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EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

WEDNESDAYS • Feb. 15, 2017


Black History Month Spotlight (Ida B. Wells) - 2 1st person: What my child taught me about love - 6 Remembering Dr. Drew’s health innovation - 13 Community members weigh in GRTC plan- 14

Richmond & Hampton Roads

Celebrate love each & everyday



2 • Feb. 15, 2017

News Black History Month Spotlight

Journalism Icon: Ida B. Wells (1862-1931)

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1622 W. Broad Street Richmond, VA 23220

Mostly known for her writings, speeches and protests, Ida B. Wells showed the power of ink and fought against prejudice and injustice. She showed no sense of fear from potential dangers she faced for her written voice. “I felt that one had better die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog or a rat in a trap,” she once proclaimed. Wells led an anti-lynching crusade in the United States in the 1890s and became an essential part in groups striving for African-American justice. Wells was born a slave in Holly Springs, Mississippi, in 1862. Her family, as well as the rest of the slaves of the Confederate states, was decreed free by the Union, about six months after her birth, due to the Emancipation Proclamation. During that time black Mississippians faced extreme racial prejudices and were restricted by discriminatory rules and practices. Wells’ parents were active in the Republican Party during Reconstruction. Her father was involved with the Freedman’s Aid Society and helped start Rust College, a school for the newly freed

slaves and served on the first board of trustees. It was there that Wells received her early education, but had to drop out at the age of 16 when her parents and one of her siblings died in a yellow fever outbreak. This tragedy left Wells to care for her other siblings. With newfound responsibility she convinced a school administrator that she was 18 years old and landed a job as a teacher. In 1882, Wells moved with her siblings to Memphis, Tennessee, to live with an aunt and continued her education at Fisk University in Nashville. In 1884 Wells reached a personal turning point. She bought a firstclass train ticket to Nashville and became outraged when the train crew ordered her to move to the car for blacks. She refused on principle and was forcibly removed from the train. Wells sued the railroad, winning a $500 settlement in a circuit court case but the Tennessee Supreme Court overturned the decision. This injustice led Wells to write about issues of race and politics in the South. Using the moniker “Iola,” a number of her articles were published in black newspapers and periodicals. Wells eventually became an owner of the “Memphis Free Speech and Headlight” and the “Free Speech”. While working as a journalist and publisher, Wells also held a position as a teacher in a segregated public school in Memphis. She became a vocal critic of the condition of “blacks only” schools in the city. In 1891, she was fired from her job for these attacks. She championed another cause after the murder of a friend and his two business associates. In 1892, three black men, Tom Moss, Calvin McDowell and Will Stewart, opened a grocery store in Memphis. Their new business drew customers away from a white-owned store in the neighborhood, causing friction between the owner and his supporters. One night, Moss and the others guarded their store against attack and ended up shooting several

of the white vandals. They were arrested and brought to jail, but they didn't have a chance to defend themselves against the charges. A lynch mob took them from their cells and murdered them. These brutal killings incensed Wells, leading her to write articles decrying the lynching of her friends and the wrongful deaths of other African Americans. Putting her own life at risk, she spent two months traveling in the South, gathering information on other lynching incidents. One editorial push some of the city’s whites over the edge. A mob stormed the office of her newspaper, destroying all of her equipment. Wells had been traveling to New York City at the time. She was warned that she would be killed if she ever returned to Memphis. Staying in the North, Wells wrote an in-depth report on lynching in America for the “New York Age”, a black newspaper run by former slave T. Thomas Fortune. In 1893, Wells published “A Red Record”, a personal examination of lynchings in America. In 1898, Wells brought her anti-lynching campaign to the White House, leading a protest in Washington, D.C., and calling for President William McKinley to make reforms. Wells established several civil rights organizations, including the National Association of Colored Women, which ultimately evolved into the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Working on behalf of all women, Wells, as part of her work with the National Equal Rights League, called for President Woodrow Wilson to put an end to discriminatory hiring practices for government jobs. She created the first African-American kindergarten in her community and fought for women’s suffrage. Wells eventually married and had four children. She remained committed to her social and political activism and left behind an impressive legacy of social and political heroism.

Feb. 15, 2017 • 3


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4 • Feb. 15, 2017

Bill tightening restrictions on TANF benefits killed DAMIAN HONDARES CNS - A bill limiting the time Virginia families who are struggling financially could receive federal benefits was killed in a subcommittee voice vote Friday. The bill, HB 2213, was proposed by Del. John M. O’Bannon III, R-Henrico. It would have reduced the lifetime limit that a family could receive what are called TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) benefits from five years to two. It also would have mandated that a family only receive funding for a maximum of 12 consecutive months at a time (a decrease from the current limit of 24 months). Members of the House Appropriations Committee’s Health and Human Services Subcommittee tabled the bill in a voice vote. Under House rules,tabling would normally allow debate to resume in the next session, but in this year’s short session, it means that the legislation is dead. O’Bannon, who represents House District 73, which includes western Henrico, defended the bill and said it would have been good for Virginia and the local economy. “The purpose of TANF is temporary, and by shortening the time, we can do a better job of lifting people out of poverty and getting them back to work,” O’Bannon said. But Del. Daun Hester, D-Norfolk, who serves on the Health and Human Services Subcommittee with O’Bannon, voted against the bill. She said current federal limits on TANF funding were already strict. “Five years is not a long time when a person is trying to improve themselves and their lives and their families’ lives,” Hester said. “If you want to help people move from one level to the next, you need to provide them support to do that.” Sen. Jennifer McClellan, D-Richmond, who also represents part of Henrico, said that she opposed tightening limits on TANF funding. Unlike O’Bannon, she said it would be bad for Henrico’s economy and the families she and the delegate represent. “I’m opposed to arbitrary caps that

Del. John M. O’Bannon III don’t take into account the needs of

Del. Daun Hester children and families,” McClellan

said. O’Bannon said that the bill included exceptions for certain families and disagreed with McClellan’s criticism. He said he was unsure whether he would reintroduce the bill in a future session. But Hester said that if he did, she would vote against it again. “When you understand and learn enough and have talked enough to people who are struggling in their lives, you realize that five years is a short amount of time to find your footing,” Hester said. “Being an elected official, you don’t need to undermine the citizens you’re trying to help, and this is one group we should be trying to help.”

Feb. 15, 2017 • 5

GA fights over proposed stricter voting bills JAKE WOOD CNS - Virginia is on a path toward even stricter voting laws. An influx of voting registration bills flooded the floor of the General Assembly during the first 28 days, with 29 voting bills proposed in the House and 26 in the Senate. All but 15 of these bills have been killed, but some remaining bills have the potential to affect thousands of Virginia voters. The bills follow a narrow presidential election in which Donald Trump lost the popular vote by almost three million votes, but won the electoral college on his way to the presidency. Since the election, Trump has repeatedly claimed millions of illegal voters had cost him the popular vote, despite a lack of evidence to support his claim. House Bill 1598 attempts to eliminate these illegal votes, although there is also no evidence that voter fraud occurs in significant numbers in Virginia. The bill, introduced by Del. Mark Cole, R-Fredericksburg, requires persons to provide proof of U.S. citizenship when applying to register to vote. Any applicant who fails to show proof of citizenship will be barred from state and local elections, and allowed to participate in federal elections only. “There have been cases of noncitizens either inadvertently or intentionally registering to vote in the commonwealth,” Cole said while speaking on the floor. “This was designed to prevent that.” The bill infuriated Democrats in the house, who argued that the bill was an attempt to stop voter fraud that does not exist and that the bill would affect thousands of legal citizens. “I think committing a felony to vote in an election is not something any right-minded citizen would do. It does not happen,” Del. Mark Sickles, D-Alexandria, said. Del. Rip Sullivan, D-Fairfax, said

Del. Mark Sickles in response to Cole: “Almost six percent of Virginia citizens do not have a copy of their birth certificate or a passport, which are the only two documents that this legislation allows a potential voter to use. If we pass this bill, we will be creating an entire class of second-class citizens.” Civil rights groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, have spoken also spoken out against the bill. “This is an ill-considered proposal that seeks to put further barriers in the entrance to the voting booth without any reason, basis in fact or thought about the administrative and human costs,” a representative of the ACLU of Virginia said. The bill passed the House with a 64-33 vote along party lines. It has been referred to the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections. Gov. Terry McAuliffe has indicated that he would veto the bill if it passed through the Senate. Another proposition to restrict voting rights took one step closer to becoming law with Senate Joint Resolution 223, which would counteract McAuliffe’s 2016 executive order that restored voting rights of more than 130,000 felons

who had completed their sentences. Virginia is one of few states where felons do not automatically regain their voting rights after completing their sentences. The new resolution, SJ 223, would make it even more difficult for felons to reclaim their right to vote. SJ 223 would restore voting rights only when the person has paid off their fees. Sen. Jennifer McClellan, D-Richmond, suggested that this is not fair for felons who already have difficulty getting jobs. “If you can’t get a job, you’re never going to pay off your fines,” McClellan said. “With this resolution, the General Assembly would undo the progress we have made in restoring rights for non-violent felons.”

Senate Majority Leader Thomas Norment, R-James City, who proposed the resolution, rebutted McClellan on the floor Tuesday. “The restoration of your rights does not mean you are not a convicted felon,” Norment said. “The barrier exists because you broke the law, not because of any Senate joint resolution.” The resolution passed the Senate, 21-19, along party lines. Other voting bills that passed before crossover day include a bill requiring verification of social security numbers before registering to vote and a bill allowing a voter identification photograph to be stored electronically. Several voting bills are scheduled to be heard by their new chamber early next week.

6 • Feb. 15, 2017

Op/Ed & Letters


What my son taught me about love

LAUREN CASPER “Skiddle merinky dinky-dink, skiddle merinky-doo… I wuvvv youuu!” Mareto learned a new song at school this week and he’s been singing it us each day. There’s nothing quite like hearing your child tell you he loves you, whether it’s in song or a spontaneous moment of connection. Mareto has taught me so much about love in his four years of life and I’ve come to believe our children are our best teachers. Love is so much more than saying or hearing the words though… Love is expressed in many ways, and as nice as the words are to hear, they are unnecessary to express true love. For a long time Mareto struggle to verbally express anything – needs, wants, thoughts, etc. But I never doubted his love for me just because The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 No. 7 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online

he couldn’t say it out loud. Mareto expresses his love through his actions – it’s in the way he can’t fall asleep without one of us laying next to him until his breath gets slow and deep and he drifts off. It’s in the way he grabs our hands and says, “come and play!” in his sweet and cheerful little voice. It’s in the way he runs out of school and into our arms every day because he is so excited to be with us again. It’s in the way he comes to wrap his arms around me when I stub my toe and asks, “mommy got a boo-boo?” Words are overrated when it comes to love. Mareto reminds me every day that love is a verb. Love covers a multitude of mistakes. There are evenings when the kids are in bed that I replay the day in my mind and wish I’d done so many things differently. I feel sadness, regret, disappointment in The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016

myself, and a whole host of negative emotions that don’t do any good. Sometimes I feel like I fail so much as a mom. As I think back on the day I wish I’d been more patient, calmer, more creative, more energetic, more… anything. Maybe if I’d just been more Mareto wouldn’t have had a two hour meltdown. Maybe if I’d just been more he would sleep better at night or eat better at meals. And then I hope — I hope my attitude didn’t upset him, I hope I didn’t make him sad by not understanding his needs, I hope I make him feel safe, secure, loved, and understood. But do you know what happens? The most amazing thing — Mareto wakes up the next morning delighted to see me! He literally squeals in delight every morning and runs full speed into my arms. He kisses me all day and snuggles me when he’s tired. He runs to me when he’s hurt and grabs my hand when he is hungry. Despite all my failures Mareto still loves me and forgets (or doesn’t even notice) when I don’t get it quite right. He doesn’t hold my failures against me – he loves me anew every day. Love overcomes. I’ve struggled with a lot of fear and anxiety over the years – anything from the fear of flying to fear of disappointing others and the unknown. Mareto has taught me that while love doesn’t always remove our fears, it does allow for courage and the strength

to walk forward in spite of our fears. I’ve flown across oceans simply out of total love for my children. And when, less than two years later, a doctor diagnosed him with Autism I was afraid of what the future held for Mareto, for myself, and for our family. But love had me staying up reading and researching late into the night. Love had me setting up evaluations, therapy schedules, and rearranging our life to fit our new normal. Love means that I fight for his rights and call “professionals” out on their behavior when they aren’t working in the best interest of my son – even though I hate conflict. Love causes me to write, and speak, and share, and advocate for my son and others like him, because when you love someone you do everything you can to make their world a better place. Loving Mareto has stretched me in the best possible ways. Loving him has, at times, been sacrificial and selfless, but it has felt very selfish. Because he has loved me back with the most pure, innocent, uninhibited, and beautiful kind of love. Mareto has not taken from my life, he has only added to it. He has taught me about love simply by being himself and loving better than anyone I’ve ever met. Casper a mother of two who blogs at Lauren’s son Mareto is on the autism spectrum.

Feb. 15, 2017 • 7

P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.

A new, better health care law

Obamacare will be repealed and replaced. That is a certainty. Why? Because the American people demand it. Voters cast their ballots in favor of a Republican Congress and a Republican President because they were fed up with the attempt by big government to control their personal lives. Yes, there is a faction that may like the Affordable Care Act. But, the majority knows that however you look at the law, it just does not work. It did not lower the cost of healthcare insurance, as was promised. Instead, the costs are disgracefully high. Perhaps for some people premiums are low. However, when you factor in the high deductibles that are imposed by plans offered under the ACA, for most of us the overall costs are downright unaffordable. Some ACA plans have deductibles as high as 10 to 13 thousand dollars. I am confident that Congress will enact a new, better healthcare law. One that works for everybody. Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, a public policy research organization, is also confident that the ACA will be repealed and replaced. It will be replaced “through a step-by-step enactment of a market-friendly reform that provides a safety net for those currently on the program, gives states more authority to oversee their health-insurance markets, and provides states with revenues to help those who have difficulty purchasing

or affording health insurance.” In a recent posting on the Galen website she wrote: “The replacement measures will protect the people who are on Obamacare now so they don’t lose their coverage again, and they will build a bridge to new coverage that will protect others from the damage that the law has done to their pocketbooks and the quality of their medical coverage.” Paul Ryan, speaker of the House of Representatives, told reporters that a new health care law will be completed by year’s end. He said that implementation of a new law will be put on a fast track. Dan Weber

Suspicious of antipolicing reform orders

People who care about building stronger police-community relationships, about reducing violence by and against police, and about public safety should view these executive orders with a healthy suspicion. President Trump has been eager to caricature Black communities into vestiges of violence and despair while ignoring legitimate concerns about biased policing. These executive orders double down on this twisted view of America’s cities and are a distraction from the real pressing issues facing our broken criminal justice system. Under the Obama administration, our country made slow but important progress in policing reforms because the Department of Justice and White House were eager to bring

communities and police together behind the shared goals of protecting people and building trust. But these executive orders, along with the confirmation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, indicate that this fragile progress has already begun to unravel under the Trump administration. Wade Henderson

Wake up time

Everyone appears to have figured out that a dangerous, stupid fascist with no knowledge of how the federal government works is now the President of the United States. Everyone, that is, except members of the Democratic Party, now serving in the 115th Congress. You have to wonder how many dangerously incompetent, racist and blindly ideological decisions the executive branch have to make before the Democrats in the United States Congress, who are supposedly in the opposition party, wake up. What is the strategy? What is the plan? Trump’s careless staff couldn’t even spell the name of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom correctly on a press release. What makes anyone think they’ll be more detailed on other initiatives they plan such as an “investigation of voting fraud” or the selection of the next United States Supreme Court justice? Be certain to take note of the Democrats who vote in favor of Trump’s cabinet nominees for Treasury, Education, Labor and Health and Human Services. If Democrats support Steve Mnuchin, Betsy DeVos, Andrew

Puzder and Rep. Tom Price, there is no resistance movement in the Democratic Party in Congress. Senate Democrats have unified against exactly zero of Trump’s cabinet nominees. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) who is allegedly a progressive leader, voted in favor of Dr. Ben Carson to lead a department he has no qualifications to run. Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.), who has great Instagram posts of food, voted with Republicans to raise prescription drug prices. Senators who have no re-election fears whatsoever in 2018 are lying down and showing no signs of resisting Trump when the easiest show of resistance is a simple “thumbs down” on the Senate floor. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who took over as Democratic Leader from retired Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), so far, has decided to vote in favor of almost all of Trump’s nominees. What makes this even more confusing is that the messaging of Democratic leaders is the opposite of the action. The Democratic Party is at it’s lowest point in four decades in terms of seats held in the U.S. House of Representatives, governors’ houses and seats in state legislatures. With Trump’s arrival and no strategy to be seen, there has never been a better argument for younger and newer leadership. The decision between Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez for Democratic National Committee chair will be a crucial benchmark for the party. Lauren Victoria Burke

8 • Feb. 15, 2017

Faith & Religion


Performers bring religion to Grammys RNS - From the depiction of the divine mother in Beyonce’s imagery to Busta Rhymes’s jab at President Trump’s “Muslim ban,” religion took center stage at the 2017 Grammy Awards. As he accepted the first award – for best new artist – of the televised broadcast Sunday (Feb. 12), Chance the Rapper declared: “Glory be to God. I claim this victory in the name of the Lord.” He won three Grammys total, including best rap album and rap performance. Later, he exuberantly performed his songs “How Great” – featuring the chorus of Christian artist Chris Tomlin’s “How Great Is Our God” – and “All We Got” with Kirk Franklin, Tamela Mann and a white-robed gospel choir. A Tribe Called Quest also referenced religion and politics in their performance of “We the People,” joined onstage by Anderson .Paak, Consequence and Busta Rhymes. Rhymes thanked President Trump for his “unsuccessful attempt at the

Chance the Rapper performs at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards.

Muslim ban” as performers, including a woman in a hijab, knocked down a wall constructed onstage. Tribe members Q-Tip and Ali Shaheed Muhammad both are Muslim, Slate noted. But perhaps the performance richest in religious imagery was Beyonce’s, which evoked iconography of the divine mother from several faith traditions. A number of viewers on Twitter pointed out the pregnant singer’s likeness to the Yoruba goddess Oshun as she performed “Love Drought” and “Sandcastles.” Oshun is associated with fertility, beauty and love, among other things, and is pictured wearing yellow. The halo-like crown of stars and flowers and the veil she wore also evoked the Virgin Mary – specifically,

depictions of Mary, Queen of Heaven, and the Virgin of Guadalupe – in Catholicism. And special effects made it appear at one point that Beyonce had many arms, mimicking Kali, a Hindu goddess who has been worshipped as the Divine Mother and Mother of the Universe. Others noted references to the African diaspora water goddess Mami Wata; the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus; and Yemoja, the Yoruba patron diety of women, and especially pregnant women. Beyonce won two Grammy Awards – best music video for “Formation” and best urban contemporary album for “Lemonade.” Adele, who won five Grammys, dedicated the night’s biggest award, album of the year, to the singer.

Feb. 15, 2017 • 9

THEY OPENED DOORS Real pioneering leaders don’t just open doors of opportunity for themselves. They hold them open for others, especially the young people coming behind them. Margaret Ellen Mayo Tolbert SUFFOLK SCIENTIST, EDUCATOR & AUTHOR

Despite losing both parents as a child in Suffolk County, she found the strength to forge a trail-blazing career in biochemistry, becoming the first woman and the first African American to be named director of a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory.

Dominion and the Library of Virginia are proud to honor 2017’s Strong Men & Women in Virginia History. From health care to the law, from science and aviation to the news media, they succeeded in their chosen fields of endeavor — and worked to ensure those doors remain open to all.

Benjamin J. Lambert III* RICHMOND


Born in Accomack County, he was a combat pilot in Vietnam, when few African Americans served as Army aviators. After retiring as a colonel, he flew for Continental Airlines and helped establish the Bailey Family Endowment, providing more than $150,000 in financial aid to Virginia State University students.

Leonard “Doc” Muse ARLINGTON


Overcoming Virginia’s segregated schools, he grew up to study optometry and opened his own practice in Richmond. He won election to the state legislature and became known for building coalitions across party lines to serve all Virginians.


One of very few African-American pharmacists in 1948, he was surprised by how poorly drugstores treated African Americans. As a result, he opened his own pharmacy in Arlington County, providing trusted medical advice and credit to those who couldn’t afford needed medicines.


After being deeply affected by his experience in the 1919 Chicago race riots, the Bristol native pioneered research on race relations, worked for the National Urban League, and was chosen to be Fisk University’s first African-American president.


As a young lawyer she gained a reputation as a tough but fair prosecutor and became the first African-American woman to serve as a judge in Henrico County’s General District Court. She later was named the second African-American woman to sit on the Virginia Court of Appeals.


The evening news co-anchor for WTVR Channel 6 in Richmond produced the award-winning “Buddy Check 6” reports on breast cancer awareness. She focused especially on reaching low-income women and African Americans, who are disproportionally affected by the disease.

The Strong Men & Women in Virginia History program is sponsored by Dominion and the Library of Virginia to honor the contributions of influential African-American leaders. The program also helps prepare future leaders by sponsoring an annual student writing contest with awards to students and their schools. To learn more about the program, its honorees, and available resource materials, visit * honored posthumously

10 • Feb. 15, 2017


Kevin Hart to host History Channel special ‘Black Man’s Guide to History’ The History Channel has greenlit the two-hour special “Kevin Hart Presents: The Black Man’s Guide to History”. Hart will star in and executive produce the special, which begins as the “Ride Along 2” star finds his daughter upset after watching the film “12 Years A Slave” believing that black history appears to only be about slavery and oppression. This prompts him to begin educating her through scripted re-enactments about historical figures that people may not have heard about before such as: Matthew Henson, the first person to go to the North Pole, but did not receive the credit; Robert Smalls, a former slave who led a revolt on a Confederate warship and pretended to be the captain to evade capture; and Mae Jemison, the first black female astronaut. “I’m very excited to be working with History on this show because not only is it entertaining, and it’s hysterical, but it also is an important program for our country right now,” Hart said. “We hope to make people laugh and learn a bit too.” “Kevin is an extraordinary performer with a real appreciation for history,” said Paul Cabana, executive vice president and head of programming

for the History Channel. “Only he could bring these true stories to life in such an entertaining way. We’re thrilled to be working with him.” The two-hour special was originally conceived as a way to help his daughter, Heaven Hart, learn about black history in America beyond the usual lessons on MLK, Rosa Parks, and Frederick Douglas, according to Variety. The program will reportedly highlight stories of Matthew Henson, the first black man to go to the North Pole; Robert Smalls, a former slave who led a revolt to the Confederacy during the Civil War; Mae Jemison, the first black female astronaut; and Henry “Box” Brown, a slave who remarkably mailed himself to a free state in a box. The Black Hart with his daughter and son. Man’s Guide to History will broadcast on the History Channel. “Not only is it entertaining, and it’s hysterical, but it also is an important program for our country right now. We hope to make people laugh and 1/2 learnE.a Clay bit too,” said of 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 St. Hart (office) working with theVA network. Richmond, 23219 An official air date has not been set.(fax) 804-644-1550 (office) • 1-800-783-8062 “Kevin Hart Presents: The Black Man’s Guide to History” is produced by Hart’s Hartbeat Productions and Comedy Dynamics. Hart and Dave Becky are executive producers for Hartbeat Productions. Brian Volk-Weiss, Tom Stern and Cisco Henson are executive producers for Comedy Dynamics. The special was created by Brian Volk-Weiss. Tim Healy, Stephen Mintz and Russ McCarroll are executive producers for History. nce


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Feb. 15, 2017 • 11

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Johnny Villalobos





12 • Feb. 15, 2017


State House Education Committee members weigh in on DeVos confirmation CARNEY JUDGE CNS - Virginia House Education Committee delegates had mixed reactions to Betsy DeVos’s confirmation as U.S Education secretary, with some hopeful for the changes she is expected to bring and others wary about what her appointment means for public schools. “In Virginia, we’ve been working on ways to improve choice for our students and Secretary DeVos shares our commitment to providing highquality education for all students, regardless of their ZIP code, and I expect her to be a strong proponent of school choice,” said House Education Chairman R. Steven Landes, R-25th

District. DeVos was confirmed with a 51-to50 vote, which included Vice President Mike Pence’s tie-breaking vote. According to the Senate historian, this was the first time that a vice president has been summoned to break a tie on a cabinet nomination. “The fact that, for the first time in American history a vice president had to break a tie to confirm a member of the president’s cabinet, tells me that Betsy DeVos is not qualified to lead the U.S. Department of Education,” said Del. Mark Keam, D-35th District. “And the fact that members of her own political party voted against her confirmation tells me that even some republicans are






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concerned that she does not seem to value public education.” Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine were the only two Republicans who voted against DeVos’s

confirmation, which forced the tiebreaking vote from Pence. “I didn’t give up hope that the Senate would prevail at stopping the confirmation of DeVos,” said Del. Lamont Bagby, D-74th District. “We must now double our efforts to illustrate that education is important to us. Public and private school teachers are valuable. Public and private school students are at the center of our focus. The confirmation of DeVos sends the wrong signal.” Keam shares similar concerns regarding Virginia public schools. “What this could mean for Virginia is that we will see even more efforts by some of my Republican colleagues to push for vouchers and tax credits that favor private, religious and charter schools over the public system,” he said. “A strong federal education department ensures that states comply with various civil rights laws that protect the most vulnerable students. I hope Ms. DeVos will strictly enforce these requirements so that no student in Virginia misses out on the opportunity to receive high quality education.” Del. Glenn Davis, R-84th District, supports DeVos’s confirmation and disagrees with what Keam says she will mean for Virginian schools. “I think what it’s going to mean for the country is stronger movement toward school choice and flexibility for school choice,” he said. “As a member of the board of governors for a charter school, it is obvious the benefits the charter school will provide. It’ll put a brighter spotlight on charter schools in the state

and on the

opportunities charter schools provide.” Del. Dave LaRock, R-33rd District, was

pleased of DeVos confirmation. “Having a strong school choice advocate like Betsy DeVos in Washington DC tells me President Trump is okay with thinking outside the box; that’s a good thing from where I stand, necessary to get us back on track without just throwing more money at the problem,” he said. Bagby said he remains concerned. “I’ve spent my entire professional career in education,” he said. “Everything from local schools, local school board, the House of Delegates, Education Committee and serving on the board of Norfolk State University. The Education Committee is really disappointed in this appointment. We have to double down and ensure that parents, teachers and students that are watching this appointment understand that we are fully committed to fighting any obstruction to any part of our public education system.” Del. Roslyn Tyler, D-75th District, agreed. “It is disturbing when a Secretary of Education is appointed who will be responsible for providing leadership and recommending national education laws affecting public school education with lack of education and teaching experience,” she said. “Developing policies to ensure quality education and standards are a challenge. However, she must keep in mind that every child deserves a quality education regardless of their address.”

Feb. 15, 2017 • 13

Dr. Drew’s blood innovation saved WW II soldiers to willfully discriminate against such a large group of its people. One can say quite truthfully that on the battlefields nobody is very interested in where the plasma comes from when they are hurt. It is unfortunate that such a worthwhile and scientific bit of work should have been hampered by such stupidity,” Drew noted as he received the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Spingarn Medal in 1944. The NAACP awards the Spingarn Medal annually for outstanding achievement by an African American. The award, a gold medal, was created in 1914 by the NAACP’s chairman of the board, Joel Elias Spingarn. It’s believed the Red Cross’ decision to segregate the plasma bank led Drew to resign his position. He would go on to teach at Howard University in Washington, D.C., but died in a vehicle crash in North Carolina in 1950 at just 45 years old.

YOLANDA. R. ARRINGTON Pioneering surgeon Dr. Charles Drew revolutionized the way the medical community stored blood products during World War II. His was an innovation that lives on today. Drew, an African American researcher, was born in Washington, D.C., in 1904. Often referred to as the “Father of Blood Banks,” Drew developed ways to process and store blood plasma in what we now call blood banks. During his early years, Drew was a standout athlete, competing in football, basketball, track and swimming. Drew studied at Amherst College, but a shortage of money kept him from attending medical school. He began working as a biology instructor in Baltimore before finally enrolling in medical school. Drew began to focus his work on preserving blood. He realized blood plasma could be stored longer than regular blood, thus leading to his “blood bank” idea. He organized efforts to store plasma during World War II, which saved an untold number of lives. Drew would later lead the charge for blood banking for the American Red Cross and would go on to publicly denounce the decision to segregate

Charles Drew and his wife, Lenore, outdoors with their children, circa 1949-1950. PHOTO: U.S. National Library of Medicine blood based on the race of the donor. “It is fundamentally wrong for any great nation

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Students sue GMU over Koch Foundation tie A group of George Mason University students filed a lawsuit Thursday against both the school and its primary fundraising arm in an attempt to find out more about the university’s relationship with the Charles Koch Foundation. The group, which calls itself Transparent GMU, says it’s concerned about the potential for private donors to influence students' education and wants access to records that detail the school’s involvement with the Koch Foundation, the school’s biggest donor. The group says students began a campaign in 2014 for donor transparency after the Koch Foundation entered into an agreement with Florida State University that gave the conservative organization influence over hiring and curriculum decisions. To ensure similar agreements were

not influencing decisions at their own school, Transparent GMU filed a Virginia Freedom of Information Act request for the Mason’s agreements with the Koch Foundation but the university and the GMU Foundation said the records weren’t covered by the Act. After being denied access to the records, Transparent GMU worked with attorneys at Appalachian Mountain Advocates, a public interest law firm, to explore other options. Here’s what attorney Evan Johns says: “It’s disappointing to see the Foundation turn away students who are justifiably concerned about donor influence at their university— especially when Virginia’s open records law is so clear. The law simply does not allow a public university to conceal its records by outsourcing its public business to a private company.”

14 • Feb. 15, 2017


Community advocates opposed recommended RVA transit network plan A grassroots effort in the East End of Richmond is underway to oppose a Richmond City Council resolution supporting the recommended Richmond Transit Network Plan. The effort is being led by a new community advocacy group, Leaders of the New South, which charges that the recommended bus transit plan reduces transit service and the quality of life for impoverished minority residents while providing no new transit access to jobs. The proposed plan was scheduled for council vote on Feb. 13, after press time at The LEGACY. As written, the plan will allocate the majority of the Greater Richmond Transit Company’s (GRTC) budget to maximizing ridership. The High Ridership concept operates by reducing route coverage but increasing the frequency of buses where buses are used the most, which are the low income and minority

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areas of the city. In Richmond’s Church Hill community, four existing bus routes are being consolidated into one route. This means that the Oakwood and Fairfield Court communities would no longer have a bus servicing their streets. Residents would have to walk at times over four blocks to catch a bus, as bus stops would also be spaced to one stop every three blocks on a route. Public

Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.

safety concerns have been raised by the community for Armstrong High School students and staff who would no longer have a bus stop right outside the school but would walk over a quarter-mile to the nearest bus stop. Not only have issues been raised regarding the reduction of coverage, but also Leaders of the New South notes that they group is in agreement with an NAACP civil rights complaint position letter sent to the Department of Transportation alleging that the sample population surveyed for input on development of the plan was “not representative of the community that now uses the transit system”. The group notes that according to U.S. Census data, Richmond’s population is 49 percent black with 25 percent of the city classified as in poverty. Still, the ridership whose input went “to develop this Draft Recommended Network”, according to the RTNP draft recommendation report, was only 33 percent black and “25 percent earn[ing] over $80,000 [per year]”. During stakeholder, community, and private meetings held by RTNP planners, members highlighted survey questions that “appear to be steering” respondent’s answers towards the High Ridership Concept. The group, whose mission is to “promote African and ‘black’ pride while recognizing the presence

of white supremacy in America as an opposing force”, notes that its members have been conducting online and door-to-door surveying to solicit more inclusive community input to deliver to RTNP planners. The Transit Network Plan includes alterations to every existing route. Leaders of the New South suggest that due to the high resident impact of network-wide modifications to transit service, greater community outreach as well as a scientifically valid survey should be conducted with the reported biases eliminated. That way the city of Richmond transit may move forward in a direction where the ridership of GRTC is adequately represented. GRTC, however notes that “all concepts are just that, concepts. “They are not proposals or recommendations. After getting input from the public, stakeholders and elected officials, the study team will then develop a proposal for a new network.” The High Ridership and High Coverage Concepts both assume that buses run 20 percent faster than they do today, according to GRTC. “This means more budget can be spent running more service, instead of running slower service,” notes GRTC. “But it would require changing the spacing of GRTC bus stops. Instead of a stop every one block, there would be a stop every three blocks.”

Feb. 15, 2017 • 15

For details, call 804-803-1549

16 • Feb. 15, 2017

Calendar 2.16, 6 p.m.

To spark healthy conversations about money, Virginia Credit Union has designed a workshop to help couples talk about their finances. Coming just two days after Valentine’s Day, participants will be challenged to work with their partner to integrate individual values and goals into a comprehensive financial plan. The “Financial Conversations for Couples” workshop will be offered at Virginia Credit Union in the Boulders Office Park, 7500 Boulder View Drive. Couples are encouraged to attend the workshop together. To register, call 804-323-6800 or visit

2.17, 4:30 p.m.

Henrico County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) will offer a training program beginning March 4 for volunteers who would work in the court system on behalf of abused or neglected children. The free, 14-session training course will include classes at the Henrico CASA office in suite A of the Hungary Spring Office Park, 3001 Hungary Spring Rd. A swearing-in ceremony will follow Wednesday, April 5 at the Henrico Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Anyone interested in serving as a volunteer advocate must apply by Friday, Feb. 17, be at least 21 years old and have regular access to a computer. Applicants will be interviewed, fingerprinted and undergo criminal background and reference checks. For information, contact Jeannine Panzera at 804501-1673 or Applications are available online at The training program prepares volunteers to interview children and others involved in their cases, submit reports to judges and assist case attorneys.

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‘Taking Our Seat at the Table’ The annual Connecting Women of Color Conference will be held at the University of Richmond Jepson Alumni Center, Feb. 17 from 2-5 p.m. This year’s theme is “Taking Our Seat at the Table,” featuring keynote speaker Rosa Clemente. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required and is available online at orgsync. com/57898/forms/234215. Clemente is a community organizer, activist, independent journalist and the 2008 Green Party vice-presidential candidate. She is a scholar of Afro-Latinx identity and has researched national liberation struggles in the U.S. This year’s theme provides a space for women of color and gender expansive people of color to share their experiences and think critically about issues affecting them, in the company of their allies. Clemente will speak on how to create more opportunities for diverse voices and identities to be heard and represented. “This conference provides a forum for a population that is making great strides on college campuses but is still underrepresented,” said Bianca Ortiz, event organizer in the Westhampton College Dean’s Office. “It provides a space for a diverse group to come together to share their experiences and think critically about issues affecting them.” This event is hosted by the Westhampton College Dean’s Office. The conference is part of the college’s continued commitment to promoting and celebrating diversity and inclusion. For more information, visit the Westhampton College website.

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that can be printed. Submission deadline is Friday.

2.22, 7 p.m.

The Henrico County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Henrico Master Gardeners will present a series of free workshops this spring to help residents care for their lawns and gardens. Each program requires registration. The first program in the series, Spring Weed Control workshop, will be held at the Belmont Recreation Center, 1600 Hilliard Rd. The program will focus on building a healthy turf and controlling crabgrass and weeds. To register, call 804-501-5160.

2.23, 5 p.m. & 24, 4;30 p.m.

University of Richmond will host Robert O’Meally for two lectures on the relationship between artistic movements and politics in both current and historic settings. O’Meally is a professor of English and comparative literature and director of the Center for Jazz Studies at Columbia University. His areas of focus include 19th- and 20th-century American and AfricanAmerican literature and jazz culture. His first lecture, “Art in a Time of Urgency: Paintings by Romare Bearden and Norman Lewis,” is in the Gottwald Science Center auditorium. O’Meally will explore the two artists’ painted responses to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The lecture will also examine artistic responses to current political changes and question the role of citizens in the changing global political landscape. On the next day, O’Meally will discuss “The Promise of American Democracy” connecting the current political state and the 2016 presidential election to changing literary and artistic movements throughout the past several decades. This lecture will be held in Boatwright Memorial Library, Adams Auditorium. Both events are free and open to the public.

Feb. 15, 2017 • 17

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18 • Feb. 15, 2017




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The Personnel Board of the City of Richmond will convene for a General Board and Executive Session on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., in City Hall 9th Floor Department of Human Resources -Training Room, Room 905. All questions should be referred to the Department of Human Resources, 646-5660.



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Feb. 15, 2017 • 19


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The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified.

The LEGACY is looking for a reliable, highly-motivated, goal-driven sales professional to join our team selling print and digital advertising in the Richmond and Hampton Roads areas. Duties include: Building and maintaining relationships with new/existing clients Meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals Cold calling new prospects over the phone to promote print and online advertising space

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