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BEACON September/October 2009



200th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in Toledo on October 16 -17 The 200th Annual

Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ohio on October 16-17 in Toledo will bring the Bicentennial celebrations to an end with a “bang.” There will be a gala fireworks display on Friday night, October 16, in Toledo’s Promenade Park on the banks of the Maumee River and visible from the headquarters hotel. The fireworks will be available at no cost for all in attendance. Various fundraising activities and donations have made the fireworks possible. The Grand Lodge of Ohio, throughout 2008, observed its

Bicentennial year as a Grand Lodge, and in 2009, the 200th Annual Communication will be a chance for celebration, as well. All brethren registering for Grand Lodge will receive a special 200th Communication commemorative lapel pin – to permit admission into the meetings and to save as a souvenir. Most Worshipful Brother Charles R. Murphy, Grand Master, and his local committee have been planning highlights of the Annual Communication for several years.

Masonic Home CEO, Endowment Foundation President Honored Ohio Masonic Home CEO

Dave Bannerman has been named to receive a prestigious national award and Benevolent Endowment Foundation President Tim Strawn received an important state honor recently. Bannerman, CEO of the Ohio Masonic Home since 2004, will receive the 2009 Outstanding

Advocacy Award from the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA). The award recognizes Bannerman’s efforts as a Long-Term Care Solutions ambassador,

Ohio Masonic Home CEO Dave Bannerman, left, meets with State Representative Ross McGregor, far right, State Senator Chris Widener, second from right, and Mike Carroll, Director of Government Affairs, Strategic Health Care, during a visit to Springfield Masonic Community earlier this year to discuss issues facing seniors.

For the first time, an award will be given to the “Best Lodge in the State,” determined by excellence in all aspects of Lodge operations. The “Reach for Excellence” committee has received a nominee Continued on page 4

In This Issue: Eastern Star Cornerstones Dedicated ....... Page 5 Grand Master’s Picture Scrapbook ....... Pages 8-9 The Heart Behind the Smile..................... Page 10 First Eastern Star I-CARE Committee Formed .............................. Page 12 Masonic Helping Hands Launches New Program ...................................... Page 12

carrying the message of longterm care reform throughout Ohio and beyond and communicating the needs of older adults. Bannerman was commended by AAHSA President and CEO Continued on page 3

What Legacy Are Each of You Leaving for the Future? By Charles R. Murphy, Grand Master

Iwould like to begin my final

Beacon message by saying “thank you.” Thank you to each and every one of you for reaching for excellence in all your endeavors, and for exhibiting Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth in all you do. Over this past year, I’ve had Brethren occasionally ask me what my “legacy” should be, or what I hope it will be. My answer generally is that I really haven’t thought about a legacy, and that I don’t aspire to have one. Furthermore, I believe that if a person does something strictly because he wants to leave a “legacy,” then he’s doing it for the wrong reasons. The only reason someone should take a job is because he’s passionate about it, and that he believes he can inspire others. Most of you know that I’ve spent this entire year trying to encourage the Brethren of Ohio to reach. I really believe it’s immaterial what one wants to reach for, but as long as he’s

The Beacon is published bi-monthly Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces The BEACON mailing labels. Brett Turner, Manager of Marketing and Communications The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698 (937) 525-3025 George Braatz, P.G.M., Grand Secretary at The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio P.O. Box 629 Worthington, OH 43085-0629 (614) 885-5318


September/October 2009

reaching for something, then he’s building excitement and enthusiasm at the same time he’s trying to improve. Brethren, I am so very pleased to say that you all have risen to the challenge. In so many ways you’ve reached for the stars this year, and

Olympics, and for the first time ever, you brought the typewritten ritual to every single District in order to hone your skills with our ritual. Finally, to top it all off, you’re bringing new members into our fraternity with renewed interest and renewed zeal. So you see, my Brethren, there’s no legacy for me to leave. You have your own legacy, and it far surpasses one I could ever hope for. Your legacy of empowerment, of excitement and enthusiasm for our fraternity is all Freemasonry needs. Your love of our ritual and passion for Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth is an unstoppable combination that has proven successful for our Brethren over the centuries. Keep up the great work, my Brethren, Grand Master Charles R. Murphy examines the and our beloved uniform he would wear when tossing out the first fraternity will pitch at a Cleveland Indians Game in Progressive continue to prosper Field this summer. forevermore. May the in so many ways it’s paid off. You Supreme Architect of the Universe were presented with the challenge bless you and your families, and of conducting Open Houses in continue to guide, counsel and your Lodges and you exceeded provide for each and every one of everyone’s expectations. You were you for many years to come. offered the opportunity to help save the lives of troubled youths through the MMSAP Program, and Please remember your response was tremendous. The Ohio Masonic Once again you proved your Home in your will. generosity in record support and donations to the Ohio Special

Finding Guidance Through the ‘Great Debate’ By Worshipful Brother Wm. David Bannerman, Chief Executive Officer, The Ohio Masonic Home

Part of the Great Debate in

Washington is about whether or not there will be a requirement for end of life discussions. Actually, there is already a law that requires those conversations. Every time you check into a hospital for treatment, they are required to ask you about advance directives. Ohio has had a law since 1991. So, how does it play out? Each State controls both the health insurance requirements and the life decisions. Some states, like Oregon, enact laws permitting termination of life under certain circumstances, including assisted suicide. Others, like Michigan, imprisoned Dr. Kevorkian for those same actions. In the 1990s Ohio was pro life. It was very difficult to stop nutrition and hydration. The laws are amended to allow the doctor to talk people through the many choices and select among alternatives including the “Code/ No Code” and resuscitation issues. You can select advance directives, expressing your preferences now, while you can make your own

Ohio Masonic Home CEO Dave Bannerman in his captain’s outfit as he dines with residents of Springfield Masonic Community during a recent cruise week theme meal on the campus.

decisions, you can name someone to act on your behalf to make those decisions when you can’t and you can discuss with your physician what he will or will not prescribe in treatment. You can also change your mind, right up to the end. The forms used in Ohio can be found at the following weblink. aws/OHPCO/pt/sp/about_ohpco forms valid in Ohio may not be recognized in other states, and Ohio does not recognize some forms

from other states. Check with your physician or attorney for specifics. As you hear the fear, frustration and anger about making decisions at the end of life, remember that Ohio has had laws designed to help families and doctors make decisions for almost twenty years. If you want to improve your reasoning and decision skills, go back to your lodge and listen to the lecture and charge of the Fellowcraft degree. You may find guidance to help you through the Great Debate.

Masonic Home CEO, Endowment Foundation President Honored continued from page 1 William L. Minnix, Jr. for “being both tireless and strategic in maintaining strong relationships with your members of Congress and encouraging others to do the same.” Bannerman will accept the award at AAHSA’s Annual Meeting and Exposition in Chicago this November. AAHSA is a national not-for-profit organization committed to creating the future of aging services. In addition to his duties as CEO and his many Masonic activities,

Bannerman is a board member for the Advocate of Not-ForProfit Services for Older Ohioans (AOPHA). Tim Strawn, Benevolent Endowment Foundation president since 1996, was enshrined into the Ohio DeMolay Hall of Fame at its annual Conclave event at the

Tim Strawn

University of Akron on August 8. Strawn served as State Master Councilor in 1970-71 as a member of Canton Chapter. He is also a member of DeMolay International. It has been a memorable summer for Strawn. A few weeks after receiving his DeMolay honor, he was elevated to the 33º at the annual meeting of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in Boston on August 25.

September/October 2009


Tim Horton, Namesake of Restaurant Chain, Was Mason, NHL Hockey Star By George Braatz, Grand Secretary

Tim Horton, the namesake of a

As Horton’s NHL career was fast-growing chain of restaurants in winding down in 1974, he was playing for the Buffalo Sabres. He the United States and Canada, was had been injured when a puck not only a member the National hit him in the jaw. Determined to Hockey Association’s Hall of Fame, play at the next game, he took pain but he was a Master Mason. killers and played in the game on During his 23-year NHL career, Feb. 19, 1974, and was named one Horton was on four Stanley Cup of the three stars of the game. Forged winning teams with the Toronto on Ice then relates what happened: Maple Leafs and he was named a “After the game, he met up with first or second-team all-star six times. his business partner at the Tim Like many NHL players in the Horton’s donut office. They spent 1950s and 1960s, he needed to the night and early morning work in the discussing business plans off-season and dreams. By four in the for financial morning, Tim got into his car reasons. He and raced away. It was the opened Tim last time anyone saw him Horton’s alive. Shortly thereafter, his Donut shop car was found at the side of in Hamilton, the road, and the strongest Ontario, which man to every play in the NHL subsequently and six-time all-star with four has grown over Stanley Cups was dead.” the years to Brother Horton was become a chain inducted into the Hall of with more than Fame in 1977. 2,500 stores. Miles Gilbert “Tim” Horton Incidentally, Lord Stanley, He became a for whom the Stanley Cup Master Mason – the oldest and perhaps most in 1962 in Kroy Lodge #676 in prestigious team trophy in North Thornhill, Ontario. American sports competition – Brother Horton’s story and tragic was named, was a Mason too. death is related in a new book, Forged on Ice, by Robert A. Goodman, Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, the 16th Earl of Derby, was a member a Pennsylvania Mason, who lists, of Royal Alpha Lodge #16 in among other items, all the Masons London, England. who are in the NHL Hall of Fame.

Bills owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. poses with his bust following his induction speech. (Photo by James P. McCoy / Buffalo News)

Ohio Native Inducted Into NFL Hall of Fame Ohio native Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. – a Brother Mason – was inducted into the National Football League’s Hall of Fame in August. Brother Wilson was born in Columbus and grew up in Detroit. He subsequently joined Kilwinning Lodge #297 in Detroit and has been a Mason for more than 60 years. Brother Wilson is the founder, owner, and president of NFL’s Buffalo Bills. He was one of the founding owners of the former American Football League, which merged with the NFL in 1970. At age 90, he is the oldest owner in the NFL. Now living in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, he is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Detroit and received his 33rd Degree in 1948.

200th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge continued from page 1 from each district in the state and will make the final decision. The recipient will be announced during Grand Lodge. The Annual Communication also will include the visitation of


September/October 2009

guests from other jurisdictions, introduction of dignitaries, presentation of reports, conduct of regular business, and election and installation of officers for the coming year.

Information for delegates has been sent to the Secretary of each Symbolic Lodge in the state, and details are also available on the Grand Lodge webpage,

Cornerstones For New OES Gallagher Centre Dedicated Officers of the Grand Lodge of

Ohio, with the help of officers of the Grand Chapter, Eastern Star, of Ohio, dedicated the cornerstones for a new building to be constructed on the grounds of the Ohio Eastern Star Home in Mount Vernon. Construction of the Glenn A. Gallagher Centre will be moving forward in the months ahead, with a tentative dedication of the new activities building planned for June of 2010. Ground was broken for the new building on June 28, followed by the Grand Lodge Cornerstone Ceremony, led by Charles R. Murphy, Grand Master. Worthy Grand Matron Peg Reiterman and Worthy Grand Patron Kenneth Scott assisted in the impressive ceremonies. Events of the day included the dedication of a new OES Home bus, a picnic at the Home’s shelter house, and an ice cream social. According to Nancy Gallogly, director of marketing and communications for the Home, the activities marked the beginning of an ambitious capital campaign to revitalize the beautiful campus in Mount Vernon and further the mission of caring for the elderly.

Grand Master Charles R. Murphy, Worthy Grand Matron Peg Reiterman, and Worthy Grand Patron Kenneth R. Scott, with cornerstones used as part of the age-old, traditional Masonic Cornerstone Ceremony.

Officers of Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, during ceremony on a beautiful, sunny Sunday in Mt. Vernon.

Grand Master with several Grand Lodge Officers during Cornerstone Ceremony.

Tuscarawas Lodge Sells Candy Bars for Special Olympics James A. Lewis, right, Worshipful Master of Tuscarawas Lodge #59, understands the value of the Special Olympics program. His brother, Chip, left, has participated over the years in numerous Special Olympics competitions and won medals. This year, the Lodge sold candy bars for nearly six months, and raised more than $2,000 for Ohio Special Olympics support in a program developed by Worshipful Brother Lewis. September/October 2009


Volunteers Continue to Assist Veterans in Hospitals Masonic volunteers continue to

visit the Veteran’s Administration hospitals and facilities in Ohio, a program that has been taking place for decades under the direction of the Masonic Service Association of North America. In Ohio, Dr. and Right Worshipful Brother Arthur G. Quade is Ohio’s chairman and coordinator, a position he has held for nearly 15 years. He became a hospital volunteer in 1990 and has been state coordinator since 1995. Dr. Quade, a retired podiatrist, is a Past District Education Officer and a Past District Deputy Grand Master in the 22nd Masonic District. “The Masonic volunteers travel many miles and contribute many hours for our patients in five VA Hospitals and the Ohio Veteran’s Home,” Right Worshipful Brother

Quade said. “But we really need more volunteers. Please consider this noble cause and volunteer for those who cannot help themselves.” Working with Dr. Quade is the following group of volunteer coordinators at specific VA locations around Ohio: Robert W. Cubbison, Brecksville; Gerald Owens, Cincinnati; Douglas R. Tibbetts, Dayton and Wright Patterson Air Force Base; Donald Branford, Wade Park, and Raymond Niehm, Sandusky. Often, Lodges in the area of VA facilities will volunteer to do projects for the veterans. The Masonic Service Association, with its headquarters in Silver Spring, MD, unites all the Grand Lodges of the United States, Canada, and Mexico to serve in three areas – publications, disaster

Arthur G. Quade

relief, and hospital volunteers. Currently, Thomas H. Galyen, Grand Treasurer and Past Grand Master, is serving on the MSA Board of Directors. For more information, contact Dr. Arthur G. Quade, 11873 Snowville Road, Brecksville, OH 44141 or call (440) 526-4892.

Charitable Foundation Continues Work; ‘Thank You’ Received For Helping 4-Year-Old The Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation recently made its 260th grant to help individuals and families in need, and that gift allowed total giving to surpass $365,000 since the program started in 1995. One recent recipient of assistance was the McLean family in Spencer, Ohio. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McLean is 4-year-old Keyera, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Her tumor was too large to remove, and so the youngster underwent 7 weeks of aggressive chemotherapy until the growth was small enough to remove. Her future is still uncertain and doctors say that, because of the type of cancer, it could return anytime.


September/October 2009

Obviously, the care and treatment for Keyera put a huge financial strain on the McLean’s. The Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation made a donation to assist, and received a letter from the mother. Here are some excerpts: On behalf of myself and my husband and family, we would like to say thank you very much for your kind donation of $1,500 to help in the expenses during the most difficult time in our lives. I realize you have not personally met any of us, or especially my beautiful daughter. If you were to meet her, she would capture your heart. She is the bravest 4-year-old I know. She is my strength. I ask you to please keep my daughter in your thoughts and

prayers and hope for a cancer free life. Thank you all once again. In this time of economic hardship, the Charitable Foundation exists to help Masons and non-Masons, but the Foundation can only spend the income it receives from its investments. That income is used up far too rapidly, and the Trustees of the Foundation must be very careful in choosing the recipients of its financial grants. Individuals and Lodges are encouraged to donate to the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation to maintain and expand this “Reach” into our communities to help others. The Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization, and donations may be claimed on your income tax.

Taking it on the Road Promoting your community

through events on your campus is one way to reach people. Another popular way is taking your name on the road. Ohio Masonic Home campuses are working their way into other areas through programs such as travel and theater clubs. Western Reserve Masonic Community in Medina began the trend several years ago. Travel clubs offer bus trips, usually one day but some overnighters have been held, to getaway locations in and around Ohio. Popular trips have included mystery tours on trains, to Amish country and to the Lake Erie area. Browning Masonic Community in Waterville near Toledo also sponsors a popular travel club and Springfield Masonic Community is in the process of starting a travel club. The idea is to present the trips as getaways for reasonable prices, on spacious and comfortable tour buses while promoting the community sponsoring it. This builds awareness in a fun way. The

Western Reserve Masonic Community independent living resident Rosemary Haumesser spends a moment with a tour guide during a recent travel club trip cruise down the Ohio River in a sternwheeler. Residents and members of the nearby community enjoy the day trips, held several times a year.

trips are aimed at the general public, but residents sometimes come along. Western Reserve also sponsors a theater club that takes trips to a popular Cleveland theater for a range of shows, from classics to newer hits. One of the most popular seasons for the travel and theater clubs is coming up – the holidays. Western Reserve will celebrate the season with its travel and theater clubs. Western Reserve will take a Christmas in Amish Country trip on November 14 to see the annual Festival of Trees and Warther Carving Museum to get in some early shopping. The theater club will follow with a trip to hear the Christmas music of Mannheim

Steamroller on November 18 at EJ Thomas Hall in Akron. Browning Masonic Community is planning a two-day holiday trip November 13 and 14 to seasonal destinations. The trip will include stops at Dickens Village in Cambridge, Ohio and the Oglebay Festival of Lights in Wheeling, West Virginia. For more information on Western Reserve’s travel and theater clubs or other community events, call (330) 721-3275 or e-mail to For information on Browning Masonic Community, call (866) 878-4055; or go to

Griffaw Named Mason of Year in Vermilion Donald H. Griffaw was named Mason of the Year for 2009 in Ely Lodge #424 in Vermilion. Worshipful Master John J. Micholas IV, center, and Robert G. Manning, left, Lodge Secretary, made the presentation, which included a certificate and an engraved clock. Right Worshipful Brother Griffaw is a Past Master of Ely Lodge, and a Past District Education Officer and a Past District Deputy Grand Master in the 16th Masonic District. He has served the Grand Lodge on its Credentials and Grievance Committees. In addition to his work in Ely Lodge, he has extended much time and energy in helping other Lodges in the area. He has also been active in fund-raising efforts for the Vermilion Food Pantry. September/October 2009


Grand Master’s


Grand Master Charles R. Murphy attended dinner receptions in all 25 Masonic Districts this year, at which he spoke to, and visited with thousands of Ohio Masons and their ladies. Above, he visits with guests at one of the receptions. Below, the Grand Master and his wife, Zoellen, enjoy a moment during the year’s travels.

The Grand Master carves the Thanksgiving turkey at the Ohio Masonic Home’s Browning campus in Waterville.

During many ceremonies each year, the Grand Master must work with his Grand Marshal. Here, Most Worshipful Brother Murphy discusses details with Norman J. Mick, Grand Marshal.


September/October 2009

The Grand Master during the year attends several other Grand Lodge Annual Communications and the annual North American Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries. At the conference, above, Grand Master Murphy and his wife, Zoellen, are pictured with Loyd E. Davis, Grand Master of Utah, who retains a dual membership in Ohio’s Cincinnati-Lafayette Lodge #483, and his wife, Judy. Below, Grand Murphy receives an honorary membership from Hicksville Lodge #478 and a walnut/ oak creation of the Ark of the Covenant, crafted by Worshipful Brother Lee Kallsen, right.

Every Worshipful Master who attended a Grand Master’s Reception received a special Worshipful Master’s pin from the Grand Master. Above, Most Worshipful Brother Murphy affixes one of the pins. Below, the Grand Master participates in the popular “YMCA” song and dance at the 1st District’s reception and dance.

Many 50-year membership awards are presented by the Grand Master each year. Above, he honors a brother for his longevity in being a Mason. Below, Grand Master Murphy visits with people at the opening ceremony for the Special Olympics in June, at which he presented a replica $205,000 check.


September/October 2009


The Heart Behind the Smile He’s got one of the most familiar

smiles on the Springfield Masonic Community campus. A smile from Joe Flora is reassuring to residents and staff when he’s on duty as a security guard. Beyond the smile is a big heart. Anybody can flash their pearly whites, but Joe’s comes from sharing his enthusiasm with others. “I love what I do and when you love what you do it doesn’t feel like a job,” said Joe. “The joy in me is real, so I don’t have to pretend.” This has resulted in a new second career – voluntary hospice minister for Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice. Joe, who just celebrated his fifth year on the security squad at Springfield Masonic Community recently, admits this took him a bit by surprise. “It’s something I never planned on,” said Joe. “Things work out because that’s how God wants them to.”

Joe Flora in his other uniform as a voluntary hospice minister for Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice.

Joe applies what he’s learned in previous careers to what he does now. A one-time postal worker who had to retire due to health reasons, he honed his personal skills by knowing the names of every person on his route. This personality


September/October 2009

Joe Flora in his security uniform with the security vehicle on the Springfield Masonic Community campus.

trait has made him popular with Springfield Masonic Community residents. “We want our residents to see our staff as friends,” said security director John Reese. “Joe goes beyond that.” Joe was unsure about ministry work. Then a unique opportunity came when Cornerstone president Mary Lough approached Joe to help with its ministry needs. “Joe was the right man, no question,” said Mary. “We’ve had nothing but good feedback from families we work with who’ve been comforted by Joe’s visits.” Between his job doing security and volunteering at Cornerstone, which is based in Urbana, Joe’s services are becoming more in demand. Joe estimates he’s putting in around 80 hours a week.

One recent evening Joe got just four hours of sleep. But it’s worth it to him. “When I go in to minister to someone, I don’t preach, I let my light shine through them. “ Joe said the hardest part is balancing his schedule with his wife’s job as a flight attendant. He enjoys spending time with his spouse, Margaret, whom he’s known since the fifth grade. Joe said he’s very appreciative of the Masonic fraternity and its works. He was touched recently when his granddaughter endured health problems and found relief at a Shriners Hospital. It has motivated her to want to work at a Shriners Hospital in the near future. “The Ohio Masonic Home’s motto is care, compassion and concern. I’ve added comfort and consolation to those in my work at Cornerstone.”

70-Year Membership Award to North Canton Brother Richard R. Dowding receives his 70-year award certificate and pin from James F. Easterling, Jr., Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge. Brother Dowding was raised a Master Mason in 1938 in Fidelity Lodge #712 in Canton. He is now a member of William H. Hoover Lodge #770, after a merger of the two Lodges.

6 Candidates Raised on a Saturday in Jamestown Worshipful Master T. L. McClellan stands proudly behind the six new candidates who received their Master Mason Degrees on April 18 in Jamestown Lodge #352. From left, they are Matthew R. Kirk, Robert N. Kirk, Charles Roberts, Todd Robert Lucas, Thomas Eric Lowe, and Kevin Basinger. Thirtythree members from 12 Lodges participated in the marathon day of degree work that was filled with fun and enthusiasm.

60-Year Mason Serves as Master Ronald Van Dyke, center, is serving as Worshipful Master of Elyria Lodge #787 in his 60th year as a Freemason. Bradford A. Goebel, left, Senior Grand Warden, and Robert C. Hager, District Deputy Grand Master, help honor Worshipful Brother Van Dyke for his accomplishments. He joined Frank S. Harmon Lodge #663 in 1949. The Lodge in 2003 became part of the new Elyria Lodge. Another unusual feat is that Worshipful Brother Van Dyke served as Worshipful Master of Harmon Lodge 50 years ago.

Leesburg Lodge Profits from Community Outreach Charles C. Shanks, Worshipful Master of Leesburg Lodge #78 is described as being “community-minded,” but his idea to sell pork tenderloin sandwiches at a booth in the local festival exceeded expectations. It became a great public relations tool for the Lodge, with a number of young men stopping by to ask questions about Freemasonry. And, the Lodge received a net profit a nearly $1,000 to help its finances. Leesburg Lodge is already planning how to improve upon the effort next year. September/October 2009


First Eastern Star I-CARE Committee Formed

The first ever Ohio Eastern Star

I-CARE committee was formed this summer. Beallsville Chapter #24, OES earned that distinction. Eastern Star and Prince Hall chapters are welcome and encouraged to form committees. One of the top Masonic priorities is making sure our senior brethren, their wives and widows, Eastern Star members and members of other affiliated bodies are being

taken care of. That’s where the I-CARE program can help. I-CARE, which stands for Independence Coordination Assistance Referral and Education, utilizes Licensed Social Workers, known as service coordinators, who can act as a link in helping obtain services to maintain a self reliant lifestyle. This program does not supply actual services. The program was awarded the 2008 Social Commitment Award by the Advocate of Not-for-Profit Services for Older Ohioans, recognizing the achievement of a

I-CARE staff will be available at these upcoming events: • Oct. 8-10 – Grand Commandery – West Chester • Oct. 15-17 – Grand Lodge – Toledo

program that helps contribute to equal opportunity and harmonious relations. One of the best things about I-CARE is coordinators are available to cover every area of the state. No matter where your lodge is, one of seven coordinators in that area may be able to help. Coordinators are available to speak at lodge meetings or at other DeAnna Kinney, center, I-CARE coordinator for Southeast Ohio, events by request. Several lodges have formed I-CARE committees with members of the first ever Eastern Star committee formed to help in other ways and members have reported it’s one of the most in the state from Beallsville Eastern Star Chapter. Members satisfying things they’ve done. include, from left, Wayne Shirbish, Anne Paine, Jane Shirbish, Peggy Headley and Jim Warsinskey.

Call (866) 286-0010 for more info or go to and look for the Masonic Senior Services/ I-CARE subsection.

Masonic Helping Hands Easier To Reach, Launches New Program Reaching Masonic Helping Hands

is easier than ever with a new universal toll free number that can connect you with services faster than ever. The new number (877) 564-0210, will use an automated system to guide callers to the right office to best meet their needs. Helping Hands currently has offices covering the Dayton/Springfield, Greater Cincinnati and Greater Toledo areas. Masonic Helping Hands offers non-medical in-home assistance to seniors and disabled adults to help keep them independent in their own homes. Masonic Helping Hands is also expanding its mission beyond seniors


September/October 2009

and disabled adults. The program can now also help new moms. The attention a new baby deserves can mean other things can get lost in the shuffle. Helping Hands can step in with many of

the same services it already provides including: • Housekeeping and Laundry • Meal Planning and Preparation

• Shopping and Errands • Appointment Escort • Pet Care • And much more Knowing the little things are taken care of allows moms and babies to bond quicker and relieves moms of a little less pressure. The service is not babysitting, child care or a nanny program. It is for home assistance only. Clients must be at least 18 years or older. New clients can receive a free assessment and their first hour of service free, based on a minimum of three hours service. Call (877) 564-0210 to get started or for more information.

The Place to Be for Arts, Lectures and Discussion Waterville is becoming the place

for wonderful music and stimulating lectures, at the center of it all is Browning Masonic Community. Browning is wrapping up its successful “No Limits” lecture and concert series in October with Gerry Brazer. Gerry will be presenting Great American presidents and the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, these lectures will close the 2009 season. The “No Limits” series, which began in the spring, presents hour-long lectures on a variety of topics and concerts covering various musical genres. The lectures series has offered speakers on gardening to the stock markets to Honor Flight, the program that transports veterans to visit war memorials in Washington D.C. The Concerts have also offered a variety for all music tastes, from jazz to ragtime to the symphony. The attendance figures have been good according to marketing representative Carleen Sweet, averaging 40-60 people per hour-long event. The “No Limits” series evolved out of an Enrichment Series program started with Owens Community College. Together Browning and Owens offered a variety of classes on the Browning

Browning Masonic Community’s annual car show and cruise-in returned to the campus this summer with a record crowd of around 4,000 attendees.

campus. Educational classes are being offered as part of the “No Limits” series. Starting in September for five consecutive Mondays, An Introduction to Watercolor by artist Teri Bersee was offered at Browning. The “No Limits” series works well on several levels. It gives the campus the chance to show off its recent renovations; entertains and informs seniors in the Waterville area; and perhaps most of all, reminds people that Browning Masonic Community is here and it’s a great place to live and stay active. Earlier this summer, Browning Masonic Community held its 7th annual Cruise-in. The car show drew a record crowd of around 4,000 to see the 175 classic cars and enjoy the exciting atmosphere.

Browning’s Travel Club 55 is ending the year with trips to the Akron Mum Festival in late September and an overnight trip to Dickens Village in Cambridge, OH and Oglebay Festival of Lights in Wheeling, WV in November. The 2010 Travel Club 55 schedule will be finalized soon. The “No Limits” concert and lecture series will take a hiatus from November through January and pick up again in the late winter according to Carleen, but there will still be a lot of activities for seniors in the community to participate in. The Browning Brunch Bunch and Lunch and Learn will continue all year long. For more information about Browning Masonic Community or upcoming events, call (419) 878-4055.

Bibles Representing the Past Used for New Member Jared Churchman was raised a Master Mason in June in Toronto Lodge #583, with his obligation being taken on the Masonic Bible of his father, Worshipful Brother William B. Churchman. The candidate’s father was very active throughout the three degrees, conferring all three degrees, giving all three lectures and portraying King Solomon in the Master Mason Degree.

In Jared’s Entered Apprentice Degree, the obligation was taken on the Masonic Bible of his great-grandfather, the late William C. Byrd. The Fellowcraft obligation used the Masonic Bible of the candidate’s grandfather, Worshipful Brother Clarence W. “Pete” Churchman. The father presented to his son the grandfather’s Masonic ring and several lapel pins.

It was an impressive evening for Toronto Lodge, also featuring the presence of Kevin B. Todd, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge; William E. Pierce and Donald Butream, both District Deputy Grand Masters in the 24th Masonic District, and Robert Holsinger, James Fiest, and Joseph Benline, all Past District Deputy Grand Masters. September/October 2009



How Charitable Giving Can Help You in Today’s Market By Right Worshipful Brother Timothy B. Strawn, CAE, President, The OMH Benevolent Endowment Foundation

We are very fortunate in that the

Foundation has many loyal donors and supporters who consistently give to us – as well as new donors we are always greeting. However, we know that the recent months have been difficult for everyone and have undoubtedly impacted their ability to give as they might want to. Thus, we’re offering here a few ideas regarding ways of giving that are always available but may be of special interest in these times. Gifts of appreciated securities are one possibility. If you have securities that have appreciated over time (at least one year), you might consider gifting them instead of cash. By doing so, you will bypass most if not all the capital gain that would be due on them. You might also then use the cash to buy that same or another stock at a lower cost basis or use it for another purpose. Or you might use the securities to fund a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) that can provide immediate tax savings and an additional income stream. Most folks are at least basically familiar with a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) in which a donor creates a trust which benefits him and/or others while living and then, at his or the last beneficiary’s death, benefits a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. Another type of trust, the Charitable Lead Trust (CLT), works in the opposite direction. With this vehicle, the donor creates a trust through which he gives initially to a charitable organization for a donor-defined


September/October 2009

period of time (up to 20 years). At the end of that period, the trust assets – including growth during the gift period – revert to the donor, loved ones or others he designates and, in many cases, those assets pass to the loved ones or others free of estate and gift taxes. By creating such a trust today, a donor may use discounted assets to create the trust and provide the charitable gift and hopefully assume that during the period of the gift, the assets will regain value, thereby providing an even greater gift to his loved ones as the trust terminates. Yet another option is particularly appealing to those who might have been willing to make a significant gift or pledge before the recession but aren’t as comfortable with that idea today. Being able to retain income equal to the value of the gift over time might enable such

donors to make the gift. This can be accomplished with a 10%, 10 year Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT). In this vehicle, the donor creates a trust and, over the ten year period, receives an amount equal to the amount originally placed in the trust. At the termination of the trust, the charitable organization receives the remainder. We hope these ideas may be helpful to you as you contemplate your continued support of and assistance to the Foundation and Home which are, of course, 501 (c)(3) organizations. We sincerely appreciate all your efforts and gifts in our behalf. If you would like to discuss these or other ideas that may assist you in your financial/estate planning, please call the Foundation toll-free at 1 (888) 248-2664.

Earns 5-Star Rating in Survey Springfield Masonic Community has earned the overall 5-star quality rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Ratings System of Nursing Homes. “Our commitment is to provide the best care possible to our residents,” said Marion Leeman, Springfield Masonic Community president. “The skill and experience of our staff continue to contribute to our legacy of 114 years of service to the community.” Ratings are based on three sources including health inspections, quality measures and staffing. The system was created as a guide to help consumers, their families and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and help identify areas in which they may have questions. For more information on the system, go to www.medicare.gove/nh/compare.

Harmony Lodge #8 Celebrates 200 Years Harmony Lodge #8 in Urbana was one of the first Lodges to receive a charter under the new Grand Lodge of Ohio, which was formed in 1808. Harmony was the first Lodge in western Ohio. Initially meeting in Dayton, Springfield, and Urbana on an alternating schedule, Harmony Lodge was founded in 1809. After

a number of years, it settled in Urbana as its home. On June 27, Harmony Lodge celebrated its 200-year history with an anniversary dinner and program at the Champaign County Fairgrounds. Grand Master Charles R. Murphy and his wife, Zoellen; several Grand Lodge Officers and their ladies, and

many members, Past Masters, and friends of the Lodge gathered for the occasion. Several musical groups entertained and a few speakers noted their thoughts and remembrances about the history of the Lodge.

Thank You For Your Generosity We offer our grateful appreciation to the estates, individuals, groups, or other Masonic bodies who have supported The Ohio Masonic Home with gifts given between June 1 and July 31, 2009. $10,000 + Bixler, Charity Mae Brister, Charles E. McMillan, George & Shirley Rammelsberg, Merle Sturdivant, Webster $5,000 - $9,999 Kelly, William H. Moss, George K. Page, Herbert Seifert, Dorothy T. & Myron T. $2,500 - $4,999 Schulze, Vivian H. Sheeler, Howard M. Terrell, Dorothy F. $1,000 - $2,499 American International Group, Inc. Arters, George D. & B.J. Davis, Orlando W. Hosler, Bessie V. Milford Lodge #54, F&AM $500 - $999 Bellville Lodge #376, F&AM Blendon Lodge #339, F&AM Dayton Lodge #147, F&AM Ebenezer Lodge #33, F&AM Kelly, Floyd Orphans’ Friend Lodge #275, F&AM Perseverance Lodge #329, F&AM Shrive, Harold George Valley of Youngstown, AASR West Gate Lodge #623, F&AM Williams, Frank R.

$100 - $499 Albin, Paul F. & Carol Amity Lodge #5, F&AM Argus Lodge #545, F&AM Ashton, Delbert Lee, Jr. Augenstein, M. J. Bartlett Lodge #293, F&AM Bishop, George Calvin, Delo A. Carroll Lodge #124, F&AM Carson, Terry M. Citi Foundation Clark, Myrna G. Conkle, Ray E. Cuyahoga Falls Lodge #735, F&AM Davis, Samuel Craig Doyle, Robert A & Kathleen East Liberty Lodge #247, F&AM East Palestine Lodge #417, F&AM Ehlers, Arther & Ermille Fannin, Frank M. Farmers Lodge #153, F&AM Georgetown Lodge #72, F&AM Gerard Lodge #428, F&AM Gettysburg Lodge #477, F&AM Grove City Lodge #689, F&AM Harbor Light Lodge #746, F&AM Heights-Lion Heart Lodge #633, F&AM Hildbold, Richard L. Hoffner Lodge #253, F&AM Holcomb, J. Robert & Antoinette Horace W. Wright Chapter #226, RAM Hudson Lodge #510, F&AM Indian Lake Lodge #722, F&AM Irville Lodge #184, F&AM

Jeffersonville Lodge #468, F&AM Karth, Charles E. & Marjorie Lancaster Lodge #57, F&AM Lattanner, C. Rolland & Joy Lithopolis Lodge #169, F&AM Lone Star Lodge #175, F&AM Losasso, Donald L. & Theda Luecke, David A. & Marilyn Malta Lodge #118, F&AM Mentor Lodge #772, F&AM Monroe Lodge #189, F&AM New Straitsville Lodge #484, F&AM Ohio Grand Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow For Girls Olive Lodge #210, F&AM Peebles Lodge #581, F&AM Quinn, Paul A. Reynoldsburg Lodge #340, F&AM Rockton Lodge #316, F&AM Rufus Putnam Lodge #364, F&AM Schafer, Albert C. & Beatrice Shank, Harold & Josephine Springfield Masonic Community Pastoral Care Stanford, Christopher J. The Progressive Insurance Foundation Tu-en-da-wie Lodge #195, F&AM Valley of Dayton, AASR Vannes, John M. Wakeman Chapter # 177, RAM Walnut Chapter #172, RAM Wayfarer Lodge #789, F&AM West Carrollton Lodge #737, F&AM West Milton Lodge #577, F&AM

September/October 2009



2655 W. National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504-3698 Web site: Web site:

Guiding the Noble Cause Most Excellent Companion Dale G. Ray, Jr.

He’s been a vital part of one of

the busiest phases in Ohio Masonic Home history and is helping it into the next phase. Dale G. Ray, Jr. has seen a lot since joining the Ohio Masonic Home’s Board of Trustees in 1994, and since 2005 as a guiding hand as the board chairman. The past 15 years have brought the abolishment of the asset surrender program, the addition of two new campuses, opening campuses to the public and the creation of home-based services.

Helping an organization like the Ohio Masonic Home is a privilege, especially for a Mason according to Dale. “The work we do is a benefit to our members and to our fellow man,” he said. “I don’t think there is a more noble charity than supporting your fellow man. There’s a saying about measuring your life by being the person who dies with the most toys; it should be measured by what have you done to help your fellow man.” Dale became interested in the work of The Ohio Masonic Home when a family friend came to live at the Springfield campus several years ago. It was the only location at the time. “We used to visit her and I built such respect for the work this organization does, I wanted to be a part of it.” Dale joined the board on the recommendation of other board members. His business management experience in data processing and information technology was a

welcome fit. The board is made up of members from a variety of Dale G. Ray, Jr. backgrounds who use their experience and ideas to guide it. It’s been a challenging year for most businesses, and Dale is working with several committees to get The Ohio Masonic Home and its services through it. “It’s taken a lot of extra work and hours, but we’re focused on getting us through.” As many changes as he’s seen, Dale is especially keeping an eye on future endeavors. He wants to watch how campus-based operations develop and the expansion of home-based services grow. Dale is a 33° Mason and a member of Barberton Lodge #750 and is celebrating his 50th year as a Mason in 2009. He is the grand secretary for Royal Arch Masons and has held numerous offices in a variety of branches of Masonry over the years. Dale lives in Barberton, Ohio with his wife Jacqueline. They have four children, nine grand children and a great grandson.

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