Jacaranda Health and Physical Education 9&10 2e

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Palm oil

• Does it contain palm oil?

• Palm oil is used in food products, cosmetics and cleaning products. This is a problem because forests are being cleared to create space for oil palm plantations. Fire is used to clear forest for plantations, which pollutes the air, and animals such as orangutans and elephants are losing their habitat. Palm oil can be hard to avoid completely because it is often listed as vegetable oil. However, if you can try to support products containing ethically sourced palm oil or those that do not contain any palm oil, that is the best move. The Palm oil product guide weblink in your Online Resources provides a list of everyday products that contain palm oil and whether it is sourced ethically.

Fair trade

• Is it fair trade?

• If a product has been certified as ‘fair trade’, this means the farmers and workers in developing countries that produced the product have good working conditions and are paid a fair price. It also means environmentally sustainable farming methods were used.





5.3.5 Sustainable eating


To eat more sustainably, think about what is local to your area, what can be grown in Australia and what is in season. Buying fresh produce in season means it will be fresher, cheaper and more sustainable.





FIGURE 5.14 Eating seasonal produce reduces demand for imported fruit and vegetables. This reduces food miles and the emissions created by transport.

It is also worthwhile considering how sustainable the meat you consume is. See table 5.2 for what to look for when checking if your meat is sustainable.

TOPIC 5 Strategies for a healthy sustainable community


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