• Empowering students - 2 • Clinical trials advise - 3 • RVA history matters - 5
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
WEDNESDAYS • July 1, 2020
Richmond & Hampton Roads
Pandemic or not, Angela Patton believes in the futures of black girls
PHOTO: Girls for Change
ZOE HALL For 20 years, Girls For a Change has helped girls of color find success in a world still plagued with inequality. Angela Patton refuses to let a pandemic get the way of their futures. Angela Patton, chief executive
officer for Girls For A Change, got an email notification. It was from a Camp Diva camper — an organization that empowers teen girls — thanking her for putting her picture on the Camp Diva flyer. “That’s a victory today!” she said. Right now, the venue where Camp Diva meets is empty. Patton and her
staff make regular visits to maintain the mural-covered building, which is located in North Chesterfield. The space, equipped with a garden and meditation rooms, is designed to be a safe escape for girls who need it. Patton knows how important it is to have a safe space. She knows what it’s like to move to the
suburbs and experience racism from neighbors, and later, colleagues. At Girls For A Change, Patton leads a variety of programs that give young girls, especially Black girls and other girls of color, the tools they need to break through the glass ceiling — or more accurately, concrete ceiling — and make space for themselves. 95 percent of the girls who participate in GFAC are Black. “That’s why they need these spaces,” Patton said. “To build that muscle, so that when they do have to face a principle, or face that boss, or the person who’s gonna give you the loan for your first entrepreneurial endeavor… you know how to advocate for yourself better than anyone else in this world. That’s the goal.” Two of GFAC’s programs are now virtual. The Girl Action Teams, an opportunity for girls to collaborate and create policy change of their own, now exist in a “one and done” format. GFAC publishes individual video sessions via newsletter, each with different themes. In a recent session, “It’s My Hair and That’s Why You Should Care,” the discussion centered on the evolution of what Black people have had to endure with their hair, and what girls would like to change about it. “What’s really fun is sometimes boys hop on there!” said Patton. “We’re not pulling them away, because he probably could learn something that day, too.” The Girl Ambassador Program is also continuing virtually. Patton
(continued on page 7)
2 • July 1, 2020
Empowering students in the biomedical sciences A student working in a laboratory. While working on his undergraduate biology degree at VCU, Nisan Hubbard learned about the Center on Health Disparities' Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Scholars Program. In the program, Hubbard’s love for research blossomed — along with a newfound love of teaching. Recent statistics strongly suggest that our society is missing a lot of potential talent in the science and engineering professions. And it has been — for years. The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics reported just last year that certain minorities, including African Americans, Hispanics and people with disabilities, remain underrepresented in science and engineering professions and as recipients of science and engineering degrees. Black students earned only about 9% of the biomedical doctoral degrees awarded in the U.S. in 2017, and Hispanic or Latino students earned about 15 percent. Since 2010, Virginia Commonwealth University has been home to a set of research and training programs designed to address these disparities and to tap that missing potential. Housed in the School of Medicine’s Center on Health Disparities, these programs train future biomedical researchers at the undergraduate, graduate, postbaccalaureate and postdoctoral levels. VCU is one of only two institutions in the U.S. to offer these programs at all levels of higher education, thanks to three grants that the university has maintained for more than a decade. Since the programs began, a total of $12.9 million has been awarded, serving more than 180 students and having a larger ripple effect as these students go on to teach the next generation of biomedical researchers. The latest grant, $2.5 million awarded last year by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences, ensures that the
Hubbard calls Suzanne Barbour one of his “science moms” in recognition of the value of her mentorship during his time at VCU and now at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where he is a postdoctoral fellow and she is a professor of biochemistry and biophysics. PHOTO: Brian Strickland Institutional Research and Academic students into careers that will Career Development Awards, a broaden the scope of what can be three-year postdoctoral program studied and accomplished through and one of several programs at the biomedical sciences. the Center on Health Disparities, In its 2019 report on “Women, will continue supporting students Minorities, and Persons with through 2024. Disabilities in Science and Passionate faculty members Engineering,” the National Science helped drive the creation of these Foundation writes, “Scientists and programs, and they’re deeply trainees from diverse backgrounds committed to helping students get and life experiences bring different the most out of them. Joyce Lloyd, perspectives, creativity and Ph.D., professor and vice chair of individual enterprise to address education and faculty affairs in the complex scientific problems.” VCU Department of Human and Those different backgrounds and Molecular Genetics, is involved in life experiences, however, also can running all of the center’s research make the path to academia a tricky training programs. one. Lloyd recalls her own journey A diminutive woman with a hearty as a first-generation college student. laugh and a kind demeanor, Lloyd, She lost her father at 14 and found a recognized biomedical researcher herself working her way through in projects related to the future college with little knowledge of treatment of sickle cell anemia, scholarships or academia. carries an encyclopedic knowledge While she is quick to say these of the students who participated challenges don’t compare to some in the programs over the years she’s seen students face and and can rattle off long lists of their overcome — including getting a achievements since graduation. degree and applying to graduate “I have a passion for making sure school while homeless — her we get all the talent into science, not experiences gave her a sense of just a fraction of it,” Lloyd said. empathy and an understanding of the importance of support and Empowering students mentorship. Lloyd dreams of getting more Lloyd said that when she first
talked with other faculty members about creating programs to help train underrepresented biomedical scientists, she wasn’t thinking big enough. She credits Suzanne Barbour, Ph.D., who was a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the time, with having the more ambitious vision of a set of programs that could support students at all levels of study. Lloyd said Barbour was instrumental in identifying a place in the medical school that could house the programs together, recognizing the value of making it easy for participants at all levels to connect for networking and mentorship. The Center on Health Disparities was focused at the time on research and community engagement, but its mission aligned with that of the research and training programs. It soon became a leader in addressing disparities among scientists who work in health-related fields. The VCU six-year graduation rates for African American and Hispanic undergraduates already exceeds national averages: 63 percent for African American students and 64 percent for Hispanic students, compared with 40 percent and 54 perfect, respectively. However, the Center on Health Disparities’ program for undergraduates goes far beyond that. Ninety-eight percent of participants in that program, who also are from underrepresented groups, have earned a bachelor’s degree. The center’s programs boast a range of impressive results. Twelve out of 14 postdoctoral trainees have entered tenure-eligible positions. Eighty-eight percent of participants in the undergraduate program are pursuing careers in the biomedical workforce. Ninety-two percent of postbaccalaureate students who enrolled in Ph.D. programs since 2011 have earned their degree or are still actively pursuing it. Meanwhile, a national study conducted by the
(continued on page 7)
(from page 1) started it when she noticed that driven, talented GFAC alumni were struggling to find work. “I would have girls who had just graduated from college, followed all the rules, did all the stuff the book said to do. They followed a lot of white feminist movements, right? But for them as Black girls, it wasn’t working,” Patton explained. When they spoke up for themselves at work, they were accused of being loud and disrespectful, denied raises, and left out of conversations with colleagues. According to a 2018 Harvard Business Review article, some Black women say they have to “dampen aspects of their personality” in order to feel accepted by white colleagues. And while many companies claim to prioritize gender and racial diversity, they often fail to treat Black women with respect. In a Forbes Magazine survey, 42 percent of Black women had their judgement questioned in their area of expertise. To combat the double standard, Girl Ambassadors attend four years of weekly training sessions, starting in the ninth grade. The program is designed to build “the whole girl,” from helping them discover their passions to learning how to navigate the professional world. They graduate high school with a paid internship, already way ahead of the game. For those without internet access — 15 percent of households with school-aged children (many of whom come from low-income, non-white families) — GFAC is prepared. Courtesy of equipment donors, each Girl Ambassador gets a laptop and her own virtual hotspot to use throughout the pandemic. The real obstacle has been securing internships. When businesses closed, many of GFAC’s usual partners could not afford to pay interns. Through their “Support a Black Girl, Lift up a Small Business” fundraiser, which is still live, GFAC raised enough to secure an internship for each Girl Ambassador this year. Interns may not get paid the full amount, but they will still be able to learn from valuable mentors.
It’s important to Patton that her Girl Ambassadors keep moving. “I don’t want them to be a Covid Kid,” she said, concerned future employers will frown upon an empty work history. The Girl Ambassador program isn’t easy. Imagine trying to get an Instagram-obsessed teenager to show up for virtual coding classes on a Saturday. Of the 30 that enter the program each year, less than half go through with it. “Most of the time,” Patton said, “it’s like, ‘I didn’t believe I could do it, I didn’t understand it.’” While Patton exhibits a tough facade, she responds with open arms. Girls who aren’t able to commit to the Girl Ambassador program can participate in one of GFAC’s many career-building activities, or can just hang out in the garden. “It’s all about staying in it with them for the long haul,” she said. “And when you see all the magical things she has to offer, making sure that she has an opportunity to show her tricks.” Patton, who grew up hearing “Because I said so,” has spent her time at Girls For A Change learning how to listen to girls. In the beginning, not all of her ideas were well-received. “They were like, ‘I don’t wanna do this!’” Patton laughed. She’s ready to negotiate. “Black girls have always been in a situation where we are seen and not heard,” Patton said. “We switched it to say, ‘I need you to be protective and listen, not discounting that, but I also need to hear what you’re feeling, too. And what do you think? And what do you think that has shifted and changed? And what are you still fearful of? And what do you want to celebrate today?’” A turning point for her was when she decided to ask the girls what they wanted to do. “I thought that I had the answers, and the girls actually ended up having the answers. I ended up learning to be a more active listener,” Patton said. In line with this philosophy, GFAC offers “Sister Circles,” a chance for girls to speak their mind to a supportive audience of individuals who can relate to their experience. Early on, Patton received some
advice. “When I started [at Girls For A Change], so many people told me ‘You just need to do the programs and get a white woman to be the face,’” she said. “I will not lie to you, it has been a different struggle [from those of] white women I know that run and operate organizations. But guess what? I know what I signed up for, and I refuse for someone to turn me into something that I’m not.” To keep GFAC running successfully, Patton has a few strategies that work for her. “For one, I don’t have a problem telling people what Black girls have told me they needed,” she said. “I also surround myself with people that are on the moving train to make sure our girls get to victory. And if you’re not on that train to victory with me, then get the hell off!” “I’m not here to fix people,” she continued. “There are going to be some people who believe in this, and there are going to be some people who don’t. So let’s go in the direction of the people who do believe in this!” The Martin Agency, a company
July 1, 2020 • 3
that has employed GFAC alum, hired Talent Experience and Belonging manager Abu Ngauja in 2019 to ensure that every employee feels welcomed. Commitment to change, Patton believes, is the only way majority-white companies will make real connections with people of color. Referring to companies she’s observed, Patton said, “They spent thousands of dollars in workshops, and still don’t have access to Black people! I’m not saying they’re bad, I’m just saying, ‘What are the action steps that you’re going to take to be creative, and make sure that it is successful?’” With or without a pandemic, GFAC will continue to provide education and opportunities beyond what many girls could have imagined. The organization has helped over 30,000 girls learn about themselves and the world. You can read about some of their experiences flying for the first time, running a fundraiser, and the struggles of being a perfectionist on the website’s blog. © RVA Mag
4 • July 1, 2020
Op/Ed & Letters
We must improve minority participation in clinical trials DR. ASEFA JEJAW MEKONNEN The minority community's relationship with the medical and scientific world has not been built upon trust. This is particularly true with African Americans. Brutal and unethical historical practices in medicine subjected African American bodies to dissection and autopsy material without their consent. In addition, sterilizing Native American women without their consent, and the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment, led to a justifiable fear and luck of trust by people of color regarding clinical trial participation in the U.S. Recent publications have also indicated African Americans are overly represented in experimental and procedural studies that did not require informed consent. These are studies conducted under emergency situations when subjects cannot make an informed decision. Part of the explanation given was that African Americans represent the largest proportion of geographical catchment in areas where such experiments are done. These are primarily in inner city metro areas where academic medical centers are located. On the contrary, African Americans constituted less than 5 percent of patients in cancer-related clinical trials The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 6 No. 27 Mailing Address P.O. Box 12474 Richmond, VA 23241 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call: 804-644-1550 Online www.legacynewspaper.com
that led to 24 of the cancer drugs approved between 2015 and 2018. The underrepresentation of African American in oncological clinical trials extends to cancers that have higher rates of occurrence in the African American community. If we follow the same logic for studies that did not require consent, studies on medical conditions that affect African Americans at a disproportionately higher rate (like multiple myeloma) should have a proportionate or higher ratio of African American subjects in the clinical trial. The system is not serving justice and must change. Clinical trials can provide earlier access to care options that can prolong life and prevent disease. Opinions differ in terms of the benefit of vaccines to society. I strongly believe in the positive impact of vaccines. The world eradicated small pox and controlled polio, measles, yellow fever, pertussis, etc., with vaccine intervention. We must remember how human health was affected in the pre-vaccine era, when millions died with each major epidemic. I grew up in a developing nation where infectious disease accounts for the majority of preventable deaths. I witnessed first-hand the impact of mass vaccination. I cannot imagine what the population demography would have looked like if public The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy Š 2016
health was not armed with mass vaccination strategies for major childhood illnesses. As we progress in the fight against COVID-19, a safe and effective vaccine would give us the means to resume normal life. Vaccine trials will show the result of preventing disease, or modifying the course of a disease, in a population that has the highest burden of disease. People at the highest risk of the disease - like healthcare workers, frontline workers, and African American and Hispanic communities - must be included in the study design that identifies requirements for participating in the trial. But protocols will not increase participation in the study unless the trust and fear barriers for clinical trial participation are addressed. When it comes to COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, early educational intervention to the underrepresented African American and Hispanic communities can improve the knowledge gap. Logistical factors that will curtail access to clinical research sites have to be considered. For example, trial managers should think about creating access to transportation, or taking clinical trial sites to where the target cohorts reside. While building trust takes a long
time, involvement of non-medical community leaders to champion care in their respective communities will have a positive influence. Primary care physicians who have longstanding relationships with communities should be involved in recruitment and the explanation of research protocols as they have built rapport with their communities. Having quantitatively and qualitatively proportionate racial, cultural, and ethnic representation on the team of clinical investigators - and among the teams who monitor the observance of rules of clinical investigation - can couple with a compassionate support staff during clinical trials to improve the trust factor. While medicine is a universal human science that assumes each of us should have commitment and care based on our common humanity, historical reasons in America have made race a major factor in care delivery. As such, we must bridge the gap so the community that needs care the most can benefit from early clinical trials and scientific progress to change the course of COVID-19 pandemic. Mekonnen is a pulmonologist at Rockville Internal Medicine Group in Rockville, Md. He also oversees Meridian Clinical Research trials.
July 1, 2020• 5
P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.
History matters There is no doubt that our city and our nation are experiencing dramatic changes and challenges. It is clear proof that history matters more than ever. As a city, we must take a deeper look at the issues of racism and inequality that are present throughout our history and use this moment to listen to the voices asking us to take a fresh look. This is that Valentine moment
to listen and to thoughtfully and deliberately act in concert with others in the community. We are building our collection to make sure that we can tell the story of this moment to future generations. This is going to be tough, but it is why you support the Valentine and you understand the role history must play as we look to the future. On June 30, the Valentine reopened to the public. While your experience at the museum will be a little different (masks are
required, and we are limiting the number of people in the building at one time), there will be lots of surprises to look forward to, including a new costume and textiles exhibition, “Ain’t Misbehavin’:1920s Richmond”, opening on July 21. We have also taken a portion of our “Voices from Richmond’s Hidden Epidemic” exhibition to the streets. It is now displayed in the windows of the Wickham House and our museum buildings, serving as a powerful reminder of the ongoing
healthcare disparities that affect our community. As I write this, things change every day and the Valentine staff and board of trustees are actively engaged in conversations to determine where we can be useful as we respond. To be honest, we don’t know where this will take us, but we know that you will be there with us. Thanks, as always, for your wonderful support. Bill Martin, director
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2020CENSUS.GOV Paid for by U.S. Census Bureau.
6 • July 1, 2020
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Thank you for your interest in applying for opportunities with The City of Richmond. To see what opportunities are available, please refer to our website at www.richmondgov.com. EOE M/F/D/V
The LEGACY is looking for a reliable, highlymotivated, goal-driven sales professional to join our team selling print and digital advertising in the Richmond and Hampton Roads areas. Duties include: Building and maintaining relationships with new/existing clients Meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals Cold calling new prospects over the phone to promote print and online advertising space
Qualifications: Proven experience with print (newspaper) and/or digital (website) advertising sales; Phone and one-on-one sales experience; Effective verbal and written communication skills, professional image and; Familiarity with Richmond and/or Hampton Roads areas. Compensation depends on experience and includes a base pay as well as commission. The LEGACY is an African-American-oriented weekly newspaper, circulation 25,000, with a website featuring local and national news and advertising. E-mail resume and letter of interest to ads@ legacynewspaper.com detailing your past sales experience. No phone calls please.
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July 1, 2020• 7
(from page 2) clinically relevant science, as well as peer and
professional school campuses. Today, she is a peer mentor connections, both of which she found health educator at VCU’s Health Promotion and Council of Graduate Schools found that less than through the program. Well-Being Center, also known as The Well. 60 percent of African American and Hispanic Jimenez not only learned how to pursue a “The [center’s] programs help trainees thrive students enrolled in doctoral programs earned the career in scientific research, she also discovered a and not just survive in graduate school,” Jimenez credential within 10 years. passion for advocacy and community engagement, said. “Academia can sometimes be hard, and this particularly around diversity, inclusion and how makes the transitions easier. I know the things Serendipity mental health is addressed on graduate and I’ve learned at VCU will last a lifetime.” Discovering the training programs on the MCV Campus “felt like serendipity,” said Nisan Hubbard, Ph.D., now a postdoctoral fellow in cell PUBLIC AUCTION of Unclaimed Vehicles biology and physiology at the University of North 200+/- IMPOUNDED AUTOS, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTORCYCLES / SOUTHSIDE PLAZA DRIVE-IN Carolina-Chapel Hill. July 13, 2020 “There’s this sort of misunderstanding among Gates open at 9:00 AM ● Auction begins at 10:00 AM students that if you’re interested in biology, you Auction will include the vehicles listed below plus many others: have to go straight to medical school. I learned that there are multiple ways of being able to study biology,” Hubbard said. While working on his undergraduate biology degree at VCU, Hubbard participated in an eightweek research program called Step Up, designed to introduce underrepresented persons to the experience of conducting research. There, he learned about the Center on Health Disparities’ Initiative for Maximizing Student Development, which offers mentorship, training and financial support for undergraduate students. In the program, Hubbard’s love for research blossomed — along with a newfound love of teaching. “Mentors introduced me to different aspects of biology, but also the importance of passing that knowledge on to the next generation,” he said. “I have had a lot of mentors who helped facilitate my love of science and create opportunities for me to participate in all these different endeavors.” Aside from training in conducting research, Hubbard said he can’t overstate the importance of the soft skills he learned through the Center on Health Disparities programs, such as networking and public speaking. “The amount of opportunities the programs provided for a growing scientist was a good kind of overwhelming,” he said. “These are programs that are essential to increasing diversity and creating pipelines to continue increasing it at multiple levels of academia, getting additional deserving people into these seats.” Thrive and not just survive Nicole Jimenez, now a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology on the MCV Campus, participated in the Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program. The one-year paid biomedical research training program, which Lloyd jokingly compares to “finishing school,” offers graduate level courses and mentorship. Jimenez said she found the program at a point in her life when she knew she wanted to pursue scientific research but didn’t know how. She felt a need for guidance around how to conduct more
Year Make
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Year Make
313885 327026 328043 328004 327119 328092 326654 327703 328872 327887 314023 327894 312354 327702 328189 328110 329153 322578 328465 328632 328352 327704 328865 328439 327746 328198 328315 325842 326702 314766 327270 327542 326739 326665 326263 326645 328263 328787 326931 328714 327275 327481 327363 326947 327443 327008 326564 326945 326129 326744 326417 324709 326388 326478 327621 325508 328873 327989 322649 326770 326346 326780 326912 327281 312817 326077 326779 325908 326720 325073 328398 326210 327886 325787 326963 327713 325315 325514
2004 NissanAltima S 4 Door Silver 1N4AL11D34C105001 2006 Chevrolet Impala Ls 4 Door Silver 2G1WB58K669205675 2007 ChevroletUplander Ls Van Blue 1GNDU23147D132629 1998 DodgeRam 1500 Truck Burnt/Black 1B7HF16Y7WS523226 2003 Volkswagen Passat Gl 4 Door Gray WVWMD63B43P262170 1997 Infiniti I30 4 Door Green JNKCA21D5VT505429 2001 Buick Lesabre Custom 4 Door Red 1G4HP54K61U284019 2009 Volkswagen Jetta 4 Door Silver 3VWRM71K39M179260 2002 Ford Escape Xls 4 Door Blue 1FMYU01B42KC10336 1994 GMC Sierra C1500 Truck Gold 1GTEC14Z6RZ547259 2008 Nissan Sentra 4 Door Black 3N1AB61E18L711171 2003 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4 Door Blue 1GNDT13S432112585 2004 Lexus RX 330 4 Door Blue JTJGA31U540001453 2004 Chevrolet Impala 4 Door Gray 2G1WF52E649138970 2002 Subaru Legacy L 4 Door Green 4S3BE635927203726 2001 Honda Passport Ex/Lx 4 Door Silver 4S6DM58W114415367 2007 Buick Lucerne Cxl 4 Door Burnt/Gold 1G4HD57267U174648 1998 Buick Century Limited 4 Door Green 2G4WY52M5W1433760 1998 Toyota Corolla Ve/Ce/Le 4 Door Red 2T1BR18E7WC005084 2011 Honda Accord Lx 4 Door Gray 1HGCP2F36BA099475 2004 Subaru Forester 2.5X 4 Door Silver JF1SG63684H733563 1997 Toyota 4Runner Ltd 4 Door Silver JT3HN87R1V0066852 2006 Lexus Gs 300 4 Door Green JTHCH96S960019673 2003 Lexus ES 300 4 Door Red JTHBF30GX30124673 2002 Chevrolet Malibu 4 Door Silver 1G1ND52J52M686697 1996 Toyota Corolla Dx 4 Door White 2T1BB02E8TC158270 2011 Ford F150 Truck White 1FTMF1CM9BKD57107 2007 Cadillac Cts 4 Door White 1G6DP577970140767 1992 Dodge D-150 Truck Black 1B7HE16X8NS657400 1998 Ford F150 Truck Red 1FTZX18W6WKC30981 2005 Ford Freestar Se Van Silver 2FMDA51695BA57510 2000 Ford Excursion Limited 4 Door Red 1FMNU42L2YED84446 1997 Buick Park Avenue Ultra 4 Door Silver 1G4CU5218V4621986 2005 Nissan Altima S/Sl 4 Door Silver 1N4AL11D25N421611 2004 Mitsubishi Galant Ls Premium 4 Door Green 4A3AB56S64E082732 1997 Cadillac DeVille 4 Door White 1G6KD52Y3VU222080 2000 Ford Taurus Se 4 Door White 1FAFP5327YG169912 2003 Honda Element Ex 4 Door Green 5J6YH28503L022407 2002 Toyota Sequoia Sr5 4 Door Gold 5TDBT44A22S071601 1992 Toyota Short Bed Deluxe Truck White JT4VN01D7N2012831 2003 FordTaurus Ses 4 Door White 1FAFP55S13G229205 1997 Ford F150 Truck Black 1FTDF1760VNA55266 2010 Ford F150 Truck White 1FTMF1CW8AKE66240 1995 Honda Accord Lx 4 Door Green 1HGCD5631SA038903 1988 Ford F150 Truck Tan 1FTEF15Y3JNB71287 2005 Chrysler Sebring 4 Door Gray 1C3EL46X05N666623 1986 Ford F150 Truck Red/ White 1FTEF15N7GNB13004 2003 Chrysler 300M 4 Door Silver 2C3HE66G23H569920 2005 Mercury Montego Premier 4 Door Blue 1MEHM42185G600752 2005 Chrysler Pacifica Touring 4 Door Red 2C4GM68415R387667 2011 Volkswagen Jetta Se 4 Door Black 3VWDZ7AJ7BM346065 2002 Ford Explorer Xlt 4 Door Red 1FMZU73E12ZA10347 1998 Toyota Corolla Ve 4 Door Green 2T1BR12E2WC028670 2008 Chevrolet Impala Ls 4 Door Gold 2G1WB58K281217078 1999 Dodge Durango 4 Door Black 1B4HS28Z0XF558754 2002 Mercedes-BenzC 230K Sport 2 Door White WDBRN47J22A259941 1998 Mercury Sable Gs 4 Door Blue 1MEFM50U0WA615034 2008 Honda Fit 4 Door Silver JHMGD37498S042307 2006 Scion tC 2 Door Purple JTKDE177460122924 1991 Chevrolet S10 Truck Burnt/Blue 1GCCS14RXM0189185 2004 Mercedes-Benz C240 4 Door Silver WDBRF61J14E018675 2008 Saturn Aura Xe 4 Door Gold 1G8ZS57B78F254636 2003 Hyundai Elantra Gt 4 Door Black KMHDN55D03U081716 2014 Ford Escape S 4 Door White 1FMCU0F74EUC73461 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe Gls/Lx 4 Door Silver KM8SC13EX5U998019 2003 Buick Century Custom 4 Door Silver 2G4WS52J531297214 2007 Nissan Maxima Se 4 Door Red 1N4BA41E27C843266 2004 Chevrolet Impala Ls 4 Door Gray 2G1WH52K949227173 2008 Mazda Mazda3i 4 Door Red JM1BK12G781831911 2008 Kia Spectra Ex 4 Door White KNAFE121885564143 2004 Mercedes-Benz S500 4 Door Black WDBNG75J94A397511 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Van Red 2B4GT44LX1R232899 2010 Ford Focus Se 4 Door Blue 1FAHP3FN3AW188522 2004 Chevrolet Colorado Truck Green 1GCDS136048160825 2004 Cadillac SRX 4 Door Black 1GYDE63A540120418 2012 Nissan Versa 4 Door Silver 3N1CN7AP3CL845826 2004 Honda Civic Ex 2 Door Silver 1HGEM22974L072417 2003 Ford F150 Supercrew Truck White 1FTRW07683KD35239
Year Make
324612 326832 325171 321526 328836 328658 328662 327460 328626 328848 305522 328905 327669 324714 326754 326933 328081 328182 327893 325963 326750 326863 326308 258171 327747 310341 328665 316259 281418 328783 328988 328395 328811 326584 326742 328961 326583 328459 328469 326598 327239 328752 326685 328555 328577 328678 327442 326643 326651 327478 327644 327557 327053 327000 327475 324557 328858 328943 329072 329136 329218 329348 328687 328708 328974 329113 329188 329203 329240 329320 328471 328539 329033 329082 329226 273734 325579 327433
1992 Dodge Ram Van B250 Van White 2B7HB21Y7NK115116 2006 Pontiac G6 Gt 4 Door White 1G2ZH558464195182 2003 Toyota Corolla Le 4 Door Red 1NXBR32E33Z171391 2006 Honda Civic Lx 2 Door Gray 2HGFG12676H539430 2011 Infiniti FX35 4 Door Gray JN8AS1MW3BM731198 2002 Ford Mustang 2 Door Red 1FAFP444X2F146342 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier 4 Door White 1G1JC52F047314358 1988 Jeep Wagoneer Limited 4 Door Brown/White 1JCMT7545JT223470 2007 Infiniti G35 4 Door Blue JNKBV61F77M809643 1989 Nissan Maxima 4 Door Blue JN1HJ01P8KT202102 2001 Ford Focus Zx3 2 Door Black 3FAHP31301R191452 2004 Toyota Camry Le 4 Door Gold JTDBE32K840299446 2005 Subaru Legacy Outback Wagon Blue 4S4BP62C257375834 1999 Buick Century Limited 4 Door Silver 2G4WY52M9X1582299 2005 Ford Explorer Xls/Xls Sport 4 Door Silver 1FMZU62K55UA74877 2000 Pontiac Grand Am Gt 4 Door Silver 1G2NW52E5YM777227 2004 Chevrolet Impala Ls 4 Door Silver 2G1WH52K049355110 1999 Honda Accord Ex 2 Door Red 1HGCG3155XA003809 2003 Hyundai Accent Gl 2 Door Green KMHCG35C73U266850 1999 Honda Accord Lx 4 Door Silver 1HGCG6651XA114402 2002 Dodge Caravan Se Van White 1B4GP25342B511417 2000 Nissan Sentra Gxe 4 Door Green 3N1CB51D6YL350286 2005 Toyota Highlander Limited 4 Door Blue JTEEP21A450077350 1998 Nissan Maxima 4 Door Purple JN1CA21D1WM921123 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe 4 Door Red KM8SC73E83U490647 1992 Ford Ranger Truck White 1FTCR10U9NTA51479 2007 Honda Accord Lx 4 Door Blue 1HGCM56467A222296 2005 Lexus ES 330 4 Door Black JTHBA30G455128514 2010 Hyundai Sonata Gls 4 Door Black 5NPET4AC9AH583850 2006 Ford Five Hundred Se 4 Door Black 1FAFP23116G152879 2002 BMW 325I 4 Door Silver WBAET37402NG73075 2001 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner Truck White 5TENM92N01Z784530 1995 Ford Taurus Gl/Se 4 Door Blue 1FALP52U6SA100015 2004 Mazda Mazda6s 4 Door Gray 1YVHP80DX45N87990 1997 Ford Expedition 4 Door Blue 1FMFU18L5VLA42135 2003 Cadillac Escalade Luxury 4 Door White 1GYEK63N73R301384 1993 Ford Crown Victoria Police 4 Door Black 2FACP71W2PX168826 2012 Honda Accord Ex-L 4 Door Red 1HGCP2F89CA171508 2006 Lexus Gs 300 Awd 4 Door White JTHCH96S660009604 1994 Honda Civic Lx 4 Door White 1HGEG8650RL051028 2004 Nissan Xterra 2 Door Gray 5N1ED28TX4C670739 2004 Kia Sedona Ex Van Green KNDUP131246550620 2001 Ford Escape Xlt 4 Door Red 1FMYU041X1KA96845 2004 Buick Regal Ls 4 Door Gold 2G4WB52K941155829 1999 Toyota Camry Solara Se 2 Door Green 2T1CG22P7XC150721 2003 Buick Lesabre Limited 4 Door Gold 1G4HR54K33U177717 2004 Land Rover Discovery Ii Se 4 Door Gray SALTW19434A841715 1998 Ford Explorer 2 Door Red 1FMZU24E8WUA38960 1994 Chevrolet K1500 Suburban 4 Door Black 1GNFK16K0RJ383147 2000 BMW 740Il 4 Door Black WBAGH8348YDP11175 2013 Chevrolet Equinox Lt 4 Door Blue 2GNALDEK8D6153730 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Van Blue 2B4GP44R21R298761 2005 Chrysler 300 Touring 4 Door Blue 2C3AA53GX5H500813 2003 Ford Explorer Xlt/Sport/Nbx 4 Door Silver 1FMZU73K83ZA64221 1999 Ford Contour Se 4 Door Gold 1FAFP663XXK147733 2001 Ford Taurus Ses Wagon Blue 1FAHP58SX1A185001 2002 Chevrolet Impala 4 Door Blue 2G1WF55E429121965 2004 Ford Explorer Xlt 4 Door Green 1FMZU73E54ZB18943 1994 Honda Accord Ex 4 Door Red JHMCD5656RC056827 2004 Toyota 4Runner 4 Door White JTEBU14R340044118 1997 Mazda B4000 Truck White 4F4CR16X9VTM26392 2002 Ford Focus Lx 4 Door White 1FAFP33P82W127956 1998 Chevrolet Tahoe K1500 4 Door Green 1GNEK13RXWR135286 2004 Chrysler Pacifica 4 Door White 2C8GF684X4R373466 2008 Chrysler Sebring Lx 4 Door Gray 1C3LC46K98N212810 1998 Chrysler Concorde Lxi 4 Door Gold 2C3HD46J9WH183972 2010 Suzuki Kizashi Se 4 Door Gray JS2RE9A3XA6100181 2001 Lexus GS 300 4 Door Black JT8BD69S310117754 2011 Buick Enclave Cx 4 Door Brown 5GAKRAEDXBJ215741 2013 Infiniti Jx35 4 Door Gray 5N1AL0MM7DC303754 1994 Mercury Tracer Wagon Teal 3MARM15J6RR631514 2006 Chrysler Sebring 4 Door Red 1C3EL46X96N188882 2003 Chevrolet Venture Van White 1GNDX03E73D171322 2009 Hyundai Elantra 4 Door Silver KMHDU46D59U700430 1999 Chevrolet Blazer 2 Door Silver 1GNCT18W6XK241702 1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 2 Door White 2G3GR11Y6H2350399 2009 Scion tC 2 Door Blue JTKDE167790277697 2005 Land Rover Freelander Se 4 Door Black SALNY22235A465830
642 W. Southside Plaza Dr. Richmond (804) 233-5757
Blood Drives with Red Cross to Include COVID-19 Antibody Testing Donors who participate in upcoming American Red Cross blood drives at Riverside Health System locations will receive free COVID-19 antibody testing. For a limited time, the American Red Cross is testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies as an additional health service to donors. This testing may provide critical insight into whether donors may have possibly been exposed to this coronavirus. Upcoming blood drives include: Friday, July 24, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Riverside College of Health Careers at 316 Main St., Newport News. The antibody test screens for antibodies in a donor’s blood, which are formed when fighting an infection, like COVID-19. An antibody test assesses whether a donor’s immune system has responded to the infection, not if the virus is currently present. The COVID-19 antibody test is authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and may indicate if the donor’s immune system has produced antibodies to the coronavirus, regardless of whether they developed symptoms. The Red Cross is not testing donors to diagnose illness, including COVID-19. Individuals who believe they may be ill with COVID-19 should not present to donate until they are symptom free for 28 days and feeling well and healthy. The results of the blood donor antibody test will be available by logging in to the “Blood Donor” account on the American Red Cross’ “Blood Donor App,” or online about seven to 10 days after a blood donation is made. To learn more about blood donation or to find an upcoming blood drive, visit redcrossblood.org.
Virginia: Open with care. COVID-19 isn’t over. We’re making progress, but we can’t leave behind all the safety measures we’ve been taking. They’re working! That’s why, when you visit your local stores, restaurants, and places of worship, they’ll only allow in half as many people as before. And they need all of us to do our part to keep them safe. Please continue to:
6 ft.
Wear a mask in public.
Stay 6 feet away. from others.
Wash your hands often.
More at vdh.virginia.gov, or call 2-1-1 for help with food, shelter or safety.
Get tested if you’re sick!