Ars Ducendi: Employer of the Year

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ATTY: Pilar Nenuca P. Almira - Authentic Leader


CSMC wins gold at AHMA 2016


FPLA Inspires the youth at the MVP Future Thought Leaders Summit

40 Mike Toledo’s Man in Motion: The Japan Visit 42

Mike Toledo’s Man in Motion: A Pressing Engagement

44 Mike Toledo’s Man in Motion: The Philex 60th anniversary 48

Digital Leadership



How Digital Are You?

Philip N. Cañizares


Decoding Digital Divide

Kay D. Biason

Assistant Editor

Ja A. Ballarta Layout Artist

ADVISERS: Roy Agustin K. Evalle Norman N. Morte Sheryl D. Balusa Rizafides L. Severino Jeremy John A. Pintor Norwin Mark T. Sayno John Zerbon P. Ong Niño Enrico C. Cabredo

Ars Ducendi The Art of Leadership, is a magazine about the First Pacific Leadership Academy, its programs and its people. Shared news, tidbits and what-have-yous from our kapatids from First Pacific Group are always welcome features in our pages. For contributions, comments & suggestions, email us at or

E D I T O R’S N O T E Dear Readers of Ars Ducendi, We close 2016 with it’s many highs and lows. The diversity of life has never been more prevalent than what we have seen unfold the past 12 months, both in our professional and personal lives. For the first time since Ars Ducendi began, we are blessed to have been given the chance to get to know Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira – President and CEO of Cardinal Santos Medical Hosptial, and have her as the 1st Lady Leader to grace our magazine. Through Atty. Almira, we learn the value of commitment to one’s personal mission no matter where we are in life. She is indeed the epitome of an Authentic Leader in words and deeds. The journey to Chairman MVP’s vision of a better future for the nation has already began with the MVP Thought Leaders Summit for the student-leaders chosen from all over the country. As we at the Academy open this door of opportunity to the youth, we encourage each and everyone to likewise be that “thought leader” that others can emulate, regardless of where we are in life. We close this year with much gratefulness to the many blessings that we have received. And we open 2017 with much optimism that the challenges we have had to go through be the necessary push to aim for a better tomorrow. Cheers to new beginnings!

Butch T. Peña Editor

How Self-Reflection Strengthens Leaders Writer and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”. It takes courage to Lead a team, but it takes even more courage for a Leader to do a self-reflection.

AD: You’ve had the opportunity to interact with so many Leaders in the

different Industries you have been, what’s strength of a leader do you consider the most important? RAKE: I’d say it’s Self-Reflection. In anything that we do, its very important that we always look at ourselves and how we have fared. Many Leaders make the mistake of disregarding the value of self-reflection. As a leader you evaluate and mentor your organization to improve themselves, their productivity and to aim for a higher potential. But do you take time to evaluate yourself through self-reflection? I’d say a lot do this rarely. And that’s where the challenge lies.

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First, you learn Integrity. In its simplest definition, it’s doing the right thing even if no one is looking. Truth be told, there are those who find that quite difficult to do and that is a fact of life. And it’s struggle for some but when you start to self-reflect and be honest in that you begin to see that you do the right thing AD: So these Leaders, how have they used self-reflection reflection, simply because it is the right thing. It does sound to propel the Organization? redundant but there is no other way to say it more explicitly, and with much tact. RAKE: Self-reflection allows for an increased awareness of one’s problematic performance traits and the ability As a Leader, when you are very clear on your core values, to develop solutions on how to adjust those aspects of it will help to strengthen your leadership integrity and your leadership style. lead you to make better and sound decisions, sound mind that is, that ultimately affects the entire organization. I Just as you would develop a performance plan for an have seen many Leaders where their integrity is often employee, you can develop one for yourself and in the put to the test during the most stressful and difficult long term you never stop increasing your leadership times in the organization. It is during these times that it capacity. can be easy to fall, and fail even, and just be accepting of the easier decisions even if it’s not the right one. When you don’t take the time for your own selfreflection then you are essentially saying you are perfect So as a Leader, it’s imperative that you take the time to as a Leader and you no longer need to develop and review your key decisions and actions in the recent past grow. This not only hurts you and your career, but you as against the core values you hold true to yourself. If this are letting your team down as well. It isn’t just about then becomes “normal” for you, it can solidify the values how to increase your effectiveness as a Leader, there you hold and allow you to make the decision-making are a number of other benefits you can gain from selfprocess easier. Integrity will not only produce better reflection. quality from you, but at the same time it will increase your expectations of your team, your organization too, AD: What are the possible benefits of self-reflection? and encourage them to aim for meritocracy and not mediocrity. RAKE: I could say it’s a lot, that in reality there are so many. But let me just mention the top things I firmly Then there is the factor of the Emotional Intelligence (EI), there have been quite a number of studies on this. believe in. As adults, we oftentimes overlook the importance of On the other hand, I’ve been with and have known Leaders who have that amazing gift of being able to selfreflect. And you’d see the difference in how they are able to lead their organization.




Emotional Intelligence, but we have to realize that when Leaders have the ability to be in-tune with themselves and their emotions, this becomes a very powerful tool for leading an organization. Power, not because you are the Leader and you have control, but really more of power because you are in a place (and in a sound mind at that) where your emotional intelligence has the ability to affect others. You have to be perceptive, I think that is a gift that not everyone has but it can also be a skill that can be developed.

Last, but as important as the rest, is Effective Communication. I cannot emphasize that enough. Here in the Academy, we are for communication. You don’t keep things buried for fear that it will not be heard. A Leader has an obligation to listen to his organization, Leaders should not live in a bubble believing what they say or do holds as law, otherwise, they just opened the doors for an organization to fall apart and effective and efficient Leaders do not want that.

AD: So we can consider Emotional Intelligence as a We build on many facets of EI, studies have gone on competent self-reflective tool for Leaders? to say that it could be two, or three, or even seven! I’d like to believe in just four (4) facets, allow me to explain RAKE: Yes, definitely. Emotional Intelligence is a them a bit further. powerful tool for Leaders to exceed the goals they have set for themselves and their teams. Very critical for a First, there must be self-regulation or self-management. Leader . In other words, Discipline. In this day and age of digital transformations, we’re all for disruptions, but in discipline you have to be able to manage disruptive AD: Any other positive outcome of Self-Reflection in emotions and adapt to circumstances to keep your Leaders? organization moving in a positive direction. RAKE: Truth is, Confidence is a key outcome of selfSecond, you have to have Empathy. It’s honestly easy reflection. to say we have to empathize, but it can be very difficult to do. Especially if you have never experienced that A misconception we have to correct is that all Leaders situation you are trying to put your emotions into. But it are confident. There are just some Leaders who are not works tremendously to know how to feel with a person, naturally confident. This becomes critical because there it makes leading an organization become doable. are those who will mask this lack of confidence with much bravado and fun-fare in the hopes that others will Third, you have to be able to Manage Relationships. You not notice. They think that showing vulnerability is a can’t maintain relationships if you only look outward, sign of their inability to grasp the organization. But we and fail to see where you are too in the relationship. are human! No human is all so powerful not to have a Many of us have other equally important obligations single weakness in his bones! Even Achilles had his outside the organization but we have to be able to heel to manage! maintain a healthy and productive relationship in the But you know, confidence can be learned. First thing organization to gain higher emotional intelligence. 6 AD


you have to do is to believe in your organization and the capability of your people. From there, all else follows. As a Leader, you should be the first one to defend your organization, yet, you should also be the first one to reprimand your team and take responsibility, if the need arises.

I will not even go far, here in the Academy, the journey of 2016 has been such a roller-coaster of highs and lows. But I always encourage everyone, after what could be an emotionally-laden conversation with my ManCom, that we have to look at ourselves to be able to inspire others and have others trust us.

Confidence is crucial for leaders. It helps in effective communications, decision-making, and influence building. The more your reflect on your strengths and how you can build upon them, the more confident you will be as an individual and a leader. If you start to doubt yourself, your team will start to doubt you as well, negatively affecting productivity and the effectiveness of your team. Confidence then is what sets apart mediocre Leaders from excellent Leaders. Am sure excellence is what we’ all want to achieve.

Self-reflection, it takes discipline to do this, and to emphasize it further, a humble heart. At the end of the day, just give yourself some quiet time so you have a chance to explore your options as a Leader and rerun challenging moments to learn from them. In the end your Leadership will improve and your organization will likewise improve.


From the First Pacific Leadership Academy…here’s to the year that was, and the 2017 we all look forward to!!!

Has self-reflection been a norm?

RAKE: Not really a norm but more of it has been in practice for quite some time. Even dating back to the most famous leaders such as Sophocles or even Aristotle, there appears to be a general consensus that the benefits from self-flection are too great to pass up. Despite this long-standing belief in the positive effects of self-reflection, it is usually the first thing someone would disregard believing that it could be a waste of their time. It takes willpower to do this. It takes humility on the part of the Leader too. We’re not perfect no matter how much we wish we could be. There will be days when things are going great for our organization, but there will also be days when nothing seems to be going as planned. We all have had our shares of that.




Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira 8 AD


AUTHENTIC LEADER With more than 25 years of Human Resource Management experience, and a track record that spans consumer industries, Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira leads the Cardinal Santos Medical Center with the same passion, zeal and mission that she has carried with her through the years. As a lawyer in the midst of the medical industry, she found her calling of serving people in a place where patients, and their relatives come seek for hope in an otherwise challenging time in their lives.

Running a hospital and leading a team that keeps in mind the many stakeholders is challenging indeed, considering the circumstances with which people come to the CSMC. But Atty. Almira remains steadfast in fulfilling the mission of the Institution alongside her personal mission of serving the people. Cardinal Santos Medical Center is, after all, PMAP’s 2016 Employer of the Year and Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira is and no other the 2015 Papal Awardee “Pro Ecclesia Et




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facilities and unparalleled customer service.

CSMC uniquely leads in many areas and InMotion From the Maryknoll Sisters; to the Archdiocese of Robotics for Rehabilitation Therapy is just one Manila; to the Hospital Managers Inc., and now with of them. No other than Dr. Tyrone Reyes and Dr. the Metro Pacific Investments Corp., the Cardinal Ofelia Reyes is with the hospital in establishing the Santos Medical Center has evolved and strengthened Rehabilitation Medicine Center. further its commitment in providing the most sophisticated and best healthcare service made CSMC is also the only hospital in the country with affordable to the Filipino people. the Philippine Gamma Knife Center; described in the website as “a surgery without incision procedure When Atty. Almira speaks of CSMC, that distinct for treating brain disorders, heralded by experts for pride in her voice is borne out of knowing that the its extreme accuracy, efficiency and outstanding company she leads is one that speaks and breathes of therapeutic response�. As patients do not need to service beyond oneself. While everyone seems to be go through craniotomy, they and their relatives are vying for the limelight in their performances, CSMC provided ample emotional and psychological comfort has been quietly and steadily allowing its patients in knowing that the procedure is safe and will not experiential innovation with the use of the excellent entail incision.




For a couple of years now, there has also been the Cardinal On Wheels (C.O.W) where patients can request that laboratory tests, cardio pulmonary procedures, ECG, 2D Echo, rehabilitation medicine procedures, pain and palliative care be done in the comforts of their home. And with a good number of elderly patients, this innovation is gaining a considerable following that has encouraged CSMC to expand and add two more COWs for the coming year.

The growing patient-base has encouraged CSMC to look beyond the traditional hospital set-up and they are about to begin operations of a satellite clinic in Shaw Blvd. to focus mainly on holistic kidney and renal care. Through this, they get to provide an outpatient with an environment that is accessible but has the same excellent amenities seen in the main hospital.

With everyone going digital nowadays, CSMC has learned to adapt this and has made available the Laboratory Results Online. This way, the patients get the portable document format (pdf) copies of their laboratory results faster and does away with the need to travel to and from the hospital for something that they can easily access.

Strides to continuously be an Innovator in the field of Medical Science is always going to be a priority of CSMC. An upgraded hospital will, after all, speak volumes with regard to ensuring that the needs of the patients are always the main focus of CSMC’s existence. The upcoming PET facility, the additional wings for in-patients and the recently completed parking facility. All these are to make the patients feel that CSMC truly looks after their welfare.

Patient Discharge Anytime is also a practice that they have been doing. After studying the habits of the patients and the doctors, CSMC has concluded that it would be best to discharge the patient within the instructions of the physician and not lock them in a rigorous schedule of checkout hours.

Unexpected accolades have been awarded to CSMC for all their years of service from Investors in People, PMAP, Government accreditation bodies, Integrated Marketing Asian Management Hospital Awards, among others, have made the journey of service something to continually look forward to.

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OF UPLIFTING THE LIVES OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE When MPIC became an investor for Cardinal Santos Medical Center, the hospital was further provided the opportunity to strengthen further its mission of service. She says it succinctly that “when MPIC came to the hospital, there were a lot of improvement as the company was able to upgrade facilities as well as introduce more amenities. What MPIC has done is that it was (and still is) able to uplift the capability of the hospital to serve more patients, it likewise endeavored to renovate areas so the patients and their relatives would find comfort and convenience�.

in Cardinal Santos and supporting their commitment to be a hospital that looks after the welfare of poor patients.

To date, CSMC treats an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 marginalized patients every year. Quite a feat for a once thought of expensive hospital due in part to its location amidst the expansive residential area of Ortigas. Atty. Almira speaks of this with much enthusiasm, barely hiding the pride in her voice in how they are able to accommodate more under-served Filipinos as the years go by. She mentions the concerted efforts by the CSMC and the Cardinal Santos Medical Center Foundation MPIC has also made a considerable contribution to Inc. in ensuring that these patients are provided ample CSMC in terms of strengthening its good governance treatment, making CSMC truly affordable and accessible policy. This alone has been instrumental in allowing to everyone. Partners and Vendors to place their trust and confidence

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OF SPIRITUALITY ALONGSIDE HEALTHCARE To speak of spirituality with Atty. Almira is one of the most natural parts of the conversation. She shares with us that the Patron Saint of Cardinal Santos Medical Center is Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, celebrated every 27th of November. A firm believer that spirituality spans differences in creed and religion, CSMC is conscious that they treat everyone with dignity and that spiritual counsel is made available for those who may wish to have them. Likewise, worthy to note is that there is much respect for others beliefs and culture, most especially in the most challenging times of their stay in the hospital.

Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira with Ars Ducendi’s editor Butch T. Peña and writer Kay Biason.

OF HR PRACTICES AND LOOKING AFTER YOUR OWN PEOPLE Atty. Almira, Papal Awardee “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifica” and one of PMAP’s 60 great people, considers herself a Human Resource Management practitioner in words, actions and deeds. The way she takes great pride in knowing that the capabilities of both medical and non-medical employees are prioritized speaks highly of a Leader who knows that the success of an organization and the Leaders are the result of a great relationship with the people in the organization. She shares with Ars Ducendi that one of the best things they practice in CSMC is the development of their people, and the relationship that they have built with both their medical and non-medical teams. Staunch believer in helping everyone grow and that a Leader must not be a “stumbling block” in the development of their people. And although she’d want for everyone to grow with CSMC, if there are better opportunities for growth within MPIC or elsewhere, she’d be happy that CSMC could be instrumental in fulfilling their dreams.




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OF PEER ACCOLADES AND CONTINUOUS AIM FOR MERITOCRACY Cardinal Santos Medical Hospital, in the midst of their mission to be of service, continues to better themselves and the way they present themselves to the public by spearheading campaigns that encourages the public to look into the hospital and the excellent healthcare they provide. For years now, CSMC has been winning accolades, left and right, from their colleagues and counterparts from different parts of the world. Just this year alone, two very prominent Institutions have bestowed on CSMC the outstanding accolades for being a valued Employer and for Marketing, PR and Online presence. The Philippine Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) gave the Employer of the Year Award to CSMC besting other equally prominent Institutions in the country. The rigorous process that CSMC and their people had to go through only deepened their commitment to be a hospital that truly cares for the welfare of the patient. This accolade, made possible by nomination of equally reputable individuals or companies, has shown how much the hospital values the dignity of its people and still maintaining the excellent service it provides. On the other hand, the Hospital Management Award gave CSMC the Gold Award for Marketing, PR and Online Presence in the Asian Region, besting 322 entries from 92 hospitals in 15 countries. A remarkable feat in the midst of digital transformations that have been pushing Institutions to be a cut above the rest.




OF THE LADY BEHIND THE TITLE Raised and educated by the Saint Paul Sisters de Chartres, Atty. Almira has always carried with her that personal mission to be truly dedicated in being of service to the people. As she looks back to how she has started in the healthcare institution, she reflects and says, “I saw it to be a very fulfilling one because it is truly humanitarian. I could see the impact of my person directly to the people, and that these people are usually the ones in distress either due to aging or to health concerns, or those marginalized and underserved in the society”. Known to practice what she preaches, Atty. Almira is an epitome of a woman who is able to “walk the walk and talk the talk”. In her years of professional service gained from her exposure to different people from different walks of life, she firmly adheres to professionalism in different areas. Professional Humility, ego has no place in the workplace.

being instrumental in uplifting the lives of the people, it then becomes evident that the Leadership journey becomes a journey with the Leader and not behind the Leader. Self-awareness and genuineness are primordial traits that one sees in Atty. Almira. Here is a Leader who is very much aware of her strengths, limitations and even her emotions and is able to show all these to her team. She emphasizes that what she expects from others, she has to be able to act on it too. Asked how she thinks her team in CSMC best describes her, Atty. Almira humbly speaks that “They see me as a highly communicative leader…a very simple one, and easy to deal with too. Am very results-oriented too, and that they know I like that people are really working”. Atty. Almira, a Leader who leads with both her heart and her mind, who is able to communicate with empathy to the Institution that she leads and who knows how to be direct with empathy. She likewise speaks of knowing when to focus on the long-term, not just what happens in the short-term.

Professional Deference, knowing and respecting that And in doing these, you as a Leader will be able to there are others who are experts in their respective nurture your people. For nurtured people, in turn, are fields. your best allies in fulfilling the mission of your company. Professional Discipline, personally doubling what is expected from your people. There is no hierarchy, and we each have our own job to do. Professional Competence, continue to learn and innovate yourself, including how technology is able to assist the development of an individual. Atty. Almira has maintained positivity amidst challenging tasks and situations, believing in the power of speaking positive words as it affects the entirety of the person. She brings this trait with her in everything that she does, from a radio show in Radio Veritas, to her passion in photography, and to just about every part of her journey.

AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP When an Institution is led by Leader who thinks of spending her life-serving people, helping people and

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OF PAYING IT FORWARD Joining Cardinal Santos Medical Center has been a journey for Atty. Almira, in her heart she knew it was time to give back to the hospital that has taken good care of her family through the years. We close the conversation in one of the most straightforward yet truly reflective manner on what inspires her to keep doing these things everyday, “I made my covenant with God back in 1993 to live the virtues of humility, magnanimity of heart and voluntary simplicity. And I renew this every year. I conduct myself with these values…live a simple life, be humble at all times and be really generous because God is generous”. Atty. Pilar Nenuca P. Almira, Cardinal Santos Medical Center’s Authentic Servant Leader.





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CSMC WINS GOLD AT AHMA 2016 15 countries, 92 hospitals and with 322 entries vying for the Hospital Management Awards this year, Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC) has won the Gold Award in the Marketing, PR, Online Presence category in the Asian region at the recently concluded awarding ceremonies held at the Gala Dinner Ceremonies held on September 8, 2016 at the Sheraton Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

given to hospitals that, as decided upon by esteemed judges and advisers, have implemented or even enhanced their outstanding and innovative projects, programs, and best practices during a specific period of time. CSMC’s entry, the “Integrated Media Engagement Program” (IMEP), was designed to utilize an integrated approach using various medium such as print, radio, television, and social media that enables the Institution The Asian Hospital Management Awards (AHMA) to bridge the gap between the hospital’s suite of services recognizes and honors hospitals in Asia that are widely and its identified market. known to implement best practices. These Awards are

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CSMC wishes to fully maximized by the current efforts of the Institution and be able to look at the market, which includes the Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), private corporations and corporate executives, highly specialized demographics such as senior citizens and medical cases that require state-of-the-art health management from diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. In order to reach further this challenging market segments, IMEP used both the traditional and online marketing tools to improve business revenue through the following means: A partnership with Health & Fitness Magazine, Business Mirror and the Philippine Graphic through the placement of health editorials, corporate health packages and executive medical management services; A collaboration with DWIZ882’s Radyo Klinika, a 30-minute segment that discussed medical health and wellness programs aimed to educate medium to low income Filipinos on their health concerns. Provision for free on-air consultation was also made available including patient referrals to CSMC;

With this program spearheaded by the Business Planning and Development Division (BPDD), through its Marketing Services Department (MSD), overall revenue of the hospital increased by 10%. “With teamwork and collaboration of creative minds, CSMC’s PR and marketing efforts continue to leave a mark with both its incumbent and future partners. By leaving this mark, this does not only mean creating pleasing designs and materials but likewise entailed knowing and delivering to the needs of our stakeholders,” said Dr. Marichu L. Catan, CSMC’s Assistant Vice President and Head of the BPDD. “Our Marketing team deliberately studies the wants and needs of our patients in order to inform about the best services that they deserve - all of which our Institution provides,” she added.

The MSD is the hospital’s unit that shapes what the public knows about the organization, its brand and services by coordinating and producing all materials representing the business. Primarily, the MSD produces An engagement with Chinoy TV, the only health promotional materials for the internal community and lifestyle-oriented show utilizing bilingual and the general public through various marketing communications to effectively cater to the Chinese- collaterals such as print and digital advertisement, Filipino community; event documentation and media coverages, as well as managing and monitoring the website and its official Extensive use of social media through Facebook, social media accounts. Twitter, and Instagram also provided a competitive edge to CSMC by promoting personal well-being and healthy Recently, the MSD spearheaded the internal brand lifestyle changes specifically among the Millenials. launch of the hospital: Cardinal Santos Medical Center Through this more personal approach, communicating - You are Family. This event aims to make each Caring age-related health concerns can be easily achieved as Cardinal Leader an ambassador who will bring this well as reach a wider market segment. brand to life so that the public will know exactly what CSMC truly stands for.






From the 13th to 17th of November 2016, the First Pacific Leadership Academy (FPLA) opened its halls to more than 100 student-leaders from all over the Philippines in a to come together in a summit designed to inspire junior and senior high school student- leaders

to become the country’s next generation of patriotic thought leaders. The 104 students from nine provinces, from Luzon to Mindanao, comprised the second batch of the Academy’s annual MVP Future Thought Leaders Summit.

Roy Evalle, FPLA’s General Manager and Executive Director referred to the summit as an “idea incubation laboratory”, describing the youth as the source of “new and fresh ideas” that will benefit their generation and those after them.





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Cruz, Director of the Center for Engaged Foresight, a Futures Innovation and social foresight hub in the Philippines and the Asia Pacific; Ace Aceron, Consultant at the Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO Bangkok and a research fellow at the Japan FoundationManila; Thomas Graham, Social Entrepreneur and Founder of MAD (Make a Difference) Travel; Fr. Luciano Felloni, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes With the theme “Forging Future Game Changers,” the Parish; Dindo Marzan, Managing Director of Voyager summit provided students the opportunity to learn and Innovations; Jake Letts, General Manager of the engage with the esteemed thought leaders who have Philippine Rugby Football Union; Paul Ryan Gregorio, excelled in various fields of disciplines. Head of Sports and Youth Advocacy of Meralco; and Roy Agustin Evalle, FPLA’s General Manager and Executive FPLA’s line-up of thought leaders for this year, Director. enthusiastically mentoring the students, were Shermon As Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan continuously envisions a country that is made better by the services provided by different industries and organization, he knew that such a vision would only be made possible if the Leaders of today begin to develop the Leaders of tomorrow. Thus, the birth of the MVP Future Thought Leaders Summit.






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Day 3

“Student leaders were immersed in diverse yet interrelated interventions meant to nurture the different aspects of their being,” explained by Jeremy John Pintor, FPLA’s Head for Executive Education and the Summit’s main facilitator. The program was based on James Kouzes’ and Barry Posner’s The Student Leadership Challenge: Five Practices for Becoming an Exemplary Leader, and featured 15 structured learning interventions. It likewise included a 10-course strengths-based amazing race that made use of the Academy’s sprawling 10-hectare campus and facilities.




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While the summit may have ended with a Graduation rites ceremony and a celebratory bonfire on the evening of November 17, the journey of the student leaders has just started. After the program, each of them was encouraged to take on a student-led and student-initiated Citizenship Project as a means of giving back to their respective schools and communities. FPLA, on the other hand, will continue to encourage and keep a watchful eye on the next generation of leaders as they commit to the calling of making a difference as future Thought Leaders of this country.









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Manila Standard November 13, 2016 at 10:40am

MIKE ABOUT TOWN Aside from being a certified Anglophile, I must admit that I am also a Shinnichi or certified Japanophile. There are a lot of aspects of Japanese culture and society that I admire and enjoy—the single malt whiskey (think Yamazaki 18 years), the coffee, the cuisine, the simple elegance of their design evident in fashion and architecture, and, of course, the women who are among the most stylish in the world. There is also Japanese technology as seen in their cars and electronics, as well as their business ethics and management style.

After his speech, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte with the members of business delegates and Filipino community

With Head of Presidential Management Staff Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go and Manuel V. Pangilinan

The official visit took all of three days and while there, President Duterte was able to obtain pledges and loans amounting to around $19-billion. Quite a hefty sum, if you think about it, and no small feat either. The bulk of the pledge, around $17.2-billion, was offered by Marubeni Corporation for short-to-long-term projects in mass transportation, infrastructure, water and energy. President Duterte and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe likewise sat down and discussed the mutual maintenance of peace and stability in the region. Of course, the President had to clarify that there was no military alliance made with China, all to well aware that Japan was also involved in a territorial dispute with the Chinese mainland. An offshoot of the meeting between the President and Prime Minister Abe was a $157-million loan to develop our Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) by providing them with state-of-the-art patrol vessels.

(Seated, from left) with Public Works and Highways Sec. Mark Villar, SM Investments Corporation’s Teresita Sy-Coson, PSE Director Vivian Yuchengco, Press Sec. Martin Andanar, Labor and Employment Secretary Silvestre “Bebot” Bello III, PNB Board Adviser Joseph Chua (Standing, from left) Publisher and special envoy to the US Babe Romualdez, Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Sal Panelo and French Baker’s Johnlu Koa

Japan has been a major source of Official Development Assistance (ODA) through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The ODA will continue even under this administration, especially with regard to agricultural development in Mindanao. To the President and his Cabinet, and to the success of the Japan visit, I say Domo Arigatogozaimashita! Kanpai!

With Press Secretary Martin Andanar, Public Works and Highways Secretary Mark Villar, and PSE Director Vivian Yuchengco.

With SM Investments Corporation’s Teresita Sy-Coson, PNB Board Adviser Joseph Chua, PSE Director Vivian Yuchengco and Go Negosyo’s Joey Concepcion.





With Press Secretary and Presidential spokesperson Martin Andanar (fourth from left), Jun Icban ( PGMA) Atty Mike Toledo (PJEE now Mayor Erap) ,Sonny Coloma ( PNoy) , Sen Kit Tatad, ( Marcos) , Justice Adolf Ascuna, ( Pres Cory), Cong. Toting Bunye ( PGMA), Postmaster Gen Hector Villanueva ( FVR)


Manila Standard November 27, 2016

MIKE ABOUT TOWN The job of Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesperson is arguably the most difficult job in government. I know this may raise harsh opprobrium from former colleagues and friends in government, but at the risk of being branded a solipsist, I stand firm by my statement . Imagine this: the Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesperson must deal with all stakeholders, especially the media, round-the-clock, 24/7. Add to this the need to engage, incessantly I emphasize, with “New Media”. With the advent of technology and the dizzying pace of digital transformation, and you can see how helter-skelter the situation might become. Remember that, in this day and age, anyone with a smartphone can become a “ journalist”, but without the corresponding accountabilities. A Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesperson must consistently engage for the simple reason that it is his or her primordial duty to do so. He or she must articulate, explain, and shed light on the President’s and the administration’s pronouncements, policies, and programs. He or she must explain and coherently present to the public the President’s position on matters of vital interest and importance to the nation.

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Direct access to the President is crucial. Its importance cannot be overemphasized enough. But I’m glad to share that I never had that problem. I had direct access to then President Estrada at all times.

A gift from Sec. Andanar, a pillow with the seal of the Palace

Secondly, if you don’t make yourself available to your stakeholders, you can be the subject of the media’s ire. Meanwhile, over in social media, whatever you say or not say will have its fair share of rabid supporters and equally harsh and unforgiving critics. One must have the fortitude to meet all these and yet retain one’s sanity, poise , and decorum. And you do all these under the glare of the public light. Like a fish in a glass bowl in the middle of a kindergarten classroom. Need I say more? Thus, the reunion called for by our dear friend and former Kapatid TV 5 Anchor, current Press Secretary Martin Andanar, was timely. It allowed us to share with him the wealth of our combined experience spanning 6 Philippine Presidents. Secretary Andanar, the gracious host, was all ears. Clearly, a strong believer in the adage that listening begets knowledge and knowledge begets wisdom.

With Phil Star’s Ichu Villanueva, Deedee Sytangco, Sonny Coloma, Press Sec. Martin Andanar, Francisco Tatad , Adolf Azcuna, Cong. Toting Bunye (partially hidden), Jun Icban and Hector Villanueva

In my view, however, Secretary Andanar faces a more challenging task, not so much because of the inimitable style of his principal ( indeed, change is here) but more so because of the fact that he must face the reality of “ post-truth” politics. This has been defined as a reliance on assertions that “ feel true” but have no basis in fact. There is a plethora of evidence here and abroad of its practice. A daunting task, indeed. But I’m confident Secretary Andanar is up to task. The wisdom and experience imparted to the office by Press Secretaries and Presidential Spokespersons of Presidents past, has ensured that he will.

Press Secretary and Presidential spokesperson Martin Andanar (fifth from left) with his predecessors (from left) Undersecretary Deedee Sytangco (Cory Aquino), Jun Icban (GloriaArroyo), Mike Toledo (Joseph Estrada) , Sonny Coloma (Benigno Aquino III) , Francisco Tatad (Marcos), Adolf Azcuna (Cory Aquino), Toting Bunye (Arroyo) and Hector Villanueva (Ramos)




N OT IO M IN AN M With Philex board of directors Wilfredo A Paras, Atty. Bienvenido E. Laguesma, Juan B. Santos, Oscar J. Hilado, Atty. Marilyn A. Victorio-Aquino, Manuel V. Pangilinan, Eulalio B. Austin, Jr., Atty. Barbara Anne C. Migallos, Michael Victor N. Alimuring, and my co-emcee Atty. Joan A. De Venecia during the ceremonial toast


December 11, 2016 at 07:05 pm

Philex Mining Corporation, one of the largest gold and copper producers in Southeast Asia, is celebrating its sixtieth year as a publicly-listed corporation (PLC). Though the company was incorporated in 1955, it was only on November 23, 1956 that it was listed with the Philippine Stock Exchange. The anniversary celebration kicked off at the Padcal mine camp, Philex’s stronghold in the North, with a tree-planting at the decommissioned and rehabilitated Tailings Storage Facility No. 1 (TSF1). Contrary to popular misconception, the soil that is returned into a decommissioned storage facility, as part of its proper rehabilitation, is fertile enough to grow trees on or even start a forest with. Considering that when Philex first entered the area, the mountains were all barren due to over-logging by previous concessionaires. Now the area is lush with greenery and vegetation. Several activities followed like the Women’s Forum held together with the DIWATA Women in Natural Resources Development group spearheaded by former Ambassador and Foreign Affairs Secretary Delia Albert, medical missions in the host barangays, and a poster-making contest for both elementary and high school students. Philex also saw active participation in the year’s Mining Philippines 2016 conference at the Marriott Grand Ballroom, Resorts World, Pasay City, and at the 63rd Annual National Mine Safety and Environment Conference at Camp John Hay, Baguio City.

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Philex President Euls Austin Jr., Philex Chairman MVP, Pan Pacific Corp. ‘s Dai Nagatsuka and Takayasu Kashimura, and Philex CFO Danny Yu

Philex President and CEO Euls Austin, Jr. (3rd from left) with the recipients of TSF3 Bravery Award to Philex Padcal Asst. Resident Manager Roy Mangali, Mined Division Head Ric Dolipas II, Environmental Quality Monitoring and Enhancement Supervisor Paquito V. Tobias, Mill Operations Supervisor Ryan Pamilagas, Electrical Superintendent Richard Santiago

Philex SVP and Resident Manager Manny Agcaoili and HR Group Manager Joy Sinajon handed the Sexaginta Award for untarnished service to the company for over 30 years and above to Alexander Canengneng, Alberto Agas, Richard Fidello, Albert Ballocanag, Ferdinand Madayag, Alan Gatchalian, Allen Gatchalian,Reynaldo Castillo, Roldan Zamuco

With Philex Petroleum Corp. director Benjamin Austria, former Ambassador & Secretary of Foreign Affairs Delia Albert and Philex VP for Exploration Redempta Baluda

Philex Community Relations VP Victor Francisco during the Tree Planting Activity in Padcal at the TSF3

Philex Finance Division Manager Luman Navarro, Silangan Mining President Yulo Perez, Philex SVP and Resident Manager Manny Agcaoili and Philex Supply Chain Manager Bernard Baluda Philex Rescue Team recognized for search and rescue operations in times of disaster all over the country. Philex SVP and Resident Manager Manuel Agcaoili (4th from Left) and President and CEO Euls Austin Jr (8th from left) with Philex Rescue Team members: Roosevelt Rosalin, Abel Wandagan, Warner Asan, Norlie Cabacungan, Jonathan Ay-Yato, Hilario Villanueva, Renato Joaquin, Alex Cardinez, Danny Dammit, Wilmer Balawan,Reyes Asan,Drake Ambucay

Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association (PMSEA) President Loui Sarmiento; Philex Padcal Legal Division Head Atty. Ed Aratas, Philex former president Ernie Villaluna, Jr. Philex Padcal Resident Manager and SVP Manny Agcaoili, Philex President and CEO Engr. Euls Austin, Jr.,Philex Padcal Mine’s Legal Manager Lionel Wanawan, Tuba, Benguet Mayor Naz Rivera, former Philex Padcal Mine Resident Manager/VP Libby Ricafort, former Philex Chairman and CEO Dr. Walter Brown

The celebration culminated in a series of events at two fronts: for Padcal, with an anniversary luncheon, blessing and inauguration of the Anniversary Park, and Salayaw (a telling of the company’s history in decades through dance) program; for the Corporate Head Office in Mandaluyong, with a formal dinner held at the Isabela ballroom of the Shangri-la Makati. In spite of the many challenges it has faced through the years—the rise and fall of metal prices, the high and low of ore grade and production, coupled with the highly stringent yet seemingly indifferent regulatory environment—Philex has soldiered on through the resilience, dedication, and loyalty of its officers and employees led by its President Euls Austin and Chairman MVP.

With Phil Star’s Ichu Villanueva, Deedee Sytangco, Sonny Coloma, Press Sec. Martin With Nickel Asia President Gerry Brimo, Philex President Engr. Euls Austin Jr. and Philex VP for Legal Atty. Joan De Venecia

Here’s to many more years of Philex, as it continues to live the tradition of responsible mining in the country.




DIGITAL LEADERSHIP “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished” – Benjamin Franklin also be made known that it is imperative upon learning institutions to be able to provide their learners with diverse learning methods and world-class equipment that is in sync with the directions they are taking. Connected Leader and Learner, these are goals that all Leaders must achieve, or should I say must be able What is a Leader to do? Hire a Digital Officer? to achieve. Connected to all areas that needs to be Replace your Executives with Leaders from Internet covered to lead an organization that will bring them Companies? Force your entire organization to learn to new heights. about cloud or mobile computing or even business Change the way we lead, a maxim that we have to keep digital models? working on. Leaders must understand that the concept While all these are sound ideas, extensive research of fear and apprehension exists especially when going on the field of digital leadership will refute such digital, as this could be something that could prove suggestions. It has been shown that as society is unnerving to many. Not everyone in the organization becoming more and more reliant on technology, it then has already embraced it, and not everyone who has becomes incumbent upon leaders of organizations to embraced it has adjusted their facilities to implement harness the power of digital technologies in order to it. create an environment that is transparent, relevant, meaningful, engaging and inspiring not only to them Digital Leaders can then create small, highly but to the entire organization they lead as well. Change empowered teams. And these are the teams trusted and has become the watchword of our organizations. And expected to perform, and they are held accountable for as straightforward as Benjamin Franklin says it, you’re customer impact as they build real-time information systems to support decision-making. Organizations finished if you’re finished changing. can start small, iterate, experiment, and adapt. Effective leadership is an extremely crucial setting. In the end, nothing beats an effective leader, but it must The Digital Leader then looks at their business as As companies move forward, expectations arise. Being a Leader in this day and age is becoming more challenging. The rapid swiftness by which businesses and technology merge means that more and more companies are being disrupted, albeit in different ways.

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platforms, not just as products and services. And they design the platform around systems that can extend, that can adapt, and that can deliver real-time information to all the member of the organization.

connectivity is scarce? With PLDT-Smart’s wide range of connectivity, I think we’re very much covered in that area. Then there is also the consideration for open-source technology, we have numerous programs avaiable to the growing public, from our Operating LEADERSHIP DEFINED System, Database, Applications, Games and even Programming. They are available and part of the Digital You must first be able to fully comprehend what journey that we face. Another is mobile devices, a huge Leadership is. If at this point you are still wondering number of the population carries with them a mobile what will make you or your Leadership truly effective to device, and this has become a part of the Filipino’s your team, then that would not be a good kick-off point. daily life. We are, after all, the world’s texting (SMS) So first things first, you are a Leader and you must know capital, so to speak. Also, personalization is prevalent. how it is to Lead. Leadership today is no different than We’re provided the platform to personalize our digital Leadership yesterday, the difference lies in the way you existence. are able to adapt to the changing environment. People change, and cliché as it may sound, the only thing PEDAGOGY THROUGH TECHNOLOGY constant is change. Goes for both your personal and professional lives. You cant expect a team of two years Pedagogy, the art and science of teaching, will always ago to still be the same now. That would mean the team be expected of us as a Leadership Academy. Gone are is stagnant, and that you as a Leader has done nothing the days when learning is confined to the structured to help improve the people in your organization. walls and spaces. With the advent of digital technology, the means to teaching has extended far and wide. The In the process of contemplating what Leadership is degree of success that Leaders have in using technology to a Leader like you, you must widen your grasp and for leadership could depend in part on their ability acquire a mindset that will allow you to disrupt the to explore the relationship between pedagogy and norm and challenge the status quo using all possible technology. modalities that is made available to you, technology being one of the many modalities that can be utilized INNOVATING LEARNING SPACES AND considering that everyone is going into that direction. ENVIRONMENTS From a traditional Leader, you then adapt and adjust Once Leaders are able to understand and accept the and become The Digital Leader. concept of Digital Leadership, and how to use them to BASIC CONSIDERATIONS OF DIGITAL initiate sustainable change, the next logical step is to LEADERSHIP begin to transform learning spaces and environments that support essential skills set that are aligned with When we speak of Digital Leadership, we take into the real world. Blended leadership and learning then account varying considerations, first of which is becomes the way for organizations to use technology in connectivity. How do we lead the digital way if moving forward.




Culture is still key to the success, as success is largely dependent in people sharing information with each other, partnering and continuously educating themselves. This happens when you build a collective, transparent and deeply shared culture.

more efficient in their key functions which could then translate to better organizational performance.

Admittedly, strong skills are elements of having digital quotient, but organizations (up to some degree) may look into the fusing together of their traditional culture with the willingness to learn. While there could RAISING YOUR DIGITAL QUOTIENT be varying ways of building that enhanced culture, organizations can tap into movements that allow them We’ve all been exposed to the different Quotients such to be agile. Take for example the concept of shared as Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Quotient. With ownership of technology initiatives and products that the rise of the digital age comes another quotient that we will enable for an agile culture. must likewise look into, and that is the Digital Quotient defined by McKinsey & Company as the single, simple Beyond digital strategy, capabilities and an agile culture, metric for the digital maturity of a company. Digital Leaders and their organizations must also be able to use strong and logical practices in talent, processes It would appear easy to speak of going digital, but and their structure. Finding that talent may prove without the proper roadmap, business framework and challenging, and in the birthing years an organization Leadership mind-set needed to follow it though, poised may have to weigh if digital competency outweighs is the real threat of moving to the wrong direction. traditional knowledge. Either a company moves too quick for its own good, or too slow to its detriment. Digital Leaders must be catalyst of change, backed by a solid framework that will enable them to start the fuse Leaders of an organization must collectively agree on together traditional leadership with digital leadership. what it means for them to go digital. This then defines An organizations journey to digital maturity requires how the corporate strategy and the digital strategy commitment from all sides, and sustained investment are going to be fully integrated for deep alignment. in resources, from the people, capabilities, culture and Organizations get their digital strategies on the right technological advancement. Transparency about the track by careful reflection and honest assessment of Digital Quotient must be evident from the beginning where they currently are. They look into the most and open to review and feedback. This, after all, will interesting and engaging digital opportunities and be the foundation by which an organization will move study the threats that go with it. Leaders must also be forward in its digital journey. able to look into the extent of the digital disruption and embrace the opportunities but also be able to allocate resources to move into this direction. For this digital success to happen, capabilities must be in place. Those that require stringent processes and activities, such as IT platforms and technology-driven skills are needed to keep the organization running, must be prioritized. When organizations are able to expertly engage their customers digitally, they become

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How Digital Are You?

It’s always nice to have that something new in you. A new car, new job and perhaps, a new haircut or love life. But one thing that never goes out of the cycle is that new gadget you covet every year. They say September is the haven of all techies and November the heaven of all savvies. But whether you are a techie or a savvy, a new gadget brings joy to each and everyone. However, these questions rise after finally having that most precious gadget: How much of its features do you really use? How much of its apps do you know?… How digital are you anyway? Many of us gets carried away by the fad that runs the world. All are now connected to the web, one way or the other. The digital world has been so vast that coping up with it is already incongruence. Man has really grown into a sapient being maximizing

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every potential it has at hand. Some have already emerged within their respective disciplines with Uber® and Grab® revolutionizing the conventional ways of getting a taxi ride. Tesla made its own step towards an electric-powered automobile that let’s you drive as far and as much as those powered with gas. Undoubtedly, Starbucks has revolutionized the way we do and have our coffee anytime of the day. The modality on how we communicate may long be gone the next day, but essentially, what is vital is that we are able to connect each and everyone around the planet, breaking barriers that divide us; may it be because of location, demographics, language or disposition. The systems we use to transact and do business around the world has far reached every domicile that even shopping can be done while you are in your bed. But with all these how can I be one of those Leaders? How do I emerge as a Leader? What does it take to be a true Leader? Leadership takes pride in championing what is unfathomable, daring to be what others are fearful of and being what others only aspire to become. According to combined researches made from Business Dictionaries and Merriam-Webster’s, Digitization or to digitize is to convert (as a data or image) to digital form whereas Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and valueproducing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business. Now, having these in context, what would we want to become? Admittedly, there are still so many things to be explored and discovered, but what we essentially need to unravel these marvels today are Digital Champions. You maybe just one without you knowing it, but just as Steve Jobs revolutionized the way we do computing and communicating today, we can be our own Digital Champions, our very own Digital Leaders. You may be wondering where do I begin? What do I do? What would I do first? Well, each and every Successful and Inspiring Leader has their own “True Blue Recipe” and success story, but let me tell you this… Your Digital Leadership Journey should

start with these three (3) major aspects:

of MANY. Make the things you want to happen today by working with others and creating an BE THE CULTURE. It is believed that in order avenue for it to come to life. It is not hard to talk to to promote change in a program or anything of each other when everyone is willing to listen. It is that sort, that it has to begin with changing the not painful to hear an insight, or even a comment Culture of the Company no matter how big or when you are ready to understand. Be open, be a small it may be. I assure you, that won’t work, team player, be COLLABORATIVE. it was history for a certain reason, you know…?! Do not ever attempt to change a Culture of any Being a Leader is a challenge in itself, lest, Organization as this would be the perfect recipe championing something that is unknown. for failure. Rather, make the culture shift organic But Digital Leadership creates a whole new, by being the Culture you envision. It is so difficult creative way on how we could do things better. to make people realize a bigger picture more so, Not just transitioning into something new and show them what role they would play in it. It is attractive because it is Digital, but because there far more better of an approach to make them is an underlying realization that this new venture realize that this shift could actually impact them would improve what we have and how we do in a way that what they are doing right now could things today. What’s exciting about this is that we be better off with the shift. It is only through are crafting a new chapter in history where we get the involvement of the people that they would to have a vital part in molding what is to be the be able to be willingly transcending their ways future. We are given a chance to influence how and perspectives and finally accept the shift and this would fly off and create more avenues for actually the Change. Make it simple, make it far more better things to come. We just have to organic and make it felt. take that bold step and get all of them connected. MAKING THEM ONLINE. WORK TO INSPIRE. It has been the most popular scenario and most common dilemma of As we take on this new endeavor of being Digital each and every employee to wake up, go to work, Leaders, not just on the Business Landscape, but do your job, and go home. This monotony has more so in the entirety of our society, we should been the serial killer of inspiration and creativity be ready to take a stance that would inspire others amongst employees leading to a surprising to take the path of not just “Digitizing” their ways decline in productivity, efficiency and interest. but to traverse and transcend “Digitalization” Make your day more interesting. Make your to a whole new perspective by creating value office space more inspirational and conducive for through technological and digital means. There work by introducing ways on relating with peers is nothing now that we can’t do after setting foot and actually communicating with them. Create on the moon, all we have to do is believe, utilize a portal of creativity and collaboration wherein what we have and have foresight of what is next to employees are not afraid to share and incubate come. Your make your dream as part of today, for ideas. There are a whole lot of ways in which we tomorrow would be another day; another day of can improve what we have today, make it seen, be dreaming, exploring and making things into life; heard, be LOUD about it. SHARE. Leading through Technology, Leading through Digitalization… Being Your Own Digital Leader! COLLABORATE. Gone are the days when we use to work in our own labs and eventually have a EUREKA moment! A lot of ideas were born from the introspection of a few and the collaboration




DECODING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Our age has become one of the fastest to develop in terms of technology, means of transportation, medical sciences and aeronautics. Truly, Man’s single step towards the future has taken us to a leap into the next frontier. It can be taken though that mortality is a morbid word, but with the technology of today, you’d be soon out of anything relative if you insist in staying in your Jurassic and Medieval ways. Everything now is fast-paced and just as so, even People Management has to catch up.

Quotient). During the 90’s, it was enough that people can do away with acetate projectors and word processors but the business landscape has already evolved in to an era dominated by Words, Excels, Power points and Projects among many; drastically changing the interface and experience of presenting programs, project developments and milestones for both Executive and non-executives.

More so, the Digital divide has gone up even higher through the introduction of social media marketing, cloud Fancy as it seems, the way employees are evaluated computing and other forms of mainstreaming channels. I nowadays has [to be] taken on a new and different avenue mean, who among us is still not in Facebook®, Instagram® wherein it’s not only important that you have a very or Twitter® right? Everybody, in one way or another, is competitive IQ (intelligence quotient) and a favorable somehow connected to the web. That great worldwide EQ (emotional quotient) but more so a high DQ (Digital web has enveloped the world that even the conventional

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way of making calls and sending messages has gone wild through apps like Viber®, FB messenger® and now, Telegram®! Could you believe it? But with all these made available to us, what emerged most vital is still how one would be able to maximize the potential of a channel [may it be an app, a device or a platform] to achieve one’s goal soonest, fastest and cheapest. The techies and the non-techies need not collide. Admittedly, the divide has been continually increasing as there are more and more discoveries and inventions each hour. The capability of men to adapt to change has to be immensely be always on a roll. Harmony can be achieved only through flexibility. Flexibility and willingness to deviate from the usual and comfortable ways of the past; and the flexibility and humility to listen on what is needed for the future.

Indeed, life has become easier through the various devices and applications we have, and the various means of how we can access the data we need. Even so, these have provided unchartered complications on how we manage both demand and time. But just like a flame, the digital world has grown to be a fire bursting with so many facets and avenues to improve the way we live, contribute to the existing system and continuously provide avenues of uncanny potential. There is only one way but forward and so must we go, we may have a never-ending battle of catching up, rebooting and restarting but at the end of the day, the conquest made us a more promising, more efficient and more digital version of ourselves, not just Ver.1.0, 2.0 but a Version of infinity in all cases and senses possible, Ver ∞, here we go!




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