• The four well known (Mahāvākyas) are:
• 1. Aham Brahmāsmi (I am Brahman) • (Br. Upnisada 1.4.10) • 2. Tat-tvam-asi (That thou art) (chand. Upanisada 6.8.7) • 3. Ayamatma Brahma (This Atman is Brahman) (Mandukya Upanisada 2) • 4. Prajñanam Brahma(Consciousness is Brahman) • (Eitareya Upanisada 5.3) • These great statements declare the oneness and transcendent and transcendental identity of Brahman and Atman. This spiritual unity of the whole of existence is the firm. Ontological basis of the universally accepted golden rule of moral life.