EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Nov. 7, 2018
Local sheriff to be honored - 4 Anti-violence campaign results - 5 Clergy abuse hotline for Va. - 8 What are your health ins. plans - 13
Richmond & Hampton Roads
Statue unveiling: Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Howard L. Baugh
The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia will officially unveil the statue of Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Howard L. Baugh on Nov. 10 at 4 p.m. The unveiling will be followed by a brief program featuring Howard L. Baugh Jr. and others who will highlight the talent and critical contributions of Tuskegee Airmen, the first black military aviators and support personnel, best known for their extraordinary efforts in the air war of WWII and challenging the stereotypes that had kept black Americans from serving as pilots in the U.S. Armed Forces. The statue unveiling is one of the museum’s planned activities to honor members of the armed services for Veterans Day. The life-size statue was commissioned by the Howard Baugh Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. to recognize the many contributions and accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen. As a member of this elite group, Lt. Col. Howard L. Baugh of Petersburg, VA amassed an impressive service record which included being one of only 72 of the 352 pilots deployed to shoot down enemy aircraft in combat. Of the 112 enemy aircraft shot down by the Tuskegee Airmen during WWII, he is credited with 1.5 of those Aerial Victories. Baugh received numerous commendations including the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, and the USAF Commendation Medal. In 2004, he was one of only four Tuskegee Airmen awarded
the French Legion of Honor Award by the French Government at a ceremony in Paris and in 2006, the Tuskegee Airmen collectively were recognized for their accomplishments when the U.S. Congress awarded them the Congressional Gold Medal. During WWII the Tuskegee Airmen registered one of the finest combat records in military aviation history and helped change our nation. “It is important to note that the totality of achievements by the Tuskegee Airmen during WWII prompted President Harry S. Truman to issue Executive Order 9981 in July of 1948 desegregating all branches of the U.S. military. This marked the beginning of the Modern Civil Rights movement in America,” said Richard Baugh, Desegregation of the armed forces was a step forward, yet it was years later when the Tuskegee Airmen were finally given national recognition for their accomplishments when the U.S. Congress collectively awarded them the Congressional Gold Medal in 2006 for their “OUTSTANDING COMBAT RECORD INSPIRED REVOLUTIONARY REFORM IN THE ARMED FORCES”. To honor veterans, The BHMVA will offer free admission on Nov. 10 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and on Sunday, Nov. 11, the museum will open from 1 – 5 p.m. with free admission for veterans. Family members and those accompanying veterans will receive discounted admission.
The BHMVA is honored to be the new home of the Lt. Col. Howard L. Baugh statue as a permanent tribute to Lt. Col. Baugh and the Tuskegee Airmen, as well as the many African American men and women in the military.
2 • Nov. 7, 2018
Dominion Energy Christmas Parade: “The Magic of Christmas”
The 2018 Dominion Energy Christmas Parade is celebrating its 35th anniversary with Snoopy, everyone’s favorite beagle, as its Grand Marshal. The Christmas Parade will begin Sat., Dec. 1, at 10 a.m. in front of the Science Museum of Virginia. Richmond Parade, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that hosts the Dominion Energy Christmas Parade. This is the ninth year that the Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation has sponsored the parade. The beloved Christmas Parade showcases regional talent, including high school and college marching bands, high-stepping equestrian units, dance troupes, themed floats,
super-sized helium balloons, and tons of fun! “Snoopy is a beloved character that embodies this year’s theme perfectly: We couldn’t be happier to have him kick off the 2018 Dominion Energy Christmas Parade,” said Parade Director Beth Karrer. Snoopy appears courtesy of Kings Dominion, host of the new immersive holiday experience at WinterFest. “We’re so pleased to mark our 35th year with a cool and classic Peanuts character that children of all ages can enjoy,” said Hunter A. Applewhite, president of the Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation. “It’s always a treat to sponsor this cherished holiday tradition that brings back happy
childhood memories and makes new ones for Richmond families.” This year’s parade theme is “The Magic of Christmas.” The lineup will feature colorful floats and entertainers who will wow the crowds along Richmond’s Broad Street. Joining Snoopy and his friends will be whimsical characters from memorable holiday stories, as well as Legendary Santa himself. This year, Snoopy will celebrate the holidays at Kings Dominion’s WinterFest, featuring 11 different themed winter wonderlands, multitudes of Christmas trees, millions of lights, ice skating, entertainment, food, crafts and hands-on activities and more than 30 festive characters roaming the
midways. A nightly tree lighting ceremony and art light show (with snow!) will transform the park. WinterFest runs select nights Nov. 23 – Dec. 31. More than 100,000 people attend the annual celebration, which starts at the Science Museum on Broad Street and travels eastbound on Broad to 7th Street. If you cannot attend the parade in person, watch it live on WTVR-CBS Channel 6 at 10 a.m., or watch the rebroadcast on Christmas Day. The Dominion Energy Christmas Parade is open to the public and free for all spectators. For additional information, visit www.richmondparade.org or call 804-788-6470.
•Dominion Energy Virginia (“Dominion”) has applied for approval to implement new demand-side management (“DSM”) programs and to revise its Riders C1A and C2A, by which Dominion recovers the costs of its DSM programs. •Dominion requests a total of $48,608,558 for its 2019 Riders C1A and C2A. According to Dominion, this amount would increase the bill of a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours per month by $0.61. •The Commission will hear the case on March 20, 2019, at 10 a.m. •Further information about this case is available on the SCC website at: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case. On October 3, 2018, Virginia Electric and Power Company d/b/a Dominion Energy Virginia (“Dominion” or “Company”), pursuant to § 56-585.1 A 5 of the Code of Virginia (“Code”), the Rules Governing Utility Rate Applications and Annual Informational Filings of the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”), the Commission’s Rules Governing Utility Promotional Allowances, the Commission’s Rules Governing Cost/Benefit Measures Required for Demand-Side Management Programs, and the directive contained in Ordering Paragraph (4) of the Commission’s May 10, 2018 Final Order in Case No. PUE-2017-00129, filed with the Commission its petition for approval to implement new demand-side management (“DSM”) programs, and for approval of two updated rate adjustment clauses (“Petition”). In its Petition, the Company requests approval to implement 11 new DSM programs as the Company’s “Phase VII” programs, ten of which are “energy efficiency” (“EE”) DSM programs and one of which is a “demand response” (“DR”) DSM program, as those terms are defined by Code § 56-576. Specifically, the Company requests that the Commission permit the Company to implement the following proposed DSM programs for the five-year period of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2024, subject to future extensions as requested by the Company and granted by the Commission: (1) Residential Appliance Recycling Program (EE); (2) Residential Customer Engagement Program (EE); (3) Residential Efficient Products Marketplace Program (EE); (4) Residential Home Energy Assessment Program (EE); (5) Residential Smart Thermostat Management Program (EE); (6) Residential Smart Thermostat Management Program (DR); (7) Non-residential Lighting System & Controls Program (EE); (8) Non-residential Heating and Cooling Efficiency Program (EE); (9) Non-residential Window Film Program (EE); (10) Non-residential Small Manufacturing Program (EE); and (11) Non-residential Office Program (EE). The Company proposes a five-year spending cap for the Phase VII programs in the amount of $225.8 million, which is inclusive of operating costs; estimated revenue reductions related to energy efficiency programs (“lost revenues”); common costs; return on capital expenditures; margins on operation and maintenance expenses; and evaluation, measurement, and verification costs. Additionally, the Company proposes that spending within the cap be flexible among the Phase VII programs and requests the ability to exceed the spending cap by no more than 5%. The Company further asserts that the total proposed costs of the energy efficiency programs proposed in the Petition will be counted toward the requirement in the 2018 Grid Transformation and Security Act that the Company develop a proposed program of energy efficiency measures with projected costs of no less than an aggregate amount of $870 million between July 1, 2018, and July 1, 2028, including any existing approved energy efficiency programs. Further, the Company requests approval of an annual update to continue two rate adjustment clauses, Riders C1A and C2A, for the July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020 rate year (“2019 Rate Year”) for recovery of: (i) 2019 Rate Year costs associated with its Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV, Phase V and Phase VI programs approved by the Commission in prior cases; (ii) calendar year 2017 true-up of costs associated with the Company’s approved Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV, and Phase V programs; (iii) calendar year 2017 true up of costs associated with the Company’s Electric Vehicle Pilot Program, which was approved by the Commission in Case No. PUE-2011-00014, and which is set to close on November 30, 2018; and (iv) 2019 Rate Year costs associated with the Company’s proposed Phase VII programs. For Rider C1A, Dominion requests a total revenue requirement of $2,639,124. For Rider C2A, Dominion requests a total revenue requirement of $45,969,434. The proposed total revenue requirement for Riders C1A and C2A is $48,608,558. The Company proposes general rates of return on common equity of 9.2% for the projected revenue requirement and 9.6%, 9.4%, and 9.2% to calculate the Monthly True-Up Adjustment for the periods of January 1, 2017, through June 30, 2017; July 1, 2017, through November 28, 2017; and November 29, 2017, through December 31, 2017, respectively. Dominion states that it is not seeking recovery of lost revenues related to energy efficiency programs at this time; however, the Company further states that it is not waiving any right to seek such lost revenues in future proceedings for the 2019 Rate Year. If the proposed Riders C1A and C2A for the 2019 Rate Year are approved, the impact on customer bills would depend on the customer’s rate schedule and usage. Interested persons are encouraged to review the Petition and supporting documents for the details of these and other proposals. TAKE NOTICE that the Commission may apportion revenues among customer classes and/or design rates in a manner differing from that shown in the Petition and supporting documents and thus may adopt rates that differ from those appearing in the Company’s Petition and supporting documents. The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Hearing and Correcting Order that, among other things, scheduled a public hearing on March 20, 2019, at 10 a.m., in the Commission’s second floor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, to receive testimony from members of the public and evidence related to the Petition from the Company, any respondents, and the Commission’s Staff. Any person desiring to testify as a public witness at this hearing should appear in the Commission’s courtroom fifteen (15) minutes prior to the starting time of the hearing and contact the Commission’s Bailiff. The public version of the Company’s Petition, as well as the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing and Correcting Order, are available for public inspection during regular business hours at each of the Company’s business offices in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Copies also may be obtained by submitting a written request to counsel for the Company, Lisa S. Booth, Esquire, Dominion Resources Services, Inc., 120 Tredegar Street, RS-2, Richmond, Virginia 23219. If acceptable to the requesting party, the Company may provide the documents by electronic means. Copies of the public version of the Petition and other documents filed in this case also are available for interested persons to review in the Commission’s Document Control Center located on the first floor of the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Interested persons also may download unofficial copies from the Commission’s website: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case. On or before March 13, 2019, any interested person wishing to comment on the Company’s Petition shall file written comments on the Petition with Joel H. Peck, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. Any interested person desiring to file comments electronically may do so on or before March 13, 2019, by following the instructions on the Commission’s website: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case. Compact disks or any other form of electronic storage medium may not be filed with the comments. All such comments shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00168. On or before January 4, 2019, any person or entity wishing to participate as a respondent in this proceeding may do so by filing a notice of participation. If not filed electronically, an original and fifteen (15) copies of the notice of participation shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission at the address above. A copy of the notice of participation as a respondent also must be sent to counsel for the Company at the address set forth above. Pursuant to Rule 5 VAC 5-20-80 B, Participation as a respondent, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (“Rules of Practice”), any notice of participation shall set forth: (i) a precise statement of the interest of the respondent; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; and (iii) the factual and legal basis for the action. Any organization, corporation, or government body participating as a respondent must be represented by counsel as required by Rule 5 VAC 5-20-30, Counsel, of the Rules of Practice. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00168. On or before February 6, 2019, each respondent may file with the Clerk of the Commission, and serve on the Commission’s Staff, the Company, and all other respondents, any testimony and exhibits by which the respondent expects to establish its case, and each witness’s testimony shall include a summary not to exceed one page. If not filed electronically, an original and fifteen (15) copies of such testimony and exhibits shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission at the address above. Respondents also shall comply with the Commission’s Rules of Practice, including: 5 VAC 5-20-140, Filing and service, and 5 VAC 5-20-240, Prepared testimony and exhibits. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00168. All documents filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission in this docket may use both sides of the paper. In all other respects, all filings shall comply fully with the requirements of 5 VAC 5-20-150, Copies and format, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice. The Commission’s Rules of Practice may be viewed at http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case. A printed copy of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and an official copy of the Commission’s Orders in this proceeding may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the address above. VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY
4 • Nov. 7, 2018
Newport News sheriff to be honored as a ‘Hero in the Community’ Newport News Sheriff Gabe Morgan is set to be honored as a Hero in the Community. He was selected by The Bennett Center for his dedication to promoting childhood literacy in Newport News. Specifically, Morgan and members of his staff spent an hour each week during the last school year tutoring and encouraging kindergarteners and first graders at McIntosh Elementary, a Title I school. The sheriff also met with leadership in agencies and businesses throughout the year to talk about the importance of literacy and to rally support in hopes of expanding the literacy tutoring program. “It’s important to break the connection between illiteracy and crime. One way to do that is by teaching kids how to read,” Morgan said. There was so much interest that youngsters in a second Newport News school are now part of the program, which is run by the Life Enrichment Center. The tutoring also allows children to have positive interactions with law enforcement. “Some of them may not have had good experiences with law enforcement, so they were a bit hesitant at first to be with someone in uniform. It didn’t take long before the students were running to greet and embrace us,” Morgan added. “We handpicked every recipient for the wonderful work they are doing to uplift urban communities,” The Bennett Center officials wrote in announcing Sheriff Morgan’s selection. Sheriff Morgan, along with several other community
leaders from across Hampton Roads, will be recognized at a gala fundraising event for The Bennett Center on Nov. 9. It begins at 7 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza, located at 4453 Bonney Road in Virginia Beach. The Bennett Center, a nonprofit organization in Virginia Beach, works to break the cycle of deficiency and increase the quality of life for those who live in urban areas.
Nov. 7, 2018• 5
“Respect Richmond” anti-violence campaign brings results Significant results of the second launch of the award-winning “Respect Richmond” anti-violence campaign, which ran from Memorial Day through Labor Day came through. The campaign saw a substantial drop in violent crime and gun violence in focus neighborhoods as well as millions of impressions and interactions with the campaign’s various messaging platforms. Priority neighborhoods saw an average decrease of 50 percent in homicides and an average decrease of 30 percent in total violent crimes. The campaign used high-impact messaging and sophisticated marketing techniques to reach its audiences. The “Respect Richmond” campaign initially ran from September 2017 through March 2018 and saw significant reductions in violent crime in the focus areas. “We are encouraged by the drop in violent crime in Richmond this year. People have a right to live without fear,” said Richmond Police Chief Alfred Durham. “I want to thank to thank Attorney General Mark Herring for implementing the Respect Richmond campaign which uses cutting edge technology to deliver via social media appeals for tips when crimes occur right to the affected neighborhoods as well as thought-provoking messages to everyone think twice before resorting to violence. Because of efforts like this, the Richmond Police Department can continue to make great strides in reducing violent crime.” Captain James Laino, head of the Richmond Major Crimes Unit says the Richmond Police Department detectives rely on tips to help them solve crimes.
“The Respect Richmond appeals serve as timely reminders that encourage people to provide information that can help RPD detectives build their cases,” he said. Data shows that during the relaunch of the “Respect Richmond” campaign, violent crimes were down across the city compared to the year before, particularly in priority neighborhoods that were a focus of the campaign. All focus neighborhoods combined saw the following: • 50 percent decrease in homicides • 41 percent decrease in robbery with a firearm • 100 percent decrease in robbery victims shot • 31 percent decrease in aggravated assault • 34 percent decrease in aggravated assault with a firearm • 57 percent decrease in aggravated assault victims shot • 30 percent decrease in total violent crimes • Creighton Court saw a 100 percent decrease in homicides and a 55 percent decrease in total violent crimes. • Fairfield Court did not have any homicides during the campaign and had an 80 percent decrease in aggravated assault and a 50 percent decrease in total violent crimes. • Gilpin Court had a 100 percent decrease in both homicides and robbery with a firearm as well as a 75 percent decrease in aggravated assault victims who had been shot. • Whitcomb Court saw a 100 percent decrease in robbery victims who were shot and a 20 percent decrease in total violent crimes.
Mark Herring and the RPD recently announced that the city's most crime-ridden communities saw a 50 percent decrease in homicides and a 30 percent decrease in total violent crime during a recent three-month anti-violence initiative.
Data shows that during the re-launch of the “Respect Richmond” campaign, violent crimes were down across the city compared to the year before The innovative “Respect Richmond” campaign used a dedicated website and an innovative messaging push on social media, websites, and gaming networks. The digital ads usually shared a community engagement message until changing in real time to an anti-retaliation message in areas where violence had recently occurred. Ads were also strategically placed on websites, social media accounts, YouTube channels, billboards, movie theaters, and stores most likely to be seen by Richmonders at risk of being affected by gun violence. During its three month relaunch, “Respect Richmond” garnered more than five million impressions, including
more than 1.5 million digital impressions. Additionally, Richmond Crime Stoppers received nearly three times as many tips between June and September as compared to the same time period the year before. Since its original launch last September, “Respect Richmond” has been the recipient of two awards: a Commonwealth Award in Public Service from the Richmond Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and a 2018 Excellence in New Communications Award in the Communications, Communities, and Collaboration category – Government division from the Society for New Communications Research.
6 • Nov. 7, 2018
Op/Ed & Letters
Politically correct, or perfectly civil By Julianne Malveaux At this writing, Megyn Kelly is off the air at NBC. After her horridly vapid statement saying she didn’t see anything wrong with blackface, she apologized the next day and even invited journalist Roland Martin on to take her to school. Roland did a brilliant job in explaining the history of blackface and the way it demeans African American people, and it was great that he had the opportunity to educate, not only his odious host but also the millions who watch Megyn Kelly daily. So, Kelly tearfully apologized, and she listened to Roland and television commentator Amy Holmes as they talked about race. But does Kelly “get” why her remarks were so objectionable? Roland says she does, but I’m not so sure. She prefaced her apology by saying that she was not a “pc kind of person.” I’m not sure what that means, and what is wrong with being “politically correct” if it means being perfectly civil, informed, and mindful of others. If African American people say that blackface is offensive, it’s not a big deal Megyn. It’s offensive. Whether you know the history or not, if members of a group say something is wrong, why not accept it? Or does your white skin privilege allow you The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 4 No. 45 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
to determine what is offensive and what is not? This is not the first time Ms. Kelly has put her foot into racial quicksand. Confident in her Aryanness, she proclaimed that Santa Clause is white, and so is Jesus. To declare Jesus white, given his geographical roots on the African continent or in the Middle East, is to embrace a special kind of both spatial and historical ignorance. But if you are vested in the world being a narrow white occasion, then you are free to spew racist myths, or shall we say, “fake news.” On the Santa tip, since Santa is not a real person, but a fairy tale figment of someone’s imagination, Santa’s race is subject to the imagination. Kelly seemed to have a problem with a black Santa. Why? Does a black Santa offend her lily-white sensibilities? Is she so steeped in whiteness that she can’t think outside the box? And did NBC throw the talented Tamron Hall under the bus for that? Speaks to their own racial bias and sense of white superiority! It is tragic to consider that Megyn Kelly has three young children who are undoubtedly being influenced by her warped racial views. But NBC may, perhaps, be reconsidering their relationship with Kelly. The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
It would be a great loss if she were bounced off the air, though there are some who think she has learned her lesson sufficiently to continue her career. What if, instead of losing her job, she was involved in a “black immersion” experience? What if she had to spend a month in a dormitory at Bennett or Spellman College, spending time with the young black women she seems not to have taken into consideration heretofore? What if her conversation with Roland Martin could be the first of many, and she was directed to spend time with Essence Editor Emerita Susan Taylor, with NNPA Chair Dorothy Leavell, with Jada Pinkett Smith, with Rev. Jesse Jackson, and with others. Might that make a difference for the illeducated Megyn Kelly? Or maybe she should just read a book or two. Fifty years after the Kerner Commission report, it is clear that there are still two Americas, one black, and one white. Two Americas, with two different realities and few bridges to understanding. This is why, even in all-white communities, black history must be taught. This is why our textbooks ought to speak realistically about enslavement,
Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and lynching. This is why we need to bust the myth that lynchings were about sex – black men lusting after white women. Actually, too many lynchings were about economic envy – white men lusting after black people’s property. After white vandals destroyed the Greenwood section of Tulsa, Oklahoma, one report actually described the cause of the devastation as “Too Many N—rs Having Too Much Money.” Megyn Kelly is not the only white person who is ignorant of American history (because the history of black people really is American history). White ignorance is one of the reasons I look askance at some aspects of the #MeToo movement. White ignorance is a choice, especially among adults who can educate themselves and expose themselves to the totality of history. Megyn Kelly chose to expose herself to Roland Martin and Amy Holmes. Too bad she shot off her uninformed mouth before she got educated! Perhaps she will now remove the term “p.c.” from her vocabulary unless she happens to mean perfectly civil.
Nov. 7, 2018• 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
Will the fearmongering now stop?
In a late October interview with news website Axios, U.S. President Donald Trump announced his intention to sign an executive order doing away with “birthright citizenship” -- the notion that persons born on U.S. soil are citizens from birth with no need for any naturalization process. It wasn’t exactly an “October surprise.” Trump used birthright citizenship as a rallying complaint on the campaign trail in 2016. He did nothing about it in the nearly two years since. He recently weaponized it again, along with fear-mongering about a migrant caravan wending its way through Mexico toward the U.S., in a last-minute effort drive an extra (and possibly decisive in places) fraction of a percent of Republicanleaning voters to the polls for the Nov. 6, 2018 midterms. Now he will almost certainly go
back to doing nothing about it for another two years, until he trots it out a third time when seeking reelection in 2020. Will he issue the threatened executive order? That seems unlikely, as does the passage of regular legislation ending birthright citizenship. The matter is too clearly settled, and has been for far too long, for a change to pass muster with the courts on any basis other than a constitutional amendment. Birthright citizenship has been U.S. citizenship doctrine since the country’s founding, in keeping with the English common law tradition of jus soli (“right of the soil”). It was codified in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, then enshrined in the 14th Amendment, then upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1898 case Kim Wong Ark v. US. Its likely resistance to easy change is a good thing for at least two reasons, even if you oppose “birthright citizenship.” First, letting the president discard parts of the Constitution at will, or Congress at a lower legislative threshold than the required 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures, is inherently dangerous. If they can do it with the 14th Amendment, they can do it with the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, and assembly), the 2nd Amendment (gun rights),
the 22nd Amendment (limiting the president to two terms) ... where would it end? Secondly, with respect to citizenship in particular, does anyone really want to give an everchanging government discretion to tinker with the longstanding definition? Right now the threat is to “children of illegal immigrants.” Release the genie and who’s to say that three years from now it won't become “people with fewer than three generations of American ancestors?” Or, for that matter “people who aren’t registered to vote as [insert political party here]?” Like many libertarians, I hold the whole concept of “citizenship” suspect. No less a light than Thomas Jefferson argued against the notion that a compact entered into in 1787 by one set of people could bind subsequent generations who haven't explicitly consented. That said, the Constitution is the set of rules on which the American political class stakes its claim of legitimacy to rule us. If they won’t abide by it, why should we recognize their authority at all? Thomas L. Knapp
Don Lemon’s ‘racial comments’
Within a space of five seconds, CNN’s Don Lemon went from saying we shouldn’t demonize people to
broadly labeling white men as our nation’s “biggest terror threat.” That’s not responsible journalism. This cannot stand. CNN President Jeff Zucker recently called out the White House for its criticism of the media, saying President Trump doesn’t comprehend the importance of the words he uses. It’s time for Zucker to put his own house in order – starting with explaining how Don Lemon’s outrageous statement can stand in light of Zucker’s call for civility. Lemon made his sweeping racial assertion – “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men” – earlier this week during an on-air exchange with fellow CNN host Chris Cuomo on “Cuomo Prime Time.” Lemon hosts his own show, “CNN Tonight.” Besides calling white men terrorists, Lemon recently called President Trump a “racist” and called the President’s supporters “people who will lie, steal and cheat, lie to their mother.” CNN has not yet made an official comment about Lemon’s remarks, but Lemon did attempt to validate his words on his own show by adding that “[t]he biggest threats are homegrown.” Horace Cooper
8 • Nov. 7, 2018
Faith & Religion Clergy abuse hotline launched The Virginia Clergy Abuse Hotline and www.VirginiaClergyHotline.com has been launched and is part of an ongoing investigation into whether criminal sexual abuse of children may have occurred in Virginia’s Catholic dioceses, and whether leadership in the dioceses may have covered up or abetted any such crimes. The hotline and online reporting form are being used in the wake of the Pennsylvania grand jury report that documented decades of sexual abuse and cover-up by Catholic clergy in Pennsylvania. “Like so many Americans, I read the grand jury report on clergy abuse in the Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania, and I felt sick. It made me sick to see the extent of the damage done, the efforts to cover it up, and the complicity and enabling that went on by powerful people who should have known better and should have done more to protect vulnerable children,” said Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring. “We shouldn’t assume the behavior and the problems are limited just to Pennsylvania or to one diocese. If there has been abuse or cover-up in Virginia like there was in Pennsylvania I want to know about it, I want to root it out, and I want to help survivors get justice and get on a path to healing.” The hotline will be available 24-hours a day, seven days a week to receive reports of abuse by clergy or faith leaders.
D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine recently opened a probe into sexual abuse by Catholic clergy. Virginia’s attorney general office is doing the same and offering a hotline to report offenders. The toll-free hotline will allow for anonymous reporting and will be staffed by Virginia State Police investigators during regular business hours.
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Nov. 7, 2018• 9
Virginia’s first online re-entry portal is a “one-stop shop”
DeVon Simmons is tasked with helping “local sheriffs prepare inmates for release and connect them with support services on the outside”. Virginia’s first ever online re-entry portal, which provides a “one-stop shop” for people involved in every phase of helping Virginians re-enter communities after incarceration is now available. This portal is the first of its kind to come out of an attorney general’s office and offers resources directly to sheriffs, practitioners and citizens who want to help formerly incarcerated individuals return to their communities and lead successful lives. The announcement of the website, VirginiaReEntry.org, was made at the Attorney General Office’s 2018 Statewide Jail Re-entry Conference. “When folks who are transitioning back into our communities are given the resources they need to be successful, well-adjusted members of society it not only helps them but it also makes our communities safer and saves taxpayer dollars,” said Attorney General Mark Herring. “This first of its kind portal offers something for everyone by providing
information and resources for sheriffs, re-entry organizations, potential employers, community and family members, and those who are returning to society. I am proud of the work that my office has done over the past few years to help localities build strong re-entry programs and we will continue to help them make sure that their returning citizens are given every opportunity to be successful following incarceration.” Ninety-six percent of incarcerated individuals will eventually return to their communities, which is why strong, comprehensive reentry programs and resources are so important. When people transitioning back to the community are provided individualized case management, treatment services, and support networks both prior to release and immediately following incarceration, they have a better chance at success. If ex-offenders re-enter their community with the same underlying trauma, addiction,
or anger it can make communities less safe and perpetuate a cycle of re-incarceration that costs taxpayers money and strains families. “We know that 96 percent of people in jail will return to our community,” said Norfolk Sheriff Joseph “Joe” Baron. “By utilizing our evidence based Re-entry Programming and innovative programming in partnership with the Virginia Attorney General’s Office Re-entry Program such as the Innovations in Supervision Initiative, we are providing offenders a better path to be successful in the community which will have an major impact on improving our recidivism rates in Virginia.” The re-entry portal will give all parties involved in the process an opportunity to have a central location where information can be exchanged, communicated and maintained. “Having this portal available with established information and services, will ultimately give participants
in any re-entry program more opportunities to be successful as they transition out into our communities,” said Arlington Sheriff Beth Arthur. The re-entry portal provides something for everyone including sheriffs, jail administrators and staff, non-profit organizations, faith-based volunteers, potential employers, treatment service providers, legislators, judges, media, family members and returning citizens. Re-entry can be a time of both positivity but also stress for both the returning individual and their family. To make the transition as smooth as possible it is important to use every resource. Employment is a pillar to successful re-entry and motivated employees are a lynchpin to successful business. Hiring returning citizens has proven beneficial to employers because: • Ex-offenders whose crimes are long in the past pose no greater risk than people in the general population • Returning citizens have a network of support to aid in their success. • Federal programs add additional security by bonding employees. •There are tax incentives to hire returning citizens. When Herring began his first term in 2014, he saw that the state had developed a comprehensive plan to address re-entry and recidivism reduction for state inmates who left state prisons, but there was no coordinated programming or assistance for local and regional jails. He made it a priority to provide the first-ever state-level assistance to coordinate, expand, and improve re-entry efforts in local and regional jails, including the hiring of DeVon Simmons as Virginia’s first local jail re-entry coordinator.
10 • Nov. 7, 2018
Kevin Hart and Chris Rock team up for “Coparenting” movie With Will Packer as the producer and Chris Rock as the director, Kevin Hart will be starring in a film entitled “Coparenting”. In the film, Hart plays a stay at home dad while his CEO wife is the breadwinner for the family. After she decides she wants out of their marriage, their relationship becomes everything but amicable as their divorce and custody battle gets nasty. Yamara Taylor, who is a writer for the hit show “black-ish”, will be penning the script. Hart and Packer are frequent collaborators and their movies are always huge successes. Their latest flick, “Night School”, grossed about $28 million in the box office its opening weekend last month. Their “Think Like A Man” series was a big money maker. “Think Like A Man” grossed over $91 million in the U.S while its sequel grossed over $71 million. “Coparenting” will be Rock’s second shot at directing. The comedy great made his directorial debut back in 2014 with “Top Five”. The topic of coparenting is something Rock and Hart know all too well. Hart, and his ex-wife Torrei, have been open about their ups and downs of learning to co-parent after their divorce. “Listen, at the end of the day, things happen. What happened was in the past, I’m so far removed from what happened years ago. I’ve done too much to get in a happy place to let anything steal my joy,” Hart said.
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Nov. 7, 2018• 11
Candace Parker joins Turner Sports as NBA & NCAA commentator
Parker’s multi-faceted tole to include regular analysis & commentary for the NBA on TNT & NBA TV Turner Sports has reached an agreement with Candace Parker, a 10-year WNBA veteran and two-time league MVP, on a dynamic position including full-time contributions as an analyst and commentator for the NBA on TNT and NBA TV throughout the season. Parker, still in the midst of her playing career coming off an All-Star campaign in 2018 where she led the Los Angeles Sparks to the postseason, will join the “Players Only” studio team for telecasts airing on both TNT and NBA TV. The innovative “Players Only” franchise offers viewers an entertaining narrative and unique insights into the game directly from the athlete’s perspective. NBA TV will air “Players Only” telecasts on Monday nights through late-
January. TNT will then air the remaining “Players Only” telecasts Tuesday nights from the series’ Jan. 29 debut through mid-April. Parker will also provide analysis for NBA TV’s “GameTime” – the network’s flagship studio show – with regular appearances on Sunday nights during the 2018-19 season beginning with her debut on Oct. 21. She will also contribute to a variety of special projects for both the NBA on TNT and NBA TV. Additionally, Parker will provide commentary for Turner Sports and CBS Sports’ coverage of the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship. “I cannot wait to resume broadcasting with Turner Sports and to be a part of what I consider the best basketball coverage out there,”
said Parker. “I love broadcasting because it allows me to share my passion for basketball with viewers, and I look forward to sharing my analysis and commentary in a variety of formats.” “Candace is one of the most influential basketball stars of her generation and we’re thrilled to provide a wide variety of opportunities for her to share her passion for the game and insights directly with fans,” said Tara August, Vice President of Talent Relations & Special Projects, Turner Sports. “She’s a trailblazer in every sense of the word and we can’t wait to further showcase her talents as a commentator across our collective basketball portfolio.” Parker was selected as the No. 1
overall pick in the WNBA Draft by the Los Angeles Sparks in 2008, following a championship career at the University of Tennessee, where she led the Lady Vols to consecutive NCAA Championships in 2007 and 2008. During the 2008-09 WNBA season, she became the first player to earn WNBA MVP and Rookie of the Year honors in the same season. In 2016, Parker led the L.A. Sparks to a WNBA Championship, in which she was named WNBA Finals MVP. She was named WNBA All-Star Game MVP in 2013, along with being elected to six All-WNBA teams and three All-Star teams. Parker also led Team USA Women’s Basketball to back-to-back Olympic gold medals in the 2008 and 2012 Games.
12 • Nov. 7, 2018
Safeguard online information to prevent fraud and identity theft
Americans increasingly rely on the internet for almost all aspects of their lives, whether they are shopping for insurance or a loan, banking, investing or paying utility and other bills. According to the Department of Homeland Security, 56 percent of American adults own smart phones. More than half of adults use online banking services and almost one-third of them do so using their mobile devices. Although the internet and apps are useful and convenient when managing money, they also can leave users vulnerable to cyberthreats such as fraud and identity theft. Virginians are encouraged to protect themselves personally and financially when surfing the internet or conducting business online. The SCC offers the following cybersecurity safety tips:
• Passwords – Creating a strong password is your first line of defense when safeguarding important financial information. To create a strong password, use eight or more characters with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers. Avoid using children’s names, pets’ names or birth dates. Refrain from using simple number combinations for PIN codes such as 1234 or 1111. • Multi-factor authentication – Enable stronger authentication whenever possible. Most financial accounts will have multi-factor authentication to verify a user’s identity and authorization to access an account (i.e., a text with a onetime code to access an account). These small additional steps could prevent hackers from getting into your personal accounts and retrieving sensitive personal and
financial information. • Regularly manage your account – Check your financial accounts regularly. Review bank, investment, credit card and other statements weekly to catch fraud or identity theft in the early stages. Always confirm purchases made on your credit or debit cards. Review money spent using any applications on your mobile device, such as Uber or Lyft. • Use caution before revealing sensitive information – Be conscientious about which apps, websites and connected devices you use, and how and where you plan to use them. Know how a device works, as well as the network connections the device uses and how those connections transmit and store information. You don’t want to give out information unintentionally, especially for accounts carrying sensitive financial data. Don’t click
on links or open attachments in unsolicited or suspicious emails. If a website, application or email asks for your social security number or bank account information, doublecheck its credibility, source and whether it’s secure before giving out personal information. • Back Up Your Data – Protect your data by backing it up on an external hard drive, cloudbased storage or other appropriate recovery methods. This reduces your vulnerability to cyberthreats such as ransomware. If you are a victim of cybercrime, contact your local authorities and file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.IC3.gov. If you have questions or concerns relating to insurance, securities or financial institutions call 1-800-552- 7945 (toll-free in Virginia), or at 804- 371-9967.
Nov. 7, 2018• 13
Short-term, limited-duration health insurance plans advisory Many Virginians are looking for coverage during the open the enrollment period for the 2019 health insurance marketplace under the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA). The open enrollment period runs until Dec. 15, 2018. Whether you are thinking about changing health insurance plans or purchasing new coverage, the State Corporation Commission’s (SCC) Bureau of Insurance encourages Virginians to review their health coverage needs and thoroughly explore all their options, especially when considering short-term, limited-duration (STLD) health insurance plans. Short-term plans may or may not meet your needs depending on the coverage provided and your personal financial and health situation. These types of policies may cost less, but they also generally cover less than an ACAcompliant marketplace plan. Recent changes to federal law allow STLD plans to extend their coverage periods from three months to 364 days and be renewable for up to 36 months. The Bureau reminds consumers that STLD health insurance plans are not subject to ACA rules, such as the requirement to provide certain benefits including maternity care, mental health and substance use disorder services and coverage for prescription drugs. In addition, STLD health insurance plans may deny eligibility for coverage or exclude services because of preexisting conditions and may apply daily, annual and lifetime dollar limits on the amount they will pay. Here are some tips regarding the purchase of health insurance: • Ask for details of any health insurance policy, including premiums, in writing and make sure you understand what you are purchasing. • Check the Bureau of Insurance website at scc.virginia.gov/boi/cons/ index.aspx for a list of carriers that have received approval to offer ACA health benefit plans to individuals
on and off the federal marketplace in Virginia for 2019. • The official website for the federal marketplace is www. healthcare.gov. Here you can find information regarding the ACA, qualified health plans and comparisons of marketplace plans. Be wary of other similar sounding names or websites. • The open enrollment period for the 2019 health insurance marketplace under the ACA ends Dec. 15, 2018. Anyone contacting you to sell individual health
insurance plans through an “enrollment period” outside of the open enrollment period is not selling an ACA-compliant policy. • No one offering ACA-compliant health care coverage will ask you if you have a pre- existing condition. • Be wary of telemarketers from the “national enrollment center”, “national health care center”, or other official-sounding name. The federal government will not call to sell you health insurance. • Do not provide your Social Security number, bank account
details or health information to a cold caller and never agree to any request to send money over the phone. • When purchasing insurance through an agent, make sure that person is a licensed agent and ask for the individual’s license number. If they refuse, do not do business with them. To check if a person is licensed in Virginia, visit scc. virginia.gov/boi/ConsumerInquiry/ For additional information, call toll-free at 1-877-310-6560 or in Richmond at 804- 371-9691 or visit www.scc.virginia.gov/boi.
14 • Nov. 7, 2018
Journalists trek to Haiti for cultural tour
Photographed L-R: Larry Davis, dean of the School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh; Ervin Dyer, co-trip leader and journalist; Germaine Watkins, photo journalist; Billy Jackson, documentary filmmaker; Allegra Battle, broadcast journalist; B. Denise Hawkins, co-trip leader and journalist; and Kim Davis, a retired banker.
A group of African-American multi-media journalists and other professionals were recently on a cultural tour in Haiti. The ninemember group arrived in Port-auPrince last week. The tour included Port-au-Prince, which was hit with the catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake which killed more than 100,000 in January 2010 and Gonaives which recently experienced a much smaller earthquake at 3.1 magnitude. The group will also travel to the cities of Jacmel and Cap-Haitian. “We want people to see Haiti for themselves, connect with those on the ground and share stories and narratives about a complex country that aren’t being told,” said B. Denise Hawkins, spokesperson and co-leader of the group. “Our goal is tell the stories of ordinary Haitian people and if we can show that humanity we can change the narrative of who the people are.”
According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), which monitors conditions after disasters around the world, as of one year ago, “authorities had failed to assist many of the nearly 38,000 individuals still living in displacement camps since the 2010 earthquake in resettling or returning to their places of origin. “The country’s most vulnerable communities continue to face environmental risks, such as widespread deforestation, pollution from industry, and limited access to safe water and sanitation. Almost one-third of people live with food insecurity due to the ongoing drought affecting much of the country.” HRW also reported last year that “more than 175,000 individuals remained displaced in the aftermath of October 2016’s Hurricane Matthew, and many more faced food insecurity due to widespread damage to crops and livestock.”
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Nov. 7, 2018• 15
‘Trump lit the fires of racist and right-wing terror’
A person stands in front of makeshift memorials that are displayed in front of the Tree of Life Synagogue with the names of some of those killed in the deadly shooting in Pittsburgh. By John Wojcik Last week Gregory Bush, having failed in his effort to get into an African-American church, instead went into a Kroger supermarket in Louisville, Kentucky and shot two black customers to death. That story was pushed aside quickly by reports that pipe bombs made by Cesar Sayoc were showing up at the homes of Democrats and others, including former President Barack Obama, who have been regular targets of President Trump’s vitriol. It was the largest assassination plot in U.S. history. If all that was not enough, millions of Americans awoke days later to the news of the worst anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history—the murder by Robert Bowers of 11 worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. These vile acts of domestic terrorists took the oxygen out of the air breathed by people of good will every single day of last week, including on the weekend. None of what happened, however, should be a surprise. All three events are the logical outgrowth of the hate spewed
by the U.S. president, DonaldTrump and repeated or tolerated by his enablers in the Republican Party. This is true not just of the violent terrorism of this past week, but also of the ongoing attacks against African Americans, Muslims, Jews and, in recent weeks, Guatemalans and other people from Central America. Trump bragged recently that he is a “nationalist,” not a “globalist.” Robert Bowers, the killer of the worshipers at the synagogue, has long said on Twitter that he is a “nationalist” and that Jews are “trying to control the world.” Trump has been ginning up votes by inciting fear of a caravan of poverty-stricken immigrants that is more than a thousand miles away from our border and has spewed conspiracy theories about how George Soros, a liberal Jewish activist, is “financing” this operation. Bowers has been talking on social media about how the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is “bringing in invaders” from Central America.
Is it any wonder then that a confirmed self-described Nazi sympathizer said he was “going in” to essentially finish a job that Trump, who Bowers said doesn’t go far enough, had started? Trump has used the words “nationalist” and “globalist” at his rallies—the same vocabulary often used in anti-Semitic diatribes online. He has demonized Black people, brown people, immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. With the most powerful man in the world making such rhetorical attacks at his rallies on an almost nightly basis, the horrific events of last week become quite understandable. Extreme rightwing haters who have far less power than the president become, in their own eyes, powerful when they pick up a gun and commit mass murder. We can also better understand the events of last week when we look at political developments overall. The working class and its allies are fighting harder and harder for economic justice, including a living wage, health care, and fairness at their workplaces. When the rich and powerful feel threatened by this movement, they sometimes resort to the fascist-like tactics we see Trump carrying out. This explains why some people of Jewish background—Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller, and Sheldon Adelson, among others, for example—because of their class alliances, including backing of the right-wing Netanyahu government in Israel, have sided with Trump. One has to ask why they have no shame now that the movements around Trump are exposed so blatantly for the anti-Semites that
they really are? The overwhelming majority of Jewish people, however, see Trump for what he really is. More than 77 percent of them voted against him in the first place. The rabbi in charge of the Tree of Life Synagogue, Jeffrey Myers, warned recently in an article about the dangers of Trump’s anti-immigrant bashing. The Ku Klux Klan is now a regular backer of, with David Duke often singing his praises, as he did when Trump characterized racists in Charlottesville who chanted “Jews will not replace us” as good people. The fascistic “Daily Stormer” website regularly cheers Trump on. Trump returns the favor by retweeting their right-wing conspiracy theories and repeating in his speeches many of the lines first tried out on crowds by Hitler and Mussolini. Prior to last week, there have, unfortunately, been many successes scored by Trump and the extreme right. They have wreaked havoc with the U.S. immigration system and imposed outright misery on so many people through a policy of throwing children into cages. They have imposed travel bans on people from entire regions of the world and now declare that a caravan of poor people is a “national emergency” that requires the sending of troops to the border. The GOP continues to stand by and either support or excuse Trump as he continues injecting more and more of this poison into the veins of national political life. The demonization of whole groups, we know from history, can spiral into a never-ending disaster.
Trump recently stated that he is a “nationalist,” not a “globalist.” Robert Bowers, the killer of the worshipers at the synagogue, describes himself as a “nationalist” and proclaims that “Jews are trying to control the world.”
16 • Nov. 7, 2018
Calendar Nov. 7, 10 a.m.
Nov. 9, 7 p.m.
HCPS Job Fair
Sheriff Gabe Morgan is a Hero in the Community
The county is looking for full-time and part-time bus drivers and school nutrition workers, as well as technicians with HVAC experience.
Sheriff Morgan, along with several other community leaders from across Hampton Roads, will be recognized at a gala fundraising event for The Bennett Center on November 9. It begins at 7 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza, located at 4453 Bonney Road in Virginia Beach. The Bennett Center, a non-profit organization in Virginia Beach, works to break the cycle of deficiency and increase the quality of life for those who live in urban areas.
Don’t have bus driving experience? Qualified driver candidates will be paid as they train.
Veterans Day Ceremony The community is invited to join John Tyler Community College’s faculty, staff and students as they honor those who have served in the armed forces during the college’s annual Veterans Day Ceremony on November 12, 2018. The ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m. in Hamel Hall, Room H109, at the Midlothian Campus, located at 800 Charter Colony Parkway.
The job fair will be held Nov. 7 at Twin Hickory Area Library, 5001 Twin Hickory Road in Glen Allen. Applicants are encouraged to apply online in advance at www.henricoschools.us/careers.
Contact the HCPS Human Resources Department at 804-652-3664 or stop by the department office at 3820 Nine Mile Road in Henrico to use our computers and get help if needed. Candidates for full-time and substitute bus drivers must: be at least 21 years old; have a valid Virginia driver’s license; obtain a CDL Class B instructional permit or hold a CDL Class B license with endorsements in P (Transporting Passengers)/S (School Bus) and airbrakes; pass a physical and drug test and have no felony convictions.
Nov. 12, 11 a.m.
Submit your calendar events by email to:
editor @legacynewspaper.com.
Include the who, what, where, when & contact information that can be printed. Deadline is Friday.
This year’s ceremony will feature a keynote address by Chesterfield County Sheriff Karl Leonard, who served as a Coast Guard reservist for 30 years. In addition to his service to the Coast Guard, Leonard has spent more than 30 years working in local law enforcement. He began his law enforcement career as a deputy in the Richmond City Sheriff’s Office before moving to the Chesterfield County Police Department, where he became a patrolman and rose through the ranks to the position of major before his retirement from the department in 2012. He began working for the Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office in 2013 before being appointed sheriff in 2014. For directions to Tyler’s Midlothian Campus, visit www.jtcc.edu/locations. For more information about John Tyler Community College’s Veterans Day Ceremony, contact Lisa Kendrick, office and events specialist, at lkendrick@jtcc.edu or 804-594-1527
Nov. 7, 2018• 17
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18 • Nov. 7, 2018
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Nov. 7, 2018• 19
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