EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Nov. 2, 2016
‘New Deal’ for U.S. blacks - 2 What’s up with Joe Morrissey? - 4 Minister Farrakhan on elections - 8 Facebook accused of digital bias - 15
Richmond & Hampton Roads
In final sprint, Trump targets Democratic states while Clinton tries to gin up enthusiasm among minorities
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is redirecting his attention to traditionally Democratic states in the final days of the 2016 campaign in an urgent attempt to expand what for weeks has been an increasingly narrow path to victory. Following FBI Director James B. Comey’s surprise announcement Friday that the agency would once again examine emails related to Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, Trump and his advisers see a fresh opportunity to make gains in states that most public polls have shown as out of reach. They spent the weekend deliberating ways to seize on what they see as a dramatic turn in the campaign’s closing chapter and scramble the political map following a rough stretch beset by controversy. Trump held rallies Sunday in Colorado and New Mexico, and he was scheduled to make two stops Monday in Michigan — and visit Wisconsin the day after that. Clinton, meanwhile, is focused on shoring up turnout and enthusiasm, particularly among minority voters, in such critical battlegrounds as North Carolina, Florida and Ohio. Early voting data from Ohio contains ominous signs of a lack of enthusiasm for Clinton, notably in places such as Cleveland’s Cuyahoga County, where high black turnout propelled President Obama to victory in 2008 and 2012. As a result, Clinton’s campaign has launched an intensive effort to send her most popular surrogates, including the president, first lady Michelle Obama and rapper Jay Z, across the country. Clinton’s operation has also come out forcefully against what aides described as Comey’s “unprecedented” decision to release a “vague” and “misleading” letter. One senior aide said the campaign does not believe Comey’s actions have measurably changed the state of the race. Trump’s sudden blue-state push faces steep challenges both organizationally and demographically. In several of the states in question, millions of early votes have already been cast, and polling indicates that the planned shift faces hurdles.
Nationally, the contest is tightening in tracking surveys to within the margin of error, but Trump remains behind by mid-to-high single digits — much as Mitt Romney was four years ago — in the states he is hoping to turn into unusual final-week fronts. According to the latest Washington Post-ABC poll, a majority of all likely voters is unmoved by Comey’s decision, which has spurred a fierce backlash from Clinton backers. Trump campaign chief executive Stephen K. Bannon has settled on three states in particular — Michigan, Wisconsin and New Mexico — where the candidate and campaign will devote more time and money, said four people familiar with the discussions who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss internal campaign talks. All three states were won by Obama in 2008 and 2012. Bannon believes that if GOP voters rapidly “come home” nationally in light of recent events, that turnout plus late-breaking support among independents and blue-collar workers could bring new states into play beyond Pennsylvania, Nevada and Colorado — Democratic strongholds where Trump has been campaigning for months and remains behind, the people said. Democrats and many Republicans remain skeptical that Trump can reach 270 electoral votes with this 11th-hour ploy or any other. But Trump strategists argued Sunday that the
(continued on page 4)
2 • Nov. 2, 2016
Trump offers his version of ‘New Deal’ for blacks WIRE Donald J. Trump returned to a policy-focused message in an address last week that he billed as “a new deal for black America.” Trump laid out a platform that combined elements of his education proposals, tax cuts and immigration policies to revive urban areas that he has described as blighted and in despair. “That deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education and high-paying jobs,” Trump told the crowd of roughly 700 people, gathered by invitation, in a more intimate setting than the raucous rallies that are the trademark of his campaign. He offered a few new proposals, including a plan to use tax holidays to help cities, a plan to encourage foreign companies to invest in blighted American neighborhoods, and a new “federal disaster designation” that would help direct funding to poverty-stricken urban areas, though Trump did not mention where the new money would come from. “I will further empower cities and states to seek a federal disaster designation for blighted communities,” he said, aiming to foster “the rebuilding of vital infrastructure, the demolition of abandoned properties and the increased presence of law enforcement so we have safety in our community.” Trump has made his blunt appeal to “inner cities” a central component of his stump speech for months, painting dire portraits of crimeridden neighborhoods where “you get shot” simply for walking down the street. He constantly blames Democrats for what he views as despairing livelihoods in American cities, imploring minority crowds at his rallies with rhetorical questions like
Donald Trump spoke with supporters in Charlotte before giving a campaign address. PHOTO: Stephen Crowley “What the hell do you have to lose?” by supporting him. But in a more staid, policy-focused setting in North Carolina later — a theater converted from an old Baptist church — Trump made a more sober appeal from “the party of Abraham Lincoln.” “It is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican Party can be the home in the future and forevermore for African-Americans and the African-American vote because I will produce, and I will get others to produce, and we know for a fact it doesn’t work with the Democrats and it certainly doesn’t work with Hillary,” he told the crowd. But his ominous appeals have yet to help his standing among Black American voters. A CBS News poll in October found Trump to have the support of just 4 percent of likely black voters.
“If you grew up in the 80s and 90s and remember the worst of the crack epidemic, it’s no secret what disaster areas some neighborhoods became, not just because of the drug itself, but because of the divestment and lack of opportunity offered to its working-age adults,” said social commentator Madison Gray. “This was during the time Trump was building up his real estate empire with little understanding of what was happening to people who lived in urban areas. That was evidenced when he publicly called for five teenagers to be executed for a rape that it turned out they didn’t commit. “In Trump’s case, in dealing with the African-American community alone and stereotyping our communities as hopeless urban wastelands of poor education and lawlessness, what he offers is not a new deal, it’s the same lack of
understanding that politicians – both Democrat and Republican – have offered us for generations.” Gray noted that Trump has “minimal” understanding of blacks. Trump’s speech last week represented a big shift in focus from Trump’s morning, when he took a break from the campaign trail to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of his new hotel in Washington, inviting a huge media contingent to document his new business venture. But at his event here, the hotel ceremony was still fresh on his mind as he boasted that the hotel was completed under budget and ahead of schedule and repeated a joke he made earlier in the day. “It’s right between the Capitol Building and the White House,” he said, describing its location. “So this way, I’ll get to Washington one way or the other.”
(from page 1) race’s fast-changing dynamics and unpredictability give them an opening despite polling and fundamentals leaning in Clinton’s favor. These advisers privately described Trump’s path to the White House not as a direct shot but as a series of razor-thin upsets in several muchdiscussed battlegrounds, as well as unexpected bank shots in blue states. All of it would depend on betterthan-expected Republican support nationally, they said. “States that haven’t usually been open to Republican nominees are going to see Mr. Trump and his supporters again and again,” David Bossie, Trump’s deputy campaign manager, said in an interview. “We see this like 1980 and 1984, when union leadership was against Ronald Reagan but many union members went for him. That’s what we think can happen in the Upper Midwest and in states like New Mexico — blue-collar voters going for Donald Trump.” Bossie said Clinton should expect a “full-frontal assault” before Election Day. “We’re on the offensive everywhere.” Bossie said that Comey’s letter to congressional leaders about renewing the Clinton probe was not the impetus for the expansion. He said Trump’s trips to Michigan, Wisconsin and New Mexico, as well as Maine, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, were planned before the FBI director made his announcement and were based on confidence in Trump’s appeal to non-Republican voters. For Clinton, her campaign’s concentration has been on stoking its support in places where Democrats are assured about their campaign infrastructure but concerned that some Democratic voters, particularly minorities, may choose to stay home. As Trump makes moves into Michigan and Wisconsin, the Clinton campaign and its allies are dubious about whether the Trump campaign will actually be able to move numbers there or ramp up their organization. But they are trying to energize voters in cities, including Detroit and Milwaukee, where her success could depend on a robust urban turnout should Trump attract unexpected working-class support. The Clinton campaign also recently began spending money on television in Wisconsin for the first time this year, casting the ad buy as a way of bolstering support in a state with a hard-fought Senate race. Michigan, which Democrats have
Nov. 2, 2016 • 3 carried in presidential races since 1992, is a clear test of the strength of Democrats’ blue wall. Much of Obama’s margin came from exceptional turnout in Detroit’s Wayne County; he won it by 382,032 votes, on the strength of black and Muslim turnout that Democrats acknowledge this year is not yet at its Obama-era pace. Clinton supporters learned nervousness in Michigan in this year’s Democratic primary, when public polls failed to catch a surge by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Some white pockets of the Detroit area that went to sleep on the Michigan-born Romney are visibly more active for Trump. On Sunday at a rally in Taylor, a Detroit suburb, Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, suggested that the bombshell nature of Comey’s letter would end up helping Democratic turnout. “It’s kind of revved up some enthusiasm, a little bit of righteous anger,” Kaine said. Clinton is also still attempting to expand her own map, making a serious play to flip Arizona, a state the campaign believes she can win. One Democratic strategist outside of the campaign said that private polling data had begun to show a closer race before Comey’s letter, due largely to Republican voters drifting back into Trump’s fold. With early voting already underway in most of the contested battlegrounds, Clinton has dispatched an army of surrogates to get out the vote, including celebrity artists Jay Z, Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry. On Tuesday, the president rallied in Columbus, Ohio, and on Wednesday he appears in Raleigh, N.C. Stops in Jacksonville, a city where blacks make up 30 percent of the population, and South Florida, are planned, as are more events headlined by Michelle Obama. In Nevada, Florida and Colorado — states Obama won — early and absentee turnout has been strong overall and is so far on track to match or exceed 2012 levels, according to available data. But in Iowa and Ohio, turnout levels have been low. Take Cuyahoga County in Ohio, a Democratic stronghold, where in-person and absentee voting is down by more than 50 percent, compared with a similar period in 2012. That is in part because of the state’s cutback in early voting days, but it does not bode well for Democrats’ efforts to capitalize on their historic strength with the early vote. Disproportionately high black
turnout in Cuyahoga and Franklin counties were important factors in helping Obama eke out a two-point win in that state over Mitt Romney in 2012, said Cornell Belcher, one of Obama’s pollsters in 2008 and 2012. “You don’t see the sort of energy there this time around as you saw before,” Belcher said. “If on Election Day our electorate is 74 percent white, Hillary Clinton is probably not going to be president.” In North Carolina, another battle ground that Trump almost certainly must win to take the White House, Democratic turnout has fallen compared with 2012 in early voting — although Democrats continue to maintain a significant lead over Republicans. Black turnout has also come up short. Clinton senior adviser Joel Benenson struck an optimistic note over the weekend, noting that black turnout in early voting on Saturday in pivotal counties in both Ohio and North Carolina exceeded 2012 levels, which he cast as a microcosm of enthusiasm and engagement among that group. “For voters of color, this is the first time in their life that they’re hearing from a presidential candidate the kind of racially divisive rhetoric they’ve heard from Donald Trump in this campaign,” Benenson said. “That is going to be on the minds of every voter on Election Day.” Democrats also say they expect a high number of crossover voters because of Trump’s struggles with more centrist Republican voters and how Clinton is overperforming Obama with college-educated white voters. That could mean that while Republican ballots are coming in at a respectable clip, Trump may not be able to rely on all of those voters. In coming days, Trump allies will attempt to counter the Clinton campaign’s barrage of surrogates with Trump family members and high-profile supporters, including former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who will appear this week in historically Democratic enclaves and suburban swing districts. The campaign announced Sunday that Trump’s wife, Melania, will speak Thursday in the moderate suburbs of Philadelphia. Most Democrats are buoyed if somewhat skittish about the polls. In the Post-ABC poll, 6 in 10 voters say the Comey news will make no difference in their vote, while just over 3 in 10 say it makes them less likely to support her. Two percent say they are more likely to back her as a result.
In the three new states that Trump is targeting, he is trailing. In Michigan, he is behind by an average of eight percentage points, a margin nearly identical to Obama’s ninepoint margin there in 2012. He is behind by an average of six points in Wisconsin, also similar to Obama’s margin in 2012. New Mexico’s polling average shows Trump behind by 10 percentage points, although there have been few regular state-level surveys, and Trump’s advisers said their internal polls show a closer race. In Pennsylvania, Clinton leads by an average of six points in recent polls. Trump bragged about his new strength in recent polls Sunday morning, despite repeatedly claiming that polls were “rigged” against him on the campaign trail. The celebrity businessman also claimed, without evidence, that “Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI criminal investigation of Clinton.” “We are now leading in many polls, and many of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on Friday — great in states!” Trump tweeted Sunday. Clinton urged churchgoers in Florida on Sunday not to be “distracted by all the noise in the political environment.” During her remarks to about 300 people at the New Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, one of several planned stops for the day in the Miami area, Clinton made no mention of the renewed FBI scrutiny related to the private email server she used as secretary of state. But she stressed the value of perseverance when confronting obstacles in life. “Everyone — everyone — is knocked down in life,” Clinton told the predominantly black congregation. “And as my mother showed me and taught me, what matters is whether you get back up. And those of us who are people of faith know that getting back up is what we are called to do.” Comey reignited a political firestorm over the emails when he alerted select members of Congress on Friday that FBI officials had detected a batch of emails pertinent to the case during an “unrelated” investigation. Persons close to the situation have told The Post that the emails were found on a computer belonging to former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who is under investigation for allegedly exchanging lewd messages with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner is the estranged husband of top Clinton adviser Huma Abedin. © WaPo
4 • Nov. 2, 2016 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A JOINT PETITION TO ESTABLISH A RULEMAKING FOR THE LIMITED PURPOSE OF MODIFYING THE SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION CERTIFICATION FORM PURSUANT TO RULE 20 VAC 5-330-30 OF THE RULES OF THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF VIRGINIA CASE NO. PUE-2016-00110 On September 23, 2016, Virginia Electric and Power Company d/b/a Dominion Virginia Power, Appalachian Power Company, Kentucky Utilities Company d/b/a Old Dominion Power Company, A&N Electric Cooperative, BARC Electric Cooperative, Central Virginia Electric Cooperative, Community Electric Cooperative, Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative, Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative, Northern Neck Electric Cooperative, Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative, Prince George Electric Cooperative, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, Southside Electric Cooperative, and Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (collectively, “Petitioners”), filed a Joint Petition for Rulemaking (“Joint Petition”) with the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”). The Petitioners request that the Commission initiate a rulemaking for the limited purpose of modifying the Serious Medical Condition Certification Form (“Form SMCC”), which was included in the adoption of 20 VAC 5-330-30 B of the Commission’s regulations titled “Limitations on Disconnection of Electric and Water Service” (“Rules”), 20 VAC 5-330-10 et seq. in 2011. Form SMCC enables the Petitioners to be aware of residential customers who have a serious medical condition(s) or who reside with a family member with a serious medical condition(s), as defined by Rule 20 VAC 5-330-20, particularly with regard to emergencies and the termination or disconnection of electric service for such customers. Form SMCC requires certification by a licensed physician that the medical condition meets the definition of a “serious medical condition” in Rule 20 VAC 5-330-20. The Petitioners utilize the Form SMCC provided on the Commission’s website but request in the Joint Petition that the Commission approve certain non-substantive modifications to Form SMCC to “make the form more user-friendly for utility customers and their physician(s) and provide more useful information to a utility carrying out its service to the public including customers with serious medical conditions.” Specifically, the Petitioners propose the following modifications: (1) add a separate description box specific to the “Required Treatment for Condition” section of Form SMCC; (2) add a checklist to the description box for equipment prescribed for the serious medical condition, and change that description box to state “Equipment prescribed and/or equipment required for treatment of condition (If any): (Check all that apply)”; and (3) delete the “Additional Comments” box on the bottom of Form SMCC. The Petitioners assert that the proposed modifications to Form SMCC (“Proposed Form SMCC”) are “consistent with and continue[] to meet the requirements of the [Rules].” The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Comment that, among other things, docketed the Joint Petition, directed the Petitioners to provide notice to the public and provided interested persons an opportunity to comment and/or request a hearing on the Joint Petition and Proposed Form SMCC. A copy of the Company’s Joint Petition and Proposed Form SMCC may be obtained at no charge by requesting a copy of the same from the coordinating counsel for the Petitioners: Anne Hampton Andrews, Esquire, McGuireWoods LLP, Gateway Plaza, 800 East Canal Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Customers of the Petitioners may also request a copy from their individual electric utility. The Joint Petition and related documents shall also be available for review in the Commission’s Document Control Center, Tyler Building, First Floor, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Interested persons may also download unofficial copies from the Commission’s website: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case. On or before November 30, 2016, interested persons may file comments concerning whether the Commission should modify Form SMCC as requested in the Joint Petition. Such comments shall be filed with Joel H. Peck, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218, or may be submitted electronically by following the instructions on the Commission’s website: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case. Compact disks or any other form of electronic storage medium may not be filed with the comments. All such comments shall refer to Case No. PUE-2016-00110. On or before November 30, 2016, interested persons may request that the Commission convene a hearing on the Joint Petition’s proposed modifications to Form SMCC. Such request for hearing shall be filed with the Clerk of the Commission. If not filed electronically, an original and fifteen (15) copies of the request for hearing shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission at the address set forth above. Requests for hearing must refer to Case No. PUE-2016-00110 and include: (i) a precise statement of the filing party’s interest in the proceeding; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; (iii) a statement of the legal basis for such action; and (iv) a precise statement why a hearing should be conducted in this matter. A copy of any written comments and requests for hearing shall simultaneously be sent to the coordinating counsel for the Petitioners at the address set forth above. VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY d/b/a DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER, APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY, KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY, d/b/a OLD DOMINION POWER COMPANY, A&N ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, BARC ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, CENTRAL VIRGINIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, COMMUNITY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, CRAIG-BOTETOURT ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, MECKLENBURG ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, NORTHERN NECK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, NORTHERN VIRGINIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, PRINCE GEORGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, SHENANDOAH VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, SOUTHSIDE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, and VIRGINIA, MARYLAND & DELAWARE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES
Has Joe Morrissey capsized Richmond’s mayoral race? J.S. notes in his Economist post that Richmond, the capital of Virginia and of the Confederacy for most of the Civil War, is today a majority-minority city with a flourishing entertainment and cultural scene that is often celebrated in the national media. Its arty edginess has made it magnet for coffee-sipping, craft-beer quaffing, Vespa-riding millennials. But all that is currently being overshadowed by a bigger local story: an embarrassing mayoral election. On Nov. 8, when residents pick a new mayor from seven candidates, including a former prosecutor and legislator who “commuted from the jailhouse to the statehouse while doing time for having sex with a teenage girl”, has put on display a sharply segmented city—one in which blacks control its politics and white people control its economy. Rather than focusing on some tough issues—a burst of homicides, funding for struggling schools with high truancy rates and a replacement for its worn-out baseball stadium— the campaign is largely focused on an individual: Joe Morrissey, the frontrunner, whose chequered personal and professional history, going back more than two decades, might be expected to disqualify a candidate for any office. Even before the sex scandal in 2014, the 59-year-old Morrissey, who has since married the young woman, Myrna Pride, now aged 20, and had two children with her, had amassed a long, seamy record. As a prosecutor, he got into a fist fight in the Richmond courthouse with a defence lawyer. Also as a prosecutor, he was indicted for bribery and misuse of public funds but was acquitted. He was convicted of assault and battery for attacking a contractor with whom he’d quarrelled over a job. Because of professional misconduct, Morrissey was stripped of his law licence to practice in the federal and state courts, though his state privileges were later reinstated. And yet Morrissey remains the man most likely to win. Polls show him pulling over 20 percent—not a lot, but his strength is magnified in a crowded field in which the weakest candidates refuse to drop
Joe Morrissey out. Polls suggest that Morrissey could carry the requisite five of nine councilmanic wards, perhaps avoiding a run-off on Dec. 20. The five-ward rule is a mini electoral college designed to ensure that the mayor reflects the city’s racial diversity and is not installed on the whim of three largely white wards which routinely produce the heaviest votes. The run-off—between the top two finishers—would ensure that the mayor begins his or her four-year term with the broadest possible base. Richmond returned to direct election of its mayor in 2004 after a half-century of the city council picking him or her. Direct election was envisioned as a way to move the city beyond long-standing racial and economic divisions. In that respect, Morrissey, who is white, may be a reflection of the new—and old—Richmond. His support is almost entirely AfricanAmerican. But that is because he has represented large numbers of black people in court, on criminal and civil matters, and is unrepentantly antiestablishment. His occupation and attitude play to an enduring sense among many blacks that they are— and remain—outsiders, overlooked by the white-dominated business class. That means his troubled past is of less consequence than one might expect it to be. His allies forgive him, in part, because he has never sought to conceal his record. Still, the prospect of a Morrissey mayoralty is disturbing to large numbers of Richmond residents, black and white. But they cannot agree on an alternative. Read more on legacynewspaper.com
Nov. 2, 2016 • 5
NNPA, Howard U team up to poll black voters FREDDIE ALLEN In a historic effort to measure the pulse of African American voters, the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) partnered with Howard University to conduct the first scientific poll of the black community during the 2016 election cycle. “The NNPA was pleased to join with one of the nation’s leading historically black colleges and universities, Howard University in Washington, D.C., to conduct, analyze, and present timely and strategic findings that pertain to the political, economic and social interests of black Americans across the United States,” said Benjamin Chavis, the president and CEO of the NNPA. The NNPA represents more than 200 black-owned media companies that reach an estimated 20 million readers every week. The 2016 Howard University/ NNPA National Black Voters Poll covered a range of issues including racial inequality, criminal justice system, jobs and the economy, global trade, terrorism, education, immigration and environmental pollution. Rubin Patterson, the chairman of the Department of Sociology and Criminology, said that the Black Voter Poll is of huge importance, not only because it is a collaborative
product of two major black institutions — Howard University and the National Newspaper Publishers Association — but also because it is the first scientific poll of the black community concerning the 2016 election season. “As a result of this poll, candidates and those who will be successful in occupying the White House and controlling Congress will know the prioritized issues and nuanced concerns of the complex black community,” said Rubin Patterson, the chairman of the Department of Sociology and Criminology. “We hope that these findings will shape their policy and legislative agendas starting next year.” Howard University faculty and students from multiple departments were represented including Economics, Political Science, Sociology, and Communications, Culture, and Media Studies.
“This multi-disciplinary team has drawn on its expertise to develop a comprehensive polling instrument designed to assess the opinions of black Americans on the presidential candidates and other important issues facing the black community and the nation,” said Terri AdamsFuller, the associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University. William E. Spriggs, the chief economist at the AFL-CIO and an economics professor at Howard University, said that the national poll will let people see the motivation of registered black voters to vote and the motivations behind their choice of candidates. “Instead of hidden behind a mask of race as motivation, this survey will show how income, education, success in the job market, all act to motivate the black vote,” said Spriggs. Denise Rolark Barnes, the chairwoman of the NNPA, said that African Americans have a huge stake in this election and mainstream polls have often ignored their issues. “This joint effort between Howard University and the NNPA shows just how much we care what African Americans think about the issues
Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at www.parentsformeganslaw.org. This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.
that will influence their voting choices on Nov. 8,” said Rolark Barnes. Rolark Barnes continued: “The Howard University faculty and students are to be commended for leading this historic and noteworthy effort. Their findings will show that black voters will make a difference in the outcomes of this election in counties, cities and states where they live all across this country. It will show that black voters matter and their votes do, too.” According to an ABC News/ Washington Post poll conducted in September, 93 percent of likely black voters favored former Secretary Hillary Clinton in the presidential race; just three percent of likely black voters favored the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. “The Howard University/NNPA National Black Voter Poll is very important during this momentous season of political change,” said Chavis. “The NNPA newspapers reach more than 20 million Black American readers every week and we know there is a hunger and thirst for the vital information and perspectives that the results of this poll will reveal.”
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6 • Nov. 2, 2016
Op/Ed & Letters
‘Stingy’ increase in Social Security benefits puts new focus on need for better system DAN WEBER The Social Security Administration added insult to injury when it announced recently that those receiving benefits can look forward to a miserly three tenths of one percent increase beginning in January. This, comes on the heels of a year when older Americans had to make do with no increase at all, severely limiting the ability of many seniors to make a choice between food and electricity. I was incensed when I learned of the 2017 .3 percent Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA). It was bad enough when the SSA opted last year to forego a COLA entirely, a move that had dire consequences for millions of impoverished seniors. The announcement of the stingiest COLA it has ever offered this year hardly makes up for the SSA's illadvised decision last year. The National Council on Aging tells us that over 25 million Americans aged 60 and over are economically insecure. The Institute for Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University puts the level of economic insecurity among seniors at 36 percent. And the Social Security Administration, itself, The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 44 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
blatantly admits that among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 21 percent of married couples and 43 percent of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for 90 percent or more of their income. It is against this grim backdrop that acting SSA Commissioner Carolyn Colvin has the temerity to describe Social Security as an anti-poverty program. Medical costs, food costs and the costs of heating and air conditioning and other necessities have increased sharply in recent years, leaving the elderly with difficult choices to make. They paid their hard-earned money into Social Security; the government didn't put in one cent. They did it so that when they could not work any longer, they would have something set aside that they could use for the The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
essentials. But the $4.00 or $5.00 average increase in monthly benefits they'll receive next year is barely enough to pay for an extra pound of ground chuck in many parts of the country. Earlier this year, we initiated an effort to achieve passage of bipartisan legislation, The Seniors Act, H.R. 4140, that would provide a one-time, lump-sum payment of one percent to Social Security recipients who were denied a cost of living increase this year. AMAC is calling for both Presidential candidates to push for passage of this bill before the end of the year. Meanwhile, AMAC is also addressing the special needs of poorer Social Security beneficiaries in a proposal we call the Social Security Guarantee. It would provide beneficiaries earning a household income of $20,000 or less with an annual COLA of three to four percent. Recipients with incomes ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 would receive an annual cost of living increase of 1.5 percent to 3 percent maximum. And, those earning $50,001 or more would collect increases of 1 percent to 2 percent. The plan would phase in a change, starting in 2017, in the normal
retirement age by adding three months each year so that by 2024 the normal retirement age would be age 69, instead of the present age 66-67 depending on birth year. Early retirement would still be available at 62 years of age. It would also adjust the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) keeping lower income earners benefits the same and lowering benefits for higher income earners. Another important feature of our Guarantee is an Early Retirement Account as a way for those paying into Social Security to have some control of how the money is invested. It’s similar to an IRA or a 401(k) plan. But, in order to ensure that the ERA users avoid risky investments, half of the money deposited in their ERA accounts would have to be invested in guaranteed interest products such as government bonds or annuity contracts. Workers would be free to invest their balances in any other investment that meets certain suitability standards. Weber is AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens) chief. AMAC is a senior advocacy organization that “takes its marching orders from its members”.
Nov. 2, 2016 • 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
No suppression
In all democracies, the right to vote is fundamental to the legitimacy of an elected government chosen by the participatory action and will of the people eligible to vote. For 47 million black Americans, the right to vote is a sacred responsibility without the fear of reprisal, retribution or repression. It’s 2016 and this year’s national elections in the United States are only a few days away. Yet in many states early voting has already begun. Keep in mind in the last national presidential race in 2012, Black Americans went to the polls in record numbers with over 17.8 million casting their ballots even in face of voter suppression tactics mainly by Republican officials in various states in the Midwest, Southwest and in the South. Black America had a higher percentage turnout of voters than white voters across the nation in 2012. The black percentage turnout was 66.2 percent versus 64.1 percent for white voters. The election results in will ultimately be determined by the percentage of overall voter turnout. If the black vote was not so strategically important and determinative today, you would not see the current manifestations of blatantly racist acts designed to suppress the black vote. Such is the case today especially in Indiana, North Carolina and in other states where black voter turnout is key to winning the election. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence who is now aggressively campaigning to be vice president of the United States of America, has permitted and encouraged the Indiana State
Police to target and shut down the most successful voter registration organization that has registered blacks to vote in Indiana. The dastardly use of state police to intimidate and prevent black people from registering to vote demands public outcry and challenge. But black leaders and organizations are fighting back. Reverend Dr. William Barber, President of the N.C. NAACP, affirmed, “We’re fighting and staying strong. Tomorrow early voting starts in North Carolina. They can register and vote the same day. We’re leading a march on the campus of North Carolina Central University and going all over the state and other HBCUs.” The ultimate antidote to black voter suppression is to ensure a massive black voter turnout across the nation between now and Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Let’s all work to stop racist voter suppression. We vote for freedom, justice, equality and empowerment. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr.
I predict the biggest loser of next week’s elections will be the American people, regardless of who the winner is. Americans have already become more cynical towards our governing institutions; political, religious, corporate, and civic. When people lose all faith in their institutions, it’s a recipe for a total meltdown of society. The WikiLeak e-mails have provided proof, not so much to Trump’s assertion that the election is rigged, but to the fact that the American way of life is rigged. Over the years, I have constantly heard many Republicans complain about how biased and liberal the
media is. I used to dismiss these charges as simply sour grapes and that Republicans have never really been very good at communications, but the WikiLeak dumps have proven that Republicans have been right all along. The media “claims” to be the fourth estate and it is anything but. The fourth estate refers to the role of the media, especially print, in being a check and balance on the other three estates (or branches) of our government: the executive, judicial, and legislative. What I find amazing is that this proven media bias puts the journalistic industry in direct violation of their own professional standards as established by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). The SPJ is supposed to be the arbiter of the standards by which all journalists must comport themselves to. According to SPJ’s website, their mission “is dedicated to the perpetuation of a free press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty…To ensure that the concept of self-government outlined by the United States Constitution remains a reality into future centuries, the American people must be wellinformed in order to make decisions regarding their lives and their local and national communities. It is the role of journalists to provide this information in an accurate, comprehensive, timely, and understandable manner… to stimulate high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism…to foster excellence and to encourage diversity among journalists.” What I find astonishing about SPJ’s mission statement is that they claim to “foster excellence and to encourage
diversity among journalists,” but yet they don’t have one Black staffer in their headquarters in Indianapolis and have only one Black on their board of directors. If the governing body of journalism is hypocritical, should we expect their members, the media, to be any different? Raynard Jackson
Things fall apart
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka “ObamaCare,” was intended to dramatically increase the number of Americans with health coverage while “bending the cost curve” (that is, reducing the expected increases in price over time). The plan managed the first goal, at least in the short term. Unsurprising, isn’t it, that more people get coverage when the law requires them to buy it, penalizes those who won’t, and subsidizes those who can’t afford to? But the progress on that metric is beginning to disintegrate and we’re moving in the other direction. Bloomberg reports that 1.4 million Americans in 32 states will lose their health plans next year as major providers pull out of the ObamaCare “exchanges” because they’re losing money. Apaprently a business has to take in more than it spends if it wants to remain a going concern. I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere. Most Americans are now worse off vis a vis health care than they were six years ago. The only winners have been government health bureaucrats. And unfortunately, the politicians don’t seem to be interested in getting out of the way and letting the market fix things. Next stop: “Single payer.” Thomas L. Knapp
8 • Nov. 2, 2016
Faith & Religion
Farrakhan speaks on Trump, Clinton & election Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, delivered a spiritual assessment of the national presidential election, the plight of black voters and important choices black Americans must make if she wishes to survive the fall of the United States. His address came with less than 10 days left before the Nov. 8 elections. Speaking from the headquarters for the Nation of Islam, Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Farrakhan focused on the subject, “If Satan Cast Out Satan, He is Divided Against Himself; how then will his kingdom stand?” His message followed a lecture delivered Oct. 16, on the 21st anniversary of the Million Man March, “Come Out of Her My People: A Declaration of Independence.” The message Oct. 30 was available via national webcast and viewings at Nation of Islam mosques, and through NOI.org, YouTube.com and via Farrakhan’s official Twitterand Facebook pages. The 2016 presidential election is one of the most acrimonious and most important elections in recent years and perhaps in the history of the country. On Nov. 8, he said, Americans are being told vote for “The Lesser of Two Evils” as part of a recognition of the reality of politics in the U.S.
“No politics of this world can bring about The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth,” said Farrakhan. Trump calls Hillary Clinton, “Crooked Hillary,” and from the other side, he is called “Lying Trump,” the minister observed. It was reported that some fact-checking found over three days Trump told 87 lies in three days, he noted. He noted how the Bible teaches in Matthew 12:26 that “If Satan cast out Satan, how then can their kingdom stand?” He noted that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, patriarch of the Nation of Islam, warned in the 1960s, in his book “The Fall of America”, that “The National Election”: “Injustice, crooked politics, and the breeding of corruption under crooked politics have
been practiced ever since Adam to the present-day rulers.” Unfortunately, said Farrakhan, “there are black politicians who would like to use their black people for selfish greed and will throw them behind any crook with money. Black politicians of this type have sold their black brothers to suffering and shame for self-elevation with the crook.” Many feel it is time for a sober assessment of black politics and what the ‘lesser of two evils’ strategy has produced. Critics say it has gotten evil, and little to no justice despite blacks voting largely for the Democratic Party while the Republican Party often ignores us and scapegoats the black community. He noted that Trump has tapped into the vein of the common, blue collar white man, observed. When Trump said, “Let’s make America great again,” they say he means “Let’s make America white again,” said Farrakhan. Meanwhile, he said, Clinton is a “dangerous” woman, unpopular, distrusted and a hawk, with more war likely regardless of who wins the White House. “We must recognize that we are living under colonial status,” said Farrakhan. “What is a ‘colony?’ It’s a separate condition where there is one group of people with similar language, culture, history controlled from the outside. The black community is controlled from the outside,” he said. Whites control the black community through those politicians, preachers and business people who will sell out our people for favor with the people of power who want to control our community, the minister said.
Nov. 2, 2016 • 9
Renowned chemist and inventor killed in Md. house fire COLBY ITKOWITZ
Naufletts on Oct. 27 after early voting.
Nauflett and his wife, Minnie, met as teenagers in Mississippi and married in 1964. They had three children; one son died in a car accident in 1984. When the fire broke out Friday — the exact cause is still under investigation — Nauflett and his wife tried to escape their smokefilled home together. Only his wife made it out. Fire crews responded to the call around 11 p.m. Nauflett joined the Air Force when he was 19 and it was there that he took advantage of educational opportunities afforded by the postWorld War II GI bill. Derrick Nauflett, 47, remembers a story his father told about an officer who taught him how to play chess. It wasn’t long before Nauflett could beat him. The officer saw something special in the young man and helped him get his GED and enroll at Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., where Nauflett majored in
George Nauflett pictured here with two of his four grandchildren chemistry. He attended Howard University for graduate school. “He was a brilliant man. His passion was science,” Derrick Nauflett said of his father. “Growing up, it was a lot of fun because he was heavily involved in all of our science projects. He was very engaged with all of his kids early on. He was very in tune to helping us find what our passions were.” Nauflett’s work was featured in a 2004 book, “The Inventive Spirit of African Americans: Patented Ingenuity.” He developed a material that was used on a satellite that the Americans and Russians sent into space. British chef Richard Knight crossed the pond to disrupt Houston’s culinary scene with everything from beef cheeks to pig feet. In a Voice of America article about the book, Nauflett said he faced challenges as a black man in his field. “People don’t believe you can do the things you do,” he said. “They say you’re just lucky. But when you keep doing it over and over again, you end up proving yourself.” After Nauflett retired, his loves were his four grandchildren and a massive garden he tended next to his home. He was always giving fruits and vegetables to neighbors, his son said.
One of the last things he and Minnie did together was vote early in the presidential election. “It was an absolute must in our
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George Nauflett, a renowned chemist and inventor, died in a fire Friday night in his Oxon Hill, Md., home. He was 84 years old. Nauflett grew up in the segregated South in a one-bedroom house with his aunt, and left school after eighth grade. But through a combination of sheer intellect and determination, he went on to work for 42 years in a U.S. Navy government laboratory where he earned more than two dozen patents for his inventions. When people made the old joke about someone not being a “rocket scientist,” he would get a kick out of saying, “Actually, I am,” his son, Derrick Nauflett, said in an interview with WaPo Sunday.
family,” Derrick Nauflett said. “He taught us if you don’t vote, you don’t have the right to complain.” He described his father as a quiet, nonconfrontational man. “He could have been a millionaire with all the patents that he had and he developed, but he was just happy having food, clothing, shelter,” his daughter, Joyce Bradford, 54, said Sunday. “If you saw him on the street you wouldn’t think he was as brilliant a man as he was. There was no pretense about him.” Lately he had lost some mobility in his legs and used an electric scooter or walker to get around comfortably. It was difficult for him to not be able to work in his garden or use the stairs without assistance. “I feel blessed that he had 84 years. He was always so active, and now he has his legs back,” Derrick Nauflett said. “That’s where I get my relief from. That’s where I draw my peace from. He is now whole up in heaven.”
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10 • Nov. 2, 2016
Proposed Constitutional Amendments To be voted on at the November 8, 2016 Election 1
Article I. Bill of Rights. Section 11-A. Right to work.
Ballot Question
Question: Should Article I of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to prohibit any agreement or combination between an employer and a labor union or labor organization whereby (i) nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, (ii) membership to the union or organization is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or (iii) the union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any such enterprise?
Explanation Present Law
Currently, Virginia’s right to work law, § 40.1-59 of the Code of Virginia, provides that any agreement or combination between an employer and a labor union or labor organization whereby (i) nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, (ii) membership in the union or organization is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or (iii) the union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any such enterprise is against public policy and illegal. This has been the law and the declared public policy of the Commonwealth since 1947.
Proposed Amendment
The proposed amendment places the provisions of Virginia’s right to work law into the Constitution of Virginia. While Virginia law may be amended by any future General Assembly, a constitutional prohibition can only be changed by a future constitutional amendment approved by the voters.
Full text of Amendment
[Proposed new language is underlined.] Amend Article I of the Constitution of Virginia by adding a section numbered 11-A as follows:
Article I. Bill of Rights. Section 11-A. Right to work.
Any agreement or combination between any employer and any labor union or labor organization whereby nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, or whereby such membership is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or whereby any such union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any enterprise, is against public policy and constitutes an illegal combination or conspiracy and is void.
Article X. Taxation and Finance. Section 6-B. Property tax exemptions for spouses of certain emergency services providers.
Ballot Question
Question: Shall the Constitution of Virginia be amended to allow the General Assembly to provide an option to the localities to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who was killed in the line of duty, where the surviving spouse occupies the real property as his or her principal place of residence and has not remarried?
Explanation Present Law
Article X, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia now requires the General Assembly to exempt from taxation the real property, including the joint real property of husband and wife, of any veteran with a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability, as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the real property of the surviving spouse of an eligible veteran. This exemption from taxation applies to the principal place of residence of the eligible veteran or of the surviving spouse of an eligible veteran. The exemption ceases if the surviving spouse remarries. Article X, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia also authorizes the General Assembly to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who was killed in action, as determined by the U.S. Department of Defense. This exemption from taxation applies to the surviving spouse’s principal place of residence, and the exemption ceases if the surviving spouse remarries.
Nov. 2, 2016 • 11
Proposed Amendment
The proposed constitutional amendment authorizes the General Assembly to enact a law that would allow a locality to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who is killed in the line of duty. The exemption from taxation would cease if the surviving spouse remarries. The exemption would apply regardless of whether the spouse was killed in the line of duty prior to the effective date of this amendment but would apply only to those real property taxes to be paid on or after the effective date of this amendment. The exemption from taxation would apply to the surviving spouse’s principal place of residence, even if he or she moves to a new principal place of residence. The exemption would not require the surviving spouse to have been residing in the Commonwealth at the time his or her spouse was killed in the line of duty. The proposed constitutional amendment authorizes the General Assembly to prescribe additional restrictions and conditions on the exemption from taxation if enacting such a law.
Full text of Amendment
[Proposed new language is underlined.] Amend Article X of the Constitution of Virginia by adding a section numbered 6-B as follows:
Article X. Taxation and Finance. Section 6-B. Property tax exemptions for spouses of certain emergency services providers.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6, the General Assembly by general law, and within the restrictions and conditions prescribed therein, may provide for a local option to exempt from taxation the real property of the surviving spouse of any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who was killed in the line of duty, who occupies the real property as his or her principal place of residence. The exemption under this section shall cease if the surviving spouse remarries and shall not be claimed thereafter. This exemption applies regardless of whether the spouse was killed in the line of duty prior to the effective date of this section, but the exemption shall not be applicable for any period of time prior to the effective date. This exemption applies to the surviving spouse’s principal place of residence without any restriction on the spouse’s moving to a different principal place of residence and without any requirement that the spouse reside in the Commonwealth at the time of death of the law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel.
Virginia is for Voters
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12 • Nov. 2, 2016
Pusha T talks prison reform, racism in ‘Get Out the Vote’ segment with veep candidate Kaine Pusha T is really pushing for Hillary Clinton. And with the presidential election less than a week away, it’s time to get earnest on the campaign trail. In a new video, Pusha T is at a block festival in Miami where he encourages young people to exercise their right to vote and make their voice count. “We need to start thinking what’s important to us, what’s important to our community,” he said. “We need to pick Hillary and Kaine.”
“Two Virginia guys in Miami, Florida. I mean, it couldn’t get better.” - Kaine Pusha T sat down with his fellow Virginia native Tim Kaine and discussed a few topics important to the African-American community. Among Pusha T’s biggest concerns
were prison reform and the urgent need to improve on the criminal justice system. “There’s a lot of reforms that are necessary. There’s policing reforms, to make sure that we have communities where everybody respects the law,” said Kaine. “But people have to be respected by the law, too. That’s really important. In
Virginia will receive $1.18m to resolve allegations of Kia state consumer protection violations Virginia will receive $1,181.999.07 as part of a multi-state settlement to resolve allegations that automakers, Hyundai and Kia, misrepresented the mileage and fuel economy ratings for some of their model year 2011, 2012, and 2013 vehicles. The $41.2 million settlement between Virginia, 32 other states, the District of Columbia, and Hyundai Motor Company, Hyundai Motor America, Kia Motors Corporation, Inc. and Kia Motors America, Inc., concludes a multi-state investigation into the companies' practices relating to fuel economy adjustments that occurred at a time when gasoline
prices in the United States were particularly high. "In Virginia, we expect automakers and other retailers to be honest with consumers about the characteristics, uses and benefits of the products they sell. When they are not, they must be held accountable," said Va. Attorney General Mark R. Herring. "The laws that require businesses to provide truthful information about their products protect other businesses as well as consumers. All businesses operating in the marketplace are entitled to a level playing field and the right to compete fairly and honestly on the basis of the quality,
some of our communities that’s not the case.” Kaine also addressed the problem of systematic racism in the United States, which is a byproduct of the problems the underprevilaged face when it comes employment, housing and education. “There is [racism] in housing,” he said. “There is [racism] in
employment. There is [racism] in the criminal justice system. There is [racism] in voting rights. So there’s more progress to achieve, but we keep moving forward.” Kaine also talked about making college debt free and improving the healthcare system so it’s available and affordable for everyone.
characteristics and price of the goods and services they offer." In addition to the payment to the state, consumer restitution claims relating to the alleged violations have been handled separately through class action settlements and the companies’ own reimbursement programs. Hyundai has paid, or committed to pay, 11,256 Virginia customers a total of $2 million through its reimbursement program, and an additional $888,000 to 2,588 customers through class-action settlement claims. Kia has paid, or committed to pay, 8,378 Virginia customers a total of $1.4 million through its reimbursement program, and an additional $668,000 to 1,825 Virginia customers through classaction settlement claims. Before vehicles may be offered for sale, automakers must conduct rigorous testing to prove their
vehicles meet applicable state and federal emissions standards.In November 2012, Hyundai and Kia announced that they were adjusting and restating the fuel economy ratings for certain model year 2011, 2012, and 2013 vehicles after it was revealed that the companies' had overstated the fuel efficiency of those vehicles. The settlement takes the form of a Consent Judgment, which has been filed with the Circuit Court of Henrico County for approval. In the Complaint filed along with the Consent Judgment, the state alleges that: Hyundai and Kia incorporated their inflated and inaccurate data into the estimated mileage ratings displayed on the window stickers of hundreds of thousands of cars in Virginia and across the country.
(continued on page 13)
Nov. 2, 2016 • 13
(from page 12) The companies sought to capitalize on the erroneous mileage estimates by placing them prominently in a variety of advertisements and other promotional campaigns, said Herring. These actions were likely to mislead consumers and were material to consumers' decisions to purchase particular vehicles during a time of high gasoline prices. These actions violated the Virginia Consumer Protection Act. In addition to Virginia, the multistate group includes Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio,
Virginia man charged with voter fraud SCOTT MALONE Officials in Virginia filed voter fraud charges against a man accused of filing bogus voter registration forms on Friday, just 11 days before voters cast ballots in the hotly contested presidential race. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has charged in recent weeks that the election will be rigged in favor of Democrat Hillary Clinton, though he has shown no proof for these claims and many Republicans have called them unfounded. The Virginia man was charged
Virginia AG Mark R. Herring Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia.
with submitting falsified forms while working for a voterregistration campaign, state prosecutors said. Vafalay Massaquoi, 30, was arraigned on two felony counts of forging a public record and two counts of voter registration fraud. “There is no allegation that any illegal vote was actually cast in this case,” said Alexandria Commonwealth’s Attorney Bryan Porter. “Furthermore, since the fraudulent applications involved fictitious people, had the fraud not been uncovered, the risk of actual fraudulent votes being cast was low.”
“WHEN THEY GO LOW, WE GO HIGH!” “This November, when we go to the polls this election and every election...is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives.” ~ Michelle Obama
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14 • Nov. 2, 2016
HMO plans will remain in health insurance exchange Uninsured consumers are now able to enroll in health insurance coverage under the Health Insurance Marketplace at Healthcare.gov. According to Virginia Health Care Foundation, 12.5 percent of Virginians under the age of 65 are currently uninsured—approximately 874,000 people. Although this number is lower than previous years, Virginia still has a high number of citizens with unmet health needs who are unable to receive the care they need. HMOs reported to Virginia Health Information (VHI) that in 2015 there were over 1.3 million commercial members in Virginia HMO plans, an increase over the past few years. Nationally, some health insurance companies offering HMO plans have announced their departure from certain statewide exchanges citing financial loss as
their primary reason. The good news is that HMOs currently in the Virginia statewide marketplace will remain for the upcoming 2017 Open Enrollment period. VHI has released HMO plan information, including financial data, on 10 HMO carriers within the Commonwealth who also participate in the Health Insurance Marketplace. According to the report, eight of the 10 HMOs reported a positive profit ratio for 2015, an average of 3.79 percent overall. Published online and free to consumers at Compare HMOs, this report contains five years of comparable information in addition to financial data. VHI allows consumers to compare these plans on cost and quality using eight new HEDIS additional measures creating a wider and more in-depth report for the consumer. These new measures include asthma medication
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ratio, cervical cancer screening in adolescent females and mental health utilization. Consumers are still able to compare plan pricing, quality of services such
as immunizations and screenings and member satisfaction for each carrier to determine their individual best value. For more information visit www.vhi.org/hmo_compare.asp.
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Nov. 2, 2016 • 15
Facebook lets advertisers exclude users by race Facebook’s system allows advertisers to exclude black, Hispanic, and other “ethnic affinities” from seeing ads WIRE It was in the Jim Crow South where public and private entities were not only allowed to discriminate and exclude based on race, but it was often written into law and social etiquette. Despite such discrimination seeming like a thing of the past, Facebook’s policies keep it in the present-day. As many people probably know based on ads they see in their Facebook newsfeed, the social network allows advertisers to target users by their interests or background. However, it also gives advertisers the ability to exclude specific groups of their choosing, referring to the racial categories as “Ethnic Affinities.” It is important to note that advertisements that exclude people based on race, gender and other personal factors are prohibited by federal law in both housing and employment. The research group, Propublica, investigated Facebook’s advertising policies themselves by buying an ad from Facbook’s advertisement portal. They actively excluded groups of people in ways that are illegal, to see what would happen. “The ad we purchased was targeted to Facebook members who were house hunting and excluded anyone with an ‘affinity’ for AfricanAmerican, Asian-American or Hispanic people,” they write in their
investigation. They then showed their results to John Relman, a lawyer who is experienced in civil rights cases. According to Propublica, Relman said, “This is horrifying. This is massively illegal. This is about as blatant a violation of the federal Fair Housing Act as one can find.” Birthed from the ashes of Jim Crow, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 makes it wholly illegal “to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.” Those who violate this act, if caught, can face tens of thousands of dollars in fines. Also made necessary by Jim Crow laws is the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which like the Fair Housing Act, also prohibits the “printing or publication of notices or advertisements indicating prohibited preference, limitation, specification or discrimination,” but specifically in regard to employment. Facebook claims that its policies forbids advertisers from using “targeting options to discriminate against, harass, provoke, or disparage users or to engage in predatory advertising practices.” “We take a strong stand against advertisers misusing our platform:
Our policies prohibit using our targeting options to discriminate, and they require compliance with the law,” said Steve Satterfield, privacy and public policy manager at Facebook to Propublica. “We take prompt enforcement action when we determine that ads violate our policies.” Though according to those policies, the actions Facebook takes is usually removing the ad, despite the offense being both illegal and worthy of a hefty fine. Satterfield reportedly continued, saying that exclusion is an important power for advertisers to have. He gave an example, saying, an advertiser “might run one campaign in English that excludes the Hispanic affinity group to see how well the campaign performs against running that ad campaign in Spanish. This is a common practice in the industry.” Indeed, Facebook’s specific business model is centered around giving advertisers the freedom to target specific groups — and also to exclude specific groups, apparently. They achieve this by accessing and using personal data that they have collected from their users. This very specific targeting, with which Facebook is heavily engaged, is particularly helpful when reaching niche audiences is the goal, an example being midwestern mothers with dogs. ProPublica recently
offered a tool allowing curious users to see just how Facebook categorizes them, and found nearly 50,000 differing categories where Facebook separated its users. Satterfield reportedly insisted that “Ethnic Affinity” is not the same as race, since Facebook allegedly does not ask its members about race. However, apparently Facebook assigns members to a particular “Ethnic Affinity” based on pages and posts they have liked or engaged with on Facebook. He also said that Facebook began using the “Ethnic Affinity” categories in recent years in order to achieve a “multicultural advertising” effort. Over the course of their investigation, Propublica asked the million dollar question: Why is “Ethnic Affinity” included in the “Demographics” category of its ad-targeting tools if, as Facebook has insisted, it is not actually a representation of demographics? Facebook reportedly responded that it plans to move “Ethnic Affinity” into a different, probably still discriminatory, section. The advertisement that Propublica bought, which discriminated against black people and other people of color, was accepted by Facebook within 15 minutes of them ordering it. They said Facebook declined to comment on the reasons behind this.
16 • Nov. 2, 2016
11.4, 8 a.m.
Parents, professionals, and interested adults in Richmond, Virginia are invited to participate in a one-day interactive course through the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC). The course, Supporting Veterans’ Children through Transitions, creates an environment for youthserving educators, professionals, and parents to learn about the unique transition issues children face when their parents voluntarily or involuntarily transition from military to civilian life. Anyone concerned about the welfare of military kids is invited to enroll in this face-to-face course, held at the Jepson Alumni Center, 49 Crenshaw Way, Richmond. Participants are also eligible to earn Continuing Education Units. This course is sponsored by Got Your 6 (GY6) and there is no cost to participants. To learn more, visit www.militarychild.org.
HCA Virginia’s Retreat Doctors’ Hospital and West Creek Emergency Center will be offering free flu shots for the community through their emergency departments. The flu shots will be administered to the public this season until supplies are no longer available. Locations include West Creek Emergency Center, 12720 Tuckahoe Creek Ct. and Retreat Doctors’ Hospital, 2621 Grove Ave., Richmond Flu shots will be given to adults ages 18 and over while supplies last. No appointments necessary. For more information call 804-307-2224.
M ...advertised here. oments
&e m o r i e s
Rio Car Wash will offer free car washes for veterans at all of their locations in Virginia, including their two locations at 8220 Midlothian Turnpike in Richmond and 11100 Hull Street Road in Midlothian. This event is part of “Grace For Vets,” an effort by car wash operators internationally to provide free car washes to veterans and active military service personnel to honor their past and present service to their country, whether observing Veterans Day, Remembrance Day or Armistice Day. In order to receive a free car wash, veterans are asked to let the attendant know they are a veteran or in the armed forces. No proof of status will be required. For more information, visit riocarwash.com.
Submit your calendar events by email to: editor@legacynewspaper.com. Include the who, what, where, when & contact information that can be printed. Submission deadline is Friday.
Applications are now being accepted for the Virginia Department of Social Services’ (VDSS) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Through Monday, November 14, individuals may apply for fuel assistance at all local departments of social services and online. The Energy Assistance Program, funded by the LIHEAP block grant, provides funds to states to assist low-income households in meeting their home energy needs. The program assists eligible households with the costs of home energy sources including electricity, natural and liquid propane gas, oil, kerosene, coal and wood. To qualify for Fuel Assistance, the maximum gross monthly income for a one-person household cannot exceed $1,287. For a household of four, the maximum gross monthly income is $2,633. Last year, nearly 120,000 households received assistance. Families and individuals can apply through their local department of social services office. To apply online or to check eligibility for services visit the CommonHelp website at: commonhelp.virginia.gov/access/.
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Nov. 2, 2016 • 17
Black workers’ wages have been harmed by widening racial gaps, more VALERIE WILSON Participants in an ongoing discussion about how to remedy centuries of economic inequality experienced by black Americans generally fall into one of two camps. One group calls for explicitly racebased or racially targeted solutions, while the other group supports raceneutral, or universal, progressive economic policies and programs. This brief focuses on the damage done to typical black workers’ wages in recent decades and demonstrates that progress on both fronts is necessary to undo the damage. Specifically, widening black-white wage gaps and growing overall wage inequality between 1979 and 2015 imposed a dual penalty on black workers’ wage growth. Therefore, a dual strategy is necessary to put black workers’ wages back on a trajectory that lets them share in the fruits of overall economic growth while also closing persistent gaps with white workers. Its main findings are: Blacks are paid less than whites and the gap is growing, particularly among high earners. Specifically, the black-white wage gap—the percent by which wages of black workers lag wages of their white peers—has grown over time and at all levels of pay, but the gap is largest among the highest earners. All median workers are paid less than they should be given their increasing productivity. Since 1979, median wage growth overall has fallen far short of productivity growth, which is a measure of the additional output or income generated in an average hour of work. Stated another way, rising productivity has provided the potential for substantial pay increases for typical workers but this potential has not been realized, as the fastest wage growth has been concentrated among the highest earners. This is the defining feature of increased wage and income inequality. Closing the 26.2 percent racial wage gap alone would have raised hourly wages of the median black
worker by $5.03 in 2015. Closing the racial wage gap and ensuring that median wages grew with productivity would have raised hourly wages of the median black worker by $12.33 in 2015 (from $14.14 to $26.47)—an increase of 87.2 percent. Addressing both class and racial inequality in this way would have also raised the hourly wages of the median white worker by $7.30 (from $19.17 to $26.47)—an increase of 38.1 percent. The black-white wage gap is defined by Wilson and Rodgers (2016) as the percent by which wages of black workers lag wages of their white peers. In 2015, the gap for the median (50th percentile) worker was 26.2 percent. Wilson and Rodgers also provide a detailed analysis of trends in average hourly blackwhite wage gaps among men and women who are full-time workers with similar levels of education and experience, live in the same region of the country, and have the same metro status (urban or rural). Reseachers found that even after controlling for these observed worker characteristics, a significant blackwhite wage gap remains and this remaining difference in pay is largely the result of discrimination. In fact, African Americans who have ascended the wage ladder through increased education and better access to higher-paying jobs also earn less than similarly situated whites. Interestingly, over the last 36 years, racial wage gaps have grown most among the most highly educated (those with a bachelor’s degree or more education). Wilson and Rodgers 2016 further concludes that while racial discrimination was the largest single factor driving growing differences in the pay of white and black workers between 1979 and 2015, increased overall wage inequality consistently played a role as well. One of the most pronounced features of growing wage inequality over the last nearly four decades has been the increasing gap between productivity growth, which represents the potential for wage growth, and actual wage growth for the vast majority of all workers,
The median wealth gap between single black and white women. regardless of race or gender. Because black workers tend to cluster lower in the wage distribution than white workers, and because between 1979 and 2015 hourly wages grew most in the higher parts of the wage distribution, this rise in overall wage inequality mechanically separated black and white workers’ wages. The brief exception to this trend occurred between 1995 and 2000 when strong economic growth, tight labor markets, and widely shared economic prosperity produced slightly faster wage growth for African Americans than whites. As a result, racial wage disparities narrowed over this fiveyear period, but not nearly enough to completely close the gaps. The widening productivity-pay gap is relevant to relevant to black workers, according to Wilson and Rodgers. Imagine for a second that it is 1979, and policymakers established a goal of completely eliminating racial wage gaps by 2015. A smart observer in 1979, asked to guess how much the median black worker’s hourly wage would rise by 2015, might assume that overall median wages would track economy-productivity growth over the next 46 years. After all, median wages had kept pace with productivity over most of the period since World War II. So the observer might add to this baseline rate of growth additional growth of black workers’ wages needed to close racial wage gaps. Neither of these things happened. Overall median wages did not track productivity growth and racial wage gaps did not close, but instead widened. This kept wage growth for black workers much, much lower than it would have been otherwise. Quantifying the double-penalty on black workers’ wage growth, it is best to more explicitly demonstrate the dual penalty on wage growth of black workers. While most of the
discussion is based on trends at the median, Wilson and Rodgers also compares wages and wage growth of black and white workers at the 10th and 95th percentiles to show how these trends intersect with growing inequality. Mathematically, the median wage is the hourly wage in the middle of the wage distribution, with half of workers earning less than the median and half earning more. Since the median wage is often associated with the “typical” worker wage, and thus the standard of living for the middle class, trends in racial wage gaps and wage growth at the median provide a useful benchmark for the state of racial economic inequality, mobility, and middleclass quality of life in the United States. Although the racial wage gap is smallest among low-wage workers, that gap has more than tripled since 1979. Minimum-wage laws have a lot to do with patterns in black-white wage inequality at the lower end of the wage distribution. By setting a wage floor, the minimum wage compresses wages at the bottom so that employers have limited discretion in deciding how much to pay workers. However, since states and some cities have the authority to set their own minimum wages as long as they exceed the federal minimum wage, low-wage pay varies based on where workers live. Blacks disproportionately live in the Southern and Midwestern regions of the country where state minimum wages are generally lower than (or non-existent) and have been increased less frequently than in the Northeast or West. As a result, fewer low-wage black workers benefitted from state and local minimum-wage increases enacted over the last couple years, expanding the 10th percentile black-white wage gap from 7.4 percent in 2007 to 11.8 percent in 2015.
18 • Nov. 2, 2016
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Nov. 2, 2016 • 19
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