EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Nov. 23, 2016
Public health crisis in Va. - 2 Making America ... again - 6 Acts of resistance in this era - 8 McCorory runs into HOF - 13
Richmond & Hampton Roads
Holiday food drive feeds nearly 300 Va. families During the holiday season many families are faced with choosing between sharing a nice holiday meal with family or paying bills. This year EYPC Mentoring Group made it easier for those families in need. The non-profit group is feeding almost 350 families this Thanksgiving throughout central
(continued on page 4)
Have a safe and bountiful Thanksgiving holiday!
2 • Nov. 23, 2016
Va. declares opioid addiction a public health emergency State Health Commissioner Marissa J. Levine, MD, MPH, FAAFP, has declared the Virginia opioid addiction crisis a Public Health Emergency. The declaration comes in response to the growing number of overdoses attributed to opioid use, and evidence that Carfentanil, a dangerous synthetic opioid used to sedate large animals such as elephants, has made its way its way into Virginia. A Public Health Emergency is an event, either natural or manmade, that creates a health risk to the public. “Too many families across Virginia and the nation are dealing with heartbreak and loss as a result of prescription opioid and heroin abuse epidemic,” said Gov. Terry McAuliffe in announcing the declaration. “We cannot stand by while these drugs harm our communities and our economy. That is why I support Dr. Levine’s decision to declare a public health emergency, to heighten awareness of this issue, provide a framework for further actions to fight it, and to save Virginians’ lives.” In response to the Public Health Emergency, and in partnership with Virginia’s Board of Pharmacy, Department of Health Professions and Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Dr. Levine has issued a standing order that allows all Virginians to obtain the drug Naloxone, which can be used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations. The standing order serves as a prescription written for the general public, rather than specifically for an individual, removing a barrier to access. “As we see the nature of drug addiction shift, from prescription opioids to heroin and synthetic fentanyl, we must be vigilant and ready to respond quickly,” said Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel. “The overdose rates in Virginia have led me to agree with Dr. Levine that we are indeed experiencing a public health emergency. This declaration helps us respond in a nimble way
Marissa J. Levine (left) and others, recommend the overdose antidote Naloxone Hydrochloride. to a rapidly changing threat, while the Naloxone standing order from Dr. Levine broadens our ability to get life-saving medication into Virginians’ hands.” “Thanksgiving offers many of us a chance to spend time with family and loved ones. While we are enjoying this time with those closest to us, it’s important that we take stock of their health and well-being,” said Levine. “Too many Virginia families have lost someone to opioid addiction. These actions today will not diminish their loss, but we owe it to them and each other to work together, watch out for each other and continue to combat the seriousness of this crisis.” “Opioid abuse is devastating communities across the Commonwealth, including my home region of the Eastern Shore,” said Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam. “This is a public health emergency, and I thank Governor McAuliffe and Dr. Levine for their work creating greater access to Naloxone which will save lives in moments of crisis. As we move forward, we must continue to address the challenges of addiction and chronic pain management, including holding providers accountable for over-prescription.” “My team and I worked with a bipartisan coalition to expand Naloxone availability because we knew it could save lives and prevent
the tragedy and heartbreak that too many Virginia families already know,” said Attorney General Mark Herring. “I really appreciate Governor McAuliffe and Dr. Levine's continued commitment to addressing the opioid epidemic, especially taking the next step by issuing this landmark standing order that will make this lifesaving overdose antidote even more widely available.” By the end of 2016, the numbers of fatal opioid overdose deaths are expected to increase by 77 percent, compared to five years ago. In 2014, for the first time in Virginia, more people died from opioid overdoses than fatal car accidents. Emergency department visits for heroin overdose for January-September 2016 increased 89 percent, compared to the same nine-month period in 2015. In the first half of 2016, the total number of fatal drug overdoses in Virginia increased 35 percent, when compared to the same time period in 2015, and in 2013, fatal drug overdoses became the number one cause of unnatural death. “Pharmacists play an important role in combating opioid addiction,” said Virginia Board of Pharmacy Executive Director Caroline D. Juran, RPh. “By allowing Naloxone to be safely and responsibly issued by pharmacists to anyone in Virginia, friends and family members of individuals struggling with addiction
can take a much-needed step towards preventing overdoses of loved ones.” “For far too long, stigmas have plagued addiction struggles. By declaring a public health emergency, the Commonwealth of Virginia is bringing the opioid epidemic to the forefront of public discussion,” said Dr. Jack Barber, interim commissioner, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. “It is important that all Virginians learn how to recognize the signs of addiction and be able to help those struggling with addiction to seek care.” It can be difficult to know what to do when someone close to you is facing addiction, but there are simple things every Virginian can do to help those around them: 1) Know the signs of addiction and substance use: Signs of recent opioid use include pinpoint pupils, sleepiness, “nodding” and scratching. Common signs of addiction include constant money problems; arrests; track marks and infections from needle use; lying about drug use; irritability and, when drugs can’t be obtained, physical withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, dilated pupils, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting 2) Talk to your loved ones: If you
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Nov. 23, 2016 • 3
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4 • Nov. 23, 2016
Del. urges party to move away from fear politics Del. Sam Rasoul, a young Democrat from Roanoke, quit his post in the party leadership last week over what he said was the inability of Virginia Democrats to turn away from the politics of fear and division. “I feel as though the [leadership] right now is not committed to the radical changes we need to connect with the values of working class America,” said Rasoul, 35, the lone Muslim in the General Assembly. “We were sent a mandate on Election Day that we have to completely rethink the way we do business.” It’s a minor party squabble - Rasoul isn’t stepping down from the House of Delegates seat he first won in 2014 - but the rift is an unusual window into the hand-wringing that grips a party after a tough election. Virginia’s electorate has been sending mixed signals for the past few years, tilting Democratic for president and governor but leaving the state legislature firmly under Republican control. And even though Virginia went for Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, Rasoul said he was troubled by the overall tone of the recent election. There is a deepening divide in Virginia between the blue-leaning voters of urban and suburban areas and the red voters of more rural areas that Rasoul said the party needs to bridge. “Sure, we need to be super-strong in condemning acts of real hatred
Del. Sam Rasoul and bigotry and racism, but when people believe that all of Trump voters are racist, they really are not empathizing with the wants and needs of a lot of folks, and we are missing out,” he said. Rasoul, a business strategy consultant, said he has no beef with the policies of his party. “I love our platform, but when we want to use the same negative campaign tactics, when we do not try to genuinely listen and build trust with people from all walks of life, we’re not really being sincere about the values we espouse,” he said. “I think that’s why trust has eroded with time, and I think people have
(from page 1) that service at-risk youth. Virginia, the Northern Neck and Atlanta. The families received full dinners including a turkey, ham, numerous sides and desserts. “It’s so important to give back,” said Towanda Darden, owner of the mentoring group. “It’s so important to be a blessing to others and I’m happy I’m in a position to help those in need.” Members of the mentoring group spent days preparing boxes to give to families, churches and agencies
“It’s all about giving thanks and helping one another,” Darden said. “So much is going on in this world today and we have to be reminded who is in control. It’s not us. It’s God. God is love so we need to love on one another and remember the true meaning of the season.” Last year the group gave away 100 meals during Thanksgiving. Its number tripled this year. Next year they hope to double this year’s number.
lost trust with both parties.” Rasoul said he will offer some specific suggestions in coming days, such as a candidate training program “not on what issues you should run on but on how we should conduct ourselves.” Or maybe, he said,
Democrats could pledge that “I’m never going to say anything about my adversary that they wouldn’t agree with if they were in the room.” The House Democratic caucus gatherred in Richmond over the weekend for its annual retreat. One party member who insisted on anonymity to discuss the squabble said that Rasoul has been trying for some time to get leaders to consider a rebranding effort during this year’s meetings. When that failed, Rasoul quit as caucus treasurer to try to get some attention for his ideas, the party member said. For Republicans, the open break was a delightful gift for the weekend. “I think it shows how oblivious they are to the message that was sent by the voters on Election Day,” state Republican Party chairman John Whitbeck said. “If they don’t listen to people like Sam they’re going to have a miserable few years under Trump.” © WaPo
Thornton appointed to board of Va. Association of Counties District Supervisor Frank J. Thornton has been appointed to the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) board of directors. Thornton, who has served on the Henrico County Board of Supervisors since 1996, was elected to a two-year term on the VACo board Tuesday at the organization’s 82nd Annual Conference in Bath County. He is one of three directors for Region 3, which covers Henrico, Charles City, Chesterfield, Hanover and New Kent counties. Tuckahoe District Supervisor Patricia S. O’Bannon had represented Region 3 since 2008. VACo’s bylaws allow directors to serve no more than four consecutive two-year terms. The VACo board of directors consists of its executive committee and past presidents as well as 24 supervisors representing 13 regions. The number of directors allocated for each region is based on the
Frank Thornton population. VACo represents Virginia counties at the state and federal levels and provides a resource network for planning and implementing ideas and technologies.
Nov. 23, 2016 • 5
Va. Sec. of Transportation responds to Hampton U outcry STAFF & WIRE REPORTS Virginia Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne said last week that that the state will not take any land from Hampton University for the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) expansion. He emphasized that they especially would not take historic land, referring to the Emancipation Oak. Layne said that he sent a letter to Hampton University President William Harvey to show that no university land will be taken as a result of a planned Interstate 64 expansion project. The university said earlier last week that the Virginia Department of Transportation’s plan to add lanes to Interstate 64 near the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) threatens the historic Emancipation Oak. The tree is where southern slaves first heard the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. “VDOT must proceed with the greatest caution and restraint lest it pave over and destroy irredeemable history.” Harvey said in explaining his reason for calling a press conference. “Turning points in our nation’s history unfolded on the grounds of our campus, starting with Native Americans 12,000 years ago. As a custodian of that history, I have an obligation to protect it. I have little confidence that VDOT appreciates the damage it is about to do.” Harvey noted that among the national treasures imperiled by the expansion is the Emancipation Oak, a living witness to the moment in 1863 when Southern slaves taking refuge in the protective shadow of Union forces at Fort Monroe heard the words of the Emancipation Proclamation set them free. A recommendation for the I-64 HRBT widening project was sent to the state’s transportation board last month. It calls for a third tube at the HRBT, along with two new lanes for I-64 along that corridor. An attorney for Hampton University said Harvey had no intention of giving up even an inch of land to the government. Layne responded to Hampton’s concerns saying the state will not take any land from the university. Layne said in Friday’s news conference that he wants to work out an agreement so that no work
is done on Hampton University land without the school’s approval. “Every inch of Hampton University is sacred and essential to the legacy of the institution,” President Harvey Asked how he could make sure the state never takes Hampton University’s land without approval. “We’re gonna take a resolution to the Commonwealth Transportation Board to memorialize this We’re going to put it into federal documents.” Layne said those documents would prevent future plans from developing on Hampton University’s property — a guarantee to protect Hampton University’s history for the future. “If you wanted to take the right-ofway, then it would have to go get the federal highways approval,” he said.
“It would probably have to mean restarting the environmental
documents which would add years to the project.”
6 • Nov. 23, 2016
Op/Ed & Letters
One unchangeable position: Making America white again
FN - After a stunning and historic political upset, Donald Trump is moving forward to lead the nation. With his first televised interview and some subdued communication with President Barack Obama, the new chairman of America, Inc. is sounding a little different from the bombastic man who thrashed his way to the White House. The Trump victory, earned by winning 290 electoral votes while losing the popular vote, has seen the The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 47 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
president-elect and some surrogates pulling back from some signature campaign themes and promises. Among the pullbacks or detours are eviscerating Obamacare—the war cry of the GOP and Trump. Such language has been replaced by talk of fixes à la Hillary Clinton as opposed to destroying it. Second, building that wall on the border with Mexico and having Mexico pay for it. Not so fast, Trump told “60 Minutes”, agreeing the wall could be a fence in The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
some places. The first priority would be securing the borders, then looking at building the wall itself, said the president-elect. Newt Gingrich, a GOP Trump backer, said, “He’ll spend a lot of time controlling the border. He may not spend very much time trying to get Mexico to pay for it, but it was a great campaign device.” Trump backer Rudy Giuliani told the media the wall will be built because Trump promised but other things, like tax reform and jobs creation, would take priority in the first 100 days of the Trump administration. What about that special prosecutor to examine possible misdeeds by Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton? Trump told “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl, in his first TV interview, that he didn’t want to hurt the Clintons. And, he said, there were bigger fish to fry— notably the economy, simplifying taxes, immigration, health care and overall making America great again. He did promise to deport two million to three million undocumented immigrants who were criminals. Trump paid more respect to Obama, whose U.S. citizenship he challenged as leader of the birther movement, following a White House visit than some supporters may have expected. He vowed to phase out the use of lobbyists, when asked about lobbyists on his transition team, which was
a little different from his signature “drain the swamp” refrain—a promise to get money and influence peddling out of U.S. politics. Some argued mainstream media had taken Trump literally while his followers were more pragmatic and believed he would deliver on his promises to make change— even if it didn’t start right away. Others argued the Trump moves were a natural part of going from campaigning to actually governing, which could take a little more nuance, patience and negotiation. There may be some truth to all of the analysis, but there is one plank in the Trump platform and campaign playbook that cannot be denied or softened: The embrace of whiteness and the fears and concerns of disaffected whites. Trump looked into a “60 Minutes” camera and called for an end to any racial assault and hatred coming out of the divisive campaign. But what he didn’t do was admit the deep fear that exists and how divided the country is across racial and other lines. In the “60 Minutes” interview he denied hearing much about the anti-Trump protests, post-election violence and racist acts targeting non-whites across the country. He again placed part of the blame for demonstrations on professional protestors paid to make him look bad.
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Nov. 23, 2016 • 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
The way forward The issue with the VEDP Partnership is reflected all over the commonwealth and should be the wake up call for the GA to understand that the problem is the failure of the Public Body to comply with VPPA 2.2-4300(C), which requires all the rules governing contract awards be made clear in advance of competition, that specifications reflect the procurement needs rather than being drawn to favor a particular vendor. The lack of written policies since the partnership's inception and having one of the worst culture and pattern over many years and some Republicans acknowledged that the problems are rooted in the history of the partnership when created by then-Gov. George Allen. The Public Body is the entity that exercises some sovereign power or to perform some governmental duty, and empowered by law to undertake the activities. This is the body that does not comply with all the applicable federal, state and local procurement policies that are already enacted by the GA and Congress. The Public Body needs an independent business that knows the procurement requirements to be a consultant during the planning stages of all projects. All public bodies in the Commonwealth should be required to be retrained on the procurement policies of the Commonwealth and Federal funded projects to comply with all applicable
procurement policies and procedures Federal, State and Local working in conjunction with each other based on the funding of the economic development project. The vetting has been problematic and finally it has rose to the top of the line and reveals the favoritism and why the Commonwealth Disparity Study 2011 reported that 98 percent of contracts were awarded to white firms and 2 percent among the five minority groups. The Republican Party has stated that we should enforce the laws already enacted and I suggest that this is the case where the laws need enforcement. My company can retrain the Public Bodies and monitor the process in the interest of the Commonwealth and all local governing jurisdictions. Earl Bradley Bradley Development, LLC
On death with dignity D.C. is the largest and most diversely populated east coast jurisdiction to authorize medical aid in dying. Death with dignity a big win for people of every color who live in our nation’s capital, especially AfricanAmericans like me. Following the passage of medical aid-in-dying laws in California last year and in Colorado last week, these two states and D.C. have demonstrated the diverse, popular support across our nation for this option to die peacefully. Donna Smith Compassion & Choices
(from page 6) Trump surrogates echoed that same script. They were unwilling to acknowledge how Trump’s rhetoric against immigrants, against Mexicans, against Muslims, promises to pay legal expenses for anyone knocking out a protestor at one rally, misogynistic comments and charges of sexual assaults had helped push the country to the edge. But such rhetoric freed the whites who gave him victories, by small margins in the battleground states, and ushered him into the White House. His biggest nod to white victimology and white suffering was the appointment of Steve Bannon, who served as an important campaign aide and anti-GOP establishment voice, as his chief strategist Bannon’s appointment was announced alongside the naming of his new chief of staff, former Republican National Committee Chair Reince Preibus. The Washington Post reported “Bannon and Breitbart were credited with honing Trump’s message against globalism, and unleashing his sayanything approach to talking about terror and immigrant crime.” The New York Times noted “a chorus of critics took to Twitter to lament what they said was a frightening normalization of the fringe views that Bannon promoted as the chairman of Breitbart News. The site has for years given voice to anti-Semitic, racist and white nationalist ideology. “The Council on American-Islamic Relations said Mr. Bannon’s selection ‘sends the disturbing message that anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and
white nationalist ideology will be welcome in the White House.’ ” “The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office,” said John Weaver, a Republican strategist who ran the presidential campaign of Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio and previously advised Senator John McCain of Arizona, in the Times piece. “Be very vigilant, America.” Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist and anti-Trump voiced, tweeted: “Oh, hell! White supremacist, anti gay, anti Semite, vindictive, scary-ass dude named Senior Strategist. After vomiting, be afraid, America.” “The appointment of Steve Bannon to a senior position within the White House does very little in the interest of healing our country following months of contentious campaign rhetoric from President-elect Trump. Bannon’s appointment is a cold slap in the face to those of us who are working to mend race relations in America, and it further divides our country along the lines of hate and bigotry,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chairman G. K. Butterfield (D-N.C.). “President-elect Trump must work to bring us together and his appointment of Steve Bannon sends an alarming signal that he remains loyal to the animosity and hatred that was the core of his campaign.” The other issues are negotiable and there is room to change and morph. What Mr. Trump cannot afford to do is to alienate or deny the White malaise that swept him into office. They want one thing: Make America White again. Then, they believe, everything else will fall into place.
8 • Nov. 23, 2016
Faith & Religion
10 acts of resistance in a Trump era and attacks. We will act in support of people who belong to groups who are afraid because they have been targeted, especially standing with parents who are worried about the safety of their children of color. We all must watch, report, and confront hate speech and behavior — against all ethnic and religious groups, women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and all marginalized groups — and surround people being attacked with supportive community. White supremacist groups who are celebrating the results of this election need to be identified, isolated, and prosecuted.
JIM WALLIS VIEWPOINT I know many of you are still reeling from the election results. When Sojourners put out the call for you to tell us your post-election stories, we found ourselves tapping into a deep well of lament. Your stunning Reader Stories put on display the real feelings of people across the country — fears felt by ethnic minorities, Muslims, women, immigrants, LGBTQ people, those struggling with their faith and on and on. This campaign made often implicit ugly racial and gender views explicit; it lifted up dangerous things that are often covert and made them overt. Both fear and anger are deep in America now, especially among people who belong to groups who were targeted and maligned during the election campaign. They wonder if the America Trump wants to make “great again” includes them. The election revealed the deep racial divide in America with a majority of white voters — of all economic levels, genders, and even religions — going for Trump. The media’s new focus on the genuine grievances of the forgotten white voters painfully reveals its own continuing racial bias in its lack of focus on whole communities of color who continue to be forgotten and left behind. White people who dismiss the real fears parents of color have for their children reveal how disconnected they are from those families. America’s Original Sin clearly still lingers in America, and the repentance of that sin clearly calls upon us to replace white identity with faith identity — the reversal of what happened in this election among the majority of white voters who voted together as a tribe. We know you are fearful. We know you are still feeling the loss — the loss of a hoped for America that valued diversity, or perhaps the loss of your faith community whose white majority voted for an embodiment of
our worst natures. But we also know that you are ready to resist. You are ready to join the millions who will repeat daily that this ugly rhetoric and dangerous policy proposals cannot become normalized. Racism should not continue as normal, misogyny can’t remain normal, and threatening the well being of those God calls us to welcome cannot become normal. We at Sojourners are all in as a publication, as a resource, as a community, as a network of activists. Here’s how we get started. And so we make this commitment to you: We at Sojourners are all in for whatever is required over the next four years and beyond, as a publication, as a resource, as a community, as a network of activists. Here’s how we get started. 1. We will go deeper in faith. Our times require a moral compass. We must replace certainty with reflection. Go from simply belief to actual practice. Seek both courage and humility. Read, study, and live the words of Jesus. Replace white identity with faith identity. Replace nativist religion with multiethnic and international faith. As the
prophet Micah said, “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” 2. We will lift up truth. Sojourners will always replace fear with facts when it comes to public discussions about immigrants, refugees, Muslims, racial diversity, and national security. Multiracial truth-telling about race in America is urgently needed as we move to a new demographic future where America will no longer be a white majority nation. Sojourners will always lift up the voices of these communities so that they can share their own stories. 3. We will reject White Nationalism. We will name racism and xenophobia as sins against our neighbors and against the God who made us all in God’s image. We all must move the nation forward and not backward. Affirm diversity as a gift, blessing, and great opportunity for our nation — and reject the language of threats. Inclusion means full participation 4. We will love our neighbors by protecting them from hate speech
5. We will welcome the stranger, as our Scriptures instruct. We will block, interfere, and obstruct the mass deportations of immigrants who are law-abiding and hard-working members of our communities. We all must accompany, advocate for, and invite immigrants and their families into our faith families and congregations when they become vulnerable. We will provide opportunities to call on local elected officials and law enforcement officers not to participate in rounding up immigrants — in the name of public safety and family protection — and, if necessary, force federal enforcement police to arrest immigrant families in our churches, instead of at their homes alone. 6. We will expose and oppose racial profiling in policing. We will reach out to our local police departments to make that commitment clear from the faith community. If the Justice Department and the White House no longer hold police departments accountable to obey the law in relationship to people of color, we all must take on that role in our religious communities. Local ecumenical and interfaith clergy councils should meet with
(continued on page 9)
Nov. 23, 2016 • 9
VSP reminds motorists to secure unattended vehicles any convenience store or gas station and you’re likely to see at least one unattended vehicle with the engine running, Lazear said. “And the driver is nowhere in sight.” Securing your vehicle becomes an especially hot topic when the weather turns cold. “We’ve reached that time of year,” Lazear said. “People are warming up their cars in the mornings and leaving them unmonitored for minutes at a time. Those are easy targets. It’s also recommended that any items of value be removed from the vehicle or, at the very least, secured out of plain sight.” To best protect your vehicle, Lazear said motorists should follow a
(from page 8)
our workplaces, schools, and political systems.
sheriffs and police chiefs in local communities for an open a dialogue with them. We will offer resources to study together the important report of the Presidential Commission on 21st Century Policing, and help work with them to implement it. We must make it clear that local faith communities promise to watch and monitor the relationship of our police to our communities. 7. We will defend religious liberty. We will defy the defamation and banning of Muslims. We all must embrace Muslims as fellow Americans and protect them from the fears of attack, protect mosques with congregational solidarity, and protect national security with our Muslim fellow citizens. We must also resist anti-Semitism as part of the White Nationalism on the rise. If the registration of Muslims is called for, as has been suggested, Christians and Jews will join the registration lines. 8. We will work to end the misogyny that enables rape culture. We will make every effort to replace misogyny with mutual respect. The language against women that was used in this presidential campaign must be completely rejected. We will name sexual assault for what it is: a sin and a crime. It must be exposed and resisted on every level of our society. Gender fairness and equality must be a fundamental principle in
9. We will protest with our best values. We will defend constitutional values and workplace fairness, and fight for climate justice and environmental protection as we serve as stewards of our land. Whether in our streets, our schools or our workplaces — we will provide resources and opportunities to protest with dignity, discipline, and non-violence, not with hate for hate. We will respect the Constitution and our democratic processes and expect the same from this new administration. But if those procedures are violated, we must not be silent. Everything isn’t going to be all right, but we will stick together, sustain each other, and mobilize our energy, time, and resources. 10. We will listen. The nation is more divided and polarized than most of us can remember at any time in our lifetimes. So we will listen to you and we can all listen to each other if we desire healing — and we all should. Our congregations must become safe and sacred spaces for hearing each other’s stories, pains, fears, and hopes — as people who want many of the same things for our families and children. Our educational institutions should also be such safe spaces for dialogue, learning the meaning of the diversity and pluralism that is America’s best future.
layered approach to prevention. First and foremost, take your keys or take your chances. “We can’t stress this enough,” he said. “Always lock your car and make sure the windows are closed whenever you’re not with the vehicle. And please avoid the temptation to leave your engine running when you go into a store.” Second, be sure to activate the factory alarm system. If your vehicle
isn’t equipped with an alarm, consider having one installed. “Alarms make a lot of noise, and a lot of noise draws attention,” Lazear said. “Thieves don’t like attention.” Layer three recommends using immobilizers or tracking systems. There are a number of products on the market at different price points, Lazear said. “You may find it to be worth the investment.”
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The Virginia State Police Help Eliminate Auto Theft (HEAT) program is urging citizens to think twice before leaving their vehicles unattended with the keys inside. There were 8,103 auto thefts in Virginia in 2015, and the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reports that the keys or key fob had been left in 1,890 of those. Virginia State Police Special Agent Peter Lazear said the problem may be even greater than what the numbers show. “Statistically, we’re seeing that one in four vehicles stolen has the keys inside,” he said. “But we hear it all the time from other law enforcement agencies that it’s more like half of the cars stolen have the keys inside.” Look around the parking lot of
10 • Nov. 23, 2016
New streaming service features the ‘baddest movies’ The Mack, Shaft, Super Fly, Dolemite, Cotton Comes to Harlem, Foxy Brown, Blacula, Uptown Saturday Night, Three The Hard Way, Cooley High, Coffy, Black Caesar, Cleopatra Jones, Car Wash Among the Titles You know the above names as the biggest collection of the baddest African-American movies of all-time. Now they have a new subscriptionvideo-on-demand streaming home known as Brown Sugar. Brown Sugar is now available for mobile phones and tablets in the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store and for computers at the website BrownSugar.com. It features what Bounce TV executives call “an extensive library of iconic” black movies, all un-edited and commercial-free as they were originally seen in theaters. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99 per month thereafter. Brown Sugar features an extensive library of iconic black movies, all un-edited and commercial-free as
they were originally seen in theaters. The “one-of-a-kind” library consists of titles licensed from all the top Hollywood studios. “Brown Sugar is a black explosion of hot chicks, cool cats and cult classics,” note executives. They include Fred “The Hammer” Williamson, Pam Grier, Jim Brown, Richard Roundtree, Jim Kelly, Godfrey Cambridge, Max Julien, Richard Pryor, Rudy Ray Moore, Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones, Isaac Hayes, Tamara Dobson, Yaphet Kotto, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Bernie Casey, Leon Isaac Kennedy, Thalmus Rasulala and others. Williamson and Grier, the King and Queen of the genre, are official ambassadors for Brown Sugar, as is contemporary rap artist and producer Rick Ross, a huge fan of the movies. “Brown Sugar is just like Netflix, only blacker,” said the Grier, who can be seen in Foxy Brown, Coffy, Black Mama/White Mama, Original Gangstas, Drum and more. “These movies are entertaining and fun, but they were also empowering to the
Pam Grier says “Brown Sugar is Just like Netflix, only Blacker”. Grier (left), Fred “The Hammer” Williamson (right) and rap superstar Rick Ross (center) are official spokespeople for Brown Sugar.
black community as they depicted African Americans as strong leading characters and heroes for the first time.” “You wonder why we call it Brown Sugar? Because it’s bad ass – like me,” said Williamson, whose Brown Sugar movies include Black Caesar,Three The Hard Way, Hammer, Hell Up in Harlem, Bucktown and many others. “Brown Sugar is the coolest streaming movie service on the planet.” Rick Ross also weighed in. “You can see the influence of these movies in every aspect of rap and hip-hop; in the music, the lyrics, the fashion and overall style - the Blaxploitation genre is where it all began,” he said. Brown Sugar curates its films for fans, including themes like: War in Harlem - Cotton Comes to Harlem, The Black Godfather, Across 110th Street Foxy Mamas - Foxy Brown,Coffy,Cleopatra Jones, Friday Foster, Sheba Baby Righteous Revenge - Dolemite, Black Caesar, Hell Up in Harlem, Hammer Stickin' it to The Man - The Mack, Black Gunn, Three The Hard Way Good Cop, Black Cop - Action Jackson, They Call Me Mr. Tibbs
#BlackLove - Bad, Black & Beautiful, Brothers, Black Sister's Revenge Shake Down, Take Down - Blue Collar, Amazing Grace, Cool Breeze Jive Ass Turkeys - I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, Car Wash, Uptown Saturday Night Black Horror - Blacula, Sugar Hill, Blackenstein They Got Game - TheBingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings, Greased Lightning, Joe Bullet. In the early 1970s, movies began to be made starring African Americans in lead roles. Many of these films were action-fueled crime dramas, along with some comedies and even some camp, all infused with funk and soul music. Audience appeal of the genre eventually broadened across racial and ethnic lines as stars like Grier and Williamson became household names and songs from the movies such as the “Theme from Shaft” and “Super Fly” cracked America’s Top 40. The movies not only had an enormous influence on filmmaking, which continues to this day, but on all other art forms, especially hip-hop - as well as American culture overall. Bounce TV, a fast-growing AfricanAmerican network on television, owns the streaming service.
Nov. 23, 2016 • 11
McCorory to be new MEAC Hall of Fame inductee Hampton University track & field great, and Olympic gold medalist, Francena McCorory will be inducted into the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Hall of Fame as part of the 2017 class, the conference office recently announced. “How cool is this,” McCorory exclaimed upon learning of her induction news. “This is such an honor! Thank you!” A native of Hampton, McCorory won three NCAA championships as a Lady Pirate, winning the Francena McCorory 400-meter dash in the 2009 and 2010 indoor seasons, as well as the 2010 outdoor season. Her 2010 NCAA indoor performance set a new collegiate and American record at 50.54. She was a four-time All-American, as named by the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA). Her MEAC success began during the 2008 outdoor season, when she took conference titles in the 400-meter dash and 4x400-meter relay. McCorory won the outdoor MEAC title in the 400-meter dash in three straight years (200810), and she won indoor 400-meter dash and 4x400-meter relay titles in 2009 and 2010. McCorory also won MEAC titles in the 200-meter dash in 2009 (outdoor) and 2010 (indoor). To date, McCorory holds two MEAC records: 53.22 in the indoor 400-meter dash – set in 2009 – and 51.54 in the outdoor 400-meter dash (set in 2008). McCorory currently holds four school records at Hampton, two for the indoor season and two in the outdoor season. She is the current record holder in the indoor 400-meter dash (50.54), indoor 500-meter dash (1:09.16), outdoor 200-meter dash (22.92), and outdoor 400-meter dash (50.58). McCorory earned her first Olympic gold medal in London in 2012 as part of the 4x400-meter relay team, and she repeated that feat this past summer in Rio, having run for Team USA in the semifinal heats. She was also the 400m gold medalist at the 2014 IAAF World Indoor Track and Field Championships. Joining McCorory in the MEAC Hall of Fame Class of 2017 will be BethuneCookman softball great Amber Jackson, Bethune-Cookman football standout Rashean Mathis, South Carolina State football player Robert Porcher, and Howard defensive great Tracy White. “I’d like to congratulate the 2017 Hall of Fame class for all their accomplishments both athletically and professionally,” said Dr. Dennis E. Thomas, MEAC Commissioner. “The honorees have made significant contributions to their families, communities, institutions, and this conference. They are to be commended.” The MEAC Hall of Fame highlights former student-athletes, coaches, university and conference administrators, as well as special contributors, who have enriched the legacy of the conference since its inception in 1970. Enshrinees were selected by a 13-person committee made up of administrators and representatives from member institutions. The inaugural Hall of Fame class was inducted on May 29, 1981 during a 10-year anniversary banquet in Greensboro, N.C. Since its establishment, the MEAC Hall of Fame has enshrined 138 people, including the Class of 2017. The five-member class will be officially inducted on Thursday, March 9, 2017 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Marriott Waterside Hotel in Norfolk. They will then be recognized that evening during the 2017 MEAC Basketball Tournament at the Norfolk Scope Arena.
TV Academy gets 1st black CEO in its 70-year history LOS ANGELES — A veteran producer is the newly elected chief executive of the Television Academy and the first African-American to hold the post in the organization’s 70 years. The academy said Thursday its board of governors elected Hayma “Screech” Washington as chairman and CEO. Washington, an awardwinning producer, has served as cogovernor of the producers’ branch of the academy. A former Walt Disney Co. executive, he’s worked on programs including sports, awards and music shows and won seven Emmys as an executive producer for “The Amazing Race.” He produces and directs through his own company. Washington’s two-year tenure begins Jan. 1. He succeeds outgoing chief executive Bruce Rosenblum, who hit a term-limits ceiling after five years heading the group that presents the prime-time Emmy Awards. In 2013, Cheryl Boone Isaacs became the first African-American head of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The movie academy has faced harsh criticism over the lack of minorities among Oscar nominees, with efforts
Hayma “Screech" Washington made to diversify the academy’s membership. Washington takes over an organization that has been seen as more inclusive in its honors, with 2016 winners including Rami Malek, Courtney B. Vance and Regina King. Television itself is rapidly transforming as it expands to include streaming platforms as well as broadcast and cable. “This is a time of considerable change for our industry and I am deeply committed to ensuring that the academy is at the forefront as we move towards a more inclusive future,” Washington said in a statement
12 • Nov. 23, 2016
ACLU-VA joins free speech groups to oppose effort to label books ‘sexually explicit’ in Virginia schools free speech groups to call on the Virginia Board of Education to reject a regulation requiring schools to notify parents whenever books and textbooks containing “sexually explicit materials” are taught.
“There is a loneliness that can be rocked. Arms crossed, knees drawn up, holding, holding on, this motion, unlike a ship’s, smooths and contains the rocker. It’s an inside kind-wrapped tight like skin. Then there is the loneliness that roams. No rocking can hold it down. It is alive. On its own. A dry and spreading thing that makes the sound of one’s own feet going seem to come from a far-off place.” - Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”
Author and poet Toni Morrison (left) was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama for her body of work. The proposed amendment follows the near identical requirements of the so-called ‘Beloved Bill’, named after controversy surrounding Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”, which was vetoed by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in April. A similar policy
The ACLU of Virginia (ACLUVA) and others didn’t agree that a book containing the above words is explicit and it has recently joined the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) and other
(continued on page 15)
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Nov. 23, 2016 • 13
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14 • Nov. 23, 2016
Understanding the FEMA determination letter and how to appeal it Virginians who applied for disaster assistance after Hurricane Matthew damaged property and homes should read letters or other correspondence from FEMA carefully. If you disagree with a decision stated in the letter, a quick fix, such as providing missing or additional information, may be all that is needed to change it. Common examples of missing information are: •An insurance settlement or denial letter •Proof of ownership of the damaged home •The address provided during the application process is not the same as the address where damage occurred You can submit missing documentation to FEMA online, by mail or fax, or by visiting a Disaster
Recovery Center (DRC). Providing this information could make an applicant eligible for assistance. There are various reasons why you may not qualify for federal disaster assistance: •The damaged property was not the primary residence at the time of the disaster •Adequate insurance coverage •Someone else in the household may have applied and already received assistance If the letter says you are ineligible you may appeal the decision. By doing so, you are asking FEMA to review your case again. All appeals must be filed in writing to FEMA explaining why you think the decision is incorrect and you must provide additional supporting documents such as repair estimates,
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receipts or invoices. To ensure accuracy and quick processing of your appeal, please include the following information in your letter of appeal: •Your full name •The address of your damaged property • Current contact information •Disaster number: DR-4291-VA • Last four digits of your Social Security number •Your nine-digit FEMA registration number on each page and on supporting documentation • Your letter should include the following statement, “I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.” • You must sign the letter If someone other than you or the coapplicant is writing the letter, there must be a signed statement from you affirming the person may act on your behalf. You should keep a copy of your appeal for your records. Appeal letters must be postmarked within 60 days of the date on the
determination letter and can be sent by fax or submitted at a DRC. To find a DRC near you go to //asd.fema.gov/ inter/locator/home.htm. By mail: FEMA – Individuals & Households Program National Processing Service Center P.O. Box 10055 Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055 By fax: 800-827-8112 Attention: FEMA – Individuals & Households Program You may check the status of your application or update contact information online at www. DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362. FEMA assistance cannot duplicate insurance benefits but if insurance is not enough to cover all the eligible damage, the initial determination may change. If you are ineligible for
(continued on page 15)
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Nov. 23, 2016 • 15
Black unemployment rate double that of whites FREDDIE ALLEN Black workers lost ground last month, as the unemployment rate increased from 8.3 percent in September to 8.6 percent in October, according to the latest jobs report from the Labor Department. October was a bad month for black workers, in general. Not only did the share of black workers in the labor force slide, the share of blacks who held jobs (employment-population ratio) also declined. The employmentpopulation ratio for blacks decreased from 56.8 percent in September to 56.5 percent in October. The white unemployment rate improved slightly from the 4.4 percent mark set in September to 4.3 percent in October. The labor force participation rate for white workers ticked down from 62.9 percent in September to 62.8 percent in October. The employment-population ratio slipped from September’s 60.2 percent to 60.1 percent in October. Among adults 20 years and
older, black men suffered the biggest setback in October. The unemployment rate for black men jumped from 8.2 percent in September to 8.7 percent in October. The participation rate for black men remained unchanged from September to October (67.5 percent) and the employment-population ratio also decreased from 62 percent in September to 61.7 percent in October. The jobless rate for white men hasn’t changed since July (4.1 percent) and the share of white male workers that were employed (69 percent) hasn’t changed since August. The labor force participation rate decreased from 72 percent in September to 71.9 percent in October. The jobless rate for black women over 20 years-old ticked up from 7 percent in September to 7.1 percent in October. The labor force participation rate for black women remained at 62.3 percent the same mark set in September, but the employment-population ratio weakened slightly edging down from
58 percent in September to 57.9 percent in October. Last month, the unemployment rate for white women was the lowest of all adult working groups at 3.8 percent, but the participation rate for white women took a step down from 57.5 percent in September to 57.4 percent in October. The employmentpopulation ratio for white women was 55.3 percent, the same mark set in September. Elise Gould, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, said that there was some good news in October’s jobs report noting that the economy added 161,000 new jobs and that “nominal wage growth increased 2.8 percent over the year” which could indicate that workers are starting to gain some leverage in the labor market. The national unemployment rate improved from 5 percent in September to 4.9 percent in October. The healthcare sector added 31,000 jobs in October and 415,000 jobs over the past 12 months, according to the
(from page 12) was also considered in Chesterfield County this past summer but was rejected after review. The ACLU-VA and the NCAC expressed their concerns about the new proposed regulation in a Nov. 16 letter to Va. Board of Education President Dr. Billy Cannaday. The ACLU-VA and NCAC’s opposition to labeling or “red flagging” school books as “sexually explicit” maintains that the term is overbroad, potentially prejudicial in its use and can work to stigmatize books of educational value. Literary Classics such as, for example, “Romeo and Juliet”, “The Diary of Anne Frank”, “Slaughterhouse Five”, and “Brave New World” could be labeled as such when decontextualized passages are flagged and the wider themes of the works are ignored. “Curriculum decisions belong in the hands of local school divisions, both as a matter of constitutional law and policy,” said ACLU-VA Executive Director Claire Guthrie Gastañaga. “Neither the legislature nor the Board of Education should take on the role of a super school board making decisions for parents, teachers, school administrators and school boards across the Commonwealth. “School divisions have existing and effective policies that allow parents to raise concerns about materials used in our local schools.
Dr. Billy Cannaday
Labor Department. “The economy continues to move in the right direction, but considerable slack remains and the recovery has yet to be fully realized in all parts of the economy or for all workers,” said Gould. Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) agreed. “While we celebrate this progress, we also remain committed to making meaningful investments in our nation’s families and in our economy to ensure that our growing prosperity is broadly shared,” said Scott. “There is no doubt we have made great economic strides under the Obama administration, but we must build on this progress. There is more work to do to ensure that we build an economy that works for every family in America,” said Scott. “That’s why Committee Democrats continue to fight for the Working Families Agenda so we can boost wages, help people better balance work and family life, and level the playing field by ending discrimination in the workplace.”
“The Board of Education should stop trying to impose an unconstitutional operational requirement on school boards, and go back to evaluating whether the standards of quality are funded at a level and with a formula that serves the best interests of Virginia’s school children regardless of economic status or geography.” The letter also notes that implementing and acting on the amendment would raise First Amendment concerns. According to Texas v. Johnson (1989), schools are prohibited from discriminating against “the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” This includes teachers and school officials singling out certain books based on passages they subjectively deem to be inappropriate. The letter is co-signed by the ACLU-VA, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, American Booksellers for Free Expression, Association of American Publishers, Authors Guild and PEN America. “We are disappointed to see that the Department of Education quietly attempting to enact this deeply problematic regulation,” said NCAC’s Josh Zuckerman. “Not only does it raise First Amendment concerns, it is buried within a lengthy and hardly publicized document, denying citizens the chance to weigh in on this important and controversial issue.”
16 • Nov. 23, 2016
12.4, 5 p.m. University of Richmond’s Office of the Chaplaincy, in partnership with the Department of Music, will hold the 43rd annual “Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols,” in Cannon Memorial Chapel. Two services will be offered at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. The university’s Schola Cantorum and Women’s Chorale will present new and familiar Christmas carols and anthems in the tradition of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols that was first held at King's College Chapel in Cambridge, England, on Christmas Eve 1918. The services conclude with the lighting of candles by the congregation and the singing of “Silent Night.” Prelude music will begin 30 minutes before each service and will feature the City Singers Youth Choirs. Now in their 20th season, the City Singers Youth Choirs consist of children from 2nd through 12th grades from across the greater Richmond area. For more information, visit the chaplaincy website.
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Book talk with Beth Macy on “Truevine: Two Brothers, a Kidnapping, and a Mother’s Quest—A True Story of the Jim Crow South” takes place at the Lecture Hall Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad St., Richmond. There is limited, free underground parking, which is accessible from either Eighth or Ninth streets. “Truevine” is the true story of George and Willie Muse, African American brothers who were kidnapped from The Muse brothers a Virginia tobacco field in 1899 and displayed as circus freaks, and their mother, who embarked on a decades-long struggle to get them back and to get justice for her family. As circus attractions, the Muse brothers performed for royalty at Buckingham Palace and headlined more than a dozen sold-out shows at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Through hundreds of interviews and decades of research, author Beth Macy has created a compelling narrative rich in historical detail and rife with implications for race relations today. For more information, call 804-692-3592.
Choir of orphaned children to tour Va. The Watoto Children’s Choir, a group of 18 orphans from Uganda, will continue its six-month U.S. tour in the Norfolk area Nov. 29-Dec. 7 featuring a brand new concert, “Oh, What Love”. The concert will feature worship songs that share the stories of the children and the hope that they have because of God’s love. All performances are free and open to the public. Since 1994, Watoto Children’s Choirs have traveled the world sharing the plight of Africa’s orphaned children. Each child in the choir has suffered the loss of one or both of their parents but they have been rescued and now live in a Watoto village. Watoto is a holistic child-care solution initiated to serve the dire needs of the people of Africa. The choir will be performing at the following venues: Portsmouth - The Village Church of Portsmouth (900 Portsmouth Blvd.) on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. Norfolk - First Church of Christ Holiness (862 East Princess Anne Rd.) on Friday, Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. Virginia Beach. - Wave Church (1000 North Great Neck Rd.) on Sunday, Dec. 4 at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Chesapeake - Immanuel Baptist Church (1012 N. Battlefield Blvd.) on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 6:30 p.m. For a complete choir tour schedule, visit www.watoto.com/choir/. For more information, contact Aubrey Hudson at Watoto Child Care Ministry at 813948-4343 or email aubrey.hudson@watoto.com.
Submit your calendar events by email to: editor@legacynewspaper.com.
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Ongoing GRASP (GReat Aspirations Scholarship Program, Inc.) will hold its Saturdays at the Library FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) events on November 5, 2016, and January 28 and February 11, 2017 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Richmond Public Main Library, 101 East Franklin Street. GRASP advisors will provide FREE college financial aid counseling and assistance with completing the FAFSA, by appointment. Call (804) 527-7772 to schedule your hour-long appointment. More information is available at the GRASP website, www.grasp4va.org.
12.9, 7 p.m.
The Coalition Against Violence and Partnership with Richmond Victim Witness Services in conjuction with the Office of Richmond Commonwealth Attroney, will host The 26th Annual Hoilday Memorial for Survivors of Homicide on at City Hall. Everyone is invited to attend this event; it is open to the general public. Survivors are encouraged to bring pictures of loved ones as the community gathers to embrace during the holiday season, which is a sad time for survivors who may be facing the season alone. Linda Jordan is Memorial and Coalition founder.
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Nov. 23, 2016 • 17
(from page 13) FEMA grants, you may still be eligible for other programs, such as commonwealth disaster unemployment assistance. Help may also be available from volunteer agencies and from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). After you have registered, if you receive an SBA loan application,
officials urge you to fill it out and return it to the SBA, even if you do not want a loan. If you do not qualify for the SBA loan, your denial letter can trigger other types of assistance by allowing the SBA to refer you back to FEMA. It is important for private citizens to know disaster loans from the SBA are not just for businesses. Homeowners may also qualify low-
interest loans as low as 1.563 percent to help rebuild or repair their homes and personal property. Renters may qualify to repair or replace personal property. In fact, the majority of SBA loans are made to homeowners and renters. You do not have to accept the SBA loan, but sometimes unanticipated needs arise so having the loan in your ‘back pocket’ can make a difference.
FEMA and its partners are committed to helping Virginia recover from the recent disaster. If questions arise, call the FEMA helpline (voice, 711 or relay service) at 800-621-3362. (TTY users should call 800-462-7585.) The toll-free lines are open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week. You can also talk with specialists individually by visiting a DRC or visit // asd.fema.gov/inter/locator/home.htm.
(from page 2) suspect that your friend or family member is struggling with addiction and substance use, talk with them. The state’s new website VaAware.com offers resources on how to best discuss addiction with someone you love. 3) Properly dispose of medications: If you have unused, expired or unwanted medications and need a way to safely dispose of them, you can now get a drug disposal bag from your local health department. The bags allow for you to safely deactivate and dispose of medications in the privacy of your own home. Additionally, you may return unwanted prescription drugs for destruction to one of the authorized pharmacies listed at www.dhp.virginia.gov/. Some local law enforcement agencies also collect and destroy unwanted drugs. 4) Obtain Naloxone: If someone in your life is struggling with opioid addiction, visit your local pharmacist to obtain Naloxone and keep it on hand for possible overdose emergencies. Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an overdose that is caused by an opioid drug (i.e. prescription pain medication or heroin). When administered during an overdose, naloxone blocks the effects of opioids on the brain and restores breathing within two to eight minutes. Naloxone has been used safely by medical professionals for more than 40 years and has only one function: to reverse the effects of opioids on the brain and respiratory system in order to prevent death. Family members and friends can access this medication by obtaining a prescription from their family doctor or by visiting a participating pharmacy that can dispense the drug using the standing order issued by Dr. Levine. 5) Learn more at www.dbhds. virginia.gov/.
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18 • Nov. 23, 2016
Richmond, VA 23219 Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-1550 (office) - 1-800-782-8062 804-644-1550 (fax) (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax) ads@legacynewspaper.com ads@legacynewspaper.com
Classifieds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF RICHMOND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Will hold a Public Hearing in the 5th Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA on December 7, 2016, to consider the following under Chapter 30 of the Zoning Code: BEGINNING AT 1:00 P.M. 29-16: An application of Historic Richmond Renovations, LLC for a building permit to construct a single-family detached dwelling at 2620 Q STREET. 30-16: An application of Tracey Chalkley for a building permit to split an existing lot improved with a single-family dwelling and to construct a new single-family detached dwelling on the proposed vacant lot at 3309 ROSEWOOD AVENUE. 31-16: An application of Gregory Powers for a building permit to renovate the building for use as a two-family dwelling at 3300 MIDLOTHIAN TURNPIKE. 32-16: An application of RVA Sugar LLC for a building permit to construct a single-family detached dwelling at 2908 EAST FRANKLIN STREET 33-16: An application of Luke & Meghan Semple for a building permit to construct a two-story addition onto a single-family detached dwelling at 20 RIO VISTA LANE. Copies of all cases are available for inspection between 8 AM and 5 PM in Room 110, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Support or opposition may be offered at or before the hearing. Roy W. Benbow, Secretary Phone: (804) 240-2124 Fax: (804) 646-5789 E-mail: Roy.Benbow@richmondgov.com
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AdOF Size: 11.5 inches (2VIRGINIA columns X 5.75 inches) TOWN CLAREMONT, REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING PROPOSALS 2 Issues, Nov. 23 & 30 - ($126.50 per run) $253 total
Ad Size: 6 inches (2 column(s) X 3 inches)
2 Issues (Nov. 9 & 16) - $132 ($66 per run) The Town of Claremont, Virginia Rate: is currently seeking $11 per column inchproposals from Rate: $11 per column inch qualified professional engineering firms licensed to do business in the The City of Richmond is seeking to fill the following position(s): Commonwealth of Virginia to provide the planning, design, Virginia Includes Internet placement Includes Internet placement Health Department (VDH) approval, all contract documents necessary Account Specialist II – Bureau Maintenance Technician III – to secure competitive bids, bid and construction assisstance for the of Disbursements Stormwater (Floodwall) Please25M00000003 review the proof, make any needed changes and return by Please reviewwater the proof, makeupgrades any needed changes return by fax or e-mail. construction of public system for the Townand of Claremont. 35M00000810 response is not received by deadline, your ad may not If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be inserted.If your Department of Finance Department of Public Utilities Apply by 12/11/2016 All proposals are to be received no later than 2:00 pm on December Apply by 12/04/2016 Ok X_______________________________________ 22, 2016 at the Town office, 4115 Spring Grove Avenue, P.O. Box 310, Ok X_________________________________________ Accountant III – General Claremont, VA 23889. ATTN: Mr. George Edwards, Mayor, Town of Ledger & Financial Reporting Management Analyst I Serving Richmond & Hampton Roads Claremont. 25M00000083 25M00000131 Ok with changes X ___________________________ 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 Department 1/2 E. Clay St. (office) of Finance Department of Finance Ok with changes X _____________________________ Apply by 12/11/2016 Richmond, Copies of the RFP can be requested by contacting the Town Office at VA 23219 Apply by 12/11/2016 757-866-8427. 804-644-1550 (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax) Administrative Project Analyst REMINDER: Deadline @ 5and p.m. PlannerisIIIFridays – Planning 25M00000069 ads@legacynewspaper.com REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (Small/MBE/WBE Firms) Department of Finance Preservation Apply by 12/11/2016 05M00000085 are encouraged to submit proposals. Planning and Development Business Analysis Manager Review (Oracle Procurement Manager) Ad Size: 11 inches (2 Apply column(s) X 5.5 inches) by 12/04/2016 84M00000026 Department of Procurement Services Registered Nurse – Detention ENGINEER OPERATIONS - $121 Apply by 12/04/2016 1 Issue (Nov. 23)Center Rate: $11 per column inch 15M00000307 JOB DESCRIPTION: Assist with the Preliminary Engineering and Human Resources Consultant of Justice Services 12M00000066 IncludesDepartment Design phase of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)/Operations Internet Applyplacement by 12/04/2016 Department of Human Resources projects and with the development and review of design packages, and Apply by 12/04/2016 coordinate reviews among other required work units. Helps to coordinate Please review the proof, make any needed changes and –return by f Revenue Manager planned projects with upcoming roadway projects; assists in identifying Librarian II – Emerging If your response is not received byDelinquent deadline, Collections your ad may not b and resolving potential conflicts; and in the delivery of ITS/Operations Technologies Librarian 25M00000097 03M00000102 projects by providing technical support in reviewing cutsheets and Ok X_______________________________________ Department of Finance Richmond Public Library systems acceptance procedures. Assists in reviewing Maintenance of Apply by 12/11/2016 Apply by 12/11/2016 Traffic (MOT) plans for ITS/Operations deployment projects and help ensure compliance with VDOT and FHWA requirements as well as Ok with********************************* changes X ___________________________ assists with the review of annual updates of ITS Special Provisions and For an exciting career with the City of Richmond, visit our website for Standards. additional information and apply today! www.richmondgov.com REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. JOB REQUIREMENTS: B.S. degree in Civil Eng., Electrical Eng., or EOE M/F/D/V rel./equiv. An equivalent combination of training and education may substitute for educational requirement. Demonstrated knowledge in Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder ITS planning and designing transportation operations projects, scoping projects, developing and refining project cost estimates, negotiating Pain? resources, and working with cross-functional teams to deliver projects. Get a pain-relieving brace at little or NO Demonstrated knowledge in transportation and system engineering, cost to you. Medicare Patients intelligent transportation systems, construction management practices, program resource, workload management processes, strategic planning Call Health Hotline! techniques, highway field maintenance, traffic operation practices and 1- 800-514-2189 procedures. Knowledge of CADD related software. Knowledge and understanding of traffic engineering or transportation operations, design, principles, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Knowledge of EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY NOTICE state, and federal policies and procedures relating to traffic engineering We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia's operations, asset management, contracting and procurement. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Richmond, VA SALARY: $55,474
For more details, go to www.vdot.jobs EOE
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policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. For more information or to file a housing complaint, call the Virginia Housing Office at (804) 367-8530; toll-free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing-impaired, call (804) 367-9753 or send an e-mail fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov.
Nov. 23, 2016 • 19
AUCTION Arlington, Virginia. Pershing Manor 13,700 s/f Residence, Indoor Pool, Embassy Sized Rooms,2 Kitchens, 7 Baths. December 13, 5:00pm 3120 N.Pershing Dr., Arlington, VA 2201 Preview:11/27, 12/3, 12/11, 1-3p, www. PrimeAuctionSolutions. com, License #975, 703.889.8949 CATTLE/LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Total Performance Bull Sale – 174 Service-Age Bulls. Angus, Polled Herefords, Balancers, Gelbviehs, Black Baldies. Friday, December 2, 2016 at noon. www. knollcrestfarm.com, Knoll Crest Farm, Red House, VA 434-376-3567. BCIA CULPEPER SENIOR BULL SALE, Saturday, December 10, Noon, Culpeper Agricultural Enterprise, Culpeper, VA. Selling 56 Angus, Gelbvieh, Simmental, and SimAngus bulls. Catalog 540-231-2257. Sale
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CITY OF HAMPTON Wednesday, December 14, 2016 2:00 p.m. EST ITB #17-46/EA Printing and Mailing Services Thursday, December 15, 2016 11:00 AM ET –ITB 17-35/CLP (Re-bid) Furnish and install furniture at the Hampton Roads Convention Center located at 1610 Coliseum Drive, 23669. There will be a mandatory attendance pre-bid meeting – date to be determined. 1:30 PM ET – ITB 17-47/CLP Mary Peake Outfall Drainage Improvements Phase 1 & 2. There will be a mandatory attendance pre-bid meeting on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 2:00 PM (ET) in the Public Works Engineering conference room, 4th Floor, Hampton City Hall, 22 Lincoln Street.
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AUCTIONS FORECLOSURE SALE 24,350±SF Industrial Warehouse/Office Facility. 4.5± AC, Zoned M-2, Oakland Industrial Park, 270 Enterprise Dr., Newport News, VA ON-SITE SALE: THURS., 12/1 @ 2PM www.motleys.com • 1-877-MOTLEYS VA16 EHO
156-1118 HAMPTON SOLICITATION The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified.
The LEGACY is looking for a reliable, highly-motivated, goal-driven sales professional to join our team selling print and digital advertising in the Richmond and Hampton Roads areas. Duties include: Building and maintaining relationships with new/existing clients Meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals Cold calling new prospects over the phone to promote print and online advertising space Qualifications:
Proven experience with print (newspaper) and/or digital (website) advertising sales Phone and one-on-one sales experience Effective verbal and written communication skills Familiarity with the Richmond and/or Hampton Roads Professional image Compensation depends on experience and includes a base pay as well as commission. The LEGACY is an African-American-oriented weekly newspaper, circulation 25,000, with a website featuring local and national news and advertising. E-mail resume and letter of interest to ads@ legacynewspaper.com detailing your past sales experience. No phone calls please.
A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.24330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals. Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate. Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance
Did you know... Nearly 7 out of 10 adults have read a newspaper in the past week – that’s 147 million Americans! Readers are highly engaged with newspapers in print, online, smartphones and tablets because they value the news, advertising and local feature coverage. 79% of newspaper users took action on a newspaper ad in the past month. Want your ad to reach thousands without breaking the bank? Send it to: ADS@LEGACYNEWSPAPER.COM
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