Development models

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1 Pat hwayatt hecanopyoft hef or estsuppor t edbyt hebui l di ngs. Mi r r or edf acadesr ef l ectt hef or estandapeari nvi sabl e. Ser vi cepi pesspr awloverf acadel i kevei nst oanor gan.

2 Cent r al pat hwaywi t hs er v i c epi pesbeneat h. St andar ds t eal s ec t i onss upor tpat hway . Beamst r ans f erl oadst obui l di ngst hr oughr ods . Semi t r ans par entwal k i ngs ur f ac ei si l l umi nat edbeneat hatni ght l i ght i ngt hepat handt hef or es tbeneat hbet weent hec ol our edt ubes

3 Ahous eabov eandahous ebel ow. Ex t er nal c i r c ul at i ont hatc ons umedt oomuc hs pac e. Conc r et ef r ame,t i mberf i tc ont r as t i nghi t ec hmi r r or edf ac ade

4 Ser v i c epi pess pr awl ov eronef ac adef r om t hebr i dgeov era mi r r or edf ac ade Thi swal l s uppl i esal l s er v i c est ot hebui l di ng

5 St eelf r ameasaposet oconcr et e. Onl yusi ngst ander dst eelsect i ons. Over si zedpat hwaysuppor t s. Ser vi cesi nt er nal i zedf oref f i ci ency ,butcanbeseenf r om t heext er i or .

6 St ai r wel l wr appedar ounds er v i c et ubet obr i ngs ur v i c est ot hec ent r eoft hebui l di ng. Pi peneedt odet ourbeneat ht hes t ai rl andi ng.

7 Cr os sl ami nat edc ons t r uc t i onopensupf ac ade. Bui l di ngent r ac eons t ai r c as el andi ng,s ot hats er v i c epi pedoes n’ t needt odet our .

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