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EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

WEDNESDAYS • March 4, 2015


The twin evils - 6 Finally, compensation - 9 Talk of menopause - 14 New voice of business - 15 LEGACYNEWSPAPER.COM • FREE

Suspended. Are schools closing the discipline gap? The overall numbers, however, mask huge racial disparities that exist in a relatively small number of school districts across the country. For example, schools in the area in and around St. Louis, Mo., which erupted in racial riots following the fatal shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a white policeman last year, are among the worst in the country when it comes to the unequal treatment of black and white students. Khalid Caraballo (left) and a friend were in 7th grade in 2013 when they were suspended from their Virginia Beach school for playing with an airsoft gun in his front yard as they waited for the school bus. The children were suspended for possession, handling and use of a firearm. irginia middle-schooler suspended for confiscating razor from self-harming student. A seventh grader in Virginia and his friend suspended from school for shooting an airsoft gun… in his front yard. A couple of second grade students at a Virginia elementary school suspended for two days after violating the school’s “zero tolerance” policy on weapons. The weapons in question? Pencils. Such are some of recent headlines capturing the state and nation’s reliance on student suspensions to maintain discipline in public schools. A new analysis has found that U.S. children are losing almost 18 million days of instruction due to high suspension rates. It looks at discipline in public schools, how it varies dramatically across the 50 states, as well as identifying the


individual districts with the most egregious records. “Are We Closing the School Discipline Gap?”, for the first time breaks out federal data by elementary and secondary schools, and combines all out-of-school suspensions to calculate comparative suspension rates for every district in the nation. Florida takes the lead in this dubious category. It suspended 5.1 percent of its elementary students and 19 percent of its secondary students just in 2011-12, the latest data available. At the elementary level, Florida was followed by Mississippi and Delaware, each suspending 4.8 percent of their students. At the secondary level, Florida was followed by Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina, each reporting a suspension rate of 16 percent.

In Virginia, black male students are twice as likely to be suspended from public schools as their white peers. Suspensions in Virginia are often given for minor misconduct such as talking loudly and disrupting class and that black students are 67 percent more likely than white students to be suspended for offenses involving disruption or disrespect. “Are We Closing the School Discipline Gap” was conducted by the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the UCLA Civil Rights Project. While K-12 data reported by the nation’s more than 12,000 school districts was released last year, the U.S. Department of Education has never attempted the type of statistical breakout made possible by the UCLA center. “‘Are we closing the school discipline gap?’ For the first time, we can answer that question in a

really meaningful way,” said Daniel J. Losen, the director of the Center for Civil Rights Remedies. “And the answer is, ‘A lot of school districts are closing the gap in a profound way, but not enough to swing the national numbers.’” Losen said the data clearly show that more than half of the nation’s school districts treat removal from the classroom as a last resort and have relatively low suspension rates. But many of the higher-suspending districts literally are off the chart, he added. “The fact that 14 percent of districts suspended more than one of every 10 black elementary students, and 21 percent of the districts suspended one of every four black secondary students, is shocking when compared to the Latino and white distribution,” said Losen. Henrico County Schools which responded to the analysis results, notes that the rate of suspensions in the division decreased from 31 percent to 13.8 percent during that time. Suspensions of black students were down 29 percent; suspensions of Hispanic students decreased 16 percent; and suspensions of white students were down 8 percent. “We’ve made real progress with initiatives, training and the hard work of our staff,” said Patrick C. Kinlaw, the division’s superintendent. “There are more supports currently in place so that inappropriate behavior is addressed as early possible or avoided altogether. “With the support of our school board, we have reallocated financial, human and material resources in order to help more students (continued on page 4)

2 • March 4, 2015



GOP strife in Virginia may hinder party in 2016 Feuding within Virginia’s state GOP is alarming prominent national Republicans who think the infighting in a crucial swing state threatens the party’s quest to recapture the White House in 2016. The rift pits centrist conservatives against tea party and Libertarian activists, and it is playing out in divisive primaries and causing wrangling for control of the party’s state organization. A bitter source of the conflict — one almost certain to ignite renewed debate as 2016 approaches — is whether the state GOP will select a presidential candidate in a primary or at a convention, a process likely to influence whether the winner is a centrist or a right-wing Republican. Virginia’s GOP has not won a statewide race in six years, partly due to black voters (pictured). It also is a streak that Republicans attribute to the infighting. The conflict flared in full public view last year during a rancorous Republican primary in which a largely unknown tea party activist, David Brat, vanquished then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. A united party, strategists say, is required to build a broad network of support, enlist a squadron of campaign workers and raise the necessary funds to compete in a state in which Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) presides. A statewide primary, with its higher voter turnout and prolonged exposure, is an opportunity for the eventual nominee to begin building a Virginia campaign organization. The conservative coalition that controls the party, however, is considering a convention, thinking that the activists it would draw would energize the GOP. “If the party is split 10 ways until Sunday, it’s going to be exceedingly difficult for the Republican nominee to come in and organize,” said Chris LaCivita, a Republican strategist in Virginia who is advising Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on a possible presidential run. “It’s absolutely vital that the party unify sooner rather than later,” LaCivita said. “The more

time Republicans spend fighting themselves — not Democrats — is time lost that we can’t get back.” Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist who was an adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, said the GOP has “little room for error” in a “crucial” state such as Virginia. “The last thing any presidential candidate needs is to drop into a battleground state and have the state party folks going at it like the Hatfields and McCoys,” Madden said. “Every ounce of energy used fighting internally distracts the party from the real opponent.” If Republicans in Virginia cannot unify, strategists say, national party leaders will have to intervene. “They’re like feudal lords fighting among themselves instead of a common enemy,” said Brendan Quinn, a Republican consultant and former executive director of the New York state GOP. “At some point, you’re going to have to have the national party step in. You’re going to have adult supervision and someone saying, ‘You’ll have to get along.’ ” In presidential politics, Virginia is among a handful of swing states needed to win a close general election. The list includes states such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Republicans owned Virginia in 10 straight presidential elections, from 1968 to 2004, a string broken by Democrat Barack Obama in 2008 as an infusion of newcomers, including a heavy concentration of Latinos and Asians, altered the state’s politics

and demographics. Winning the White House, Republicans say, is next to impossible without Virginia’s 13 electoral votes. “You can do it without Virginia, but it makes the task substantially more difficult,” said Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster. Ayres predicted that intraparty feuding would dissipate with the emergence of a GOP nominee. “No candidate from a particular faction of the Republican Party is going to win the nomination — no one faction is large enough,” he said. “Consequently, despite animosity and disagreements, each faction needs the other to be successful.” Mary Matalin, a GOP consultant who advised President George W. Bush and his father, President George H.W. Bush, said Virginia Republicans, along with Republicans across the country, are going through a “necessary and cathartic reformoriented transition, which might look like strife contemporaneously but ends productively.” “The contentious issues and factions will be vetted in what promises to be a full-throated rock ’em, sock ’em primary season,” she said in an e-mail. “Whatever divides us pales in comparison to our unity in opposition to liberal, left incompetence.” Republicans last won a statewide election in Virginia in 2009, when Robert F. McDonnell became governor. Virginia Democrats control all five statewide offices, including the governorship and two Senate

seats. Virginia’s GOP is “at its weakest point in 40 years,” said Tom Davis, a former Virginia congressman and veteran of state politics. Establishment Republicans contend they’re losing statewide because moderate voters are wary of tea party and Libertarian candidates who espouse what they consider extreme views on issues such as climate change. Just three years ago, Virginia Republicans were ridiculed on national television for supporting a measure that would have required women to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound before obtaining an abortion. Partly as a result of such publicity, voters have gravitated toward McAuliffe and other Democrats, who have focused more on issues such as jobs and education. “To win statewide you have to be a coalition — you can’t be a private club with an admissions committee,” Davis said. The turbulence has made business leaders more reticent about contributing to the state GOP. According to its latest federal filing, Virginia’s Republican Party was $217,499 in debt and had only $252 cash on hand by the end of January. “It has been disastrous for the state Republican Party over the past few years,” said a prominent fundraiser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to ensure candor. “Your normal donors have abandoned the party. If you’re going to go back to the business community, you need to be centrist.” Republicans are not without power in Virginia. The GOP controls the General Assembly’s two chambers and eight of the state’s 11 congressional seats. The GOP also saw promise in Republican Ed Gillespie’s nearupset of Sen. Mark R. Warner (D) in November. At the same time, Virginia Republicans are dealing with fallout from the recent conviction of McDonnell and lingering bitterness in Brat’s victory over Cantor. (continued on page 3) (continued from page 2) The divide within Virginia’s GOP burst into the open in 2012, when then-Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, a conservative favored by business, fought for control of the party’s governing board with then-Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II, whose social views were a magnet for tea party loyalists. Cuccinelli’s allies won and changed the process for choosing nominees from a state-sponsored primary open to all registered voters including Democrats, to a convention, which invites only Republicans and typically attracts activists with more hard-line views. That debate probably will occur again as the state party considers whether to host a state-run Republican presidential primary or choose the candidate at a convention. A primary, strategists say, would favor an establishment candidate such as former Florida governor Jeb Bush. A convention would be advantageous to a candidate such as Paul, who has a strong following among conservative activists. At the heart of the battle, party officials say, is a disagreement over approach. “It’s not about ideology. It’s about tactics and control,” said Mike Thomas, who was Republican former governor George Allen’s campaign manager and is a vice chairman of the party’s governing board. “The key difference,” he said, “is that people I’ve been associated with understand that it takes a broad coalition to win and that Republican elected officials are not our enemies. They’re our friends.” The internal feuding has ensnared Virginia House Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford), who has established his conservative credentials over the years by supporting a constitutional ban on gay marriage and opposing gun control. Susan Stimpson, a tea party activist, is challenging her former political mentor in a primary. Stimpson has accused Howell of abandoning conservatives by joining a bipartisan effort to raise taxes to fund road repairs. In recent weeks, Virginia conservatives have also fought over a proposed convention of states to amend the U.S. Constitution — so much so that state Sen. Richard H. Black (R-Loudoun), perhaps the legislature’s most conservative

March 4, 2015 • 3 member, has been accused of not being conservative enough for opposing the idea. Unthinkable just a few years ago, Black may even face a challenge from the right this year. The factions also are warring for control over the party’s governing board, otherwise known as the state central committee. In January, the committee voted to unseat one of its members, who then threatened a lawsuit and accused his opponents of being ”extremists.” “We don’t get anything done, we don’t talk strategy, we don’t talk about how to raise money,” said Thomas, describing the central committee as being “consumed” by internal disputes and “people defending themselves against baseless charges.” John Whitbeck, who became chairman of the state GOP in January, said party discord is his “number one concern.” “We’re not as good as we can be until the infighting ends, until we eradicate the labels, and overcome the disagreements that have become more personal,” he said in an interview. “We have no choice but to unite to win statewide.” Whether that is possible is an open question. Just days after Whitbeck’s remarks, a newly elected state GOP leader whom he supported triggered another moment of public scrutiny when it was revealed that scathing tweets about fellow Republicans had been sent from her Twitter account. The tweets from the account belonging to Jo Thoburn, the new chairwoman in the party’s 10th Congressional District, included one that questioned whether a prominent GOP fundraiser is “evil.” Another tweet branded Republicans as “despicable” for supporting a tax increase. Still, Whitbeck’s message of unity pleases establishment Republicans, even as some question whether he can make it happen. “Time will tell if he’s really serious about it, or capable of doing it,” Bolling said. The state GOP, Bolling said, “has to make a fundamental choice: Do they want to be an echo chamber for the tea party and other ideologically driven groups, or do they want to actually win?” Doug Heye, a former Cantor adviser, said unity is the party’s only viable option. “It’s incumbent on Republicans that they hang together,” he said. “Or we will hang ourselves separately.” ©WP

New RVA chief sworn in Chief Alfred Durham was sworn-in last week as the 18th Police Chief of the Richmond Police Department during an investiture ceremony. Chief Kathy Lanier, chief of the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. was keynote speaker at the event that included several leaders, including Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones.


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4 • March 4, 2015

Scott: Independent panel should draw voting districts CNS – U.S. Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, a Democrat representing Virginia’s 3rd District, says the General Assembly should take some of the politics out of redistricting by having an independent commission redraw political boundaries. When legislators do the redistricting, they have a personal interest in protecting their political future and their party, Scott said. That’s why he’d prefer that redistricting be done by a bipartisan or nonpartisan panel. “It would still be partisan, but the difference is that it’s not personal,” Scott said in an interview after speaking to political science students and faculty last week at Virginia Commonwealth University. “When you’re doing it in the General Assembly and the people affected are sitting right across the aisle from you or right in front of you … interpersonal relationships start getting into it.” The boundaries of Virginia’s only majority black district were declared unconstitutional last year by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. “They found that race was a prominent factor in drawing the lines,” said Scott, who has represented the 3rd District since 1993. The district was challenged for violating Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, “which says you can’t dilute minority representation.” Scott’s district has been challenged

for doing just that. Its shape resembles a Rorschach inkblot: The 3rd District includes Portsmouth and Petersburg and parts of Newport News, Norfolk and Richmond – all areas with large black populations. As a result, black voters have a smaller presence and less influence in surrounding districts. The General Assembly has been tasked with drawing new district lines. Speaker William Howell, R-Stafford, plans to wait until the Supreme Court makes a decision in the case. Scott said that could take a while. “The Supreme Court has not taken action on it because there is a similar case in Alabama,” Scott said. “Nobody knows what’s going to happen.” During the 2015 Virginia legislative session, more than a dozen measures were introduced to address the problem of “gerrymandering,” a term to describe the manipulation of district boundaries to suit partisan political interests. Several sought to establish an independent redistricting commission, either by law or through a constitutional amendment. Other bills tried to prohibit the General Assembly from using political data or election results in redistricting. The Senate passed three redistricting reform measures – but every attempt died in committee. Partisanship may always be a part of the redistricting process. But an independent panel may offer a better shot than legislators at producing a fairer outcome, Scott said.

(from page 1) succeed and remain in school. We estimate that over 30,000 hours of instructional time has been added that historically would have been lost for suspended students. Even so, this continues to be an important area of focus for the school division as there is still work to be done.” The new analysis shows that suspension rates are three to five times higher at the secondary level compared to the elementary level, and that the racial gap also is dramatically larger at the secondary level. “We conclude that our nation cannot close the achievement gap if our educators ignore the discipline gap,” Losen said. “Educators have

an opportunity for serious and successful reform in this area and are legally and morally obligated to take action.” The suspension rates are important to calculate and study, according to the analysis, because the latest research clearly demonstrates that high suspension rates do not produce a better learning climate for the other students in a school. The new research, available at, includes companion spreadsheets enabling anyone to compare or analyze data from every district in the nation and to discover whether the rates and disparities in a given district have increased or declined since the 200910 school year.

Distribution tackles “most expensive” baby item Good360 staff and Board Chair Carly Fiorina helped distribute donated diapers last week to help families in Hampton Roads. According to Good360, diapers are often the most expensive baby item a family must purchase with the average infant needing up to 12 diapers a day and a toddler about eight. Good360 worked with Hampton Healthy Families Partnership Inc., a local nonprofit that helps more than 1,000 children under five and their families within the Hampton community. The “diaper dilemma” is real for low-income families with children under the age of four. The average family can spend close to $75 per month on diapers. Diapers are often the most expensive baby item a family must purchase with the average infant needing up to 12 diapers a day and a toddler about eight. According to Voices of Virginia Children, 20.3 percent of Hampton’s youngest residents live in poverty. That is above the state average of 18.2 percent. That means that over 1,600 families are facing a diaper bill of over $120,000 every month in Hampton city alone. “Good360 donations have made it possible for Healthy Families Partnership, Inc. to support more

families in Hampton using fewer resources. Our dollar stretches farther with help from organizations like Good360,” said Phyllis Henry, board member, Healthy Families Partnership, Inc. The Healthy Families Partnership currently helps over 1,000 children under five and their families within the Hampton community. The city program offers parenting classes, resources and playgroups to all families in the city. Its partnership non-profit, Healthy Families Partnership Inc., was formed to accept donations so it can offer onetime aid for families who need help closing a gap financially. Families who are often forced to choose buying diapers or buying other necessary items. Add to that many lowincome families who lack access to transportation and must purchase diapers at corner stores, paying double to triple what they would cost at a big box retailer.

March 4, 2015 • 5

Study: Cities luring young residents back from suburbs

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center and suburbs, and in the concentration and spread of various populations – all worthy of attention from urban planners and managers.” According to the report: • Since 1990, downtowns and central neighborhoods in cities across the country have attracted significantly more highly educated and higher-income residents. • Young adults (22 to 34 years old) have increased as a proportion of residents in the center of nearly every city in the country, while falling as a proportion across all other areas. • Older residents (ages 60 and up) form a smaller proportion of the inner-city population than they did in 1990. • A decrease in income and education levels several miles outside the core is evident in most cities. • Households below the federal poverty line are increasingly migrating outward from the center of cities. • Racial groups are less concentrated in particular rings than they once were. • Most growth in housing units and population continues to come at the outer edges of cities. Residents of the outer ring tend to be more educated and have higher incomes. They are much less likely to be younger adults, however.

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City centers across the country are attracting younger, wealthier and more educated residents, according to a new study published by the Demographics Research Group of the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service. Based on analysis of 66 major cities across the country, researchers identified rising poverty rates and falling incomes in a zone of “innerring” suburbs surrounding city centers, while suburbanization continued in newer and larger “outerring suburbs” that are responsible for most population growth. While the “donut” model of the city proposed in the report is not new, an empirical, systematic study is. The characteristics of residents and neighborhoods, including age, income, education, race, population density and housing characteristics, are graphed by distance from the center of the city, providing a clear visualization of patterns of metropolitan change between 1990 and 2012. “The patterns of change are remarkably consistent,” noted Luke Juday, research analyst in the Demographics Research Group and author of the report, “and not unique to just a few cities with active plans for urban revitalization. The ‘new donut’ is seen across the country in the changing nature of the city


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6 • March 4, 2015


Op/Ed Twin evils: Terrorism and racism BENJAMIN F. CHAVIS, JR. There are two related violent phenomena in that are now getting renewed public attention and research around the world, as well as considerable debate and denial. The twin evils are terrorism and racism. President Barack Obama’s recent White House Summit on “Countering Violent Extremism” reminded many of us in black America that violent acts of “extremism” have not been isolated just to the Middle East or to the perversion of one religion. At the conclusion of the White House meeting on extremism, President Obama affirmed the national resolve and resilience of the United States in surmounting and overcoming terrific challenges in the past. The president said, “For more than 238 years, the United States of America has not just endured, but we have thrived and surmounted challenges that might have broken a lesser nation. After a terrible civil war, we repaired our union. We weathered a Great Depression, became the world’s most dynamic economy.” It is undeniable that the United States has made progress for more than two centuries toward a “more perfect union” with promises of liberty, equality and justice for all. But for millions of black Americans, however, the contradictions of racial inequality, racially motivation violence, disproportionate mass incarceration, and numerous other forms of institutionalized racism and extremism are all still realities The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 1 No. 5 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-9060 • 757-244-5654 Online

that we face daily. That, too, is undeniable. After the White House summit, a larger gathering of international governmental leaders, civil society groups, diplomats, religious leaders and others convened at the State Department. Again, President Obama reiterated his call to action for a more coordinated global effort to courter violent extremism. He stated, “We come together from more than 60 countries from every continent. We speak different languages, born of different races and ethnic groups, belong to different religions. We are here today because we are united against the scourge of violent extremism and terrorism.” It was a welcomed display of a growing, diverse international coalition of governments and organizations emerging to make public their collective intention to work together to confront violent extremism wherever it exists. Given the changing demographics fueled by the “browning of America,” the extremist violence attacking Black Americans and other people of color should be on a decline. On the contrary, there appears to be a national resurgence of racial violence against people of color inside. Black America has had to challenge and endure centuries of violent acts of extremism in the forms of domestic terrorism and racism. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) even to this day claims to be a Christian organization. But no one refers to the KKK as Christian extremists or terrorists. Within a week, there will be the 50th The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2015

anniversary recognition of “Bloody Sunday” in Selma, Ala., where violent law enforcement “extremists” attacked unarmed civil rights marchers who were nonviolently demanding voting rights for black Americans in 1965. It is ironic that a new study concerning the systematic lynching of black Americans was recently released. The study, produced by the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), was titled, “Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror.” The findings of the EJI report documented that there were at least 3,959 lynchings of Black Americans in 12 Southern states between the Reconstruction Era and World War II: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Florida, and Texas. And those were just the documented cases. There were many others that were never documented or reported in the news media because during that period, racist lynchings were the socially accepted norm and not the exception in the South. That type of extremist terrorism against black America was commonplace. Yet, there were no international commissions or conferences by major powers to end the practice. Lynching was the impetus for the creation of the NAACP. As it states on its website, “The NAACP was formed partly in response to

the continuing horrific practice of lynching and the 1908 race riot in Springfield, the capital of Illinois and resting place of President Abraham Lincoln.” Among the founders were W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell along with a group of White liberals, including Mary White Ovington and Oswald Garrison Villard. The founding of the NAACP was predated by the DuBois-led Niagara Movement of 1905. The “Lynching in America” report concluded that “lynching of African Americans was terrorism, a widely supported phenomenon used to enforce racial subordination and segregation. Lynchings were violent and public events that traumatized black people throughout the country and were largely tolerated by state and federal officials.” Today, the lynching and terrorizing of black America is also done via the rope of the so-called criminal justice system. Prosecutorial misconduct in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. and Eric Garner in New York are contemporary manifestations of lynching. Raciallymotivated lethal violence by police officers is another form of extremist terror and violence against black America that must be stopped – now! Chavis is President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA). He can be reached at

March 4, 2015 • 7

P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.

Hunger speaks As African-Americans, we still suffer from some of the highest rates of hunger and poverty in the country despite the growth of our country’s economy since 2008. The lack of jobs that pay fair wages is preventing people of color from moving out of poverty and the recession. The median income for AfricanAmericans in 2013 (latest available data) was $24,864, significantly lower than the median for all Americans. Poverty affected nearly three out of ten African-Americans or nearly twice the average rate for the general population. The same rates hold in terms of their ability to feed their families. The problem is worsened by the effects of mass incarceration; currently the United States holds the highest number of people in prison in the world. Incarceration for nonviolent criminal offenses aggravates the situation for black people in America since these laws, time and again, put people of color behind bars at a higher rate than white people for the same offense. African-Americans constitute nearly half of the total 2.3 million prison population in the country. Once a person has a criminal record, the act of providing for one’s self and family becomes exponentially harder. Many states deny returning citizens access to such programs as SNAP, even while they look for work. For those who are lucky to land a job, their yearly earnings are reduced by as much as 40 percent.

The best way to combat hunger and poverty in the African-American community is through jobs that pay fair wages, strong safety-net programs, and by ensuring laws are in place to protect people and not further marginalize them from society. Eric Mitchell

On ethics reform At the eleventh hour, the General Assembly came together to pass ethics legislation. This initial step is certainly not sufficient but is, at least, an acknowledgment that we have a responsibility and a duty to help Virginians trust their government again. I am pleased to see tighter, lower caps on gifts from lobbyists. I believe changes to the Ethics Advisory Council (EAC), which will now have the authority to make determinations about gifts of travel, are a good start. I applaud the governor for seeking to prevent conflicts of interest at the Governor’s Opportunity Fund. However, I see some glaring omissions that I hoped we would address. I am disappointed that essentially, the EAC still has no real investigative and enforcement capabilities. There remains no cap on the cumulative value of gifts, and the gift ban has potentially problematic exemptions that render it much weaker than it should be. Organizations like ALEC will still be able to wine and dine legislators behind closed doors with no disclosure. The public’s right to

know is still not honored. These are all critical and necessary components to provide true transparency and reform. Over the next year, I hope we will address these significant shortfalls and create lasting, comprehensive ethics reform and transparency for the sake of all Virginians. Sen. A Donald McEachin

Love me... During the 87th Academy Awards ceremony on Feb. 22, films about Martin Luther King, Jr. and whistleblower Edward Snowden, Selma and Citizenfour, received statuettes for, respectively, Best Original Song and Best Documentary Feature. But the shutting-out of Selma from other Oscars due to industry backlash against its less than fully idealized portrayal of former U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson, and host Neil Patrick Harris's quip that “Edward Snowden couldn't be here for some treason,” made clear the limits of Hollywood liberal tolerance for dissent. To update Phil Ochs's classic indictment: “I cried when they shot Martin Luther King Jr. But Edward Snowden got what was coming. So love me, I’m a liberal.” Harris might have been tonguein-cheek, but imagine if he'd made the same remark about a surviving but jailed 86-year-old King. And if he didn't intend it as political, that merely shows what sort of political assumptions Hollywood takes for granted. For instance, that the very existence of the National Security

Agency is not infinitely more a betrayal of American ideals than Snowden’s exposure of its secrets. In fact, the NSA helped implement the federal government's surveillance of King as portrayed in Selma. Joel Schlosberg

Looking beyond If you have noticed that jobs are more scarce than they used to be, that the cost of living keeps going up but incomes do not, that foreign countries are making most of the goods sold in America, and that goods cost more but are of inferior quality, these things can all be attributed to so-called free trade agreements. Sold to us with the lie that they will increase employment opportunities and prosperity, they achieve the opposite as they are designed to siphon our nation’s wealth and make us weaker. They erase the borders of countries (and constitutions in all but name only) and turn them into regional blocks. Think of the European Union. Most people do not realize that agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or the upcoming TransPacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) contain rules and regulations that have nothing to do with free trade. A good example is the TPP where only five chapters of the 29 deal with trade. What does climate change, sustainable development, homeland security, the military, and international courts have to do with free trade? This would be a good question to ask our Congressmen. Patricia H. Miles

8 • March 4, 2015

Keeping the Faith Like a good neighbor A man was going from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Louisville, Kentucky, when along the way he had a flat tire. Stranded on the side of the road, he was robbed, his car was stripped, he was shot, and left for dead. A Baptist pastor, on his way home from the annual meeting of his denomination, saw the man. But he had a report to deliver to his congregation about the virtuous resolutions passed at the meeting he had just attended and an important sermon to preach about our culture’s deteriorating family values. Besides that, his children were in the car, and he refused to traumatize them with this carnage. So he never took his foot off the accelerator. A few minutes later, a Bishop of the Methodist church came driving by. A successful woman, she sat on the board of Focus on the Family, the National Association of Evangelicals, and Concerned Women for America. Considering the scene before her, she concluded that her work in these organizations must continue. It was the only way to stop such meaningless acts of violence; violence most likely perpetrated by dangerous gangs of teenagers who were the products of broken homes and without the proper Judeo-Christian guidance. She was a mile past the scene of the crime before she called 911. Then a third traveler came upon the victim: A cocaine dealer and cartel member. A man who was in the country illegally, who had booze on his breath and marijuana in his bloodstream, and who hadn’t been to Mass since he was a child. He saw the shooting victim and somehow his heart was broken with compassion. He steered his car to the side of the road and jumped out with a first aid kit and a bottle of water. He triaged the wounded man the best he could,

loaded him into the back seat of his car, and drove him to the hospital. There, this good neighbor checked his rescued friend into the emergency room. He arranged for the transport of what was left of the victim’s car, and he then went to the hospital administrator with a pile of cash, saying “I don’t know if this man has health insurance, but I will stand good for the bill regardless.” Now I ask you, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” Of course this question is not mine and neither is the story. It is a question and story that belongs to Jesus. It is a retelling of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus framed as radical a possibility conceivable by the community of his day – far more drastic than anything I have said here. He took a known pariah, a wellestablished outcast and no-gooder, and turned him into a moral and spiritual hero – all at the expense of the upright church-goers. Jesus told such a story, not to define the boundaries of neighborly behavior, but to define what it means to love. Graphically, he showed his listeners that those who do not fit into our religious boxes, our precise doctrinal categories of right and wrong, and our church systems are sometimes more capable of acting like God than we professionals who pride ourselves in saying we know who God is. After all, to act like God is simply to love. And to love, it is not necessary to have perfect doctrinal integrity, to get the details of church “right,” or to be as religiously and moralistically pure as possible. No, to love like God is to dirty our hands by helping our neighbors – “to do to others what we would have done” for ourselves. Clucking our tongues, shedding a few tears, and simply observing the pain of our world while keeping a religious and respectable distance from the suffering is no substitute for binding wounds, wiping tears, and embracing those in need. We might just need such an embrace ourselves one day – even if that embrace comes from the most unlikely of neighbors. McBrayer is a syndicated columnist, pastor, and author/



The church wastes too much time waiting for a word from God, says New York Times bestselling author and popular pastor Francis Chan (above). Christians should instead be more active in translating the knowledge they have into action rather than languishing in fear and indecision. Read more at

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March 4, 2015 • 9

Single mother’s turnaround celebrated With words from her pastor rining in her ears, one Virginia mother sought to better her life’s and her circumstances. And recently a Richmond organization celebrated her success by featuring her story as “180 of the Month”. St. Joseph’s Villa, a local non-profit, serving children reports that having grown up in a dysfunctional family, Cheryl (last name witheld) sought independence after having her own children. She relocated to Richmond to live with a friend across state lines along with her sons Christian (three

Cheryl months) and Wynton (six years). When plans fell through after she arrived, she and her children were left in a new city with no family or resources. Cheryl had to stay at the Salvation Army emergency shelter and while there, learned about Flagler Home at St. Joseph's Villa. At the time, Flagler Home was an on-campus

shelter for homeless mothers and their children. Flagler's homeless services have since fully transitioned to the community-based model of rapid re-housing. Cheryl was accepted into Flagler Home as her time at the emergency shelter was coming to an end. “St. Joseph’s Villa gave me a foundation,” she said. She recalls working with her counselor to develop a concrete plan for regaining independence, which included credit repair, budgeting, education and employment skills. She also worked as an assistant at the Villa's Hollybrook Apartments and in the administrative offices to gain handson experience. “The counseling services at St. Joseph’s Villa were invaluable,” said Cheryl. She believes her faith in God kept her steadfast and focused. Her pastor, (Lance Watson of the St. Paul’s Baptist Church) shared

some words in a sermon that she remembers to this day: “Plan your work, and work your plan.” She did exactly that. Working her plan to build new life skills, Cheryl ultimately earned her master’s degree in the administration of human services. She has maintained a successful career and stable housing for her family since her days at Flagler Home. Her experience at the Villa has inspired her to volunteer with helping others in transition. “Life comes full circle,” said Cheryl. “I needed a solid foundation to get my footing and position myself so that I can give back.” Flagler Housing & Homeless Services now serves 300 families each year (approximately 800 individuals) in the Greater Richmond and Tri-Cities regions. The services that helped Cheryl become independent are still available from Flagler based on need.

Va. eugenics victims to receive compensation STAFF & WIRE Virginia last week became the second state to allow victims of the eugenics movement to be compensated. Lawmakers voted in favor of paying out $25,000 to each of the 11 remaining victims who were forcibly sterilized under the state’s “Eugenical Sterilization Act.” Passed in 1924, the act led to the involuntary sterilization of anywhere between 7,300 and 8,300 people until it was repealed in 1974, and is said to have partly inspired Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s dream to create a master race. Under the act, leaders of colonies and physicians at mental health institutions across the state identified individuals deemed “undesirable,” “defective” and feeble-minded and made the case to hospital boards to prevent those individuals from having children. Victims deemed “mentally ill” and “mentally deficient” included those “afflicted with hereditary forms of insanity that are recurrent, idiocy, imbecility, feeble-mindedness or epilepsy,” according to the law. The law protected the act of sterilizing minorities, poor whites and “mongrels,” people of non-white heritage.

“Often, ‘mongrels’ and ‘worthless’ whites were collected in ‘mountain sweeps.’ This involved a sheriff of a nearby town driving into mountain villages and forcibly removing individuals and taking them to institutions where they would only be released upon submission to sterilization,” according to a report compiled by the University of Vermont. The proposed sterilization of Virginia resident Carrie Buck, who was deemed “feeble-minded” after having the baby of her rapist, sparked the Supreme Court case of Buck v. Bell in 1927, which established the legitimacy of the practice with the goal of eliminating “defective” individuals. At the time, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Holmes is said to have remarked that “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Attempting to preserve the purity of the “American race,” the wealthy, white Virginia elite paired the Eugenical Sterilization Act with another law, the “Racial Integrity Act,” which made it “unlawful for any white person in [Virginia] to marry any [person] save a white person.” Both acts were passed on the same day. One victim, Lewis Reynolds, 85,

recounted his hardship after being sterilized to media, saying his first wife deserted him because of his inability to have kids. Reynolds remarried, but said he and his second wife would sometimes share tears because they could never have children. Rep. Ben Cline, a Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates and one of the sponsors of the compensation bill, said the time had long come to reimburse afflicted families. “There was a growing consensus that we needed to act while we still had the opportunity to look these people in the eye and acknowledge the wrong that was committed against them so many years ago,” Cline said. Virginia wasn’t the only state with a eugenics program. Nearly 65,000 Americans were sterilized in 33 states, including more than 20,000 in California alone, according to publisghed reports. The practice of compulsory sterilization hasn’t ended either. In 2013, it was revealed that doctors working with California’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation had sterilized up to 148 women via tubal ligations between 2006 and 2010, with 100

more said to have taken place in the late 1990s. Virginia is the second state to compensate victims of the eugenics program following North Carolina, which passed a similar law in 2013. The long-awaited victory comes as a result of years of advocacy by a bi-partisan group of legislators, Del. Bob Marshall (R - Prince William), Del. Patrick Hope (D - Arlington), Del. Ben Cline (D – Amherst) and Del. Marcus Simon (D – Falls Church), along with a diverse group of organizations, including the Family Foundation, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Planned Parenthood, the Virginia Catholic Conference, and the ACLU of Virginia. “There is no way to provide adequate justice to these victims,” said Aisha Huertas Michel, director of the Patricia M. Arnold Women’s Rights Project for the ACLU of Virginia. “Politicians, like those who passed the forced sterilization program, should not have the right to decide whether an individual has a child. The victims of forced sterilizations were stripped of this right without their knowledge or consent, and we hope this compensation provides them with a small measure of justice.”

10 • March 4, 2015


White Sox legend Minnie Minoso remembered CHICAGO — Minnie Minoso, who hit a two-run home run in his first at-bat when he became major league baseball’s first black player in Chicago in 1951, died Sunday. The medical examiner's office said Minoso died from tear in a pulmonary artery. There is some question about Minoso’s age but the White Sox say he was 92. Minoso played 12 of his 17 seasons in Chicago, hitting .304 with 135 homers and 808 RBI for the White Sox. The White Sox retired his No. 9 in 1983 and there is a statue of Minoso at U.S. Cellular Field. “For South Siders and Sox fans all across the country, including me, Minnie Minoso is and will always be ‘Mr. White Sox’, said President Barack Obama.

Minnie Minoso in latter yesrs (left) and in June 1993 at Comiskey Park. “The first black Major Leaguer in Chicago, Minnie came to the United

Ex-Piston, first black NBA player, Earl Lloyd

Earl Lloyd, a Virginia native and the first black player in NBA history, died Feb. 26. He was 86. Lloyd made his NBA debut in 1950 for the Washington Capitols, days before fellow black players Sweetwater Clifton and Chuck Cooper played their first games. “When Earl stepped out on the court on that fateful date in 1950, this remarkable man rightfully earned his place in the historic civil rights movement and, more important, he opened the door to equality in America,” West Virginia

State president Brian Hemphill said in a statement. The 6-foot-5 forward averaged 8.4 points and 6.4 rebounds in 560 regular-season games in nine seasons with Washington, Syracuse and the Detroit Pistons. He missed the 1951-52 season while serving in the U.S. Army. Lloyd played for the Pistons in 1958-60, averaging 8.6 points, 5.9 rebounds and 1.3 assists. He also was 22-55 as Detroit's coach in 1971-72 and the first nine games of the 1972-73 season.

States from Cuba even though he could have made more money elsewhere. He came up through the Negro Leagues, and didn’t speak much English at first. And as he helped to integrate baseball in the 1950s, he was a target of racial slurs from fans and opponents, sometimes forced to stay in different motels from his teammates. But his speed, his power – and his resilient optimism – earned him multiple All-Star appearances and Gold Gloves in left field, and he became one of the most dominant and dynamic players of the 1950s. “Minnie may have been passed over by the Baseball Hall of Fame during his lifetime, but for me and for generations of black and Latino young people, Minnie’s quintessentially American story embodies far more than a plaque ever could.” Minoso made his major league debut with Cleveland in 1949 and was dealt to Chicago in a three-team trade two years later. He made his White Sox debut on May 1, 1951, and homered in his first plate appearance against Yankees right-hander Vic Raschi. It was the start of a beautiful relationship between the Cuban slugger and the White Sox. Minoso, regarded as baseball’s first black Latino star, was a Havana native who spent most of his career in left field. He is one of only two players to appear in a major league

game in five different decades. He got his final hit in 1976 at age 53 and went 0 for 2 in two games in 1980 for the White Sox, who tried unsuccessfully over the years to get the "Cuban Comet" into baseball's Hall of Fame. “When I watched Minnie Minoso play, I always thought I was looking at a Hall of Fame player,” White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf said in an informational package produced by the team for a 2011 Cooperstown push. “I never understood why Minnie wasn’t elected. “He did everything. He could run, he could field, he could hit with power, he could bunt and steal bases. He was one of the most exciting players I have ever seen.” Said President Obama, a lifelong White Sox fan, in a statement: “For South Siders and Sox fans all across the country, including me, Minnie Minoso is and will always be ‘Mr. White Sox.’ ... Minnie may have been passed over by the Baseball Hall of Fame during his lifetime, but for me and for generations of black and Latino young people, Minnie's quintessentially American story embodies far more than a plaque ever could.” Saturnino Orestes Armas Minoso Arrieta was selected for nine All-Star games and won three Gold Gloves in left. He was hit by a pitch 192 times, ninth on baseball’s career list, and finished in the top four in AL MVP voting four times.

March 4, 2015, • 11

RIFF features widerange of film topics

STAFF & WIRE “COLORS: Bangin’ in South Carolina” was but one movie shown at the Richmond International Film Festival (RIFF) over the weekend but its gritty topic captured the curiosity of many. The film by former Monacan High School student Terry Davis was shown at the Virginia Historical Society and detailed criminal gangs in Richmond and their connection to gangs in South Carolina. From 2000-2010 gang violence was at an all-time high, placing South Carolina at the top of violent crime lists for 10 years in a row. “COLORS: Bangin’ in South Carolina” explores that gang epidemic and how it plagued east coast states, from New York to South Carolina. After becoming a “Crip” gang member in 1999, Davis became the leader of the Insane Crips in 2003. By 2004, Insane Crips was one of the largest gangs in South Carolina. Later in 2004, Davis moved to Richmond and began running with the Hoover Crips. The movie details how The Hoover Criminals (formerly Crips) taught Davis everything about Crips in Los Angeles, where they apparently originated. When he returned to South Carolina to spread his newfound knowledge, the streets turned on him. The Insane Crips began to go to war with other Crips and in a short time went from being one of the largest gangs in the state to being

outnumbered three to one. South Caolina would be plagued with gangwars over this for the next three years. In 2007, the FBI and state legislatures stepped in and to this day has arrested hundreds of gang members because of the federal “The Gang Law”. In 2008, Davis left the gang and six years later he made a movie about his experiences that range from tales of violence, betrayal, death, and redemption.In 2010, he obtained an undergraduate degree in mass communications at the University of South Carolina(A) and in 2011 went to film graduate school in New York City. In 2013, Davis interned and acted in Spike Lee's movie “Da Sweet Blood of Jesus” In 2014, he returned to his hometown in South Carolina and now runs the South Carolina Film Institute. Since the opening of the South Carolina Film Institute, Davis has directed four public service announcements for the Richland County Sheriff Department, warning children, teens, and young adults about the consequences of joining a gang. “COLORS: Bangin’ in South Carolina” is set to release in May. RIFF brought more than 120 international “cutting edge” films to Richmond, plus industry panels, Q&As, live musical performances, red carpet awards, and entertainment mixers that usher the spirit of Hollywood into Virginia’s film venues.

Ask Alma

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Dear Alma, I need advice to help my beloved sister who has dementia. I don’t know how to communicate with her anymore. We were once very close. She was talented and had a lot of friends. She sang in the choir and was active in her church. Now she has trouble remembering words and speaking in complete sentences. She won’t take a shower or comb her hair. I just don’t know what to do. What would you suggest? -I’m sorry to hear about your sister’s decline. It’s heartbreaking to watch as a loved one slips away. You’re not only dealing with the horrible disease of dementia, you’re dealing also with the loss of the sister you know her to be. My sister died many years ago and I still, to this day, have not recovered. Neither will you. But what you can do is this: Put on your “big sister” T-shirt, even if you are the little sister, like me, and fight this battle to win. Give your sister what she needs and not what you want her to have. Don’t determine your decisions around the sister she used to be, but deliver what’s necessary based on the sister she is today. If she loved music, turn on the radio. Read to her, especially the Bible. Sit and watch TV together, cartoons, game shows, PBS specials. Talk to her, not at her, while you’re watching. When she repeats her sentences, act as if it’s the first time you’ve heard those words. Don’t rush her when she’s speaking or finish her sentences. Let her be. When it comes to her hygiene, you can bathe her. Don’t ask her if she wants a bath, run the water and tell her it’s ready. When it comes to her hair, take her to the salon or sit her at the dining room table and go old-skool…you braid her hair (I know you know how.) Ask her to hold the extra brush while you’re doing it. That will take her mind off what you’re doing. The days of your sister making decisions are over. You’ll need to take on that role

for her. Of course you’ll encounter some resistance. Just remind yourself you’re doing what’s best for her. Don’t take it personally. You’ve become her caregiver. She’s counting on you and would do the same if the roles were reversed. I know you want to do all you can to bring your sister back and make it all better, but you can’t. She’ll continue to slip away. This isn’t by her choice, and unfortunately, she can’t help it. Sometimes as a caregiver, it’s hard to peel back the overwhelming layers of guilt and pain to see the blessing. Your blessing is you still have your sister. Trust me, once she’s gone, you’d give anything to be able to do it again. Don’t focus on what you see as yours or her shortcomings. Do your best to meet her needs. Your love for each other will never change, but you should readjust your expectations. As I’m sure you know, it’s important to keep up with doctor appointments, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea for you to find a support group. You and I know I’ve sugar coated this thing, but that’s because you’ve got a tough road ahead. We don’t know what the future holds, so when and if the doctors decide she needs more than you can handle, accept it; don’t debate or challenge it. They know what’s best. Now more than ever, enjoy your sister. This is a very small slice of the pie of life you’ve shared. Hug her often and relish the days. ***** Want advice? E-mail questions to Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma *****

12 • March 4, 2015


Critics say GOP education reform would hurt poor and black students FREDDIE ALLEN WASHINGTON (NNPA) – As the Republican-led Congress prepares to update the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), civil rights groups, educators and student advocates fear that current proposals leave many poor and black children behind. According to analysis by the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington, D.C.–based progressive think tank, the bill submitted by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), eliminates accountability for lowperforming schools, lowers academic standards, and abolishes targeted, state-level graduation goals for students of color. A White House brief on the ESEA reauthorization bills said that the proposal being considered in the House of Representatives will cap spending on the ESEA for the next six years at $800 million lower than it was in 2012, eliminates “guarantees that education funding reaches classroom,” and “some especially high-poverty school districts would see cuts as large as 74 percent.” In a recent weekly column, Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children’s Defense Fund, said no ESEA bill would be better than the one now making its way through Congress. “H.R. 5 also removes strong accountability provisions required to make sure the children who need help most will actually be helped. It is morally indefensible and extraordinarily expensive that we have 14.7 million poor children in our country – 6.5 million of them living at less than half the poverty level,” wrote Wright Edelman. “All of these poor children exceed the combined residents in all 50 state capitals and the District of Columbia.” Wade Henderson, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a network of more than 200 national research and advocacy groups, said that the ESEA reauthorization proposals currently pending in Congress would strip millions of students and

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has called on Congress to repeal and replace No Child Left Behind. He is shown here at a Va. preschool. their parents of the protections and resources that have helped them to hold their schools accountable for equitable funding and treatment. “For the students we represent, students of color, students with disabilities, English language learners and low-income students, a strong ESEA is vital to ensuring that states and school districts are living up to their obligation to provide a quality education for all on an equal basis not just for the most privileged or wealthy,” said Henderson. On a recent call with reporters, Henderson said that the coalition of 34 national civil rights and education groups supported annual statewide assessments to evaluate student progress, transparency of the test results and additional data that empowers parents to advocate on behalf of their children. Chanelle Hardy, the executive director and senior vice president for policy at the National Urban League, said that the legacy of the black community’s commitment to education stems from the days of slavery when blacks learned to read in secret and at risk to their own lives. “This is not a conversation about how we need to convince our community to care about achievement,” said Hardy. “This is about our nation’s commitment to a system of education that prepares every child for college work and

life. This is a fundamental civil rights principle and a fundamental principle of justice.” William Hayes, the principal at Franklin D. Roosevelt Academy in the Glenville community of Cleveland, Ohio, also expressed concerns about the Republican proposals for reforming the ESEA, which was last updated more than a decade ago through the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) under former President George W. Bush. “This vote is about equity and accountability, yet everyday my students face the brutal reality that they live in a society that has not achieved its promise for a more equitable distribution of outcomes and opportunities,” said Hayes. Hayes said that 98 percent of the students at his school are African American, 100 percent qualify for free lunch and 28 percent receive special education services. One of Cleveland’s wealthiest subdivisions borders Glenville to the north and the city’s cultural center with museums, botanical gardens and the Cleveland Institute of Music to the south, Hayes said. The Cleveland Clinic, perennially ranked by as one of the best hospitals in the nation, is just a 15-minute walk to the east of Glenville. “Surrounded by so much prosperity and bright images of the American Dream, my students could easily

be forgotten, were it not for our federal government ensuring that communities remain accountable,” said Hayes. Hardy said that civil rights groups were extremely concerned about resource equity and ensuring that low-income students at majorityminority schools have access to early childhood education and high quality teachers. Researchers at CAP found that school districts spent $733 less at schools that were 90 percent minority compared to schools that were 90 percent white. That money could be spent on veteran teachers, school counselors and laptop computers. “It’s no secret that more than 50 years after Brown our communities and schools are still very much segregated however the concentration of poverty has become more exacerbated as affluent families of color have left our communities to go elsewhere,” said Hayes. Nancy Zirkin, the executive vice president of the Leadership Conference, said that no one can deny that NCLB has room for improvement, “but the proposals in front of Congress now throw the baby out with the bath water.” “These proposals bend over backwards to accommodate state and local entities that have both failed our children and avoided any real accountability for their failures,” said Zirkin. NCLB was characterized by high stakes testing that led some school districts to trim physical education and arts programs to make room for more rigorous reading and math course work. Educators railed against “teaching to the test” and questioned the need for multiple assessments throughout the school year. Hayes said that he wasn’t naïve to the unintended consequences of the “accountability movement” that came with NCLB, including the narrowing of the academic curriculum and the over-testing of students linked to controversial teacher evaluations, but he still didn’t believe the shortcomings of the law warranted a complete hands-off approach from (continued on page 15)

March 4, 2015 • 13

Black women talk about the power of education JOYCE JONES Women leaders and activists in the Civil Rights Movement have historically never been given their proper due. Even today, the names Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis are familiar to most people of any age, while the late Dorothy Height, president of the National Council of Negro Women, or publisher and activist Daisy Bates, who were instrumental in the struggle for equality, more likely than not don't ring any bells. In honor of these and other women's achievements, first lady Michelle Obama recently hosted an event that featured an intergenerational panel of women who’ve been involved in the movement. The panel included Carlotta Walls LaNier, member of the Little Rock Nine; Charlayne Hunter-Gault, activist and journalist; Sherrillyn Ifill, president and director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Chanelle Hardy, National Urban League senior vice president for Policy and executive director of the National Urban League Washington Bureau; and Janaye Ingram, national executive director of the National Action Network. The discussion was moderated by Vanessa K. De Luca, editor-in-chief ofEssence magazine. "These women represent many different facets and eras of the movement,” the first lady said. “But there is something that connects each of their stories, a common thread that animates their lives, and that is their hunger for and belief in the power of education.” Perhaps just as important was the fact that despite their economic circumstances, and in some cases in spite of them, their parents allowed them to dream and believe that there was nothing they couldn't achieve if they were determined to do so. Citing the phrase “it takes a village,” Hunter-Gault recalled, "While we grew up in separate and unequal circumstances, our segregated communities protected us and taught us that when they

The first lady hosts a panel of civil rights leaders. couldn't by law give us first class citizenship, they gave us a first class sense of ourselves." At age eight or nine, Hunter-Gault "fell in love with the blue-eyed, redhaired [comic book character] Brenda Starr," a glamorous and adventurous reporter. When she shared her desire to be just like Starr when she grew up, her mother encouraged her because she knew “instinctively that dreams propel ambition.” Those dreams gave her the courage to face the angry mobs that threatened her when she became one of the first two black students to integrate the University of Georgia. She also grew up to become an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning journalist. Education, her father told her, as his father had told him, was the key to her liberation. In her office at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Ifill has a photograph from 1969 in which she's the only black student in her class soon after New York City implemented busing. She is the youngest of 10 children, raised by parents who didn't have much but taught their children to value education and demanded academic excellence from them.

Her organization recently did a report on African-American girls and the many barriers they face in education. Interestingly, they found that 55 percent of African-American girls think they will become leaders and 58 percent already consider themselves to be leaders. These findings resonated with Ifill because, although her father was “difficult” and didn't let her go to dances, he always told her she was destined for greatness. "It didn't seem that big a deal. Only when I got older and went to college did I realize that people had dads who didn't think they could excel in school or be a lawyer. I wanted to be a civil rights lawyer from the time I was a little kid. It was never a conversation or a controversy; it was an expectation,” she said. Her family didn't have money for extravagances like vacations or even bicycles for the kids. There were many more racial barriers than exist today, but there was a public infrastructure, from public schools to public colleges, that enabled Ifill and her siblings to not only go to college but also to earn advanced degrees. There also were summer jobs programs that helped develop

the skills they needed to go out and get a job. “And that’s how a family with 10 kids was able to do what my parents did with their determination and grit could do,” she said. “Yes, a lot of it comes from within us and our parents, but we also have to create an environment, a society, to receive people who want to achieve, who are ambitious, who have a sense of themselves as leaders. We have to give them the tools they need to live out their dreams." The period between when young girls believe they, too, are destined for greatness and what they ultimately become, Ifill said, is critical and society has a responsibility to help see them through. Young people today, she added, are living in a world in which that contract has been broken. The panelists also discussed the differences between the civil rights movement of the past and now. Janaye Ingram of the National Action Network, noted that today the lines are not as black and white. "When they’re confronted with situations of injustice or racism, and not even just for them but for all of (continued on page 15)

14 • March 4, 2015


Black women found to endure menopause longest ELAINA JOHNSON WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Sarah Finney, 57, said she gets hot flashes throughout her body at least once an hour. She even wakes up in the night with so much perspiration that she

looks like she just left working out at a gym, she said. “Hot flashes are very annoying,” said Finney, a married mother of two who declined to use her real name. “A surge of heat goes through my body, sometimes accompanied by

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nausea. As the energy builds, I begin to sweat from my hair, neck, chest and underarms.” Finney, a vegetarian, said she hoped eating healthy and her intense daily routines as a marathon runner would alleviate the symptoms, but no luck. Finney, who lives in Alexandria, Va., is experiencing the results of menopause, a natural decline in reproductive hormones that affects millions of woman annually when they reach their 40s or 50s. For women going through menopause, just one day of hot flashes can be too much. Imagine 14 years. A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, a medical journal of the American Medical Association, found that women could experience hot flashes for up to 14 years, and that African-American women like Finney typically experience the symptoms longer. Finney has been going through it for 10 years. The 17-year study of 1,449 women across the U.S. found that while on average, the women endured the symptoms for about seven and a half years, black and Hispanic women experience hot flashes for significantly longer than White or Asian women. The median was 10 years for African Americans, nearly nine years for Hispanics, six and a half years for white women, about five and a half years for Chinese and nearly five years for Japanese. “This is the only study that has looked at a very diverse population,

”said Dr. Ranit Mishori, associate professor of Family Medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. “No one knows for sure why African-American women are at risk for a longer duration of hot flashes. There could be a relationship between hormone levels, genetic differences, body mass index, the number of children you have or the age you began having children.” Though the study’s results may not give the quick relief women hoped for, but it allows doctors and medical professional to give patients realistic expectations and find ways to help alleviate the hot flashes. “This is not a fun thing for the doctor or the patient to realize,” Mishori said. “However, there are ways to manage the symptoms including hormone replacement therapy.” Hormone replacement therapy is medication containing female hormones to replace the ones the woman’s body no longer makes after menopause. This method can be a good choice for certain women, depending on their health risk, Mishori said. Women who consume estrogen pills are alleviated from hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, she said. The down side is that hormone therapy has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, stroke and heart disease for some women. Lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, may help some women, health officials said, and there are also non-hormonal medication and supplements that can help. These things may not shorten the duration of hot flashes, but it may lessen the affect and intensity of them. If the symptoms are unbearable, health officials suggest you consult with your doctor. Finney said she is resigned to the day-to-day struggle with the condition. “Menopause is just something we have to deal with as women,” she said. “We all must continue to move forward. This is a part of life.”

March 4, 2015 • 15



Emerging as “the new voice of business” STAFF With R&B star Leela James gracing its first cover, Emerge the Magazine has made its debut. The inaugural issue also features Kerry Hines, an entreprenuer tycoon; Crystal Victoria, president of Target Evolution; Zaina Adamu, a CNN producer; The Greers, activists to spread stroke awareness; Access Virgina, a non-profiting bringing opencaptioning to theatres for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; and Tawanna Williams, a hope coach born without arms. The magazine, led by CEO and editor-in chief, Tiffany Boyle, seeks to promote, expose, educate and empower business owners and entrepreneurs. “Our readers are interested in local to national companies, organizations and services to help them in building strong business for themselves,”

according to a magazine statement. “We are a resource for all stages of businesses - start-up business owners to CEOs. We provide solutions and advice through our articles on how to prepare a business,

start a business, grow your business, and be a leader.” Features in the inaugural issue are: • Emerging — The Emerging section promotes novice business owners to increase business awareness and

(from page 12)

(from page 13)

the federal government. Hayes said he was frustrated at the thought of a federal government willing to step away without stepping back to the table to help to fix NCLB. “As a school leader I can’t imagine a time where my administrative team could ever see a problem with our students and say to teachers, ‘It didn’t work so I’m just going to let you figure it out by yourselves,” said Hayes. But in the eyes of some educators and civil rights leaders that’s exactly what the Republican proposals do. “We can’t go back to a time when these schools were ignored,” said Zirkin. Hardy agreed. “We can’t assume that we have good information on student achievement based on sociodemographic factors,” he said. “We have to do our part with our federal tax dollars to concentrate those resources where they need to be.”

us, it can be very hard to figure out was that a racist experience or was that something else. Was it gender bias, was it that this person just didn't like me? it becomes very hard to see the line in the sand,” Ingram said. She encourages young people at National Action Network to follow King’s model of nonviolent actions that also include modern-day tactics like die-ins. The National Urban League, on the other hand, noted Hardy, takes an approach closer to that of Booker T. Washington’s. “Supposedly everything's open to us, but if you can't afford to live in a safe neighborhood or send your child to a good school or give them the things they need to be successful or keep your house from going under water because you live among other black people and property values are

not as high, that's a real problem. Working on that requires us to work in political and policy process and it requires voting," she said, adding that some of the obstacles are much the same, "which is why this work is hard [and] challenging." So what advice would they give young women who would like to do civil rights work and be effective leaders in the 21st century? Patience is important, counseled Hardy, as well as learning as much as possible about black history. “Arming yourself with that knowledge is powerful. And being in touch with your faith and your center so that you have something to sustain you beyond results because results might take a while,” she said. The Catholic high school Ingram attended celebrated Multicultural History Month, which was an affront to the black students. They believed that their history should be part of

The inaugural cover of Emerge (left) and Tiffany Boyle (right).

raise revenue. • Diversity & Inclusion — The Diversity & Inclusion section promotes non-profits and causes to create awareness of cultural and societal issues that readers can help with. • Emerge Stamp of Approval — The Emerge Stamp of Approval section are articles about industry leaders, how they have survived so long, and what was their secret. • International — The International section promotes business owners outside of the United States of America. This section is in English and their native language. • Networking — Every person featured in Emerge the Magazine provides their contact information to promote networking opportunities. Boyle encourages readers to follow them and the magazine on social media sites and contact them for business, mentorship, and questions. Visit the year-round curriculum but the school could at least honor Black History Month. Ingram suggested a walkout during homeroom to call attention to the issue and the other students agreed. “The day came for us to walk out and we all had a conversation about it. When the moment comes I stand up and I'm the only one standing. But you know what I did?" she said. “I walked right out of that classroom, I walked to the dean's office and I sat there and gave him my complaint. Sometimes you have to be the only one standing if you really want to see something happen.” Her advice to young people is to not wait for other people to make change. “You have to be passionate enough about it to do it yourself,” Ingram advised. “If nobody else is willing to do it, you have to be willing to make that change.”

16 • March 4, 2015




3.5, 7 p.m.

3.6, 10 a.m.

What do pigs have to do with native plants? Come to the Pocahontas Chapter Native Plant Society next meeting and find out. Aaron Proctor, district wildlife biologist with the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, will discuss how the increase of feral hogs is endangering Virginia native plant and animal species. He will also address the state and regional response, which includes participation in a feral hog committee comprised of wildlife biologists and conservation police officers from partner state and federal natural resource agencies. The meeting takes place in the Education and Library Complex of the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, 1800 Lakeside Ave., Richmond. The program is free and open to the public. The room is available at 6:30 p.m. Come early and get to know others with similar interests. A short business meeting will follow the presentation. For more information visit the websites or

Air Force Brig. Gen. Mark K. Johnson will relinquish command of the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation to Air Force Brig. Gen. (Select) Allan E. Day in a formal change of command ceremony at the Defense Supply Center Richmond’s Frank B. Lotts Conference Center. Day’s previous assignment was associate director of Resource Integration, deputy chief of staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support at U.S. Air Force Headquarters at the Pentagon. Johnson, who has commanded DLA Aviation since March 2013, will assume duties as the commander, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. DLA director and former DLA Aviation commander, Air Force Lt. Gen. Andrew E. Busch, will preside over the ceremony.

3.8, 5 p.m.

3.6, 8:30 a.m.

The Richmond Association of Black Social Workers presents “Walk Into Your Season: Enhancing Knowledge & Cultural Awareness” Symposium. Dr. Peyton McCoy, author, consultant, speaker and president of McCoy Group LLC will be the keynote speaker at Sixth Baptist Church, 400 S. Addison St., Richmond. There will be breakout sessions on senior living, the black family, special education, and nutrition. There will also be afternoon panel presentations on veterans, mental health/substance abuse, bullying, and interpersonal violence. For more information, call 804-505-0667 or email

A Time to Break Silence The third annual A Time to Break Silence presented by Castleton in Performance is honored to host Emmy-winning actor Alec Baldwin as guest speaker for a night of music, photography, and activism. He will talk about animal rights abuse and related issues. The multimedia event will take place on one night only, Saturday, March 14 at 7 p.m., and proceeds will benefit Mercy for Animals (MFA), the Darfur Women Action Group (DWAG), and the Castleton Festival. Conceived by Orson Maazel, son of Lorin and Dietlinde Maazel, A Time to Break Silence is an annual series that brings celebrated speakers and musical performers together for one night to shine a spotlight on a range of social issues. For more information or tickets, go to Submit your calendar events to and include contact infomation that can be published.

You can provide feedback to the Dept. of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) and the Dept. of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS) on a statewide transition plan. The plan's intent is to bring waiver services into compliance with CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) requirements. In January 2014, CMS issued a final rule for home and community based services (HCBS) that requires states to review and evaluate home and community based (HCB) settings, including residential and non-residential settings. To obtain a copy, contact DMAS at 804-786-7092 and ask for a copy to be mailed to you, or review it online to read all 60 pages (including timelines and action items). Public comment ends March 8 at 5 p.m. and can be sent electronically, as postal mail, or by fax. Emails may be sent or comments faxed to 804-612-0060 attn: Teri Morgan.

March 4, 2015 • 17




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18 • March 4, 2015

The VOICE is now The LEGACY 409 E. Main St. #4 Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-9060 • 757-244-5654 (office)


The VOICE is now The LEGACY 409 E. Main St. #4 Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-9060 • 757-244-5654 (office)



Ad Size: 8.3 inch(es) (2 columns X 4.15 inc Ad Size: 12 inch(es) (2 columns X 6 inch(es) ADOPTIONS week, Overnight trip required. Good CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS We are praying for a newborn to love. driving record required. 1-year (March 4) - $91.30 1 Issue (March 4) - $132 Open hearted, loving couple wishing1 Issue experience.Salary/Commission REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS

CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS INVITATION FOR BIDS On behalf of the City of Newport News, Virginia, the Purchasing Agent, or his designated representative, will accept SEALED BIDS in the Office of Purchasing, City Hall, Fourth Floor, 2400 Washington Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607, until the time specified below for the following: IFB #2015-4345-2049 Mariner’s Museum Multipurpose Trail UPC# 83254 BID DUE DATE: 3/25/2015 @ 3:30 p.m. This is a City administered, VDOT project with Federal and State funding sources. All State and Federal rules apply. The Standard Specifications are available for $15.75, including tax, per copy non-refundable, from the Department of Engineering, City Hall Building 7th Floor, Newport News, VA 23607, telephone 757-9268611. If the Contractor submitting a bid does not have a set of the current Department of Engineering Standard Specifications, a copy SHALL BE PURCHASED prior to submitting a bid at a cost $15.75, including tax per copy, non-refundable and shall be maintained on the job site at all times until completion of the project. Plans, technical specifications, and bid forms may be downloaded, for free, from our website at If you have difficulty opening the document, please call (757) 926-8721, or fax requests to (757) 926-8038. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to award this contract in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in the IFB process. Bidders making errors may request withdrawal of their proposal by giving written notice, including original work papers, within two (2) business days of the IFB date. Gary Sightler Purchasing Agent


We are looking for a contract sales representative to help us maximize our revenue potential by selling ad space through a multi-platform advertising program that includes newspaper, special editions and online advertising. The ideal candidate is knowledgeable in newspaper sales, but your motivation and drive to learn are much more desirable qualities.

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Legal expenses paid. Call Lisa & Please call 804-451-2241. On behalf of the City of Newport News, Virginia, the Purchasing Agent, Please review the proof, make any needed changes and Please review the proof, make any needed changes and return fax Frank by 1-855-236-7812. or his designated representative, will accept SEALED PROPOSALS orTrainees e-mail.needed! No experience or e-mail. 57 Driver in the Office of Purchasing, City Hall, Fourth Floor, 2400 Washington IfAND your response is not received by deadline, your atad If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES needed! Learn to drive a truck Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607, until the time specified below for DC BIG FLEA MARCH 7-8 An Amazing Shippers Choice! Job ready in 4 inserted. inserted. the following: Treasure Hunt! Over 600 Booths!

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Metro DC’s Largest Antique Event! 874-7131. Ok X___________________________________ Ok X_________________________________________ RFP #2015-4549-5208 Dulles Expo-Chantilly, VA 4320 Fireworks Show Chantilly Shop Ctr, 20151 Adm $8 Sat NEED CDL DRIVERS??? ADVERTISE Proposal Due Date: March 20, 2015 @ 5:00 p.m. 9-6 Sun 11-5 TRUCK DRIVER JOBS in Ok with changes XYOUR _______________________ Ok with changes X _____________________________ Virginia Newspapers for one low

Specifications and proposal forms may be downloaded from our AUCTIONS cost of $300. Your 25 word classified AUCTION – Wood Flooring ad reaches OVER ONE MILLION website at . If you have difficulty opening Deadline Fridays 5 p.m REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. Manufacturer, Bid 3/5 –REMINDER: 3/12, Items Virginians! Callisthis paper or @ Adriane the document, please call (757) 926-8721, or fax requests to (757) Located: Crewe, VA. Dust Collectors, Long at 804-521-7585 (VPA) 926-8038. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to award this contract in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in the RFP process. Offerors making errors may request withdrawal of their proposal by giving written notice, including original work papers, within two (2) business days of the RFP date. Gary Sightler Purchasing Agent

Did you know... Nearly 7 out of 10 adults have read a newspaper in the past week – that’s 147 million Americans! Readers are highly engaged with newspapers in print, online, smartphones and tablets because they value the news, advertising and local feature coverage. 79% of newspaper users took action on a newspaper ad in the past month. Want your ad to reach thousands without breaking the bank? Send it to ads@

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Wood Working Equipment, Staining Equipment, Misc. Wood Working Tools. Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 804-232-3300x.4, www., VAAL #16.

AUCTION - Construction Equipment & Trucks, March 10th, 9 AM, Richmond, VA. Excavators, Dozers, Dumps & More. Accepting Items Daily thru 3/6. Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 804-232-3300x.4, industrial, VAAL #16. SPRING EQUIPMENT AUCTION. Saturday 4-11-15 @ 9:30 a.m. NO CHARGE TO SELLER ~ Some Restrictions Apply. Call for Details: 540-854-7289. ~ VAAF#769. ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS: Advertise your upcoming auctions in Virginia Newspapers for one low cost of $300. Your 25 word classified ad reaches OVER ONE MILLION Virginians! Call this paper or Adriane Long at 804-521-7585 (Virginia Press Services. EDUCATION / TRAINING Medical Billing Trainees Needed! Train to become a Medical Office Assistant. No Experience Needed! Training & Job Placement available at CTI! HS Diploma/GED & Computer needed. 1-888-424-9419 TRAIN AT HOME FOR A CAREER IN COMPUTERS! Online training at CTI can get you trained and certified now! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Call for details! 1-888-424-9413 HELP WANTED/ TRUCK DRIVERS DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING $40,000$50,000 1st Year! Roanoke 800-5258900 or Spotsylvania 800-243-1600. 4 Weeks or 10 Weekends. Guaranteed Financing, Grants and Job Placement Assistance Available. Veterans Welcome. CDL Drivers Needed! Class-A drivers to work from Prince George location. All equipment provided. Once a

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RFQ J15-022515 – Byrd Park Reservoir Cover Replacement – Design/Build Project Receipt Date: March 25, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Information or copies of the above solicitations are available by contacting Procurement Services, at the City of Richmond website (, or at 11th Floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone (804) 646-5716 or faxed (804) 646-5989. The City of Richmond encourages all contractors to participate in the procurement process. For reference purposes, documents may be examined at the above location. SEALED PROPOSALS The City of Richmond announces the following project(s) available for services relating to:

Request for Proposals – 9th Street Office Building Renovations DGS Project Code : 194-17091-004 Package 3 Tenant Interiors

Ad Size: 13.6 inches (2 columns X 6.8 inches) Classified ads are for (Wednesdays) (March 4) - $149.60 everyone!1 Issue Rate: $11 per column inch The City of Richmond is seeking to Includes Internet placement

fill the following positions: Place your The VOICE is now The LEGACY Director Social Services 409 E. Main St. #4 Please review the proof, make any neededofchanges and return “For sale”, Kjellstrom +Lee, as the Construction Manager for this project, is 27M00000474 VA 23219e-mail. If your response is not received by deadline, your ad m seeking proposals for select trades of workRichmond, on this project including: “Legal” inserted.Social Services final cleaning, interior wood 804-644-9060 trim, millwork, interior office storefronts, • 757-244-5654 (office) Continuous aluminum frames, doors, frames, and hardware, carpet and resilient(fax) “Wanted”, 1-800-783-8062 Ok X_______________________________________ flooring, painting, blinds, kitchen appliances, and security. The Drafting Technician II and following trades will require prequalification prior to bidding : Structured

29M00000548 “Service”... Public Works Ok with changes X ___________________________ Apply by: 03/15/2015 ads here for maximum Recreation Program @ Coordinator REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays 5 p.m. 30M00000444 exposure Parks and Recreation and we’ll Apply by: 03/15/2015 add in online Senior Capital Projects Manager 29M00001050 placement Public Works for close to Apply by: 03/15/2015 FREE. ********************************* Includes Internet placement For an exciting career with the City Our rates Request for Prequalification – 9 Street Office Building of Richmond, visit our website for Renovations begin at additional information and apply Please review the proof, make any needed changes and return by fax or e-mail. Project Code : 194-17091-004 today! If yourDGS response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be inserted. just $11 per Package 3 Tenant Interiors EOE M/F/D/V week. Ok X_________________________________________

Cabling. The project is a historic renovation to the original Richmond Hotel, located at the intersection of 9th Street and Grace Street in Richmond, VA. This is a multi-story, 163,935 sf building with full renovations being performed on both the interior and exterior. Many Ad Size: (2 columns X 3.45 inches) trades on this project have been6.9 bid inches and awarded in prior packages. If not specifically listed above the trade is not bidding at this time. The bid documents will be available the week Marchof4March 9th and the deadline for submitting proposals will be March 31, 2015. Documents will be available for review at K+L’s plan$75.90 room per as well ad as other local plan rooms. To obtain electronic files of the bid documents contact Total - 227.70 Mary Ann Petry at Participation of Small Business, Small Women-Owned Business, and Small MinorityRate: $11 per column inch Owned Business is strongly encouraged. th

IFB J150017164-1 – Fleet Maintenance Buildings Demolition Project Receipt Date: March 18, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Opening Date: March 19, 2105 at 2:30 p.m. Information or copies of the above solicitations are available by contacting Procurement Services, at the City of Richmond website (, or at 11th Floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone (804) 646-5716 or faxed (804) 646-5989. The City of Richmond encourages all contractors to participate in the procurement process. For reference purposes, documents may be examined at the above location.

Kjellstrom +Lee, as the Construction Manager for this project, is seeking prequalified contractors for the Structured Cabling scope of work. The project is a historic renovation to the original Richmond th Hotel, located at the intersection Street and Grace Street in Ok with changesofX 9_____________________________ Richmond, VA. This is a multi-story, 163,935 sf building with full renovations being performed on both the interior and exterior. Qualification forms are available by contacting Mary Ann Petry REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. Qualification forms are due no later than March 12, 2015. Participation of Small Business, Small WomenOwned Business, and Small Minority-Owned Business is strongly encouraged.


SEALED PROPOSALS The City of Richmond announces the following project(s) available for services relating to:

The City of Richmond announces the following project(s) available for services relating to:

The VOICE is now The L Main St. CrossRoads Christian Academy a Faith409 BasedE. Organization is #4 seeking instructors for ourRichmond, Academy. VA 2321 804-644-9060 • 757-244-56 Job Description 1-800-783-8062 Do you hold HIGH Christian values? Do you love kids? Do you have(fax at least two (2) years early childhood teaching experience? Are ads@legacynewspaper. you a self starter and exceedingly motivated? Are you interested in teaching, training and nurturing preschool and school age children in a Christian environment? This job is for you! Salary is commensurate with experience. School located in the Henrico/ Glen Allen area.

Ad Size: 6.9 inches (2 columns X 3.45 inches)

If interested in applying: Please make your interest known by March 4 to crca7@yahoo. sending a resume and letter of recommendation com. Applicants will need to be screened for TB, complete state $75.90 background checks CPS and criminal within Rate: $11history, per column inch 5 days of hire. Applicants should be able to start as soon as possible. First 3 months will be a provisional period.

Includes Internet placement

IFB J150016674 – WWTP Effluent Filter Rehabilitation – Phase II Receipt Date: March 17, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Opening Date: March 18, 2015 at 2:30 p.m.

RFQ J15-022615 – City Lock River Crossing Inlet and Junction Chambers Receipt Date: March 25, 2015 at 3:30 p.m.

Information or copies of the above solicitations are available by contacting Procurement Services, at the City of Richmond website (, or at 11th Floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone (804) 646-5716 or faxed (804) 646-5989. The City of Richmond encourages all contractors to participate in the procurement process.

Information or copies of the above solicitations are available by contacting Procurement Services, at the City of Richmond website (, or at 11th Floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone (804) 646-5716 or faxed (804) 646-5989. The City of Richmond encourages all contractors to participate in the procurement process.

For reference purposes, documents may be examined at the above location.

For reference purposes, documents may be examined at the above location.

Advertise here call 804-247-9060

Please review the proof, make any needed changes and return by fa If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be

Ok X________________________________________

Ok with changes X ____________________________ REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m.

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