Sketch Model 1 following the geometric form of a triangle as a bone membrane that will support the person for a ‘nap’. The bone is the solid lines of the formed 3D and 2D membrane, which would hold a fabric/ skin like compond to case the structure.
Trinagular form is the basis of this design, as a hollow 3D form where the solid lines portray the bone of the system.
The back of the suit would also form the same geometric rules for aesthetic purpose, keeping the design components and the rule of the triangular form together.
Sketch Model 2
This is my original design. The idea is repeating similar elements to create a structure that can be movable. In fact, this idea is trying to achieving the force that transferred from skin to bone like umbrella. Besides, I also made an attempt to design the movable frame. That is, the frame will change according to defferent directions of force, which can be much more comfortable for people.
Digital Model Following the ideas of the trianlgulr membrane structure, we trialed some different forms and shapes that would support the head and hold for the most comfortabale and stable design. Opting for a spine like base that mimic’s the shape of the head, concluded to be the most comfortable and practicle option for when someone is to be in the sleeping position. The fabric‘skin’ aids in protection and the comfort of the sleeper.