January february 07

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January/February 2006



Celebrate Your Masonic Heritage It may still be winter outside, but turn your thoughts to the sunny month of June and the 23rd Annual Ohio Masonic Home Day 2007. This year’s annual event will be Sunday, June 3 on the Ohio Masonic Home’s Springfield campus, 2655 West National Road, Springfield. This will be a day for Masons, their family and friends to gather for fun, food and fellowship with residents and their brethren.

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As always, the day will include: Musical entertainment, including several Masonic-related performers Food and treats of all types from Masonic vendors Crafts and a flea market Special exhibits Kids games and treats

One of the highlights of Home Day is the Shrine Parade, featuring a variety of floats, cars and marchers that wind their way through the Springfield campus.

Home Day visitors can enjoy a variety of musical entertainment while eating or relaxing under a tent.

• A booth sponsored by the Grand Lodge Officers’ wives will sell crafts to support the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation • The Home’s famous strawberry shortcake • Springfield campus tours • The Shrine parade While here, discover the heritage and reputation of The Ohio Masonic Home’s Springfield campus, which has served the fraternity for 115 years. Many lodges send a delegation to Springfield for Home Day. South Point Lodge #497 and the 17th District in southeastern Ohio arrived in buses last year. Organize your lodge and visit the Springfield campus on June 3. For information on how you can be involved in Ohio Masonic Home Day, call (937) 525-3025.

A Fresh Start By Michael A. Himes Grand Master

As I write these words, 2006 is drawing to a close. As you read them, 2007 is well underway. With every transition, there is a time to reflect on what has been accomplished in the past, and opportunity to formulate plans for the future. I hope that each of you is striving to take your plans and use them to make 2007 a great year, one filled with accomplishments and rewards for you, your family, your community, and your Lodge. One of the greatest rewards a person can receive is the feeling of satisfaction derived from helping others. I would urge all of the Freemasons in Ohio to carry over the charity of the holiday season into the rest of the year. The families, organizations, and individuals we help during November and December need assistance every day,

The Beacon is published bi-monthly Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces The BEACON mailing labels. The Ohio Masonic Home includes Masonic Health Care, Inc.; Masonic Retirement Village, Inc.; and the Benevolent Endowment Foundation, Inc., at the Springfield campus; the Browning Masonic Community, Inc., in Waterville; and the Western Reserve Masonic Community, Inc., in Medina. Paul Quinn, Director of Marketing and Communications The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698 937/525-3074 pquinn@ohiomasonichome.org George Braatz, P.G.M., Grand Secretary at The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio P.O. Bos 629 Worthington, OH 43085 614/885-5318 gbraatz@freemason.com


January/ February 2007

and we as Masons must remember that our obligation to “Relieve the Distressed” is a daily pledge, not just a seasonal one. By now, the inspection season is in full swing in most of our Districts. Last year the attendance at the inspections was very good, and it is hoped that this trend will continue. The inspection of a lodge is an important event, and I am sure that every lodge in this jurisdiction will do its best to portray the ritual work in a manner befitting the important lessons and tenets contained therein, both on inspection night and at every other degree conferral through the year. March will bring our 2007 Grand Masters Class, to be held on March 3rd in Columbus and on March 31st in 24 other locations around the state. Here is an opportunity to bring into the fraternity qualified

men who were, for whatever reason, unable to become members in our traditional manner. I urge each of you to ‘replace yourself’ by sponsoring a friend, family member, or co-worker for membership in this Grand Masters Class. If that is not possible, then attend and support your district on this auspicious occasion. Following the Master Mason Degree, and in conjunction with the York Rite, the Mark Master Degree, the first degree of Royal Arch Masonry, will be conferred on eligible candidates who wish to take the first step in Capitular Masonry. With every new day the Great Architect gives each of us a “Fresh Start.” Our goal should be to seize that opportunity and strive to make the new day better than the one before, “Lighting the Way” for all we meet through our service to others.

Commemoration Clock Planned for 2008 in Tipp City This is an artist’s photo rendering of a clock that will be installed in front of Tippecanoe Lodge #174 in commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 2008. A special ceremony in March, 2008, will dedicate the clock, which will display prominently the square and compasses symbol. According to Robert Terrel, Secretary of the Lodge, the clock is being purchased from the Verdin Clock Co., in Cincinnati, one of the largest clock makers in the world. It will be lighted – for passersby to tell the time day or night. The fact that Tippecanoe Lodge was founded in 1849 will also be highlighted on the clock. Worshipful Brother Terrel suggested that other Lodges may want to consider a similar public relations project in their town.

Activity, Value of Members of Grand Master’s One-Day Classes Shown in Survey Just how successful – over time –

interest,” one Secretary wrote. “We Okay. But how are these “new have four one-day candidates who style” members contributing? are currently assigned to the second A survey of Secretaries of Ohio shift, and that was the draw for Lodges has found that 8% of all the one-day class. They one-day class could join and not miss members have “They have served or are essentially saved work. We have several one-day candidates who serving as Lodge our Lodge.” have brought petitions to officers. Lodge and have several That means potential candidates for the next that the one-day classes have class.” provided nearly 1,000 new officers Another Lodge indicated that for the 534 Lodges in the state, or an average of 2 new officers per Lodge. “because of them, we have our first This is not an evenly-spread statistic Past Master-less line in more than 10 years.” because a handful of Lodges have According to another Secretary, as many as five current officers “They have increased our who came from one-day classes. attendance at meetings.” Several of the have already served “Outstanding success!” another as Worshipful Master and others as said. “Four brothers are in line, one Lodge Secretary. The survey will be WM in 2008. We now have a strong line of officers with no PMs. also showed Statistical Comparisons of New Master Masons Raised They are learning lectures. One that 15% of Average one-day class other note: since a couple of these 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1995-2001 brethren were younger, they have members are 1,739 1,699 1,454 1,351 1,372 1,363 1,363 1,477 attracted friends of theirs to visit attending Average and join. Good young men.” Lodge 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002-06 Another Lodge Secretary wrote regularly. 8,536 4,036 853 3,684 913 3,604 that “several (one-day class Ohio has members) are endowed members. no statistics They are just as interested in to compare Masonry as those who went the these percentages to members who 1995-2001 – a total of 10,341 new long way.” joined in the traditional manner, Masons were raised in Ohio, or an One Lodge comment was very but most veteran observers say the average of 1,477 a year. short: “They have essentially saved one-day members are at least equal In the five-year period since the our Lodge.” to others in service as officers classes were initiated, a total of Grand Lodge leaders who have and in attendance. 18,022 Brothers have joined our been observing the effect of oneThe survey also provided Lodge ranks, for an average of 3,604 per Secretaries the opportunity to make day membership for several years year. agree that more education, social additional comments, and some If the 1995-2001 average of 1,477 involvement, and opportunities for acknowledged that attendance and new Masons a year had continued understanding of the Fraternity was service are keys to making these without the one-day classes, Ohio new members a vital and active not sufficient by those who joined would have some 10,637 fewer part of each Lodge. Those Lodges in the one-day class. members today. that achieve these goals seem to But numerous comments praised Most do not realize that more have more success with the onethe impact of the one-day class. than 10.3% of Ohio’s current day class members than those who “Many (one-day class members) Masonic membership joined do not. have a great interest in the Lodge. through the Grand Master’s oneWe only have a few who show no day classes. have the one-day classes been in Ohio? How many of those raised are still members? As of December, 2006, more than 87% of all Masons who joined during a Grand Master’s one-day class in Ohio are still members in good standing. Ohio has had three one-day classes – in April, 2002; March, 2003; and April, 2005 – with a total of 13,891 men becoming members through this process. Of those, 12,122 are still members, with deaths, demits, and suspensions for nonpayment of dues claiming most of those missing from the lists. In the seven-year period prior to the advent of the one-day events –

January/ February 2007


A Renewed Interest in Masonry By Worshipful Brother Wm. David Bannerman, Chief Executive Officer, The Ohio Masonic Home

“Let’s Roll!”

Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship The grandfather of Ohio Masonic Home scholarship recipient Eli Pierce is James Cecil of Delta #207 in McArthur. William Cecil was Eli’s greatgrandfather. The Beacon had erroneously reported that William was Eli’s grandfather. Our apologies to Eli and the Cecil family. The Scholarship Program is an endowment established by The Ohio Masonic Home to provide tuition assistance to qualified descendants of Freemasons. The deadline for application for the 2007-2008 academic year is April 7. The form is available at www.ohiomasonichome.org.


January/ February 2007

You know those words from Flight 93. Spoken from a younger generation, they remind us of our past glory and our commitment to the things we believe in. After 9/11, America responded. The new generations coming of age have responded to the need for defense, to the need for new philanthropy, to the desire to belong to organizations that make a difference. I see it in my lodge. We worried about the one-day classes, just as the “lifers” in military service wondered about the “90-day wonders.” But we did not need to worry. After I joined in 1998, Huber Heights Lodge averaged over 20 new members in each of the next five years. Then there was a downturn. But the numbers are rising again and the new members are different. Our current Master was a member of the first Grand Master’s class. A Changing Fraternity When I joined the fraternity, most new members were over 40 years of age. The average age of a lodge member was over 60. But the story is changing. As I reviewed my year as Master, I noticed some changes. The new members are younger, asking for more involvement and stepping up to take on new roles. More members would help if we would let them and not hold them back for work-related absences. We have too many volunteers for the number of available appointments. That is exciting! There is a theory that membership in social organizations rises and falls in generational waves. The theory is that it may take a generation or two, but interest in

similar ideas repeats itself. According to that theory, the GI Generation, those who served in World War II, will find that those who are younger brothers or older children do not share the same enthusiasm for social organizations like the fraternity. Boomers, and those just a little older, have not joined the same organizations you did. “My father’s interests are not my interests,” is the common comment. But, men of Generation X and the millennial generation, your grandchildren and great grandchildren, want to belong. A Renewed Interest The adults in their 20s and 30s want to be part of a group that works to better society. You can see the beginning of that interest today, in the renewed interest in elections, the renewal of philanthropic giving and the newest members of the lodge being in their mid-twenties to mid-thirties and asking how they can help. Today’s younger generations see a problem, and they want to fix it. Just as you did. Your lodge is the kind of organization they are looking for. Bring your grandchildren into the lodge and help them understand what is important. They will figure out how to live out the values they are taught. This is the generation that likes tattoos, like the ones you have from the service. They understand where you were, respectful of the history you helped create. Maybe they won’t like the same fun things you did, but maybe they will. They will certainly respect your interests. Get your grandchildren together and tell them the stories of how to be successful and grow the society. Then watch them create the new society from Masonic principles. You will be amazed.

Services to Senior Masons Expanding The Masonic Senior Services program experienced immense growth in 2006, adding a director, another regional coordinator and establishing new programs throughout the state. For 2007, the hope is to branch out even more. “By expanding into the Columbus area and having five regional service coordinators, we now cover the entire state,” said Nancy Swindel, who joined as senior services director in 2006. Masonic Senior Services is designed to help Senior Masons, 5

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Districts 8 & 15 Brother Rodney Skinner, LSW 937-525-4951 or 937-605-4595 rskinner@ohiomasonichome.org Districts 2, 3 & 9 Diane Shober, LSW 888-207-8472 or 937-605-5475 dshober@ohiomasonichome.org Districts 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19 & 23 Amy Stomieroski 866-453-8002 or 614-572-3507 astomieroski@ohiomasonichome.org Districts 4, 5, 10, 11 & 16 Elizabeth Witter, LSW 800-706-1709 or 419-779-0057 ewitter@ohiomasonichome.org Districts 1, 6 & 7 Amy Colley, LSW 800-706-1710 or 513-623-6528 acolley@ohiomasonichome.org Districts 20, 21, 22, 24 & 25 Kimberly Howitt 800-901-1431 or 216-854-6293 khowitt@ohiomasonichome.org

their wives and widows and Eastern Star members who wish to stay in their homes, but may need help with certain things. The program has 450 clients throughout Ohio, including 150 new cases in 2006 and servicing over 150 lodges. The coordinators each work in different areas of the state and can assist with questions. The 2006 program included presentations, quarterly newsletters and Beacon articles. But one of the best methods is through word of mouth, which helped lead to one of the big accomplishments in 2006, the I-CARE program. I-CARE stands for Independence, through Coordination, Assistance, Referral and Education, which helps Masonic seniors with certain needs. The next step was helping individual lodges throughout the state to establish their own I-CARE committees in their communities. A few lodges have already started helping their senior members and their family members through the I-CARE groups. Nancy Swindel said she looked forward to further growth in the new year. “Our goal in 2007 is to see committees active in each region of the state,” she said. Masonic Senior Services representatives can help lodges with organizing and training committees, enabling them to help offer assistance to those fraternityrelated seniors in need. I-CARE coordinators gave several presentations to lodges, and some have stepped up to take over the programs in their areas. The comments from lodge leaders who have helped their senior brethren have been overwhelmingly positive.

For more information on the Masonic Senior Services program, call 1-888-286-0010 or MSS@ohiomasonichome.org.

• The I-CARE Program, provided by Masonic Senior Services of Ohio, a subsidiary of The Ohio Masonic Home, is a statewide, community-based program, with Coordinators based in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Springfield, and Toledo. • “I-CARE” stands for Independence through Coordination, Assistance, Referral, and Education. • The I-CARE Program serves Masons, wives, and widows, as well as Eastern Star members and Prince Hall, helping them to maintain their Independence through Coordination of community and governmental services, Assistance with applications, making connections with service providers, and solving problems in those connections, Referral to agencies offering resources or support, and Education on issues related to accessing services and dealing with senior related issues. • I-CARE Service Coordinators can help arrange for in-home services through the community such as homemaking to assist with cleaning and shopping, personal care, Meals on Wheels, medical transportation, and getting medical equipment. Service coordinators can also assist with applying for benefits such as Medicare Veterans and Medicaid. • I-CARE Service Coordinators may be contacted by phone, and they will go to the person’s home for assessments and discussions. • I-CARE coordinators support and accomplish training for a companion program involving lodge and appended body I-CARE Committees. • I-CARE Committees are comprised of fraternal and appended body members and their spouses, relatives, and friends who will offer volunteer supportive services to Masonic Seniors in cooperation with their local I-CARE coordinators. • The I-CARE Program services are currently available at no fixed charge. We encourage Masonic Seniors or their care-givers who use the service to consider making a donation to The Ohio Masonic Home to help fund this program.

January/ February 2007


Browning Offers New Opportunities Recent capital improvements at the Browning Masonic Community will provide benefits to residents for years to come. The improvements include new areas providing more opportunities for people to get away without ever leaving the building. A Kitchen For All The most exciting new addition has been Sarah’s Kitchen, a popular resident gathering area. Named after the wife of Community namesake Otis Avery Browning, Sarah’s Kitchen offers the laidback atmosphere of a coffee house. People can sit at several tables, café style, or huddle up to the coffee bar area to enjoy beverages and pastries or just pleasant conversation. It’s also a gathering place for card games. The area includes a full kitchen and refrigerator and other appliances, which has led a few residents to take up baking. “The residents spend time together in a way they weren’t before,” said Laurel McCulloch, Browning Masonic Community activities director. “It’s nice to see cookies coming out of the oven.” It has also created new social opportunities, such as special nights where residents enjoy root beer floats or cookies and coffee.

Families have asked to gather and share meals in Sarah’s Kitchen. Reading and Activities On either side of Sarah’s Kitchen are the revamped activities area and a new library. The activities area is now more open for group fitness activities where residents can exercise without even having to leave their chairs. Laurel’s office is also situated there. “I get more people coming in to see me now,” she said. “If they didn’t see me before, they wouldn’t come.” Activities aren’t the only thing there. The ladies can enjoy a salon experience with a nail care area. The new library includes the latest magazines as well as a wide selection of books along with several comfortable chairs and a table as residents can enjoy coffee while reading. Meeting Fitness Needs The new fitness center houses numerous pieces of fitness and cardio equipment such as treadmills that can keep residents fit and active. A recent addition was a NuStep machine, purchased

Browning Masonic Community Activities Director Laurel McCulloch gets set to serve pastries to residents in Sarah’s Kitchen, a popular gathering area.

through the resident activity fund. This low-impact machine allows seniors to exercise at their own pace. After a good workout, residents can relax in the health spa that was installed in late 2005. The spa features a massage table and a whirlpool, which are available for use by residents by appointment. For more information on Browning Masonic Community, call 1-866-878-4055 or go to www.ohiomasonichome.org.

80-Year-Old Elections Worker Featured Worshipful Brother Don Washburn was featured in October in The Columbus Dispatch, because, even at 80 years old, he continues to train poll workers as part of the county elections efforts. Worshipful Brother Washburn joined Grove City Lodge #689 in 1948 and served as Master of the Lodge in 1958, and has always been an active member, according to William E. McNicol, Lodge Secretary. Washburn was hired by the Franklin County Board of Elections in 1948, the year Brother Harry S. Truman


January/ February 2007

defeated Brother Thomas E. Dewey for president. At that time, as a young draftsman-engineer, he was assigned to plot precincts for voter registration. Now, more than 58 years and 11 U.S. Presidents later, he is still on the job, training poll workers on the newfangled, computerized, touch-screen voting machines. He officially retired in 1984, but returns part-time each year to teach and troubleshoot.

Getting Better All the Time A landscape and architectural development program at Western Reserve Masonic Community included the recent addition of several indoor and outdoor projects. Wood Shop Updated Indoors, the wood shop got help through donations of tools and

residents used the wood shop to create ornaments for a Christmas tree that was donated to a local children’s hospital to raise funds. Brother Ed Crider, a Western Reserve resident for four years, said he has greatly enjoyed the new equipment.

Western Reserve Masonic Community residents found several new places to relax, talk and enjoy quiet time such as this spot near a pond with shade covering, table and chairs.

wood from a local Mason, Brother Eunice Collins, Coventry-Akron #83. Western Reserve Engineering Director Jason Alberegg said improvements include an increased electrical capability, a dust collection system, an additional drill press, a band saw and new safety devices. “The goal in the wood shop is to have a safe environment so users can create their own activities,” he said. The wood shop is a popular destination at Western Reserve Masonic Community. In fact, several

A Visit from St. Nick Grand Master Michael A. Himes, while attending the annual Holiday Party with residents at the Ohio Masonic Home in Springfield, is greeted by Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus.

“It means a lot to us,” said Ed, a member of Quarry Lodge #382 in Berea. “Being able to do our woodworking here has made it special.” Outdoor Comfort Outdoors, five comfortable sitting areas around the campus lakes were added where residents and visitors can relax on nice days. One included a picnic area, complete with a patio table and umbrella. Several benches for use were donated by a local Masonic lodge.

“Those have been used quite a bit,” Jason said. “The residents seem very happy with them.” Landscaping work at the front gate has been completed, and will continue on other areas of the campus. Assisted Living Options Another recent enhancement at Western Reserve Masonic Community is the opening of the Pillars Assisted Living Apartments. Pillars offers large new apartments where residents can use their own furniture and eat in the main dining room. It is also close to common areas, allowing better social activity. For more information regarding Western Reserve Masonic Community, call 1-866-433-1514 or visit www.ohiomasonichome.org.

Masonic Temple in Marietta In Parade of Homes Tour The Masonic Temple in Marietta was part of the annual Parade of Homes in December. Officers of Harmar Lodge #390 as well as members of the other bodies meeting in the building served as tour guides for the event. The Lodge was particularly proud to show off the old tin ceilings in the lounge and dining room, which had been covered by suspended ceilings for 50 to 60 years. The suspended ceilings were removed and the tin ceiling repaired and painted. Some windows, formerly blocked closed, have been reopened so natural light could reappear. January/ February 2007



Ten Ways to Simplify Your Life


o many people embark on projects to make changes in their lives, only to get detoured or bogged down in the numerous other things that are in their lives. These can be physical blocks, such as a cluttered living room or kitchen but they can also be emotional issues, mental clarity or personal relationships. Here is a 10-point guide to simplifying your life of the obstacles that stand between you and fulfillment of your vision.

1. Empty your brain. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, it can be liberating to empty your brain of your internal “to-do” list and emotional baggage. Lighten your mental load by writing down or journaling the stuff that is taking up mind space. At this point, you don’t have to take any action on it. The objective is to clear it from your head.

2. Eliminate relationships that are sucking the energy out of you. Limit your time with them and set boundaries around what activities you allow them to engage you in. Be honest in your evaluation. Who is helping you and who is dragging you down? Who is eating up your time and giving nothing back? Who makes you feel good, supported and energized? Anyone who adds value to your life stays in and everybody else goes away.

3. Lighten your heart. Getting closure on the past and relationships can unburden you of emotional baggage that is weighing down your heart and


January/ February 2007

spirit. Forgive and forget. Let it go. Call that person up or write them a letter you never send, but get over it.

4. Clean House. A big part of simplifying is to declutter your physical landscape. Start with one small area like the kitchen counter or junk drawer and finish it in one shot. Focus your energy on this one space; don’t think about the messy garage or bedroom closet. You can even invest extras into your small project such as putting in a drawer liner or organizing tray. This may encourage you to protect it from future clutter. It’s important to come up with a system as you organize and also to take steps to prevent clutter from even coming into your home.

5. Get a Healthy Body. While you are getting rid of the junk around your house, examine your eating and health habits and start eliminating the junk there, too. Along with limiting caffeine, sugar and alcohol, look at eliminating junk food, tobacco and any other thing that ages, erodes, clogs up or adds weight to your body and puts your health at risk. It’s also good to update your personal appearance.

6. Clear out your debt. Stop impulse buying and start paying off your credit cards. Establish a budget and start living within your means. Can you imagine all of the free time you’ll gain when you are not worrying about money?

7. Simplify Your Language. Try to speak honestly and directly with courtesy and kindness. Don’t use whiny and apologetic language to ask for what you want (“I wonder if I could possibly persuade you to…”). Get rid of the swear words, hostile comments and the idea that you must voice your opinion about everything. Throw your judgment of others to the wayside.

8. Learn to say “no.” It was probably one of the first words you ever learned, so why are you having so much difficulty using it now? Use it. It’s your life, your time, your resources and you have the absolute right to use it as you see fit.

9. Limit Tradition. Tradition is wonderful so long as it doesn’t run your life. If a tradition has lost its meaning or purpose and is just a timewaster, then get rid of it. When anyone says “but we’ve always done it this way,” figure out why. If it no longer makes sense, then feel free to walk away or change it.

10. Make Time for You. Time is tight for most of us. Make a decision that you will set aside time that is just for you. Start with 15 minutes a day if that’s all you can find. Lock your door, turn off the phone, or whatever it takes, but it’s important to create a space where you can focus on only you. Meditate, pray, write in a journal or eat an apple. Whatever you want to do with your time, do it. Article source: ArticleWorld.net Free Articles

Richard Kuss, of Springfield, Presented Grand Lodge Rufus Putnam Award A man, who has devoted a large portion of his life to the service of business, educational, cultural, and civic causes, has been awarded the 2006 Rufus Putnam Distinguished Service Award by the Freemasons of Ohio. Richard L. Kuss, former executive of the Bonded Oil Company, was presented the plaque and citation by Grand Master James M. Williamson at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in October. The recognition, the highest award of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, was designed to honor distinguished citizens and community service providers, who possess characteristics encouraged among all members of Freemasonry. A native of Springfield, Brother Kuss joined Bonded Oil in 1946, was elected Vice President and member of the Board of Directors in 1949, and was named President in 1967. He became the first President of Emro Marketing Company (now

Brother Kuss receives the plaque from Grand Master James M. Williamson at the Grand Lodge.

Speedway SuperAmerica) in 1976, retiring in 1983. In addition, he is a Past Chairman of the Board of the Merchants and Mechanics Federal Savings Bank, and a former director of the Credit Life Insurance Companies and Taggart Building Supply. Brother Kuss is a 53-year member of Clark Lodge, No. 101, in Springfield, and in 2006 received

the Community Service Award in the 9th Masonic District. He has been active in the community, being a recipient of the Springfield Jaycees Distinguished Service Award and the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Citizen Award. His work on behalf of Wittenberg University has been exemplary. Brother Kuss recently took a primary leadership role in planning, funding and development of a new Science Center for Wittenberg University, named for his wife of many years, Barbara Kuss. Brother Kuss has been recognized for numerous other fund-raising work and philanthropy for Wittenberg University. As a highly respected in his community, Brother Kuss is generous, a role model for others who believe in the Masonic virtues of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, and a deserving recipient of this, the highest and most honorable award of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

Dinner for Endowed Members of Mt. Carmel Lodge District Deputy Grand Master J. Keith Bell and Grand Secretary George O. Braatz passed out Endowed Membership certificates at a dinner planned by Mt. Carmel Lodge #303. All members of Mt. Carmel Lodge have been endowed, and the Lodge decided to make the presentation of certificates a special event. Pictured, from left rear, are Vic Markham, John R. Bell, M.W. Brother Braatz, Greg Ballinger, Richard George, Jim Wright, and R.W. Brother Bell. In the front row, from left, are Sam Chapman, Scott Dye, Jerry Belt and Larry Nibert. Photo was taken by WB Charles Woods January/ February 2007


Grand Lodge Officers 2006-2007 Grand Master Michael A. Himes Cleves Deputy Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett Reynoldsburg Senior Grand Warden Charles R. Murphy Perrysburg Junior Grand Warden Terry W. Posey Tipp City Grand Treasurer Thomas H. Galyen, P.G.M. Olmsted Falls Grand Secretary George O. Braatz, P.G.M. Westerville Grand Chaplain Robert S. Callahan Cincinnati Grand Orator Bradford A. Goebel Willoughby Grand Marshal Kevin B. Todd New Waterford Senior Grand Deacon James F. Easterling, Jr. Norton Junior Grand Deacon Norman J. Mick Harrison Grand Tyler Raymond T. Clark Cincinnati


January/ February 2007

Possible Historic Discovery In Milford, But ‌ A new piece of Masonic history was thought to be uncovered in Southwestern Ohio recently, and here is the story, as related by Thomas G. Grau, Secretary of Milford Lodge #54: In 1845, some 41 brothers of Milford Lodge voted to buy property and build a temple in Milford at the corner of Main Street and First Cross Street (now Garfield Street). The lot was 45 feet square. Donations from the membership amounted to $935 and the lot was purchased for $550 in three payments, six months apart. On June 25, 1846, Ohio’s Grand Master William B. Thall laid the cornerstone. Construction continued, and although some meetings were held in the building in 1848, the formal dedication took place on Feb. 22, 1849. Fast forward to Dec. 27, 2004, when fire destroyed the building, most recently known as the Korner Barber Shop Building, and the structure was razed. The Lodge had moved to new quarters on Vault taken from the cornerstone, with its lid raised, sitting before a picture of the old building.

Water Street in 1888. The original building had received additions, doubling it footprint. The site lay dormant for two years, while the owners made plans to erect a new office building. Last September, earth moving equipment began to clear the site. A cornerstone was found on the Northeast corner of the original building. A vault in the cornerstone measured 18 by 18 inches and was 15 inches high. Cut into the top was an 11-inche square lid. Unfortunately, the wax seal on the stone container has leaked and all the contents were destroyed. The find attracted much attention in Milford as many persons gathered on the sidewalk to see what would be found in the stone vessel. Lodge minutes from June, 1848, list the items that had been deposited in the cornerstone. A few of them include a Holy Bible, copy of the Milford Lodge charter and by-laws, 1844 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, and several local and area newspaper articles. After 160 years, due to moisture, all the items which the brethren hoped to save for posterity, were destroyed.

University Program Benefits Residents Masonic Retirement Village independent living residents and Wright State University medical students are learning from each other Friday afternoons. That’s when second-year graduate students are on campus in the clinic giving free physical examinations to residents as part of their curriculum. Dr. Gordon Walbroehl, a professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Wright State’s Boonshoft School of Medicine who oversees the program, said this was a natural choice for the Adult Examination Experience program due to the its readily available staff and facilities.

Wright State University student doctor Linda Hinkelman conducts an exam for Masonic Retirement Village resident Marge Karth.

Wright State was one of the first schools to go to independent retirement facilities to offer this sort of training, according to Dr. Walbroehl. “I was impressed with this facility 30 years ago and I am more

impressed today,” he said. “It’s a nice site, it has easy access (from Wright State) and they have a very professional staff. The thanks is from our end.” He said the association works in several ways. The residents receive a complete physical that includes just about everything except lab work during a two-hour exam, which includes discussion of personal and family health histories. Dr. Walbroehl said this program offers one-on-one attention to patients. The graduate students complete their required rounds and conduct an individual physical. The program works with independent living residents in order to demonstrate how older individuals can remain healthy after many years. Dr. Walbroehl said basic doctoring counts as much as ever. “The most important part is listening to your patient,” he said. Student doctor Linda Hinkelman said she was impressed with the Springfield campus. “It’s so big! And these are some of the nicest people I’ve ever worked with,” she said. Masonic Square resident Marge Karth said she was glad to take advantage of this. “This is a good opportunity to help the students as they are helping us,” she said. “If residents are offered the opportunity, they shouldn’t decline.” For information regarding Masonic Retirement Village in Springfield, call 1-888-290-2664 or visit www.ohiomasonichome.org.

Bernardin Presented Starfish Award for Masonic Model M

ark Bernardin, manager of program development for the Grand Lodge, was presented the Starfish Award from the National Masonic Foundation for Children. The presentation was made at Grand Lodge by Past Grand Master Thomas E. Reynolds, who serves on the Foundation’s board of directors. Brother Bernardin is Ohio’s coordinator for Masonic Model Student Assistance Programs. “Thank you for all you do for the National Masonic Foundation for Children, the Grand Lodge of Ohio, the schools of Ohio, and especially the thousands of children who have been helped because of your dedication and hard work,” W. Don Baugher, executive director of the Foundation, said.

Mark Bernardin January/ February 2007


Special Veterans Program at New Holland Lodge Proves to be Inspirational Activity for Members

Display of uniforms from several branches of the Armed Services were part of the program.

In honor of Veterans Day, New Holland Lodge #392 showed its patriotism with a tribute to all Freemasons who served in the military. During the special ceremony of “Military Tribute,” each honored veteran received a blue Forget-MeNot pin and the Maj. Jonathon Hart Service to Country Award, named in honor of a Revolutionary War officer and Ohio Mason. In the 1930s, during the reign of Hitler, the Forget-Me-Not pin was used as a secret Masonic recognition symbol for the

Germans. The Jonathon Hart Award is available from the Grand Lodge. Veterans concluded the event with a flag-folding ceremony as Lodge Master Tim Day explained the significance of each of the 12 folds. At the conclusion, Lodge member and U.S. Army/U.S. Air Force veteran Jim Cheadle placed the folded flag on the altar as the audience gave a moment of silence in recognition of those who gave their life in service. “Taps” was then played to honor the deceased Freemasons who served in the military. Outside the lodge room, members provided displays of military memorabilia. From WWII aircraft spotter guides and MREs to field manuals and uniforms, the lodge showed its appreciation to those who served.

Brother Jim Cheadle places folded flag on altar for moment of silence.

As a reminder of the fallen soldiers, an inverted M1 rifle with dog tags, helmet, and combat boots also was on display, as well as a slideshow paying tribute to the soldiers who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Iraqi Freedom.

Royal C. Scofield, Past Grand Master, 1913-2006

Royal C. Scofield, who served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 197374, died on November 27, 2006. He was 93 years old. He was born and lived most of his life in Sebring, Ohio, in Mahoning County. For many years, he was the sales office manager for the Morgan Engineering Co. in Alliance. He was a member and Past Master of Sebring Lodge #626 and received his 60-year membership award in 2002. He had been a


January/ February 2007

presiding office of all York Rite bodies and was a Knight of the York Grand Cross of Honour. He was a 33rd Degree Mason in Scottish Rite, and a member a numerous Masonic groups. To Most Worshipful Brother Scofield, one of the greatest needs of the Fraternity was Masonic education, and he worked tirelessly for that cause for years. He was a District Education Officer for four years, and in 1962 was appointed to the Grand Lodge Education Committee. He subsequently was chairman of that committee for many years, establishing Ohio as one of the leaders in Masonic education in the United States. He is perhaps best known by members

for grading thousands of lessons in the Series IV correspondence course, leaving memorable messages in red ink on each member’s paper. In 1995, he served as National President of the Philalethes Society, and for many years was Fraternal Correspondent for the Grand Lodge of Ohio. In his 93 years of life and more than 63 years as a Master Mason, Most Worshipful Brother Scofield excelled in the knowledge of Masonry, in leadership within the Craft, and in brotherly love to all he met. His wise counsel, forward thinking, and friendship will be missed by all who knew him.

Bracelets To Support Cancer Research Each year, the Grand Master and First Lady choose to support a charity that is of special significance to them. Originally, the Grand Master Michael A. Himes, and his wife Brenda had decided that both would support Ohio Special Olympics. However in August, Brenda was diagnosed with breast cancer, and since then has undergone surgery and started a regimen of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Because of this development, Brenda decided to support the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The Grand Lodge Ladies (wives of the Grand Lodge officers) are fully in favor of this project. June Galyen,

wife of our Grand Treasurer, came up with the idea of a Breast Cancer Bracelet (pictured here) to be sold by the Grand Lodge Officers and Ladies, with all proceeds going to the Komen Foundation. The cost of the bracelet is $10.00. Statistics have shown that one in every eight women will develop

breast cancer. This disease has stricken four of the Grand Lodge Ladies, or one out of three, thus making this project even dearer to them. Your purchase of a bracelet will support the charity of our First Lady, Brenda Himes, the other Grand Lodge Ladies, and will supply funds to be used for awareness and research.

Order form for Breast Cancer Bracelets No. of bracelets ______ @ $10.00 each


Shipping charge


(if you order 1-3 bracelets, shipping is $2.00; 4 or more bracelets, shipping is $4.00)

Total amount


Make check payable to: Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation Return order form and check to: Mrs. June Galyen, 9112 Fern Cove East, Olmsted Falls, OH 44138-3700 All proceeds will be donated to: The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Name:_____________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________

Secretary of the Year From Farmers Lodge Garland E. Fleming receives a plaque as the 2006 Lodge Secretary of the Year from Grand Secretary George O. Braatz. Worshipful Brother Fleming has been Secretary of Farmers Lodge, #153, for 10 years, and was recognized for his prompt, accurate reporting, and his pleasant attitude in all situations.

Operation Thank You Helped by Masons

Harmony Lodge Serves At Football Games Members and their families from Harmony Lodge #8 volunteer at the concession stand for football games at Urbana High School. The volunteers proudly wear the Masonic emblem on their aprons and the service represents an outstanding community project. Pictured are Past Master Roger Hurst, left, and Brother Chuck Ford, helping a customer.

Masons from Ohio were listed among those helping to make a project successful that says “Thank you” to our military troops overseas. Carol Alexander writes, e-mails, and sends gifts to her “kids,” the many servicemen and women in other countries. Three years ago, she sent them 500 Christmas Cards, this year, more than 8,000 were sent. Carol was featured in an article in the Cincinnati Enquirer, which listed Masons as one of the volunteer groups helping her sign and send the cards. In fact, hundreds of cards were signed by those who attended a lunch just after the Annual Session of Grand Lodge concluded in October. Contact Carol at carolalex1@earthlink.net or 513-899-3134. January/ February 2007


Planning Your Financial Future By Right Worshipful Brother Timothy B. Strawn CAE President, The OMH Benevolent Endowment Foundation

This time of year our thoughts turn to the heart, flowers and renewal. It’s a time of remembering love, dealing with snow and cold weather but anticipating the new growth that spring brings and preparing for another season outside. We hope you enjoy all these themes of thought as you move through the early part of 2007. This is, of course, also a time when thoughts turn to our finances and taxes. While those thoughts may not typically be as enjoyable as the ones above, we may be able to assist you in making them much more enjoyable! Did you know that by making a certain type of gift you may be able to not only enjoy the feeling of supporting an organization whose mission you support but also enjoy a tax deduction and a lifetime stream of income for yourself and/or another loved one? One of the most popular such gifts is the Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). The CGA is particularly popular among our senior friends as, in many cases, the older an individual

is at the time of the gift, the greater the return in that lifetime income stream. For example, John and Mary Mason, both 76, aren’t happy with the meager return on their CD’s and have learned about the Foundation’s CGA program. They learn that with a $10,000 gift, they can receive a 6.4% return ($640) annually for their lifetime as well as a nice income tax deduction in the year they make the gift. (The deduction can be carried over for up to five additional years if necessary.) And, for a period of time, part of the annual return will be tax free. And, if they make this gift with appreciated assets (i.e., securities), they will be relieved of at least a portion of the capital gains taxes they would otherwise pay! If the Masons were 84 and 82 respectively, the return rate jumps to 7.4%. If John was obtaining a CGA just based on his life and he was 76, his return would be 7.2%; if he was 84, his return would be 9.2%! And John and Mary could even decide to create a CGA to support

John’s mom, now 98 and going strong. At her age, the return would be 11.3%! Thus, a CGA from the Foundation can help you enjoy all those thought themes above….relieving your heart of worry about the financial future; looking forward to the new growth, the flowering of assets previously limited; and preparing to enjoy, with additional income, the season ahead. And, best of all, it makes those thoughts of finances and taxes much, much more enjoyable! Plus…and this, of course, is the most important consideration, it supports the mission of the Home in providing care for others! For more information or a complimentary illustration of how a CGA can provide an income stream for you, contact the Foundation toll free at 1/888/248-2664 or return the form found below this story. We’ll be happy to confidentially answer all your questions!

Please … remember The Ohio Masonic Home in your will.

Learn More About Charitable Gift Annuities To receive information about Charitable Gift Annuities, please complete this form and return it to: Benevolent Endowment Foundation Five Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504-3658 Please send me information about Charitable Gift Annuities. Please call me about a personal visit. I’ve named The Ohio Masonic Home in my will, trust or other planned gift. Please send me information about the Rickly Society, the Foundation’s honor recognition program for those making such gifts.


January/ February 2007

Name______________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ City________________________________________________________ State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Telephone___________________________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________ Lodge______________________________________________________

You may also call the Endowment Foundation toll-free at 1/888/248-2664.

Charitable Foundation Alpha Lodge Assists Young Man With Cerebral Palsy

A grant of $1,500 from the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation and a donation of $1,200 from Alpha Lodge #729 have purchased a special device, called a Winsford Feeder to help a young man, who is a student at Kettering Fairmont High School. Kristiferlee Owen was born with athetoid cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. A major problem of daily life is that he cannot feed himself. His therapist, Beth

Anderson, recommend the purchase of the Winsford Feeder to provide greater independence in this effort, but the young man’s family could not afford the device. Masonic generosity has made the purchase possible. On November 28, the checks from the Charitable Foundation and the Lodge were presented at a meeting of the Lodge. Kristiferlee’s speech can be difficult to under-

stand, but the brethren understood his “thank you.” His broad grin and appreciation on receiving the gifts resulted in tears in the eyes of virtually everyone in the room. In the picture, Alpha Lodge Worshipful Master Gary Nicholson, right, poses after presenting the oversized checks. Therapist Beth Anderson, left, and step father Jason Harris, stand near Kristiferlee.

Thank You For Your Generosity We offer our grateful appreciation to the estates, individuals, groups, or other Masonic bodies who have supported The Ohio Masonic Home with gifts given between November 1 and December 31, 2006. $10,000 + Brister, C. E. Dalton, Wayne B. Disser, John M. Grand Lodge of Ohio, F&AM Herman & Irene Schoenberger Trust Newark Lodge #97, F&AM Norris, Robert W. Spires, Garrell C. & Kay Thornberry, S. Starr Wilcox, Florence L. $5,000 - $9,999 Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Ohio Sturdivant, Webster Valley of Dayton, AASR $2,500 - $4,999 Cornell, Robert N. Oberle, Betty Schulze, Vivian H. Sheeler, Howard M. York Lodge #563, F&AM $1,000 - $2,499 ($1,000.00 + ) Baist, George H. & Dorothy Bannerman, W. David & Anita Clime, John R. & Mary Cone, Grace Davis, Orlando W. Grand Council Royal and Select Masons of Ohio Hosler, Bessie V. Old Erie Lodge #3, F&AM Rader, Lee F. & Carolyn Scioto Lodge #6, F&AM Stacy, David R. $500 - $999 Amelia Lodge #590, F&AM Batavia Lodge #104, F&AM

Copper Penny Lodge #778, F&AM Edwin S. Griffiths Lodge #749, F&AM Fairborn Lodge #764, F&AM Findlay Lodge #227, F&AM Herr, Richard J., D.O. Karr, Thomas W. & Diana Kelly, Floyd Langton, Thomas E. Lincoln Lodge #693, F&AM National Lodge #568, F&AM North Bend Lodge #346, F&AM Norwood-Winton Lodge #576, F&AM Radican, Joseph Ralph R. Rickly Lodge #670, F&AM Shadyside Lodge #724, F&AM Shrive, Harold George Wauseon Lodge #349, F&AM Yellow Springs Lodge #421, F&AM $100 - $499 1983 Grand Family - Natures Treasures Adams, Edward G. Jr. Amanda Lodge #509, F&AM Ballantyne, S. Douglas Barker, John E. Benjamin Franklin Lodge #719, F&AM Blair, John Bodle, John H. & Audrey Bolivar Lodge #82, F&AM Brotje, Robert J. & Eileen, Jr. Brown, Gordon P. Brown, Nolan W. Buckley, Edward J. & Patty, Jr. Butlerville Lodge #135, F&AM Caliburn Lodge #785, F&AM Capital City Lodge # 656, F&AM Carlton, Lincoln L. Charity Lodge #530, F&AM Christopher, Robert A.

Collinwood Lodge #582, F&AM Conkle, Ray E. Cornell, Thelma I. Crews, Donald I. Curtis, Brian Day, Carl W., Jr. & Rhonda De Vore, Robert Dill, Wayne S. Dueease, Robert A. Dunkle, Donald F. & Nancy E.T. Carson Lodge #598, F&AM Farrar, Kenneth D. Fenton, Craig B. Fink, Edward J. Frost, Ira E. Garrettsville Lodge #246, F&AM Garvin, John R., Sr. Geese, Clarence D. Gilmore, Blaine R. & Norma Gist, Ronald Green, Earl M. Halliday, John A. Hamer Lodge #167, F&AM Hamm, Charles Harkins, Daniel C. Hart’s Grove Lodge #397, F&AM Hazlett, Jack C. Heights-Lion Heart Lodge #633, F&AM Henderson, Dean & Virginia Holcomb, J. Robert & Antonette Hurley, Ray Jenkins, Harold E. Karth, Charles E. & Marjorie Lebanon Lodge #26, F&AM Liberty Center Lodge #518, F&AM Lust, Goeffrey E. Matamoras Lodge #374, F&AM McCorkle, L. M., Jr. McGowan, Arno R. McMillen, Robert C. Meridian Lodge #610, F&AM Mingo Lodge #171, F&AM

Mt. Sterling Lodge #269, F&AM Mueller, Clay A. & Betty Lou Naylor, Paul D. Newlon, Leroy O’Neal, John W., Jr. & Betty Orphans’ Friend Lodge #275, F&AM Parkside Lodge #736, F&AM Parma Lodge #721, F&AM Peacock, Bruce W. Pickaway Lodge #23, F&AM Pilgrim Lodge #691, F&AM Portland Lodge #366, F&AM Reiselt, Kenneth K. Rosebrock, John Sackett, Floris A. Savannah Lodge #466, F&AM Schneider, Roy E. Scio Lodge #587, F&AM Shelby Lodge #350, F&AM Sherwood Lodge #620, F&AM Slattery, Dana D. Snyder, David M., Sr. Social Lodge #217, F&AM Somerset Lodge #76, F&AM Stafford, Charles O. Stearns, Richard L. Steubenville Lodge #45, F&AM Stonington Lodge #503, F&AM Strawn, Timothy B. & Lois Tall Cedars of Lebanon The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine Toledo Ft. Industry Lodge #144, F&AM Trechter, Edward Verbsky, Arriton L. Wagoner, Vernon Weyer Lodge #541, F&AM Whitehall Lodge #761, F&AM Wigger, John W. Wolf, Beulah Wyckoff, Ronald F.

January/ February 2007



Studying Our History Most Illustrious Companion David L. Stickel, 33°

Most Illustrious Companion David L. Stickel, 33°, enjoys history. With his wife Sylvia, Dave visits Civil War battlegrounds across the country. Together, Dave and Sylvia visited the site of the 1864 Battle of Cedar Creek in Virginia. They went to see the Brother-to-Brother Monument in the Gettysburg National Cemetery. Next spring, they will take a Civil War-themed cruise that will take them to New Orleans, Vicksburg and Memphis. “It’s fascinating,” Dave said. “I enjoy walking the old battlegrounds where our ancestors fought.” Brother Stickel, a member of New Carlisle Lodge #100, also appreciates the history of the Masonic fraternity. “Freemasonry has a proud heritage of meeting the needs of its brethren,” he said. Freemasonry and the values it teaches are engrained in the Stickel family. “My grandfather was a member of Mystic Lodge #405 in Dayton,” he said. And I’ve had two uncles in New Carlisle Lodge.”

Dave has been a member of the fraternity for 46 years. He is in Chapter, Council, Commandery, and Scottish Rite. He has served as Grand Master of Grand Council and been elected as a Knight York Grand Cross of Honor. Today, Brother Stickel serves as a member of The Ohio Masonic Home Board of Trustees. “The Home plays a key role in the history of Ohio Masonry and provides an important service to the Fraternity,” Dave said. “The word ‘Masonic’ is in the name! All Masons need to support The Home and its work.” Having grown up in New Carlisle near the Springfield campus of The Ohio Masonic Home, Dave remembers visiting as a child. “My grandfather was a farmer and brought sheep to The Home,” he said. “My mother and father were also volunteers on campus.” Later, Dave’s mother became a resident on the Springfield campus. “She was super satisfied,” he said. “She really enjoyed it.” Dave said it is important for the Fraternity to recognize that the long-term care industry is undergoing dramatic change. “Costs are going up significantly,” he said. “Most of us don’t have


January/February 2006 • VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1

In This Issue … Home Day .........................page 1 One-Day Class ..................page 3 Rufus Putnam Award .........page 9 Royal Scofield ..................page 12 Breast Cancer Bracelets ...page 13

enough assets to pay our own way. We’re living longer. Government isn’t going to help.” Dave is confident the staff and Board of The Ohio Masonic Home will guide the organization through the changes. “We are forward-looking,” he said. “We’re preparing services to meet the needs of our Brethren in the future.” Dave said those services may not always be on one of The Home’s campuses. “We need to be equipped to provide services no matter where our Brethren are living.” Masonic Senior Services and I-CARE is providing those services. “These services allow many people to continue living in their current housing,” Dave said. “It’s the wave of the future.” Still, The Home’s campuses provide a valuable service. “The subsidiary campuses of The Ohio Masonic Home give quality care in perpetuity,” he said. “But, to continue that, we need financial support.” Dave encourages Brethren to visit the campuses in Springfield, Medina and Waterville. “If you don’t know what’s there, you owe it to yourself to go up the driveway and see it.”

2655 W. National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504-3698 Web site: www.ohiomasonichome.org Web site: www.freemason.com

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