EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Nov. 16, 2016
What’s next for ‘Obamacare’? - 2 Examining Pres. Obama’s legacy- 6 Local teachers honored - 12 A tale of opioid assistance - 14
Richmond & Hampton Roads
Still seeking peace Protesters have been hitting the streets every day since the Nov. 8 election of Donald Trump, with demonstrations in cities from Richmond to Norfolk as well as New York and Los Angeles. Groups have gathered to demonstrate against Trump’s immigration policies. “The main purpose is to tell Donald Trump he can’t just deport 11 million undocumented people,” said Noelle Yasso. “They’re here to stay and we stand in solidarity with them.” Yasso, who said she was an immigration lawyer,
said immigrants are terrified. “They’re saying, ‘Are we going to be deported tomorrow?’” she said. “People don’t know what will happen and they’re very scared.” Protesters are also upset about Trump’s policies on health care, the environment, LGBT rights and other issues. Some are questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton by noting that although he took the Electoral College, Clinton won the popular vote. Over the weekend, Los Angeles saw anti-Trump
protests swell to 8,000 people on Saturday. In New York, thousands peacefully marched two miles on Saturday and gathered outside Trump Tower, the President-elect's home in Manhattan, where they chanted “not my president.” In Richmond 10 were arrested and in Norfolk, police reported peaceful protests. Since Election Day, many have expressed fears of bigotry and racial violence against minorities, amid incidents of harassment, slurs and hate crimes. It seems peace has yet to be found.
2 • Nov. 16, 2016
‘Repealing Obamacare’ will be almost impossible VIEWPOINT MICHAEL HILTZIK The promise to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act has been a staple of the Republican Party platform virtually since the law’s enactment in 2010. Now it looks like it might happen. Donald Trump picked up the theme in his campaign, promising “on Day One of the Trump administration” to “ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.” He pledged to supplant it with “something terrific.” This promise is about to come face-to-face with reality. Repealing many Obamacare provisions isn’t possible without the assent of congressional Democrats. Perhaps more important, dismantling key elements of the law risks leaving the U.S. healthcare system in chaos — certainly in worse shape than it was even before the Affordable Care Act was passed. As passed. At stake is coverage for approximately 20 million Americans and the cost of coverage for many more. [Republicans] made the public think Obamacare caused all the trouble. That’s wrong, noted health care expert Don Berwick They could repeal it tomorrow and costs would continue to go up. Starting in January, when it assumes control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, the GOP will be “it” on health care. The party will own every change made to the law and take the blame for every consequence of its actions, so it will be well-advised to tread carefully. Trump last week took a shot at putting meat on the bones of his “something terrific” pledge, posting a health care policy outline on his president-elect website. Interestingly, the outline replaces the “Day One” promise with a commitment to “work with Congress to repeal the ACA and replace it,” which sounds like a longer timeline. The outline includes several traditional GOP shibboleths, such as returning “the historic role in regulating health insurance to the states” (though under the ACA, they still have considerable authority); expanding the availability of taxexempt health savings accounts, a provision that benefits the rich and is virtually worthless to lowincome households that don’t pay much federal income tax; and allowing the sale of policies across state lines, which would launch a race to the bottom as insurers established themselves in states with the most minimal consumer protections. Trump also put in a pitch for reestablishing high-risk pools, public insurers which would enroll customers with especially costly health care needs.
Trump called this “a proven approach to ensuring access to health insurance coverage for individuals who have significant medical expenses and who have not maintained continuous coverage.” The truth is almost exactly the opposite. As we explained in April, when high-risk pools were being promoted by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the only thing these pools have been proven to be in the 35 states that tried them before the ACA is a failure. The pools were never adequately funded, which prompted states either to place caps on enrollments or saddle members with sky-high, unaffordable premiums. Conservative economist James Capretta estimated in 2010 that a high-risk program would need $15 billion to $20 billion a year to cover four million enrollees -- and he was in favor of the idea. What are the chances that such a program would succeed in the budget-cutting environment sure to prevail under a Trump White House and GOP Congress? Trump also tosses in pledges to protect “human life from conception to natural death,” which doesn’t sound good for abortion rights or end-oflife planning, and to “modernize Medicare,” which sounds like a warning for seniors to hold on to their wallets. Many provisions of the Affordable Care Act are better appreciated by the public than GOP rhetoric would have one believe. Repealing them won’t necessarily be a crowd-pleaser. Jeffrey Young of the Huffington Post points to Kentucky, where right-winger Matt Bevin rode into the governor’s mansion on a platform of unadorned Obamacare hate and a promise to dismantle it, root and branch. The problem is that Obamacare had worked spectacularly well in Kentucky, reducing its uninsured rate to 7.5 percent, from 20.4 percent, thanks to Medicaid expansion and an efficient state-run exchange, Kynect. The law’s provisions were broadly popular, even if Obamacare’s image was widely abominated. As a result, Bevin has made mostly cosmetic
changes to the law. He scrapped the Kynect brand and transferred some of its duties to the federal government, but left in place its role of enrolling Kentuckians in health plans and has kept its Medicaid expansion in place. As Young observes, if that’s the worst “a tea party Republican ushered into office by a wide margin in a conservative state can do to Obamacare,” the challenge of repeal on a national scale becomes evident. The GOP’s biggest problem may be that much of the increase in health care costs that the party blamed on Obamacare, including rising premiums and deductibles, actually has little to do with its provisions and stem from broader trends. Republicans “made the public think Obamacare caused all the trouble,” former Medicare official Don Berwick told Kaiser Health News. “That's absolutely wrong. They could repeal it tomorrow and costs would continue to go up.” If the GOP executes broad changes in the law but can’t quell the cost trends, it will be blamed for the failure. More than political risk stands in the way. Numerous provisions of the Affordable Care Act are subject to filibuster in the Senate, which the GOP doesn’t have 60 votes to avoid. According to healthcare expert Timothy Jost, an emeritus law professor at Washington and Lee University, those may be safe from repeal. As it happens, they include many consumer-protection reforms that are very popular, including the ban on exclusions or higher premiums for preexisting conditions, and caps on annual and lifetime benefits. Other provisions involve government spending, so they’re subject to budget reconciliation legislation that requires only a majority vote in the Senate. Jost observes that the Republicans passed a reconciliation bill in 2015 that might serve as a model for 2017. Vetoed by President Obama, it would have repealed tax subsidies for premiums and — for very low-income Americans — for deductibles and co-pays; Medicaid expansion, which covers low-income adults in states that chose to participate; taxes levied to fund elements of the law; and the widely detested individual and business mandates. But reconciliation is a multistep process that can’t be done on Day One. Reconciliation faces other potholes. That’s because the Affordable Care Act has many interlinked moving parts, and removing some of them could make the entire machine grind to a halt, raising costs and throwing the system into turmoil for millions of Americans who didn’t even know they were exposed. Removing the mandates but leaving in place the ban on exclusions for preexisting conditions will cause torrents of
(continued on page 4)
Nov. 16, 2016 • 3
Grant will expand program to help Virginia caregivers for those with dementia Virginia has secured additional federal funding to expand statewide a program to strengthen services for Virginians experiencing dementia and their caregivers. The $276,000 grant from the federal Administration for Community Living allows the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services to broaden the FAMILIES caregiver intervention program. The Family Access to Memory Impairment and Loss Information, Engagement and Supports program was featured in the documentary, “Alzheimer’s: The Caregiver’s Perspective,” which aired Nov. 10 on public television in Richmond and Charlottesville. The greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is age, and as boomers swell Virginia’s older population, Virginia must support sufficient training for care providers and family caregivers to address this growing demand. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that the number of cases of Alzheimer’s
disease in Virginia could jump 46 percent, from 130,000 in 2014 to 190,000 in 2025. “As we expect Virginia’s population of older adults to double by 2030, we also expect an increase in the number of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia,” said DARS Commissioner Jim Rothrock. “The expansion of the FAMILIES program across Virginia is a significant opportunity for the Commonwealth to help caregivers who face the difficult challenge of caring for loved ones with this cruel disease.” Caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s is a significant commitment. On average, older adults with dementia require 171 hours of care per month. About 455,000 caregivers in Virginia provide assistance to a loved one with dementia, and in 2015, they provided 519 million hours of unpaid caregiving valued at $220 billion. Caregivers often feel overwhelmed by the responsibility and desperately
need support. The FAMILIES program aims to help them feel more confident in their role, increase satisfaction with their social and emotional support networks, reduce depression that can often overwhelm caregivers, and help caregivers assess and comfortably respond to behaviors that can sometimes affect people with dementia. The new grant will expand FAMILIES services to enroll about 100 caregivers of individuals with dementia. Since 2014, when the program first began in the Charlottesville and Williamsburg areas, more than 130 caregivers have enrolled in the program. “Often caregivers need help, but are unsure where to find the support they need to understand what their loved with dementia is experiencing or how to assist them. The FAMILIES program connects them to a trained counselor who provides them with an individualized approach while also engaging family members and friends. Caregivers
gain the understanding that they are not alone and that help is available,” said Devin Bowers, the state dementia services coordinator who supervises the DARS grant. Partnering with DARS on the FAMILIES program are local Area Agencies on Aging; the University of Virginia Memory and Aging Care Clinic, which serves participants in northern, central and southwestern Virginia; Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health for caregivers in southern Virginia, Hampton Roads, the Middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck; and the Alzheimer’s Association Central and Western Virginia Chapter, Southeastern Virginia Chapter and the Greater Richmond Chapter, which in collaboration with Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging, will work with caregivers in the Richmond metro area. Contact the state dementia services coordinator at 804-662-9154 or devin. bowers@dars.virginia.gov for details.
Stoney names transition team
Richmond Mayor-elect Levar Stoney
Richmond Mayor-elect Levar Stoney has tepped several people to help in his transition to the city mayor’s office. He released the following statement last week: “I am pleased to announce that CEO of TMI Consulting, Tiffany Jana and former Chief of Staff to Governors Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, Bill Leighty will serve as Co-Chairs of the transition. I am also pleased to announce that that Dr. Thad Williamson, Associate Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond and former Director of the Office of Community Wealth Building, will serve as director of my mayoral transition. “A transition process plan guided by the comprehensive policy platform set before voters has been developed. As part of this process, I will be requesting detailed updates and status reports on all departments and major policy areas from Mayor Jones, with whom I met today. I also plan to meet personally with Chief Administrative Officer Selena Cuffee-Glenn, Chief Alfred Durham and Superintendent Dana Bedden as part of this transition process. “I am eager to move forward with key action steps highlighted throughout my campaign, such as launching a comprehensive performance review of City government, working to develop an Education Compact to improve our schools in a collaborative spirit, and prioritizing the needs of children in my first proposed budget. “Finally, I am determined to assemble a team of talented and committed professionals to join me in taking the City of Richmond to the next level during my Administration.”
4 • Nov. 16, 2016
Highway expansion threatens historic HU oak The Virginia Department of Transportation’s plans to expand a highway near historically Black institution Hampton University has some school leaders concerned. Hampton university officials are fighting to save a historic oak tree and surrounding land that could be compromised in the state’s expansion of Interstate 64. VDOT officials recently met with school leaders to inform them that they may need to acquire some of the historic land for the proposed I-64 widening leading to the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. Part of the land includes Strawberry Banks and the iconic Emancipation Oak. The gargantuan oak tree, sprawling over 100 feet in diameter, stands near the entrance of the Hampton University campus and served as one of the first classrooms for newly freed men and women looking to get an education, the university website states. The historic Emancipation Oak was also the site of the first Southern reading of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. Attorney Joseph Waldo, who is representing the university, said he is working to ensure that the expansion of I-64 doesn’t move any closer to the school’s campus. Per ABC News 13, the school has even employed its own experts to show VDOT that the road can be moved away from the campus — a solution that would avoid shifting the ramp and main interstate closer to the tree than it already is. “They’re willing to fight this all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary,” Waldo said. “Not one inch of Hampton University’s property should be touch[ed].”
As for Strawberry Banks, VDOT said the lands they’d like to acquire won’t be known until after the Commonwealth Transportation Board votes on a preferred alternative and the design phase of the expansion project is underway, the news station
(from page 2) to the legality of the government’s red ink for insurance companies. Repealing Medicaid expansion will drive up costs for hospitals, which have seen welcome relief from the burden of providing uncompensated care for uninsured patients. Moreover, there appears to be a poison pill that would be triggered by repeal of the cost-sharing subsidies, which are available to individual policies with income less than 250 percent of the federal poverty line ($60,750 for a family of four next year) and received currently by nearly seven million people. As explained by Charles Gaba of ACASignups.net, the contracts reached by the federal government with insurers in states using the federal exchange, healthcare.gov, allow them to immediately cancel their policies if the cost-sharing subsidies are overturned. A challenge by House Republicans
payments for those subsidies is currently being pondered by a federal court. Theoretically, President Trump could end the payments by fiat on Day One of his administration. This could mean the immediate cancellation of as many as seven million policies, purely by GOP action. Gaba reports that the cancellations are subject to state laws, and it’s unclear how many states would require the policies to remain in force through the year. Nicholas Bagley of the University of Michigan reckons that in states that allow health plans to pull out of the market if the cost-sharing payments cease, “the collapse of the individual market could occur very quickly. Millions of people would be pitched off their insurance, leaving them with no other options.” That’s just a hint of the complexities of repeal. Even without repeal, Trump could
reports. Board members are expected to vote in December. According to the university: “The Emancipation Oak stands near the entrance of the Hampton University campus and is a lasting symbol of the university’s rich heritage and perseverance. “During the Civil War, Union General Benjamin F. Butler’s “contraband of war” decision at Fort Monroe in 1861 changed the fates of many AfricanAmerican slaves, enabling hundreds to reach freedom behind Union lines. Although previously forbidden an education by Virginia law, the rising number of “contrabands” camped in the area prompted the establishment of schools for those freedmen who exhibited “a great thirst for knowledge”. “The peaceful shade of the young oak served as the first classroom for newly freed men and women, eager for an education. Mrs. Mary Peake, daughter of a freed colored woman and a Frenchman, conducted the first lessons taught under the oak located on the University’s campus. Classes continued with the The Butler School, which was constructed in 1863 next to the oak. “One day in 1863, the members of the Virginia Peninsula’s black community gathered to hear a prayer answered. The Emancipation Oak was the site of the first Southern reading of President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, an act which accelerated the demand for AfricanAmerican education. “With limbs sprawling over a hundred feet in diameter, the Emancipation oak is designated as one of the 10 Great Trees of the World by the National Geographic Society.”
throw a wrench into the Affordable Care Act by sheer administrative starvation — though making the law less efficient might not count as turning it into “something terrific.” Trump could abandon Obama administration efforts to enroll customers in Affordable Care Act plans or to keep insurers in the marketplace. “If a Trump administration simply stopped implementing or enforcing certain regulatory requirements, there might be little that could be done about it,” Jost observed. “Just a change in leadership in the agencies implementing the ACA will cause months of disruption.” What about “replace”? Republican alternatives have been sketchy, and their potential for maintaining coverage for the 20 million Americans receiving coverage via Obamacare dubious. As for Trump’s campaign healthcare plan, in addition to the features ported over
to his president-elect website, these include eliminating the individual mandate, which would drive lots of insurers out of the individual market, and block-granting Medicaid to the states, which would merely be an invitation to many state governments to cut Medicaid benefits. Trump also would make premiums tax deductible for individuals, as they are for corporations and those receiving healthcare through their employers. That’s a good idea, but it’s also of limited use for working-class and low-income households. Here’s a concise rundown of what can and can’t be done in repealing Obamacare: Low-hanging fruit: Say goodbye to Obamacare’s medical device tax and “Cadillac” tax on high-quality healthplans such as those sponsored by big employers and many large unions. Repeal of both has bipartisan
(continued on page 5)
Nov. 16, 2016 • 5
(from page 4) probably safe: The right to keep
Help for vet The Richmond Division of Eastwood Homes recently supported a local Petersburg veteran by donating a newly built ramp to improve mobility. Last month, 74-year-old widow and Army veteran, Rowena Carter, detailed in a televised report, her battle to leave her own home each day. Due to poor leg circulation and an injured knee, Carter struggled to walk up and down her own porch steps (shown above). Her fellow veterans in the Richmond-area shareed her struggles and requested help on
her behalf. The Richmond team of Eastwood Homes caught wind of the request and “jumped” at the opportunity to support the Petersburg veteran, according to Spen Custis, operations manager for the Richmond Division of Eastwood Homes. “As an Army vet, Rowena has done so much for our country; it was time for someone to return the favor for a fellow neighbor. It’s an honor to work for a company that supports our interest in helping the community,” he said. The company constructed a stable ramp that stretched from Carter’s entry door to the sidewalk in front of her home.
support; last year, with Obama’s assent, Congress deferred the Cadillac tax to 2020, from 2018. Also likely to go is the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, which was given authority to trim Medicare spending if it rose faster than a given benchmark. The IPAB has never gone into effect, but conservatives detest it and only healthcare wonks care much about it. Possible, but not so simple: Trump might be able to eliminate by administrative order some mandated minimum benefits, such as pregnancy and maternity care, mental health services and emergency services. Trump and Congress could also encourage more bare-bones or catastrophic plans, which would carry lower premiums but provide lower benefits. Politically safe, probably: The ban on exclusions for pre-existing conditions, though Republicans may impose a condition requiring continuous coverage, that is, no lapse in coverage for some period of time. This could be legislated, but leaves open the question of how to care for those who drop coverage temporarily because of economic reversals. Also
Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at www.parentsformeganslaw.org. This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.
children on parents’ employer plans up to the age of 26, and bans on annual and lifetime benefit limits. Legislative limbo: The Child Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, comes up for reauthorization next year. The program covers about eight million children in low-income households who would lose their benefits if the program is allowed to die. But CHIP is associated with Hillary Clinton, who is widely credited with a “pivotal” role in its creation. If Trump and the Republicans really want to draw a sharp line between them and Clinton, this is the place to do it — with eight million kids as collateral damage. So, good luck, GOP. Until now, the party has not paid serious attention to the U.S. health care system and all its ills, because it chose the course of sniping from the sidelines and obstructing problem-solving efforts by federal agencies. Now it is the government, and the risks and rewards of health care policy are in its possession. Republicans could make things better by careful policymaking, or immeasurably worse by maintaining its ideological opposition to “Obamacare” without thinking too hard about the consequences. Let’s see how they do.
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6 • Nov. 16, 2016
Op/Ed & Letters
Obama steadied our nation in truly ‘interesting times’ REV. JESSE JACKSON (TriceEdneyWire.com) - “May you live in interesting times.” This curse, attributed tenuously to the Chinese, bespeaks a preference for order over change. We now live in interesting times and Americans are hungering for change. Yet, surprisingly, President Obama enjoys increasing popularity as he heads into the final days of his presidency. Why is the president the most popular politician in America (outside of Bernie Sanders)? As he put it, to be elected with popular majorities twice with the name Barack Hussein Obama, something has to be going right. And something has. He inherited an economy in free fall, losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month. Wall Street was on the verge of collapse. The auto companies were about to close their doors. Bush left an annual budget deficit soaring above $1 trillion. Millions were at risk of losing their homes, and millions more were losing their shirts as their homes went “underwater” — worth less than the debt owed on them. The U.S. had suffered the worst foreign policy debacle since Vietnam in Iraq. The nation had been shamed as it watched Americans left to suffer after Katrina hit New Orleans. Obama was elected because he represented change and hope. He passed the largest stimulus plan in history — and staunched the free The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 46 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
fall in jobs. He saved the financial system and began putting sensible regulations back on Wall Street. He rescued the auto industry that has now enjoyed its best years in history. He revived competence in government. He passed comprehensive health care reform — a flawed compromise plan but one that as provided health insurance to 20 million Americans. He raised taxes on the rich and lowered them on the working poor. He pushed a reactionary Congress to begin addressing the real and present danger of catastrophic climate change. The results are apparent. The deficit has been more than halved. The recovery has been slow and halting, but we’ve enjoyed private sector job growth for a record number of consecutive months. And now, The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
with unemployment down around 5 percent, workers are starting to be in demand and wages have just begun to inch upward. The president has governed with grace. His rhetoric informed and lifted us. His family provided admired role models. He suffered insult and obstruction with patience and dignity. As he would be the first to admit, none of this is sufficient. Our politics remain polluted by big money. Our economy is still rigged to favor the few. Our trade deficit remains extreme. The banks are still too big to fail. Workers still don’t capture a fair share of the profits and productivity they help to produce. The tax evasions of the corporations and rich reach grow ever more obscene. People of color were the biggest victims of Wall Street’s housing frauds, with many yet to recover. The racial wealth gap keeps growing. Workers — white, people of color, the young and women — all struggle against the odds. Stunningly, the life spans of white male workers are declining, as drugs, despair, sickness and suicide take an increasing toll. The U.S. is still mired in wars without victory across the Middle East. We still invest too much in making smart bombs and too little in developing smart children. The climate grows more dangerous as global warming accelerates. The president who hoped to bring us together instead was hit by the bitter
racial enmities that still divide us. Now we’re nearing the end of a presidential campaign marked more by scandal than by substance, featuring more insults than ideas. Donald Trump captured the Republican nomination by stoking fear and anger. Both candidates have been plagued by scandals, real and invented. Contradictions result. The country hungers for a change in course but is fearful about what comes next. The two candidates for the presidency offering change are looked on with unprecedented disfavor, while the incumbent president enjoys rising popularity. President Obama has suggested that a president is something like a sprinter in a relay race. No one racer can determine the outcome. Your job is to run your part of the race as well as you can — and then hand on the baton to the next. It’s more complicated than that, of course. The best presidents change the direction of the race to insure that their successors have the wind at their backs. One thing is clear today. Barack Hussein Obama came to office facing harsh economic and political tempests. And he will leave office handing the baton to a successor with the wind at her or his back. More and more Americans are beginning to appreciate that now. And we will appreciate it even more in retrospect.
Nov. 16, 2016 • 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
Campaign promises Number 1 was build a wall along the southern border that's taller than the arenas where Trump holds his rallies, taller than any ladder and one foot taller than the Great Wall of China. This "artistically beautiful" wall will be constructed out of hardened concrete, rebar and steel, and it will be "the greatest wall that you've ever seen" -- so great that the nation will likely one day name it "The Trump Wall." campaign promise #1. Build a wall along the southern border that's taller than the arenas where Trump holds his rallies, taller than any ladder and one foot taller than the Great Wall of China. This "artistically beautiful" wall will be constructed out of hardened concrete, rebar and steel, and it will be "the greatest wall that you've ever seen" -- so great that the nation will likely one day name it "The Trump Wall." He promised the American people a wall - and now they are getting a fence, as reported nbationally on Sunday! Yet again, another deviation from what he promised all along. More to come, just stay tuned Erin Ward
“We did it!’ Thanks to you, our vision for a renewed Richmond and accountability in City Hall will become a reality. It’s been a long, hard-fought
journey to get here. I entered this race because I wanted to make sure City Hall is listening to every voice and every district. My hope is that now I can be a voice for those children who are going through the same things I went through: living in a similar environment or with the same circumstances, and making the best they can of a tough hand. That’s what got me in this race, and that’s the mayor I want to be for every child in this city moving forward. This has been a long, difficult election year, but you have kept me—and this campaign—going. I’ve seen your support—and your clear commitment to our vision of a renewed City Hall—in your unwavering assistance every step of the way, in the hours you volunteered to help deliver our message to every district, and now, in your incredible showing at polling stations on Tuesday. You showed me that we had the wind in our sails, that our broadbased coalition had reached every single neighborhood, from the Northside to Shockoe Bottom, from Jackson Ward to Scott’s Addition. I am honored and humbled by your support. I know with you we can accomplish great things for this city. It was an honor to be your candidate. As your mayor, I will never forget I’m working for you, and all Richmonders. There is a lot to do to make sure
Richmond works hard for every one of its citizens, and we can’t wait to get started. With you, every step of the way, Levar Stoney Richmond mayor-elect
Thai-ed to torture Amnesty International’s mission is “to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.” Unsurprisingly, the organization’s latest report collects “first-hand testimony of survivors, court documents, medical records and various other forms of evidence relating to 74 cases of torture” in Thailand and urges that country’s legislature and military government to follow through on their claimed commitments to bring an end to the practice. After Amnesty staff flew into Bangkok for the report’s official release, the regime threatened them with arrest for “visa violations” if the ceremony took place. Apparently the junta, which has ruled the country since a 2014 coup, is unfamiliar with the “Streisand Effect.” Their threats ensured that Amnesty’s report received more global attention on the morning of its release than it would likely otherwise have received altogether. Among those who should take notice are American taxpayers, who fork over billions of dollars in direct and indirect military aid to the junta
forces -- weapons, cash, the positive cash flow associated with large USsponsored military exercises like Cobra Gold, and the putative shade of a U.S. “security umbrella.” American law is clear on the subject of such aid. Per 22 US Code § 2378d, (“Limitation on assistance to security forces,” better known as the Leahy Law), “No assistance shall be furnished under this chapter or the Arms Export Control Act ... to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.” Surely 74 cases of torture constitute such a gross violation -- as does threatening human rights activists with arrest for talking about those cases of torture. Yet U.S. military aid has continued to flow to the junta, albeit at a reduced rate for a short time. As a libertarian, I oppose all U.S. foreign aid for military purposes or any others. The only way the U.S. government can give away that money is to first steal it from Americans (or borrow at interest on the promise to steal it later). Individuals who want to support the Thai junta should write those checks themselves instead of mugging the rest of us. But failing that, it seems to me that the U.S. government can AT LEAST stop throwing cash at torturers. It’s not just a good idea. It’s the law. Thomas L. Knapp
8 • Nov. 16, 2016
Faith & Religion
Faith leaders mourn Trump’s election but remain resolute ADELLE M. BANKS RNS - Back when so many thought Hillary Clinton would be the next president, two dozen African-American leaders wrote to the Democratic nominee asking her to explain her policies related to the poor and the police. African Methodist Episcopal Bishop Frank M. Reid III said black clergy will make some of the same demands of President-elect Donald Trump. Photo courtesy of Bishop Frank M. Reid III African Methodist Episcopal Bishop Frank M. Reid III said black clergy will make some of the same demands of President-elect Donald Trump that they had expected to ask Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Photo courtesy of Bishop Frank M. Reid III “Mr. Trump, you’ve said that you want to bring jobs into the black community, strengthen the education system, etc.,” Reid said, imagining a future conversation after the “mind-blowing” election. “Purely as a political arrangement, we’re saying, ‘Let’s work together to do that.’” Some African-American faith leaders, reeling from the election of Trump, say they intend to soldier on, reach out to those with whom they disagree and continue to fight for the social issues they care about, such as increasing the minimum wage and improving public schools. After concerted get-out-the-vote efforts — from “text-a-thons” to phone banks — by black denominations, PICO National Network and other groups, some leaders say they’re still trying to figure out why Trump won. The Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner collected signatures for a statement by leaders of AfricanAmerican church groups about Ferguson, Mo. Photo by Patricia McDougall The Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner is the cochair of the National African-American Clergy Network. Photo by Patricia McDougall “It’s like a mourning, it’s like a funeral in some parts of America, in black America, among Muslim Americans and among immigrants I’ve talked to this morning,” said the Rev. Barbara WilliamsSkinner, co-chair of the National African-American Clergy Network, last week. She noted that the presidential election had an undertone of racial animosity and took place for the first time since the Supreme Court invalidated portions of the Voting Rights Act that provided voter protections.
Bishop Frank M. Reid III
The Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner “It makes a difference when your polling place moves to the suburbs and … when there’s no Sunday transportation where pastors can take
their people to the polls after a service,” she said. The Rev. James C. Perkins, president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, voiced similar concerns. “(D)espite the election conclusion, the PNBC will still pursue our social justice agenda to get the Voting Rights Act restored,” he said in a statement. “It was clear during this election that voter suppression impacted African-Americans, seniors, and others negatively.” Evangelical Ralph Reed, chairman of the conservative Faith & Freedom Coalition, noted that exit polls indicated that Trump received 8 percent of the black vote, 2 percentage points more than GOP nominee Mitt Romney gained in 2012. “Trump’s not going to get a lot of credit, but when was the last time you saw a Republican nominee for president, or vice president, or any Republican politician of national stature since Jack Kemp who went into African-American churches in a general (election) and said ‘I want to be your champion’?” Reed asked during remarks at the National Press Club last week. Pastor Michael McBride, director of the “Live Free Campaign” of PICO National Network, said Trump’s outreach to blacks was not the reason he won since the overwhelming majority of black American voters favored Clinton. In fact, he said, support for Clinton helped down-ballot measures his network had advocated. They included minimum wage increases in several states, expanded pre-kindergarten in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, and increased public bus service in Indianapolis. Like Reid, he said African-American faith leaders will need to join other religious people of color to determine a strategic way forward after Trump’s election. “I’m shocked and still at the same time I think I am also resolved to make sure that we do all that we can to make him as great a president as he can be and protect those whom we love from the terrible president he could be,” said McBride. He said some of his network’s plans for a Clinton administration will remain the same with Trump but said there may be a need to prepare for “this rise of white nationalism” or a potential “unleashed” law enforcement community. “The black church has been fighting for liberation for all people since the black church was forged so our marching orders aren’t any different,” McBride added. “We just have to recalibrate.”
Nov. 16, 2016 • 9
Foundation helps addicts recover as opioid deaths soar
CNS - Scraps of newspaper obituaries, photographs of the departed and handwritten notes in memory of loved ones collage the bottom third of a sectioned-off piece of the wall at the McShin Foundation’s intake office. The delicate ensemble pays homage to lives lost to addiction – a tangible mnemonic indicative of a statewide epidemic. Inches to the right, the rest of the wall is covered with photos of smiling faces, separated from the deceased only by a faint line of demarcation. “This is how we keep track of people when they leave housing,” said Michael Quinn, the intake specialist at the foundation, a local nonprofit recovery community organization. “If they’re doing well they’re above the line. People will come in all the time and kind of shift things around so we can keep better track of how people are doing.” Unfortunately, not everyone’s face remains above the halfway mark – a reflection of a wave of deaths in Virginia due to fatal opiate overdoses. Opioids – both prescription pain medications and heroin – account for most of the spike in fatalities. The number of fatal opioid overdoses increased nearly 86 percent, from 475 deaths in 2010 to more than 880 last year, a CNS analysis of data from the Virginia Department of Health found. Opioids made up more than 90 percent of the state’s drug deaths in 2015. Quinn attributes the sharp rise in drug abuse partially to the availability of more potent heroin. “A lot of dealers are cutting the heroin with phenobarbital, which is a deadly combination,” he said. “And the other thing is, heroin’s become more of a popular drug in suburban and upperclass neighborhoods, so it’s becoming more acceptable.” In Richmond, the number of heroin deaths jumped from five in 2010 to 38 last year. Over the same period in Henrico County, the number rose from four to 27. In Virginia Beach, it went from three to 18. And in Fairfax County, it increased from two to 32. Nick, a Fairfax County native who asked that his last name not be used, knows firsthand about the addiction that drives those statistics. “It was like when I was high, I could live in this fantasy all the time that was, ‘I’m gonna go to school tomorrow, and fold my laundry, and start working out, and cook dinner,’” he said. “But as soon as I came down, my only concern was getting back to that place of
contemplative productivity by getting another hit.” Now 22 and almost a year into a treatment program in Florida, Nick tried prescription painkillers for the first time at 16. “It progressed from whenever I could get them, to raiding medicine cabinets, to finding my own dealers for the next three years,” Nick said. “I started using every day at 19, and that continued until about 20, and then I was injecting.” Nick said his parents were unaware of his growing addiction until his father had to cover a $500 drug debt about nine months before he went to treatment. “It was when I started using heroin in addition to the pills, and the unmanageability during the times when I had no drugs was too much to bear, that I decided to get help or I was going to die. So I checked into treatment,” Nick said. “My parents didn’t know I was IV’ing until we got to the ER the day I asked for help.” Quinn said he hears stories like this all too often. The McShin Foundation works to erase the stigma associated with addiction and getting help. “When somebody says they’re an addict, people think of them as this nasty junkie person you don’t want to be with,” Quinn said. “The media always portrays the problem – the arrests and drug dealers – but they never show the solution, which is people recovering and living regular lives.” Quinn, like all other administrators at the foundation, went through McShin’s peer-to-peer program personally. He has been clean from opioids for more than a year. The foundation’s CEO has been sober for nine; the director of operations, five; and the founder, John Shinholser, more than 30. “It’s an everyday battle still,” Quinn said. “I have a sponsor, I go to meetings – it’s working. And people can relate to us and can’t use the excuse of ‘Oh well, you haven’t been there, you don’t know what you’re talking about,’ because yeah, I have been there, and I do know.” The McShin Foundation is now in its 12th year. About 60 percent of its clients are addicted to opioids. Quinn said the rate of recovery is higher than at most treatment centers.He said traditional centers typically have an 18 to 20 percent success rate – which is determined by a year of sobriety – whereas success rates at McShin are closer to 50 percent. Because the nonprofit McShin Foundation does not receive any government funding and insurance companies don’t recognize the program, Quinn said treatment must come out of pocket for individuals and families. But clients say it’s well worth the cost. “You’re investing in someone’s life,”
Illustration by Norine King Quinn said. “My parents tell me all the time the best investment they ever made was getting their son back – and that’s priceless.” For the past two years, the opioid epidemic has claimed, on average, more than two Virginians’ lives a day for the last two years. The toll has spurred state
officials into action.Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring in particular is taking strides to address the rise in fatalities and opioid abuse. Last month, Herring was awarded the Bronze Key, a national recognition
(continued on page 15)
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Editor’s note: We are publishing this May 2016 report to bring light to the help available to addicts. Please, seek help if you need it.
10 • Nov. 16, 2016
TC Boushall opens tech lab Thomas C. Boushall Middle School recently celebrated the grand opening of its new Technology Lab. Through a grant from Capital One, The Heart of America Foundation’s READesign® team worked with the Thomas C. Boushall Middle School staff and community to transform an area within the school into a state-ofthe-art technology center, providing innovative tools for students. A classroom set of ipads donated in conjunction with circuit training kits, 3-D printer, and more will provide on-demand access to global resources, closing the gap in digital education access and empowering students to develop the skills needed to succeed in our digital economy. Approximately 30 Capital One volunteers are working at Thomas C. Boushall Middle School to complete the new Tech Lab with activities ranging from assembling furniture, readying new devices and machines and decorating the space to sorting and stocking STEM books and classroom materials. Literacy plays a crucial part in closing the gap in
This is a a painting made with Capital One using remote control cars. It was installed at TC Boushall Middle School's new technology lab. The painting has a secret message in binary code. Do you know what it says? education and digitial skills. To that end, Capital One is providing more than 1,500 books to the school. Further ensuring opportunity is within reach at all points of a student’s day, Capital One is also donating two books directly to each student, enabling them to continue to build their home libraries.
Ropes course Dawn Slagle from Manchester High recently received a grant for $4,168 for a ropes course experience and classroom materials for students participating in the Success program at Manchester High. The ropes challenge course and materials are focused on connecting the student and making them more successful in the classroom.
Nov. 16, 2016 • 11
‘Arrival’: A stunning science fiction movie with deep implications for today Dwight BROWN Nearly 40 years ago, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” set the bar very high for sci-fi films that eschewed conventional all-out action sequences and garnered their strength from immense suspense, evocative visuals and mind-numbing mystery. “Arrival” is in that same elite category. Brainy. Intense. Scary. It joins a very exclusive club. The source material for this endeavor is the science-fiction short story by Ted Chiang, “Story of Your Life,” which was published in 1998 and won a Nebula Award for Best Novella in 2000. That award is given out by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), which verifies this story’s geeky pedigree. It was up to executive producer and screenwriter Eric Heisserer (“Final Destination 5”) to turn Chiang’s lofty thoughts on language, linguistics and cognitive science, as they pertain to the worldview of people or aliens in this case, into a cohesive screenplay that uses a very scrambled method of storytelling to disseminate the plot and characters. Aliens arrive in massive floating vertical pods that land in 12 locations around the world. They actually float just above the ground astounding governments, the military and all who gaze. Dr. Louise Banks (Amy Adams), a noted linguistics professor, is asked to head a team that will try to communicate with the interlopers. She is helped by the physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) and guided by the military Colonel Weber (Forrest Whitaker), the latter being very intent on making a quick connection with the aliens or possibly annihilating them before anyone has ascertained why they’ve ventured to earth. Dressed in orange hazmat suits, and looking quite strange themselves, the earthlings head into the tall cylinder day after day, hoping to communicate with a being that does not speak in linear terms,
sentences or easily discernible patterns. Banks is having a tough time making a breakthrough. The government is losing patience with the whole endeavor. It has occurred to everyone that the planet may suffer grave consequences beyond anyone’s imagination if a meeting of the minds is not imminent. Also, world leaders are antsy and are pointing fingers at each other, especially the Russians and Chinese. Banks: “I know something is going to happen.” Chiang’s novella is not for the casual reader. It is complex, told in bits and pieces, in the past, present, and future. Heisserer’s ingenious script lays out all the plot pieces as coherently as possible, but it is the brilliant work and guidance by Quebec director Denis Villeneuve, the A-list filmmaker of the thriller “Prisoners” and the crime/drama/ thriller “Sicario,” that takes this far-fetched and heady sci-fi story to another stratosphere. Villeneuve turns the Banks character, who is tasked with a near impossible mission, into an everywoman that audiences will root for. Her exceedingly slow and minimal progress, day after day, becomes tedious and disheartening. By the time she makes minimal advances with the unearthly guests, it’s so dramatic it’s as if she has discovered the cure for cancer. The intensity of her attempted accomplishments, under the threat of the military taking harsh measures, is so nerve-racking at times your heart will stop, then rev up, then stop, then rev up, over and over again. Add in the unfathomable visuals of an alien being that defies anything any viewer has ever seen and the sojourn Banks takes you on becomes so mind-boggling, even the most hardened sci-fi fans will be impressed. Credit production designer Patrice Vermette (“Sicario”), supervising art director Isabelle Guay (“The Revenant”) and set decorators Paul Hotte (“300”) and
André Valade for visuals that leave indelible impressions. All the aforementioned will likely receive Oscar nominations for their tech contributions. The weight of this film is clearly also on the shoulders of Amy Adams, who let’s the character revel in strengths and attributes that are often associated with mothering. Patience. Perseverance. Understanding when no one else can. The story is written and directed by men, but the themes are very feminist. Banks grapples with a force that is mightier than anything anyone has every imagined. At the same time she is dealing with an inner conflict she can’t understand that has to do with her daughter. That intimate seed is a very personalizing device that claws at Banks’ soul. Chiang created this dilemma in his short story, and it augments this very intellectual, science-heavy movie, adding a very sensitive and humane undercurrent. The cast is filled out with Jeremy Renner as Banks’ partner and fellow decipherer who believes in her when all others have abandoned her investigation methods. Whittaker, as the sledgehammer over her head,
adds to the blistering pressure of the situation. Jóhann Jóhannsson’s (Sicario) mesmerizing score intensifies the drama at every turn. Editor Joe Walker (“12 Years A Slave,” “Sicario”) is not afraid to let the footage run long enough to tell the complex story. Bradford Young (“Selma,” “A Most Violent Year”) lights crucial interior scenes perfectly, positions the camera in the most opportune places on the countryside that surrounds the space ship and makes scenes of the pods floating precariously above the earth look like ominous vehicles of mass destruction. If you’re up for a sci-fi thriller that expects you to think outside of the box, you won’t be disappointed. Don’t be dismayed if you can’t grasp every plot point quickly and easily. The images you see and things you hear need time to ruminate and be savored. At the end of two hours and five riveting minutes you may feel your brainpower has been tested. Don’t worry. That’s what mind-numbing, science fiction will do to you. That’s what “Close Encounters” did to audiences almost 40 years ago.
12 • Nov. 16, 2016
RVA teachers honored
Gilbert Carter
Chele Miller
Richmond educators Gilbert Carter of Boushall Middle School and Chele Miller of Miles Jones Elementary School were named first runner-up second runner-up respectively at the 2017 Teacher of the Year event last week. Carter, a mathematics teacher, is a former engineer. Carter left corporate America to begin teaching at Boushall in 2009. Among his contributions to the school, Carter has served as a new teacher mentor, eighth grade team leader, schoolwide leadership team member, co-chair of the math department and head coach of the girls’ basketball team. He led the middle school girls’ basketball team to its first championship during the 2014-2015 school year. Carter holds a bachelor of arts degree from Virginia Tech. Miller, a math and science teacher, has been an educator for 10 years,
Miller credits an illness as a child as the driving force for pursuing a career in teaching. In her application, Miller recalled a teacher publicly shaming her in class, which inspired her to begin visualizing her own classroom where all students would feel welcomed. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and master’s degree in teaching from James Madison University, and has served as a Mind Games coach, Saturday Academy teacher and member of the Miles Jones’ Multicultural and Career Day Committee. Carter and Miller received $750 and $500 cash awards, respectively. As program sponsor, Wells Fargo provided cash prizes for the top three award recipients and iPads for the top 10 finalists. This year marks the third consecutive year of the company’s sponsorship.
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Nov. 16, 2016 • 13
Former pro player training youth for the big leagues STACY M. BROWN Omar Washington, a former professional baseball player with the Philadelphia Phillies and the Boston Red Sox is on a mission to increase minority participation in Major League Baseball. It wasn’t long ago that comedian and actor Chris Rock referred to African-American baseball fans as an endangered species, in part, because he said the game was a sport for the rich. Earlier this year, USA Today released an updated report on the demographics of Major League Baseball, which revealed that 69 of the 862 players on 2016 opening day rosters and disabled lists were African-American. Just eight percent MLB players are African-American. Rock’s comments and the raw numbers only serve to underscore some of the challenges faced by former professional baseball star Omar Washington, who heads what he calls the most successful minority youth baseball academy in the nation, Citius USA. “We have a rich history of moving young ball players to the next level to play college and, or, professional baseball,” said Washington, who was drafted in 1990 by the Philadelphia Phillies and played for the Boston Red Sox during his career. Washington’s son, Ty, plays for the Cincinnati Reds. “There are trials and tribulation,” said Washington. “The challenges of making things happen are always tied in with the economics of it and the biggest problem in dealing with the youth in our inner-cities is finances, because parents are forced to choose whether to pay their rent, their car note or for their child to participate in baseball.” Still, Washington and his staff have maintained a willingness to stick to it. With the rising cost of allimportant tournaments that aspiring baseball stars must participate in, Washington estimates that he’s spent over $27,000 of his own money to ensure that his young players were able to compete and showcase their
Former professional baseball star Omar Washington, leads Citius USA, one of the foremost minority youth baseball academies in the nation.
Former pro player skills. Citius USA began in Texas, but has now expanded to New York, Florida, California and Chicago with a total of 63 teams that contain as many as 16 kids per squad. “The tournament prices have risen to $6,400 for a bunch of kids who can’t afford it,” Washington said. “We’ve been doing this for the last few years and you take a bunch of kids and their parents are worried about keeping their lights on, paying for their car that they need to go to work and then you tell the kid’s parent that they need $1,000 to play in a tournament.” Former Los Angeles Angels general manager Tony Reagins, who was appointed as Major League Baseball’s senior vice president for youth programs, told the baseball news website, the Big Lead, that research has revealed that “the financial barrier is an important barrier participating” in the decline of the participation of African-Americans. “For soccer or basketball at the early ages, the financial outlay may include just the cost of a ball and shoes (and a relatively inexpensive pair of shin guards for soccer),” the article said. “For baseball or softball, those costs can include a bat, a fielding glove, multiple pairs of pants, batting gloves, shoes, and a batting helmet, and a bag to manage
(continued on page 17)
14 • Nov. 16, 2016
New website to help combat opiod and heroin addiction in Virginia Virginia has launched VaAware.com, a new website developed as an informational tool for the fight against prescription drug and heroin abuse in Virginia. As a recommendation of the Governor’s Task Force on Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse, the website features specific pages for parents, healthcare providers, law enforcement members and those seeking help with addiction. Virginia is actively working to combat this epidemic, as more than half of the recommendations made by the Governor’s opioid task force have already been or are currently being implemented. “This website is an important tool to help those struggling with addiction and their family members
find resources available in Virginia, and to provide a resource to health care and public safety professionals seeking the latest information in our efforts to end this epidemic,” said Gov. Terry McAuliffe. “Deaths from prescription drug overdoses doubled in Virginia over the past 15 years, while heroin-related deaths tripled from 2011 to 2015. We must all do our part to bring positive change to the lives of Virginians battling substance abuse.” Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel said it is important to have a central web presence where people can find resources and information to get help for themselves or loved ones, and where health and law enforcement professionals can find guidance as well.
“It is hard enough to take the first step to find help, but by providing information online in an easilyaccessible format, we can make it easier for people to take that step any hour of the day or night,” said Hazel. Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Moran said the website will prove to be a useful tool for the law enforcement community as it “collectively and cohesively” combats the heroin and prescription opioid epidemic. The website is the result of
collaboration between four Virginia agencies: the Department of Health Professions, the Virginia Department of Health, the Department of Criminal Justice Services, and the Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services. The site is hosted and maintained by the Department of Health Professions. “We are happy to support this important resource as Virginia fights the opioid epidemic,” said Department of Health Professions Director David Brown.
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Nov. 16, 2016 • 15
(from page 9) presented for outstanding contributions, from the McShin Foundation at the organization’s 12th Annual Spring Awards Banquet. “So many families across Virginia have been touched by addiction to heroin and prescription opioids, and too many have already lost a loved one to a fatal overdose,” Herring said. “In many cases, this is a problem that has its roots in the medicine cabinet, not in the streets, and that the medical community has to be part of the solution.” Herring’s office created a documentary “Heroin: The Hardest Hit,” which features Virginians, including some from the McShin Foundation, sharing their personal stories of grappling with addiction and recovery, as well as the stories of people who died from overdoses. Herring has also worked with local and federal authorities to prosecute more than 28 cases against dealers and traffickers involving more than 95 kilograms of heroin – which equates to 238,500 daily doses and a street value of more than $19 million. “So often, shame, stigma or fear forces families and those with substance abuse disorders to suffer in silence,” Herring said. “But we cannot and will not let ourselves become hopeless or discouraged. We have to make sure that people who are struggling know you can beat addiction. There is life after addiction, and there is hope in recovery.” Gov. Terry McAuliffe and state lawmakers across party lines agree have joined forces to address the problem. During the 2015 legislative session, the General Assembly made naloxone – a potentially life-saving opioid-antagonist administered in the event of an overdose – more widely accessible to law enforcement and health-care providers. In October 2015, McAuliffe’s Task Force on Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse released its recommendations, and state officials are implementing some of them. They include developing a website as an informational hub on prescription pill and heroin abuse, creating an opioid educational curriculum for law enforcement, reducing the stigma associated with addiction and increasing the availability of peer-support services. According to a recent policy brief by the VCU School of Medicine, untreated substance abuse costs the state and local governments more than $600 million annually. “Virginia’s opioid epidemic and untreated substance abuse are killing hundreds of Virginians and costing taxpayers more than half a billion dollars each year,” said Andrew Barnes, the brief’s lead author and an assistant professor at VCU. For young adults like Nick and families across the state, there are emotional costs as well.
“A close friend of mine relapsed and overdosed on Dec. 18. It’s hard seeing someone give up on themselves and go back to their old ways,” Nick said. “I’m a fear-based person, but my fear of dying from this disease is the reason I keep doing what I need to in order to stay sober.” Richmond native William “Billy” Derr, 24, passed away from a fatal overdose last month. Derr’s mother, Jenny, wrote in her son’s obituary, “As those who struggle with addiction know, it is a daily fight, hour by hour, and is ever constant. Billy had some extended periods of sobriety; those were the times when his true genuine heart shined through.” In the obituary, Deer stated: “To the people who don’t understand addiction, he may be just another kid who made a ‘bad choice.’ For those who do understand the disease, this was our oldest child, a brother, a friend and as his mother, my children are my everything. The disease of addiction is non-discriminatory and without mercy. It is up to us to open our minds and hearts to those suffering from the disease. We will continue to fight the fight.” So will the McShin Foundation. It provides a rapid detox program, which tapers the individual off opioids over five to seven days. Quinn said what separates McShin from other treatment centers is that there’s no waiting list. “If someone calls me, they can come in today, see the doctor and get put in a bed that day,” Quinn said. “If someone needs help, there’s always a bed available.” The rate of fatal opioid overdoses in the United States has quadrupled since 2000, claiming nearly a half-million lives, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On average, nearly 80 Americans, including at least two Virginians, die each day from an overdose of heroin or prescription drugs. No wonder governments at all levels, as well as health care companies and educators, have mobilized to target the problem. In March, the U.S. Senate passed the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act. State Attorney General Mark Herring praised the Senate’s action and the work of Virginia Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine to advance the legislation. “Passage of CARA is a big step forward in addressing what has become a national epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse and overdose,” Herring said. “If anything cried out for bipartisan action, it is this ‘all hands on deck’ moment, and my only regret is that these resources come too late for thousands of families in Virginia and throughout the country who have already lost a loved one to addiction.” Herring said nearly every day he reads about another Virginian, often a young person, who died from a heroin or prescription drug overdose. “It’s heartbreaking to read these stories
and to talk to the parents, family and friends of these people who never thought anyone in their family would be touched by addiction, but now are trying to carry on in the face of such a tremendous loss,” Herring said. President Barack Obama said fighting the opioid epidemic is also a priority for his administration. In March, he announced new measures to expand access to treatment. For example, Medicaid, the health care program for low-income Americans, now will cover substance abuse disorder in the same way it covers mental health issues. The administration is also providing $11 million to states to purchase and distribute the opioid overdose reversal drug, naloxone, and to train first responders and others on its use along with other overdose prevention strategies. Additionally, last fall, more than 60 medical schools, 50 pharmacy schools and nearly 200 nursing schools will start requiring students to take some form of prescriber education to graduate. The requirement will align with the CDC’s newly released Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Schools in Virginia that have signed on to the initiative include: Hampton University, James Madison University; Old Dominion University; Radford University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. National chain pharmacies are also taking part in the effort: Rite Aid has trained more than 8,400 pharmacists on naloxone. In 10 states, Rite Aid also is dispensing naloxone to patients without needing an individual prescription; the company plans to expand that policy to additional states. Kroger currently dispenses naloxone without an individual prescription at its pharmacies in seven states, with plans to expand to at least 12 more by the end of the year. AmerisourceBergen/Good Neighbor Pharmacy will provide educational materials to encourage its 4,000 independently owned and operated retail pharmacy locations to provide naloxone without an individual prescription. Walgreens announced in February that it will install safe medication disposal kiosks in more than 500 drugstores across the country, primarily at locations open 24 hours. Walgreens also will make naloxone available without needing an individual prescription at its pharmacies in 35 states and Washington, D.C. Since March, CVS Pharmacy locations in 23 states have been able to dispense naloxone to patients without needing an individual prescription. This initiative will increase to 35 states by December. CVS Health has launched a program called Pharmacists Teach, which sends the company’s pharmacists into schools across the country to educate students about the dangers of drug abuse. To
date, more than 30,000 students have participated in the program. At the state level, Gov. Terry McAuliffe released his task force on Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse implementation plan in October. In the 2016 legislative session, McAuliffe signed into law three bills regarding opiate abuse: House Bill 1059 directs the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to evaluate sentencing patterns in cases involving heroin and recommend adjustments in sentencing guidelines. Under House Joint Resolution 45, the state will study whether to mandate health insurance coverage for “abuse deterrent formulations for opioid medications.” Senate Bill 556 removes certain restrictions on health care professions who treat people with opiate addiction using opioid replacements approved by the federal government. Such restrictions include the proximity of the provider to a school or daycare center. The attorney general, however, says legislators haven’t gone far enough. Herring criticized the General Assembly for failing to pass HB 102, which would have made it a felony homicide to manufacture or provide a controlled substance that later causes a fatal overdose. “Virginians are losing their lives every day to cheap, potent heroin, and tools to hold dealers and traffickers accountable are a critical part of addressing this problem, along with education, prevention and treatment,” Herring said. “Too often, the parents of young people who have died from an overdose feel like no one really cares that their child was taken from them, and they’re resigned to the fact that the dealer will never really face consequences for what they’ve done.” Herring said his office has helped prosecute a number of these cases at the federal level, but local commonwealth’s attorneys need a “proper state-level tool” to hold dealers and traffickers accountable. HB 102 easily passed the House of Delegates but died in the Senate. It is the only opioid overdose bill proposed by Herring that has yet to pass. In 2015, the General Assembly approved his legislation to expand the use of naloxone by first responders and make the drug available without a prescription; to create a “good Samaritan” provision to encourage the reporting of overdoses in progress; and to expand access to the Prescription Monitoring Program.
16 • Nov. 16, 2016
11.17, 6:30 p.m.
Virginia Credit Union will offer a free financial education seminar with practical tips for successfully creating and sticking to a budget. Seminar participants will learn to track their spending and establish realistic goals for savings. The event will be held at Virginia Credit Union in the Boulders Office Park, 7500 Boulder View Dr. To register, call 804-323-6800 or visit www.vacu.org/Learning_ Planning/Financial_Education/ Seminars_Workshops/Building_a_ Better_Budget.aspx .
11.18, 8 a.m.
The Friends Association for Children program is seeking volunteers to assist in collecting books for its children’s library, through Nov. 18. The location of the library is 1004 St. John St., Richmond. Volunteers can drop off books at this site by from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. For more information contact Jessica Hockett at 804 644-2357.
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Choir of orphaned children to tour Va. The Watoto Children’s Choir, a group of 18 orphans from Uganda, will continue its six-month U.S. tour in the Norfolk area Nov. 29-Dec. 7 featuring a brand new concert, “Oh, What Love”. The concert will feature worship songs that share the stories of the children and the hope that they have because of God’s love. All performances are free and open to the public. Since 1994, Watoto Children’s Choirs have traveled the world sharing the plight of Africa’s orphaned children. Each child in the choir has suffered the loss of one or both of their parents but they have been rescued and now live in a Watoto village. Watoto is a holistic child-care solution initiated to serve the dire needs of the people of Africa. The choir will be performing at the following venues: Portsmouth - The Village Church of Portsmouth (900 Portsmouth Blvd.) on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. Norfolk - First Church of Christ Holiness (862 East Princess Anne Rd.) on Friday, Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. Virginia Beach. - Wave Church (1000 North Great Neck Rd.) on Sunday, Dec. 4 at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Chesapeake - Immanuel Baptist Church (1012 N. Battlefield Blvd.) on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 6:30 p.m. For a complete choir tour schedule, visit www.watoto.com/choir/. For more information, contact Aubrey Hudson at Watoto Child Care Ministry at 813948-4343 or email aubrey.hudson@watoto.com.
12.2, noon
Book talk with Beth Macy on “Truevine: Two Brothers, a Kidnapping, and a Mother’s Quest—A True Story of the Jim Crow South” takes place at the Lecture Hall Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad St., Richmond. There is limited, free underground parking, which is accessible from either Eighth or Ninth streets.
The Muse brothers “Truevine” is the true story of George and Willie Muse, African American brothers who were kidnapped from a Virginia tobacco field in 1899 and displayed as circus freaks, and their mother, who embarked on a decades-long struggle to get them back and to get justice for her family. As circus attractions, the Muse brothers performed for royalty at Buckingham Palace and headlined more than a dozen sold-out shows at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Through hundreds of interviews and decades of research, author Beth Macy has created a compelling narrative rich in historical detail and rife with implications for race relations today. For more information, call 804-692-3592.
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Nov. 16, 2016 • 17
(from page 13) and transport all of it.” The Big Lead article continued: “Once in the sport, the financial barriers for continuing in competition can escalate even more. This is particularly true as kids get to the 12 and 13-year-old age groups, when baseball begins to see the participation decline. Local community-based leagues may have a relatively affordable entry fee, but once tournament baseball becomes a bigger part of the equation, fees escalate.” Tournament fees don’t include hotel accommodations, gas and food money, as well as costs for any family member who desires to travel with the player. Washington has resisted the temptation of calling on past or present superstars like Derek Jeter, Andrew McCutchen, Lorenzo Cain and others. “I’m trying hard to help and, right now, we’re the number one ranked minority-based organization in the whole country and with that you’d think those guys who have made it would look at this situation because of the economics and do something,” Washington said. “I can’t make them do anything. I would love to tell them to stop being naïve and that these kids are you. They are who you were once and they are striving to get the same opportunities that you got.” Even the various urban youth academies run by Major League Baseball itself have failed to flourish – or at least they’ve been unsuccessful in establishing a rapport with young AfricanAmericans. “The programs really are nonexistent for us in the areas that we are in,” Washington said. “They don’t consider the hardships that the kids go through and they don’t address that at all. Those academies are not nearly enough to make a difference.” So, Washington continues to push on – seeking to hit homeruns where he can, but taking it one base at
a time, which he notes is the only reasonable alternative. The goal of Citius USA is to improve the talent level of the minority youth and, in doing so, providing a platform to college or pro baseball for athletes at the high school level. Mostly, Washington said he continues to promote sportsmanship, hard work, competitiveness, and knowledge and respect for the game of baseball. “The competition we surround our players with is unmatched and it really gives our kids an edge,” Washington said. “I bet you that 90 percent of Black kids in Texas, who have played professional baseball came through my organization.” Washington continued: “We are trying to do something here and we definitely want to make sure that we reaching out to help these kids. Our track record is really good; we have 75 kids who have been drafted out of the program and over 400 who are now in college. It’s a strong program and we’re doing it with very little because we’re old school and these kids deserve this opportunity.”
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Nov. 16, 2016 • 19
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The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified. HAMPTON CITY Wednesday, November 30, 2016 2:00 p.m. EST -ITB 17-44/E Annual need for Citywide Ready-Mix Concrete. Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:00 p.m. EST RFP 17-45/EA Insurance Services HAMPTON CITY SCHOOLS Tuesday, December 13, 2016 2:00 p.m. EST RFP 17-170713/EA Annual Needs for Mechanical Services For additional information, see our web page at http://www.hampton.gov/bids-contracts A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.24330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals. Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate. Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance
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Serving Richmond & Hampton Road TOWN OF CLAREMONT, VIRGINIA 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. Clay S REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING PROPOSALS Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-1550 (office)seeking • 800-783-8062 The Town of Claremont, Virginia is currently proposals from (f qualified professional engineering firms licensed to do business in the ads@legacynewspaper.com Commonwealth of Virginia to provide the planning, design, Virginia Health Department (VDH) approval, all contract documents necessary to secure competitive bids, bid and construction assisstance for the construction of public water system upgrades for the Town of Claremont.
The LEGACY is looking for a reliable, highly-motivated, goal-driven sales professional to join our team selling print and digital advertising in the Richmond and Hampton Roads areas. Duties include: Building and maintaining relationships with new/existing clients Meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals Cold calling new prospects over the phone to promote print and online advertising space Qualifications:
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