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EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

WEDNESDAYS • Dec. 28, 2016


Generosity moves mom of 9 to new city - 2 Dr. Karenga on Kwanzaa turning 50 - 8 Bob: Porn is a Va. public health issue- 10 Do you qualify for SBA disaster loan? - 15

Richmond & Hampton Roads


Kwanzaa was started 50 years ago. Here’s why OLIVER WAXMAN This festival of lights was conceived during a period of darkness When Kwanzaa began on Monday, the seven-day holiday—which incorporates traditions from Continental African and AfricanAmerican cultures—it has more to celebrate than usual... this Kwanzaa

marks 50 years since the festival was first celebrated. The fact that Kwanzaa was conceived in 1966 is no coincidence. The festival of lights, which is rich with symbolism, was conceived during one of darkest periods in Los Angeles’ history, during a key moment in the civil rights movement. A key event that sparked the

idea began in August of 1965, after the Watts riots, a series of clashes between police and AfricanAmericans in the L.A. neighborhood, which left 34 dead, 1,000 injured, and $40 million worth of property damaged. The rebellion came within a week after Los Angeles police officer Lee Minikus arrested Marquette Frye on Aug. 11, 1965,

on suspicion of driving drunk. The event was a breaking point in the community’s resentment of L.A. police chief William Parker “and what they considered his double standard toward [African Americans] and whites,” according to LIFE magazine’s editorial prefacing its

(continued on page 2)


2 • Dec. 28, 2016

News What one family is thankful for in the new year Richmond’s newest residents, Roshauna Bennett and her nine children, are grateful for the wonderful gifts they have received this holiday season and can't wait to ring in what they hope will be their best New Year ever in 2017. Also known as “Auntie Meka,” Roshauna is a single mother caring for her three biological children, as well as six nieces and nephews she is raising after her two sisters passed away. They were all living in a two-bedroom apartment in Far Rockaway, NY, an area that was devasted by Hurricane Sandy several years ago. Roshauna decided she wanted a better life for her kids. With little more than the clothes they were wearing, she recently moved the whole family to Richmond, where they could play outside without fear or danger. The family’s friend and advocate Meaghan Holley, the founder of Rockaway Rising, a non-profit

(from page 1) Aug. 27, 1965, cover story on the riots. (Parker compared Watts rioters to “monkeys in a zoo.”) High levels of unemployment and segregation, cuts to federal anti-poverty programs, and a lack of affordable housing meant that racial tensions were already high when the riots broke out. “Watts is the kind of community that cries out for urban renewal, poverty programs, job training. Almost anything would help,” TIME explained in an Aug. 20, 1965, cover story about the riots. One potential source of help, once the chaos subsided, came from a community organization called “US” (meaning “as opposed to them”), which was formed by members of a discussion group called the “Circle of Seven,” led by Malcolm X’s cousin Hakim Jamal and one of Malcolm X’s disciples, a UCLA Africana Studies

dedicated to improving the conditions and outcomes for the youth of Far Rockaway, NY, has issued a callto-action. Rockaway Rising, in partnership with Experience Camps, extraordinary one-week non-profit camps for boys and girls that offer support and joy to kids whose loved ones have died (attended by 3 of Roshauna’s nieces/nephew), created an Amazon Universal Wishlist in Roshauna Bennett’s name -- and the family was gifted with dozens of necessities from well-wishers. However, to make ends meet in their new home and community, additions items of need have been posted on the Wishlist for Auntie Meka and her nine children. “I am just so very grateful for all this support and generosity. I’m so used to giving, that it’s so feels unusual to accept help. I just want to make sure the kids (right) are happy and comfortable. I can’t say thank you enough to our extended family.”

doctoral student who was born Ron Everett but changed his name to Maulana Karenga. As the group’s influence increased, Karenga came up with Kwanzaa. He spread the word about the concept through Black Power conferences that he helped organized. (His organization US went on hiatus when Karenga was arrested in 1971, and a jury found him guilty in a trial in which it was testified that two women were tortured by Karenga and his followers. He was released on parole in 1975, but the holiday had already started to take on a life of its own, not defined by one person.) “[Karenga] saw that black people here had no holidays of their own, and felt that holidays give a people a sense of identity and direction.” Imamu Clyde Halisi, national chairman of US in 1972, told TIME. Muminina Jaribu, a member of the Committee for a Unified Newark,

described it to the magazine as a “time of making commitments to the liberation of our people.” (And as for the timing, Halisi added that the Dec. 26 start to the holiday meant “we’ll be in a position to benefit from the after-Christmas sales.”) By 1992, the holiday had lost much of its radical implication. It was being practiced more and more by middle-class professionals “seeking to give their children a sense of black pride,” TIME reported in a 1991 feature. ”My children grew up in a fairly white community, and that motivated me to teach them the value of the African-American heritage,” a 50-year-old El Cajon, Calif.-based lawyer who celebrates with her physician husband and their five children, said. Now, Karenga heads up the Africana Studies department at California State University-Long Beach and is the executive director

of the African American Cultural Center in Los Angeles. “Kwanzaa is clearly a celebration of family, community and culture, but it is also a celebration of freedom,” he said in a statement on the 50th anniversary. “It is an act of freedom in its recovery and reconstruction of African culture, our return to its best values and practices and our resistance to the imposition of Eurocentric ways of understanding and engaging the world.” © TIME

Dec. 28, 2016 • 3

VA discloses ratings of its 146 medical centers NIKKI WENTLING STARS AND STRIPES WASHINGTON – Most medical centers serving veterans across the country are improving, according to a once-withheld rating system just released by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Yet, the ratings show several facilities racked by scandal continue to struggle. Of the 146 medical centers rated, 120 of them, or 82 percent, improved in the past year, according to the VA. But the Phoenix hospital, the epicenter of the 2014 wait-time scandal, was one of the worst rated, and the hospital in Tomah, Wisconsin – another one that has recently come under fire – saw a drop in performance this year. The performance ratings were released to the public under pressure following an investigation by USA Today earlier this month that revealed the ratings were being held, undisclosed, within the VA. The VA gave a one- to five-star rating to 146 VA medical centers across the country indicating their quality-of-care at the end of 2016. The information posted online also shows whether each hospital improved since the end of 2015. The report prompted several

Hampton VA Medical Center lawmakers – including Reps. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., and Tim Walberg, R-Mich. -- to call for the information to be publicly released. The John D. Dingell VA Medical Center in Detroit -- named for Debbie Dingell’s husband, former Rep. John Dingell -was given the lowest rating, one star, for 2015 and 2016. “Veterans, just like every other patient, deserve to know how their hospitals are performing and what services need to be improved,” Dingell and Walberg wrote last week in a letter to VA Secretary Bob McDonald. “Having a secret rating system only serves to increase

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distrust of the VA and may give the appearance that the department has something to hide.” Since early 2015, the VA has posted sets of data to its website called Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning. VA leaders used the data, which tracks issues such as death rates, patient satisfaction and efficiency, to create the newly released ratings previously kept internal. To justify keeping the ratings from public view, the VA said it did

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so because the information “would likely confuse our veterans and the general public.” VA leaders called USA Today irresponsible for posting the 2015 ratings, and said it released new 2016 ratings “in an effort to set the record straight.” Because the star ratings are relative and compare VA hospitals to one another, “somebody is always going to be on the bottom,” McDonald said last week at a public forum. “It is a disservice to veterans to lead them to believe that a one-star facility means they won’t get care they need,” said David Shulkin, the VA’s under secretary for health. Seventeen of the 146 medical centers earned 5-star ratings, the highest given, and 10 received one-star ratings. Some of the best included the Boston VA medical center and hospitals in Minneapolis, Pittsburg and Cleveland. The worst-performing included Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix and all three Tennessee hospitals in Memphis, Nashville and Murfreesboro. Five medical centers -- El Paso, Texas; Fargo, North Dakota; Hot

(continued on page 5)

Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.


4 • Dec. 28, 2016

Gates Foundation funding to improve access to AIDS drugs The Virginia Commonwealth University School of Engineering’s Medicines for All project has received approximately $5 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a more cost-effective way to manufacture Dolutegravir, a new HIV/AIDS therapy. The grant is the third major investment in Medicines for All in three years from the Gates Foundation, which also funded the initiative’s work to bring down the cost of the first-line AIDS treatments nevirapine and tenofovir. “[Dolutegravir] is a relatively new drug,” said lead investigator B. Frank Gupton, Ph.D., professor and chair in the VCU Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering. “Our expectation is that it will be a first-line treatment. It’s a new member of an old class of AIDS

drugs, and it seems to be much more effective.” Medicines for All has developed a model that reduces costs by accelerating creation of more efficient processes to synthesize the active ingredients in state-of-the-art AIDS therapies. Medicines for All also works closely with the Clinton Health Access Initiative to transfer the new production processes to manufacturers so the medications can reach communities in need. “For nevirapine, six months after the transfer to CHAI, it was in commercial production,” Gupton said. “In academia, things rarely happen that quickly — and even in industry, it usually doesn’t happen that fast. Based on that past success, the goal this time is for an even faster transfer to CHAI for the drug tenofovir.”



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A visual exploration of Dolutegravir Gupton, who has extensive experience in chemical and pharmaceutical companies including Boehringer Ingelheim, explained that one of the active-ingredient cost drivers is speed-to-market. When a molecule is identified as a drug candidate, the company typically has only a year and a half to file its regulatory submission. Gupton’s team includes Thomas Roper, Ph.D., who recently joined the VCU School of Engineering

(from page 3) Springs, South Dakota; Tomah, and San Diego -- had a “large decline” in quality. The Tomah VA came under fire last year for overprescribing opioids. Earlier this month, the VA alerted nearly 600 patients in Tomah that they could be at risk for hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV because a dentist did not correctly disinfect his equipment. Closer to home, Hampton received a 2-greatly improved rating and Richmond received a 4-greatly improved rating. “This is absolutely unacceptable,” said Virginia Beach Congressmanelect Scott Taylor. “Our local VA will not remain with a failing grade, not on my watch. I have directed my chief to set up a meeting to get answers on how the Hampton VA gets to a passing grade ASAP. “As far as I know, our congressional district has more active duty and veterans than any other in the nation, including the world’s largest

faculty after 22 years as a researcher for GlaxoSmithKline, and was the previous head of Global Exploratory Development Sciences; Timothy Jamison, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Chemistry at MIT, who is conducting screening studies prior to Gupton’s work on chemical development of the drug; and Brian Marquardt, Ph.D., principal engineer at the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington, who provides real-time analytical methods to measure the product quality, ensuring a continuous production platform in which active ingredients are manufactured on an ongoing basis, in compact, closed units, with a higher degree of automation and fewer manual interventions. Gupton’s longer-term goal for this work is a Medicines for All institute to develop new processes for manufacturing medications on a larger scale and establish research groups to work on multiple drugs in parallel.

Naval Base. We will see to it the Hampton VA improves promptly. “How the VA still has a failing score (2 of 5), and it is being rated ‘greatly improved’ only adds to the questions I have for the care that veterans who have gone to the Hampton facility have received. I will not rest until they get the care they need.” Last week, conservative-leaning Concerned Veterans for America issued a statement about the ratings, calling for more transparency from the VA. The veterans group has become more prominent recently after several people linked to the CVA were appointed to Donald Trump’s transition team. “The VA has an obligation to care for and honor the men and women who have served their country, and that includes being completely honest about the quality of care being provided,” CVA director Mark Lucas said in a written statement. “The VA should not have to come under pressure by the media to disclose what should already be public information.”




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6 • Dec. 28, 2016

Op/Ed & Letters


Will workers now swallow a bitter pill? Dr. Julianne Malveaux When Donald Trump was running for president, he specifically targeted the “white working class”, telling them that he’d prevent their jobs from leaving the country, that he’d bring back manufacturing jobs, and that he’d revive the oil and steel industries. He hasn’t taken office yet, but he has already celebrated the fact that Carrier, a furnace manufacturer in Indianapolis, Indiana, has agreed to keep jobs in the United States, even though they had earlier announced that they would have moved jobs to Mexico. The Carrier deal that Trump has been crowing about is so deceptive, that some business writers describe it as a scam and a union leader accused Trump of lying his hind parts off. Trump says he saved over a thousand jobs, but the real number may be closer to 730. Carrier will still relocate more than 500 jobs to Mexico, and they had already planned to keep about 300 jobs in the United States. So Trump may have “saved” 400 jobs, not 800 or a thousand, and Indiana governor Pence had to give up $7 million in tax benefits to keep the jobs here. Trump and Pence have also signaled that they are willing to play “let’s

The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 52 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online

make a deal” on a case by case basis to keep jobs in the United States, instead of using public policy to encourage the development of U.S. jobs and to limit the mobility of capital. And, Carrier is still closing another Indiana plant, but there has been no intervention for that closure. Now, Trump has indicated that Andrew F. Puzder is his choice for Secretary of Labor. Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurant Holdings, a company that franchises Hardee and Carl’s Jr. fast food outlets, has opposed minimum wage increases, worker protections, paid sick leave, and the Affordable Care Act. He has said that he welcomes automation in the restaurant industry because machines are “always polite. . .never take a vacation, never show up late,

The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016

there’s never a slip and fall or an age, sex, or race discrimination case.” While the Department of Labor has been the advocate for workers, Puzder seems to be an advocate for worker exploitation. Okay, y’all working class white folks, those of you who voted for Trump, are you ready to swallow a bitter pill? Because Trump has shown you, yet again, what he thinks of you. The historian Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote about President Abraham Lincoln’s Team of Rivals. What Trump seems to have assembled is a team of war-mongering generals and bombastic billionaires. The Puzder appointment, then, is consistent with Trump’s philosophy, but it is inconsistent with the notion that the Labor Department should be an advocate for workers, and should regulate labor markets and enforce labor legislation. The minimum wage was stuck at $5.15 an hour for ten years before it was increased in 2007. Then, Congress approved a three-step increase, raising the wage to $5.85 an hour in July 2007, then $6.55 an hour in 2008, finally increasing to $7.25 an hour in 2009. It has been stuck there ever since. President Obama has recommended an increase of the minimum wage to

$10.10 an hour, less than the $15 an hour that many activists are advocating through the Fight for Fifteen. Puzder does not think the minimum wage should be more than $9 an hour. He also opposes Obama Administration efforts to give overtime pay to more workers. It would be crass to say that Puzder purchased his position, but it is important to note that he contributed more than $300,000 to the Trump campaign. His nomination is consistent with that of Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier, to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Just as Pruitt has no intention of protecting the environment, prioritizing energy production over environmental protection, Puzder has no intention of advocating for or protecting workers. Lots of people who voted for Trump swear they aren’t racists and say they simply voted for “change”. If Trump and Puzder have their way, they’ll get chump change for hourly pay. Is that the change they want to believe in? Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available online via www.

Dec. 28, 2016 • 7

P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.

On nuclear abilities

Donald Trump tweeted that the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes, urging a foreign government to hack an American citizen and release personal emails, and soliciting illegal donations from foreign individuals — including members of parliament from the United Kingdom and Australia at their official email addresses, offends The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799 ) is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments having a dispute with the U.S. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position. Trump's official tweets are unprecedented, not only for its content, but for the notion that a president-elect would make a pronouncement about something so sensitive as nuclear weapons policy, and illegally urging a foreign government to hack an American citizen among other over a medium as casual as Twitter. “Nuclear policy is not made on the hoof,” because of the extraordinary implications, it is always the result of serious interagency review and careful deliberations. Allies are consulted, presidential statements pored over, words checked and double checked, crafted and recrafted." Also, federal law on foreign money in campaigns is black and white. It’s illegal for foreign individuals,

corporations and governments to either give money directly to U.S. candidates or spend on advertising to influence U.S. elections. And it’s also illegal for candidates seeking federal office to solicit foreign money, regardless of whether the donations ever materialize. The biggest threats to American sovereignty is invisible digital dollars wired into U.S. election campaigns from abroad. Yet Trump seems to illegally welcome foreign influence over American democracy. Sovereignty is mainly about a government’s capacity to govern. A government not fully accountable to its citizens won’t pass laws that benefit and protect those citizens— not just laws about trade and immigration but about national security, the environment, labor standards, the economy and all else. To state it another way: Without a functioning democracy, we just don’t have a country. Roy L. Perry-Bey United Front for Justice, Norfolk

suffering or war. But we should never stop trying. After nearly 400 years of opportunities to get those things right, the Westphalian nation-state has proven a failure on all counts. In the 20th century, governments murdered somewhere north of 170 million people and kept billions more in varying degrees of servitude, squalor and penury. So far the 21st century has likewise been one of unremitting war, creeping tyranny and ubiquitous kleptocracy. It’s far too much to hope that the emerging voluntary, decentralized forms of governance powered by technological progress will finally and forever displace the state in 2017. But the writing is on the wall. Government as we know it is going away. As we close out one year and look to the next, let’s re-dedicate ourselves to replacing the modern nation-state with something better. Something (or, more likely, things) more peaceful, more empowering, less oppressive and less deadly. Avens O’Brien

Peace on earth

Thank you

This time of year marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and the turn toward coming spring. The days begin to get longer instead of shorter. Peace on earth, good will toward men. These are laudable aspirations for the time of hope and renewal represented by the December holidays of so many faiths and cultures over the millennia. And as 2016 becomes 2017, they make great New Year resolutions. Try as we might, humankind as never conquered poverty, sickness,

I’ve been proud to call Barack Obama my president for the past eight years -- and as he serves out his last month in the White House, I want him to know just what he means to this community. Personally, I’m thanking the President for expanding healthcare to those who needed it under the Affordable Care Act, championing LGBTQ rights, and overseeing a record 73 straight months of job growth. Emily Bolton Richmond

New Year’s resolution

The coming New Year’s resolution should be pretty obvious, particularly when it comes to diet: 2017 will go down in history as the year when plant-based meats have revolutionized the food industry. A dozen start-ups, led by Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, are creating plant-based burgers and other meats that are more delicious, convenient, and healthy than the oldfashioned animal-based variety. They are backed by tech industry pioneers like Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Google principals Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt, and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel. Even animal meat behemoth Tyson Foods has announced a $150 million venture capital fund to explore and invest in these products. The plant-based food revolution is going mainstream. Hundreds of school, college, hospital, and corporate cafeterias have embraced Meatless Monday. Fast-food chains Chipotle, Panera, Subway, and Taco Bell are rolling out plant-based dinner options. And American consumers are responding, with fully one third reducing their intake of animalbased meats, milks, and other food products. Let’s make this New Year’s resolution about exploring the rich variety of delicious, convenient, healthy plant-based dinners, lunch meats, cheeses, milks, and ice creams available in every supermarket. The internet offers tons of recipes and transition tips. Vlad Coiner Hampton

8 • Dec. 28, 2016

Faith & Religion Reflect: Kwanzaa turns 50 DR. MAULANA KARENGA Commentary The 50th anniversary of the pan-African holiday, Kwanzaa, of necessity brings added focus and emphasis on its customary call for remembrance, reflection and recommitment. We remember our history and the legacies left and the people who made and left them for us and the world. We reflect on the expansive meaning of being African in the world, on the context and issues of our times, and on our way forward in struggle to forge a future responsive to our needs and interests as well as those of the world. And we recommit ourselves to our highest values, to our most anchoring, elevating and liberating practices, and as ever to the good of our people and the well-being of the

world. At this historical milestone and marker, it is good to remember and reflect on the origins of Kwanzaa, not only in the ancient African

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festivals of harvest and shared good, but also its origins in the relentless and righteous struggles of the 60s, i.e., the Black Freedom Movement for freedom, justice, equality, and power of our people over their destiny and daily lives. For deeply embedded and ever-present in the celebration of Kwanzaa and the practice of its founding principles, the Nguzo Saba, is the constant call for and commitment to striving and struggling. Here, I use striving and struggling interchangeably, with the meaning being exerting great and focused effort to achieve, excel and advance. For the struggle, as we imagined and waged it and continue to do so, is not only to defy and defeat the oppressor, but also to overturn ourselves, removing from ourselves the legacy of oppression, clearing social space in which we can live, love, work, build and relate freely, and striving diligently then to come into the fullness of ourselves. On this 50th anniversary celebration of Kwanzaa, it is only right and appropriate that we pay rightful homage to those who brought us to this good and beautiful point. First, we offer sacred water and words first to our ancestors, ancient and modern, for the culture they created, the battles they fought, the lessons they taught, the legacies they left and the ways they opened for us. The 50th anniversary celebration is also in honor and thanks to our people, African Americans and African peoples everywhere. For it is they who embraced Kwanzaa when it was offered to them, received it as their own, nurtured it and made it the national and international celebration of our African selves and the history and culture that grounds us and gives us identity, purpose and direction. Honor and asante (thanks) are also due to my organization Us, the critical context in which Kwanzaa was conceived and created, first accepted, first practiced and begun as a living tradition. Moreover, homage and honor are due to the Black Liberation Movement which embraced and spread the practice of Kwanzaa, taught the values, the Nguzo Saba, and used these principles to undergird and inform a myriad of programs and projects of liberation, and family and community building. Kwanzaa is clearly a celebration of


family, community and culture, but it is also a celebration of freedom, an act of freedom and an instrument of freedom. It is an act of freedom in its recovery and reconstruction of African culture, our return to its best values and practices and our resistance to the imposition of Eurocentric ways of understanding and engaging the world. Kwanzaa was also conceived as an instrument of struggle, to raise and cultivate the consciousness of the people, to unite them around principles that anchored and elevated their lives and involve them in the struggle to be themselves and free themselves and build the just and good world we all want, work for and deserve. And thus, Kwanzaa is a celebration of freedom, of the freedom struggle itself in which Kwanzaa is grounded, a celebration of our choosing to free ourselves and be ourselves, as Africans, and to rejoice in the richness of our history and culture of awesome and audacious striving and struggle. And in these times of winter storms and worst weather to come, let us find in the celebration of Kwanzaa remembrance, reflection and recommitment which speaks to our constant striving and struggle to bring and sustain good in the world, indeed, to repair, renew and remake ourselves in the process and practice of repairing, renewing and remaking the world. For in a real sense, the history of Kwanzaa mirrors the history of our people, striving ever upward, refusing to be diverted, dispirited or defeated. And we have reached a crossroads where we need to draw upon all our inner strength, keep the faith, hold the line and not yield an inch or iota to evil and injustice anywhere. Let us hold fast, then, to our African value system, the Nguzo Saba, that has won the heart and minds of millions throughout the world African community. The Nguzo Saba, The Seven Principles, begin with the principle of Umoja (Unity). For we come into being and best express and develop our humanity in relationship. Although others may teach hate, hostility, alienation and animosity, we must raise up the essentiality of rightful relatedness, principled togetherness and an at-oneness with each other and the world which promises mutual

(continued on page 14)

Dec. 28, 2016 • 9

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10 • Dec. 28, 2016


Virginia delegate calls pornography a ‘public health hazard’ in new legislation BRAD KUTNER Del. Bob Marshall (right) is no stranger to controversial legislation, but a new joint resolution he’s proposed could raise eyebrows in an industry that specializes in such an act. Marshall’s aptly abbreviated HJ549 (House Joint Resolution) calls pornography a “public health hazard” and considers the propagation of such material a public health crisis. “When you see more of these episodes of teens texting pictures to each other, there’s obviously an obsession or fixation on the body as an object, not a person,” said Marshall in an interview. “It’s not very helpful for social relations or later development of a family. I thought, lets draw a line in the sand.” While the bill doesn’t change any laws or put any new restrictions on porn viewing, production or purchasing in the commonwealth, Marshall said its passage could help shape future policy around the issue. Marshall is most famous for being co-author of Virginia’s 2006 ban on same-sex marriage, the MarshallNewman, which has since been overturned by the Supreme Court. Marshall has long argued against the power wielded by the Supreme Court, so he was reluctant to say he was concerned about the many times the highest court in the land has found pornography constitutionally protected. “The founders did not set up a group of lawyers to be a bevy of plutonic guardians that are totally outside of anyone’s influence or control,” he said, even when questioned around the possibility of President Elect Trump appointing conservative justices which could support such anti-porn legislation. But for folks like Alison Barber, owner of local adult toy and video store Taboo Inc., Marshall’s bill is an

assault on her livelihood. “There’s different categories of porn and some are more hardcore than others. But there’s some really loving porn, there’s some produced by women,” said Barber who looked at Marshall’s multi-point list of issues with her industry. “It’s adult entertainment so couples can sit down and enjoy it together and get stimulated.” Marshall targets porn for a number of reasons – exploitation of women, body image issues it can create for young girls, the accessibility of it in the modern world and how it can “increased likelihood that girls will engage in group intercourse.” But Barber think’s the legislator might be uninformed. “It’s all about stimulating people and their sex lives in a positive way,” she said. “I have a whole section of curvy women, of older women. The more negative body image is in the

mainstream media, with actresses and models.” Barber even offered to educate Marshall on the topic if he was interested and curious enough. She firmly believes porn can be helpful to people – from offering healthy outlets for urges to helping people understand the finer points of their sexuality. And as for how the pornography treats women and those involved in productions, Barber said, in the 14 years she’s been running Taboo, the industry has come a long way from seedy basements and private collections. “It’s a large network of big companies who work very hard to ensure the safety of their performers,” she said. “And a lot of performers enjoy what they do and are well informed. There’s strict testing… it’s come a long way and it’s crazy to think that people are

being hurt by participants of viewing pornography.” But Marshall, who said we “couldn’t publish” his response to those who are thriving in the world of adult videos, is steadfast in his hopes to corral the art form. “Government['s role] is to secure the common good and that requires collective action,” he said, comparing possible future legislation limiting porn viewing and production to yellow lines on the highway. “There are rules and guidelines and limits everywhere… you don’t have a life if you don’t have limits of what can be done to you… we hope they can be provincially drawn without infringing in an untold way.” That “infringing” is something the ACLU of Virginia is concerned about when looking at a bill like this as well, but not in the way Marshall thinks. While the legislator and the civil rights group or working together on other legislation dealing with privacy rights, they split when it comes to limitations on the adult industry and what it produces. “The term “pornography” is vague, ambiguous and not defined in the regulation,” said ACLU of VA spokesman Bill Farrar. He said there are a number of issues with the bill over all, but more concerning was Marshall’s belief it could shape future legislation despite Supreme Court precedent. “It is troubling as as a potential precursor to future legislative or policy efforts to regulate First Amendment- protected activity by adults.” But Marshall isn’t alone – the national GOP platform for the 2016 election also called porn “a public health crisis,” and with Trump’s ability to appoint at least one, if not more, Supreme Court justices, this could be one more issue the highest court of the land reverses itself on. © GayRVA

Dec. 28, 2016 • 11

Bounce TV acquires The Trumpet Awards Bounce TV has acquired all assets of The Trumpet Awards, the prestigious annual event celebrating African-American achievements and contributions, in an agreement with The Trumpet Awards Foundation announced recently. Bounce TV, the fastest-growing African-American network on television, will now own, produce and world premiere the star-studded event annually. Bounce TV will also

syndicate The Trumpet Awards to television stations around the country as well as internationally for broadcast after the Bounce premiere. Set to celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2017, The Trumpet Awards will world premiere on Bounce TV on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 9 p.m.. The black-tie ceremony will be held at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta on Saturday, Jan. 21. Hosts and talent will be

announced shortly. Xernona Clayton, founder and executive producer of the Trumpet Awards, will become Chairman Emeritus of the awards and continue to play an active role in the event. Clayton will remain president and CEO of the Trumpet Awards Foundation, Inc. “After 25 years, I felt it was a good time to find a strategic partner to take The Trumpet Awards into the future,” said Clayton.. “Bounce TV is the ideal custodian to continue to enhance the level of excellence that is our standard. I am thrilled to have my beloved Trumpet Awards become part of Bounce TV.”

Ambassador Andrew Young, cofounder of Bounce TV and a board member of The Trumpet Foundation, said Bounce will continue the “legacy of the Trumpet Awards and everything Xernona has lovingly created, while driving growth and scale across the next 25 years and beyond.” The Bounce acquisition is the next chapter for the venerable and meaningful Trumpet Awards. Originally presented by Turner Broadcasting in 1993, The Trumpet Awards were created to herald the accomplishments of black Americans who have succeeded against immense odds.

Canadian banknote to feature black woman arrested for sitting in white-only movie section ROSEMARY ENG ( - Nine years before Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus to a standing white person, a black Nova Scotian woman, Viola Desmond, was dragged to jail by police for sitting in the whites-only section of a movie theater. Now 70 years later, the black beautician who defied the movie theater law in Nova Scotia will be the face on Canada’s $10 banknote starting in 2018, the Bank of Canada, the country’s central bank, said recently. Desmond, a successful businesswoman, was jailed 30 days for her act of defiance, convicted and fined. Her court case was the first-known legal challenge to racial segregation brought forth by a black woman in Canada. At the Bank of Canada announcement, Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau said Viola Desmond’s story of courage, strength and determination “reminds all of us that big change can start with moments of dignity and bravery.” Desmond’s case eventually led to the abolition in 1954 of Nova Scotia segregation laws. Desmond studied at Madam C. J. Walker's School in New York, a

school started by entrepreneur and civil rights activist Sarah Breedlove who developed hair care products for African-Americans women. Desmond established Vi’s Studio of Beauty Culture in Halifax, the Desmond School of Beauty Culture and developed her own line of beauty products. After her arrest, she moved to Montreal. It is unknown if it was because of the notoriety or if she suffered threats, said Craig Smith, president of the Black Cultural

Society of Nova Scotia. Desmond was unsuccessful in appealing her conviction before her death in 1965. Her story has not sat well with the Nova Scotian black community. Desmond’s story was brought to the attention of Mayann Elizabeth Francis, a Nova Scotian who in 2006 became the province’s black lieutenant governor. By 2010 Francis assured that Desmond received a posthumous free pardon from the Nova Scotia government. Desmond will become the first woman to be on the face of a Canadian banknote besides the reigning monarch. The banknote announcement has sparked new interest in Canadian black history, said Russell Grosse, executive director of African Nova Scotian Museum. The struggle of black Nova Scotians, who make up about 3 percent of the provincial population, is similar to that of AfricanAmericans. Many are marginalized and unemployed. Smith said the original black population was settled on rural land, well outside the city limits. They survived by working in agriculture. Smith, who is also a sergeant in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) watch command in Halifax, said today’s young blacks

are involved with drugs and guns, though not at the same level as in the U. S. They need positive role models, said Grosse. On President Barack Obama’s inauguration day, “it was a big thing here. All across the community, everyone was watching.” Martin Luther King Day is celebrated in Nova Scotia. Smith calls it the “trickle up effect,” when black Canadians are encouraged by the accomplishments of AfricanAmericans. Blacks in Canada Of a total of some 2000 slaves who entered Canada in 1783-4, more than half went to the Atlantic Provinces, with Nova Scotia receiving the largest number. The treatment of slaves in Canada was just as brutal as in the United States. They were punished for disobeying their masters, whipped, tortured or sometimes killed. Eventually laws changed to make killing slaves as serious a crime as killing a freedman. A big jump in the Canadian black population started with increased immigration from the Caribbean and Africa. By 1981 the black population in Canada jumped substantially to 239,500 and then more than doubled to 662,200 by the 2001 census.

12 • Dec. 28, 2016


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Dec. 28, 2016 • 13

NNPA awarded $1.5 million ESSA media grant The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) has received a $1.5 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation to support a three-year, multi-media public awareness campaign focused on the unique opportunities and challenges of the recently enacted Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Under ESSA, states will adhere to more flexible federal regulations that provide for improved elementary and secondary education in the Nation's public schools. The law also ensures that every child, regardless of race, income, background, or where they live has the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. ESSA, which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary School Act (ESEA) andreplaces No Child Left Behind, received bipartisan support and was signed into law by President Barack Obama on Dec. 10, 2015. The regulations are administered by the U.S. Department of Education and will go into effect on Jan. 30, 2017. With this grant, NNPA will engage its 211-member Blackowned newspapers in more than 70 markets across the country in a campaign designed to heighten public awareness of ESSA, and to focus on efforts and policies aimed at closing the achievement gaps for students of color and low-income students. By raising awareness of ESSA policies, NNPA seeks to empower parents to advocate for these policies for their students and communities. In addition, for opinion leaders, this is a tremendous opportunity to support policies and issues that will make a difference in closing the achievement gap. The NNPA, headquartered in Washington, D.C, is a trade association of the largest and most influential Black-owned media organizations in the United States. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., NNPA president, said the organization, and its members, is uniquely positioned to inform and advocate for the effective implementation of ESSA, which he categorized as the most

significant civil rights and education law today. "NNPA will be in the forefront of informing our readers of efforts to drive support for high standards, assessments, accountability, and equity in education and to ensure that we close the achievement gap. Despite the name change, no child should be left behind due to an inequitable education system," Chavis said. NNPA Chairman Denise Rolark Barnes said she is "proud that NNPA will be counted on to get the word out about ESSA to our 20 million newspaper readers and those who Follow and Like us on social media. We look forward to inciting interest and action around ESSA and making it a household name throughout the community,” Rolark Barnes said. “With this bill, we reaffirm that fundamentally American idealthat every child, regardless of race, income, background, the zip code where they live, deserves the chance to make of their lives what they will,” President Barack Obama said when he signed the bill into law last December. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA), ranking member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, issued the following statement when the final regulations were released in November: “Passing ESSA was a critical step in our work to make sure all children have access to a high-quality public education, no matter where they live, how they learn, or how much money their parents make.” NNPA will lead efforts to inform and engage communities across the country beginning now through November 2019 by creating editorial content, coordinating special events, using social media to broadcast community announcements and coordinate ad buys in member publications and digital platforms.

Denise Rolark Barnes

Dr. Benjamin Chavis

Senators request information on ongoing Wells Fargo probe Democrats on the U.S. Senate Banking Committee including Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) have called on Wells Fargo’s board of directors to respond to questions that the bank’s management has failed to answer following a scandal over its fraudulent sales practices. In response to questions from Warner, Wells Fargo previously indicated that as many as 41,000 fraudulent accounts could have been opened in Virginia without customers’ knowledge. In a letter, the senators asked Wells Fargo’s board for details about its ongoing investigation of the fraud, the timeline of when the board learned about the bank’s illegal practices, actions the board took to address the problem, and reasons why it didn’t investigate the misconduct sooner. The Senators also asked for responses to questions that Wells Fargo’s management has continued to dodge but the board is in a position to answer. “[C]ontinued failure to answer questions – especially basic questions – about the causes and consequences of the fraud that Wells Fargo permitted for many years does nothing to restore the trust of Wells Fargo’s customers and shareholders, many of whom are our constituents,”

the senators wrote. “In our view, waiting until spring 2017 to provide more documents and information to our questions is not diligence.” The senators asked Wells Fargo's board to respond by Jan. 6, 2017. The letter was jointly submitted by Sens. Warner, Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Jack Reed (D-RI), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Jon Tester (D-MT), Mark Warner (D-VA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), and Joe Donnelly (D-IN). In September, the Banking Committee Democrats asked Wells Fargo to answer dozens of questions for the record to clarify and supplement the Sept. 20 testimony of the bank’s former chief executive, John Stumpf, before the Banking Committee. Wells Fargo's response on Nov. 15 either ignored or provided insufficient responses to a host of the senators’ questions. In several instances, Wells Fargo declined to provide direct answers, citing the ongoing investigation that its board launched on Sept. 27. Earlier this month, Warner introduced legislation, the Justice for Victims of Fraud Act, that would allow customers victimized by Wells Fargo the opportunity to take the banking giant to court.

14 • Dec. 28, 2016


Senators call on Trump to protect access to women’s family planning centers U.S. senators, Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA), along with 32 of their Senate colleagues, recently sent a letter to Donald Trump urging him to oppose any efforts to restrict federal funding from supporting Title X family planning centers. Enacted with bipartisan support in 1970, the Title X family planning provider network is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. In fact, four out of ten women who received care at health centers funded by Title X consider it to be their only source of health care. Last year alone, Title X provided basic primary and preventive health care services such as pap tests, breast exams, and HIV testing to more than 4.1 million low-income women and men at more than 4,100 health centers, more than 130 of them in Virginia. In 2014, Title X-funded health centers served more than 66,000 Virginia residents, more than half of whom had incomes at or below the federal poverty level, meaning they earned $11,670 a year or less. “The economic security of women and their families is directly tied to a woman’s access to reproductive

Graphic from the Guttmacher Institute with 2014 numbers, the latest. health care, including birth control and counseling,” wrote the senators in their letter to Trump “Despite numerous court decisions supporting and reiterating the importance of reproductive health care for women and families, Republicans in Congress have repeatedly attempted to restrict federal funding from supporting Title X family planning centers in communities nationwide.” In December, the Obama administration finalized what the sanators called an “historic” rule that protects the Title X program

from partisan efforts to undermine women’s access to health care, by ensuring that federal funds are awarded based on a provider’s ability to serve patients—not based on any

(from page 8) respect, peace with justice and the shared good of the world. The principle of Kujichagulia (SelfDetermination) reaffirms the right and responsibility of every people to control their destiny and daily lives and to be respected as a unique and equally valid and valuable way of being human in the world. Moreover, the principle of Ujima (Collective work and Responsibility) reaffirms that together we must build the good world we want and deserve to live in and that we must share the good we cultivate and harvest together. It speaks of an ethics of sharing of the good of society and the world. Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) commits us to the principle and practice of shared work and wealth. It stresses our kinship with others and the environment and appreciation for the need for a just and equitable distribution of the good for everyone so that all can live lives of dignity and decency. The principle of Nia (Purpose) commits us to work for the realization of the collective vocation of restoring African people to their rightful power and proper place in the world and to constantly bring good in the world. It calls us to greatness measured by good deeds not by war or technological wonders.

discriminatory purpose. In their letter, the senators called on Trump to commit to implement a final rule by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which reinforces existing protections in the Title X program to ensure no qualified health care provider, like Planned Parenthood, is excluded from eligibility for federal funding. The final rule will help guarantee that women and LGBT people have access to the care entitled to them under federal law. “President-elect Trump, women across the country have reason to be deeply concerned about the impact your administration could have on their health, their access to care, and therefore their economic security. We urge you to take clear position in favor of women’s health by supporting access to birth control and family planning services at Planned Parenthood and other Title X clinics nationwide,” wrote the senators. For the Husia says, “the wise are known for their wisdom, but the great are known for their good deeds.” Kuumba (Creativity) commits us to work to build a world that is more beautiful and beneficial than what we inherited. And it reminds us of the ancient ethical imperative of serudj ta to constantly repair, renew and remake the world as well as ourselves. For we are indeed injured physicians who have it within themselves to heal, repair, renew and remake themselves. But we can only complete the process by remaking, i.e., eliminating and rebuilding, the social source of our injury and wounding, in a word an oppressive society. And finally, Imani (Faith) rejects the idea of a funded faith and a religion in service to oppression. Indeed, it teaches us to believe in the good, the right and the possible and in the righteousness and victory of our constant striving and struggle to expand the realms of freedom, justice and peace and lay a solid basis for human flourishing and the well-being of the world. Karenga is professor and chair of Africana Studies, California State University Long Beach; executive director of African American Cultural Center (Us); creator of Kwanzaa; and author of Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture and Essays on Struggle

Dec. 28, 2016 • 15

Applying for a SBA loan can be a smart move for Virginia disaster survivors Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, private nonprofit or a business of any size, if you have losses due to Hurricane Matthew, applying for a low interest disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) could lead to a faster and better recovery. Time is running out to turn in your application. The deadline to apply for physical damage loans is Jan. 3. The first step is to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Once you have done that, both FEMA and SBA encourage you to apply for an SBA loan. It can help fund your long-term recovery. It can also ensure the federal disaster recovery process continues. “We see many survivors who are happy they found the time to complete their SBA loan applications,” said FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Donald Keldsen.

If SBA determines you are not eligible for a home loan, they will refer you back to FEMA. This could make you eligible for more FEMA aid to help with your disaster-related expenses for moving and storage, replacement of personal property and repair or replacement of a flooded vehicle. “There are times when we can increase an applicant’s grant right up to the maximum we can offer, but only after SBA declined the applicant,” Keldsen said. If you are eligible, an SBA lowinterest disaster loan is a primary source of funds for real estate property repairs and for replacing contents destroyed by Matthew. You are under no obligation to accept a loan. You may have losses that are not covered by insurance, a FEMA grant or other sources. An SBA loan could be a helpful resource for

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speeding your recovery. If SBA approves your loan application, you may be eligible as well to borrow additional funds to cover the cost of improvements that will protect your property against future damage. Examples include relocation and elevation of utilities and installing retaining walls and

sump pumps. Applicants may be eligible for an SBA loan increase for these mitigation purposes of up to 20 percent of their physical damage. Do not wait for an insurance settlement before submitting an SBA loan application. You can begin your recovery immediately with a lowinterest SBA disaster loan.

16 • Dec. 28, 2016

Calendar 12.31, 9 a.m.

“Running in Heels: Women’s Entrepreneurship 2.0” will allow you to meet two successful woman entrepreneurs and hear how they built their businesses, and how they use networking and branding to succeed. Jennifer Ransaw Smith is the founding CEO of Brand id|Strategic Partners, LLC. and The Personal Elevation Lab, a division devoted exclusively for women. Angie Lockhart is the owner of STUNT VC - Visual Communications, a subsidiary of Visual Communications, Inc., a minority woman-owned small business and boutique visual marketing and design agency. Program begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, at Meadowdale Library. with a meet and greet and light refreshments, followed by a talk session and Q&A. Registration is required and begins Dec. 31.

1.4, 9 a.m.

In celebration of Black History Month, GRTC will pay tribute to local Black History-Makers each week in February. GRTC requests submissions for local honorees by Jan. 4. A dozen local names have already been submitted for 2017, and GRTC hopes the final four names will reflect a balance of both males and females, living and deceased. You may contribute your recommendation by emailing Carrie Rose Pace at Include a brief biography or relevant information, as well as contact details if the individual is still living. Suggestions will be saved for future years, if not honored in 2017.



1.6, 1 p.m.

The Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) will be conducting a free workshop designed to provide an indepth overview of “How-to-Qualify” and “How to Apply” for Virginia Enterprise Zone grant incentives. The workshop will be held on Jan. 11, 2017, in the city of Hampton at the Ruppert Sargent Building, 1 Franklin St. from 1 to 4 pm. Parking is free in the parking deck located at the intersection of Armor Arch and Settlers Landing Road. The workshop will provide detailed instructions on the qualification process for the 2016 Grant Year for Real Property Investment Grants and Job Creation Grants. DHCD requests that you register to attend. Registration ends January 6, 2017. Registration for the workshop is available online. Questions? Contact Derek E. Perry, 2400 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News or call 757-597-2840 x6.

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1.15, 4:30 p.m.

In celebration of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, the University of Richmond has planned a variety of learning and service activities on Jan. 15 and 16. To kick off the holiday, University of Richmond will partner with HandsOn RVA and The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities for the second year to co-host a film screening and discussion at the Byrd Theatre in Carytown on Sunday, Jan. 15. “Race,” a 2016 biographical sports drama film about African-American athlete Jesse Owens' quest to become the greatest track and field athlete in history, will be shown at 4:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is requested. The movie will be followed by a short panel discussion and community conversation. The university is closed during the day on Monday for the MLK Day holiday, so students, faculty and staff will have opportunities to serve in the community and participate in meaningful RVA history tours and other events. Service opportunities range from assembling meal bags for the families staying at Ronald McDonald house to clearing out the weeds, vines and brush at the historic East End Cemetery. A family day is being held with activities for children. Richmond’s MLK commemoration free event, “Honoring the Legacy, Engaging the Dream,” will be held Jan. 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Modlin Center for the Arts, Camp Concert Hall. Eboo Patel, founder and president of Interfaith Youth Core, will deliver the keynote address. Interfaith Youth Core is an organization focused on uniting people of all faiths and traditions to cooperate on important social issues like sustainability and multiculturalism.

Submit your calendar events by email to: Include who, what, where, when & contact information. that can be printed. Submission deadline is Friday.

1.16, 9 a.m.

Newport News Mayor, McKinley L. Price said, “For many years it has been on my heart that we in Newport News need to participate in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through service to our community. As we know Dr. King believed in service to others. Years ago, I had the pleasure of listening to Ambassador Andrew Young as he spoke of his friend and peer, Dr. King. Ambassador Young shared that Dr. King came to redeem the souls of America from three evils – racism, poverty, and war. He brought historic change to America and transformed the lives of many. Dr. King had a desire and willingness to serve. He breathed life into his words with his actions. Dr. King believed that life’s most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others?” In answer to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s question, Mayor Price is pleased to partner with Delegate Marcia Price, Sheriff Gabe Morgan, and the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank to host the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Food Drive on Monday, January 16, 2017. Organizations, churches and communities are encouraged to begin now to collect food and to spread the word and invite their members to participate. Price said, “Now is a great time to begin collecting food. Put a box out at your New Year’s Eve celebration or at your Neighborhood Watch Meeting. By working together, we can replenish the Foodbank’s supply of food after the holidays and honor Dr. King’s legacy of service.” On Monday, Jan. 16, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., Mayor Price, Delegate Price, and Sheriff Morgan will gather at the Foodbank, 2401 Aluminum Avenue, Hampton, VA 23661, to receive donations from the community. For more information or for collection boxes, contact the Mayor’s Office at 757- 926-8403 or via email

Dec. 28, 2016 • 17

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18 • Dec. 28, 2016

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Classifieds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF RICHMOND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Will hold a Public Hearing in the 5 Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA on January 4, 2017, to consider the following under Chapter 30 of the Zoning Code: th

BEGINNING AT 1:00 P.M. 01-17: An application of 8 E 19th Street, LLC for a building permit to renovate the building for use as a two-family dwelling at 8 EAST 19TH STREET. 02-17: An application of Parkwood Mews, LLC for a building permit to construct a two-story addition to a 4-unit multi-family dwelling at 2306 PARKWOOD AVENUE. 03-17: An application of Parkwood Mews, LLC for a building permit to construct a two-story addition to a 4-unit multi-family dwelling at 2310 PARKWOOD AVENUE. 04-17: An application of Parkwood Mews, LLC for a building permit to construct a two-story addition to a 4-unit multi-family dwelling at 2308 PARKWOOD AVENUE. 05-17: An application of Steadfast Ventures, LLC for a building permit to construct an accessory structure (carport) to a single-family dwelling at 9 TOWANA ROAD. Copies of all cases are available for inspection between 8 AM and 5 PM in Room 110, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Support or opposition may be offered at or before the hearing. Roy W. Benbow, Secretary Phone: (804) 240-2124 Fax: (804) 646-5789 E-mail:

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PERSONALS/ 2 Issues, Dec. 21 & 28 - ($126.50 per run) $253 total 125+/- IMPOUNDED MISCELLANEOUS AUTOS, LIGHT TRUCKS &Rate: $11 per column inch MOTORCYCLES SOUTHSIDE PLAZA DRIVE-IN Includes Internet placement IF YOU USED THE

Monday, Jan. 9, 2017

Ad Size: 5.4 inches (1 column(s) X 5.4 inches) 2 Issues (12/28 & 1/4) - $118.80 ($59.4 per ad) Rate: $11 per column inch

Includes Internet placement

BLOOD THINNER Please review the proof, make any needed changes and return by

Please review the proof, make any needed changes and return by faxIforyour e-mail.response is not received by deadline, your ad may not b Gates open at 9:00 AM andnot be inserted. XARELTO If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may Auction begins at 10:00 AM

suffered internal

Auction will include the vehicles listed X_________________________________________ below plus Ok many others: bleeding, 1988 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY 1G3CW51C9J4347774 2003 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 1D4GP24373B108007 2014 SUPER POWER MP50QT LFETCBPC6E1470396 UNK MINI DIRT BIKE NO VIN 2002 MAZDA TRIBUTE 4F2YU09132KM48713 UNK HOMEMADE TRAILER NO VIN 1999 HONDA ODYSSEY 2HKRL1868XH522739 2016 YIBEN SCOOTER LYDY3TBB5G1500236 1979 DODGE MB400 F44CK9V714984 2005 SUZUKI DR-Z125 JS1DF43B452100340 1981 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO 1GCCW80J4BR467147

hemorrhaging, Ok with changes X _____________________________ required hospitalization oris aFridays loved REMINDER: Deadline @ 5 one p.m. died while taking Xarelto between SEIBERT’S is now accepting vehicles on consignment! 2011 and the Reasonable Seller’s Fees. present time, you may be entitled to compensation.

642 W. Southside Plaza Dr. Richmond (804) 233-5757


Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727

Drivers: CDL-A 1yr. Excellent Family Medical Ins. Guaranteed Weekend Home Time. Earn $65,000 + Monthly Bonuses. Absolutely NoTouch.

Ok with changes X ___________________________ REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m.

Please support Bridging The Gap In Virginia's efforts to continue to provide reentry services to returning citizen “Overcoming Barriers” that they face in life. We are asking that you make tax deductible donation to our organization. We gratefully appreciate your continued support of our goals to help others. We have opened an additional office in Newport News, and making plans to operate an additional office in Saluda, where we’ve been offered office space, a four bedroom house and double wide trailer on 10 acres of land for transitional housing for formerly incarcerated person. It is our vision to offer housing, job readiness training, employment and opportunity for individuals throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia for a second chance at life “To Get It Right” For more information, contact Richard Walker


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To advertise, email or call 804-644-1550

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Regional & OTR. New Pay Package for Company & O/OP's. Excellent Home Time & Benefits. Newer Trucks. Lease Purchase, Sign and Drive. Robin: 855-204-6535

Dec. 28, 2016 • 19



4-wks or 10 Weekends for CDL. Veterans in Demand! Richmond/ Fredericksburg 800243-1600; Lynchburg/ Roanoke 800-614-6500; Front Royal/Winchester 800-454-1400 SERVICES DIVORCE – Uncontested, $395 + $86 court cost. No court appearance. Estimated completion time twentyone days. Telephone inquiries welcome - no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126. Se Habla Español.

The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified. HAMPTON CITY


AUCTIONS AUCTION Construction Equipment & Trucks Looking to Buy or Sell? Excavators, Dozers, Road Tractors, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Trailers & More! JAN. 24th@10 AM, Richmond, VA Now Accepting Consignments • 804.232.3300x4 • VAAL#16

The LEGACY is looking for a reliable, highlymotivated, goal-driven sales professional to join our team selling print and digital advertising in the Richmond and Hampton Roads areas. Duties include: Building and maintaining relationships with new/existing clients Meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals Cold calling new prospects over the phone to promote print and online advertising space Qualifications: Proven experience with print (newspaper) and/or digital (website) advertising sales Phone and one-on-one sales experience Effective verbal and written communication

Thursday, January 12, 2017 4:00 p.m. ET – RFP 17-55/EA Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:00 p.m. ET – ITB 17-54/TM

Shuttle Bus Service Annual Needs for Safety Equipment on an as Needed Basis.

For additional information, see our web page at A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.2-4330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals. Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate.

skills Familiarity with the Richmond and/or Hampton Roads Professional image Compensation depends on experience and includes a base pay as well as commission. The LEGACY is an African-American-oriented weekly newspaper, circulation 25,000, with a website featuring local and national news and advertising. E-mail resume and letter of interest to ads@ detailing your past sales experience. No phone calls please.

Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance

Call now: 800-481-0492

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