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WEDNESDAYS • June 5, 2019

Look inside to read about: Pg. 4- GRTC receives awards Pg. 9- Majestic Spirit acknowledgement Pg.12- Movie Review: John Wick

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

Richmond & Hampton Roads


Henrico Majestic Spirit dance team receives honor from the county’s Board of Supervisors

Henrico Majestic Spirit has done it again. Last month the team competed in Orlando, Florida and brought home first place. This victory, along with first place season wins caught the attention of county board members. The Henrico County Board of Supervisors acknowledged the team’s accomplishments with a resolution that was presented to them last week at its last board meeting. Read more on pages 9-11.


2 • June 5, 2019


Senate bill increases the number of school counselors in Virginia’s schools Sen. Dance and Gov Northam respectively introduce & sign bill McEachin Education” Governor Ralph Northam recently signed Senator Rosalyn Dance’s Senate Bill 1406 at Boushall Middle School located on the southside of Richmond.. Senate Bill 1406 was introduced by Senator Dance during the 2019 General Assembly Session, and it seeks to change the name of guidance counselors to school counselors, as well as increasing

staffing rates of school counselors at all grade levels. “This is the start of an incredibly important process, to ensure that we are meeting the needs of children in all areas of Virginia. I look forward to continuing to champion this issue with my colleagues in the Black Caucus and beyond, and to ensuring that we continue to

Destined to Succeed Whatever your child wants to be is within reach when you are involved. Your engagement in their education will prepare them for the future. To learn more about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and how you can advocate for your children, visit us at Sign-up for our ESSA alerts at


invest in our schools,” Dance said. Northam added by saying that school counselors play an important role in the lives of students every day, in every corner of our Commonwealth and he was pleased to sign legislation that reduces the student to counselor ratio—an important step in supporting the well-being

of all Virginia students. "Counselors play a critical function in schools as children sometimes struggle with concerning circumstances at home or in the classroom. I introduced this legislation to ensure that every child has the opportunity to get help from a counselor when needed. This is an important step in meeting the needs of our students," Dance concluded.

June 5, 2019• 3

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4 • June 5, 2019

GRTC reports ridership increase and receives transportation award New ridership data released shows GRTC continues to significantly increase its ridership, bucking the national trend of transit ridership decline. When comparing GRTC’s ridership on the old network at this time last year to now on the new network, GRTC’s ridership increased by 17 percent or more than a million riders across local and express fixed routes. GRTC Interim Chief Executive Officer Charlie Mitchell says, “We are proud to prove that a transit system, in partnership with localities and funding partners, can modernize and reverse ridership decline and better meet the needs of the communities we serve.” Today’s data, which provides ridership information through April 2019, shows GRTC is countering the national trend of transit ridership decline and is a model of success. The Pulse, which is GRTC’s busiest bus route, now carries an average of more than 7,000 riders every weekday, double the service’s goals. This is a remarkable result for a new mode of service that just debuted June 24, 2018. In addition to providing more attractive, reliable service across

the network serving primarily the City of Richmond and Henrico County, GRTC is in pilot year, paid service agreements with Virginia Commonwealth University and Richmond Public Schools. VCU ridership surpassed the 100,000 monthly riders mark in April, with half of those trips occurring on the Pulse. It is no surprise that some of the most popular routes in GRTC’s new network are the most frequent routes operating every 15 minutes, such as the 1A/B/C, 2A/B/C and 5 serving major cooridors like Main, Cary, Chamberlayne, Hull and Midlothian. GRTC’s redesigned bus routes are built on a frequency model, prioritizing more frequent routes offering attractive service every 15 minutes with shorter waits between buses at stops in more densely populated areas. Henrico County’s routes have also shown ridership increases year-overyear, including because of route extensions on West Broad Street and service hour expansions to nights and weekends on three major Henrico corridors (Nine Mile, West Broad and Laburnum).

Additionally, GRTC’s seasonal express service to Kings Dominion from the City of Richmond and the Town of Ashland has also seen a tremendous increase in ridership year-over-year. In this second Spring with express service, ridership increased 58 percent from 2,832 riders last April to 4,471 riders this April. GRTC continues its momentum forward, and welcome riders to continue to connect about how it can further respond to the needs of the communities it serves. Public meetings are scheduled in early June to gather feedback on proposed service updates for August 2019, including East End and Southside service enhancements funded by the City of Richmond. In other GRTC news, the transit system is the winner of the Virginia Transit Association’s Unsung Hero and Outstanding Public Transportation Marketing Awards, with an Honorable Mention for Outstanding Community Program. GRTC Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Adams says, “These accolades are well-deserved by our team for their incredible

efforts in Greater Richmond in customer engagement, responsiveness to the needs of the communities we serve, and communication.” GRTC’s Travel Training Instructor Kelsey Calder is recognized with the Unsung Hero Award for her outstanding work teaching a variety of riders with varying abilities how to use public transit safely and independently. Through travel training people can develop the skills necessary to travel with flexibility and self-reliance within the community. Kelsey has been particularly helpful for introducing public transit to people with disabilities, youth or older adults who are hesitant to try transit alone. It is also estimated that Kelsey’s efforts have saved GRTC $125,280 from paratransit customers transitioning to traditional fixed route bus service. Kelsey has her Travel Training Instructor Certification through Easterseals and the University of South Florida’s Center for Urban Transportation Research and was also the first nationally certified travel trainer.

(continued on page 8)

More news coverage available online at

June 5, 2019• 5



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6 • June 5, 2019

Op/Ed & Letters


A transformed voice By Samuel Moore-Sobel

Samuel Moore-Sobel is a freelance writer and syndicated columnist. To read more of his work visit The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 5 No. 22 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online

The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016

Howard Stern is a changed man. Or that is at least what he is claiming as he touts his new book, Howard Stern Comes Again. I, for one, have never listened to Howard Stern’s radio show, although his reputation certainly precedes him. His fame was largely achieved through controversy and on-air antics, including off-color and invasive personal questions lobbed at guests during interviews, along with crude objectification of women. Yet Stern has apparently softened with age. In a recent interview with NPR’s Terry Gross, he credits therapy with his recent transformation. “I had never sat alone in a room with any human being on this planet and been listened to in a real way,” he told Gross, as he recalled his very first therapy session. He described how he began the session by launching into an explanation of himself, regaling the psychiatrist with stories from his youth, replete with imitations. Instead of responding in laughter, the psychiatrist interjected. “I don’t find any of this funny…no, I find it rather sad,” as told by Stern to Gross. Apparent in the act of undergoing

therapy is the admission that we need assistance that we cannot provide ourselves. It requires a certain amount of humbleness, and a willingness to delve deep in order to heal. “…I hope something that comes out of this book [is] that people aren’t afraid of therapy,” Stern told Gross. For many, it might be hard to imagine Howard Stern being an advocate for mental health counseling. No matter what one thinks of Stern, he certainly has had an illustrative career. His net worth is estimated to be over $500 million. His move to SiriusXM in the mid2000’s enabled satellite radio to reach more than 30 million subscribers. His methods for topping the ratings charts (at least in the past) are quite well-known to millions of Americans. "All the sexual antics, the religious antics, the race antics — everything that I talked about, every outrageous thing that I did — was to entertain my audience and grow my audience," he told Gross. Yet was it necessary for Stern to act in such a way in order to build a large following?

(continued on page 7)

June 5, 2019• 7

P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.

(from page 6)

Howard Stern

The LEGACY welcomes opinions from our readers. Letters should be typewritten and include your full name, address and telephone number where you can be reached during business hours.


This question of what it takes to achieve success – and by what means – is a fascinating one. Is it true that one must make sacrifices along the way in order to achieve fame and fortune? If so, such concessions would likely take away from the end result. The methods by which professional success is attained seem just as important as the achievement itself. Perhaps serving as a cautionary tale for those intent on building illustrious careers, providing an opportunity to carefully consider whether or not it is indeed possible to avoid selling one’s soul in order to achieve big dreams. Stern’s most recent book is a compilation of interviews, helping chart his genesis from reaching for the reaction to exhibiting a bit more depth. He tells Gross about a particularly moving conversation with late night host Steven Colbert, where Colbert spoke about the death of his father. He seems to tout this story as evidence of his metamorphosis, although he concedes his show still contains plenty of off-color and vulgar humor. I wonder how this new version of Howard Stern is being received. Has he really changed, or is he simply doing this for affect? It’s entirely possible this second act is entirely a ruse, an effort to keep his name in the public eye while building a more palatable, long-lasting legacy. Has the #MeToo Movement forced him to reconsider his past? Or perhaps this does indeed capture a genuine change of heart. After all, who among us hasn’t changed throughout the course of a lifetime? We, as Americans, love stories such as these. We revel in tales of transformation because we all want to believe that the same could be true of us. We, too, want to feel as if we can conquer our demons and build a life resembling the one we desire. Stories such as Stern’s seemingly provide fodder to the premise that it is never too late for someone to be granted a second chance. As of now, Stern is still unsure of what the future holds. “I’m kind of afraid of retirement,” Stern told Gross. With two years left on his contract, he will continue talking to his audience for at least a little while longer - forcing listeners to continue grappling with the implications of his words. For, those on the radio can say what they like; yet, listeners are left to make sense of what is being heard. “…I want to thank you for staying in radio for all these years,” Gross told Stern, highlighting his decision to forsake other mediums and instead remain in radio for decades. For Stern, leaving radio would likely be quite anathema. After all, it’s quite clear that he is doing what he loves. “I love radio, radio is the best…” Stern said. The interview ends, without a definitive answer regarding the true nature of Stern’s transformation. Maybe this is as intended. For, isn’t it up to the listener to decide?

8 • June 5, 2019


(from page 4)

GRTC’s Outstanding Public Transportation Marketing campaign “GRTC Pulse: More Time For Life.” was a multilayered and multimedia marketing effort supporting the successful launch of the new GRTC Pulse (Bus Rapid Transit - BRT) service in the City of Richmond and Henrico County during Summer 2018. The Pulse links to many exciting and essential destinations along its 7.6-mile route and is jointly sponsored by Bon Secours Richmond Health System and VCU Health System. The goal of the GRTC Pulse marketing campaign was to inform, educate and energize people about the new service. This award-winning campaign translated technical BRT features into understandable and relatable messaging, placed in targeted locations to reach riders and Greater Richmond residents. GRTC Pulse had an astounding debut week, welcoming nearly 57,000 riders aboard. GRTC also received an Honorable Mention for Outstanding Community Program for its “CARE On-Demand” service, which provides GRTC’s paratransit (CARE) customers the option to use a same-day, direct, non-stop trip. This premium, innovative program responds faster to service needs by tapping into the flexibility of the on-demand transportation market, matching available drivers with customers when they want to travel with little notice. Because the cost to GRTC for a CARE On-Demand trip is less than traditional paratransit, GRTC estimates it has saved approximately $382,000 since launching in August 2017. With on-time-performance consistently higher than 95 percent on this premium, direct service, customer satisfaction with On-Demand is understandably high. GRTC now exceeds its monthly goal of completing at least 10 percent of its CARE trips through On-Demand, shifting more than 2,000 CARE trips per month to On-Demand.

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June 5, 2019• 9

Henrico Majestic Spirit stays on winning path The Henrico Police Athletic League’s (HPAL) competition dance team, Henrico Majestic Spirit (HMS) was honored with a resolution from the Henrico County Board of Supervisors last week. Fairfield District Supervisor Frank Thornton read the resolution at the board’s last meeting and presented the mark of distinction to the team. Kenneth Ragland, executive director for HPAL, accepted the resolution on behalf of the team and thanked the board for their continuous support. The team, which started with six members, has grown since its creation three years ago. Dance team members Richelle Atkins, Ka’Mya Brooks, Paiytyn DaCosta-Bobb, Malia Frazier, Emani Hutchinson, Maya Jefferson, Jadah Johnson, Samyrah McElfresh, Kenya Shelton, Kennedie Simon, Johanna Tillman, Olivia Walker and Madison Wright have worked hard this dance season to win first place titles in several competitions, with Head Coach LaKeisha Stockton, Assistant Coach Jazmine Bruce and Dance Program Manager Jenetha Whitney guiding the girls. Earlier in the season the team won a bid to compete nationally in Orlando, Florida. Last month HMS competed at The One’s Cheer and Dance Competition and captured its third consecutive national title. According to Ragland this is only the beginning. The HPAL program has transformative programs in the pipeline that will enhance child development both academically and leisurely. Among future programs mentioned” a STEM program, a possible dance studio for the dance team in the future and a boxing program. “We thank the county for all the support they have given in the past, currently and in the future,” Ragland said.

10 • June 5, 2019


Henrico Majestic Spirit pictured along with the Henrico Board of Supervisors after being presented with a resolution recognizing the team’s most recent victory and overall success over the past three years.

Majestic Spirit waits while resolution is being read.

Kenneth Ragland speaks before the board, thanking them for their support.

Supervisor Frank Thornton of the Fairfield District stands before his colleagues to read the resolution presented to Henrico Majestic Spirit.

June 5, 2019• 11

Dance Program Manager Jenetha Whitney and veteran dance member Kennedie Simon stand together holding the resolution presented by the county.

12 • June 5, 2019


Film review: “John Wick: Chapter 3” — Parabellum

Should the glorification of gun violence, as depicted in this action/ thriller, become a thing of the past? Is that notion worth a discussion? Think on it. John Wick is back. In Chapter 3 of this ultra-violent franchise, this assassin digs deeper and deeper into an underworld of hit men and women who are greedy for conquests and money. Stunt double (The Crow, Matrix) turned director Chad Stahelski (John Wick, John Wick: Chapter 2) starts this tale of lawlessness and adjudication with Wick knee-deep in action. He’s running pigeon-toed down rain-soaked streets, across Times Square, through traffic. Before you can take a breath, a hit is put on him with a $14m bounty. What did he do? He knocked off a member of an assassin’s organization, The High Table, in the wrong place. That kind of loot brings more killers out of the woodwork than roaches scoping out a piece of cake on a kitchen counter. The dude is

“excommunicado.” He’s the prey, and the hunters want him dead, not alive. Hopefully the Stuntman’s Association and Stuntwoman’s Association demanded bonus payments for the 90 body doubles in this movie. Whatever the lead stars can’t do, they do with a verve and athleticism that is astonishing to watch. The action in this crazed ode to human destruction, whether it’s on horseback or motorcycles or in a hotel or souk, is some of the most mind-boggling and kinetic that’s ever been displayed on-screen. The level of carnage is startling—if not overwhelming. Gunshots pierce bodies, heads, knees and throats. Again, and again. Keanu Reeves as Wick is 30 percent a punching bag and 70 percent an aggressive warrior. Martial arts. Gunplay. Reeves convinces you completely that Wick is the professional all other killers look up to. There is no franchise, as we know it, without him. He dominated The Matrix, and now this.

Ian McShane is back as Winston, the haughty proprietor of the Continental Hotel. He runs his business but is under the thumb of a syndicate that calls the shots and enforces their rules. His righthand man Charon is played with stern conviction by Lance Reddick (The Wire). Add into the mix: The Adjudicator (Asia Kate Dillon, Orange Is the New Black), who implements consequences. The stealth killer Zero (cult icon Marc Dacascos, lately of Hawaii Five-O) and his deadly ninjas. A local NYC neighborhood leader, Bowery King (Laurence Fishburne). And a Belarusian ballet master named The Director (Anjelica Huston). The biggest surprise, in a perfectly cast movie, is Halle Berry as Sofia. She plays an old acquaintance of John’s and he needs her help. Initial scenes between the two sitting at a coffee table are dull, like a secondrate acting class. But oh heavens, when the fighting begins Berry pulls out her A-game and is more vicious than a rabid dog. Speaking of which, her performance is enriched greatly by the appearance of two Belgian Malinois. That canine breed was reared to be herders but are now used for policing and protection. Berry and her two four-legged weapons are integral to this chapter and help make it more unique that the other two. In fact, if Sofia gets a spin-off, a legion of fans will follow her. Tip your hat to: Cinematographer (Dan Laustsen, The Shape of the Water), for his dynamic camerawork, rich lighting and saturated colors. The musical score (Tyler Bates, Joel J. Richard), it punches up the frenzy with every note. Spot-on editing (Evan Schiff, John Wick:

Chapter 2), footage is cut so tight it doesn’t give you time to gasp for air. Evocative production design (Kevin Kavanaugh), art direction (Ian Bailie, Teddy Setiawan, Chris Shriver) and set decoration (Letizia Santucci, David Schlesinger) that collectively give the film a masterful look and feel. Chad Stahelski creates a world all his own, taking style hints from filmmakers like John Woo (A Better Tomorrow), Chan-wook Park (Oldboy) and Sam Peckinpah (Straw Dogs). Few directors are this deft at creating a wall of violence that intensifies right up to the end. It’s stunning, relentlessly vicious, soulless and well-planned. The script (Derek Kolstad, Shay Hatten, Chris Collins and Marc Abrams) dishes it out, and Stahelski shovels it to the audience, as John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum builds to a chaotic ending. Fight after fight. Gun battles in rapid succession. And more climaxes than a couple on a honeymoon. You have to admire the spectacle, the rampant, grotesque brutality. If you can’t, at least the target audience of action/thriller/martial arts fans will. They’ll be euphoric. But questions arise. “Should impressionable tweens and teenagers be allowed to see this mind-numbing violence?” “How will they process it if they do?” “Is an ‘R’ rating (parents must accompany anyone under age 17) appropriate? Would an “NC-17” rating (no one under 17 can see this film) be more fitting? After weary adult filmgoers stumble out of the theaters, those issues may arise as they chat over a stiff drink, try to calm their frayed nerves and say to themselves: “WTF?”

June 5, 2019• 13

FILL UP ON FLOOD FACTS. These are a few of the simple, indisputable facts about the growing chances for flooding and why you need to contact your insurance agent about flood insurance. FLOODS ARE THE MOST COMMON NATURAL HAZARDS. Ninety percent of all natural disasters in the U.S. involve some type of flooding. ANYWHERE IT CAN RAIN, IT CAN FLOOD. It’s true; rain causes flooding in Hampton Roads. Over the past 70 years, heavy rainfall events have become more intense and frequent in our area and will only continue to increase. HOMEOWNERS AND RENTERS INSURANCE POLICIES DO NOT COVER FLOOD DAMAGE. Damage resulting from flooding must typically be insured by a separate policy. ONE INCH OF FLOODING CAN COST MORE THAN $25,000. One inch of water inside the home could cause over $23,000 in damages and more than $3,000 in personal property costs on average. WE ARE SURROUNDED BY WATER. Waterways permeate every corner of Hampton Roads, making it especially susceptible to flooding. LOW-RISK DOES NOT MEAN NO-RISK. More than one in five claims to the National Flood Insurance Program in South Hampton Roads have been for properties outside of high-risk flood zones. Flood insurance can offer you some peace of mind. YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOURSELF AS OUR FLOOD RISKS CONTINUE TO GROW. In Hampton Roads, uninsured residents impacted by Hurricane Matthew received around $4,000 in assistance from FEMA whereas those with flood insurance received an average of $35,000.

WANT MORE FACTS? GETFLOODFLUENT.ORG GETFLOODFLUENT.ORG is a regional outreach campaign spearheaded by the 17 localities of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission to encourage area residents to purchase flood insurance.

To find out how to get coverage, contact your insurance agent or the National Flood Insurance Program’s Help Center at 1-800-427-4661.

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14 • June 5, 2019


McEachin congratulates local school districts for recognition as “Best Communities for Music Education”

Congressman A. Donald McEachin congratulated two school districts, Henrico County Public Schools and Chesapeake Public Schools, in his congressional district that were recognized as Best Communities for Music Education by the National Association of Music merchants (NAMM). "Exposing children to music is extremely valuable for their development in so many ways,” said McEachin. “Music has been shown to aid in language development, memory, gross and small motor skills and exposes young people to diverse cultures and communities. Students who experience music performance or appreciation score higher on the SAT. "I am so pleased and proud that both these school districts are providing our students with this important supplemental learning that will help them succeed. I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Chesapeake and Henrico schools on receiving this honor.”

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June 5, 2019• 15





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16 • June 5, 2019




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18 • June 5, 2019



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June 5, 2019• 19

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.