Musée 創刊號 目錄雜誌

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2014 MAY

C ol l ec t i on s



工業風傢俱家飾專門 店 正式盛大開幕


關於這家店 Musée 傳承自啟蒙時代博物館精神,並且秉持包浩斯學派主張設 計價格平民化的必需品,Musée將藝術設計工業商機結 合,努力創造價格與品位間的完美平衡;Musée以獨特 工業風復古造型家具呈現呈現法式慵懶風情,透過重新搭 配改造,將老件賦予新的意義,新元素注入老靈魂。

材質二三事 木材:我們使用許多再生材料,不僅僅是為了這些歲月 的痕跡、質感、歷史或耐用性。大部分的木材是從老房 子的屋頂、樑脊、屋架或是穀倉及倉庫拆除的,經過幾 十年的歷史,甚至是世紀的洗禮下,他提供的強度及穩 定性大大優於新的原木。而關於新的木材使用,則是選 則高品質的柚木、芒果木及一些堅硬的熱帶硬木,來帶 出歷史的溫度。 金屬:在Musée的收藏裡,你能看到有許多金屬的元素、零件,大多是從廢棄的工廠、老舊的 船隻及世界各地搜集回來的,經過重新手工整理、設計,讓他們再次從容地跨越時空展現。

#.Samson 02.011 這款展示架的靈感來自以前圖書館的梯子,融合工業風格的 鐵件搭配深黑色的芒果木,適合在各種空間做展示使用。 This social climber takes its inspiration from vintage industrial style library ladders. Made of sturdy iron and finished hard wood, it makes a great looking display Size:152*75*38 Color.:Black Material:Antiqued black iron and dark mango wood Origin:Romania Price:$14,800

#.Jacob 02.020 歐洲老鞋楦等你們一同賦予他的新的用途,不管是做為紙鎮或裝飾都具有畫龍 點睛的效果 Vintage European wooden shoe holders are waiting for you to give them new function, they could be used as a paper holder or deco for your room to give them a new shine!

Color.:Brown Material:Wood Origin:UK Price:$1,600

經典 中的 經典

#.Meredith 01.015 (Single) #.Meredith 01.015.01 (Triple) 這款從老電影院中搶救出來的電影椅,Musée完全的忠於原味呈現他的風貌,保 留所有當時的原色,無論放哪裡都是最吸睛的焦點。 Made from sturdy iron and distressed teak, they were salvaged from an old theater that was being demolished and still hold their original patina. They'd be great in an entry or mudroom, or anywhere you want. Size:48*53*78 ,140*55*76 Color.:Brown Material:Sturdy cast iron and distressed teak Origin:Europe Price:$12,000 ,28,000

#.Constance 01.013 濃濃的復古味加上工業風格,粗曠原始的木頭紋路 桌面,配上獨特的水管桌腳及兩格鐵製抽屜,讓你 工作再多也不嫌累。 Vintage inspiration and industrial loft style come together in the Constance 01.013. With ample surface space, two deep drawers, and unique pipe constructed base, this beauty isn't afraid of hard work.

Size:76*172*76 Color.:Dark Brown Material:Antique Distressed Iron base and hardwood top Origin:Romania Price:$48,200

Size:85*140*92 Color.:Brown+Black Material:Antiqued distressed cast iron base and sustainably harvested hard wood. Price:$44,800

#.Elliott 02.014 這款畫桌適合重度工業風愛好者,優雅的木頭桌面搭配機 械桌腳,利用下方鐵製齒輪便可輕鬆調整高度,而桌面斜 度也可輕鬆調整,符合現代人多變的需求,無論做為吧檯 桌、餐桌、辦公桌都能展現個人強烈的風格。 The industrial style Drake makes a beautiful and commanding workspace. Its tilt adjustable hardwood drafting/work tabletop is mounted on an antiqued black cast iron base. The height is adjustable by a large cast iron crank, which elevates the table from 32" to 41".

#.Douglas 02.016 這一款工業風四輪鐵車可於多種空間變化使用,服飾店的展示架、餐廳的 邊桌,甚至在家裡做邊櫃都能讓空間變得極具特色。 Industrial Style Console Table is made from Iron and rough mango wood. Perfect for use as a sideboard, console table, restaurant, or retail display item. Mesh Iron Baskets that slide out for storage space. Sustainable Mango wood lower shelf for added display or storage space. Finished in a dark patina.

Size:92*156*46 Color.:Black Material:Iron and sustainably harvested mango wood Origin:Romania Price:$52,000

#.Abigale 01.011 這款優雅的製圖桌,帶著質感的黃銅色搭配上溫暖的木頭色,同樣的,桌面是 可以完全調整角度的,並且附帶兩層夾,及雙面抽屜,做為餐廳的吧檯桌及服 飾店的陳列桌最適合不過了。 The tilting work surface of the Abigale 01.011 makes a great Maitre D' station, menu display or retail display table. It's constructed from antiqued brass, iron and honey colored mango wood.

Size:114*112*80 Color.:Brass and brown Material:Antiqued brass,iron and sustainably harvested hard wood Origin:Romania Price:$42,800

#.Cary 02.017

可隨意調整高低,恰到好處的大小,可說是能夠認易融入各種風格的工業 風入門款,這款實用的圓桌,絕對是生活中最好的伴侶。 Can adjust height freely, just about the perfect size, blend with differently style perfectly, this model of round table is your best life companion. Size:61*61*68 Color.:Brown+Black Material:Antiqued distressed cast iron base and sustainably harvested hard wood. Origin:Romania Price:$28,000

#.Catherine 01.016 不解釋,就是經典,可口可樂與斑駁恰到 好處紅色鐵椅的搭配,What else? Classically designed red metal chair goes perfect with a bottle of Coke Cola.

Size:87*47*40 Color.:Red Material:Iron Origin:Romania Price:$5,200

#.Una 01.019 老木頭的溫度與色澤,是任何加工都模仿不出來的,這款木製鐵椅,從法國農村 的穀倉收集材切拼成一張張與眾不同的椅子,每一張都有著歷史的味道 Vintage wood's warmth and faded color cannot be replicated. This wooden & metal chair derived from French country side's abandoned storage, each chair is filled with rich history and the mark of time.

Size:48*50*85 Color.:Mix Material: Wood and iron Origin:Romania Price:$5,200

#.Sidney 02.013 Size:79*110*154 (L), 140*66*61 (S) Color.:Brown and Black Material:Cast iron and sustainably harvested mango wood Origin:Romania Price:$48,800 (L), $38,000 (S)

這是Musée最喜歡的一款展示櫃,同時也是桌子,一個人也可以毫不費力 的將他轉換成各種形式,無論是餐桌、展示架、或書櫃,想輕鬆轉換家中 的風格就靠它了 This is our most versatile piece. It quickly transforms from a sturdy Industrial style five tier bookshelf into a table or display surface.

特 別 感 謝 知 名 線上雜誌 Soul Scr e a m M agaz ine 熱情推薦

主理人 Mr. Screaming Eye Introduces Musée " Musée is an up and coming home deco brand with truly exceptional concept and exquisite taste! You've got to come to the store and feel them with your bare hands, you'll fall in love with their timeless design and the use of vintage materials ! " By Mr. Screaming Eye


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