EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Oct. 19, 2016
INSIDE VSU to help train principals- 4 Racism and politics in 2016 - 6 Eugenic victims get heard - 9 Focus on suicide prevention - 15
Richmond & Hampton Roads
Going PINK to raise awareness
2 • Oct. 19, 2016
News Richmond goes pink in bid to raise breast cancer awareness
More than 10,000 people were in attendance walking in the fight against breast cancer. Teams walked in an effort to raise awareness and money for breast cancer research and to help treat people currently battling the disease. Since 1993 the American Cancer Society has been making strides against breast cancer with this walk, which was located at the Virginia War Memorial on Belvidere Street. “This walk represents unity,” said Ivori Locke, a four-year breast cancer survivor. “Cancer doesn’t discriminate and events such as these shows people coming together as one to defeat a disease that has affected so many.” A local Girl Scout troop based out of Henrico County, Troop 921 participated as volunteers distributing water to walkers. The girls, along with their troop leaders and parents encouraged and cheered walkers as they passed out bottled water as participants came close to the end of the walk. This nationwide event has raised over $685 million to fight breast cancer.
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Oct. 19, 2016 • 3
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4 • Oct. 19, 2016
VSU selected to participate in initiative to improve how aspiring principals are trained The Wallace Foundation has selected Virginia State University (VSU) to participate in a national $47 million initiative to develop models over the next four years for improving university principal preparation programs and to examine state policy to see if it could be strengthened to encourage higher-quality training statewide. An independent study will capture lessons from the participating universities and their partners to be shared with policymakers and practitioners across the country. VSU, along with district partners and the Virginia Department of Education, will receive $2.41 million in the first year. One of seven universities selected by the foundation, VSU will receive guidance on redesigning its programming from Gwinnett County Public Schools (GA) Quality-Plus Leader Academy known for highquality training. In addition, VSU will form a partnership with Henrico County Public Schools, Hopewell City Public Schools, and Sussex County Public Schools, which hire the program’s graduates. The idea is both to ensure that the training is revamped with local school needs in mind and to develop research-based training elements, such as providing candidates with rigorous internships in schools that require close cooperation with school districts. “Effective and well-prepared principals are critical to improving outcomes for students, especially in schools serving children in poverty,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Steven R. Staples. “My colleagues at the department and I look forward to supporting VSU and the participating school divisions in this opportunity to align preparation and practice with the needs of today’s students and schools.” Virginia State University’s Department of Educational Leadership offers two programs of study in education administration
Virginia State University President Dr. Makola M. Abdullah (far right) discusses the significance of the Wallace Foundation collaboration with Provost Dr. Donald E. Palm and the Department of Educational Leadership faculty members, who will lead the initiative. and supervision at the master and doctoral levels. A large population of the administrators in Central Virginia are graduates of VSU’s principal preparation program. “We are truly excited to partner with the Wallace Foundation to use authentic engagement and best practices from the field to build upon our legacy of producing transformative educational leaders,” said Project Director Dr. Robert N. Corley III, Interim Dean of the College of Education and Associate Vice-Provost for Graduate Programs. “With guidance from the Wallace Foundation, our ultimate goal is to work with our division, state and exemplary partners to create a model of excellence in principal preparation for Virginia and the nation ensuring that “no child is left behind” and that “every child shall succeed”. A special word of congratulations is expressed to Drs. Linda Noel-Batiste (Project Manager), Tracy Walker, Michelle Belle, Ayana Conway and the entire Virginia State University
Community. “We know from research that school principals require excellent training with high-quality, practical experiences to become effective leaders—but most are simply not getting this,” said Will Miller, president of The Wallace Foundation. “Because many school districts don’t have the capacity to train as many principals as they need or to train future principals at all, the best way to reach more aspiring school leaders is through the university programs that typically provide needed certification. We are confident that the selected universities want to raise the bar for their programs, work in partnership with their local school districts and serve as models for other universities.” The Wallace Foundation was interested in finding university programs that serve districts with large numbers of disadvantaged students, whose schools could particularly benefit from effective school leadership. After a selection
process that included site visits and assistance from experts in state policy and education, the foundation selected these six other universities: Albany State University (Georgia), Florida Atlantic University, North Carolina State University, San Diego State University (California), the University of Connecticut and Western Kentucky University. The seven states in which the universities are located will receive funding to review their policies pertaining to university-based principal training and determine if changes—such as program accreditation and principal licensure or certification requirements—would encourage the development of more effective preparation programs statewide. The University Principal Preparation Initiative builds on 15 years of Wallace-supported research and experience about what makes for effective principals and their
(continued on page 5)
Oct. 19, 2016 • 5
(from page 4) Principal Preparation Programs: “pre-service” training at universities. The initiative seeks to explore how university programs can improve their training so it reflects the evidence on how best to prepare effective principals, and then to share these insights to benefit the broader field. The foundation hopes the initiative can contribute over the long term to the development of a new national approach to preparing effective principals, one focusing on evidencebased policies and practices in three areas: · Developing and implementing high-quality courses of study with practical, on-the-job experiences. · Putting in place strong universitydistrict partnerships. · Developing state policies about program accreditation, principal licensure or certification, and other matters (funded internships, for example) to promote more effective training statewide. The initiative aims to address a longstanding concern that many university programs haven’t kept pace with the growing demands of the principalship, especially as the job moves increasingly from a focus on building management to a focus on improving instruction. According to a recent Wallace-commissioned study, Improving University
Five Themes From the Field, 80 percent of district superintendents are dissatisfied with the quality of principal preparation programs, and many universities also believe their programs have room for improvement. “The more we talk with education leaders no matter at what level of the education system, from state to university to district, the more we hear it is the right time to conduct a university-focused initiative like this,” said Jody Spiro, director of education leadership at Wallace. “We are seeking to learn how these seven universities accomplish their program redesign as an important first step in improving how principals are prepared for the demanding job of leading school improvement across the country.” RAND Corporation will conduct an independent evaluation of the initiative over four years, with a final report in year five. The study will assess how the participating universities go about trying to implement high-quality courses of study and to form strong partnerships with local, high-needs school districts. A series of public reports will share lessons and insights and describe whatever credible models emerge so that other universities, districts and states can adopt or adapt the initiative work.
Red Cross: Emergency need for platelet donations to help cancer, surgery patients The American Red Cross has an emergency need for eligible donors in parts of Virginia to make an appointment to give platelets to ensure critical patient needs are met. Platelets, the clotting portion of blood primarily given to cancer patients during treatment, must be transfused within five days of donation and, therefore, are always in great demand. “Cancer patients rely on platelet donations. Chemotherapy drugs and radiation used to treat cancer can affect the bone marrow where platelets are produced, and platelet transfusions help to prevent life-threatening bleeding,” said Bernadette Jay, external communications manager of the Mid-Atlantic Blood Services Region. “We refer to our generous platelet donors as ‘Cancer Kickers’ because they help patients kick
Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at www.parentsformeganslaw.org. This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.
cancer. Trauma patients, those undergoing organ transplants and premature babies also regularly need platelets.” Seasonal colds and flu are currently preventing many regular donors from giving, and the devastating impact of Hurricane Matthew has disrupted donations in many locations in the Southeast. More than 90 blood drives have been forced to cancel resulting in 3,000 uncollected blood and platelet donations. Healthy donors are needed now to meet the needs of patients at local hospitals as well as in areas affected by the hurricane. While there is an emergency need for platelets, donors can also help by giving blood as there is an urgent need for all blood types. For more information and to donate, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767).
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6 • Oct. 19, 2016
Op/Ed & Letters
Racism, truth and politics
JANE M. ORIENT, M.D. In my abnormal human psychology class a half century ago, we studied Sigmund Freud’s neurotic defense mechanisms. While Freud has been discredited in many ways, his idea of projection seems obviously valid to me—not so much as a sign of a psychiatric illness, but as a political tactic: Accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing. Maybe that’s a subset of “the best defense is a good offense.” Half of Trump’s supporters— the ones in Hillary Clinton’s irredeemable “basket of deplorables”—are presumed guilty of the unforgivable sin of racism. If whites are unaware of racist feelings, they are still there, buried deep in the subconscious, to be exposed by corrective psychoanalysis or reeducation. But many psychologists or The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 42 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
psychiatrists these days prefer to look at behavior. We might ask: what is the most egregious thing a racist could do? How about denying or “banishing” her own biracial child— or stepchild? Danney Williams (above) makes one plea to Hillary Clinton in an interview with Alex Jones on InfoWars: Don’t keep him from getting the proof of what he has been claiming for many years--that Bill Clinton is his father. His mother has always told him so. Bill Clinton, she said, was her only white client. Other evidence is a strong facial resemblance, and the testimony of preachers, his Aunt Lucille, and others. Williams’s mother and family also received envelopes of cash and Christmas gifts, delivered by Arkansas state troopers when Clinton was governor—until, it is believed, Hillary put a stop to it. The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
But who will believe the testimony of a poor black woman, who sold her body to earn money to feed her children, and even served time in jail? Or of other lower-class black folks? Who will trust the childhood memories of a biracial man, who spent a lot of time in foster care? In contrast, women’s reports of being touched “inappropriately” decades ago, surfacing for the first time just prior to the election, are given credence and endless media coverage. Is that because the women are white, or because they are attacking a Republican? Apparently, nobody has asked Hillary about Danney. Perhaps she would give her standard answer: “I don’t recall.” Williams is asking Bill Clinton for a blood sample for forensic paternity testing. It is claimed that “DNA testing” has already disproved the relationship. However, the test used to show that the semen on Monica Lewinsky’s dress was probably Bill Clinton’s is reportedly not accurate for ruling out paternity. Williams takes his five children to the Clinton Library. He believes that their grandfather is a great man, a former president of the United States, and that they are entitled to know their heritage. He is willing to take the risk that the truth he says he is seeking may not be what he hopes, and he’ll have to seek
elsewhere for his roots. It is ironic that William Jefferson Clinton’s namesake, Thomas Jefferson, stands accused of the same thing: fathering children by a black woman. Based on controversial DNA findings (the DNA came from a descendant of Thomas Jefferson’s uncle), some conclude that Jefferson might have fathered at least one child by Sally Hemings, his slave. If so, should his offspring be proud? Jefferson’s reputation as a great man is under sustained attack because of the alleged affair. Is the question about Clinton’s paternity politically motivated? The timing of Alex Jones’s interview probably is. But Danney Williams has been asking for recognition for decades, and has had a Facebook page for two years—and nobody much cared. If Bill Clinton knows he is not Danney’s father, he could destroy the credibility of the “alt-right” media by giving a blood sample. If he is Danney’s father, the right thing to do is to acknowledge his fine son and five precious black grandchildren. Was he not said to be the country’s “first black president”? Hillary says she’s a champion for all children, and women, and minorities, and she wants to be the president of all Americans. Does she have a problem with being stepmother to Danney Williams?
Oct. 19, 2016 • 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
Charter moratorium
On the NAACP Board of Directors’ decision to ratify a resolution in support of a moratorium on all new charter schools. The vote took place during the organization’s fall board meeting in Cincinnati. We are moving forward to require that charter schools receive the same level of oversight, civil rights protections and provide the same level of transparency, and we require the same of traditional public schools. Our decision is driven by a long held principle and policy of the NAACP that high quality, free, public education should be afforded to all children. While we have reservations about charter schools, we recognize that many children attend traditional public schools that are inadequately and inequitably equipped to prepare them for the innovative and competitive environment they will face as adults. Underfunded and under-supported, these traditional public schools have much work to do to transform curriculum, prepare teachers, and give students the resources they need to have thriving careers in a technologically advanced society that is changing every year. There is no time to wait. Our children immediately deserve the best education we can provide. Our ultimate goal is that all children receive a quality public education that prepares them to be a contributing and productive citizen. The NAACP’s resolution is not inspired by ideological opposition to charter schools but by our historical
support of public schools – as well as today’s data and the present experience of NAACP branches in nearly every school district in the nation. Our NAACP members, who as citizen advocates, not professional lobbyists, are those who attend school board meetings, engage with state legislatures and support both parents and teachers. The vote taken by the NAACP is a declaratory statement by this Association that the proliferation of charter schools should be halted as we address the concerns raised in our resolution. Roslyn M. Brock & Cornell William Brooks, NAACP ***** We are absolutely stunned that the NAACP voted to put distortions, lies and outdated ideologies about charter schools above what is in the best interest of our children. It is inexplicable to me that such a storied organization, responsible for leading a powerful civil rights movement to tear down barriers for generations of black people, would create new ones for our children. Not all charter schools are perfect. Just like traditional district schools, some are working very well and some are not. High-quality schools should be supported and schools that are not educating our children should be improved or closed. But with more than 700,000 students enrolled on charter campuses, we must continue supporting them just like we must continue supporting traditional district schools to make them better for our children. Banning
new charter schools will only widen the achievement gap for black children by reducing the number of high-quality options available and increasing the number of names on existing waiting lists. Low-income and working-class black families deserve more choice, not less. As tragic as this decision is by the NAACP’s Board of Directors, we remain committed to working with the organization on areas where we mutually agree to increase access to high-quality educational options for low-income and working-class black families. It is time to break the cycle once and for all of generation after generation of black children underprepared to go to, through and beyond college to become economically independent adults. The NAACP’s decision comes after 160 black education and faith leaders sent a letter to the NAACP urging the organization to reconsider a moratorium and learn more about the charter schools. Jacqueline Cooper, BAEO ***** Charters were intended as part of—not a replacement for—the public school system. But some who promote and fund charters today have other designs, and the explosion of unaccountable charters has drained resources for children, forced the closing of neighborhood schools and destabilized districts and communities. In many places, lax oversight results in rampant fraud, waste and mismanagement. And in places from
New York City to California, charters have been caught discriminating in their admissions to keep out highneeds students. The NAACP’s commitment to excellent and equitable education for all children, particularly children of color, is unimpeachable and well predates those who now criticize the civil rights organization. Rather than criticize, one should try to address the underlying reasons why the NAACP is calling for a pause in further charter expansion. Addressing the issues raised in its resolution—including real transparency and accountability standards for charters—is a necessary step in the fight for great public schools for all children. There is growing consensus, as seen in the Democratic Party platform and taken up by civil rights groups from the NAACP to Black Lives Matter, that we must end the expansion of for-profit and unaccountable charter schools. We look forward to continuing to work with the NAACP to improve public schools and win equity. The NAACP’s opposition to for-profit charters and call for a moratorium on charter expansion is an important statement by one of the nation’s oldest civil rights groups. When strong regulations and accountability ensure that the needs of students and educators are the focus—instead of corporate profits—our communities are better off. Focusing on what every student needs and fighting for equity is what this resolution is about. Randi Weingarten & Lorretta Johnson, AFT
8 • Oct. 19, 2016
Faith & Religion
Clinton should not endure another debate with Trump inspired as I watched the election debates, I have felt that the American public, politicians and the press have been dragged down into the depths of a dark, dank sewer with the manhole slammed shut. The stench has overshadowed real issues, such as the poisoned population of Flint, the black men murdered by police for walking or running while breathing, the carnage of murdered little children piling up in our bloody inner cities and the homeless families increasing because of builders like Trump pricing the poor and middle class out of the housing market. As a shining example of what one group the Donald caters to is the new
DR. BARBARA REYNOLDS Commentary TEWire- Hillary Clinton should not endure another debate with Donald Trump. He has already shown himself as bigoted against immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks, and prisoners of war, such a U.S. Sen. John McCain. He is also a man who calls women “pigs” and gloats over his deftness at grabbing their private parts. This may be a titillating resume for a reality TV star, but certainly not for the president of the most powerful nation on the planet. This entire year instead of being
PROTECT OUR LEGACY After the economy crashed, Barack Obama stood with us. We’ve created over 15 million new jobs since 2010, expanded health care to 20 million Americans, and defended our right to vote. Barack Obama accomplished a lot, but more needs to be done so we can keep moving forward. The Republicans have fought Barack Obama since Day One and have promised to destroy his legacy and move our country backwards. We’ve all fought too hard to let that happen. The next president will either build on Barack Obama’s legacy or tear it apart. On November 8th, vote for Democrats so we can keep this country moving forward.
Trump hotel in the nation's capital where one night's lodging starts at $800 and soars into the thousands. If you are not a millionaire or someone who delights in demeaning, despicable conduct, why else would you follow Trump? Historically our democratic system based on a living and expansive Constitution has allowed us through much toil and pain to rise above the base, selfish, ugly acts of dangerous extremisms. As shown in the recently released video tape, what Trump stands for we don't need; in fact, his values demean us here at home and
(continued on page 9)
Oct. 19, 2016 • 9
Bill to protect benefits for eugenics victims heads to POTUS N&A - Legislation to make sure victims of forced sterilization who receive compensation from the state cannot be denied federal benefits because of those payments is on its way to President Barack Obama’s desk. The bill, S.1698 or the “Treatment of Certain Payments in Eugenics Compensation Act,” passed the House of Representatives by voice vote recently, according to the House of Representatives Office of the Clerk website. Many of the affected people are poor, the bill said, meaning they are eligible for certain federal benefits, such as those related to health, welfare, education and other kinds of assistance. Under the proposed law, the one-time payments made under state eugenics-related restitution programs cannot be considered income or resources in calculating federal benefits. The bill, which was passed by the House in the same condition as it left the Senate last November, was co-sponsored by
a bipartisan coalition from North Carolina, Delaware and Virginia. Central Virginia Training Center in Madison Heights was a serious offender during Virginia’s statewide eugenics program, in which thousands of people deemed mentally inferior were sterilized during the 1920s through 1970s. Eugenics programs existed in 32 states, generally targeting people with mental disabilities, poor teenagers from large families, young rape victims and those deemed “feeble-minded,” among others, the bill said. Virginia and North Carolina have developed programs reserving money to compensate people who were sterilized forcibly under these programs. “This was one of the darkest, most shameful periods in Virginia’s history,” said Sen. Mark Warner. “We should be doing everything in our power to ensure that the victims of this injustice have unimpeded access to the federal assistance to which they are entitled.”
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(from page 9) over his dogged determination in the world. Groping women is not normal. It is unnatural. It is brutish. It is sexual assault. To pass this off as just “locker room” talk sends a message that the foulest vulgarity is fine as long as it is shared behind closed doors. Instead of encouraging the public to cleanse ourselves of hateful, demeaning behavior his solution is to offend and assault those you deem vulnerable and of little value. The kind of language Trump uses provides comfort to tyrannical male supervisor, abusive husbands, those who delight in bullying girls and young boys who would see men like Trump as role models. Trump’s words, however, are also demeaning to “normal” men-fathers, husbands, friends who value women as undeserving of scorn and do not find vulgar locker room talk as acceptable. In the last debate Trump continued his race to the bottom by dragging into the debate hall, a cast of alleged participants in the sex life of exPresident Bill Clinton. Whether Clinton’s accusers are right or wrong, Bill is not running for president. Hillary is and she should not be blamed because she happens to be in the midst of men who have or are acting badly. In fact, maybe all this misplaced testosterone may be one more reason why we should elect a woman president. Yet, when I look at this pathetic muddy mess, I am inspired that when I look at President Obama, I see a man who honors his wife, dotes on fatherhood and whose lifeboth private and public-has not been touched by sexual scandals. With me, I have been fired up and angry with Trump from the onset
of trying to prove that President Obama was unfit to be president by accusing him of not being born in America, even after Obama showed his birth certificates. This habitual actions of the privileged class trying to force blacks to prove the obvious that water is wet and the sky is blue profiles us as outsiders, unworthy of belonging in whatever space we occupy, whether it is as a journalist, wife, or even president of the United States. Yet, while president Obama has served his term with excellence as commander in chief, restoring the sick economy left by his GOP predecessors, the ‘Trumpeters’ are still trying to tarnish his legacy... Days after the debate, Hillary is leading in some polls by double digits. I see no reason why she should allow Trump to rub more sleaze on her by participating with him in any more public forums. We know enough about Donald Trump. Let Trump be Trump and stand alone and continue to embarrass himself while the rest of us prepare to elect someone to the White House who can bring us together and continue an honored career as a public servant. And that of course is Hillary Clinton. From this point on, Hillary should stand on a stage by herself and let her experience, temperament, character and knowledge of the issues shine through. Let Trump star in his own X-rated series alone... The rest of us have had enough of him and we have better things to do like preparing to go to the polls Nov. 8 and taking someone with us. Reynolds, an award-winning journalist, author, and activist, is a freelance columnist and was a founding editor of USA Today.
10 • Oct. 19, 2016
Web series on black stereotypes adds levity to U.S. race discussions Nope. No way. Heck no. Nah. Black folks don’t vote Republican … or do they? The fourth and final season of “Black Folk Don’t,” the satirical documentary web series featured in Time magazine’s “10 Ideas That Are Changing Your Life,” is back just in time for the 2016 presidential election. The series takes up the voting habits of African-Americans so crucial to this year’s hotly contested political battle. Directed by Angela Tucker, the alternately comical, educational and profound
series both clings to and challenges common stereotypes of AfricanAmericans. “Black Folk Don’t,” a project of TuckerGurl LLC, is funded by National Black Programming Consortium (NBPC) and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and can be seen on NBPC’s official website BlackPublicMedia.org. This season the series, which is executive produced by NBPC, heads to Chicago for interviews with Dr. Amara Enyia, who ran for Chicago mayor against Rahm Emanuel; Anthony Anderson, a Trump delegate
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Angela Tucker in Illinois; Charlene Carruthers, black queer feminist organizer of Black Youth Project 100; Jamila Woods, poet and vocalist who has collaborated with Chance the Rapper; and Kyra Kyles, editor-in-chief of Ebony magazine; as well as with prominent Chicagoan musicians, professors, activists and lawyers. The first episode, “Black Folk Don’t …Vote Republican” premiered on Monday, Sept. 26. Additional episodes of the series, which both inspires intelligent debate and sparks outrage, air weekly on Mondays and include “Black Folk Don’t … Listen to Classical Music” (Oct. 3), “Black Folk Don’t … Buy Homes” (Oct. 10), “Black Folk Don’t … Know Their History” (Oct. 17), “Black Folk Don’t … Do Buddhism” (Oct. 24) and “Black Folk Don’t … Get Anywhere on Time” (Oct. 31). “Since last season aired, black people have been inundated with a constant stream of news of the violence being unleashed against
the population, so I thought it was important to bring some humor back into the race discussion,” said Tucker. “And Chicago, a huge, complicated city with such a rich history and a cross section of Black people from across the country due to the Great Migration, seemed the perfect setting.” “‘Black Folk Don’t’ has been one of NBPC's most engaging and talkedabout web series since its launch in 2011. Its satirical look at stereotypes has flipped the conversation on race without shying away from tough topics but instead treating them with honesty, humor and insightfulness,” said NBPC Director of Programs and Acquisitions Kay Shaw. “The series may end, but ‘Black Folk Don’t’ is now part of the public's vernacular.” Past episodes of the series have included such varied topics as Black Folk Don’t…Do Winter Sports, Adopt, Tip, Get Married, Join the NRA, Have Eating Disorders and Live to the End of a Horror Movie.
Oct. 19, 2016 • 11
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12 Oct.5,19, 2016 2 ••Oct. 2016
Despite record setting day, Panthers fall 54-21 GEORGE STROTHER
MURFREESBORO- Despite a record setting day for both teams, the Chowan Hawks racked up 631 yards in total offense, defeating the Some Virginia residents have Virginia Union University’s Panthers been receiving confusing mailers 54-21 on Saturday afternoon at from outside groups that incorrectly Garrison Stadium. The Hawks move appear be season from state to 5-2 ontothe and election 3-1 in CIAA officials. reachingVirginia a level where play withNow the victory. Union the Virginia Department of Elections falls to 4-2 overall and 3-1 in league is stepping insetback. to set the record play with the straight. Chowan’s Randall Dixon led the Calling the leaders “misleading,” passing attack, setting a school a statement notes the letters include the street address and
record 412 passing yards on 22 completions with two touchdowns in the victory. The Hawks’ running game was led by Tyree Lee, who rushed for 154 yards on 25 carries, tying the school’s single game contact information of the Virginia rushing touchdown record with four Department on the day. of Elections office. ‘These letters did not comehave frombeen For the Panthers, there the department and are not official some pretty good quarterbacks to election mail,”center the agency said in a line up under for the Virginia statement. Union Panthers over the years, It identifies two organizations that none of them ever had the day that appear to be responsible for some Shawheem Dowdy had Saturday of the mailings, America’s Future and afternoon at Garrison Stadium. the Voter Participation Center. America’s Future clearly is a right-
Despite the loss, the senior signal caller broke the Panthers’ singlegame passing completion record, completing 31 of 68 passes for 380 yards and two touchdowns in the loss. The 380 yards passing ranks leaning while the Lamar Voter third in organization school history, behind Participation Center is an outfit Little’s 455 yard performance in 2007 geared registering voters and Carltoward Wright's 406 yard performance primarily among unmarried in 1990. The 31 completions white eclipses females, and millennials. Dowdy’s minorities previous record of 29 “Letters sent by these organizations completion set against Slippery Rock in have reportedly been addressed 2015 NCAA Playoffs. toVUU's individuals whoKelly were finished already the Lavatiae properly registered, are not qualified day with eight receptions for 127 to register at the mailing address or are deceased,” according to elections
yards. Jusse Yorke had 10 catches, one of which resulted in a touchdown. Virginia Union's William Stanback rushed for his 11th touchdown of the season and also caught a pass for another score. The loss drops VUU Commissioner Edgardo to 4-3 overall and 3-1 inCortés. CIAA play. ThePanther’s department saystoitHistoric has The return received numerous phone from Hovey Field to face Bowiecalls State voters who wondered about why they University in a nationally t elevised received letters. game onthe ESPN 3 which could “As a reminder, Virginiaofvoters determine the champion the CIAA can always confirm current Northern Division. their The Panthers voter registration status and and the Bulldogs kickoff at 1submit p.m. on necessary updates on the Department Saturday, Oct. 22, in Richmond of Elections” secure Citizen Portal at vote.virginia.gov,” said Cortés.
Voters confused by suspect registration letters
Oct. 19, 2016 • 13
With Clinton strong in Va., McAuliffe role understated WIRE RICHMOND—With longtime friend Hillary Clinton looking strong in Virginia, Gov. Terry McAuliffe sounds a bit like the bored Maytag repairman. He’s keeping a close watch on how the state is shaping up for the Democratic presidential nominee, checking polls daily and regularly calling campaign staff. “He definitely checks in a lot,” said Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook. But there isn’t a whole lot for McAuliffe to do. Virginia was supposed to be a key battleground state and the high energy governor was expected to bounce around the Old Dominion in the run up to Election Day, helping Clinton pursue the state’s 13 electoral votes. A former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, McAuliffe is part of Clinton’s inner circle and was chairman of her failed 2008 presidential bid. A loss this year in Virginia would be a blow to McAuliffe’s political reputation, but the expected high stakes battle has not lived up to the hype. The governor says Clinton has maintained a lead of 7 to 12 percentage points for months in the internal polls he looks at nightly. Public polling has also shown Clinton with consistent leads and Clinton has shifted money, personnel and campaign visits to other states. Republican Donald Trump and running mate Mike Pence have been frequent visitors, but the campaign has not invested heavily in media advertising here. Last week, the Trump campaign said it was shifting some staff to North Carolina. That’s left McAuliffe to take an understated approach to helping Clinton—largely hosting fundraisers and trying to pump up campaign volunteers on weekends. “What I mostly do is check in with the team to make sure everything is moving smoothly,” said McAuliffe. “You know, maybe it would be a different story today if we were ten points down, but we’ve been up for so
long here.” The governor has spent years helping Clinton indirectly. McAuliffe has raised and spent tens of millions boosting the Democrats’ ability to target voters and get them to vote, both during his pricey 2013 gubernatorial run and in the 2015 legislative races. Mook said that investment has been helpful, but McAuliffe’s greatest contribution has been as governor focused on creating jobs, increasing investment in education and pulling in solid approval ratings. “Honestly, the most helpful thing that we have is his success,” said Mook, who also managed McAuliffe’s
(continued on page 15)
. E M A G Y L I VE 14 • Oct. 19, 2016
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Oct. 19, 2016 • 15
“Ask The Question” to prevent suicide launches Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services (MH&DS) has launched a suicide-prevention campaign — Ask The Question — to encourage people to speak up if someone close to them appears in distress. The campaign asks individuals to reach out with the simple question “Are you thinking about suicide?” if a friend, neighbor or loved one indicates that he or she might be contemplating such action. By initiating a dialogue, individuals can be directed to support services and other resources. The campaign, spearheaded by the Prevention Services unit of MH&DS, is using social media as well as advertisements on GRTC Transit System buses that will run through the end of 2016. “This is a very vulnerable time of year for a lot of people,” said Dr. Patricia Hill, Prevention Services manager with MH&DS. “The message behind the Ask The Question campaign is to keep spreading information to save lives.” Below are 10 questions and answers about suicide prevention. 1) How do you know someone might be suicidal? You may hear them say statements like: “I wish I was never
born” and “Your life would be so much better without me”. 2) What behaviors are warning signs for suicide? Some people may keep their thoughts and plans for suicide to themselves, which makes helping them very difficult. However, those considering suicide sometimes show signs that they are thinking, preparing, or seeking the means to carry it out. Suicide warning signs include: Appearing agitated, anxious, irritable, becoming extremely sensitive and strongly reactive to criticism. 3) If a person seems troubled, is it safe to ask if they are thinking about hurting themselves? Can asking increase the danger of suicide? It is a myth that asking questions will increase the chance people will harm themselves. Asking questions shows you care. 4) What kind of questions can you ask someone if you are worried about their mental health? Here are some questions you can ask: “You seem really depressed lately – how are you handling that? Getting help?” “Do you think about hurting yourself?” “Are you feeling hopeless?” 5) What if you are not sure what to make of the answer, or the person is resisting help? If you are
(from page 13)
importance of reaching for this goal,” Kaine wrote in a memo archived at the Library of Virginia. McAuliffe said a Clinton victory in Virginia would be an “important milestone” for him personally but scoffs at the notion that it’s his whole reason for being in the Executive Mansion. It’s a charge Republicans have made often since McAuliffe took office. For instance, when McAuliffe moved to restore voting and other civil rights to more than 200,000 felons, Republicans said it was a ploy to “ensure that convicted pedophiles, rapists, and domestic abusers can vote for Hillary Clinton.” McAuliffe has denied that his move to restore voting rights was politically motivated and said his top focus has always been, and will remain, on running the state. “Hillary and I have talked about this a lot: the best thing I can do for her is to do a good job as governor,” McAuliffe said.
2013 gubernatorial race. Trump’s acting campaign chairman in Virginia, John Fredericks, said polls have never accurately reflected the billionaire businessman’s popularity. Fredericks said McAuliffe’s spending won’t be able to match the enthusiasm of Trump’s supporters. “This is the epic battle: it’s McAuliffe’s paid staff operatives versus our army of volunteers,” Fredericks said. Helping a presidential candidate win Virginia is a way for the Old Dominion’s governors—who are limited to one consecutive term—to help burnish their reputations. Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, told his staff when he was Virginia’s governor that flipping the state from a reliable red state to a blue state in the 2008 presidential election would be a “huge legacy item for us.” “I cannot overestimate the
in relationship with someone and you are fearful they might hurt themselves, tell them so. You can say, “I am worried about you.” “I care about you.” 6) If you ask someone “Have you thought about hurting yourself?” and the answer is yes, can you believe the answer? I would urge you to believe the answer. They are telling you they need help! 7) What do you do with the answer? What do you do when you realize, for example, “my child just said: “I’ve thought about taking all the medicine in the cabinet….’”? If your child has told you something that shows a thought-out way they would end their life or hurt themselves, call their therapist, a suicide prevention hotline, hospital, or 911. 8) What if I suspect that my child is just being dramatic? A person who feels enough emotional pain to make desperate statements needs someone to assist them in getting support. 9) Isn’t suicide rare? Suicide is not nearly as rare as people think. 10) Who is at greatest risk of
suicide? The suicide rate peaks in the spring and the fall, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ask The Question encourages individuals to raise awareness and share their experiences using #ATQ16 on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. A webpage, henricoprevention.org/atq16, provides links to information and resources, including a quiz, warning signs that someone may be experiencing mental health distress and access to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) and other support organizations. Each year in Virginia, three times as many people die by suicide than by homicide, and one person commits suicide every eight hours on average. Suicide also is the second leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 34 in the state.
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16 • Oct. 19, 2016
10.20, 6:30 p.m.
The city of Richmond, Pine Camp Arts and Community Center in partnership with Justice Services professionals, will host “Healing Hearts with Art: The Theory and Practice of Restorative Justice” with Dr. Howard Zehr. Focus on the many ways art functions in a community to restore peace, well-being and inclusivity after the trauma of crime and incarceration. Dr. Howard Zehr lecture on Restorative Justice will be an informative and lifechanging evening of discussion on restorative justice and the traumatic effects of incarceration on the community. Healing Hearts with Art seminar includes a panel discussion with Dr. Zehr, City, and State representatives; a production of “Love Locked Down Theatre Project”and break-out therapy art sessions. Free and open to the public, box lunch will be provided for RSVPs received. RSVP with Danita Green 804-646-3674 or Danita.Green@ richmondgov.com. Participants can learn about the process of purchasing a home and obtaining a mortgage at a free seminar offered by Virginia Credit Union. The First-time Homebuyers Seminar will be held at Virginia Credit Union in the Boulders Office Park, 7500 Boulder View Drive, Richmond. Mortgage experts will be on hand to answer specific questions. To register to attend, call 804323-6800 or visit https://www.vacu. org/Learning_Planning/Financial_ Education/Seminars_Workshops/ First-time_Home_Buyers.aspx
One-stop for travel planning and booking. We’ll do the work so you don’t have to.
10.25, 5:30 p.m.
10.26, 11 a.m.
Join the Library of Virginiaduring its “Books on Broad” series as Margot Lee Shetterly discusses “Hidden Figures”, which tells the story of the pioneering African American women at NASA who did the calculations that made space flight a reality at a time when Jim Crow laws ensured that NASA was segregated. Called human computers, these brilliant mathematicians completed incredibly challenging calculations by hand. Shetterly, who grew up in Hampton, is an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow and received a Virginia Foundation for the Humanities grant for research into the history of women in computing. The event will be held at 800 E. Broad St., Richmond, and begins with a reception with wine and cheese at 5:30–6 p.m., followed by a book talk 6 –7 p.m., and book signing from 7 – 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 804-692-3592.
The Henrico County Health Department will offer free flu vaccinations to the public at clinics in western and eastern Henrico. The seasonal flu shots will be provided from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. at the Mount Vernon Adult Education Center, 7850 Carousel Ln. and from 3 - 7 p.m. at the Henrico Theatre, 305 E. Nine Mile Rd. in eastern Henrico. The vaccine will be available to individuals age 3 and older on a first-come, first-served basis. Nasal vaccine will not be offered at the clinics. Flu, or influenza, is a serious disease that can be easily spread and lead to hospitalization and sometimes death, particularly in older adults. Flu season in the United States, when flu viruses are circulating at elevated levels, runs generally from early October through May. For more information, go to henrico. us/health.
10.26, 6:45 p.m.
10.30, 3 p.m.
HCA Virginia’s Retreat Doctors’ Hospital and West Creek Emergency Center will be offering free flu shots for the community through their emergency departments. The flu shots will be administered to the public beginning today and will be available this season until supplies are no longer available. Locations are as follows: · West Creek Emergency Center, 12720 Tuckahoe Creek Court, RVA · Retreat Doctors’ Hospital, 2621 Grove Avenue, Richmond Flu shots will be given to adults ages 18 and over while supplies last. No appointments necessary. For more information call 804-307-2224.
M ...advertised here. oments &e m o r i e s
Join the Virginia Historical Society (VHS) for a special Community Idea Stations and VHS members-only preview screening of “The First Official Thanksgiving”. Produced by WCVE, “The First Official Thanksgiving” recounts, for the first time in documentary film, the story of Thanksgiving in 1619, at what is today Berkeley Plantation in Charles City County. Watch this groundbreaking film before its national distribution with the people who made it possible. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The film begins at 7 p.m. This event is free for Community Idea Stations and VHS members. Seating is limited and reservations are required. Reserve online and bring your VHS membership card to the event. VHS is located at 428 North Boulevard, Richmond. For more information, call 804-358-4901.
The NAACP Virginia State Convention, will feature the following: - Friday’s lunch speaker is Rev. Dr. John W. Kinney, Dean of the School of Theology at Virginia Union University. - Saturday’s lunch - Gov. Terry McAuliffe has been invited, but is not confirmed. - Saturday Freedom Fund NAACP, chair, National Board of Directors Rev. Dr. Roslyn M. Brock is speaker. - Sunday Prayer Breakfast/ Memorial - Dr. Shakina D. Rawlings, Pastor, Kingdom Fellowship Church, Alexandria. For information, call NAACP Virginia office at 800-426-2227 or 804-321-5678 or visit the website www.vscnaacp.org.
The Hampton Branch NAACP will sponsor its 45th Annual Life Membership Awards Banquet at the Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Coliseum Drive, Hampton. Members who have acquired their “NAACP Life Membership” will be honored. This year’s theme is “Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count.” U. S. Congressman James E. Clyburn, assistant Democratic leader in the 114th Congress, the number three Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, the leadership liaison to the Appropriations Committee, and more, will be the keynote speaker. President Barack Obama has said, “He is one of a handful of people who, when they speak, the entire Congress listens.” For more information, call 757-8271768 or 757-826-9078.
Submit your calendar events by email to: editor@legacynewspaper.com. Submission deadline is Friday.
Oct. 19, 2016 • 17
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18 • Oct. 19, 2016
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Oct. 19, 2016 • 19
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156-1014 HAMPTON SOLICITATION The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified. HAMPTON CITY SCHOOLS Tuesday, November 8, 2016 2:00 pm ET – ITB 17-170433/EA Television Broadcast Equipment Tuesday, November 15, 2016 2:00 pm ET – ITB 17-17067/TM Elementary, Middle and High School Agendas HAMPTON CITY Tuesday, November 8, 2016 2:30 pm ET– RFP 17-36/CLP Repairs to existing Hampton Police Firing Range A non-mandatory attendance site visit meeting will be scheduled in the near future. Thursday, November 10, 2016 11:00 am ET– ITB 17-35/CLP Furnish and install furniture at the Hampton Roads Convention Center located at 1610 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, VA 23669. A Mandatory attendance site visit meeting will be held Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:00 AM (EST) For additional information, see our web page at http://www.hampton.gov/bids-contracts A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.2-4330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals. Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate. Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance
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