Jaime Rivera
User Research, Prototyping Methods, Interaction
Me (Hap py
) ent ud St
Undergraduate Studies (Industrial Design) Fine Arts approach
Interdisciplinary Research Medicine - Engineering Focus in Applied Research awards and publications
Advisor in Research Standards Focus in Research Theory and Design policies
Master of Design User centered innovation
High School Formation as an engineer
Fall 2012
Jaime Rivera
My education, over the years, has been remarkably different. Starting with my high school, a traditional school run by Spanish Priests in Colombia, to an undergraduate program in applied arts and finishing with the Master of Design at the Institute of Design.
Interdisciplinary Research Medicine - Engineering Focus in Applied Research awards and publications
Interdisciplinary Research
) ent ud St
Undergraduate Studies (Industrial Design) Fine Arts approach
Research Advisor
Me (Hap py
The graph below shows what I consider the evolution of my mind-set, I believe all these experiences have allowed me to be in balance between the real and abstract ways of thinking, which is vital to generate meaningful innovation and new knowledge.
Jaime Rivera Resume
Mindset change over time (between real and abstract)
Advisor in Research Standards Focus in Research Theory and Design policies
Master of Design User centered innovation
High School Formation as an engineer
Spanish Priest School
University of Los Andes
From Industrial Design to Design
IIT Institute of Design
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p1
Master of Design
Jaime Rivera Resume Interdisciplinary Research Research Advisor Master of Design
1. Jaime Rivera
2. Medivent
3. Augmentative and Alternative Technology
Work experience, research publications and awards.
Development of a System Acquisition to Store Data About Mechanical Parameters in Order to Improve Ventilatory. Project selection (2002 - 2006).
4. Research for a Design Discipline
5. Interactive Media Workshop
6. Cultural Probes
7. Design Portfolio Planning
8. Prototyping Methods
Different approaches about the practice and reflection in design. An engagement machine at Chicago City Hall. How to understand the culture inside a company. Concept generation and evaluation.
Behavioral change in the waking experience.
1. Jaime Rivera
University of Los Andes Industrial Design B.A. March 2008.
Awards - IDEA International Design excellence Awards 08 Project MEDIVENT. - National Design Awards (Colombia) Lapiz de Acero 2009 Project MEDIVENT. - Successful Research Case 2008 by the Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Program. With the project “Supporting technologies, augmentative and alternative communication� - Colciencias-Laspau Scholarship Awarded by the Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Program to pursue an international PhD program. 2009
Research Contractor - Root Learning, Chicago, Illinois USA (Summer 2012) Conducted qualitative research in stores around the US, generating insights about retail management styles, associate behaviors and customer interactions. Project Professional - University of Los Andes, Architecture and Design School, Research Department (2003 - 2010) I started worked with the school of Architecture and Design on different projects to generate quality standards in research and education. These activities include: - Advising research groups according to international quality standards. - Synthesizing information (quantitative and qualitative) to present the academic program of Design to the National Accreditation System. - Developing new policies to measure research in design practice, (such as quality in design creation and artifacts)
(2007 - 2009) Development of a system acquisition to store data about mechanical parameters in order to improve ventilatory assistance. (2006) Monitoring system for noninvasive blood pressure. (2005 - 2006) Development of a method for ambulatory monitoring of peak pressure in the insensitive foot and alerting the patient to prevent plantar ulcers (2005 - 2006) Design of a portable electromiography system. (2003 - 2004) Design of an assistive technology for augmentative and alternative communication. (2002 - 2003) Development methodologies and instrumentation for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of osteomuscular impaired patients.
Research Advisor
IIT Institute of Design- Chicago, IL Master of Design (MDes) GPA 3.8/4.0 Expected May 2013.
Work Experience
Master of Design
Jaime Rivera Resume
Work experience, research publications and awards
Researcher in Interdisciplinary Projects (with medicine and engineering) - University of Los Andes, School of Engineering, Colombia (2001 - 2009) My experience as an industrial designer focused on facilitating a user centered approach to the project through these activities: - Analysis of different users situations. - Reframing the problem from the users point of view. - Synthesizing developing new opportunities for strategic innovation. - Presenting new concepts through user storytelling examples to other teams. - Prototyping early low fidelity concepts for user evaluation. - Prototyping high resolution concepts with complete functionality for testing.
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p3
1. Jaime Rivera
Master of Design
Research Advisor
Jaime Rivera Resume
Most relevant research publications
International Index Journal 1.”Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication” In: Second Cambridge workshop on universal access and assistive technology, 2004. P. 197-202. ISSN:09635432. Authors: Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir. Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge, UK. 2004. Book Chapters 1. “75 Ways for increating innovation”. Selection of cases of the national science, technology and innovation program in the years 1990 – 2005 p.152 - 153, 2006. ISBN: 9588290139. Editor: National Bureau for research and innovation in Colombia COLCIENCIAS. Authors: Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir. Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Bogota, Colombia. 2006. Paper in Conference Proceedings 1. “Research for a Design Discipline, different approaches Fourth International Congress in Design Research. Diseño +. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 978-958-8357-12-6 Authors: Zapata, Freddy; Gonzalez, Maria; Rivera, Jaime. Cali. Colombia. 2010. 2. “MEDIVENT Biodesign: Innovation to develop medical devices”. Cumulus 38° South. Hemispheric shifts across learning teaching and research. ISBN: 978-1-921426-52-0. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto; Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Melbourne, Australia 2009. 3. “Augmentative and alternative technology”, Include 2007: Designing with people. International conference in inclusive design. Royal College of Arts. London, 1-4 April. ISBN: 1-905000-34-0. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime; Macías, Hugo. London, UK. 2007.
4. “II Research products in science and technology Case Studies”. Second National Congress in Design Research. Cali. Colombia Diseño +. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 958-9279-86-4. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime; Macías, Hugo. Cali, Colombia. 2006. 5. “Quality standards for research groups in Design. Tools for measuring and developing”. Second National Congress in Design Research. Diseño + Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 958-9279-86-4. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro; Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Cali, Colombia. 2006. 6. “Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication” III Congress IBERDISCAP 2004. Authors: Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir. Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge. Costa Rica, 2004. 7. ”Augmentative and Alternative Technology” ¿What is design today? First National Congress in Design Research. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 9589279783. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto, Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Cali, Colombia. 2004. 8. “Support Technologies for augmentative and alternative Technologies” IX Iberchip IEEE, ISBN: 958-33-5899-1 Authors: Jaime Rivera, Alvaro Varela, Juan Carlos Bohórquez, Nahir de Salazar, Mario Pinilla, Antonio García, Mónica Gonzales, Hugo Macías. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia 2004. 9. “Electromiography Ergonomic Design System” IIX WORKSHOP IBERCHIP IEEE. ISBN: 959-261-105-X. Authors: Antonio García, Acero Perdomo, Cesar, Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. La Habana, Cuba. 2003
1. Jaime Rivera
Jaime Rivera Resume
Conferences and research posters
“Medivent, acquisition system for ventilatory variables” 3rd National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +”. 2008 Cali, Colombia.
“Biodesign, The Latin American Choice” - Polar Opposites, Mediating the Space Between Positions in Design” Approved oral presentation at the event organized by IDSA, The Industrial Designers Society of America, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 2008. - 4th Seminar of Biomedical Engineering. University of Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. 2007.
“Augmentative and Alternative Technology” Include 2007: Designing with people, Royal College of Arts, London, UK. 2007.
“Quality Standards for design research group. Tools for measurement and recognition” - 2nd National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +. Cali, Colombia. 2006.
“Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication” Second Cambridge workshop on universal access and assistive technology. Cambridge. UK, 2004.
“Portable Electromyography System” - Technical aids Socialization, National Pedagogical University, Bogota, Colombia. 2003. - IX workshop Iberchip, La Habana. Cuba. 2003.
“Design Technology and Health 2004” 1st National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +”. 2004 Cali, Colombia.
Design Technology and Health 2006” 2nd National Design Research Congress. ”Diseño +”. 2006 Cali, Colombia.
“Design & Electronics” IX Workshop IBERCHIP, Cuba. 2003
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p5
Research Advisor
Research Posters
“Medivent: Innovation to develop medical technology”. - 3rd National Design Research Congress. Diseño +.Cali, Colombia. 2008.
Master of Design
Conference Presentations
2. Medivent
Development of a System Acquisition to Store Data About Mechanical Parameters in Order to Improve Ventilatory Assistance
Master of Design
Research Advisor
Interdisciplinary Research
Design Context Respiratory system diseases are a huge health problem in Colombia. Los Andes University of Bogota and the Colombian Pneumology Foundation developed a system to acquire and store information about the essential parameters of a patient’s respiratory mechanics when on ventilator support. Interdisciplinary collaboration between engineering, medicine and design produced the Medivent, which measures respiratory flow and pressure, the electric activity of the respiratory muscles and other metrics. Industrial Design Team: Jaime Rivera, Hugo Macias
2. Medivent
Three different users in just one device
Multiple Users
Research Advisor
Interdisciplinary Research
One of the challenges of the project, was to design specific affordances for different users, in this way we develop working zones where the physician can work in front of the device reading the electrical signal in the monitor while the physiotherapist can be in the back, placing sensors and taking care of the patient.
Master of Design
In the case of technical repairs, cables and computing elements are inside, and can be access with only one opening mechanism.
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p7
2. Medivent
How to protect the patient in emergency situations
Master of Design
Research Advisor
Interdisciplinary Research
Fast and save Based in the observations that we made in the intensive care unit, was common that physicians had to move all the equipment close to the patient in emergency situations, and removing some of the sensors that were connected to the patient. With Medivent, we solved this problem creating a hook for each set of sensors, that can be attached to any side of the bed, in this way it's easy for physicians to move the equipment without taking away the sensors that are place in the patient.
3. Augmentative and Alternative Technology Project selection (2002 - 2006)
Research Poster
Research Advisor
Interdisciplinary Research
This poster displays the results of science and technology design projects carried out by the Design and Engineering Schools of the University of Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia in association with health institutions.
Master of Design
The projects had the financial support from the National Institute for Science and Technology Development, known as Colciencias. The projects presented are the following: - Portable Electromiography System - Supporting Technology for Augmentative and Alternative Communication - Portable Electro-Cardiography System. Industrial Design Team: Jaime Rivera, Hugo Macias
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p9
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Different approaches about the practice and reflection in design
While I was participating in research projects, my permanent work with the School of Engineering allowed me to understand the methods to generate quality in research, the different kinds of scientific communities, some international events and the indexation systems for research publications. Due to these experiences I started working with the School of Architecture and Design as advisor for research groups according to international
quality standards, and developing new policies to measure research in design practice. As a result of this activity, my team wrote a paper called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Research for a Design Discipline, different approaches about the practice and reflection in designâ&#x20AC;? based in the literature review of the main authors in design, the paper is proposing some discussion scenarios with common interests for the research community in Colombia.
Master of Design
Research Advisor
Interdisciplinary Research
4. Research for a Design Discipline
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4. Research for a Design Discipline Design value and cultural connections
as the main value of Design. I believe the future of our discipline is to connect cultural values with the daily activities of the common people, allowing the design of meaningful systems.
Interdisciplinary Research
This is a framework from SITRA the government organization from Finland in charge of the design policy of the country. This tool help me think in what could be the next in Design, specially right now when is common for people working in innovation believe in the experience
Research Advisor
Master of Design
Traditional Connection with cultural values of users
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p11
4. Research for a Design Discipline
Rejection of Design Methods
Reflective Practice
Herbert Simon Christopher Alexander Richard Buckminster J. Christopher Jones
Donald Schön
Science of Design
Scientific Design
Christopher Frayling Nigel Cross
Design as a Meta Discipline
Stephen Scrivener Wolfgang Jonas
Tacit Design Tools
Master of Design
Design Thinking
Design as a Discipline
Research Advisor
Interdisciplinary Research
Time line about design research, main figures, roles and value
Materials Science Ergonomics Science Construction Science
From other Disciplines
Ground Research through
Project Ground Research Action research Practice
Designer’s Role
Value of Design
Designer as a "creator"
Design as a team member with Marketing and Engineering (Mechanical)
Design in order to understand user
Design as co-ordinator
Design to create new consumer experiences
Design as a driver of user centered innovation
Research Department School of Architecture and Design University of Los Andes Bogotá - Colombia
4. Research for a Design Discipline
Research approaches related with creative domains of Professor Owens
Research through / by Design
Master of Design
Research about / into Design
Interdisciplinary Research
Research for Design
Research Advisor
Creative Domain
Charles Owen
Research Department School of Architecture and Design University of Los Andes Bogotรก - Colombia
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p13
4. Research for a Design Discipline Project Hierarchy
Interdisciplinary Research
It is common to read about approaches of design research, but it is really difficult to find visual information that can engage people in useful discussions.
The graph below is showing the hierarchical relation of the traditional research project with the design project and the interactions that could happen with prototypes as knowledge generators.
Master of Design
Research Advisor
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Project Hierarchy
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5. Interactive Media Workshop
An engagement machine at Chicago City Hall
Research Advisor
Chicago City Hall is very busy building, housing offices of the Mayor and alderman, city services, as well as the county government. It’s situated in heart of downtown and connects two major north-south streets and the underground pedway. Hundreds of people pass through City Hall every day including citizens, visitors, workers and government officials; the demographics of the crowd mirror the diversity of the city itself.
Installed on the ground floor of Chicago City Hall for ten days last spring, SkyWords leveraged technology, interaction and the universal appeal of play to give hundreds of people the opportunity to participate in government.
Master of Design
Design Context
When governments make new policies they often have limited methods for engaging the public and gathering opinions. As a result, policy-making is not always inclusive and too often important decisions are made by just a few. SkyWords is a site-specific installation — or an “engagement machine” — that addressed this problem head on
Design Team: Lauren Braun, Jaime Rivera, Jose Mello, Kareem Hindi, Lee Lin. Instructor: Anijo Mathew
Digital Physical Destroy
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p15
5. Interactive Media Workshop How it works
Master of Design
Research Advisor
How does it support or enhance human interaction? We focused in build a structure that only makes visible the interactions objects (projection and mechanisms) and hides the technology products (projector and electronics) looking for an intuitive invitation to use it, avoiding a system that could intimidate the users. For the physical interactions we "hack" real products for blowing, looking for an intuitive use of objects that users already know, in some cases we had to build specific sensors attached to an Arduino circuit to measure the air and create a most real interaction.
‘Popping’ Side
‘Inflating’ Side Air Sensor
Movement Sensor
Router Air Sensor
6. Cultural Probes
How to understand the culture inside a company
Pictures on Instagram
The Company
Research Advisor
Root is looking for deep insight into opportunities to upgrade the physical environment of their headquarters.
The CEO of the company is an iconic figure, and often finds himself on the receiving end of good natured teasing from the employees. We decided to turn him into a â&#x20AC;&#x153;reverse voodoo dollâ&#x20AC;? to help the participant advance their careers
Master of Design
The Artifact
Virtual Real
Design Team: Jaime Rivera, Brian Donovan Instructor: Yadira Ornelas
Ar tif
guide n o i s s Discu views er for int Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p17
6. Cultural Probes
The People and the activity
We chose nine participants representing a cross section of the company based on tenure and position.
We asked the participants... 1. To choose the skills that were most important for the advancement of their career.
Master of Design
Research Advisor
2. To pin the skills to the area of the doll that best represented that skill. 3. To take photographs of the doll in various places around the office where those skills were used. Design Team: Jaime Rivera, Brian Donovan Instructor: Yadira Ornelas
6. Cultural Probes
What we found and what we learned
• Increasing skills do not necessarily lead to promotion. Individuals must find a way to communicate those skills to the organization.
- Having participants create something artistic for us made it fun and interesting for them.. - Having the participants work together or compete may a powerful new dynamic of probes that we can leverage in the future. - We made something serious like career advancement into a fun activity. - The zones on the doll didn’t generate data, but did help us understand the questions that we wanted to ask. It also helped the participants engage with the task.
• The skills that lead to promotion are exhibited in project work. Project work is done behind closed doors, which gives the organization little insight into the nature of the work. This is especially acute for Account Management. • The environment is unchanging, therefore the elements that are meant to be inspirational go largely unnoticed as people become accustomed to them. • Employees sit in functions, but work as cross-functional project teams. This creates a collaborative disconnect.
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p19
Master of Design
Reflection on the Method
Research Advisor
• The space promotes transparency into client work, but not into project work.
7. Design Portfolio Planning Concept generation and evaluation
a. COMPANY The Active Family Experts
Master of Design
Research Advisor
b. CURRENT PORTFOLIO A growing market after the crisis c. USER SEGMENTATION Outdoor lifestyle with different approaches d. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE From internal frame backpacks to just bags e. CORE COMPETITORS Features without a cultural approach f. CONCEPT GENERATION A new goal, what could be next for Kelty? g. ALTERNATIVES New activity features and segment categories h. REFERENCES
a. Company
The Active Family Experts
Nowadays, Kelty has multiple options in backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, accessories, kids, clothing and lighting. With different products for men and women, that can be bought directly from the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s web portal or different online retailers and stores.
Strengths: Multiple products and accessories for camping, male and female catalog, kids facilities for family camping, consolidate American tradition, vintage style incorporated in products, hunting market niche. Weaknesses: Moderate technological features, some product differentiation is based just in the size capability, few activities specialization (hunting and hiking). How Kelty can maximize its portfolio value, while balancing risk with in the boundaries of its actual core values and constraints of the camping and outdoor recreation business in the US?
Product Leadership
Customer Intimacy
Operational Excellence
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p21
Research Advisor
COMPANY PROFILE After the initial years of the brand, with a founder considered as a pioneer for the industry, some American and European brands reached high tech performances for extreme conditions and alternative activities; at this moment Kelty is not anymore a product leadership, instead is focus in a more experiential approach for the American families that prefer products focused in the US outdoors conditions.
Founded in 1952 by Dick Kelty, a Californian carpenter who used to build packs for his friends in the garage, the company grew in the first decades in an exponential way, with permanent changes and improvements in weight carrying and comfort for specialized backpacks.
With years in the industry and more than two generations using their products, Kelty is a true American brand focused in the outdoors family activities.
Master of Design
Kelty is one of the most traditional American companies specialized in camping and outdoor activities, its target consumers are a broadly group of people from first-time camper to experienced mountaineer.
b.Current Portfolio
A growing market after the crisis
PORTFOLIO MAP Due to the high amount of products, a reduce visualization showing the range of price and the number of products in each category would be use for the next steps of this analysis. Casual Use
Day Hiking
Research Advisor Master of Design
Day Hiking (10 products)
Weaknesses: Old external frame options available in Weekend category. Few activities features (just related to hiking).
REDWING 50 Price: $109.95 - Hydration compatible - Zippered side pockets USP: Organization WOMENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S REDSTART Price: $64.95 - Ventilated backpanel - Internal hydration space - Trail and urban endeavor USP: Accessible
Strengths: Clear price differentiation for the Hunters Category, exclusive Casual Use Category focus in vintage style, women and men products, Clear price difference according to size.
CHINA CLIPPER Price: $175.00 - Old School aviation - Shoulder pack - Vintage Kelty logo USP: Fashion
DAYPACK Price: $59.95 - Sleek style - Urban Pack - Internal Organizer USP: Lightweight
divided in different categories depending in the length of the travel (day hicking, weekend or multi day) and the purpose (Casual or hunting).
Casual Use (15 products)
DILLON Price: $84.95 - School or workbag - Hydration ready - Internal organizer panel USP: Multi-use
The actual backpacks portfolio of the company is about 60 products (except the junior backs and lumbar packs,
Weekend Backpacking (17) TREKKER 65 Price: $145.95 - Simple - Comfortable - Lightweight favorite USP: Durable
CAMPING INDUSTRY Since 1996 the overall visitors to national parks had been decreasing, however the 2009 statistics from the Outdoor Industry Association,1 showed an increase that explains the trend of people who expend their vacations closer to home during economical crisis periods.
AVOCET 30 Price: $84.95 - Top loading - Ventilating backpanel - Sternum strap USP: Multipurpose
FURY 35 Price: $164.95 - Top loading - Ventilating backpanel - Sternum strap USP: Comfort
20 - 50
Weekend (2 - 3 nigths)
50 - 60
Multiday (2 - 5 nights)
60 - 80
Extended (5+ nights)
EAGLE 128 Price: $400.00 - Compatibility - Sleeping bag - Easy access USP: Specialized
Rally 45 Price: $174.95 - Multidirectional ventilation - Butterfly-shaped aluminum - Spring-loaded back panel USP: Light LAKOTA 65 - 2011 Price: $145.95 (Sale $87.95) - Convenient front access - Large storage pocket - Short multiday trek USP: Price
Day or over nigth (1 - 2 nigths)
Hunting (9 products)
Multi-Day Backpacking (9 products) PEREGRINE 29 Price: $90.00 - Large front pocket - Hydration-compatible - Reservoir sleeve USP: Great Value
After some years declining, the camping market is growing again, showing a cycle for a mature product industry.
Capacity (liters)
Type of Trip
RED CLOUD 110 Price: $219.95 - Packing space - Cloud lock suspension - Extra pockets USP: Space
FALCON 66 Price: $300.00 - High or low volume - Internal dividers - Easy access USP: Organization
Price in US$ Intro
Growth Mature Decline
1. http://www.outdoorindustry.org/
c. User Segmentation
Outdoor lifestyle with different approaches
ABOUT PURPOSE The casual use and hunting categories are showing separate segments, the first one is related to style and the second one is about function and specialization. Casual Use
Kelty categories are created with a clear user segmentation in mind, from the first time hiker to the experienced camper that is looking for a complete features backpack. Including a category for the retro
young adult that prefers the vintage style of the past for the urban environment. The hunter category works as a market niche with specific demographics and high sense of functionality and specialization.
Moderate Enthusiast
High Enthusiast
Male or female, 16-45 Lower to middle income
Male or female, 20-50 Middle income
Male or female, 30-60 Middle to higher income
Male or female, 20-35 Middle income (urban)
Physiographic: Outgoing and active, nature lover, comfort focus, health concern.
Physiographic: Family responsible, limited time, couple decision making.
Physiographic: Planner with time ahead, hobby enthusiast, camping knowledge.
Physiographic: Trend and brand conscious, family influenced.
Behavior: Occasionally hicking, prefers to return to home or a hotel at the end of the day.
Behavior: Occasionally camping, likes to travel with the their kids, special family needs.
Behavior: Long trips with plenty of supplies, family or friends, special accessories.
Behavior: Point to point traveler, limited time, heavy use of products.
Hunting 0
ABOUT LENGTH TRIP The day hicking category is related to light weight transportation for a most comfortable exploration experience, in contrast , multi day backpacks are created for transportation purposes with a high sense of organization and performance. Casual Use
Recreation Light Outsider Explorer
Functionality Retro Multipurpose Traveler
Weekend Multi-Day
Passionate Hunter
Day Hicking
Traditional Camper Enthusiast
Hunting 0
Master of Design
Research Advisor
Day Hiking
Male, 30-50 Middle to higher income Physiographic: Military tradition, risk-taking, pragmatic mind-set. Behavior: Middle to long trips, specific natural places, specialized equipment, intense knowledge.
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p23
d.Competitive Landscape
From internal frame backpacks to just bags
USER SEGMENTATION AND COMPETITION Kelty's segmentation can be organized in this four level framework, showing the strategical differentiation of products.
This four level competition analysis is an easy way to visualize the broad scope of products available for consumers looking for specialized backpacks and related offers. Taking the internal frame archetype as the target of study, the “form level” shows a moderate number of companies with similar products for intense camping and
outdoor activities. The “category” level includes products for specific customers with special features. The “generic” level offers products by recognized global brands and multiple offers. Finally the “budget” level offers a range of products that can be purchased for the same price.
Trail Scout Sleep $119.95
Research Advisor
Wheeler CB $68.00
Curve $22.00
Light Outsider Adventurer Retro Multipurpose Traveler Passionate Hunter Camping Enthusiast
Megalopolis Darth $400.00
Outdoor Research
High Sierra
Jan Sports
Enduro Plus Pack $140.00
Master of Design
Centaur 38 $139.00
Internal Frame Backpacks
(Hunting) 4500 Hunting $399.95
(Biking) Bike One 20 $99.16
Technical Backpacks
(Mountaineering) Denali Pro 105 $549.00
100-Quart Xtreme $115.26
Firefly External $65.75
Courser 40 $119.95
Duffel Back $23.00
Outdoor Products
Revel Pants $110.00
A Train $89.99
The North Face
Lite-Speed Daypack $97.50
(User relation oriented)
Spectro AC 38 $149.99
Team Duffel Back $36.00
$110 - 130
Northem Industrial Jumbo Wagon $129.99
(Fishing) Tundra tach pack $239.95
Sack Pack $15.00
(Running) Cheyenne Vapor $90.00
(Purpose oriented) LaCrosse
Athlon Mountain $115.00
ATS Hunting Boot $120.00
(Activity oriented)
e. Core Competitors
Features without a cultural approach.
REI is one of the largest company in outdoor recreation, Founded in 1938 has grown in a fast way. Ranked 8th in the fortune list of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Best company to work forâ&#x20AC;?. REI is more that a company, is a community of enthusiast that share the love for nature.
b. Few technological advantages in contrast with international companies specialized in ergonomics and performance. c. High level of tradition (about American camping) that creates a differentiation for Kelty from other companies that based their products in extreme conditions outside the US.
Founded in 1971 by two entrepreneurs students, the company is focused in highest quality performance for extreme conditions, their target consumer are athletes and young explorers with a high sense of adventure and exploration
Founded in 1977, by Wayne Gregory the company is specialized in ergonomics. The permanent contact with users has provided the creation of new type of technologies for a perfect fit, generating a wide selection for men and woman of different sizes and body shapes.
Is one of the most important companies of backpacks in Europe, founded in 1898 is specialized in high functional and technological features for extreme conditions. It's famous for multiple design awards. Has been officially in America for over a decade.
Multiple Activities
Additional Features
Performance International
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p25
Research Advisor
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES There are three main gaps for Kelty in relation with their competitors: a. Low number of activities associated to specific outdoors recreation.
of competitors is a small sample of the different brands with products available in the US, showing a diverse selection of profiles inside this industry.
Master of Design
There are a considerable number of companies specialized in outdoors and camping activities, some founded in US and others from Europe that are gaining some market share in America. This analysis of
f. Concept Generation
Main activities while camping 54% hicking 48% swimming 20% bicycling
The concepts are organized using Ansoff framework for new market and products, showing four different approaches that Kelty could follow.
1. Active community of enthusiast Camping is more that just an activity, is a culture that is influenced by family, friends and places. Connect users and experiences through Kelty can make a difference.
5. New Swimming Category Swimming is the second most popular activity for campers after hiking, Kelty can create new products specially for this experience.
2. Friend to friend retail sales The main influenced for camping are friends, adding a new sales channel with direct participatory sales from one to one experience could open new possibilities.
6. Special features for fun-relax American activities The main reasons for camping is having fun and relax, a user centered approach could generate special features for the backpacks category.
3. Live the experience without going out the city Recreation of the experience in urban environments with the same social experience but in pre-stablished environment like the zoo and parks.
7. ABC camping for busy people The main caractheristics of the camping experience are fun and relax, communicating this characteristics to the avoiders could change their mind.
4. Summer exploration vacation Camping could be not for everyone, but summer is a season for share and vacations to all; Kelty can use the light backpacks to reach new consumers.
new market
Main reasons for avoiders 52% No time 18% Not interested
Strategic Concept Importance
new products
2.http://www.outdoorfoundation.org/re search.camping.2011.html
Core Competences
Technical Feasibility
Financial Rewards
Bad current
Market Attractiveness
Competitive Advantage
8. Specialized outdoor working category The main reason for the avoiders is the lack of time, Kelty can focus in a new category for the busy worker with occasional duty moments.
Score System 9
The Concept generation is framed in a new goal for Kelty, based in the previous analysis about the company, users and competitors, and some statistics around the camping industry.
Main motivation for participants 64.8% Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun 64.3% Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relaxing 55.6% Out from routine
TRENDS AND STATISTICS According to the 2011 Special Report on Camping 2
Master of Design
Research Advisor
NEW GOAL FOR KELTY As a challenger to other high performance companies, Kelty can use a flank strategy exploring the activities related just to the American camping culture, and the emerging relations with the outdoors experience, reducing the complexity in order to increase the market share of actual campers and generate the appropriate conditions for the avoiders that could change their recreational behavior in the upcoming seasons.
A new goal about what could be the next
g. Alternatives
New activity features and segments categories
2. With technical advantages for the user in relation with some occasional work, the new category for the busy avoider segment is exclusive in the market (oriented to hiking).
For the actual outdoor lover. Removing some old functional designs (external frame), and adding 2 new design per segment (men and woman) designed for warm weather and water activities, reinforce the offer for Kelty based in their core values of tradition and American culture.
Busy Avoider Urban Worker Retro Multipurpose Traveler Light Outsider Explorer
Research Advisor
COMPETITIVE RELATION 1. Adding new products to the light explorer and moderate-high camper segments, open the category to a different space related to sports and outdoors activities, different from the crowd focus for mobility and ergonomics associated to hiking (creating a specialization similar to how hunterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s segment works).
New category for a new segment. Six new products with features for the sub-urban environment and easy operation for occasional work, spread in a wide price range.
2. Specialized Outdoor Working Category Changing the experience of adventure and challenges related to the traditional camping to an easy going sub-urban environment, with special features for work activities, could be the way to engage the avoider who doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have time to go camping but can change his/her behavior due to the increasing trend in US for the outdoor activities. Additionally, this new segment could be an excellent opportunity for create new lines of accessories that can improve the activity.
Master of Design
1. New Swimming Category Some of the main features for the backpack industry came from expeditioners with experience in the most extreme condition around the world. In contrast, the average American likes to go places close to the sea or water sources with warm weather, looking for a fun and relaxing time with family and friends. A user centered approach based in this conditions could create a new category of products with special features for swimming, adding new products to the existing segment of campers (from light outsider explorer to moderate-high enthusiast).
Moderate Enthusiast Traditional Camper
10+2 -7 old
High Enthusiast Traditional Camper
Passionate Hunter 0.00 - 100
100 - 200
200 - 300
300 - 400
Jaime Rivera I Design Portfolio I Fall 2012 I p27
8. Prototyping Methods
Behavioral change in the waking experience Jaime A. Rivera - Communication I Tomoko Ichikawa - Fall 2011
It’s about a behavioral change
It’s about equilibrium
According to the National Sleep Foundation, 95% of Americans that rarely or never get a good night’s sleep on weeknights, use some type of electronics within the hour before bed. Somnio functionality is based in the hour glass system, that works using the time that requires the sand to transfer from one compartment to another. Meanwhile this process is happening, the sand is changing the center of gravity of the object. This transfer of weight is the key for control the system and the way you interact with it..
Gravity Center While the particles are transferred, the center of gravity moves. (At the end the device returns to a vertical position)
Alarm ON Ready, when the particles are in the upper container, and carefully you place WKH V\VWHP LQ D ÀDW surface creating a nonstable position.
Is an alternative approach, based in the ancient archetype of the sand clock, that creates a new experience at bedtime that could generate a behavioral change in the way you manage your time, in order to improve your sleep habits.
Central mechanism Works as a particle dispenser that delays the movement of particles between containers, it just opens a few times in VSHFL¿F SHULRGV RI WLPH
Alarm, when all the particles are in the bottom container, the weight makes the system be in a vertical way (as a sea buoy keeps his position).
Stand by, when the particles are in the upper container, the device falls over the surface and is “sleeping” until the user is getting ready for bedtime.
With a regular use you can create a connection with the device, generating a conscious control with your sleep habits and even with the space around your bed in order to have an appropiate place for the different positions of the system. As the technology evolves and the daily activities depend on the permanent use of electronic devices, some of the ancient inventions could generate an equilibrium between the unchange nature of the human being and the permanent transformation of the society.
It’s about feeling the time 6
8 7 6 5
Master of Design
Somnio is not only a functional device, is a system that communicates your sleep process to others according to three different positions.
8 7 6 5
Each night I spend all my time between the laptop, and my cell phone, and I can‛t sleep all that I want.
Somnio is my disconnection with all this technology. It works like a timer, helping me to think about how many hours I can sleep.
I must transfer some particles to set Somnio. It‛s difficult but I can feel the power of manage my time with my hands.
After a few movements, the device is ready... I‛m just thinking that tomorrow I will going to bed early.
I have to place Somnio in a flat surface, the mechanism is going to work while I‛m sleeping.
8 7 6 5
Research Advisor
Somnio replaced the traditional use of an alarm clock and introduce a FKDQJH LQ WKH ZD\ \RX PDQDJH WKH WLPH WKLV QHZ DSSURDFK PRGL¿HV the way you decide at which hour you have to wake up, to a new decision about how many time you have for sleep.
It’s about positions
8 7 6 5
Alarm System. Turns on when is in contact with a surface
Each morning, Somnio makes a small movement that turns on a melody, at this moment I just know that my time is over.
I have to hold it for a few seconds, while I‛m recovering my energies.
Once I‛m totally wake up, I grab Somnio and I can feel again that I‛m in control of my time.
For be sure that is not going to turn on again, I must transfer all the particles to the top.
Finally, Somnio is having some rest and I‛m ready to work. Tonight for sure technology is not going to stay up late.
Contact Information: Jaime Rivera MDes Candidate Spring 2013 IIT Institute of Design e: jaime@id.iit.edu m: 312.860.8011