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EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

WEDNESDAYS • Sept. 16, 2015

INSIDE Richmond Speaks debuts in RVA - 2 Va. DOC highlights prison program - 4 Examining the Ravens’ new season - 10 Funding to help process rape kits- 12

Richmond & Hampton Roads


How Moses ‘Mumbles’ Malone skipped college to save his family — and rule the NBA

t was the dog days of summer 1974, and University of Maryland basketball coach Lefty Driesell was very, very angry. He had spent the better part of a year scouting a star high-school basketball player from Petersburg, Va., named Moses Malone — 6 feet 10 inches, 220 pounds, 19 years old and, according to one scout, a “pro talent — now.” After a heated recruiting battle, Malone signed a letter of intent with the Terrapins. But, before his first game, the huge center defected to the Utah Stars, dealing the Maryland basketball program a huge blow. But this wasn’t just about the Terps, Driesell said. This was about a young man — the first young man in history — to forego a college education and jump right from high school on to a pro court. It just wasn’t appropriate. “I think they’re taking advantage of Moses,” Driesell said. More than 40 years later, Malone — who died of an apparent heart attack over the weekend at 60 — has left a legacy many an NBA pro would kill for. With 7,382 offensive rebounds, the man who helped take the Philadelphia 76ers to a world championship was inducted to the Hall of Fame in 2001, the first year he was eligible. But a generation ago, this silent and, some said, not very smart giant was at the center of a controversy about sports and education — and race — that rages to this day. If the American Basketball League — which merged with the NBA two years after Malone was recruited — needed the perfect player to justify scooping right out of high school, Malone certainly fit the bill. First of


once her son got his payday. “The plumbing often didn’t work, and for a long time there was a big hole in a wall where a window was supposed to be,” DeFord wrote. “When the house would become overrun with recruiters (on soft nights some would sleep on the porch), Moses would climb out a window, get onto the roof and take off.” The recruiters weren’t just supposed to be selling Malone on their college teams. They were supposed to be selling him on college. Malone’s family, however, wasn’t just in dire circumstances. He was also a middling student — at best. Of the “C” average Malone would need to get into a worthy school:

Moses Malone shack — one that was condemned all, he was incredibly poor. after Malone’s mother moved out “It was obvious that they were (continued on page 3) broke,” Larry Creger, who scouted Malone for Utah, told Terry Pluto for the 2007 book “Loose Balls: The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball League.” The house had no paint. There wasn’t any grass where the lawn was supposed to be. The whole neighborhood was like that, extremely poor.” Malone was an only child — of a woman who battled serious health problems even as she worked as a Safeway checker for $100 per week. Mary Malone had left school after the fifth grade to keep her family afloat, and kicked Malone’s father out of the house when he took to drinking. “I didn’t like him to do no work at all,” she told sportswriter Frank The NAACP’s “America’s Journey for Justice” came through Virginia by DeFord of her son in 1979. “I know way of Richmond on Sept. 12. The 860-mile march from Selma, Ala. to how hard I come up, so I didn’t want Washington, D.C., started Aug. 1 and is designed to raise awareness about him to.” education equity, fairness in the criminal justice system, sustainable jobs The Malone homestead DeFord and living wages and voter access. described was little more than a

On a ‘Journey for Justice’

2 • Sept. 16, 2015



Community conversations about the upcoming Slave Trail museum are underway. The Richmond Slave Trail Commission spearheaded by Del. Delores McQuinn held its first community conversation last week. The conversation tackled the Lumpkin’s Jail site and a potential museum showcasing the Slave Trail in the city of Richmond. Richmond Speaks, a citywide conversation about the site, is allowing the community to become involved in a process that could bring the city of Richmond and Virginia as a whole international attention. At the roundtable meetings community members not only get to hear the most up-to-date information on archaeological discoveries at the site but also get the opportunity to ask questions, share what the site means to them and offer input on its development. The first two of four roundtables were held last week. The first one was at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School. Over 50 people, including elected officials, city leaders and interested community members, attended the discussion. Slave Trail Commission Chair Del. McQuinn, Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones and Councilwoman Cynthia Newbille, leaders who have all faced much ridicule and opposition for their dedication to this project, were in attendance. They once again expressed their loyalty to the project and their hope to see it through. There is a strong desire to accomplish this expeditiously and according to Jones the city is “not going to waste time” developing this project. “This is not a pipe dream,” Jones said. “This is a wonderful opportunity to bring justice to those who deserve to be recognized. We want to make this dream a reality.” Former Gov. Bob McDonnell offered full support to the project during his governorship and ensured $11 million from the state was included in the budget for the project. The city

Richmond Speaks hosts initial roundtable museum discussions

designated an additional $10 million. “We have the resources to make this happen,” Jones said. During the roundtable, sketches of Lumpkin Jail were shared as well as several archaeological artifacts that included a bone ring that is believed to have belonged to an enslaved person and pharmaceutical bottles. “The city of Richmond has a archaeological treasure in the Lumpkin Site,” said Matt Laird with the James River Archaeology Institute. Joy Bailey Bryant of Lord Cultural Resources said the Lumpkin Jail Site is a special place for more than one reason. She offered comparisons of other international museums that the site could be grouped with. Those museums are the Smithsonian National Museum African American History and Culture in Washington D.C., Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, South Africa, Africville Interpretive Centre in

Novia Scotia and Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Another roundtable discussion took place Sept. 15 at Huguenot High School, and another is planned on Sept. 28 at Virginia Union University and Sept. 29 at Franklin Military Institute. To reserve space to take place in the discussion email RichmondSpeaks@ Visit www. for further information. Richmond Speaks is an ongoing public dialogue between the Richmond Slave Trail Commission, city of Richmond and Richmond residents about the Lumpkin’s Jail Site Questions from Richmond Speaks community roundtable: •What is the real historical and archeological significance of the Slave Trail?

•How is the Slave Trail truly connected to Lumpkin’s Jail? •What is the connection of the Slave Trail to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade or the Triangular Slave Trade? •What plans are in place by the city, the state and the national government to repair the damage inflicted on those living persons (descendants of travelers of the Slave Trail) who still suffer from past and present injustices? •Was this operation connected with other slave importing operations on the North American land mass or in the Caribbean islands? •Since the plan is to attract people on local, state, national and international levels on an annual basis should the exhibits be housed indoor as well as outside? •Is this $21 million dollar project being designed to help set the historical records straight or just to exhaust the funds and shut down the operation? (from page 1) “He doesn’t quite have it now,” Bob Kilbourne, athletic director at Malone’s high school, said in 1974, “but we’re pretty sure he’s going to get it.” Kilbourne, however, had been working with his star player. “We’ve had Moses in public speaking class to get him over his shyness,” Kilbourne said. “Before he came to high school, I don’t think he’d ever talked to a white person.” For Stars scout Creger, Malone’s poverty and lack of academic prospects made the case: He should play bro ball immediately. “What a joke it was for some of these coaches to be talking to Moses about the value and sanctity of a college degree,” Creger said. “At that stage of his life, Moses couldn’t even put a sentence together. … It was ludicrous for Lefty Driesell and all these guys to talk to Moses about how a college education was what he needed.” After Malone signed with the Stars, the center’s silence, which some writers linked to his alleged lack of intelligence, became legend. Two New York Times headlines referred to him as a “manchild.” Before he was “Chairman of the Boards,” one nickname, the unwelcome gift of a Utah radio DJ, was “Mumbles” Malone. Whenever reporters did score what passed for a quote from the player, they often rendered it in dialect accompanied by unflattering descriptions. Even his famous line about the outcome of the 1983 postseason — “Fo’, Fo’, Fo,‘” a prediction of three series sweeps in four games could be read as mocking. “Malone is not particularly articulate,” DeFord wrote. “… Indeed, in his heavy bass voice, speaking in the argot of his impoverished Southern subculture, he sometimes seems obtuse.” Even Malone’s teammates could offer backhanded advice. “Sometimes the guys’ll get on him about his speech problems; that’s one reason he’s so shy,” Gerald Goven of the Stars told The Post in 1974. “College would have been good for him only if he’d have gone to class. I’ve told him he should go back to

Sept. 16, 2015 • 3 school, though, because he’s going to have to speak in public now and then.” After Malone left the NBA behind, the “Mumbles” reputation stuck. Apropos of nothing, a political reporter ribbed Malone in 1999 in a column about a Bill Bradley campaign event the former player attended. “If the unintelligible Moses Malone speaks, will there be a translator?” the Weekly Standard wrote. Even teammate Julius Erving — arguably the greatest 76er in history, and certainly the team’s most prominent ambassador — got in on the act. “He’s not a man of a lot of words,” Erving said, inducting Malone into the Hall of Fame in 2001. “But behind those eyes you know there’s a brilliant mind. And it stays ahead of most people most of the time.” In 2005, the NBA decreed that players must be 19 to enter the draft. A decade later, the decision isn’t universally popular. There are socalled “one-and-done” players who do a year at a college before turning pro. This outcome doesn’t seem to serve anyone. “College is not for everybody,” Rick Pitino, head basketball coach at the University of Louisville, said earlier this year. “So if a kid doesn’t want to go to college, let him go to the pros.” Decades ago, another player who skipped out on a university degree said Malone — inarticulate or not, uneducated or not — had a similar argument. “The colleges are just there to use you,” Spencer Haywood of the Jazz, Malone’s teenage idol and the first basketball player ever to leave college for the pros, told DeFord in 1979. “If you’re black and haven’t a nice, rich mommy and daddy … then you have no choice. You take advantage of what you have as soon as you can.” Utah Stars Scout Creger put it even more starkly. “When we drafted Moses, all of these people were trying to lay a guilt trip on us, as if we were robbing the cradle,” he said. “I said that I believed in college for 99 percent of the players in the country, but not for Moses.” © WaPo

Project to unlock congestion on one of the most heavily traveled roads in the state Construction has started on the first of three segments to widen Interstate 64 in Hampton Roads. The first segment is a $122 million project that will add a lane and shoulder in each direction for 5.6 miles between Jefferson Avenue and Yorktown Road. About 100,000 vehicles travel this section every day, according estimates. The governor said the project, once completes, will help reduce congestion and delays, improve traffic safety, and provide better access for emergency evacuation on I-64 in the Hampton Roads region. “This important project is also a critical step forward in our efforts to build the transportation system businesses and families need to thrive in a new Virginia economy,” said Gov. Terry McAuliffe. “This project is a perfect example of making decisions at the local and regional level so that transportation funds get spent in a way that truly makes peoples’ lives better.” Those who use the road have been asking for improvements to this corridor. The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO) identified it as one of the region’s top transportation projects, and the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission (HRTAC), whose support of the first two segments of the project provide

approximately $250 million from the Hampton Roads Transportation Fund revenues. “These revenues supporting sound, responsible transportation initiatives will help build reliable transportation projects for our citizens,” said HRTAC Chairman Will Sessoms. “Segment I is HRTAC’s first investment. It is also an insurance policy for long-awaited congestion relief and emergency evacuation improvements.” The Virginia Department of Transportation will deliver the first segment as a design-build project by Shirley Contracting Company, LLC. This is a more streamlined process that helps to expedite construction. The design-build team constructs the project while design is still underway, which greatly reduces the overall time necessary to complete the project. The project is estimated to be completed by winter 2017. Work will occur in the median of the existing interstate. This limits the amount of right of way required to construct the project and avoids impacts to existing interchanges. In addition to roadway improvements, existing bridges will be widened to the inside. The second section of I-64 improvements stretches to Route 199 in Williamsburg. That contract is scheduled to be awarded this December.

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4 • Sept. 16, 2015


Program recognized for transforming highestsecurity prisons Across the nation, from state houses to kitchen tables, a conversation is brewing about the number of people America incarcerates, how those people are treated once they’re in the system, and the struggle to appropriately handle those who need restrictive housing. When Virginia instituted in 2011 an innovative program to give state inmates pathways out of restrictive prison housing, 511 offenders were housed in administrative segregation, whether for their protection or the protection of others. Four years later, only 160 offenders remain, according to Virginia’s corrections department. Virginia was nationally recognized in 2013 for transforming the

VADOC Director Harold Clarke


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state’s toughest prisons with wide sweeping culture change, including new opportunities for high-risk offenders to earn their way to lower security level prisons. The Virginia Department of Corrections’ (VADOC) innovative Administrative Step-Down program, partnering Red Onion State Prison (ROSP) with neighboring Wallens Ridge State Prison, received the State Transformation in Action (STAR) Award from the Council of State Government’s Southern Legislative Conference. The Step-Down initiative allows offenders in restrictive housing more step-by-step opportunities to earn their way to a lower security status and lower security prisons. In the four years since the Step-Down program began, more than 350 restrictive housing offenders have participated in the program. To date, only nine offenders enrolled in the program have had a setback resulting in their return to restrictive housing. “It’s in everyone’s best interests – offenders, staff, and the public – for these high-risk offenders to participate in programs and move into the general prison population before they are released back to our communities,” said VADOC Director Harold Clarke. “Further, the StepDown program is important even for offenders with life sentences; they are contributing members of the prison community and they have a real effect on the men who are going back out into the public.” The vast majority of Virginia’s offenders (around 90 percent) will be released back to the community at some point. In 2010 and 2011, before the Step Down program began in earnest, 50 and 58 (respectively) VADOC offenders were released

straight from restrictive housing to the community. In 2012, there were 21 such releases and in 2013 there were 11. In 2014, only four individuals were released straight from restrictive housing. So far in 2015, only two have been released straight from restrictive housing. “We have seen incredible progress on the part of so many men in this program,” said VADOC Reentry and Programs Director Scott Richeson. “We have based our programming on evidence based practices involving strategies to motivate participation and using cognitive behavioral programming for participants to learn new ways to think, make decisions and behave pro-socially. We also have a number of offenders at any given time who refuse to move out of restrictive housing.” Richeson said that these are people who, for a variety of reasons, do not want to live and interact with the hundreds of other men in prison. “We continue to look for strategies, programs and earned incentives to encourage their participation in the step down process,” he said. “We recognize that due to safety concerns, there will always be some offenders who require restrictive housing management but we want that number to be as low as possible.” Clarke said that after going through the Step Down program, some of these men are participating in educational programs and performing prison jobs for the first time in years. “Not only has this been good for the offenders, but the staff at these highsecurity prisons report that they feel safer and less stressed at work,” he said, adding that the program exemplifies the VADOC’s mission to increase long term public safety through strategies that reduce offenders’ criminal risks.



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Sept. 16, 2015 • 5

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6 • Sept. 16, 2015

Op/Ed & Letters


Va. GOP shouldn’t claim the diversity mantle just yet DEL. ALFONSO LOPEZ The Republican Party of Virginia is promising to pump $100,000 into races in a bid to draw women and minorities. I hate to break it to my friends across the aisle, but while the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) paints a rosy picture of the Republican bench, the Virginia GOP has a long way to go before it can claim to be the party of “diversity.” An RSLC board member claims that “while the Democrats run mostly white men in key Virginia races this year, the Republicans’ impressive slate of qualified, conservative and diverse men and women running for the House of Delegates is reflective of where our party is today.” What? Has he looked at a single Democratic candidate running for the House, or any office for that matter? Let me first stress that diversity is not just about numbers. It’s about policies that help women, people of color and Virginia families of every socioeconomic level get ahead. But if numbers are the game the RSLC wants to play, it loses. Handily. In House races, statistics don’t lie: Democratic women in contested seats: 17; Republican women in contested seats: 4. Democratic people of color in contested seats: 9; Republican people The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 1 No. 33 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online

of color in contested seats: 5. On the Senate side, the problem is even more dire — there was greater diversity in the Democratic primary for the 29th District Senate seat in Loudoun County than Republicans have in their entire caucus. Democratic women in contested seats: 7; Republican women in The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2015

contested seats: 3. Democratic people of color in contested seats: 4; Republican people of color in contested seats: 0. Diversity is about more than appearance, but one glance at a picture of the respective Democratic and Republican caucuses shows how utterly upside-down it is to claim that Republicans, not Democrats, are the party of diversity. For starters, six of 67 members of the House Republican Caucus are either women or people of color. That’s 8 percent of the caucus. Women and minorities make up a majority of the House Democratic Caucus. On the Senate side, while Democrats have slightly more than half of the caucus represented by women, people of color or lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, there’s only one Republican senator who is not a white male. The Republican Party consistently struggles with issues of insensitivity, from the Republican Party of Virginia chairman’s anti-Semitic joke at a rally to anti-woman and antiimmigrant insults from presidential contenders. On the policy side, the most recent General Assembly session saw Republican legislation to exclude Virginia’s “dream” children from in-state tuition and to

further restrict women’s health-care decisions. Republicans continued to block expanding Medicaid to 400,000 uninsured Virginians. This last one really hits home, as the Commonwealth Fund reported that Virginia ranked second-worst among states for the number of vulnerable minorities who had to go without health care in the past year because of the high cost. And the GOP’s prized recruits want more of the same. We must always work to become more inclusive and improve the diversity of thought, background (socioeconomic and otherwise), perspective and experience. The Democratic Party is committed to that at every level of recruitment, as well as every aspect of policies and ideas the party pushes forward. The Virginia GOP wants you to look at a few candidates and forget about any of the substance or policy that the party espouses. Finding a few women and candidates of color is a nice first step. But if Virginia’s Republican Party wants to truly be the party of the future, it needs to earn it with words, actions and policies. A party isn’t diverse just because it says so. Lopez represents Virginia’s 49th District in the House of Delegates.

Sept. 16, 2015 • 7

P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.

Not peaceful

The Financial Times recently reported that Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Obama has conducted ten times more drone strikes than his predecessor George W. Bush. As far as we can tell, that number is somewhere in the ballpark of 500 strikes and spans a wide array of countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya. We can’t know for sure exactly how many drone attacks have taken place, who is conducting them, how many people have been killed by them, or how many other countries have been victim. It’s important to Obama that the extent of his drone wars remain secret. His peaceful veneer would quickly disintegrate if we had an accurate Obama-death-toll. Drone wars have been kept so secret, in fact, that Obama’s former Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs,revealed that he was instructed not to acknowledge or discuss their existence. A handful of investigative journalist groups like The Long War Journal have been left conducting important but difficult guess work about Obama’s drone wars, as if putting together a large puzzle one small piece at a time. All the while, the American public is left clueless as to the activities being conducted in their name. Obama proclaims that “a decade of war is over,” while behind the scenes he expands the scope of the War on Terror. As a result of our being kept

largely ignorant of our government’s actions, we are all the more astounded when the consequences of such wars come to fruition. The phenomenon of blowback results from the American government’s actions abroadwhich cause tremendous resentment within local populations. When retaliation for these actions arrives at our shores or against Americans abroad, as it inevitably does, the American public is shocked and appalled, wondering what could possibly prompt such heinous actions. Hungry for answers, Americans are then fed simple explanations by politicians, such as, “they hate our way of life,” or “their religion commands them to commit such acts.” Never are we provided the context in which such reprisals occur. And because so many Americans willingly accept the state’s spoonfed version of events, they largely tolerate a domestic police and surveillance state that is said to keep them safe from such “terrorists.” Tribal areas of Afghanistan surveyed about the psychological effects of drones reveal apeople living in terror, unable to sleep, with children often kept home from school for fear they’ll be targeted. Though generally out of sight, drones can constantly be heard buzzing overhead, creating a persistent state of fear. Despite our being told of the precision of drone strikes, subject populations have described massive civilian casualties and widespread destruction of property. Chad Nelson

Responsibility matters If you take a job for the government then you should abide by the rules of the job. If you don’t agree with the rules then you should resign. When the government as in Kim Davis’ case makes allowances for her to exercise her religious convictions then that “seems” to be a good thing. After all we are a country of religious opinions across the board and we don’t want to violate people’s religious convictions. However, If you work for Caesar then you have to follow Caesar’s rules. Here is something from the Bible. Mark chapter 12:13 - “Then they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Him in order to trap him in a statement. (This is referring to Jesus). They came and said to Him, “Teacher, we know that you are truthful and defer to no one; for you are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not? “Shall we pay or shall we not pay?" But he, knowing their hypocrisy said to them, “Why are you testing me? Bring me a denarius to look at. They brought one. He said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this? And they said to him, “Caesar’s. And, Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him.” (Mark 12: 13 - 17). I don’t think anyone should have to do something if they have moral or religious objections. However, if you are taking money from Caesar

aka the government then there are some expectations. Actually, I’ve never worked a job that did not have expectations, guidelines and requirements, whether I liked them or not. Personally, I would not officiate a wedding ceremony for a gay couple. This doesn’t mean that I am opposed to equal rights. I am for equal rights and the equal rights of gay people. However, I don’t personally support gay marriage. However, if I worked as a justice of the peace or in a governmental capacity I would feel like I had three choices: Perform the ceremony, resign or let someone else carry out the function. Essentially this is what U.S. District Judge David Bunning has agreed to do for Kim Davis in allowing her deputies to grant the licenses. Kim Davis has made her point. She has adamantly taken her stand for Christ. In no way has she backed down from what she says she believes. She has called attention to the importance of religious beliefs and Christian convictions. If she now tries to circumvent the clerk's office from granting licenses she has gone too far and should resign. People from Asia, India and the Middle East are flooding this country. Eventually these people will begin to hold public office. They too have religious opinions and they aren’t all Christian views. Setting a precedent for not having to obey the law today will come back to haunt us down the road. Glenn Mollette


8 • Sept. 16, 2015

Keeping the Faith A dog’s life -a good life In one of his better quips, Mark Twain said, “The more I know about people, the better I like my dog.” Amen, sir, as there are so many reasons to prefer the companionship of a dog over people, or at least some people. First, you can tell your dog anything - about yourself, your dirty past, your jerk of a boss or ex-wife and he will never repeat it or hold it against you. It’s also an advantage that you can never embarrass your dog like you can your children, parents, or spouse. I mean, dress dear Fido like a ballerina wearing tights and a tutu, and then post his picture online; he won’t care. Or, you dress like a ballerina wearing tights and a tutu, and post your picture online; he still won’t care. I love it that my dog never brings up politics, religion, money, or the Middle East at the dinner table. I love it that dogs are clinically proven to improve health and longevity not something you can say for all of your neighbors - and that they love unconditionally. But most of all, I am happy that dogs teach us to be happy. My family has a furry little pup named “Mo,” a stray, we temporarily took in until he could be permanently placed elsewhere. That was years ago. Mo so effectively wormed his way into our hearts, he became an irreplaceable part of the family. Now, poor Mo isn’t very bright. In fact, he is as dumb as a box of rocks. Lift one of his ears and look in, and

you can see straight through to the other side; I’m talking zero brains. But what he lacks in IQ points, he more than makes up for in sweetness and happiness. Mo wakes up every morning as if he has just won the lottery, boundlessly full of joy at the prospects of another day. He attacks every single meal and gobbles down each treat as if it were filet mignon. He becomes deliriously euphoric when taken for a walk. He greets every newcomer with wet kisses and a wagging tail. And his favorite thing in the whole world is to crawl into your lap while you drink your morning coffee or beg for a belly rub while watching the evening news. In fact, that’s about the extent of his demands. All he requires is a little affection, and he has no other expectations. Maybe that’s the secret to both canine and human happiness - to find satisfaction in what you have. Maybe that’s what Jesus was getting at when he mentioned the “birds of the air” and the “lilies of the field” (or dogs sleeping at the foot of your bed). They don’t toil or spin, sow or reap, fear or worry, because they simply take what life gives them, joyfully. You can use your time and energy being happy, or you can spend your time and energy chasing demanding, exacting, expecting, and striving - but never quite being satisfied, never quite getting what you feel you need. I don’t think you can do both at the same time. That is, be happy or be in the pursuit of happiness; for the pursuit of life robs us, so many times, of the enjoyment of living. Ask yourself this one candid question: How different would your life be if you were truly content with what you have, with the life you have been graced with, instead of being disappointed over what you don’t have. Your answer will reveal that


happiness is not something you “try” to find. It is all around you - and within you - if you will only accept it. No, you don’t have to be very smart to be happy. Here is how: Greet each morning with gusto. Savor the little enjoyments of life, for there are many. Be happy to take a walk or

get some exercise. Be kind to those you meet along the way, and love the people around you without reserve or hesitation. That’s a dog’s life, and that’s a good life. McBrayer is a syndicated columnist, pastor, and author/

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Sept. 16, 2015 • 9

Professor Balentine finds contemporary model of patience in ancient Job Samuel E. Balentine, professor of Old Testament and director of graduate studies at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, recently published “Have You Considered My Servant Job?”, in which he is a provocative, generative, and discerning theologian, according to Walter Brueggemann, Old Testament professor emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary, in Decatur, Georgia. Brueggemann calls the book a must read for any who cares about the “human crisis we now face, a crisis of our own making to be sure, but a crisis beyond our making hidden in the depths of evil, alienation, and excessive certitude.” In the book, Balentine examines the varied history of interpretation -- beginning with early Greek and Jewish translators and goes on to points of view from around the globe, religious and irreligious -- by focusing on the principal characters in the story-Job, God, the satan figure, Job's wife, and Job’s friends. Each chapter begins with a concise analysis of the biblical description of these characters, then explores how subsequent readers have expanded

or reduced the story, shifted its major emphases or retained them, read the story as history or as fiction, and applied the morals of the story to the present or dismissed them as irrelevant. Balentine demonstrates how each new generation of readers is shaped by different historical, cultural, and political contexts, which in turn require new interpretations of an old yet continually mesmerizing story. In addition to this most recent publication, Balentine has also authored numerous books, including "The Hidden God" (Oxford University Press), a commentary on Leviticus in the "Interpretation Bible Commentary Series" and "The Torah's Vision of Worship" (Fortress Press). He recently served as the editor-in-chief for the newly published "The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology." Balentine currently serves as the general editor of the Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary series; series editor of Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church; and editor-in-chief of "The Oxford Handbook on Ritual and Theology" (forthcoming).

Few U.S. Catholics skipped annulment because of cost Pope Francis has announced major changes to the Roman Catholic Church’s procedures for marriage annulments. While the new changes are aimed at making annulments faster and less expensive, a recent Pew Research Center survey found that most divorced U.S. Catholics who did not seek annulments did not cite the complicated nature of the process as a reason. The Catholic Church teaches that marriages are unbreakable unions, and thus remarrying after a divorce (without an annulment) is a sin. But an annulment – a declaration from the church that a marriage was never valid – makes it possible for divorced Catholics to enter a new marriage and still be eligible to receive Communion. A quarter of U.S. Catholic adults say they have experienced a divorce, according to our survey. That’s somewhat fewer than among U.S. adults overall (30 percent). Among U.S. Catholics who have ever been divorced, roughly a quarter (26 percent) say they or their former spouse have sought an annulment from the Catholic Church.

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The survey asked all U.S. Catholics who have been divorced and have not sought an annulment why they did not do so. The most common type of answer was that Catholics did not seek an annulment because they did not see it as necessary or did not want to get an annulment (43 percent). And about one-in-five divorced U.S. Catholics who did not seek an annulment say they were not married in the Catholic Church in the first place (21 percent), and may have thought they were ineligible for an annulment. Only about one in 10 say they did not attempt to get an annulment because it was too expensive (7 percent) or too complicated or timeconsuming (4 percent). While there were not enough respondents who were divorced and remarried without an annulment to analyze separately in the survey, they can be looked at together with Catholics who are currently living with a romantic partner outside of marriage, another group presumably ineligible for Communion in the eyes of the church.



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10 • Sept. 16, 2015


Are the Ravens ready for a Super Bowl Return? NNPA -- One of the most constant themes inside the NFL is that the Baltimore Ravens are Super Bowl contenders and the upcoming 20152016 season will be no different. Baltimore returns with a nice mix of experience and youth on their side, along with some of the best units in the league. Baltimore will be in the running for a Super Bowl appearance, however, so will some of their more familiar adversaries, including New England, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis and potentially Denver for starters. Ironically, for as much as any observer could tout Baltimore’s strengths, the same could be said for a host of other teams. The preseason hasn’t been the ideal indicator for Baltimore, but their roster is solid across the board and ready for a return to the Super Bowl. But, will they get there? Perry Green and

Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Riley: Baltimore has been one of the most consistent teams in the modern era and has routinely found a way to either be in the Super Bowl or hanging right outside of it. But this season could be a little bit different. The receivers, outside of an aged Steve Smith, are unproven. And, is anybody really convinced that Justin Forsett can re-live his 2014 breakout campaign? The defense returns intact for the most part and will continue to be a solid unit, but in the new age NFL where offenses win games, I don’t know if Baltimore has enough to match the upper echelon scoring teams in the conference. Green: It’s always the same questions about the Ravens each season and it’s always a deepseason, playoff-ending campaign

PFAC’s Art ‘After Dark’ offers free concert, adult coloring station The Peninsula Fine Arts Center will host “Art After Dark”, a free concert event, from 6-8 p.m. on Sept. 17. The free event will feature live music from Broken Mouth Annie and an “adult coloring” station with Karen Long Freidt, along with food, beer and wine available for purchase. Broken Mouth Annie was formed in 2011 when vocalist and guitarist Anson Morris teamed up with Matt Scruggs and Michael Howland. Chris Samulski, Victoria Hundley and Steve Jones completed the group and their debut album was released in 2012. The six-person band has been influenced by many artists, such as the Beatles

and Nirvana, but prefers to not categorize their music by genre. In 2013, their album, “The Frustration King” won Rock Album of the Year at the Veer Music Awards. Freidt will host the “adult coloring” station, which will allow adults to reconnect with their childhood through coloring. Freidt published her first book, “Brilliance: The Wisdom of Coloring”, a coloring book for adults and children alike in May 2015. Media outlets have heralded “adult coloring” as one of the hottest trends encouraging restful relaxation. Freidt’s coloring book features her characteristically whimsical drawings of flowers and more.

Baltimore Ravens quarterback Matt Schaub (8) calls a play on the line of scrimmage against the Atlanta Falcons during the first half of an NFL football preseason game in Atlanta. PHOTO: Brynn Anderson for them. Baltimore will be in the hunt like they always are and those other “contending” teams that you named, Riley, all have their own flaws as well as strengths. New England has to replace major parts of its secondary. Pittsburgh has suspensions and injuries zapping their roster plus a leaky secondary. Indianapolis’ head coach might be on the hot seat, and Denver’s quarterback is aging rapidly. I like the Ravens with a quarterback in his prime and strong offensive and defensive lines. Remember, they were only a few plays away from winning in their 35-31 loss to eventual champ New England. Riley: Yes, they were only a few plays away in their playoff defeat. I saw the game; the team with more playmakers won and that’ll be a reoccurring theme this season as well. The Ravens have always been offensively-challenged before Joe Flacco and strong performances from Ray Rice and Anquan Boldin completed the team. But those days are over, and Flacco has to get adjusted to a new cast that’s not as

talented. I’m not saying the Ravens won’t have a good year, I just don’t see them making a Super Bowl appearance. Green: Even in his 30s, I still believe that Steve Smith is a better receiver than Boldin. And despite the inexperience, I think this is one of the most talented receiving corps in Ravens’ history. Six-foot-five-inches tall receiver Marlon Brown will get a chance to show off the skills he displayed as a rookie in 2013 when he caught eight touchdowns. Receiver Kamar Aiken has skills too, as does second-year slot receiver Michael Campanaro. Mark my words, this Ravens team will do what it always does: make just enough plays on offense and defense to reach the playoffs and unleash who Baltimoreans know as “January Joe.” Flacco earned that nickname from all-pro linebacker Terrell Suggs last year because he always finds a way to show up big time during the playoffs every January. It’s been that way for eight years now. Expect more of the same in 2015.

Sept. 16, 2015 • 11

Ask Alma Parenting styles Dear Alma, My neighbor and I have been friends for three years. I relocated from out of town, so it was a relief when we hit it off and started a wonderful friendship. We both have children around the same age and our husbands are friends, too. Both families have been on vacations together and, like I said, we all get along great. Recently, though, there seems to be one problem that I think is pretty big but my neighbor doesn’t see as much of a problem at all. Our two oldest children are starting junior high school and we have two very different ways of parenting. She’s more of a what you’d call an organic, sunflower, easy-going, “let it go” kinda mom. She’s carefree and lets it flow. I’m fine with this approach – for her kids. By contrast, I’m firm and what some might call a helicopter mom. My kids have rules, they have chores, they do work for their allowances. Her kids don’t have any responsibilities. They just play. My rules include no television during the week and homework must be completed when my kids get home from school. The trouble is, I have had to take on a part-time job – I’m not happy about this — and she’s now looking after my kids after school. To return the favor, I take her kids on weekends to give her a break. As second moms to each other’s children, how do we, best friends and neighbors, find a happy medium between our parenting styles when caring for each other’s kids? Jackie B. Virginia Beach, Va. Jackie B., surely you’ve heard the term, it takes a village to raise a child, and although when I hear it, my right eye twitches. It’s true, depending on what neighborhood you live in. I appreciate your

question because it shows you’re interested in participating in that village concept – except you just wanna make sure all involved are following your extensive, finely tuned ritual of rules. Honestly, no one will ever parent your children the way you do. Although you may see you’re returning to work as a sacrifice, I see it as an opportunity for your children to experience something different. Sunflower-Mama will offer what she does best. It’s a different vibe. Her rules are written in the sandbox, not whittled in the backyard tree. So be it. Go with the flow. The best you can do is give her a list of instructions, but you can’t control if or when she’ll carry them out. Stop demanding that each task be met ‘cause that, my darling, would be a job that requires payment. Otherwise, it’s a favor. The responsibility to follow your list may lie more on the laps of your kids than your neighbor. I suggest you readjust your diagram of disciplines so that your kids can follow them more closely when you get home. Your rules are your rules. It’s time for your children to mature and adhere to them when you’re not around. Don’t worry, be happy! It sounds like your children are loved and supported by all the adults around them and that, my dear, is the best village of blessings anyone could hope for. Here’s what I’d say to your neighbor and best friend: “Thank you girl.” ***** Want advice? E-mail questions to her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma *****

Book stresses youth exposure to the fine arts A new children’s book aims to get black children to reach high for training in ballet and the other fine arts. Recently black ballerinas such as Misty Copeland, who was recently named the first black principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, have taken center stage. “Up on My Tippy Toes”, by Dr. Linda Sturrup, aims to encourage parents to expose their children to fine arts to better arm them for success in life. Sturrup’s second book, illustrated by Reginald William Butler, follows a young black girl, Natalie Jean, as she attends her first dance class—and fails. Will she gain the strength to return? Resilience in the face of adversity that arises when trying something difficult is a lesson that young people engaged in arts education programs learn at an early age. Arts education also positively affects a child’s selfesteem, behavior, academics and attendance; yet budget cuts that have devastated arts programs in public schools across the country have had a disproportional impact on black and Hispanic students. A 2008 National Endowment for the Arts survey found that between 1982 and 2008, arts programs had declined by 5 percent for white children but by

49 percent for black children and 40 percent for Hispanic children. “The fine arts teach children structure and discipline that cross over to the classroom and can help lead to a lifetime of success in any endeavor,” said Sturrup, whose book series follows the exploits of main character Natalie Jean, a six-yearold, based on her own niece. “Often our children are not exposed to the fine arts, however, and miss out on a key opportunity to try something new and rewarding.” While the author took some ballet as a girl, music was her calling. A music teacher spotted talent and encouraged her to take it further. Sturrup went on to play five instruments, including several woodwinds, acoustic guitar, drums, clarinet and piano. The author’s 2014 title, “A Sugar Bug on My Tooth”, introduced Natalie Jean, who trepidatiously ventured to the dentist for the first time. The book by Sturrup, who practices general dentistry in Houston, was designed to put youngsters at ease in the dental chair and set them on the path to a lifetime of great oral health. Future offerings in the series will take up other important topics of concern to young readers.

12 • Sept., 16 2015


Grant funding to help analyze untested rape kits Virginia has received a $1.4 million grant to conduct DNA testing and analyze more than 2,000 untested Physical Evidence Recovery Kits (PERKs) associated with sexual assaults in Virginia. By testing these kits and searching the profiles against DNA databases, law enforcement will be able to identify additional crimes by known perpetrators and make connections between crimes committed by unidentified perpetrators. Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring partnered with the Department of Forensic Science to apply for the grant. “Sexual violence is a truly heinous crime that cannot be tolerated in the Commonwealth and I'm really pleased that we will now have the resources to test these kits,” said Herring. “We know that sexual violence is a serial crime and perpetrators are often repeat offenders. By analyzing these kits we can build a stronger database, connect the dots on these terrible crimes, and put dangerous predators away. “Clearing out this backlog will

also help show survivors that the commonwealth is committed to helping them seek justice as part of their healing process.” The grant was awarded to Virginia as part of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s $38 million initiative to test 56,000 PERKs in more than 20 states. It should allow Virginia to test 2,034 previously untested PERKs from 65 law enforcement agencies holding five or more kits. The proposal includes an implementation plan to retrieve the untested kits from the 65 agencies by creating a steering committee overseen by OAG and DFS and comprised of representatives from: • Virginia Victim Assistance Network; •Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police; •Virginia Sheriffs’ Association; •Commonwealth’s Attorneys Services Council; •Virginia Chapter of the International Association of Forensic Nurses; •A local victim advocate who works primarily with sexual assault cases from a jurisdiction with a large

number of untested kits; •A local prosecutor from a community with a large number of untested kits; and •An experienced sexual assault investigator. PERKs contain evidence collected from victims during an extensive examination conducted at a hospital or crisis center following a sexual assault. The DNA evidence contained in PERKs is a powerful tool for identifying suspects, convicting perpetrators, preventing future offenses, and even exonerating the innocent. DNA from a PERK in one jurisdiction may help to solve crimes in that jurisdiction, and in other jurisdictions across the country. In cases where a suspect has not yet been identified, biological evidence can be analyzed and compared to offender profiles in DNA databases, such as the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), to help identify the perpetrator. Crime scene evidence can also be linked to other crime scenes through the use of DNA databases to identify serial offenders, and arrests for lower-level crimes in one state might help solve a cold case

in another state. “The Department of Forensic Science is excited to work with the Office of the Attorney General to coordinate the testing of more than 2,000 Physical Evidence Recovery Kits or PERKs that were identified in the recent PERK inventory,” said Brian Moran, the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security. “DNA profiles developed from this evidence can then be searched against the Virginia and National DNA Data Banks to potentially identify the perpetrator of these horrendous crimes and provide closure and justice for the victims.” To help administer the grant and ensure localities and survivors have access to the services they need, OAG will hire a project administrator to oversee the grant and work with local prosecutors, law enforcement, and survivors. The project administrator will also work with survivors and witnesses to coordinate services and track all of the grant data through a newly created database. The grant application was guided by data released in DFS’ Physical Evidence Recovery Kit Inventory Report.

What’s at the heart of a cryptogenic stroke? According to a new survey from the American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association, more than 50 percent of stroke patients and caregivers report anxiety and frustration when the cause of the stroke was undetermined, or “cryptogenic.” The survey, which included 309 cryptogenic stroke patients and caregivers, also found that only 20 percent of patients and caregivers report receiving information for cryptogenic stroke at the time of diagnosis. The survey findings indicate that patients and caregivers are significantly impacted by stroke with more than 70 percent of both groups reporting feeling tired and drained (or having low energy) as a result. Every year, about 800,000

Americans have a stroke. Of those, about 200,000 are considered “cryptogenic,” meaning the cause of the stroke is undetermined. Statistics show cryptogenic stroke patients have reason to be concerned: A prior stroke is the number one risk factor for a second stroke. Educating patients and families about cryptogenic stroke and diagnostic options will help manage feelings of worry, nervousness or unease and frustration they report from not knowing the cause of a stroke.This is why the American Stroke Association, with support from Medtronic, launched the Cryptogenic Stroke Initiative. This month, the first Patient Guide to Cryptogenic Stroke is being released. The guide includes

Image showing normal and abnormal blood vessels. information on the cryptogenic stroke diagnosis, what happens during a stroke, secondary prevention information, questions to ask your

doctor, support resources and more. “Through the initiative, we’re

(continued on page 13)

Sept. 16, 2015 • 13

SBA to bolster women-owned small businesses WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has issued a final rule authorizing federal agencies to award sole-source contracts to women-owned small businesses eligible for the WomanOwned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program. Effective next month, on Oct. 14, the rule levels the playing field for women-owned small businesses across the federal contracting marketplace. “Women-owned businesses are growing three times faster than their counterparts, yet the federal government has not achieved its goal of awarding 5 percent of federal contracts to women. By granting contracting officers this new authority to award sole-

source contracts to women-owned businesses, SBA is taking a major step forward in leveling the playing field and supporting our country’s dynamic female entrepreneurs,” said SBA Administrator Maria ContrerasSweet. “After all, if we want a more diverse supply chain, Uncle Sam needs to lead by example.” “SBA will use this new tool to continue to open doors for women entrepreneurs in the federal and commercial contract space,” said SBA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Natalia Olson-Urtecho. “We actively promote women-owned businesses through programs such as ChallengeHER, the Women’s Business Centers and InnovateHER, as well as implementing recent changes to our lending program

VSU senior named an HBCU All-Star Kayla Harris-Fontaine a Virginia State University senior, mass communications major from Capitol Heights, MD was recently recognized as one of 83 HBCU All-Stars. Kayla will serve as a student ambassador for the White House Initiative on HBCUs. The HBCU All-Star program was established to advance President Barack Obama’s Executive Order 13532, Promoting Excellence, Innovation, and Sustainability at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Participants were selected based on criteria recognizing accomplishments in academics, leadership and civic engagement. Over the course of the year, the HBCU All-Stars will serve as ambassadors of the WHIHBCUs by providing outreach and communication with their fellow students about the value of education and the role of the Initiative as a networking resource. Through social media and their relationships with community based organizations, the All-Stars will share promising and proven practices that support

Kayla Harris-Fontaine opportunities for all young people to achieve their educational and career potential. Kayla will attend the HBCU AllStar induction at this year’s HBCU Week Conference in Sept. 20-22 in Washington D.C.

making smaller dollar loans more accessible to women, and creating the online portal, LINC, to ease the process of finding capital to grow or start small businesses.” SBA’s WOSB program was implemented in 2010. In July 2014, Contreras-Sweet testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship that federal agencies needed sole source authority to level the playing

field for women-owned businesses. With strong support from the small business committees, SBA worked with Congress and key small business stakeholders to include this provision in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, signed by President Obama in December 2014. To learn more about how SBA supports women entrepreneurs, visit wosb or contact

(from page 12) Stroke Initiative is designed to help informing cryptogenic stroke patients about their condition andhelping them to work with their healthcare team to prevent a second stroke,” said Mary Ann Bauman, M.D., chair of the American Stroke Association Advisory Committee. “We know that focusing on these patientswill help us save lives from stroke, which is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. and a leading cause of severe, long-term disability.” The American Stroke Association’s survey, which includes a combination of online and telephone interviews with 309 stroke survivors and caregivers, also provides insight into how cryptogenic stroke patients receive information about their diagnosis. The survey reveals that only one in five patients receive information about cryptogenic stroke at the time of their diagnosis. Of patients receiving timely information, 75 percent received it verbally. Cryptogenic stroke patients and caregivers seek information from a variety of sources for the first year, but few report finding adequate information. “It is extremely difficult to remember everything a doctor tells you when you’re still trying to come to terms with the fact that you’ve had a stroke. We can help cryptogenic stroke patients and their families by providing comprehensive resources about the condition, ” Bauman said. The association’s Cryptogenic

patients like Bill Benedict, 79, from Ithaca, New York. Benedict suffered two “ministrokes” (transient ischemic attacks or TIAs) about a month apart. Each time, doctors were unable to give him a reason whythey occurred. For Benedict, who has a personal history of heart trouble and a family history of stroke, thiswas far from reassuring.“It was quite scary not to know,” he said. After his second mini stroke, Benedict’s cardiologist suggested an underlying cause may be atrial fibrillation (AF), which is a quivering or irregular heartbeat. AF often has no symptoms and comes and goes so it may not always be detected by conventional cardiac monitoring techniques. While it can be tricky to diagnose, it’s important because AF increases stroke risk up to five times. His doctor agreed to test him for AF using a small, insertable device that monitors the heart rhythm continuously for up to three years. A few months after having it, the device detected atrial fibrillation and Benedict is now managing his condition through medication. Although AF is one of the many likely causes of cryptogenic stroke, only 12 percent of patients were told that AF was a possible cause of their stroke. Other common causes for investigation include Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) a hole between the heart’s chambers, and thrombophilia, a blood clotting disorder.

14 • Sept. 16, 2015


Bon Secours promotes two to new leadership roles Mark M. Gordon, CEO of Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center in Midlothian, has been named CEO of three Bon Secours hospitals, Memorial Regional Medical Center, Richmond Community Hospital and Rappahannock General Hospital and Francine Barr, vice president and chief operating officer of Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital, has been promoted to CEO of St. Mary’s Hospital. Both appointments are effective Oct. 1. Gordon and Barr will work closely with their predecessors to create a seamless transition, as Gordon replaces Michael Robinson who is retiring Oct. 31, and Barr replaces Toni R. Ardabell who began her tenure as CEO of Bon Secours Richmond Health System on Jan. 1, and has remained CEO of St. Mary’s. “Mark Gordon and Francine Barr are proven leaders who have decades of experience focused on patientcentered care,” said Ardabell. “Under their leadership, Bon Secours is wellpositioned to meet the challenges of a changing health care industry going forward. They both bring integrity, intellect and passion to their work.” Gordon joined Bon Secours in 2008 as CEO of St. Francis Medical Center, a 75-acre campus that includes the hospital, Medical Office Building, Cancer Center, Child Care Center, physician practices, a Medical Pavilion and the nearby Watkins Centre, the area’s first freestanding emergency center. He came to Richmond from Bon Secours’ Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital, in Kentucky. “Bon Secours Richmond Health System is a leading community health care system focused on the highest quality of patient care. I look forward to leading each of these hospitals and focusing on how we can meet the distinct needs of the communities they serve,” said Gordon. Barr came to Bon Secours in 1993 as administrative director of critical care nursing at St. Mary’s Hospital. Prior to joining to Bon Secours, she held critical care and intensive care unit nursing positions at Henrico Doctors’ Hospital. In 2001 she

became vice president, chief nursing officer of St. Mary’s Hospital, and in 2012 she took on the role of vice president of the senior services service line for Bon Secours Virginia Health System. In 2013 she was promoted to director of patient- and family-centered care for Bon Secours Health System, Inc. “I envision a bright future for St. Mary’s Hospital,” said Barr. “I am

honored to have been asked to lead a hospital ministry that is at the forefront of care delivery, focused on quality and compassionate patient care. We have a high-caliber team already in place at St. Mary’s, and I look forward to navigating through this new era of health care reform.” A search for a permanent CEO for St. Francis Medical Center will begin immediately. In the interim,

St. Francis will be co-led by John McCurley, M.D., chief medical officer (CMO) at St. Francis, who will serve as the hospital’s interim CEO, and Kevin Sheppard, vice president of Ambulatory Services, Ambulatory Care, who will join Dr. McCurley as co-interim CEO as well as interim vice president for operations. Dr. McCurley also will continue in his role at CMO at St. Francis.

Gina Paige delivers’s The Ultimate Selfie program to students. launches “The Ultimate Selfie” student program Selfies can be manufactured, self-impressions of how one wants the world to see one. But what do they really say about who you are? African Ancestry, Inc., the blackowned technology company that pioneered genetics ancestry tracing for people of African descent, has created a student program to help educators get to the root of that question. Titled “The Ultimate Selfie … Connecting Identities to Excellence & Achievement” (TUS), the customizable program is designed for grades 6-12 and college students. “Studies have shown that young

people with healthier identities are more likely to be successful in school and life and less likely to bully or be violent, among other things,” said African Ancestry cofounder Gina Paige. “The ultimate Selfie was created to enlighten on identity, educate on the importance of knowing who you are and inspire respect and pride among participants.” Broward County School System, Florida Memorial College, Rutgers University and University of Maryland, Baltimore are a sampling of the schools that have already taken part in TUS. While each

school is invited to customize their program based on their goals and activities, the core program includes: •Student Learning Activity (developed by participating schools and encouraged to include STEM projects) •African Ancestry Education Presentations •Ancestry Testing and Reveal Events for students, families, educators and administrators The Ultimate Selfie is an updated student initiative developed in conjunction with educators and psychologists to make for a formalized, impactful program offering.

Sept. 16, 2015 • 15

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16 • Sept. 16, 2015


9.17, 5 p.m.

Retreat Doctors’ Hospital is partnering with ESPN 950 to offer free prostate screenings and seminars in recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. The event will take place at Retreat Doctors’ Hospital, 2621 Grove Ave., Richmond and will feature prostate cancer screenings that are free and open to the public. Registration is required for screenings. In addition, free health seminars will be offered at 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among American men. Nearly 220,000 new cases will be diagnosed this year in the United States. Most men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die from it-- highlighting the importance of screenings and early detection.

9. 17, 6:30 p.m.

Students from Christopher Newport University’s Captains’ Educational Enrichment (CEE) Fund will facilitate a series of courses about financial literacy at Newport News Public Libraries starting this month and ending with a finale in April 2016. There will be a program kick-off and then six additional courses: Money Basics, Budgeting Basics, College Readiness, Wheels and Housing for College, Fundamentals of Investing, and Introduction to Entrepreneurship. The program kick-offs at Main Street Library, 110 Main Street in Newport News, and will feature special guest Dr. William Donaldson, director of CNU Small Business Institute. The program is targeted to teens and their parents, but all are welcome to attend. More information about the program is available at www.nnpls.



Fairfield to highlight RIR contributions, PAL Fairfield District Supervisor Frank J. Thornton will hold a constituent meeting Monday, Sept. 21 to discuss how Richmond International Raceway (RIR) and the Henrico Police Athletic League are building a stronger community. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Eastern Henrico Recreation Center, 1440 N. Laburnum Ave. RIR President Dennis Bickmeier will join Thornton to discuss the raceway’s contributions to the community. Representatives of the Police Athletic League will explain the benefits and opportunities available to Henrico County youth through the organization’s programs and activities. For more information, call 804-501-4208.

Wellness tour offers free health tests The Walgreens Wellness Tour with the National Urban League will be in Hampton and other locations providing three free health tests valued at over $100. The free tests measure 10 key health indicators that include total cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, body mass index, body composition, skeletal muscle, resting metabolism, visceral fat, real body age and body weight. The free tests are administered by certified wellness staff and are available to adults who are ages 18 and older. This free service can be completed in approximately 20 minutes – insurance is not billed. The tour also provides important resources, educational information and consulting services

Tour locations

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. 645 First Colonial Rd., Virginia Beach

Monday, Sept. 21, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 West Constance Rd, Suffolk Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 700 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth

Thursday, Sept. 24, 2 p.m.-7 p.m. 801 Independence Blvd., Virginia Beach

Friday, Sept. 25, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 919 W. Mercury Blvd., Hampton More information on the Wellness Tour can be found at players/English/7511351-walgreens-wellness-tour/

Are you in a suicide crisis?

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Submit your calendar events to calendar@legacynewspaper. com. Include contact infomation that can be published.

9.20, 11 a.m.

Star Fellowship Baptist Church in Richmond will be celebrating homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 20 at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. - Guests at 3 p.m. will be Rev. Earl Robinson and the Shalom Baptist Fellowship Church. Revival services will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 23 with Bishop Roy Foots as guest evangelist and on Thursday, Sept. 24 with Rev. Aamon R. Miller as guest evangelist.. Services starting nightly at 7 p.m. with prayer and praise services. All are invited.

9.28, 8:30 a.m.

The 12-week GifT (Get Focused Together) Workshop is geared to small business who are looking to Increase their bottom line, create value and build new business connections and and find Innovative ways of doing business. Attendees will meet with other like-minded business owners and executives who are ready to get focused, learn, share and grow their business. Location: Stratford University 836 J Clyde Morris Blvd, Newport News with facilitator – Shelley Smith, owner of Premier Rapport. Learn more at premierrapport. com/gift/ or e-mail Shelley@

9.29, 5 p.m.

The Alzheimer’s Association will present a discussion at Spring Arbor of Salisbury on “Legal & Financial Planning”. The event is free but registration is necessary. For more information, contact Spring Arbor of Salisbury, 14001 Turnberry Lane, Midlothian, 804-897-2727. One-stop for travel planning and booking. We’ll do the work so you don’t have to.

Sept. 16, 2015 • 17

Senators call for investigation into oxy decision WASHINGTON, D.C. – Several U.S. senators are calling for an investigation into the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision to approve the painkiller OxyContin for use by children as young as 11-years-old and an examination of the rise in the opioid misuse, abuse and consequent overdose deaths. In a letter to the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA), senators, including Virginia’s Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, said they were concerned about the the rise in and impact of opioid abuse. “The over prescription and misuse of opioids has contributed to the drug abuse crisis, and I’m deeply concerned that FDA’s decision to approve OxyContin for children as young as 11-years-old will further complicate this epidemic,” said Kaine, who traveled across Virginia in August to speak about and listen to residents and law enforcement on the topic. Warner, also expressing concern over the FDA decision, said the exponential rise in opioid abuse is devastating Virginia and the rest of the country. “I’m especially concerned that this decision was made without the advice of an independent advisory committee, which is required by FDA regulations in cases like these,” said Warner. “A comprehensive investigation will provide accountability and transparency about how this decision was reached.” The Virginia senators joined senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Ed Markey (DMA), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Angus King (I-ME) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) in asking for the U.S. Senate to “act swiftly” to examine the FDA decision. “Today, there are 2.1 million Americans abusing or dependent on opioids,” the senators wrote. “In addition, 44 people die every day as a result of a prescription opioid overdose. Abuse of opioid painkillers is also linked to abuse of heroin,

increased hepatitis C infection rates, increase in HIV transmission and a host of other negative public health outcomes. “The increased use and abuse of opioid medications is destroying lives and devastating communities. As we work to stop this crisis, the FDA’s decision to approve the use of OxyContin in pediatric patients is a step in the wrong direction, as it may lead to an increase in inappropriate prescribing and use among a population that are already at a higher risk for developing dependency and addiction. The United States Senate must act swiftly to examine this issue and protect a new generation from losing their productive lives to an opioid use disorder.” FDA said it approved the use of the opioid painkiller for patients aged 11 to 16 who have not benefited enough from alternatives. The long-acting drug already treats adults suffering from around-the-clock pain, and has been reformulated over the years to combat rising prescription drug abuse in the United States. Unlike adults, doctors are to prescribe the medicine only for children who can already tolerate a minimum dose of 20 milligrams of oxycodone, the active drug ingredient in OxyContin. The warnings and precautions for

pediatric patients are the same as those for adults, the agency. OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP, which had been asked by the FDA to evaluate the drug’s use in children, will also conduct postmarketing studies.

The duragesic patch, which releases fentanyl, is the other long-acting opioid option for pediatric pain management. The original formulation of OxyContin, which was first approved nearly two decades ago, was withdrawn due to its potential for abuse. “While other agencies of our government, including the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, are speaking loudly about the desperate need to stop the overprescribing of opioids and scourge of related overdose deaths, the FDA has continued to approve and expand the populations who use these addictive and deadly drugs,” noted the senators in their letter. They added that the FDA’s most recent action is a troubling example of the disconnect between the FDA approval process and the realities of this deadly epidemic.

WH welcomes the Blue Devils President Barack Obama talks with Duke University Blue Devils men’s basketball players, from right, Quinn Cook, Tyus Jones, Matt Jones and Grayson Allen during a greet with the team, coaches and University leadership prior to an event to honor the team and their 2015 NCAA Championship victory, in the Blue Room of the White House. Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski, background, watches the exchange. PHOTO: WH by Pete Souza

18 • Sept. 16, 2015

Serving Richmond & Hampton Roads 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 E. Clay St. (office) 105 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-1550 (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax) 804-644-1550 (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax) EMPLOYMENT, ANNOUNCEMENTS, FOR SALE, SERVICES,


SEALED PROPOSALS Ad Size: 10.30 inches (2 columns X 5.15 inches) The City of Richmond announces the following project(s) available for Total - $113.30 services relating to:

Crowder Construction Company is preparing a bid for the Korah 3 AFD Replacement project. We are soliciting in Richmond, Virginia and surrounding areas for subcontractor pricing for the scopes of work below. SCOPES of WORK (including, but not limited to): HVAC and electrical supply Bid Date: September 29, 2015 2:30 PM



Ad Size: 6.44 inches (2 columns X 3.22 inches) SEALED PROPOSALS

Runfollowing date: Sept. 9 The City of Richmond announces the project(s) available for services relating to: Cost: $70.84

Rate: $11 per column inch Next publishing date: Sept. 16

Rate: $11 per column inch

Includes Internet placement

Includes Internet placement IFB BL-160005136 – Canal Street and Virginia Street Streetscape IFB K16005106 –Kanawha Canal Breach Restoration Project make Phase any needed Project, 1 changes and return by fax o Please review theDate: proof, make any changes e- review the proof, Receipt September 16,needed 2015 at 2:30 p.m. and return by fax orPlease Receipt Date: September 22, 2015 at 2:30 If your response is not received by deadline, yourp.m. ad may not be in mail. Opening Date: September 17, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Opening Date: September 23, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be inserted.

Historically Underutilized Businesses including Minority (MBE) and Emerging Small (ESB) Business Enterprises and all others are encouraged to participate. Bid Proposals will be received at the following address: Crowder Construction Company 1111 Burma Drive Apex, North Carolina 27539 Telephone: (919) 367-2000 Fax: (919) 367-2097 Contact: Kathy D. Shear Please be advised the above bid date and time is the deadline for the General Contractor’s bid. We encourage you to provide us your “Scope of Work” at least 24 hours prior to this date and time so that we can clearly understand and evaluate your bid to us. We request MBE/ESB companies include a copy of their MBE/ESB certificates409 with their quote. Complete plans and specifications may be viewed at Crowder Construction Company at the address listed above. Contact us at the above phone number for a list of other locations where plans are available.

Ok X_________________________________________ Information or copies of the above solicitations are available by Information or copies of the above solicitations are available by OkProcurement X_________________________________________ contacting Services, at the City of Richmond website contacting Procurement Services, at the City of Richmond website (, or at 11th Floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad (, or at 11th Floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone (804) 646-5716 or faxed Ok with changes X _____________________________ Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone (804) 646-5716 or faxed Ok withThe changes X _____________________________ (804) 646-5989. City of Richmond encourages all contractors to (804) 646-5989. The City of Richmond encourages all contractors to participate in the procurement process. participate in the procurement process. REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. For reference purposes, documents may be examined at the above location.

Part-Time Church Treasurer and Church Financial Secretary Serving Richmond & Hampton Roads

REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m.

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E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. Clay St. (office) Growing Baptist Church,VAlocated Richmond, 23219 on the804-644-1550 Southside of Richmond, Virginia is (office) • 800-783-8062 (fax) looking for a part-time (10-15 hrs. per week) Church Treasurer and Church Financial Secretary with an accounting Ad Size:computer 3 inches (1 column(s) background, skills X 3 inches) and knowledge of Quick Books and Servant Keeper is a plus. 1 Issue (Sept. 16) - $33

Reach over 50,000 Legacy Interested candidates, please email your Includes Internet cover letter, resume and threeplacement references readers a by 9/20/15 to review the proof, make any needed changes and return by fax or e-mail. week in RVA Please If your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be inserted. Interviews will be setup with qualified & HR! Ok X_________________________________________ candidates. Thank you for your interest. Advertise Ok with changes X _____________________________ here. Call 804-644- Classified ads are for everyone! REMINDER: Deadline is Fridays @ 5 p.m. 1550. Place your “For sale”, “Wanted”, and

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The City of Richmond is seeking to fill the following positions: Equipment Operator III Wastewater 35M00000822 Public Utilities Apply by 9/27/15 ********************************* For an exciting career with the City of Richmond, visit our website for additional information and apply today! EOE M/F/D/V

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Chesterfield County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Employment Opportunities

804-743-3717 x157

We are currently accepting applications for: Assistant Manager – Food Services Substitute Food Service Associates Benefits of a career in School Nutrition include: ● Competitive Salaries ● Convenient Work Schedules ● Opportunities to Advance Professionally ● On-Site and Classroom Training ● Summers off with your children ● Professional Development Opportunities ● Eligibility to join SNA (School Nutrition Association)

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Sept. 16, 2015 • 19 ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES DC BIG FLEA & ANTIQUE MARKET SEPT 19-20. It’s An Amazing Treasure Hunt!

INVITATION FOR BIDS The Hampton Redevelopment & Housing Authority (HRHA) will only be accepting Sealed Bids at the Construction Office located at 811 West Pembroke, Hampton, VA 23669 for the time specified below for the following:

Metro DC’s Largest Antique Event! Dulles Expo-Chantilly, VA. 4320 Chantilly Shop Ctr, 20151. Adm $8 Sat 9-6 Sun 11-5 www.

for CDL. Veterans in Demand! Richmond/Fredericksburg 800243-1600; Lynchburg/Roanoke 800-614-6500; LFCC/Winchester 800-454-1400.

Hampton University

Educational Talent Search Job Openings

Hampton University is accepting applications for the High School Counselor position with Educational Talent Search (TS), a federal Harris Trucking Co. Balance Job TRIO Program funded through the U. S. Department of Education to Security & Quality Home Time. provide academic, career, and financial counseling to eligible middle Regional/OTR. and high school students and to encourage them to graduate from high school and pursue their post-secondary education. For specific Ad Size: Home Weekly. Paid Orientation. responsibilities, required qualifications, and application information 13 inches (2 column(s) X 6.5 inches) Up to .45 + Per Diem. Call for both positions, please visit the Hampton University Employment 1-800-929-5003; Apply www. page at 1 issue - $169

AUCTIONS FORECLOSURE SALE 18,747± Rate: $11 per column inch SF Cold Storage Facility, (NextDrivers: publishing date: Sept. 16) 5.86±AC. 777 Industrial Park CDL-A Earn up to $0.46 Rd., Mt. Jackson, VA. ON-SITE per mile, $7,000 Sign-On Bonus New Construction of Single Family Home Includes Internet SALE: 9/29 @10AM. Vehicles, PLUS up to $.03 per mile placement in 629 Pennsylvania Avenue – CFP 15-004 Equipment, Tools. Online Only bonus! Call 877-464-2365 or Auction: BID 9/23–10/1. www. the proof, Please review make any needed changes and return by fax or e-mail. 156-911 BID DUE: October 25, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. – HRHA Construction Office • If1-877-MOTLEYS your response is not received by deadline, your ad may not be inserted. at 811 West Pembroke Avenue, Hampton, VA HAMPTON SOLICITATION VA16 EHO NEED CDL DRIVERS??? ADVERTISE YOUR TRUCK PRE-BID: September 24, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. – HRHA Construction The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept Smith Mountain Lake Auction - REMINDER: DRIVER JOBS in Virginia Office at 811 West Pembroke Avenue, Hampton, VA Deadline is Friday @written 5 p.m. responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, 143± ac. offered in 24 estate size Newspapers for one low cost of Proposed forms of contract documents, including specifications, are on suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the tracts ranging from 2 to 18 acres $300. Your 25 word classified ad file and may be obtained by contacting Construction Office at 811 West date(s) and local time(s) specified. in Virginia’s beautiful Mountain reaches OVER ONE MILLION Pembroke Avenue, Hampton, Virginia, or calling at (757) 727-1481. The Region. Held Wednesday, Virginians! Call this paper or plans and specifications may be examined at the Builder’s Exchange in October 14, 5:00 PM at Hotel HAMPTON CITY Adriane Long at 804-521-7585 Norfolk, McGraw-Hill (F. W. Dodge) in Richmond, and HRHA website at Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Roanoke. Inspection Dates: Sept. (Virginia Press Services.) (Business Opportunities RFP&IFB). 2:00 p.m. ET – ITB 16-358001/CGA Convention Steamers 20, Sept. 27 and Oct. 4 from NOON to 4 PM. Contact Russell HELP WANTED / SALES Contractors submitting a bid must possess a valid Virginia Class A Seneff (VA #1185), Woltz & 2:00 p.m. ET – ITB 16-9/A EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Settler’s Landing Parking contractor’s license. A certified check, payable to HRHA, or a satisfactory Associates, Inc., (VA#321), Real Agents Needed * Leads, No Cold Garage Relighting Project. A Bid Bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount Estate Brokers & Auctioneers 800- Calls * Commissions Paid Daily MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting equal to five percent of the bid MUST be submitted with each bid that 551-3588 or visit * Lifetime Renewals * Complete will be held on Tuesday, Training * Health & Dental exceeds $25,000. Performance and Payment Bonds will be required for September 22, 2015 at 11:00 Insurance * Life License Required. all Contracts over $100,000. Certified Payrolls will be required. This is a ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS: a.m. local time at the Settler’s Advertise your upcoming auctions Call 1-888-713-6020. Section 3 project. Landing Parking Garage, in Virginia Newspapers for one 555 Settler’s Landing Road, low cost of $300. Your 25 word MISCELLANEOUS All clarifications regarding the specifications and/or scope of work must Hampton, VA 23669. classified ad reaches OVER ONE AVIATION Grads work with be in writing a minimum of ten days prior to the bid opening and may be Thursday, October 8, 2015 MILLION Virginians! Call this JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others 2:00 p.m. ET – ITB 15-55/A (Re-bid) faxed to (757) 727-1768, Attn: Construction Department or electronically Retaining Wall Improvements on paper or Adriane Long at 804-521- – start here with hands on training to both HRHA at and the architect of record, DJG, Route 60. A NON-MANDATORY 7585 (Virginia Press Services. for FAA certification. Financial aid Inc., at HRHA shall not be responsible for missed Pre-bid Meeting will be held if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of transmissions. at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, EDUCATION Maintenance 888-245-9553. September 23, 2015 at the MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES Public Works Conference room NEEDED! Train to become a REAL ESTATE AUCTION located at 22 Lincoln St, 4th Floor Medical Office Assistant! NO AUCTION - VP Dan Quayle’s Hampton, VA 23669. EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Training former personal Residence. & Job Placement available at CTI! WEDNESDAY 9/16 6p.m., Mclean, For additional information, see our web page at HS Diploma/GED & Computer Virginia. 1.84-acres, 5-Bedroom, needed. 1-888-424-9419. 4 ½-Bath, InGround Pool, Original List: $1,595,000, 1013 Union EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Church Road, McLean 22102 A withdrawal of bid due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.2Machine Shop Liquidation Sale. 4330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may Lathes, Mills, Grinders, Welders www.PrimeAuctionSolutions. be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; And Much More!!! com, CALL 703-495-7500 VA (757) 727-2200. The right is reserved to reject any and all responses, 2908000975 to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in 20 Hedge Lane, Afton, Virginia submittals. 22920. September 18th-20th. SERVICES Call DIVORCE – Uncontested, Minority and Woman-Owned Businesses are encouraged to participate. 804.355.1619 for Details $350 + $88 court cost. No court appearance. Estimated completion Karl Daughtrey, HELP WANTED time twenty-one days. Telephone Director of Finance Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment inquiries welcome - no obligation. Operator Career! We Offer Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490HEALTH/PERSONALS/MISCELLANEOUS Training and Certifications 0126. Se Habla Español. Running Bulldozers, Backhoes Northern beach area of Corolla and Excavators. Lifetime Job STEEL BUILDINGS IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER XARELTO and suffered to South Nags Head, NC Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! SUMMER BLOWOUT STEEL internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a October 8-11 1-866-362-6497. BUILDINGS Homes, Garages & Workshops. Lowest Prices loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present Tickets $10 and LOW Monthly Payment on HELP WANTED – DRIVERS time, you may be entitled to compensation. Good all 4 days of event remaining cancelled orders 16x20, CDL TRAINING FOR LOCAL/ Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 20x30, 25x30, 30x40, 42x60. OTR DRIVERS! $40,000-$50,000 1-800-991-9251 Heather 1ST Year! 4-wks or 10 Weekends 1-800-535-5727

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22 homes

Preview tour:

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