61 4 Ea s t U ni on S t S e a t t l e , WA 98 1 2 2 + 1 7 8 7 - 2 4 9- 1 7 68 j a . r odr i g ue z r e ye s @ g ma i l .co m
SUMMARY A rch i tectu ra l D esi gner wit h 3 year s of exp er ienc e p r ep ar ing w o r ki n g dr a w i n g s , g e n e r a t i n g
ren deri n gs a n d po st p r od uc t ion wor k, insp ec t ing b uild ing si t e s , a n d c l i e n t r e l a t i o n s h i p s .
Ski l l ed a t perf o rmi ng d esign mod eling and d r awings, p r ofi c ie n t i n Au t o Ca d, Re vi t , Ske t c h u p
a n d R h i n o . P ro fici e nt in p ost p r od uc t ion im age r end er ing and i l l u s t r a t i o n .
DLR Group | Jul 2021 -Current
U.S Green Building Council | May 2021
Worked in commercial, K-12, master planning and civic projects.
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Aided in design of multiple projects taking into account codes and regulations. Took various leadership roles within the firm.
Corgan | Jul 2020 - Aug 2020
Iowa State University |Aug 2016 - May 2021
Worked in the commercial sector to produce 3D models,
Cu m L a u de
renderings, and construction documents. Worked through
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various phases of the design process for different projects.
Simonson & Associates | Jul 2019 - Aug 2019
Iowa State University | Aug 2016 - May 2021
Managed small projects and worked with multiple clients.
Cu m L a u de
Designed 3D models, floor plans, construction documents, and
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renderings. Reviewed codes for specific projects.
First Place - DLR Group Prize
Pr oject best exhibiting how buildings participate sustainability in socio-political and environmental systems.
Sketchup Rhino Photoshop
First Place - ASC Design Build P ro j ect best exh i bit ing Design Build c ollab or at ion.
Illustrator InDesign
Megg Bilski | Architect at Corgan
Phi Delta Theta
214- 748- 2000 | M egg. Bilski@c or gan. c om
Habitat for Humanity
Stephanie Poole | Architect at Simonson
Design Build Club
515- 440- 5626 | spoole@simonsonsassoc . c om
National Organization for Minority Architects
Megg Bilski Project Architect 401 N Houston St. Dallas, TX 75202 214 977 3407 | Megg.bilski@corgan.com August 6, 2020 To Whom it May Concern, I am writing this letter to recommend Javier Rodriguez and speak to his Summer 2020 internship at Corgan. Javier’s summer with our commercial sector was not a typical one, but through the unique setting and challenges this year presented Javier excelled in several ways. I had the pleasure of being assigned his mentor during Javier’s time at Corgan and found that his eagerness to learn, his aptitude for quality work and attention to detail would make him an excellent candidate for future employment. Over the time Javier and I spent working together he was able to assist with numerous projects. Largely, he was a big help on Parkside Tower by modeling garage elements in Revit and assisting in setting up life safety drawings. In explaining how occupancy loads and egress widths were calculated Javier was quick to notice when something didn’t match the design intent or seemed off in the model. He asked pertinent questions and was quick to piece together problems or disconnects that he found. He also showed great initiative by taking it upon himself to find the correlating code sections for egress to try and better understand for himself. Overall, I was impressed with his curiosity and willingness to learn. Javier also exhibited a high aptitude for producing quality work. His work for the Carmel Town Center project and his teams Hugo presentation are clear examples. In the Carmel project Javier produce a rich but clear design for master planning the central park strip. The design clearly communicated considerations for user experience, a strong concept, and had a high sensitivity to landscape and hardscape planning. Likewise, Javier showed great graphic aptitude and design thinking with his Hugo’s teams research. The graphic quality was excellent, and the design showed sensitivity to human experience and empathy. The presentation given at forum was well thought out and exhibited that Javier was able to work well with a team to produce great work. Lastly, Javier has great attention to detail. Through helping to format a field report for Southwest Transplant Alliance, Javier worked on providing commentary for much of the report. In lieu of being able to provide him with a true onsite experience we were able to talk through the report to give him some exposure to the construction phase of our projects. I was highly impressed with the amount of detail Javier picked up on, and while his construction experience is in its infancy, he was able to demonstrate attentiveness and care. Overall, it was a pleasure to have Javier join with our commercial sector this summer as he brought great energy and delivered quality work. I would highly recommend Javier as a quality addition to any team. Regards, Megg Bilski
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