services Landscape Architecture
Urban Planning + Design not only the art of placemaking, but also the art of storytelling. Each project presents its own unique set of opportunities which allow us to tell that site-specific story with respect to its historical context, current context and future purpose. Our ambition is to create an experience where we delight our clients at every touchpoint throughout the design process. Leveraging broad design experience, digital tools, and interdisciplinary resources; we strive to generate solutions that inspire stakeholder and maximize the positive impact on public health, safety, and welfare.
...pursues resiliant, equitable, sustainable, and value-generating solutions from site-specific projects to city and region-wide scales. Successful urban design solutions reinforce communities by bringing people together, creating safe environments, and providing transportation options for users of all ages and abilities.
One of Arcadis’ core values is environmental sustainability. The Atlanta landscape architecture team blends this value into all of our projects through the use of native plants, locally sourced building materials, and other sustainable design prinicples to create tailored projects that improve quality of life for communities.
At Arcadis we use an inclusive approach to our planning and design efforts which promotes public health, safety, and welfare. This includes detailed research, targeted stakeholder and community outreach, and an iterative process for generating solutions. Whether the project is developing design guidelines and standards, designing and implementing multi-modal transportation improvements, or conducting long-range planning or feasibility studies, this approach allows us to develop solutions which incorporate the needs of all users and improves quality of life.
park design
multi-modal planning
complete streets
multi-use trails
green infrastructure
urban design
transit station design
Jack Cebe RLA, EIT, MBA Project Manager Atlanta, GA
Mario Rojo Jr. RLA Landscape Architect/Planner Atlanta, GA
Yue He MLA, LEED GA Designer Atlanta, GA
Jack has 10 years of combined experience in landscape architecture and transportation, and has experience in all phases of project development including planning, concept design, preliminary engineering, and construction administration. One of Jack’s greatest strengths is being able to incorporate many perspectives into his work.
Originally from South Florida and graduate of Florida International University’s LA program, Mario has experience in residential design, National Cemetery park design, sustainable urban design and Army/Air Force base planning projects.
A North Carolina State University LA graduate, Yue’s experience in landscape and urban design has focused on streetscapes, bridgescapes,intersection design projects and corridor studies.
landscape architecture selected works Marietta Square Improvements Marietta, Georgia, 2018
Arcadis led the design for streetscape improvements surrounding the Marietta Square. Improvements focused on large tree health, increasing and enhancing public space for pedestrians, and addressing ADA and pedestrian safety issues.
Columbus Blueprint Columbus, Ohio, 2019 The Atlanta Landscape Architecture team led the design of several green infrastructure improvements around the Old Oaks historic district. The objective of these projects was to create new public amenities while addressingstormwaterissues. Improvements included rain gardens, bio-cell retention basins, and permeable pavement.
Encore Parkway Alpharetta, Georgia, 2018 The City of Alpharetta and North Fulton CID sought to create a centerpiece multimodal roadway and accompanying gateway bridge that would define the North Point Activity Center and North Fulton CID. The corridor promotes bicycle and pedestrian activity, and creates an aesthetically superb atmosphere for the community.
Town Center CID Parks and Trails Improvements Cobb County, Georgia, 2019 Arcadis has assisted theTown Center CID with a number of park and trail improvements over the years. These parks are all part of the Noonday Creek Trail system and provide playground facilities, bikesharestations,restrooms, and seating at key points along the trail.
Mountain to River Trail Marietta, Georgia, 2017 The City of Marietta selected Arcadis to design one of their most challenging multi-use trail projects. This 2.5-mile project makes a critical connection from Kennesaw Mountain to the Chattahoochee River Trail project and from the West Atlanta Street Bridge over SouthCobbDrivesouthofthe City, to Roselane Street and Tower Road, north of the city.
Windy Hill Bridges Smyrna, Georgia, 2018 Arcadis Atlanta Landscape Architecture team led the design of the public spaces on the bridges over the boulevard below. This included hardscape design of the plaza areas, special provisionsforthedesignofthe planterboxes,plantingdesign for the planter boxes, and drip irrigation hookups.
urban planning+design selected works DeKalb Avenue Complete Street Design Atlanta, Georgia, 2020
Arcadis is leading a twostage effort to improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities on DeKalb Avenue in Atlanta. Short-term improvementswillincorporate a two-way cycle track into resurfacing plans for the ½ mile segment of the corridor. Long-termimprovementswill include a concept plan and reportforupgradingtheentire corridor.
Howell Mill Corridor Study Atlanta, Georgia, 2020 Arcadis led a study to improve conditions for bicycling and walking along Howell Mill Road in Atlanta. Concepts include innovative bicycle infrastructure along Howell Mill and off-street alignments along adjacent low-volume roadways. The final product of this study will be a GDOT Concept Report. Photosimulation by Perez Planning + Design, LLC
City of Woodstock Streetscape Standards Update Woodstock, Georgia, 2017 Arcadis led a planning study for the City of Woodstock to revise street standards for their downtown development district. The new street standards classify all downtown streets by use and propose standard cross sections for each type. Arcadis also developed conceptual layouts for the major downtown roadways.
Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Complete Street Design Atlanta, Georgia, 2017 The City of Atlanta selected Arcadis to provide guidance to the city and surrounding communities along MLK Jr. Dr. formulti-modalimprovements andaestheticupgrades.These developments must traverse historical aspects, narrow rights-of-way, numerous utility easements, multiple stakeholdersandcoordination with the newly proposed Falcons’ stadium.
Midtown Connector Project Atlanta, Georgia, 2020 Arcadis is leading the engineering of a multiyear GDOT concept study evaluating the possibility of capping the Downtown Connector (Interstate I-75/85 in downtown Atlanta) to create transportation improvements benefiting the interstate, local street grid, and pedestrian and bicycle networks; as well as build 25 acres of new park space on top of the interstate.
Marietta Bicycle and Trail Master Plans Marietta, Georgia, 2019 Arcadis led a study for the City of Marietta to provide greater connectivity from neighborhoods to trails by walking and bicycling. The project involves integrating needs and ideas among multiple city departments and the public to develop recommendationsforprojects and prioritization. This will assist the City with selecting projects for their LCI update and TSPLOST referendum.