ADS - 3
Part I. Expression of Interest
I.1. Architecture as a Discourse I.1.1. Case for Innovation I.1.2. Computing in Architecture I.1.3. Parametric Modelling I.2. Input/Association/Output Matrix I.2.1 Research Project I.2.2. Research Project Conclusion
Part II. Project Proposal
II.1. Project Interpretation II.2. Project Delivery II.3. Project Presentation II.4. Project Proposal Conclusion
Part III. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: Final III.1. Learning Objectives III.2. Learning Progress III.3. Learning Outcomes wIII.4. Future Work
WHY US...? What all this is for? The Journal is for the proposal of a new gateway for Wyndham city. Our aim is to create an exciting, eye catching installation at Wyndham’s Western Gateway. Thus, everything in this journal is a documentation of process of how we achieved our aim, step by step from basic research, arguments discuss into the further design.
Our arguments Our concepts contain two ideas: Dynamism and new. Dynamisim drives the idea of movement experiences in the design which caused by the driving speed and internal spaces, Ideas of “New” represent the new development of computational technology, and its influences on the design of creating something eye catching, unique, and exciting.
Our design “SOMETHING NEW” is an epitome of a city in terms of its large scale and dynamics. The project was involved new technology specifically parametric design generates new design notion and interpretation of Gateway project. Driven innovative idea will announce the entry point into metropolitan Melbourne, at the western interchange and forming a gateway to the city. The project creates a unique view with its height as well as granting a visual access through to the interior and exterior of the design. Experience of various materials during the design process, as a result, 795 pieces of welded steel mesh work together with the overlapping design to perform as a new visual icon for the highway for Wyndham City Council.
Words from us We believe that our entry is something unique and fresh in the competition, many other entries are limited in a small scale with cutting on surfaces. But we developed a totally different, massive and crazy project, which not only meet the Wynham city’s design brief, but also showing the new understanding and the innovation of the computational design.
Part I. Expression of Interest
Architecture is problem
solving, architecture is a design space for human using, and architecture is culture practices.
“Any serious “rethinking” of architecture at the start of this century cannot be undertaken without upsetting the structure and emphases of the traditional profession, of traditional typologies, and of traditional typologies, and of traditional modes of envisaging the architectural subject […].”
What is Architecture? Architecture can also be defined as Sign. Architecture isn’t an art
at all. It will change with its environment, clients, and materials and so on. Thus, architecture can be a sign of age, show the changes of culture, history and human interest. Also architecture like Eiffel tower, is an icon architecture of Paris city, it is also a sign in another way, which is a monument.
Architecture can be defined as Art. “The archi-
tect is a special kind of artist who works in three dimensions, but unlike the sculptor, he – and this is still an overwhelmingly masculine profession – works to enclose space as well as simply making objects in space.” Architecture is considered as art, the building was designed with art pattern, form and color. Thus, generally building is an individual work of art, is the interest of the building designer or the artist.
Personally, architecture is about changing, from traditional to the new technology, computation.
I.1. Architecture as a Discourse
It is my latest studio work, inspired from Mario Botta. Personally, I think this is an ex-
ample of the combination of tradition design idea and the new computing design technology. The design was in two phases, the first phase is all about “copy� from Mario Botta’s concept and design ideas and developing a new boathouse which suit in the site. Then, I started to use the SketchUp and CAD to regenerate the building form and building experiences. Similarly, studying the precedents as a starting point for the wyndham gateway project is also helpful to result a new and innovative project. Here, we formed some questions, such as are we going to use the new technique for this design? and Why? How we learn from the precedents? what can we learn from the precedents? And what are the dfferences between traditional design and new computing design technology?
I.1.1. Case for Innovation
Beijing National Stadium, 2008
What about the project...?
Beijing National Stadium, also known officially as the National Stadium, or colloquially as the Bird's Nest, is a stadium in Beijing, China. This is very different to the perverse design, the curve elements, faรงade and materials breaks the traditional ideas of architecture. Computer allow designers to analysis the project in details.
I.1.1. Case for Innovation
Why studying this Project... ?
The design breaks the traditional notion of what stadium should look like. The dynamism and new understanding of the stadium is what we are expected in our design. On the other hand, the project also meets the brief requirements of iconic feature, material innovation and daytime and night time view and so on. Thus, we are expecting to get inspired and experiences out of the design.
I.1.1. Case for Innovation
What about the project...?
The upcoming Shanghai tower is going to be at the
famous Lujiazui District, Pudong of Shanghai, China. The design is to be based on modernism, sustainability and appropriateness of the form to the built environment of the city. It is an art work, has very complex form and beautiful shape. It is a sign, as the tower is the second tallest architecture in the world. Compare to the 19th skyscraper; the architecture that based on computer design contains more interesting idea, form, shape, and function. It is more efficiency and achievable. With computer design, the architecture is not just a building anymore; it is about innovation of technology, exploration of interests.
Why studying this Project... ?
The reason that I choose this project is not only because its iconic feature and dynamism,
but also I saw the changes in time, how design technology has been changed, and it leads us to ask whether we stay with the traditional design methods or we should try the new design technology? What are the advantages and risks of taking the new methods? All these questions need to be considered in further discussion. I.1.1. Case for Innovation
Architecture as discourse, telling the story about the past and the future, transferring the design idea and grouping all the elements into one object.
Relate to the Gateway project, in the brief, the clients asked
for “Iconic feature”, “Daytime and Nighttime viewing” and so on. Thus. ideas of “lighting”, “shadow effect”, “movement”, “new”, “colour” maybe considered in further development.
and scaling model are the communication tools for designer to communicate their ideas with the builders and clients, with computation design, computers allowed designer to draft their ideas in both 2D and 3D presentation, and could easily re-draw and remodeling the ideas, also it provides a good visual presentation to those who are not from the architecture background.
I.1.2. Computing in Architecture
Case for Innovation
What about the project...?
This is the school project in Germany, the project itself is an
experimental pavilion designed and built by using a parametric design skill. The pavilion has the shape of a minimal surface and it has been built with more than 2000 beer boxes placed all over the surface form.
Why studying this Project... ?
The project shows how computer manage the big amount of
data (complexity) and transfer to modeling. It shows the advantages of using the new technology in design process. Relate to the Gateway project, it might be a good idea to use this new technique to handle the information as we are papering to create a new and exciting project, for example, use of computer to calculate the best angle and distances between each layers when they are overlapping.
I.1.2. Computing in Architecture
As computers are surely the best things in the world for algorithms,
parametric design becomes very interesting as they allow the designer to reach the level of complexity. Since the computational methods were involved in architecture design process, the new possibilities and challenges occur. Digital tools and techniques, such as twisting, lofting, knotting and framing were used systematically to explore spatial, structural and geometrical conditions.
I.1.2. Computing in Architecture
"Computers, by their nature, are superb analytical engines."
y using the computers, the design becomes logically, computers are never tire and never make mistakes on calculating and simulating. Therefore, it is more efficiency and accurate with computer design. However, in so many years, computer design is just as a tool, a tool to visualize the human ideas, it was not used as the computation design, it was computerization. However, computers does provide very interesting concept for designer, so it is important to consider how human communicate with computers. Computational design is not only in architecture filed, but also in industry, fashion and others. For the personal interest, I believe that architecture is not just about a building, it is an idea, not an object, so that with computational design, the ideas will be effected by other design ideas from different filed which also designed with computer. The ideas then will become more challenge, complex, interesting and efficiency.
I.1.2. Computing in Architecture
omputational process innovation consists in the possibility of extending the related performance to range of geometries.
omputers, by their nature, are superb analytical engines. They are efficient at information gathering and solving design problem.
Computer can also do 3D
modeling; it reduces time and cost. Moreover, people can have visual experience of the design
I.1.2. Computing in Architecture
With computational design, designers can form the pat-
tern into an object, and this is a very interesting idea for Gateway project, those patterns are very attractive, different to an object. So, it is interesting to see a design idea of forming the pattern into an object in Gateway project.
Computation sounds very interesting and creatively ,
however, it doesn’t look that easy to get familiar with, especially with grasshopper, it might change the way people think about architect, it is not just drawing anymore, we are more like a scripting writer or engineering- designer. But, it is interesting to experience this technology in the Gateway project design, it might bring us a very different outcome.
econd week, I’m getting clear to the course, but still, find difficult with the software introduced.
I.1.2. Computing in Architecture
ast week, I mentioned the relationship between computer and human, and talked about the lack of transfer human ideas to computer, but through this week's study, I think that scripting is a way to connect computers and human.
igital technologies are changing architectural practices in ways that few were able to anticipate just a decade ago. With digital technologies, construction of very complex form, as information can be extracted, exchanged, and utilized with far greater facility and speed. Thus, digital technology has a great impact on construction practice and the building design. The use of digital media is profoundly challenging the traditional processes of design and construction. Parametric design is one of the digital technologies, parametric can provide for powerful conception of architectural form by describing a range of possibilities, replacing in a processing stable with variable, singularity with multiplicity.
I.1.3. Parametric Modelling
Case for Innovation
What about the project...?
It is a new 76-story residential tower, designed with glass and steel facade by
Frank Gehry, in New York. This is one of an example that digital design can be achieved and it brings technical innovation into the architecture discipline, it transfers architecture into a creative and complex form, however, parametric design is still new in architecture field, and the design core still remains in transitional ideas.
Why studying this Project... ?
The patterns and form in the project, again, break the traditional understanding of facade of architecture. In a similar way, we are also looking for a new understanding of the gateway project, and by doing so, parametric can be a useful tool in design process.
I.1.3. Parametric Modelling
arametric design appears: Dynamic, Complex, Attractive, Movement and multiple surfaces.
Thus, complex, attractive,
movement may be considered in further development in the project. E.g. On the right, the design gives people a visual effect of ‘depth’, make them feel like walking into deep.
Movement is a quite interesting thing to experience in the Gateway project, it can
be achieved by parametric design, therefore, in the later development, I’m going to use parametric design to create some interesting concept for the project, for example movement.
From the first three weeks, we developed the idea of computation design step by
step and I have much clear idea now about this new filed and learned some interesting ideas from parametric design, therefore it is really excited to experience this new technology in the later Gateway project. I.1.3. Parametric Modelling
Let’s get started with simple grasshopper defenition by trying to combine them
together to result different outcomes. What we found at the beginning is a list of 2D outcomes arranged in a different order. But what we are expected to see is something in 3D and more dynamic. Then we start to build in Z direction. Overlapping, extrusion and rotation are the most interesting and satisfied result. Among these, we selected some interesting oucomes for further design development.
I.2. Input/Association/Output Matrix
I.2. Input/Association/Output Matrix
I.2. Input/Association/Output Matrix
“Framing task is very important for every computer design.”
ast week, I mentioned that I’m interested in the concept of “movement”, so in this week, I did a lot experiments by using rotation and overlapping, trying to create some interesting concepts of motion. The diagram below shows the multiple different layers overlapping, when we look from the top, it looks like a rain drops or something drop deeply which drives the idea of movement.
s it is a Gateway on the highway, We are trying to make the project dynamic, relate to its context, so that when people driving through, they can found some interesting thing.
I.2. Input/Association/Output Matrix
Following the CUT definitions, I took some parts of the input out and combine with oth-
ers, trying to work out a complex and well-look model. What I found interesting is the image sampler, and the rotation and extrusion. Now, I know more about Grasshopper, and quite enjoy it. I tried to link it to our next project- Gateway, I experimented different thing, include color, movement, honey cone, overlapping surface and create a bunch of small openings on surface, etc. So far, we saw the ways computer changes design, how digital technology involved in design process. We also discussed the benefit of using parametric design. Now it is the time to make the decision about whether to stay with traditional or go for something new. As our concepts are dynamic and new, we have been asked to create something exciting and interesting, so we believe that by using the new parametric technique, we can find something interesting during the experiment and discover some new ideas. We decide to involve this new technique into our design process, drive us into a new field, open our mind, achieve our concept and bring something people never seen and never thought about.
5.1 Airspace Tokyo
Designer developed a series of digitally- geerated geometric patterns which were the overlaid and projected as avoids which puncture the two layers of the facade.
5.2 Dior Ginza
The facade was developed as a dou-
ble -layered skin with two different color black and white. The second layer pattern is scaled down by 30% and combined with the literal offset between the two layers which produces a hazy effect.
I.2.1 Research Project
One of the requirements in brief is night view, we started to consider how to create a light effect in our design. Both two case projects used overlaid technique, and by using this technique, they created a special light effect. As a result, we started to consider overlap and cutting surface. However, overlap layers cannot achieve the concept of dynamism, even there are cutting holes on the surfaces, but things won’t change, layers are layers, no movement, no changes. Now, our team is facing with the new challenge of how to make those layers into movement, physically? Or visually?
5.3 BANQ Restaurant
The design of space is conceptualized around the division, on the z axis, between the ceiling and the ground. To that end, they developed a striated wood-slatted system.
I.2.1 Research Project
Further Study: BANQ Restaurant
When we lacking of ideas of how to make the layers dynamic, we picked BANQ restaurant for further development in Grasshopper, in my opinion it is a quite different case to others. Firstly, with the timber material, the facade appears more naturally. Secondly, changing the scale of the layers gradually to create movement, especially, when people driving in a fast speed which has also been mentioned in the Gateway Project.
Inspired from this, I’m going to
play with a similar idea of overlapping with gradually changing scale of each layer, and try to develop my design concept of dynamic.
I.2.1 Research Project
Part II. Project Proposal
By using overlapping in grasshopper,
we developed a 10 layers object with gradually changing circles, we are trying to create the visual effect of depth, overlapping and motion.
Overlapping creates
the depth which provide visual strike, with gradually changing circles, now we made those layers into movement, not physically, but visually. People have this feeling of “Rolling in the deep�.
I.2.1 Research Project
Depth Night View
We also related to the project brief, took the daytime and night time view of the
design, and we found the night time shots were very interesting, when people drive pass, they could see the flashing lights which caused by the overlapping layers. Moreover, we experienced on the natural elements - water. The water changed the shape, texture and color of the model, which we thought it is interesting for the material chosen.
I.2.1 Research Project
Our 2nd sketch model, we experienced on structure, surface, pattern, light, shadow and
also we took the video of driving experience in the tunnel.
We found that by using parametric design, the design suddenly becomes very fascinating, as there are lot of things we never thought about before. The grasshopper really helped in our design process, and generates many different ideas which are something traditional design methods couldn’t achieved.
I.2.1 Research Project
In seven weeks, we have been developed
a lot of new staff, the first three weeks, we are learning on the advantages of the computational design, and through the Ex-lab and Quiz, we are getting more familiar with parametric design, Grasshopper. However, it is still a hard filed to study, but in week 4, the case study and Matrix really helped a lot, and we also learned a lot from our peers, it is a good idea of researching in a group. The EOI helped us to get to the design project step by step, in week 6, we started to build our physic sketch model and tried to play around with Fablab. With the sketch model, we had an opportunity on experiencing with the different effect, such as structure, shadow, light and color. Also, by photography the model, we could see the different view angles of the project. It is a good structure outline for learning a new thing, however, more time needed.
For the next 4 weeks, we will going to finalize our final design
project, so far we haven’t connected to the brief and site much, so we will make sure to get that done in the following weeks.
I.2.2. Research Project Conclusion
With the feedback given in the presentation, firstly I’m going to
combine my two sketch model ideas into one, and let them performance as one design, and also, I’m going to build closer relationship with the site and the project brief. Secondly, at this stage, our design concept is still quite wildly, so we need to find some connection between all design ideas, and working on one specifically.
While we are lacking of ideas on how to combine our two sketch
ideas into one, one of our team member suggested that we should look back to the site and brief to find out what site conditions are, what Wyndham city looks like and get inspired from that.
II.1. Project Interpretation
After we looked through the site analysis and brief, our team had
difference opinions. One idea is continual on our original ideas of design a “project” for gateway, another is to create a massive “city” for gateway project.
A strong discussion leaded us to the second idea. As we thought
gateway is like epitome of a city, rather than create a “logo” for a city, why not creates a “city”? Moreover, university project are not limited by the budget, so why limit our mind, why afarid to do something crazy, something massive?
II.1. Project Interpretation
We combined two sketch model into one, using both o
massive project. In terms of the site condition, car type, meters long, 35 meters wide and 25 meters in height. It seem like floating in the air. We divide the new project in
overlap layer idea and cantelliver form to develop the new , road width, and driving speed leads the design into 200 t has 28 layers, with 0.2 meters in between, so that the layers nto three parts, two entries and one half covered spaces.
II.2. Project Delivery
The first part and last part of the design are entries. Entry is de-
signed visually rolling into the deep of the project, drive cars into second part of the design.
II.2. Project Delivery
The driving experience is exciting and interesting. We designed
two entries as narrow tunnels, and set the middle part of the design as a half covered space. Therefore, people experienced from narrow to wide space where filled with gradually changing layers in an interesting shape, and half covered at the top which is 25 meters above the ground. And again back to the narrow space and when people drive out of the project, they experienced even wider spaces which are the natural surrounding environment, and people have a feeling of “Welcome to Werribee�.
II.2. Project Delivery
Then we start to think about the materials, we experienced
ence materials, timber, steel mesh, and others. We also pu and light condition to test the light effect and texture proper mesh performed well in both design and construction parts.
d different materials in sketch models. We tried transparut the sketch models under different weathering condition rties. As a result, steel mesh is our final decisions, as steel .
II.2. Project Delivery
795 pieces of weld wiie mesh have been welded, supported by rods. Mesh is a
light weight material, it is important as we developed a massive project. It is easy to install, transport and cheap to produce. And it is interesting as mesh is usually used structurally, but we bought them to the front “stage�.
II.2. Project Delivery
We continued the earlier experiment of water; it performed even better with the
mesh. Over time, mesh will getting rust, the whole design will turn into yellow colour, and this changing process will form an interesting images.
II.2. Project Delivery
Night shot become exremely beautiful with mesh. It not only retains the light
effect from early sketch model, but also it brings some new light effect such as flashing, diamond shining.
II.2. Project Delivery
II.2. Project Delivery
• Massive, crazing proj-
ect, contains two concepts of dynamism and new.
• Coverd both Princes freeway and freeway exit.
• 28 layers, 200 meters
long, 25 meters high and 35 metes wide.
• Construct with 795
pieces of mesh, support with rods.
• Driving experience: narrow to open to narrow to wide.
• Effect: Shadow, Water,
Light, Daytime view, Night view, Overlapping, depth and aging (rusting).
II.3. Project Presentation
We started with a question, whether to stay with traditional design or trying the
new design technique. After the research and studies of precedents, we found that it is interesting to try out the new design technique, parametric design. After we studied the precedents, we formed the concepts of dynamism and new. To explore the concepts, we used Grasshopper and simply mixed all the definitions together; try to find out what form, shape and other outcomes can parametric design achieve. At the same time, we also looks at some cases for further development. Our first sketch model idea is actually “copy” from the precedents and cases, and we made some changes in Grasshopper, created some new ideas. We have done a lot of experiments with our sketch model, such as natural elements, light conditions, materials and cutting holes arrangements in Grasshopper. When we linked to the site and brief, our design changed. A strong discussion leads us to a crazy and massive design, we combined all the earlier design ideas, after many experiments and tests, we choose steel mesh as the materials, and formed the final project, named it as “Something New.”
II.4. Project Proposal Conclusion
The above pictures are showing my design projects in recent time. On the left is my last semeste
showing my final project. By contrast, we can really see the development and changes in my stud Grasshopper, but hardly to achieve with structure in reality. Over the 12 weeks development, the able.
I have learned a lot from the case study. As Grasshopper is a new thing to us, study and “copy” f
exploring the BANQ Restaurant design, I tried to use Grasshopper to create a similar model in Rh our own design on that. Within the new techniques, we considered more things in our design proc thing very complex and creative, but they might not be able to build in reality. We also linked the d in the air, and this is achieved by mesh materials and setback rods supporting systems.
Readings and quiz are a very useful way for us to get familiar with Rhino and Grasshopper, even
hopper led us to the higher level of design, our design ideas were heavily influenced by this digita concepts were also linked to the Grasshopper. “Dynamism” is what we found interesting during th discover a new technique, we thought why not design something new. Secondly, by using Grassh specifically in dynamic 3D modeling and I learned digital fabrication, laser cut model making. Thir creative, fast, accurate, logic, etc. And its disadvantages as sometimes we found it is hard to do m the moment; we spend over $1000 on our models, materials cost $500 and approximate $600 for
er’s studio work, in the middle is the work before EOI submission, and on the right, the picture is dies. The left project is quite solid block; the middle one is dynamic and interesting designed in final project is not only an interesting and strong project, but it also becomes logical and achiev-
from the precedents is the best way to learn new things and get inspired from. For example, by hino, then I changed the shape by simple drag the slide bar in Grasshopper and try to generate cess, constructions and materials are especially important, as Grasshopper can create somedesign with the brief more closely, build the link to air as our design is actually looks like floating
n though there are only 12 weeks, I still found Grasshopper is a very useful tool. Firstly, Grassal tools. We jumped from solid idea to something dynamic, from simplex to complex. Our design he experiment of matrix, and for the concept of “new�, Grasshopper is new for us, so when we hopper, I learned how to generate a variety of design, and developed the skill of 3D modeling, rdly, I also developed the skills of computational techniques, and understand its advantages: modeling in Rhino, as our insufficient knowledge. On the other hand, digital fabrication is costly at r laser cut.
I think the Grasshopper we have learned in this semester is not performed as a
design tool, but a role to open up our mind which is useful. So in future’s work, I believe I will keep studying on this specific digital tool, try to be the master of Grasshopper and discover more fun staff out of it. However, I’ll also try to mix some traditional design with this new technique, as I think the modern design is a little bit less culture, paid too much attention on innovations and outlook. So what I will do in future is probably keep working on Grasshopper, get digital tools involved in my design process and inspired on it. At the same time, I will try to link the design back to the context, culture, history and brief and try to design something architecturally, but not just the façade or a piece of fabrication.
wIII.4. Future Work
REFERENCE Archi Daily 2009, Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide, USA viewed 12th April 2012 http://www.archdaily.com/42581/banq-office-da/ Biothing 2007 Biothing Continuum, UK viewed 20th April 2012 http://www.biothing.org/?cat=5 Burry, Mark (2011). Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 8 71. Moussavi, Farshid and Michael Kubo, eds (2006). The Function of Ornament (Barcelona: Actar), pp. 5-14 Dezeen Magazine 2011, Dezeen Limited 2006-2010, London viewed 19th April 2012 http://www.dezeen.com/2011/10/31/icditke-research-pavilion-at-the-university-of-stuttgart/ Heatherwick Studio 2010, Thomasd Heatherwick, UK viewed 19th April 2012 http://www. heatherwick.com/uk-pavilion/ Office dA Inc. 2006-2008, BANQ restaurant, structure perspective, viewed 21st April 2012 http://homedecorhousedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Unique-Restaurant-Interior-concept.jpg Richard Williams, ‘Architecture and Visual Culture’, in Exploring Visual Culture : Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005), pp. 102 – 16 Yatzer 2009, Costas Voyatzis, Greece viewed 12th April 2012 http://yatzer.com/BANQrestaurant-by-Office-dA Yehuda E. Kalay, Architecture’s New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004)
About Me:
Name: DEGUO HOU Nationality: China School: University of Melbourne Faculty: Bachelor of Environment Major: Architecture Year: 3rd Contact Email: JackHou520@hotmail.com