EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • Sept 14, 2016
INSIDE Company steps up to feed needy - 5 Suing for religion freedom in USA - 8 Freedom Bell: The final journey - 9 Red Cross seeks blood donations- 15
Richmond & Hampton Roads
Cool person Elijah Coles-Brown Inspiring a community
2 • Sept. 14, 2016
Elijah Coles-Brown: An inspiration to youth and adults STAFF REPORT Many people would describe 12year old Elijah Coles-Brown as a child prodigy. He describes himself as a history buff aspiring to be an engineer who enjoys spending his summers at Bush Gardens. Coles-Brown, a Norfolk native, is busier than most adults. Besides his regular school schedule during the academic year, he is a motivational speaker. Most recently, he spoke at the Democratic National Convention via Skype — a moment he said he will remember forever. He was selected as one of four hosts from watch parties across the country. “It meant so much to me,” he said in a recent interview with The LEGACY. “I’m so grateful and
Elijah Coles-Brown blessed that I was able to speak on the same day Hillary Clinton accepted her nomination.” While he doesn’t plan to get into politics as an adult, he does have
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an opinion on national and world issues, including the presidential race and the stigma placed on the police. Coles-Brown predicts that Clinton will serve as the nation’s next president and that it’s best “not to react but respond” when dealing with the police. The middle schooler began his public speaking career in church when he delivered the famed Dr. Martin Luther King speech, “I Have a Dream”. Now, he writes his own speeches, has traveled the nation speaking at various events and inspires audiences on social justice. The public can expect more from this young man. He made a cameo appearance in the movie “Loving”, the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, the Virginia couple who took
their case to the Supreme Court after violating a Virginia law prohibiting interracial marriage, set to premiere in November. Coles-Brown already has speaking engagements slated for next year. During the observance of MLK’s holiday weekend, he will speak at Sharon Baptist Church in Richmond and the Carver Recreation Center in Charlottesville. Coles-Brown, the entreprenuer, is CEO of Dreamers Imagine, an organization that focuses on youth development, leadership, and encouraging youth about their “unlimited possibilities when they read, dream, and imagine”. For more dates and times to hear this young man speak visit the website, dreamersimagine.com.
Sept. 14, 2016 • 3
Forum will explore topics related to racial justice The 2016-17 Jepson Leadership Forum, “Reconstruction and the Arc of Racial [In]Justice,” follows America’s struggle for racial justice. Discussions with award-winning, notable experts will focus on topics related to slavery, civil war and civil rights all the way through to present day. Slated programs include the following: Sept. 15, Annette Gordon-Reed Gordon-Reed, a Harvard University historian and law professor, is co-author of “Most Blessed of the Patriarchs: Thomas Jefferson and the Empire of the Imagination.” Among other things, Gordon-Reed’s scholarship explores the life of Thomas Jefferson. Oct. 19, Ira Berlin Berlin, professor at University of Maryland, has written extensively on southern and African-American history. In 2015, he was one of two recipients of the American Historical
Association’s Award for Scholarly Distinction. Nov. 15, Eric Foner A professor at Columbia University, Foner is regarded as the leading authority on the Reconstruction Era in the United States. His book, “Reconstruction,” examines responses to the changes brought about by the Civil War and the end of slavery. Jan. 24, Isabel Wilkerson Wilkerson is the author of the bestseller “The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration.” A journalist, Wilkerson was the first African-American woman in the history of American journalism to win a Pulitzer Prize. Feb. 15, Jamelle Bouie Chief political correspondent for Slate magazine and a political analyst for CBS News, Bouie’s reporting covers campaigns, elections and national affairs.
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March 21, Thomas F. Jackson Jackson is a historian at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and an American Civil Rights Movement scholar. His award-winning book, “From Civil Rights to Human Rights: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Struggle of Economic Justice,” examines the contexts and meanings of King’s message.
All programs take place at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public, but registration is required and opens three weeks prior to each event. Audience members will have opportunities to interact with the speakers during book signings and receptions. For more information and venue information, visit the website jepson. richmond.edu/forum.
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4 • Sept. 14, 2016
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Sept. 14, 2016 • 5
Food Lion donates to help feed the poor Food Lion has partnered with Virginia Peninsula Food Bank to renovate The Needs Network, a Newport News pantry and will remodel the pantry and stock the shelves at more than 30 local pantries in celebration of Feeding America’s Hunger Action Month. Last week, Food Lion provided The Needs Network with 10,000 meals to feed children, adults and seniors who are at risk of hunger. The renovation and donations are part of Food Lion’s second annual “The Great Pantry Makeover.” Local Food Lion associates will refurbish The Needs Network as part of the company’s “The Great Pantry Makeover” event. The Virginia Peninsula Food Bank nominated The Needs Network for The Great Pantry Makeover as they have been working to end hunger throughout Newport News since 1995. In celebration of Feeding America’s Hunger Action Month, Food Lion is
joining this powerful movement by remodeling and stocking the shelves at more than 30 local food pantries across its 10-state footprint during its second annual “The Great Pantry Makeover.” Hunger Action Month is a nationwide campaign mobilizing communities to take action on eliminating hunger.
Fake doctor teen arrested in Va. A Florida teen previously arrested for posing as a doctor was arrested in Virginia for allegedly trying to defraud a woman while buying a car, according to the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office. Malachi Love-Robinson, 19, from North West Palm Beach, was arrested and charged with false statement to obtain credit, obtaining money by false pretenses and identity fraud. He is being held in the Rappahannock Regional Jail on no bond. Detectives said Love-Robinson tried to buy a $35,000 Jaguar from Kargar Motors Car Dealership on Sept. 9. They said Love-Robinson filed out an online credit application and used the name of a female as a co-signer on the form. Police said employees became suspicious after some things LoveRobinson allegedly said. The employees were concerned Love-Robinson may have been trying to buy the car and stealing money from the woman he claimed was his mother. The dealership told Love-Robinson they would call him when his credit was approved, and he left the dealership. The employees notified the Sheriff’s Office and called Love-Robinson to have him return to the dealership. Two deputies were waiting in a back room when he arrived and began the
purchase of the car. The deputies came out and spoke to Love-Robinson, who told them he was in Virginia to purchase a car for himself and another for his godmother, who was with him. Love-Robinson told the deputies his godmother had agreed to cosign for the loan on the Jaguar. Deputies then spoke with the woman with Love-Robinson. She said he was a distant relative of hers through her son’s wife and LoveRobinson considered her to be his godmother. She told deputies that she did not give Love-Robinson permission to use her as a co-signer for the loan. A credit history run at the dealership showed two other loan applications with her information that she said she did not approve. A check with her credit card company revealed there had been a $1,200 charge the day before for two iPads and a cellphone that she had not purchased. Love-Robinson was arrested by the deputies and charged. At the time of the arrest, he was out of jail on bond from Florida for practicing medicine without a license. He was also recently arrested in Florida for allegedly stealing money from a woman, who said he posed as a doctor to treat her in her home.
6 • Sept. 14, 2016
Op/Ed & Letters
Surrogates like Mark Burns need a permanent timeout RAYNARD JACKSON I am really getting fed up with the constant drumbeat of criticism of Donald Trump’s campaign, especially the criticism coming from black Republicans. They seem to be willing to give President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and our party’s leadership a pass, but when it comes to Trump, all of a sudden, they seem to have found an untapped reservoir of righteous indignation. Yes, Trump has given his opponents plenty of reason and opportunity to criticize him, but in some ways Trump reminds me of NBA Hall of Famer Michael Jordan. Anyone who followed Jordan’s career knows that he was not a good teammate. He was intensely critical of many of his teammates, especially when they made mistakes. Some people thought he was arrogant and sometimes even condescending to his teammates. Let’s just say he had an extremely healthy dose of his own self-worth. But these same teammates that talked privately and anonymously to the media about Jordan were filled with effusive praise for Jordan when it came to the number of championship rings he helped them win. So to my never-Trumpers, in general, and the black ones in particular, can you really make
The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 42 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
a philosophical and substantive argument that Hillary Clinton would be a better president than Trump;, especially when it comes to the black community? Clinton wants to give amnesty to those in the country illegally, but no one ever talks about the devastating negative impact of this policy or the effect of current immigration policies on the black unemployment rate for low and under-skilled blacks. Trump is the only candidate to make this argument during this whole election cycle. Clinton wants to continue to relegate blacks to non-performing schools versus allowing parents to take their tax dollars to whatever school they deem best for their child, even though Clinton, Obama, and
The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016
most members of the Congressional Black Caucus opted for private schools for their kids. That’s not racist? Trump is a huge supporter of school choice. These same blacks are the ones who continue to ignorantly promote the notion that Republicans must and should speak before Democratic groups like the National Urban League, the NAACP, or the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). This is extremely insulting to me as a fellow black Republican, but it is far easier for them to complain about Trump rather than provide a group of black Republicans for Trump to engage with. We don’t need the above liberal Democratic groups to validate our leaders or to prove that they are not racists. Following their logic, white Republicans must speak before radical pro-homosexual groups like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in order to prove that Republicans are not homophobic, yet no one makes this argument. It seems that only when it comes to the black vote do black Republicans demand that we pay homage to those who are part of the Democratic base in order to reach out to the black community. Memo to the Trump campaign and the GOP: You have to start working
with black Republicans who have significant political experience and institutional memory about the party if you want to move the black community towards the Republican party in this and future election cycles. If you don’t believe me or you don’t want to recognize my argument, then I simply submit to you the past two weeks of constant embarrassing media appearances by supposed black surrogates from the Trump campaign and the Republican Party as exhibit A. This is what happens when you want to hire people who you are “comfortable” with versus those who know what the hell they are doing. Whenever a surrogate is getting more exposure than the principal (South Carolina preacher Mark Burns), there is a problem. Whenever a campaign has to explain away something a surrogate said or did, there is a problem. Whenever the media questions the party credentials or lack thereof of a surrogate, there is a problem. The Republican Party needs to bring the black Republican adults onto the scene or these media debacles will continue and we will most assuredly lose the presidential election.
(continued on page 7 )
Sept 14, 2016 • 7
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
Dump hate & anger
At times I see so much hate, anger and fear among our citizenry. We are Americans. We are bigger and better than this. We have come too far and done too much together. I firmly believe that most Americans want what is best for our fellow citizens and our country: fairness, opportunity, responsibility, education, respect, equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing more. Nothing less. If “we” work together, this can be accomplished.nOur history, heritage and humanity demand and require this of us. This is why and how America became…and is the greatest nation on Earth. Therefore, let us collaborate and make this happen. To paraphrase JFK: “Ask what you can do for country…not what country can do for you….” Or, to quote FDR: “All we have to fear is fear itself.” Together, we can do this. Basically, we all want the “same things” for ourselves, families, children, communities and country as a whole. Accordingly, let us…wisely and unselfishly…do the right things for our common good and united purpose. We are all in this together. In this effort, we are one and we are the same. When it comes to this, there is no “we” or “they.” No them or us. We can appeal to our “better angels.” We can be(come) that “shining city on the hill.” We can be(come) those “thousand points of light.” America has enough riches and wealth for all of us to be adequately provided for. There are enough
natural resources, human resources and technology resources for all of us. There really is. There are some among us who want to take our country back to the “good old days,” whatever that means for them. We need to go forward…not backward, for our America is still growing and is futuristic. We need to build bridges…not walls. We must believe in ourselves… and in each other…if we fail… our America fails. And, in this circumstance, failure is not an option. We can have America the beautiful…land of the free and home of the brave. We can have it all. It is up to us. Yes, it is! We are at the precipice of what could be…what can be…and what should be. Let us not falter. Let us do what needs to be done for America and the world. This is our opportunity to fulfill our aspirations, hopes, dreams, ambitions and potentialities. This is our chance to do “good” for all of us. Hatred has always been amongst us. It is evil and it kills the human spirit. Hatred has been used to breed divisiveness, disharmony and disunity. Thusly, we can no longer allow hatred to divide Americans along these social, economic and political venues. In today’s world, we need more camaraderie, commitment and compassion. Together, we can make a difference. Sometimes, there is a need for a society of “we,” instead of a society and culture of “me.” John L. Horton Norfolk
Talk of Clinton
As it pertains to the e-mail
situation: • She gave cronies and foreigners political favors and they gave money to her husband’s foundation. If any normal person had done the same, their clearances would have been immediately revoked…even before any investigation. • From a technical perspective, it is obvious to any software engineer that the classified markers were removed before programmatically. She the attached document. If any normal person had done the same to proactively pay folks to create a system that skirts around the classification process, that person would not only have their clearance revoked, but be in prison for 25 years. I don’t want bad things to happen to any person; however, when you deliberately create systems to undermine security controls, you should be held accountable. Regular folks don’t need to be prosecuted to have clearances revoked. Regular folks are put through hell when dealing with the clearance process. Not revoking her clearance is a bunch of bull$#!&. To be honest, I speculate that some groups are purposely delaying the suspension of clearance card until after she becomes president. It would give a black eye to western democracy as we know it. I recommend that we add Bernie Sanders back into the mix. I suggest that you research the process of suspending clearances. FBI input is not required. Some voters actually approve that a cleared person’s husband should
be allowed to take foriegn money through a foundation? It’s virtually impossible to prove intent. My boss can prove that I was late for a meeting; however, it would be almost impossible for him to prove that I intended to be late the meeting. For regular folks, you don’t have to prove “fn” intent to snatch someone’s clearance. Lord knows that I don’t wish bad on anyone, but her clearance should be snatched. At the end of the day, it just ain’t right. Elihu El
(from page 6) No longer can the Republican Party hire blacks simply for race insurance. This is about winning the “race” for the White House, not hiring simply because of race. In my columns, over the past four years, I have warned that we would come to this impasse. But as opposed to embracing my message, the party was too busy attacking me and attempting to discredit me for “being too critical” of the party. Maybe those black Republicans who have the requisite experience and institutional memory should simply self-identify as a black Democrat; then MAYBE the party will recognize them! Jackson is founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party.
8 • Sept. 14, 2016
Faith & Religion
Sue for religious freedom? It’s not just for conservatives JEFF BRUMLEY The number of religious freedom bills across the United States may give the impression that using the law to protect faith is a purely conservative pursuit. Well, it isn’t, said Brent Walker, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, based in Washington. “Progressives and conservatives both care about religious liberty — particularly when it’s their own,” he said. Still, it’s understandable why Americans may get the impression that Christian conservatives alone attempt, often successfully, to work the legal system to their political, social and religious benefit. Earlier this year, Mississippi Gov.
Phil Bryant signed a bill protecting faith-based organizations and businesses from liability when denying services to LGBTQ people. North Carolina and Indiana have also passed controversial, high-profile measures. Of nearly 200 bills proposed in state
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legislatures to discriminate against LGBTQ people, 100 invoke religious values as their motivation, CNN reported. “Kansas passed a law this year allowing campus groups to restrict membership to students based on faith,” the news channel reported. Legal and religion experts cite the legalization of gay marriage and other advances in LGBTQ rights as the driving force behind conservative efforts to boost the legal protection of their opposing beliefs. But right-wing values and same-sex marriage aren’t the only faith-based perspectives currently inspiring legal actions. While they are generating less national news, progressives and moderates are taking on government, and sometimes their neighbors, in the name of religious freedom. Among them is First Parish, a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Bedford, Mass. Earlier this month, ThinkProgress reported that the 287-year-old church sued the town after being denied a certificate of appropriateness for solar panels it wanted to mount on the roof of its historic meetinghouse. It argued that the denial is a violation of the congregation’s free exercise of religion as protected under the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The church’s complaint notes that Unitarian Universalist churches
across the nation have taken steps to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and are embracing other environmentally sustainable practices. “First Parish … calls upon the faithful to engage in affirmative acts of environmental conservation” which “are essential to their religious practice,” the church said in its court filing. First Parish’s action also comes under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, a federal law aimed to protect individuals, houses of worship and other religious groups from zoning and other land use discriminations. That church is not alone. In 2014, a group of North Carolina clergy claimed the state’s then-ban against same-sex marriage violated their religious freedom, and calling, to conduct weddings for LGBTQ people, ThinkProgress reported. They filed a challenge that was upheld. Michael Usey said it all shows that progressives are awakening to the legal avenues — including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act — available to them to promote and protect their causes. “There is a misunderstanding that separation [of church and state] means that congregations and groups can’t try to engage in public debate,” said Usey, pastor of College Park Baptist Church in Greensboro, N.C. The congregation actively and vocally opposed North Carolina’s Amendment 1. Passed by voters in 2014, it tightened the state’s existing ban on marriage equality. It was struck down as unconstitutional later that year. Usey said similar cases are springing up around the country. More churches need to speak up for justice. “There was a guy in Florida arrested for feeding the homeless,” Usey said. “I do think it’s time to be prophetic about these things.”
Sept. 14, 2016 • 9
Historic “Freedom Bell” makes final journey to ring at opening of the national AA museum The Freedom Bell of Williamsburg’s historic First Baptist Church, which tolled this year for the first time since segregation, will make a final journey to Washington, D.C. and ring at the dedication of the National Museum of African American History and Culture attended by President Barack Obama on Sept. 24. This trip coincides with the 240th anniversary of the historic First Baptist Church – established in the year of the nation’s founding. “Our congregation was formed secretly in a plantation wood by our brothers and sisters – enslaved and free – who sought simply to worship as they wished, just as our new nation asserted citizens’ unalienable rights,” said First Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Dr. Reginald F. Davis. “Their courage and our unwavering faith have sustained the First Baptist Church since 1776 through war, segregation and the ongoing struggle for equality.” “Just last year we set out to restore our long-silent bell so that it might ring out during our 240th year in a call to the nation for healing and justice,” Davis said. “That it will ring on such a day in the presence of our nation’s first African-American president, is a glorious advent that we could not have shared in our prayers or imagined in our wildest dreams.” First Baptist Church is believed to be the first black Baptist church organized entirely by African Americans, for African Americans. Acquired by the congregation in 1886, the Freedom Bell was installed above the church’s current sanctuary during its construction in 1956, but soon fell silent due to architectural and mechanical deficiencies. In
2015, under the guidance of a Colonial Williamsburg conservation and operations team, the bell was restored and the church belfry and vestibule renovated so that it could
Rev. Dr. Reginald F. Davis ring anew. The Let Freedom Ring Challenge called on the nation to visit the historic church during Black History Month in February 2016 and ring the bell for justice, peace and racial healing. Relatives descended from Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings – an enslaved African-American woman whom Jefferson owned – were the first members of the public to ring the bell Feb. 1 following a service featuring the Rev. Jesse Jackson and other luminaries. More than 4,000 people would follow them that month, and the Freedom Bell remains available for visitors to ring. “For 90 years Colonial Williamsburg has interpreted history, but together with First
Baptist Church we’ve made history,” said Colonial Williamsburg President and CEO Mitchell B. Reiss. “First Baptist’s is a crucial American story that parallels our entire nation’s. The Freedom Bell embodies both our shared history and our nation’s founding values as we work toward ‘a more perfect union.’” “For this bell to ring at this moment in history closes an arc in fitting, even poetic fashion. Both our institutions are honored and gratified by the Freedom Bell’s role in this momentous event,” Reiss said. The Freedom Bell will complete its final journey and return to First Baptist Church before Oct. 16 observances of the congregation’s 240th anniversary.
10 • Sept. 14, 2016
Kaine stops to campaign in Henrico Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine, a Virginia U.S. senator,
made a surprise visit on the campaign trail Saturday at a pee wee football game featuring Highland Springs Saints and the Glen Lea Lions. The Democratic vice presidential nominee got a warm welcome during the unexpected stop. Above, Glen LEA Lions cheerleaders pictured with Kaine.
African Film Weekend will screen new and original films The 12th African Film Weekend will be held Sept. 16-17 at the University of Richmond’s Robins School of Business, Queally Hall, Ukrop Auditorium. This event, held each fall, gives faculty, staff, students and the greater Richmond community the opportunity to learn about cultures and issues through the best filmmaking productions Africa offers. The theme for this year’s film weekend is “The Preservation of the Planet and its Cultures.” Frank Ukadike, a professor of film studies in the Department of Communication with a joint appointment in the Program of Africa and African Diaspora Studies at Tulane University, will serve as presenter of the film series,
offering commentary and leading a Q & A during each screening. The screening schedule is as follows: - “Price of Love” (Ethiopia), Sept. 16, 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. - “African Metropolis” (Short Films), Sept. 17, 8 a.m. - “Crumbs” (Ethiopia and Spain), Sept. 17, 9:45 a.m. - “Black November” (Nigeria), Sept. 17, 11 a.m. “The Shore Break” (South Africa), Sept. 17, 2 p.m. African Film Weekend is part of a larger cultural celebration of Africa throughout September, which also includes two lectures, each held in the International
Center Commons. On Monday, Leonard Muaka from Howard University, presented, “The Role of African Languages in the U.S. Academy of the 21st Century.” On Sept. 29 at 6:30 p.m., Garth Myers from Trinity College, will present, “Urban Environments in Africa: Sustainable Development and Grassroots SocioEnvironmental Justice.” The Office of International Education, the Media Resource Center, the International Studies Program, the Department of Modern Literatures and Cultures, and the Department of Geography cosponsor these events, which are free and open to the public.
Sept. 14, 2016 • 11
CBCF hosts annual prayer breakfast this week WASHINGTON—Grammy awardwinning singer Tasha Cobbs will headline the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Incorporated (CBCF) Annual Prayer Breakfast during the CBCF’s 46th Annual Legislative Conference (ALC). International faith leader and senior pastor Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale, of the Ray of Hope Christian Church in Decatur, Ga., will deliver the keynote message. The breakfast is scheduled on Sept. 17 from 7:30 a.m. at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. representatives, Lacy Clay and Karen Bass are the 2016 honorary co-chairs for ALC. “The Prayer Breakfast is an opportunity to recalibrate and celebrate the CBCF and our mission, which has guided and inspired our efforts for 40 years,” said CBCF president and chief executive officer A. Shuanise Washington. “For more than 30 years, the CBCF has hosted this breakfast during the ALC—as a time to reflect about some of the most pressing issues facing our community. We are grateful for our sponsors who share our mission of inspiring future African-American leaders.” “We support the CBCF’s work to empower the African-American community because we know that it not only has an impact today, but also on our leaders of tomorrow,” said Lori George Billingsley, vice president, community relations, Coca-Cola North America. Tasha Cobbs, who rose to the top of the charts in 2012 with her debut
A. Shuanise Washington hit single, “Break Every Chain,” is a multiple Grammy, Dove and Stellar award-winning artist. In 2015, Cobbs released her sophomore album, “One Place Live,” and charted number one on Billboard’s Gospel and Christian Albums charts. “I am honored to have been selected to deliver my musical ministry to this multi-generational audience,” said Tasha Cobbs. “The Congressional Black Caucus represents a sea of change that our ancestors would be proud to see how far we have come.” Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships. She has served in the ministry for 36 years and has been recognized by the African American
Gallery to host “Arte!” for Hispanic Heritage Month The Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities will host “Arte!” in celebration of Hispanic Heritage month at Pine Camp Arts and Community Center, 4901 Old Brook Road. The exhibit will open on Friday, Sept. 16 with a public reception from 6 to 8 p.m. The exhibit will be on display until Friday, Oct. 21. “Arte!” which means “art”, will include pieces from contemporary
artists Fabian Ramirez, Josue Fred, Helene Ruiz, and Juan Carlos Suazo. Pieces to be displayed will include abstract paintings, sculptures, masks, mixed media, and more. Spotlight Gallery hours are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. This exhibit is free and open to the public. For details on this exhibit or to schedule a tour please call Shaunn Casselle, curator at 804646-6722.
Biographies Hall of Fame, the Martin Luther King Board of Preaches of
Morehouse College, and the National Urban League. “It is my honor to share a message of hope, of perseverance, and of triumph,” said Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale in anticipation of speaking to the more than 3,000 attendees expected to participate in the breakfast. Other clergy participating in the program include Rev. Ronald Bobo from the West Side Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, Mo., and Imam Talib Shareef from the Nation’s Mosque in Washington, DC. Additional musical ministry will be provided by the Royal Priesthood Choir of the Alfred Street Baptist Church from Alexandria, Va. Proceeds from the Prayer Breakfast benefit the CBCF’s fellowship, internship, scholarship and research programs—and the foundation’s efforts to eliminate disparities in the black community.
12 • Sept 14, 2016
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Sept. 14, 2016 • 13
Stoney’s plan to transform City Hall includes improving ‘basic services’ Richmond mayoral candidate Levar Stoney last week unveiled his plan to transform City Hall and improve basic services. According to the campaign, highlights include “changing the culture” of city government and embracing innovation and technology. Continuing to be the candidate of substance and vision, this policy platform follows Stoney’s plan to transform public education and strengthen our schools. None of what we hope to achieve will get done without a fresh approach to city government. We need a City Hall that cares about the basics. That means filling the potholes and cutting the grass with urgency. My goal is to make Richmond the model of good urban governance, not the cautionary tale it is now. We also need to recognize that issues like potholes are symptoms of larger systemic problems in city government. City Hall is a sick patient—it has become a place where both employees and residents expect dysfunction and inefficiency. I will be a hands-on, visible and
transparent Mayor who leads from the top. I will drive a culture of collaboration across departments, promote diversity, and motivate staff to get things done. I will be the champion of accountability. We will measure our outputs as well as our inputs, and the buck will stop with me. In related news, the Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) Chairwoman Susan Swecker last week released a statement in support of the Richmond Democratic Committee's endorsement of Stoney. "Levar Stoney has the fresh vision and experience needed to lead Richmond into a new chapter in our city’s history. Levar is a principled Democrat with a long history of advocating for restorative justice and progressive values that would be the hallmark of a new Richmond. The overwhelming support for Levar within the Richmond Democratic Committee speaks volumes about his commitment to fighting for the people of Richmond. “I’ve had the privilege of knowing Levar Stoney for more than a decade while he has held multiple leadership
Public conversations in Richmond to discuss access to healthy foods and healthy eating The Richmond City Health District is asking community members to hear results of a community assessment and provide feedback to information about how availability of healthy foods and barriers to eating a healthy diet is impacting the health and wellbeing of Richmond residents and neighborhoods. The first Food Edition Community Conversation is Friday, Sept. 16, from 6 - 8:30 p.m. at the East District Family Resource Center, 2405 Jefferson Ave. The second event takes place Thursday, Sept. 22, from 6 - 8:30 p.m. at Harvest Thrift Store, 3030 Meadowbridge Rd. Free dinner will be served at both gatherings, and there will be raffles for a prize drawing.
Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at www.parentsformeganslaw.org. This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.
The Richmond City Health District notes that it recently completed a community needs assessment through a series of focus groups engaging residents in discussions about their perceptions of living a healthy lifestyle and particularly, their barriers to accessing and eating healthy foods in their neighborhoods. “We got a lot of fantastic feedback and are now planning dissemination of that information through the two ‘community conversations,’” according to the department. “We also want to give residents the opportunity to help us prioritize our recommendations and next steps.” For more information, contact Ashlee Walker at 804-205-3684.
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14 • Sept 14, 2016
AA Civil War Memorial Museum begins activities HAZEL TRICE EDNEY TEWire - More than 150,000 visitors are expected to attend the official grand opening ceremonies of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture on Saturday, Sept. 24. Therefore, in order to coordinate satellite events and distribute accurate and detailed public information on the extensive activities and logistics, a D.C. Host Committee has been created. The Host Committee held a press conference last week to give full details of events leading up to and during the Sept. 24 official opening ceremonies. Activities will begin Sept. 18, and continue through Sept. 26. They will include plays and concerts as well as events hosted by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library and the African
American Civil War Museum. Further, on the day of the opening, there will be hourly shuttles from the African American Civil War Museum to a site within proximity to the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). All activities will be free and open to the public. African American Civil War Memorial Museum, 1925 Vermont Ave. NW., in Washington, D.C., will be a place where all Americans can learn about the richness and diversity of the African American experience, what it means to their lives and how it helped shape this nation. “A place that transcends the boundaries of race and culture that divide us, and becomes a lens into a story that unites us all,” according to the Host Committee. “The African American Civil War Memorial allows
the nation to finally pay tribute to the gallant acts of the African American soldiers of the Civil War, who answered when America called
for help. These troops brought an end to slavery and reunited a torn country. The nation deserves an opportunity to honor their sacrifices.”
15 years later: 9-11 examined Sunday marked 15 years since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America. On that day, 2,753 people in Manhattan, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Shanksville, Pa., perished. One of the legacies of that tragedy: The service and sacrifice of our military men and women and their families through the two long conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. U.S. combat troops have been withdrawn but military actions continue; so do deployments connected to the conflict in Syria, the refugee crisis in greater Middle East, and the constant domestic response to challenges such as hurricanes here at home. This week provides a poignant opportunity for all to find out more about the challenges faced by military families who went to war folliwing 9-11 and are on guard every day—challenges including achieving a higher education. ThanksUSA, the national non-
Virginians from all walks of life paused on 9-11 to remember those lost 15 years ago. profit organization that provides post-secondary school scholarships to military spouses and children seeks to increase the number of scholarships ten-fold starting this academic year. ThanksUSA is led by retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Schmiegel.
According to the Department of Defense (2014 Demographics Report), 560,000 active-duty members claim 1.1 million children as dependents. There are nearly 700,000 military spouses and more than 100,000 children aged 17 to 22 in active-duty households.
While unemployment for veterans sits at an all-time low of 4 percent, military spouse unemployment lingers at a staggering rate of 18 percent; and 38 percent of spouses are considered underemployed based on their level of education.
Sept. 14, 2016 • 15
Red Cross: Donors of all blood types needed to maintain a diverse life-saving supply During National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, the American Red Cross is urging eligible donors to give blood to help ensure a stable and diverse blood supply for patients in need. Blood donors may be helping patients like 11-year-old Martin Mwita who has sickle cell disease. His body doesn’t produce enough healthy red cells to carry adequate oxygen through his body, so he relies on monthly transfusions to stabilize his health. Red blood cells carry markers that determine one’s blood type, and some blood types are unique to certain racial and ethnic groups. Because blood from donors of the same ethnic background as the recipient is less likely to cause complications, the Red Cross notes that it must maintain a diverse blood supply to meet these diverse patient needs. Whether blood is needed for a
Upcoming donation opportunities in Central Va.:
Martin Mwita chronic condition such as sickle cell disease, a surgical procedure or a large-scale emergency, it’s the blood already on the shelves that helps save lives. To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood
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9/16: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., VCU Health, 1250 E. Marshall St., Suite 2-300 9/16: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center, 8220 Meadowbridge Rd. 9/23: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., YMCAChester, 3011 W Hundred Rd. 9/25: 12 p.m. - 5 p.m., Enon United Methodist Church, 6156 Studley Rd. Richmond/Henrico - 9/23: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Weinstein JCC, 5403 Monument Av. 9/29: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m., St. Mary's Hospital. 5801 Bremo Rd. 9/30: 7 a.m. - 1 p.m., St. Mary's Hospital, 5801 Bremo Rd.
Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800733-2767). Donors are encouraged to make appointments and complete the RapidPass online health history questionnaire at redcrossblood.org/ rapidpass to help reduce wait times. Those who come out to give blood or platelets through Sept. 30 will receive a free haircut coupon via email, courtesy of Sport Clips Haircuts. The coupon is valid through Nov. 6, at participating locations, and donors must have a valid email address on record to receive the coupon. If you’re at least 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health, you may be eligible to donate blood.
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16 • Sept. 14, 2016
“The Making of a Racist: A Southerner Reflects on Family, History and the Slave Trade” will be held from 1–2:30 p.m. at Library of Virginia Lecture Hall, 800 East Broad St., Richmond. Charles Dew, one of America’s most respected historians of the South and slavery, will reflect on his powerful autobiography of life in the Jim Crow South of the 1950s. He rejected his racist upbringing and became a scholar. His intent with “The Making of a Racist” is to answer the question put to him by Illinois Browning Culver, the black woman who devoted decades to serving his family: “Charles, why do the grownups put so much hate in the children?” Books are available through the Virginia Shop. Event seating is limited, with free underground parking, which is accessible from either 8th or 9th streets. For more information, call 804-692-3592.
9.24, 10 a.m. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will attend the opening ceremony of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. They will be joined by former President George W. Bush and former first lady, Laura Bush, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Congressman John Lewis, Smithsonian Secretary David Skorton and the museum’s founding director, Lonnie Bunch. The president will deliver remarks during the ceremony. The occasion will be marked by readings of African American literature and musical performances, including a performance by jazz musician Wynton Marsalis, who created a special composition for the event. Additional details will be announced soon. For more information on the National Museum of African American History and Culture, visit nmaahc.si.edu.
9.25, 11 a.m.
The Breast Imaging Division of the University of Virginia Health System Department of Radiology is proud to bring digital screening mammograms to you with our Digital Mobile Mammography Coach Sponsored by SISTERS NETWORK CENTRAL VIRGINIA, INC. COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR
September 24, 2016 ~ 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Bill Robinson Recreational Park 825 N. 35th Street, Richmond VA 23223 You should be at least 40 years old with no current breast problems Primary Care Physician preferred The cost of this screening will be billed to your insurance and results will be sent to your referring physician Programs exist to cover the cost of exams for women with no health insurance or Primary Care Physician Need a mammogram but can’t afford it – call our office for more information
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Mammograms on the mobile unit are for baseline or annual screenings only Early detection is the best prevention
To honor Gold Star mothers and the surviving family members, Fort Eustis will host the Gold Star Mother’s Day at the Regimental Memorial Chapel, 705 Washington Blvd Suite 147, Ft Eustis. Gold Star Mother’s Day is observed in the United States on the last Sunday of September each year. It is a day for people to recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
9.28, 6: 30 p.m.
The Central Virginia African American Business Chanmber of Commerce will host Business After Hours featuring Fortune 500 special guest Altria. If you’re a business owner, you’re invited to attend and meet Supplier Diversity & Inclusion Professional Muriel Augustus. If you need to scale your business to take advantage of bigger deals, this is a perfect opportunity to expand your business network. Meet a like-minded competitor who you can team with and open new doors. The event takes place at Speakeasy @ The Hippodrome in Jackson Ward, 526 North 2nd St., Richmond. Chamber of Commerce members network free and non-members pay $20. Pre-registration requested at the chamber website.
National Megan’s Law Helpline & Sex Offender Registration Tips Program (888) ASK-PFML (275-7365)
Sept. 14, 2016 • 17
Study finds promise in new class of anti-cancer drugs A new class of platinum-based drugs has shown significant antimetastatic effects in fighting cancer, according to a study led by a Virginia Commonwealth University chemistry professor and cancer researcher. The study, “Antiangiogenic platinum through glycan targeting,” which was published in the August edition of Chemical Science, found that polynuclear platinum-based drugs are effective by identifying new targets in tumor cells, which had previously been unidentified for platinum-based anti-cancer drugs. Chemical Science is the flagship journal the U.K.-based Royal Society of Chemistry, publishing research of exceptional significance from across the chemical sciences. “We think our findings are very
significant because it gives a whole new direction to platinum-based drugs,” said Nicholas Farrell, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Chemistry in the College of Humanities and Sciences and a member of the Developmental Therapeutics research program at VCU Massey Cancer Center. “And it gives us a whole new understanding of what was going on with the original drugs. It’s an area that might have been overlooked for 30 years. It’s opening up a whole new avenue of research for platinumbased drugs.” The results, Farrell said, hold the possibility for expanding the cancers treatable by platinum-based drugs and could lead to the production of more cancer-specific drugs.
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agents,” he said. Cancer treatment with drugs that can act on multiple levels hold promise for more effective combinations, Farrell said, overcoming limitations such as resistance to single-targeted drugs, as well as enhancing tumor selectivity. Development of new medicines and new chemical entities, which may simultaneously attack a range of targets, would represent a significant addition to the anti-cancer armamentarium, he said. The research team’s preliminary in vivo findings — conducted in collaboration with former Massey Center Cancer Cell Signaling research program member K. Takabe, M.D., Ph.D., and VCU post-doctoral researcher E. Katsuta, M.D., Ph.D. — were presented at The American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting in April.
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A major goal of cancer research is to develop new drugs that prevent metastasis and limit the primary tumor to a relatively localized site, thereby allowing for more effective drug intervention at that site. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is limited by metastasis — the development of secondary malignant growths — when the tumor spreads away from the primary site of occurrence, sometimes years later, Farrell said. Platinum-based drugs are a mainstay of anti-cancer treatment, with approximately 50 percent of all cancer patients receiving the drugs. With this new research, Farrell and his collaborators have demonstrated the effectiveness of polynuclear platinum-based drugs in combating metastasis. “We can expand the range of tumors treatable by platinum-based
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18 • Sept 14, 2016
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CASE NO: CL16001571-00-4 To Earn, Inc. on behalf of the Workforce Development Board Loaders, Road Tractors Dump 800-614-6500; Front Royal/ REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. is issuing a Request for Proposals to solicit a qualified youth- Trucks, Trailers & More! OCT.Publishing date: Sept. 7 Winchester 800-454-1400 MARY ELIZABETH WINSTON, oriented Service Provider to deliver year-round Workforce 4th@9 AM, Richmond, VA Now 1401 Orchard Park Circle 67 Driverplacement Trainees needed! No www. Internet Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services to eligible in- Accepting Consignments Includes CDL? No Problem-We Train. Be motleys.com • 804.232.3300x4 • Davis, California school and out-of-school youth ages 16 – 24 under its youth Job needed ready in as little as and 20 days! VAAL#16 Please review the proof, make any changes return b program brand P.O.W.E.R. The Local Workforce Investment Earn Great pay/benefits! 1-800e-mail. Defendant. Area 15 encompasses the Cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, REAL ESTATE AUCTION. Pulaski 874-7131 If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may Hopewell, and Petersburg, and the Counties of Dinwiddie, Co., VA. October 7. 376+/- acres. inserted. ORDER OF PUBLICATION SERVICES Greensville, Prince George, Sussex, and Surry. Organizations Farmland, development land and DIVORCE – Uncontested, commercial property will be offered with a demonstrated capacity to deliver a year-round in-school X_______________________________________ $395 + $86 court cost. No court in 6 tractsOk ranging from 12+/The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony and out-of-school youth program under WIOA are encouraged acres to 275+/- acres. One 24+/appearance. Estimated completion from the defendant. It appearing from an affidavit that due diligence has to submit a proposal. time 21 days. Telephone inquiries ac. tract will be sold absolute. been used by or on behalf of the plaintiff to ascertain in what county or Ok with changes X ____________________________ welcome - no obligation. Hilton Responders must be willing to operate the Petersburg and Most of the property has been city the defant is, without effect, it is ordered that the defandant appear used for grazing or hay production. Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126. Se Emporia/Greensville P.O.W.E.R. sites and to serve youth before this Court within ten days after due publication of this notice or Habla Español. Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. spectacular from all localities in the Crater region. The contract period is Features include REMINDER: before the 21st day of September, 2016, and do what is necessary to November 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 with an option to renew up Food-Retail Asst. Managers: Local Federal Emp. protect his/her interest herein.
Ad Size: 8 inches (2 Security columns X 4 inches) The Library of Virginia is seeking an IT Analyst to provide cyber security expertise in support of the Library’s mission to preserve, Totalunique - $88 digital government protect, and make available, Virginia’s Rate: $11 per column inch position records for current and future generations. This is a full-time with benefits including health coverage. date: 7 For full information, and toPublishing apply, please visit Sept. https://virginiajobs. peopleadmin.com and search for position #00145. Includes Internet An EEO/AA/ADA Employer.placement
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to two years. Proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. September 26, 2017. An electronic copy of the RFP can be obtained at http:// www.learntoearn.org under NEWS tab. For more information call the CRWDG office at 804.732.7053.
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Sept. 14, 2016 • 19
Ad Size: 13.7 inches (2 columns X 6.85 inches)
Hampton Sheriff’s Office
(757) 926-2540 www.hampton.gov/sheriff 1 Issue (Sept. 14) - $150.70
Rate: $11 per column inch
The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified. HAMPTON CITY Thursday, October 6, 2016 3:00 p.m. ET – ITB 16-32/E (Re-bid) Construct and install Transit Shelters at Coliseum Central. A Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. EST, Public Works Conference room 4th floor City Hall, 22 Lincoln St., Hampton, VA 23669 . Thursday, October 20, 2016 2:00 p.m. ET – RFP 16-97/EA (Re-bid) Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance. A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. EST, 419 N. Armistead Ave. Hampton, VA 23669 4:00 p.m. ET – RFP 17-25/E Consultant for Marketing of Parent Education to Citizens and Families of Hampton. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. EST, Healthy Families 2nd floor Conference Room, 100 Old Hampton Lane, Hampton, VA 23669 For additional information, see our web page at http://www.hampton.gov/bids-contracts A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.2-4330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals. Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate.
Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance
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Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a valid prescription is required for all prescription medication orders.
Prescription price comparison above is valid as of November 16, 2015. All trade-mark (TM) rights associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners. *Generic drugs are carefully regulated medications that have the same active ingredients as the original brand name drug, but are generally cheaper in price.