EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Oct. 26, 2016
The power of women voters- 3 ‘On their way to jail’ anyway - 4 Pausing for breast cancer month - 9 Toll relief for Tidewater residents - 15
Richmond & Hampton Roads
NYC mayor stumps for Clinton-Kaine in Virginia
The north came to the south this weekend when New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio paid a visit to Richmond. In one of his stops, de Blasio spent time with the congregants of New Bridge Baptist Church (NBBC) in Henrico County. While there he shared how Virginia is one of the states in the center of change for the country and has the power to change the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. “It was a pleasure to have Mayor de Blasio speak to our congregation and encourage our members to go out and vote,” said Rev. Marcus Martin, pastor at NBBC. “The stakes couldn’t be higher in this election,” he continued. “There will be appointments of Supreme Court justices. Laws and policies dealing with issues like stop and frisk and education will be at the forefront. We have to get out and vote.” Virginia is one of the states former secretary of state and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is hoping to turn blue this election. Mayor de Blasio doesn’t refer to Virginia as a swing state however. He renamed Virginia a “decisive” state that has the power to determine where citizens are going as a country and a people. There are a lot of decisive people in Virginia that Mayor de Blasio says can make a difference. He questioned whether people would participate in the voting process. He points out that there are a handful of states up for grabs that will make the difference in the upcoming election and Virginia could change the path of the country. “You’re not just voting for yourselves and your family and community,” Mayor de Blasio said. “You are voting for the rest of us.” He continued, “We need to make change in a more urgent fashion. We need to have a title wave of people coming out and getting involved. We can’t change things a little. We need big change.” While not telling congregants who to vote for, Mayor de Blasio did share some issues the country is facing that he feels Clinton could move the country forward on. Those issues are family, economic fairness and community policing. Mayor de Blasio says it’s not just that Clinton would be the first woman president of the U.S. or that she has a direct perspective of a mother or grandmother. It’s what she has devoted her life and her life’s work to according to Mayor de Blasio. He directed attention to her work at the children’s defense fund. “She understands the need of children and families in a way no other president in our history has understood,” he said. Clinton and Mayor de Blasio share the same view on Pre-K for children. Mayor de Blasio is a huge advocate for universal Pre-K and the availability of publicly funded pre-kindergarten programs for all New York City residents. “It should be universal. It should be a right because all of our children should be uplifted and they can learn when they’re young. That should be the standard in this country,” the (continued on page 2) mayor said. He stated further that
2 • Oct. 26, 2016
News Trump recovers slightly from lowest point, but Clinton still holds 12-point lead among Va. voters
NEWPORT NEWS – Republican Donald Trump rebounded slightly from his low point after the “Access Hollywood” tape disclosure, but Democrat Hillary Clinton still holds a double-digit lead in Virginia, according to the most recent tracking survey released by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Clinton leads Trump among likely voters in Virginia, 45-33 percent. “While Trump appears to have recovered a little of the support he
lost after the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape, his reach continues to be no higher than the mid-30s,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, director of the Wason Center. “That ceiling is far too low to win, especially as Clinton’s share continues to rise.” The survey was conducted Oct. 1619 among 834 likely Virginia voters, prior to the third presidential debate. It has an overall margin of error of +/- 3.9 percent. A party loyalty gap has persisted since the tracking poll began in
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September, with 72 percent of Republicans now supporting Trump while 88 percent of Democrats support Clinton. Independents are edging toward Clinton, with 44 percent supporting her now, compared with 21 percent in September. That swing has come mostly at the expense of Libertarian Gary Johnson. Regionally, Northern Virginia saw no Trump rebound, while Clinton continued to gain there, leading now 57-21 percent. Trump topped 50
(from page 1) Clinton would be the first president to go to Washington and say the country doesn’t give Pre-K to its kids and that it’s unfair. “Hillary is the person who truly wants to make those changes and knows how to make those changes in our society.” Mayor de Blasio also shed light on how people are now calling out for fairness and justice in the economy. He realizes that a large majority of the U.S. population can’t get by on the wages they make and the difficulty they experience just to make ends meet. “How many people we know are working and have tough schedules trying to balance children and sometimes elders just to make it all work,” he questioned. An answer according to Mayor de Blasio is off of Clinton’s platform:
percent for the first time in his only regional stronghold, the rural and mountain South/Southwest, where he leads Clinton, 51-30. “Clinton’s continued rise in Northern Virginia tells the larger story of political change in Virginia,” said Dr. Rachel Bitecofer, assistant director of the Wason Center. “Bluer and bluer voters in suburban Washington, and their like in Richmond and Hampton Roads, far outweigh rural voters’ preference for Trump.”
put resources where they need to be for job creation and hold people accountable for paying their taxes. “Tax the wealthy and make them pay their fair share in this country,” he said. Last, in leading 8.5 million New Yorkers Mayor de Blasio knows first hand that stop and frisk doesn’t work and “would never work.” It doesn’t move anything forward, he said, and the community and police must work together. “We must create a respectful bond between police and the community,” he said. The election is just a little over two weeks away. Both Clinton and Donald Trump have been in the forefront campaigning. Many would agree that this election could have used a little more positivity, but a candidate must be selected. Make your vote count on Nov. 8.
Oct. 26, 2016 • 3
Report: Black women will elect the next U.S. president FREDDIE ALLEN Black women will play a key role in electing the next president, according to a recent report by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). The AFL-CIO is a national trade group and the largest federation of unions in the United States. Carmen Berkley, the director of civil, human and women’s rights policy at the AFL-CIO said that the labor group wanted to provide context to the power that black women voters have displayed over the past two presidential election cycles. In the briefing paper, researchers provided a case for why labor unions and non-profit organizations should be paying attention to black women. “Without black women, President Obama would not have won the White House in 2012,” said Berkley. “Black women voters delivered in key battleground states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida where President Obama picked up 67 additional electoral votes.” Berkley continued: “If black women had not turned out, President Obama would have been five electoral votes shy of winning the presidency.” Denise Rolark Barnes, publisher of The Washington Informer, said that black women voters could make a monumental difference in the outcome of the 2016 election, just like they did in 2012. But Rolark Barnes also expressed concerns that neither of the candidates have touched on the issues that are important to black women and single parents, who are also the primary breadwinners in their families; issues like health care, education and the environment are very important to black women and their families. “I don’t think we’ve heard enough from the candidates about how they plan to address issues that affect black and Latino families,” said Rolark Barnes. Berkley said that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that he knows the Black community, but he hasn’t proven that he understands the impact that black people, especially black women, have on society. “Black women drive turnout
for the back community,” said Berkley. “We care a lot about police reform, raising the minimum wage, protecting social security and we are economically liberal when it come to the government.” Berkley also noted that black women have been very reliable voters in the past two election cycles. In 2012 and 2014 black women voted at higher rates than other women. According to the briefing paper on the importance of black women voters in 2016, “In 2012, 83 percent of registered Black women turned out, compared to 73 percent for all other women, a 10-point difference. Black women turned out at a higher rate than other women in 2014 as well. Fifty-five percent of registered black women turned out in 2014, compared to 53 percent for all other women.” Berkley said that black women do more than vote. “We’re very active in our churches, we’re very active in our communities and we’re very active in our unions,” she said. According to a survey by Lake Research Partners (LRP), a leading public opinion and political strategy research firm, black workers are far more likely to view labor unions favorably (77 percent for blacks vs. 50 for all-respondents) compared to other workers. Petee Talley, the secretarytreasurer of Ohio branch of the AFLCIO, said that evidence shows that black women union members have stepped up in remarkable ways. “Not only are they organizing inside of their unions, they are organizing the black community around vote registration efforts,” said Talley. And when black women take on leadership roles, they have the power to significantly affect elections inside their unions. The briefing paper said: “As labor scholars Kate Bronfenbrenner and Dorian Warren found in their oftcited study “Race, Gender, and the Rebirth of Trade Unionism,” unions won 89 percent of elections where black women were the lead organizers compared with 53 percent for female organizers overall and 42 percent for male organizers.” The report noted that black women were more likely than any other group to skip at least on race on the ballot.
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4 • Oct. 26, 2016
Va. man wants to make sure ex-felons keep their newly awarded voting rights With just over an hour before the registration deadline, Satchell asked Tammie Hagen, 52, a New Virginia Majority organizer and a former felon, if she would check one more time to see if his rights had been restored. Hagen, using her phone, found that Satchell was still in limbo, his status “pending.” “I’m almost trying to push it aside because I’m getting sad about it, kind of emotional,” Satchell said. “It’s akin to having like a scarlet letter. It’s akin to walking around with like an X on your forehead that people see.” Satchell said not being able to vote in next month’s presidential election only motivates him to make sure those who can vote do so. “I was so engaged in 2008, in 2012, and what this is gonna do is make me even more engaged,” he said. “I want to make sure I get more people out. I’m gonna pick up more people than I would have.” It’s easy for former felons, who’ve been disenfranchised in Virginia since the 19th century, to give into “hopelessness and despair,” AbdulRahman said. But once he got a few to realize that they could become full citizens again, they began to “perk up,” he explained. One young woman called her mother the second she had her certificate in hand - the governor’s order restoring her voting rights. “Some of them have framed their certificate and hung it on their walls,” Abdul-Rahman said, beaming with pride that he had helped them. “You can go in many barbershops and see where guys have hung theirs on the wall. Some have used it to impress their girlfriends.” One man Abdul-Rahman helped said he had been convicted of a felony for stealing a chicken — in the 1950s. He had tears in his eyes when Abdul Rahman registered him to vote.
But much of Abdul Rahman’s work could be for naught if Virginia’s Republican-led General Assembly gets its way. Senate Majority Leader Thomas Norment (R) has proposed an amendment to the state constitution that would restore the rights of certain ex-felons, but make it more difficult for others - namely ones who were convicted of crimes the state deems “violent.” Norment’s bill would need to pass both houses of the General Assembly in two sessions, then be approved by voters. If it passes, it wouldn’t make it onto the ballot until 2018. That gives Abdul-Rahman and other former felons who recently got their rights back a way to ensure they keep them: Vote Norment and his allies out of office. Abdul-Rahman is paying close attention to Republicans in the General Assembly, and is devoting his time until Election Day to mobilizing the 1,400 people he registered - especially the exfelons. He wants to show Virginia’s elected officials that the electorate is changing, and that there is a new voting bloc that can make a difference. “What I’m going to do now is try to organize these guys so we can punish them at the polls,” Abdul-Rahman said of lawmakers who oppose exfelon voting rights. “We can vote as a bloc and we can punish them and change this city and state.” Some of the ex-felons AbdulRahman meets aren’t particularly eager to join his effort. “‘It don’t count’ is one of the things they say,” Abdul-Rahman said. “And I will tell them that if it did not count, then … why don’t they want you to vote? Why don’t they just generously give it back? Why did they make it so hard?” ©HuffPo
Muhammad As-saddique Abdul-Rahman (right) helps Richard Simms, 57, and Keith Butts, 53, fill out their voter registration forms in the Richmond neighborhood of Blackwell last week.
Heat on sheriff who said most people shot by cops are ‘on the way to jail’ anyway Henrico County Sheriff Mike Wade, the Republican nominee for the open Virginia 4th Congressional District seat, is catching heat for dismissing concerns about racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings, suggesting that most of the people shot are criminals anyway. The comments came during a debate last week against Democratic nominee and State Sen. A. Donald McEachin. Asked about how to improve relationships between law enforcement and blacks, Wade lamented that “we always talk about the police officer as being the one that’s wrong in these situations and the media does a poor job.” He then opined that “the greater problem in this area is the problem we have in this country of mental health and substance abuse.“ “The majority of those people in these situations that are shot are on the way to jail,” said Wade, “85 percent of the people that are in jail, according to the paper, have substance abuse problems and 30 percent of them have mental illness problems.”
McEachin, who is black, responded that he was “absolutely stunned” by his opponent’s comment, noting that “the man who was shot in Minnesota with a broken taillight was not on his way to jail” and recounted his own experiences being racially profiled by police, even with his state legislative license plates on his car. “I agree that all of ’em aren’t that way, but the majority of ’em do involve people that are going to jail,” Wade replied. “There’s two sides to the story, and we’ll never solve the problem if we just talk about your side of the story.” The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Chair, state Sen. Mamie Locke (D-Hampton), said that Wade’s statement implies that adjudication of guilt or innocence of an alleged crime committed is unnecessary in the American criminal justice system for those deemed unworthy of justice. “Given that many who fall victim to these shootings are African Americans, we find Mr. Wade’s comments insensitive, racist, and totally inappropriate of a candidate for Congress,” said Locke.
the national, state and local levels. www.LEGACYnewspaper.com
When they speak with their vote,
Dowdy, Stanback lead VUU tomy huge come from “I fought for country. Now I'm bringing the CIAA Win fight behind to my HIV.” Reggie
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Oct. 26, 2016 • 5
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The VUU Panthers rallied to overcome a 21-0 first quarter deficit to defeat the defending Northern Division champions, Bowie State University 42-35 at Hovey Field Saturday afternoon. The impressive win by the Panthers not only snaps Bowie State’s four-game winning streak, it also breaks Coach Mark James’s three year losing streak against the Bulldogs. The Panthers were led offensively by Dowdy, Stanback and Kelly. for the Panthers to take the field in Dowdy completed 17-of-25 passes for TREATMENT “Victory” formation to complete the 284 yards, Stanback carried the ball comeback victory. 32 times for 194 yards and Kelly had The victory, combined with a three receptions for 114 yards. Chowan loss, makes Bowie State The play of the game was made by and Virginia Union tied for the lead the defense. After a Dowdy fumble, Get in care. Stay in care. Live well. in the CIAA Northern Division, the Bulldogs regained possession cdc.gov/HIVTreatmentWorks For questions and resources, call 1-800-533-4148 with 6:30 left in the game. On fourth- each with a 4-1 record in CIAA play. However, with the win, VUU holds and-1 from the Panther’s 33 yard the edge over the Bulldogs in the line, the Bulldogs elected to go for standings. The Panthers return it. That’s when the Panther’s true to action next Saturday (Oct. 29) freshman defensive back, Sterling heading out to Elizabeth City, NC Hammond came free and made the to face the ECSU Vikings (4-4, 3-2 potential game winning tackled CIAA). The ECSU homecoming kickon Bowie’s rushing leader, Robert Chesson for a two yard loss, resulting off is set for 1:30 p.m. at Roebuck Stadium. in a turnover on downs and a chance
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6 • Oct. 26, 2016
Op/Ed & Letters
Despite failures, still voting Trump RAYNARD JACKSON What the hell is going on with blacks in this Republican Party? My phone has been ringing off the hook since last week with people from across the country asking me to explain the unexplainable. Memo to readers: I DON’T WORK FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. But, it seems everyone wants to call me to get an understanding or insight into the inner workings of some of the strategies coming out of this party from the party’s “so-called” black operatives. First, in order to be an operative, by definition, you must know how to operate. These blacks have little to no significant campaign experience and have absolutely no understanding of messaging and communications. Last week, I was with a black nationally syndicated radio talk show host who is extremely liberal. He asked why the party has not brought on people like me to help with their efforts with the black community, as opposed to suing people like me? I told him to call the party and ask them that same question. But then he said something very interesting. “They don’t want people like you [referring to me] who know what they are doing,” he said. “They want people who they can control.” I thought that was extremely insightful. Part of a true operative’s background is a thing called experience. Only through experience can one know what to do, as well as what not to do. By this party constantly bringing on people with no The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 43 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
relevant experience, they are setting their black surrogates up for failure. I guess this explains why I have been receiving phone calls from all over the country, especially from Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, and Florida. It seems like these black staffers have received orders from the party to go into the black community and ask blacks to vote Republican, but not for Trump. Yep, you heard me correctly! Memo to black Republicans: the black community doesn’t make a distinction between Trump and the Republican Party; they are one in the same. You can’t have steak without meat, you can’t have basketball without the ball, you can’t watch TV without a TV. How in the world do you go into the black community and tell them that you are not supporting Trump’s campaign for the presidency on the Republican ticket and then turn around and ask them to vote Republican down ballot? What these black Republicans are doing is akin to asking a person to buy a Big Mac hamburger from The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
McDonald’s without the beef. I know, I know, that doesn’t make sense and it’s impossible; well then, you get my point, thus I rest my case. I unapologetically support Trump, because of the balance of the Supreme Court, my belief that amnesty for illegals will further exacerbate the black unemployment rate, and our party’s establishment needs to be totally shaken up! We need totally new leadership from top to bottom on every level of the party. To me, all the other issues swirling around Trump is mere background noise. Here’s another memo to black Republicans: If you are not supporting Trump, then why are you taking money from an organization, the Republican National Committee, whose sole purpose is to get Donald Trump elected as president? Are you that desperate for money that you are willing to sell your political soul for 30 pieces of silver? If you are not supporting Trump, then have some principle and resign immediately. One of the fundamental tenets of marketing as it applies to getting consumers to switch brands, i.e., from Democrat to Republican, is “messenger credibility.” How can you go into the black community with credibility and ask for them to vote for Republicans down ballot, but don’t support the person at the top of the ticket? Would you support your local NAACP branch and try to distance yourself from the group’s national officers? I
don’t think so. These staffers should be embarrassed to ask black folks to buy a product that they themselves don’t even believe in. Do they really think that blacks are that stupid? If I have to choose between making money and keeping my integrity, I will always choose keeping my integrity. I can always make more money, but I can’t get more integrity. To be honest with you, the party should fire all those involved in this diabolical scheme. This should not be allowed to stand. How can the party justify paying someone who is in opposition to its very raison d’etre? Not one of these black staffers has publically endorsed Donald Trump; nor can you find in any public statements or in their media appearances indicating their support for Trump. When they have been challenged about this by the media, they quickly deflect to the point that they work for the party, not the Trump campaign. Again, you can’t have one without the other. The party and Trump are joined at the hip at this point. This is why these blacks have absolutely no credibility when they go into the black community. If they don’t even believe in the product they are selling, so how can they convince others to believe in it? Jackson is founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the GOP.
Oct. 26, 2016 • 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
Dangerous 2-way street
Google News returns more than 285,000 search results on the phrase “rigged election.” It’s a trending topic, run up the flagpole of public consciousness by media coverage of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s mouth. Sample, from an Oct. 17 rally in Wisconsin: “Remember, we are competing in a rigged election .... They even want to try and rig the election at the polling booths, where so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is all too common.” Three observations: First, this kind of rhetoric is dangerous, and not just in a notional manner. More than one country has descended into riot, revolution, coup or civil war territory over disputes about the integrity of its elections. Think it can’t happen here? Think again. Secondly, this kind of rhetoric isn’t new by any stretch of the imagination. In the United States, the claim has enjoyed growing persuasive power ever since 2000 when a Florida vote recount was halted by the U.S. Supreme Court, thereby awarding the office of president to George W. Bush, who probably didn’t actually win the election. Many Democrats ascribed John Kerry’s 2004 defeat to voting machine manipulation in Ohio. In 2012, Republicans threw in with complaints over apparent voter intimidation at urban polling places in support of Barack Obama’s reelection. Finally, Trump is not the only presidential candidate claiming that this presidential election is rigged. As far back as August, we have Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton saying things like this: “I think laying out the facts
raises serious issues about Russian interference in our elections, in our democracy .... For Trump to both encourage that and to praise Putin despite what appears to be a deliberate effort to try to affect the election I think raises national security issues.” The Clinton version is a bit more subtle, and even less well-supported by anything resembling actual evidence, than Trump’s. It’s also at least as dangerous and possibly more so to the extent that it might serve as a casus belli for World War III. Trump is preemptively positioning himself to claim that a victorious Clinton and her party rigged the election. That could lead to fireworks. Clinton is preemptively positioning herself to accuse a foreign power of rigging -- or at least unduly influencing -- the outcome to her loss. That could lead to fireworks of a nuclear variety. Third party and independent candidates have the strongest complaints of election-rigging -- the Republicans and Democrats have colluded in suppressing all other parties for lo on 130 years now with restrictive ballot access laws and other dirty tricks. But those complaints aren’t quite the gasolinesoaked pile of tinder that happens when the two wings of the ruling oligarchy have this type of falling out. We certainly live in interesting times. Thomas L. Knapp
The ‘irony’
Hillary Clinton is campaigning that she, of all the candidates, is the one who is a “champion for women and girls” specifically because, among other things, she protects “women’s reproductive health” and “confronts
violence against women.” Her primary talking point is that she has worked 30 years for women and children. The media and various groups accept this claim without examining just how illogical it is and without considering the cruel irony. Let’s look at Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that she is a champion of girls and women. Hillary Clinton is a Planned Parenthood, pro-abortion advocate. No one denies that. Her stance has become more and more strident. She no long uses the phrase of years ago that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” “Rare” is gone from that trio to be replaced by “publically funded.” She is advancing abortions. She is ardently pro-abortion. Think about what this means. The number of abortions in the United States since Roe v. Wade is over 58,000,000. The distribution of boys to girls in live-birth statistics gives a slight edge to boys: 51 percent boys to 49 percent girls. Assuming that the sex ratio (boys to girls) for children aborted is roughly the same as for live births, this means that just under 29,000,000 girls have lost their lives to abortion since 1973. One can quibble about these numbers, but the fact remains that millions of girls’ lives have been snuffed out while they were still in the womb. At least for these pre-born girls, Mrs. Clinton can hardly be said to be their “champion.” In fact, the policies that she advocates continue to make possible the taking of the lives of these innocents by the abortionists’ instruments of destruction—scalpels and suction. If this is not violence against women, one has a hard time imagining why it isn’t. John Sparks
Trump, the hawk
Donald Trump is no peacenik. Leave aside Trump’s proclamation that he “love[s] war” and unpredictability, and that he is more “militaristic” than anyone. Forget that he wants to enlarge the military and that he refuses to forswear first use of nuclear weapons. Ignore his bellicosity toward Iran and China or his promise to support Israel unconditionally. Pay no attention to Trump’s 2002 endorsement of the invasion of Iraq and his imploring Obama to invade Libya and overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. All we have to do to see the real Trump is examine his allegedly dovish statements. Trump takes heat every time he expresses a wish to get along with Russia. This in itself would be good: the United States and Russia could destroy the world with their nuclear weapons. But the ruling elite disagrees. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact alliance, U.S. rulers have provoked Russia by incorporating its former allies and republics into NATO and enabling a coup against an elected Russia-friendly president of Ukraine, jeopardizing Russia’s naval base in Crimea. But would Trump really pursue peaceful relations with Russia? It’s not so clear. When asked about his views on Russia at the recent joint appearance with Hillary Clinton, he noted that Russia is “fighting ISIS,” which he implied puts the United States on the same side. “I believe we have to get ISIS,” he said. “We have to worry about ISIS before we can get too much more involved.” Note the words before we can get too much more involved. Trump’s statement indicates that working with Russia is merely a matter of priorities. Sheldon Richman
8 • Oct. 26, 2016
Faith & Religion
Citing ‘life’ issues, Baptist pastor says he’ll vote for Clinton BNG - The pastor who persuaded the Southern Baptist Convention to adopt a resolution this summer denouncing display of the Confederate flag says he will vote for Hillary Clinton Nov. 8, because the biggest pro-life issue at stake in this election is the shooting of unarmed black males by police. Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas, said in a blog recently that while many evangelicals not enamored by either major party candidate say they will reluctantly vote for Donald Trump because Clinton would appoint Supreme Court justices who support abortion rights, he has no confidence that a Trump presidency would do
Dwight McKissic anything to limit access to abortion or defend traditional marriage. McKissic, who after years of voting for Republicans now regards himself a political independent, said he was planning to vote for a write-in or
third party candidate until he heard Clinton and Trump respond in the recent presidential debate to the question what they would do to bring healing to America’s racial divide. McKissic said Trump’s answer to the question was essentially “law and order” and “stop and frisk.” “I thought to myself: you’ve got to be kidding me,” McKissic wrote. “That spoke volumes to me. He saw black people as criminals. In order to heal the racial divide, his solution would be to stop and frisk my 12 grandchildren and, upon sight, see them as in need of law and order supervision. His answer was horrifying to me.” McKissic, in the past a singleissue voter opposed to abortion and
PROTECT OUR LEGACY After the economy crashed, Barack Obama stood with us. We’ve created over 15 million new jobs since 2010, expanded health care to 20 million Americans, and defended our right to vote. Barack Obama accomplished a lot, but more needs to be done so we can keep moving forward. The Republicans have fought Barack Obama since Day One and have promised to destroy his legacy and move our country backwards. We’ve all fought too hard to let that happen. The next president will either build on Barack Obama’s legacy or tear it apart. On November 8th, vote for Democrats so we can keep this country moving forward.
same-sex marriage, said people being mistreated by police, regardless of the color of their skin, “is just as much a quality of life issue as abortion.” “Police brutality is one of the most pressing, unresolved social issues of our time,” he said. “It certainly is a life and quality of life matter. It will certainly impact the environment my grandchildren are raised in. Therefore, I must ask myself which candidate will do a better job and be more objective and fair in making sure the citizens and the police are being treated fairly? Who best understands and empathizes with both sides of this issue? Whose justice system and attorney general’s office would I rather see be involved in these matters?”
Oct. 26, 2016 • 9
PINK for life
It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Marsha Irby and Joi Stanley recently participated in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Richmond.
ABOVE: At the end of the first quarter of a recent Patriots-Bengals game, Gillette Stadium went all-pink. Fans held up cards in unison to turn most of the seating areas pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. BELOW: U.S. Navy fighter jet went pink for breast cancer awareness. See more on pg 14
10 • Oct. 26, 2016
The hard facts on breast cancer 2016 Presidential Proclamation National Breast Cancer Awareness Month “Every year, too many Americans are touched by the pain and hardship caused by breast cancer -- a disease that, among women, is not only one of the most common cancers, but also one of the leading causes of cancerrelated death. During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we honor all those who lost their lives to breast cancer, and we recognize the courageous survivors who are still fighting it. For these individuals, and for their loved ones who give their unwavering support during the most trying times, we recommit ourselves to the essential and necessary work of forging a future free from cancer in all its forms. “Hundreds of thousands of Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and tens of thousands will lose their battle with this disease. Although both women and men can have breast cancer, women are at higher risk. Women with a family history of breast cancer, or those who are
older or obese, are also more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. I encourage all women to find out if they are at increased risk and to learn more about recommended screenings by speaking with their health care providers and by visiting www.cancer.gov/breast. “Early detection and treatment can save lives.” The following are the facts: • One in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. •Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. •Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. •Each year it is estimated that over 246,660 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die. •Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 440 will die each year. •On average, every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes. • Over 2.8 million breast cancer
Symptoms & what to look for Breast cancer may not cause any symptoms because a lump may be too small for you to feel or to cause any unusual changes you can notice on your own. Usually, an abnormal area turns up on a screening mammogram, which leads to further testing. In most cases the first sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast that you or your doctor can feel. A lump that is painless, hard and has uneven edges is more likely to be cancer, however sometimes cancers can be tender, soft and rounded. It’s important to have anything unusual checked by your doctor. According to the American Cancer Society, any of the following unusual changes in the breast can be a symptom of breast cancer:
survivors are alive in the United States today. •About one in eight U.S. women — 12 percent — will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. •In 2016, an estimated 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed, along with 61,000 new cases of noninvasive breast cancer (also known as carcinoma in situ). About 40,450 women are expected to die in 2016 from breast cancer, though there has been a decrease in death rates since 1989, with larger decreases in women under 50. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advancements, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness. •For women in the United States, breast cancer death rates are higher than death rates for any other type of cancer, besides lung cancer. •Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. In 2016, it’s estimated that just under 30 percent of cancers diagnosed in women will be breast cancers. •In women under 45, breast cancer is more common in AfricanAmerican women than white women. Overall, African-American women are more likely to die of breast cancer. For Asian, Hispanic, and
Native-American women, the risk of developing and dying from breast cancer is lower. •As of June 2016, there were more than 2.8 million women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S. This figure includes women currently being treated and women who have finished treatment. •A woman’s risk of breast cancer nearly doubles if she has a firstdegree relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. •Less than 15 percent of women who get breast cancer have a family member who has been diagnosed with it. •About 5-10 percent of breast cancers are thought to be caused by inherited gene mutations (abnormal changes passed through families). •Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most common. Women with a BRCA1 mutation have, on average, a 55-65 percent risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetimes. For women with a BRCA2 mutation, the lifetime risk is 45 percent. An increased ovarian cancer risk is also associated with these genetic mutations. •The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing older). SOURCE: National Breast Cancer Foundation
•swelling of all or part of the breast •skin irritation or dimpling •breast pain •nipple pain or the nipple turning inward •redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin •nipple discharge other than breast milk •lump in the underarm area These changes also can be signs of less serious conditions that are not cancerous, such as an infection or a cyst. It’s important to get any breast changes checked out promptly by a doctor.
Stages of breast cancer Stage 0 This is used to describe non-invasive breast cancers. In stage 0, there is no evidence of cancer cells or noncancerous abnormal cells breaking out of the part of the breast in which they started, or getting through to or invading neighboring normal tissue. Stage I Describes invasive breast cancer breaking through to or invading normal surrounding breast tissue. Stage I is divided into subcategories known as IA and IB. Stage IA describes invasive breast cancer in which, the tumor measures up to 2 centimeters and the cancer has not spread outside the breast where no lymph nodes are involved. Stage IB describes invasive breast cancer in which there is no tumor in the breast but instead, small groups of cancer cells – larger than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than 2 millimeters – are found in the lymph nodes or there is a tumor in the breast that is no larger than two centimeters, and there are small groups of cancer cells – larger than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than two millimeters – in the lymph nodes. Microscopic invasion is possible in Stage I breast cancer. In microscopic invasion, the cancer cells have just
started to invade the tissue outside the lining of the duct or lobule, but the invading cancer cells can’t measure more than 1 millimeter. Stage II This is divided into subcategories known as IIA and IIB. Stage IIA describes invasive breast cancer in which no tumor can be found in the breast, but cancer is found in one to three axillary lymph nodes or in the lymph nodes near the breast bone or the tumor measures two centimeters or smaller and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes or the tumor is larger than two centimeters but not larger than five centimeters and has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes Stage IIB describes invasive breast cancer where the tumor is larger than two centimeters but no larger than five centimeters; small groups of breast cancer cells -- larger than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than two millimeters -- are found in the lymph nodes or the tumor is larger than two centimeters but no larger than five centimeters; cancer has spread to one to three axillary lymph nodes or to lymph nodes near the breastbone or the tumor is larger than five centimeters but has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
Options for treatment If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer it’s important to take time thinking about your choices. You will want to weigh the benefits of each treatment option against the possible risks and side effects. The American Cancer Society offers insight on various treatments. Some treatments are called local therapies, which treat the tumor without affecting the rest of the body. Most women with breast cancer have some type of surgery as part of their treatment. Depending on the situation, surgery may have to be performed to remove as much of the cancer as possible, find out whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm or restore the breast’s shape after cancer is removed. There are two main types of surgery to remove breast cancer. Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) also known as a lumpectomy is only the part of the breast containing the cancer is removed. The goal
is to remove the cancer as well as some surrounding normal tissue. How much of the breast is removed depends on the size and location of the tumor and other factors. The other surgery is a mastectomy, which is the removal of the entire breast including all of the breast tissue and sometimes other nearby tissues. There are several different types of mastectomies. Some women may also get a double mastectomy, in which both breasts are removed. Many women with early-stage cancers can choose between BCS and mastectomy. The main advantage of BCS is that a woman keeps most of her breast. In most cases, however, she will also need radiation. Women who have mastectomy for early-stage cancers are less likely to need radiation. For some women, a mastectomy may clearly be a better option, because of the type of breast cancer, the large size of the tumor, previous treatment history, or other factors.
Oct. 26, 2016 • 11 Stage III This is divided into subcategories known as IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. Stage IIIA describes invasive breast cancer in which either no tumor is found in the breast or the tumor may be any size; cancer is found in 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes or in the lymph nodes near the breastbone found during imaging tests or the tumor is larger than five centimeters; small groups of breast cancer cells larger than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than 2 millimeters are found in the lymph nodes or the tumor is larger than five centimeters; cancer has spread to one to three axillary lymph nodes or to the lymph nodes near the breastbone found during a sentinel lymph node biopsy. Stage IIIB describes invasive breast cancer where the tumor may be any size and has spread to the chest wall and/or skin of the breast and caused swelling or an ulcer and may have spread to up to nine axillary lymph nodes or may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone Inflammatory breast cancer is considered at least stage IIIB. Typical features of inflammatory breast cancer include: reddening of a large portion of the breast skin, the breast feels warm and may be swollen and cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes and may be found in the skin. Stage IIIC describes invasive breast
cancer and there may be no sign of cancer in the breast or, if there is a tumor, it may be any size and may have spread to the chest wall and/ or the skin of the breast. The cancer has spread to 10 or more axillary lymph nodes or the cancer has spread to lymph nodes above or below the collarbone or the cancer has spread to axillary lymph nodes or to lymph nodes near the breastbone.
Some women with breast cancer will need radiation, often in addition to other treatments. The need for radiation depends on what type of surgery you have, whether your cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or somewhere else in your body, and in some cases, your age. You may have just one type of radiation, or a combination of different types. Radiation therapy is treatment with high-energy rays, such as x-rays or particles that destroy cancer cells. There are two main types of radiation therapy that can be used to treat breast cancer. They are external beam radiation, which comes from a machine outside the body and internal radiation also known as brachytherapy where a radioactive source is put inside the body for a short time. External beam radiation is the most common type of radiation therapy for women with breast cancer. The radiation is focused from a machine outside the body on the area affected by the cancer.
Which areas need radiation depends on whether mastectomy BCS was done and whether or not lymph nodes are involved. If you had a mastectomy and no lymph nodes had cancer, radiation is targeted at the chest wall and the places where any drains exited the body after surgery. If you had BCS, you will most likely have radiation on the entire breast, and an extra boost of radiation to the area in the breast where the cancer was removed to help prevent it from coming back in that area. The boost is often given after the treatments to the whole breast have ended. It uses the same machine, but the beams are aimed at the place where the cancer was removed. Most women don’t notice different side effects from boost radiation than from whole breast radiation. If cancer was found in the lymph nodes under the arm radiation may be given to this area as well. Treatment may also include the nodes above the collarbone.
Stage IV This describes invasive breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other organs of the body, such as the lungs, distant lymph nodes, skin, bones, liver, or brain. You may hear the words “advanced” and “metastatic” used to describe stage IV breast cancer. Cancer may be stage IV at first diagnosis or it can be a recurrence of a previous breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. TNM staging system Tumor, Node, Metastasis is another staging system researchers use to provide more details about how the cancer looks and behaves. Sometimes clinical trials require TNM information from participants. The TNM system is based on tumor size, lymph node involvement and whether the cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body.
12 • Oct. 26, 2016 2 • Oct. 5, 2016
Hormonal therapy after surgery reduces risk of breast cancer in opposite breast in real-world setting
After surgery, women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer usually take hormonal therapy medicine to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back. Hormonal therapy medicines work inhave two ways. Some Virginia residents They are lowering the amount of been receiving confusing mailers estrogen in the body and blocking the from outside groups that incorrectly action of estrogen on breast cancer appear to be from state election cells. officials. reaching a level DoctorsNow call treatments takenwhere the Virginia Department of Elections after surgery “adjuvant” treatments. is stepping in to set the record There are several types of hormonal straight.medicines. therapy Calling the aleaders “misleading,” Tamoxifen, selective estrogen a statement notes the lettersis one of receptor modulator (SERM), the mostthe well-known. Tamoxifen include street address and can be used to treat both premenopausal
and postmenopausal women. In the early 2000s, the aromatase inhibitors: Arimidex, Aromasin and Femara were shown to be more effective at reducing recurrence risk in postmenopausal and are contact informationwomen of the Virginia now used more often than tamoxifen Department of Elections office. to treat women who’ve gone through ‘These letters did not come from menopause. Aromatase inhibitors the department and are not official aren’t commonly used to reduce election mail,” agency said in a recurrence riskthe in premenopausal statement. women. It identifies organizations Most womentwo take hormonal that appear tofor befive responsible forafter some of therapy to 10 years the mailings, breast cancer America’s surgery. Future and the Voter Participation Center. Both tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors causeclearly side effects. America’scan Future is a rightTamoxifen may cause hot flashes and
increase the risk of blood clots and stroke. Aromatase inhibitors may cause muscle and joint aches and pains. Less common but more severe side effects of aromatase inhibitors are heart problems, osteoporosis, and leaning organization while the Voter broken bones. Participation Center is an outfit Research has shown that about 25 geared toward registering voters percent of women who are prescribed primarily among unmarried white hormonal therapy to reduce the risk females, minorities and millennials. of recurrence after surgery either “Letters sent by these organizations don’t start taking the medicine or have reportedly beenin addressed stop taking it early, many cases to individuals were already because of sidewho effects. properly qualified A studyregistered, has found are thatnot women to atcommunity the mailingsetting address or in register a general diagnosed withaccording hormone-receptorare deceased,” to elections positive breast cancer who took
hormonal therapy after surgery had a lower risk of breast cancer in the opposite breast -- doctors call this contralateral breast cancer. The study also found that the risk of contralateral disease got Commissioner Edgardo Cortés. progressively lower the longer The department says it has a woman took hormonal therapy. received numerous phone calls from Many studies have shown that voters who wondered about why they women diagnosed with hormonereceived the letters. receptor-positive breast cancer who “As a reminder, Virginia voters take hormonal therapy after surgery can always confirm their current have a lower risk of developing voter registration status and submit breast cancer in the other breast. necessary updates thehowever Department Researchers pointon out, the of Elections” securedone Citizen results of a study in aPortal very at controlled clinicalsaid environment vote.virginia.gov,” Cortés. aren’t always achieved in the real world.
Voters confused by suspect registration letters
Oct. 26, 2016 • 13
Toll relief comes for Norfolk and Portsmouth residents Program to help ease the burden of Elizabeth River Tunnels tolls on residents most financially impacted Norfolk and Portsmouth residents will soon receive help paying tolls through the Elizabeth River Tunnels. Toll Relief, the first program of its kind in the nation, will provide “meaningful” financial relief to qualified Norfolk and Portsmouth residents who travel the Elizabeth River Tunnels, according to Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s office. “Since the beginning of my administration, we have made toll relief a top priority for the Norfolk and Portsmouth regions, since there is no free alternative for users of the Elizabeth River Tunnels,” said McAuliffe. “Following my actions to cut tolls in half at the Downtown and Midtown tunnels and eliminate them on the MLK Freeway Extension, today’s launch of Toll Relief is another big step in easing the burden of tolls throughout the region. “We will continue to take smart, innovative approaches in solving the commonwealth’s transportation challenges to ensure our citizens and businesses can thrive and prosper in the new Virginia economy.” Elizabeth River Crossings (ERC), operators of the Elizabeth River Tunnels, has agreed to pay $500,000 a year for 10 years to help offset the cost of tolls on those users most financially stressed. “Last year, I directed Deputy Secretary of Transportation Grindly Johnson to lead this effort and work with local stakeholders to develop a toll relief program that provides much-needed financial assistance to those individuals who need it the most,” said Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne. “I am pleased that we now have a plan in place to do just that. I also would like to thank Elizabeth River Crossings for partnering with the commonwealth on the creation of this critical program.”
The enrollment period for Toll Relief begins Dec. 1, 2016 and will run through Feb. 15, 2017. Toll relief benefits will begin March 1, 2017. To qualify for Toll Relief, participants must reside in Norfolk or Portsmouth, earn $30,000 or less per year, have or obtain a Virginia E-ZPass transponder and registered account and record eight trips or more during a calendar month through the Downtown or Midtown tunnels. Once a qualified participant’s Virginia E-ZPass transponder has recorded eight trips or more through the Downtown or Midtown tunnels during a calendar month, a $0.75 per trip refund will be credited to his or her Virginia E-ZPass account. Toll Relief is a 10-year program.
Transportation Secretary Aubrey Layne (left) and Gov. Terry McAuliffe The first year of the program will serve as a pilot. Data collected will
help determine if adjustments to implementation are needed.
14 • Oct. 26, 2016
Focus on reducing lead exposure The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is encouraging everyone to learn about lead poisoning and how to prevent it throughout the year, and highlights the importance of awareness during National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. Running through Oct. 29, the week’s theme is Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future and focuses on the many ways parents can reduce their child’s exposure to lead and prevent its harmful effects, with an added focus this year on lead in drinking water. “Lead poisoning is one of the most preventable environmental diseases among young children,” said State Health Commissioner Marissa J. Levine, MD, MPH, FAAFP. “National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week serves as a great opportunity to raise awareness of the simple steps individuals can take to protect
their children, their loved ones and themselves.” Lead poisoning can affect any child, but children under age six are at the greatest risk. In Virginia in 2015, 211 children under six were confirmed to have elevated blood lead levels. In children, too much lead in the body can cause lasting problems with brain development affecting behavior, hearing, learning and speech. It can also slow the child’s growth. In adults, lead poisoning can damage the brain and nervous system, stomach and kidneys. It can also cause high blood pressure and other health problems. Major sources of lead exposure include lead-based paint and leadcontaminated dust in older buildings (pre 1978). Children can also be exposed to lead from other sources including contaminated drinking water. Public water supplies are
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An EPA sign warns of potential lead exposure. routinely tested for lead but private water supplies (wells) are the owner’s responsibility. Other sources of lead exposure could be contaminated soil and take-home exposures from a parent’s workplace. Parents can reduce a child’s exposure to lead in many ways, notes
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16 • Oct. 26, 2016
The NAACP Virginia State Convention, will feature the following: - Friday’s lunch speaker is Rev. Dr. John W. Kinney, Dean of the School of Theology at Virginia Union University. - Saturday’s lunch - Gov. Terry McAuliffe has been invited, but is not confirmed. - Saturday Freedom Fund NAACP, chair, National Board of Directors Rev. Dr. Roslyn M. Brock is speaker. - Sunday Prayer Breakfast/ Memorial - Dr. Shakina D. Rawlings, Pastor, Kingdom Fellowship Church, Alexandria. For information, call NAACP Virginia office at 800-426-2227 or 804-321-5678 or visit the website www.vscnaacp.org.
HCA Virginia’s Retreat Doctors’ Hospital and West Creek Emergency Center will be offering free flu shots for the community through their emergency departments. The flu shots will be administered to the public this season until supplies are no longer available. Locations include West Creek Emergency Center, 12720 Tuckahoe Creek Ct. and Retreat Doctors’ Hospital, 2621 Grove Ave., Richmond Flu shots will be given to adults ages 18 and over while supplies last. No appointments necessary. For more information call 804-307-2224.
10.30, 3 p.m.
The Hampton Branch NAACP will sponsor its 45th Annual Life Membership Awards Banquet at the Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Coliseum Drive, Hampton. Members who have acquired their “NAACP Life Membership” will be honored. This year’s theme is “Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count.” U. S. Congressman James E. Clyburn, assistant Democratic leader in the 114th Congress, the number three Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, the leadership liaison to the Appropriations Committee, and more, will be the keynote speaker. President Barack Obama has said, “He is one of a handful of people who, when they speak, the entire Congress listens.” For more information, call 757827-1768 or 757-826-9078.
M ...advertised here. oments &e m o r i e s
Submit your calendar events by email to: editor@legacynewspaper.com. Include the who, what, where, when & contact information that can be printed. Submission deadline is Friday.
Applications are now being accepted for the Virginia Department of Social Services’ (VDSS) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Through Monday, November 14, individuals may apply for fuel assistance at all local departments of social services and online. The Energy Assistance Program, funded by the LIHEAP block grant, provides funds to states to assist low-income households in meeting their home energy needs. The program assists eligible households with the costs of home energy sources including electricity, natural and liquid propane gas, oil, kerosene, coal and wood. To qualify for Fuel Assistance, the maximum gross monthly income for a one-person household cannot exceed $1,287. For a household of four, the maximum gross monthly income is $2,633. Last year, nearly 120,000 households received assistance. Families and individuals can apply through their local department of social services office. To apply online or to check eligibility for services visit the CommonHelp website at: commonhelp.virginia.gov/access/.
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Oct. 26, 2016 • 17
Disponibilidad de Fondos para los Programas de F, CDBG, HOME, ESG y Fondos de HOPWA
e Richmond ha iniciado sus preparaciones para losaños 017-18 y 2018-19 que incluye la asignación y distribución Generales de la Ciudad (CFG, por sus siglas en inglés). bién la planificación del presupuesto del año fiscal 2017rama Non-Departmental y el Plan Anual de Acción y de: Fondos de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG, por sus glés), el programa HOME Investment Partnership, Fondo es de Emergencia (ESG, por sus siglas en inglés) y fondos nidad de Vivienda para personas con SIDA (HOPWA, por n inglés). Los fondos federales son un derecho a subsidio a la Ciudad por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo os Estados Unidos. Estos fondos son utilizados para el e vecindarios y servicios de apoyo. Todas las aplicaciones you get ondos deben ith ser de our proyectospublication que tengan un impacto swhat habitantesyou de la Ciudad de bajos y medianos ingresos pay for. When you place nsideradas; excepto por los fondos de HOPWA, que son advertising in a local publication, you por la Ciudad en base a información estadística en toda el have the right to know you’re getting olitana.
your money’s worth.
s para aplicar estarán disponibles el 7 de noviembre del sitio web de la Ciudad en: http://www.yesrichmondva. If you are our advertiser, relax.(sitio We are rhood-revitalization/Federally-Funded-Programs enaudited la biblioteca principal de la Ciudad, ubicada en 101 E. by Circulation Verification et. Todas -las propuestas de proyectos y aplicaciones Council. We a alot ofp.m. money to eterse a más tardar el 21 spend de diciembre las 4:00 Las para fondosour federales deben someterse alsystem Departamento keep distribution in top o condition, Económico y Comunitario, en 1500 E. Main Street, cuarto and to assure our advertisers mond VA, 23219. Las aplicaciones para fondos generales are indeed getting what they’re d,that debenthey someterse en la Oficina de Presupuestos y opaying Estratégico,for. ubicada en 900 East Broad Street, cuarto # ond, VA 23219. NO se aceptarán aplicaciones a través de Circulation Verification Council has a orreo electrónico o después de la fecha límite.
50- year history as the most respected osauditing que utilizan los service fondos CDBG,for HOME,free ESG y and HOME paid a y Asistencia al Desarrollo Comunitario son financiados distribution publications. citamos a aplicar a los negocios clasificados en la Sección We residentes contract with mplean de Sección 3. CVC to “provide reports that accurately convey complete mento de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario estará and timely circulation information.” un taller para el público para responder cualquier pregunta ceso de aplicación a fondosboth de estosfield programas. El tallerand a CVC conducts audits elyearly martes 15 internal de Noviembreaudit. de 2016 a las 5: 30 p.m. en la Franklin, en 101 E. Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219. This acerca is because we’re serious about ormación de la aplicación, llameas al 804-646-5633. giving you honest value for your e Richmond no discrimina a personas con discapacidades advertising dollars as we are about eran métodos alternos de comunicación (por ejemplo: givinglenguaje oura Señas). readers interesting s grandes, Las personas que necesiten and e valuable lenguaje a señas deben marcar 1-866-894-4116 information. Best, (voz) youo don’t 300 (TTY) y conectarse a través de Virginia Relay Center. have to take our word for it. Take it sistencia de un intérprete, deje su mensaje en 804-646-5633 from CVC.
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Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for CGF, CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA Funds The City of Richmond is beginning preparation of the fiscal year 2017-18 and 2018-19 City General Funds (CGF) Non-Departmental budget and fiscal year 2017-18 Annual Action Plan for the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds. The Federal funds are entitlement dollars allocated to the City through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for neighborhood development and supportive services. All federal fund applications must be for projects that will have a direct impact on low and moderate income City residents will be considered, except for HOPWA funds for which the City administers funds for the entire Metropolitan Statistical Area. Application packages will be available by November 7, 2016 on the City’s website at http://www.yesrichmondva.com/neighborhood-revitalization/ Federally-Funded-Programs Applications packages will also be available at the Main City Library located at 101 E. Franklin Street. All proposals and applications must be received no later than 4:00 PM on December 21, 2016. Federal fund applications must be submitted to the Department of Economic & Community Development, 1500 E. Main Street, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23219. City General Fund applications must be submitted to Office of Budget and Strategic Planning, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Room 1100, Richmond, VA 23219. Faxes, e-mails and late submissions will not be accepted. Housing and Community Development Assistance projects using CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA are HUD funded projects; Section 3 business and/or business that employ Section 3 residents are encouraged to respond. The Department of Economic and Community Development will be holding one public workshop to go over applications and answer any questions applicants may have regarding the CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA programs. The workshops will be held on Tuesday November 15th, 2016. The meeting will start at 5:30 PM and will be located at the Franklin Street Library, 101 E. Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219. For questions about the applications or meetings please call 804-646-5633. The City of Richmond does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment in, its federally assisted programs or activities. Virginia Relay Center – TDD users dial 711. Ad Size: 15.2 inches (2 columns X 7.60 inches)
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Aviso de Disponibilidad de Fondos para los Programas de CGF, CDBG, HOME, ESG y Fondos de HOPWA La Ciudad de Richmond ha iniciado sus preparaciones para losaños fiscales de 2017-18 y 2018-19 que incluye la asignación y distribución de Fondos Generales de la Ciudad (CFG, por sus siglas en inglés). Incluye también la planificación del presupuesto del año fiscal 201718 del programa Non-Departmental y el Plan Anual de Acción y distribución de: Fondos de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG, por sus siglas en inglés), el programa HOME Investment Partnership, Fondo de Soluciones de Emergencia (ESG, por sus siglas en inglés) y fondos para Oportunidad de Vivienda para personas con SIDA (HOPWA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los fondos federales son un derecho a subsidio distribuidos a la Ciudad por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos. Estos fondos son utilizados para el desarrollo de vecindarios y servicios de apoyo. Todas las aplicaciones para estos fondos deben ser de proyectos que tengan un impacto directo en los habitantes de la Ciudad de bajos y medianos ingresos para ser consideradas; excepto por los fondos de HOPWA, que son distribuidos por la Ciudad en base a información estadística en toda el área metropolitana. Los paquetes para aplicar estarán disponibles el 7 de noviembre del 2016, en el sitio web de la Ciudad en: http://www.yesrichmondva. com/neighborhood-revitalization/Federally-Funded-Programs (sitio en inglés) y en la biblioteca principal de la Ciudad, ubicada en 101 E. Franklin Street. Todas -las propuestas de proyectos y aplicaciones deben someterse a más tardar el 21 de diciembre a las 4:00 p.m. Las aplicaciones para fondos federales deben someterse al Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario, en 1500 E. Main Street, cuarto # 400, Richmond VA, 23219. Las aplicaciones para fondos generales de la Ciudad, deben someterse en la Oficina de Presupuestos y Planeamiento Estratégico, ubicada en 900 East Broad Street, cuarto # 1100, Richmond, VA 23219. NO se aceptarán aplicaciones a través de facsímiles, correo electrónico o después de la fecha límite. Los proyectos que utilizan los fondos CDBG, HOME, ESG y HOME para Vivienda y Asistencia al Desarrollo Comunitario son financiados por HUD; incitamos a aplicar a los negocios clasificados en la Sección 3 y los que emplean residentes de Sección 3. El Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario estará auspiciando un taller para el público para responder cualquier pregunta sobre el proceso de aplicación a fondos de estos programas. El taller se ofrecerá el martes 15 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 5: 30 p.m. en la biblioteca de Franklin, en 101 E. Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Para más información acerca de la aplicación, llame al 804-646-5633. La Ciudad de Richmond no discrimina a personas con discapacidades o que requieran métodos alternos de comunicación (por ejemplo: Braille, letras grandes, lenguaje a Señas). Las personas que necesiten asistencia de lenguaje a señas deben marcar 1-866-894-4116 (voz) o 1-866-246-9300 (TTY) y conectarse a través de Virginia Relay Center. Si necesita asistencia de un intérprete, deje su mensaje en 804-646-5633
18 • Oct. 26, 2016
Will hold a Public Hearing in the 5th Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA on November 2, 2016, to consider the following under Chapter 30 of the Zoning Code: BEGINNING AT 1:00 P.M. 27-16: (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 5, 2016 MEETING): An application of 119 Leigh LP for a building permit to construct a deck to create an outdoor dining area for an existing restaurant at 119 EAST LEIGH STREET. The required off-street parking is not met for the deck. 28-16: An application of Hulbert, LLC for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance to adjust the boundary line between 3015 M STREET (improved with a single-family detached dwelling) and 624 NORTH 31st STREET (improved with a single-family attached dwelling). Copies of all cases are available for inspection between 8 AM and 5 PM in Room 110, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Support or opposition may be offered at or before the hearing. Roy W. Benbow, Secretary Phone: (804) 240-2124 Fax: (804) 646-5789 E-mail: Roy.Benbow@richmondgov.com
Ad Size: 8.4 inches (2 columns X 4.20 inches)
AUTO CLUB 2 Issues, Oct. 19 & 26 - ($75.60 per run) $151.20 total Rate: $11SERVICE per column inch
We are pledged to the&letter and spirit of Virginia's Serving Richmond Hampton Roads policy for achieving equal housing opportunity 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. Clay St. (office The City of Richmond is seeking throughoutRichmond, the commonwealth. to fill the following position(s):Includes Internet placement VA 23219 Does your Revenue Manager 804-644-1550 (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax) We encourage and support advertising and marketing auto 25M00000096 Please review the proof, make any needed changesclub and return by fax or e-mail. ads@legacynewspaper.com programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining Department of Finance If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be inserted. offer no hassle housing because of race, color, religion, national Apply by 11/06/2016 origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. service and Ok X_________________________________________ Ad Size: 5.85 inches (1 column(s) X 5.85 inches) Senior Probation Officer
rewards? Call For more information or to file a housing complaint, call the Virginia 1Housing at (804) 367-8530; Auto Club of Issue (Oct.Office 26 - $64.35 toll-free call (888)Rate: 551-3247. $11 per column inch America (ACA) Systems Engineer Includes Internet placement For the hearing-impaired, call Get isBonus $25 20M00000029 REMINDER: Deadline Fridays @ 5 p.m. (804) 367-9753 or send an e-mail Department of Finance Gift Card & Please review the proof,fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov. make any needed changes and return by fax or e-m Apply by 11/06/2016 If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be insert $200 in ACA Systems Operations Analyst II Ok X_________________________________________ Rewards! 35M00000176 Department of Public Utilities (New Apply by 11/20/2016 Ok with changes X _____________________________ members The LEGACY is looking for a reliable, Trades Supervisor I-Water highly-motivated, goal-driven sales only) Distribution 15M00000180 Department of Justice Service Ok with changes X _____________________________ Apply by 11/06/2016
35M00000231 Department of Public Utilities Apply by 11/13/2016
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Please support Bridging The Gap In Virginia's efforts to continue to provide reentry services to returning citizen “Overcoming Barriers” that they face in life. We are asking that you make tax deductible donation to our organization. We gratefully appreciate your continued support of our goals to help others. We have opened an additional office in Newport News, and making plans to operate an additional office in Saluda, where we’ve been offered office space, a four bedroom house and double wide trailer on 10 acres of land for transitional housing for formerly incarcerated person. It is our vision to offer housing, job readiness training, employment and opportunity for individuals throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia for a second chance at life “To Get It Right” For more information, contact Richard Walker
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REMINDER: Deadline Fridays @ 5selling p.m. print professional to joinisour team and digital advertising in the Richmond and Hampton Roads areas. Serving Richmond & Hampton Roads Duties include: 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Building and maintaining with Richmond, VArelationships 23219 To advertise, email ads@ new/existing clients 804-644-1550 (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax legacynewspaper.com Meeting and exceeding monthly sales ads@legacynewspaper.com or call 804-644-1550 goals Cold calling new prospects over the phone to promote print and online advertising Ad Size: 5 inches ( PUBLIC AUCTION of space Unclaimed Vehicles 2 Issues (10/26 & 11 Qualifications: 125+/- IMPOUNDED Rate: $11 p AUTOS, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTORCYCLES Proven experience with print (newspaper) Includes Inte SOUTHSIDE PLAZA DRIVE-IN and/or digital (website) advertising sales Please review the proof, make any ne Monday, Nov. 14, 2016 Phone and one-on-one sales experience If your response is not received Effective verbal and written communication skills by Gates open at 9:00 AM Familiarity with the Richmond and/or Hampton Auction begins at 10:00 AM Ok X_________________ Roads Auction will include the vehicles listed below plus many others: Professional image 2000 FORD EXPLORER 1FMZU63E2YUB199961995 with changes Xand _____ Compensation depends onOk experience FORD MUSTANG 1FALP4043SF230687 1998 CHEVROLET GEO PRIZM 1Y1SK5288WZ406627 includes a base pay as well as commission. 1997 NISSAN SENTRA 1N4AB41D7VC743581
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Oct. 26, 2016 • 19
156-1021 HAMPTON SOLICITATION The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified. HAMPTON CITY Thursday, November 17, 2016 1:30 p.m. ET – ITB 17-39/CLP Buckroe Beach/Salt Ponds Beach Timber Groins Removal Project City Project #15-011. There will be a mandatory attendance pre-bid meeting scheduled in the near future. Tuesday, November 22, 2016 11:00 a.m. ET - RFP 17-38/CLP Electrical and Mechanical Investigation, Inspection, and Design Services. 1:30 p.m. ET - ITB 17-40/CLP Old Northampton Drainage Area Improvements – Phase 3 Langley. There will be a mandatory attendance pre-bid meeting scheduled in the near future. HAMPTON CITY SCHOOLS Thursday, November 17, 2016 2:00 p.m. ET – ITB 17-170578/EA Diplomas and Diplomas Covers For additional information, see our web page at http://www.hampton.gov/bids-contracts A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.2-4330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals.
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Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance
Serving Richmond & Hampton Roa 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. Clay Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-1550 (office) • 800-783-8062 (
ads@legacynewspaper.com AUCTIONS and creating outstanding member AUCTION - HISTORIC EAGLE and sponsor experiences. HOUSE MANSION, 10,000 sq. Position reports to the Executive ft., Circa 1730 Director and supervises the SATURDAY 11/5 11:30a.m., Membership Services Manager. Madison, Virginia. 7-Bedroom, QUALIFICATIONS * 4-year 6-Bath, 13 Fireplaces Ad Size: 13.4college in marketing, inchesdegree (2 columns X 6.7 inches) Suitable for Bed & Breakfast. 1 business or communications Court Sq., Madison VA 22727 or equivalent experience. * www.PrimeAuctionSolutions. Association management (Oct. 26) - $147.40 com, CALL 703.889.8949.VA 1 Issue experience including meeting/ Rate: $11planning, per column inch 2908000975 event membership development, contest AUCTION Gray Auctions management planning Includes Internetand placement Co. FIRST EVER combined and implementing professional Consignment Auction & development classes and training Please review the proof, makesessions. any needed changes working and return b Halloween Bazaar. Saturday, * Experience If your response is not received by deadline, yoursystems, ad may no Oct 29, 2016-9AM. Gray Auction with and updating CMS Yard, 14089 Robinson Rd, Stony mailing and marketing programs Creek, VA 23882. Autos, Antiques, such as Mail Chimp, Survey Collectibles, Baked Goods, Farm Monkey, etc. as well as strong REMINDER:Excel Deadline is Fridaysskills. @ 5 p.m. Equipment, Furniture, Household and PowerPoint Goods, Jewelry, and more. To Apply: Email cover letter, Visit: www.graycoservice.com resume and three references to: or call Joe Gray @ 804-943Janet Madison at janetm@vpa. 3506 VAAL#1104 net Application Deadline: Friday, October 28th by 5 p.m. On-Site Estate Auction Saturday, October 29 - 10 a.m. 3929 South HELP WANTED/TRUCK Fairway Drive, Powhatan, Va. DRIVERS 23139. Great Antiques - Furniture CDL TRAINING FOR LOCAL/ - Collectibles - Home Contents OTR DRIVERS! $40,000-$50,000 www.tilmansauction.com for 1ST Year! 4-wks or 10 Weekends information, Val #348 for CDL. Veterans in Demand! Richmond/Fredericksburg 800SECURED CREDITORS 243-1600; Lynchburg/Roanoke FORECLOSURE ABSOLUTE 800-614-6500; Front Royal/ EUIPMENT AUCTION November Winchester 800-454-1400 11 and 12 on site. Mega Liquidation Large Landscaping INSTRUCTIONAL EDUCATION/ Hardscaping Company and TRAINING Nursery in Rockville, Virginia. TRAIN AT HOME FOR A CAREER Fleet of Heavy Duty Trucks, IN HOSPITALITY! Hotels, Resorts Dump Trucks, Trailers, Zero & Cruise Industry need Staff! Turn Mowers, Equipment, ONLINE TRAINING CAN GET Tools, Inventory. 1000s of YOU JOB READY! Externship & items. WALKER COMMERCIAL Job placement if qualified! 1-888SERVICES (540) 344-6160 www. 424-9413 MyCTI.tv walker-inc.com VAAF 549. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EDUCATION Purebred Hereford Sale Nov. 12 MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES at 11 a.m. in Harrisonburg, VA. NEEDED! Train to become a Selling 65+ females and bulls. For Medical Office Assistant! NO info call 804-556-3810 or www. EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Training vaherefords.org & Job Placement available at CTI! HS Diploma/GED & Computer LOTS & ACREAGE needed. 1-888-424-9419 ACRE LOT near Smith Mountain Lake. Franklin County. Paved EDUCATION / CAREER state road front. OK for mobile TRAINING home. $34,900 and I’ll finance AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING with nothing down. 540-294-3826. – Get FAA certification. No HS Diploma or GED – We can help. 12 ACRES in mountain’s shadow Approved for military benefits. near Roanoke. You can reach out Financial aid if qualified. Job and almost touch the mountains. placement assistance. Call Open and woods. Trickle. $89,900. Aviation Institute of Maintenance I’ll finance. 540-294-3826. 877-204-4130. PERSONALS HELP WANTED Tired of the same old dating sites? Membership Services Director Meet real people in your rea & make Leads and manages membership a new connection on your terms! services at the Virginia Press 18+ Only. Call 1-800-701-9275. Association (VPA), including: conference and meeting planning; SERVICES sponsor and membership DIVORCE – Uncontested, development; managing $395 + $86 court cost. No court professional development appearance. Estimated completion and training, and providing time 21 days. Telephone inquiries board support. Responsible welcome - no obligation. Hilton for increasing revenue from Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126. Se sponsorships and memberships Habla Español.
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