes - Bogota, Colombia. 2008.

Languages Spanish- Native speaker English - Fluent


Theory driven design User experience testing Multidisciplinary approaches Synthesis and concept generation Conducting workshops Interviewing and observing users

Awards IDEA International Design excellence Awards 08, Research Category, with the project MEDIVENT. Successful Research Case 2008, Awarded by the Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Program, with the project “Supporting technologies, augmentative and alternative communication” Colciencias-Laspau Scholarship Awarded by the Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Program to pursue an international PhD 2009.

Consulting Experience My professional and academic experience includes companies like: Gap INC , American Greetings, Worthington Industries, Bernzomatic, Hampton Inn and the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (Chicago City Hall).

Research Publications

International Index Journal 1.”Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication”. In: Second Cambridge workshop on universal access and assistive technology, 2004. P. 197-202. ISSN:09635432. Authors: Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir. Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge, UK. 2004. Book Chapters 1. “75 ways for increating innovation”. Selection of cases of the national science, technology and innovation program in the years 1990 – 2005 p.152 - 153, 2006. ISBN: 9588290139. Editor: National Bureau for research and innovation in Colombia COLCIENCIAS. Authors: Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir. Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Bogota, Colombia. 2006. Conference Proceedings 1. Beyond the Science of Design: 7 Criteria for “Umbrella” Design Theories” Conference 11th European Academy of Design Conference that is going to be organized next year April 22-24th. Authors: Ruecker, Stan. Carnos, Celso. Hodges, Peter. Rivera, Jaime. Faller, Roberto. Geppert, Amanda. Paris, France. 2015 2. “Visual Workflows for Design Project Knowledge Management” Design and Emotion 2014, 9th international conference, Authors: RIvera, Jaime. Abouhazim, Yassine. Mattis, Laura. Ruecker, Stan. Wang, Patricia. Bogota, Colombia. October 2014 3. “Structured Controlled Reflexivity Prototyping as a Way to Improve the Design of Persuasive Technologies” Persuasive Technology. 9th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2014, Padua, Italy, May 21-23, 2014. Adjunct Proceedings. Padova: ISBN: 978 88 6787 229 9”. 4. “Skywords: an Engagement Machine at Chicago City Hall”. Human Computer Interaction Conference. CHI’13 Changing Perspectives . ISBN. 978-1-4503-1899-0/13/04. Authors: L. Braun, J. Rivera, K. Hindi, L.Lin, J. Mello, K. Patel, A. Mathew. Paris, France. 2013. 5. “Research for a Design Discipline, different approaches about the practice and reflection in design”. Fourth International Congress in Design Research. Diseño +. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 978-958-8357-12-6 Authors: Zapata, Freddy; Gonzalez, Maria; Rivera, Jaime. Cali. Colombia. 2010. 6. “MEDIVENT Biodesign: Innovation to develop medical devices”. Cumulus 38° South. Hemispheric shifts across learning teaching and research. ISBN: 978-1-921426-52-0. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto; Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Melbourne, Australia 2009. 7. “Augmentative and alternative technology”, Include 2007: Designing with people. International conference in inclusive design. Royal College of Arts. London, 1-4 April. ISBN: 1-905000-34-0. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime; Macías, Hugo. London, UK. 2007.

8. “II Research products in science and technology Case Studies”. Second National Congress in Design Research. Cali. Colombia Diseño +. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 958-9279-86-4. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime; Macías, Hugo. Cali, Colombia. 2006. 9. “Quality standards for research groups i n Design. Tools for measuring and developing”. Second National Congress in Design Research. Diseño + Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 958-9279-86-4. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro; Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Cali, Colombia. 2006. 10. “Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication”. III Congress IBERDISCAP 2004. Authors: Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir. Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge. Costa Rica, 2004. 11. ”Augmentative and Alternative Technology” ¿What is design today? First National Congress in Design Research. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 9589279783. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto, Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Cali, Colombia. 2004. 12. “Support Technologies for augmentative and alternative Technologies” IX Iberchip IEEE, ISBN: 958-33-5899-1 Authors: Jaime Rivera, Alvaro Varela, Juan Carlos Bohórquez, Nahir de Salazar, Mario Pinilla, Antonio García, Mónica Gonzales, Hugo Macías. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia 2004. 13. “Electromiography Ergonomic Design System” IIX WORKSHOP IBERCHIP IEEE. ISBN: 959-261-105-X. Authors: Antonio García, Acero Perdomo, Cesar, Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. La Habana, Cuba. 2003

Conference Presentations

1. “Structured Controlled Reflexivity Prototyping as a Way to Improve the Design of Persuasive Technologies” Persuasive Technology. 9th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2014, Doctoral Colloquium. Padova, Italy. 2014 2. “Superstructuralism, the hidden cycle of design knowledge” NowHaus 2014. This is an informal academic space with Pecha Kucha style presentations. It’s an initiative of the students of the IIT Institute of Design to promote design beyond the boundaries of the school. Chicago, USA. 2014 3. “Medivent: Innovation to develop medical technology”. - 3rd National Design Research Congress. Diseño +.Cali, Colombia. 2008. 4. “Biodesign, The Latin American Choice” - Polar Opposites, Mediating the Space Between Positions in Design” Approved oral presentation at the event organized by IDSA, The Industrial Designers Society of America, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 2008. - 4th Seminar of Biomedical Engineering. University of Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. 2007.

5. “Quality Standards for design research group. Tools for measurement and recognition” - 2nd National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +. Cali, Colombia. 2006. 6 .“Portable Electromyography System” - Technical aids Socialization, National Pedagogical University, Bogota, Colombia. 2003. - IX workshop Iberchip, La Habana.Cuba. 2003.

Research Posters

1. “Medivent, acquisition system for ventilatory variables” 3rd National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +”. 2008 Cali, Colombia. 2. “Augmentative and Alternative Technology” Include 2007: Designing with people, Royal College of Arts, London, UK. 2007. 3. “Design Technology and Health 2006” 2nd National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +”. 2006 Cali, Colombia. 4 .“Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication” Second Cambridge workshop on universal access and assistive technology. Cambridge. UK, 2004. 5. “Design Technology and Health 2004” 1st National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +”. 2004 Cali, Colombia. 6. “Design & Electronics” IX Workshop IBERCHIP, Cuba. 2003

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