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Obakeng Mamosadi
Family Bonds
Obakeng Mamosadi- 3rd Year Degree
As we look at our values, my view is through the lenses of my family. How I was raised by my mother, a single parent and the lessons I take to my own family. I feel that as a human being, in order to be known or understood, one needs to be transparent. In order to be understood we need to break down the false representation of ourselves.
My design uncovers a number of layers, which act as a stumbling blocks. Aspects such as relationship goals, the notion of bonding and protection barriers, are values that center me and those I love. The nature of my relationship between my loved is bond relative. The closely related I am, the strong the bond I share with you. Much like my family bonds, architecture can express societal bonds, values if you will.
The Luthuli House is the headquarters of the African National Congress, the current governing party of the Republic. It prides itself for putting people first “Batho pele”. However, this and many other values the party has are not evident in the concrete, introverted and arguably cold building that the party’s headquarters is situated. Its location, in the city center of Africa’s metropolis is ideal but not taken advantage of. I aim to use my understanding of personal values and test these on Luthuli House, the design peals the layers revealing the building’s internal functions, it connects the people with the party through walkways, bridges and programmes. It puts people not just in front, but at the center of it.