July august 07

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July/August 2007



Record Showing of Generosity Lifts Ohio Masonic Support of Special Olympics to $200,000 Ohio Masons established a

both 1993 and 2006. This year’s feat represents a 42% increase from last year. For more than a quarter of Century, Special Olympics athletes have held a prominent place in the outreach of Ohio Freemasonry. During that period, Ohio Masons have contributed more than $2.3 million to help pay the costs of the Special Olympians attending the program’s More than 400 Masons participated in the Opening

new high-water mark in their generosity to the Ohio Special Olympics, by contributing a record $200,000 this year. The highest previous giving was $140,000, accomplished in

Ceremony of the Ohio Special Olympics. Just before entering, Grand Master Michael A. Himes, on right holding check, and Michael Cecil, chairman of the Grand Lodge Special Olympics Committee, inform brethren of the $200,000 to be donated.

annual Summer Games in Columbus. This year, the $200,000 ceremonial check was presented by Grand Master Michael A. Himes during the gala opening ceremonies on June 22 at Ohio State’s Jesse Owens Sports Complex. Hundreds of Masons, wearing white shirts and aprons and Special Olympics ball caps, marched into the stadium to the standing ovation and cheers of onlookers, many of them Special Olympics parents. Then the Masons had their chance to greet the parade of Special Olympics athletes as they passed. (Story continues on page 8)

This Mason gives a hearty “thumbs up” to the crowd at Jesse Owens Stadium, which welcomed the Masons with an enthusiastic ovation. Above, a line-up of Masons provides the passing Special Olympics athletes with inspirational applause.

A Weekend to Remember By Grand Master Michael A. Himes


he weekend of June 22 through June 24 was, for me, a prime example of a productive and enjoyable Masonic weekend. We were able to help others, support our youth, and have fellowship with a very important branch of the Masonic family. On Friday, June 22, more than 400 Masons, family and friends gathered at Jesse Owens Stadium on the campus of Ohio State University to participate in the opening ceremonies of the Ohio Special Olympics. Ohio Freemasonry has supported Special Olympics for a number of years, and this event has become a high point on our calendar. As our column of Masons, extending almost halfway around the track, entered the stadium we were greeted by the thunderous applause of participants, families, and volunteers. We then saluted the

The Beacon is published bi-monthly Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces The BEACON mailing labels. Paul Quinn, Director of Marketing and Communications The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698 937/525-3074 pquinn@ohiomasonichome.org George Braatz, P.G.M., Grand Secretary at The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio P.O. Box 629 Worthington, OH 43085 614/885-5318 gbraatz@freemason.com


July / August 2007

parade of participants from around the state as they made their way onto the field. I was proud and honored to be able to present a check to Ohio Special Olympics for $200,000, the highest amount we have ever raised, on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Ohio Masonic Family. I urge each of you to attend this event just once – if you do, you will come back year after year. Saturday evening was devoted to the installation of the Grand Guardian Council of the International Order of Job’s Daughters of Ohio. Each year, a new Grand Guardian and Associate Grand Guardian assume the responsibility of overseeing the Bethels of Ohio as they provide leadership and guidance to our young ladies, and prepare them for a productive adult life. Our Grand Guardian, Kris Smith, and Associate Grand Guardian, Orville West, are deeply committed to their task, and have new plans and ideas for the coming year. If you have never

done so, please attend a meeting of Job’s Daughters, Rainbow for Girls, or DeMolay. You will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of ritual work and sincerity of the members. On Sunday, Brenda and I were privileged to attend the Ohio Eastern Star Home Day at Mt. Vernon. A church service led by our Worthy Grand Patron, Frank Clifton, started the events of the day. The Worthy Grand Matron, Susan Dennis, and several of the other Grand Chapter officers also participated. Afterward there were tours of the facility, lunch, karaoke, and a charity auction. Events such as these should remind us that, regardless of the branch of Masonry where we spend the majority of our time, we are all part of the Masonic Family. We can accomplish so much more in concerted effort than we can as individuals. Let us now resolve to make cooperation not just a goal but an everyday occurrence, and we will all reap the benefits for years to come.

Cornerstone Ceremonies Performed For Two Schools at Martins Ferry The age-old tradition of a Masonic Cornerstone Ceremony for public buildings continued this year with a variety of such public events performed by Grand Lodge Officers. One such ceremony occurred on April 21 in Martins Ferry, hosted by Ohio City Lodge #486. In the picture, from left, School Superintendent Nick Stankovich observes as Brother Thomas Ayers, who donated the property for the schools, is congratulated by Grand Master Michael A. Himes.

Home’s Mission, Vision Driving Toward the Future By Worshipful Brother Wm. David Bannerman, Chief Executive Officer, The Ohio Masonic Home “

Are we there yet?”

We used to shout that out as we rolled out of the driveway on our way to a family vacation. Excitement and anticipation fueled our interest. As our vacation came to an end, we were reluctant to leave. Likewise, at The Ohio Masonic Home we are excited about the road we are on, adopting a mission vision and strategies for our organization at our February meeting. The mission describes what we are going to do. The vision describes where we are going and the strategies are how we are going to get there. The mission of The Ohio Masonic Home is to provide quality adult health care, retirement living and community-based service in a dignified, supportive living environment in the name of Ohio Freemasonry. Our vision is to be recognized for focusing resources to research and provide innovative eldercare and charitable relief in the best possible environments, serving people where they want to be.

If you remember our values from the last Beacon, we want to provide distinguished service. With your support we will be successful. “Are we there yet?” No, our vision is not complete; we just rolled out the driveway. But we have a map and are ready to meet the future. Come with us on our journey.

To achieve our vision, we have adopted five strategies: I.

Become the desired residence of choice in our market areas – Campus Positioning


Serve people where they want to be – Care at Home

III. Investing in our people allows the vision to flourish and grow – Employer of Choice IV.

Creating resources for tomorrow – Financial Strength


Creating resources for tomorrow – Philanthropic growth

Dave Bannerman, Ohio Masonic Home CEO, greets Grand Tyler Ray Clark at the Ohio Special Olympics Summer Games at Ohio State’s Jesse Owens Sports Complex on June 22.

108-Year-Old Ohio Mason Receives Another Award Brother J. Russell Coffey has been honored as the oldest known surviving U.S. veteran of World War I. Born in 1898, Brother Coffey, a 61-year member of Findlay Lodge #227, received a Community Service Award from the Grand Lodge of Ohio in the 11th Masonic District in 2002. He played semi-pro baseball and earned a doctorate in education from New York University. From 1948 until 1969, he taught physical education at Bowling Green State University. July / August 2007


Renaissance Faire Returns to Medina in September Step back 500 years to the days of yore and experience something for all the senses: see jousting knights on horseback and fire breathers; hear strolling musicians and choruses; taste Renaissance era food such as turkey legs. You can also find good old all-American food such as hot dogs and funnel cakes. It’s all part of the second annual Western Reserve Masonic Community Renaissance Faire and Royale Marketplace, Sept. 8 and 9 on the Medina campus.

Residents and staff of Western Reserve Masonic Community got into the spirit of the Renaissance Faire by dressing up in period costumes.

Last year’s one-day event was a big success, with nearly 3,000 people attending. In 2007, it will be twice as nice with its expansion to two days, with the same great features as before and a few new surprises in store. The Renaissance Faire will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days and admission is free. There will be something for everyone. Kids can enjoy a royal puppet show, a dragon theatre and other interactive fun. Others can try their skill at archery. The marketplace will feature unique items such as Renaissance era cups, swords, costumes and other goodies. Some lucky guests may even get an audience with his majesty himself, King Henry. Other performers will speak in Renaissance era language and dress in colorful period costumes. While at the Renaissance Faire, be sure to check out Western Reserve Masonic Community and all it has to offer seniors ages 55-older. The Renaissance Faire is the perfect way for families to be together and will coincide with Grandparents Day on Sept. 9. For more information regarding Western Reserve Masonic Community, call 1-866-433-1514 or visit www.ohiomasonichome.org.

75-Year Award Presented By Sullivan Lodge Brother Ercile Easton, 96 years old, received recognition as a 75-yearmember of Sullivan Lodge #313. District Deputy Grand Master Darrell R. Porter, right, presents the certificate to Brother Easton. Also pictured, from left, are Raymond Eichel, Worshipful Master; Richard Yenni, Ronald Wiley, and Stephen Kovatch.


July / August 2007

Masonic Model Completes Another Successful Year Ohio’s Masonic Model Student Assistance Program recently finished another successful year, with workshops held in Hamilton, Mansfield, and Toledo. More than 350 educators attended the training that helps them identify the red flags of at-risk behavior and help children get the help they need to lead healthy, happy lives. The Masonic Model is an excellent way to help the schools in every community. Workshops will be held in Hamilton, Worthington, and Toledo, with other dates and locations being scheduled for the 2007-2008 school year. If you would like your local schools to take advantage of this effective training, please contact Mark Bernardin at the Grand Lodge. Informational packets, as well as video CDs, are available through the Grand Lodge office. A Masonic Model “Short Talk” Lodge educational program is also available by contacting the Grand Lodge. One Ohio educator summed up the significance of the program with these words: “It has been a blessing to learn that the Masons are so diligently dedicated to our children.”

Summer Fun at Browning “Fun, fun, fun” has been the motto of Browning Masonic Community in Waterville this summer with many events taking place involving sports, music and cars. Several Browning Masonic Community residents made the trip to Springfield for the 23rd annual Ohio Masonic Home Day in early June. There were also frequent day trips to events such as Toledo Mud Hens baseball games and concerts in Conrad Park. The warm weather months also bring use of the community’s grounds for various recreational activities such as fishing and picnicking. Other great fishing spots can be found at the nearby Maumee River. Sometimes, the sports come to Browning Masonic Community. Area youths come to the campus to play soccer and T-ball in YMCA leagues. The kids love to have fans cheering them on and their energy is passed on to the residents, who come to watch. Events come to Browning Masonic Community too, such as the Villa Summer Celebration, which opened the campus’ villa homes to prospective residents. Of course, the annual Browning Masonic Community Cruise-In car

show and farmers’ market comes to the campus each July. Classic cars, trucks and motorcycles line the campus. The free event gathers many people who came to check out the rides and enjoy kids games, food and a flea market on a nice summer day. The Browning Masonic Community recently received recognition for its planning and Good food always adds to summer events at Browning presentation of a Masonic Community, such as at the annual car show, where grilled food and other goodies are available. large event. For its 25th anniversary celebrations in 2006, the staff representatives, members of earned a PRism Award from the Masonic fraternity and the the Public Relations Society of Waterville community. Event America. The PRism Award is Chairperson Jennifer Rill, Browning the highest honor for participants President Dave Subleski and in this annual competition, his wife Joyce and Marketing which recognizes outstanding Representative Carleen Sweet public relations achievements. attended the program and accepted Browning Masonic Community the award for the Browning was recognized for the public Masonic Community. relations benefits of its event on For more information regarding Sept. 30, 2006, which attracted Browning Masonic Community, approximately 425 people, call 1-866-878-4055 or visit including the Grand Lodge www.ohiomasonichome.org. Officers, state and local elected

Actor Visits Ohio Mason in Iraq Actor Gary Sinise, left, made a surprise visit to army camp in Iraq recently, where Steve Shepherd, right, is assigned. Worshipful Brother Shepherd was Worshipful Master of West Gate Lodge #623 last year when his Army Reserve Unit was activated and sent to Iraq. Sinise is known for many TV and movie roles, including CSI-New York and portraying “Lieutenant Dan” in Forest Gump.

July / August 2007


Daniel F. Iceman Masonic Softball Fields Dedicated in Wooster I

n a tremendous showing of community participation, girls’ softball team players and supporters, and Masonic dignitaries, the new Daniel F. Iceman Masonic Fields in Wooster were dedicated on May 19 in a public Masonic ceremony, led by Grand Master Michael A. Himes. Past Grand Master Iceman was honored for his service to the community and Freemasonry. He was Grand Master in 1979 and has been a leader in the Fraternity in Wooster and the 20th

First softball action on the new Daniel F. Iceman Masonic Fields came only moments after the dedication. Most Worshipful Brother Iceman, surrounded by Grand Lodge officers, speaks to the crowd of community and Masonic dignitaries, as well as softball players and officials.


July / August 2007

Masonic District for more than 40 years. He retired as Superintendent of Production in the Custom Body Division of Gerstenslager Company after 40 years. During his business career, he was responsible for building many specialty vehicles, such as bookmobiles, the NFL mobile studios, and the Oscar Meyer Hot Dog Car.

Ebenezer Lodge #33 decided in 2005, as part of its community commitment, to raise funds and build a three-field softball complex for the city, to handle the popular fast-pitch softball leagues for young ladies. The Masons of the area united in the effort to make this dream a reality to honor Most Worshipful Brother Iceman.

Special Gift for Brother On His 99th Birthday Corda Spearman received a special gift from Senate Lodge #378 on his 99th birthday – a visit from a delegation of his brethren and his 60-year membership award. Brother Spearman and his family enjoyed the visit, and are now looking forward to next year’s celebration – his 100th birthday.

Springfield Campus Brings Family Closer to Home I

n the autumn of 2006, Joann Thomas was facing changes. Her husband of 58 years, Bill, was admitted to the Pathways Center for Alzheimer’s Care on the Springfield campus. Having never lived alone in her life, Joann was left in a house that was too big for her and facing a lot of uncertainty over her future. The answer was closer than she knew. The Springfield Masonic Community campus opened its independent and assisted living to non-Masons as well as Masons in fall 2006. Joann, who had no Masonic affiliation, became the first such resident, moving to an Iredell Gardens independent living apartment in early 2007. Despite little knowledge of the Masonic fraternity, Joann got a sampling of the principles her first day on campus. New neighbors greeted her, offered help and invited her to dinner. “The people have been so helpful,” Joann said. “I can now be with people and not be so lonely. I wanted to get back to doing the things I did before.” Joann’s daughter, Ann Pencil, is a nurse at the Springfield campus. She and her nine siblings knew

this would be the ideal place for their mom. “There was really no question,” said Ann, a 12-year employee. “When mom wanted to come here, it was easy to convince my siblings. It’s great mom and dad are here, at a place I am proud to work and it’s a great comfort to my family.” Ann even gets to work at Pathways on occasion. Knowing her parents can see each other daily was another consideration. Although Joann’s apartment is up the hill from Bill’s room at Pathways, campus security provides transportation, which means a lot to her. “They are always polite,” she said about the campus security team. Joann said she likes the flexibility of knowing she can eat in her apartment or at the Lindner Community Center. And she is secure in the knowledge she has good neighbors who live according to Masonic principles. “I highly recommend Springfield Masonic Community,” she said. “I feel comfortable here. And I know my husband is getting the best possible care.”

Bill and Joann Thomas reminisce with daughter Ann Pencil at the Pathways Center for Alzheimer’s Care on the Springfield campus.

For more information about Springfield Masonic Community, call 937-525-3006 or 1-888-290-2664 or visit www.ohiomasonichome.org.

Round-the-World Cruise Includes Masonic Contacts Leonard Mitzman, right, is pictured with the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Peru, during a visit to the Grand Lodge Building in Callao(Lima), Peru. Brother Mitzman, Secretary of Avon-Miami Lodge #542, was taking a 3 ½ month, aroundthe-world cruise, in which he was making as many Masonic contacts and visitations as possible. Because of the nature of the cruise, most evenings were spent onboard the ship, and attendance at Lodge meetings proved to be minimal. Nevertheless, Brother Mitzman visited Grand Lodges in Peru and Sidney, Austalia, as well as attending Lodges in Cairns and Darwin, Australia. July / August 2007


Ohio Masonic Support of Special Olympics (Story continues from page 1) However, in addition to financial support, the Masons host a welcome center for Special Olympics athletes and their families, provide volunteer help during the statewide Summer Games competition, as well as volunteer support at countless local and district events. The Ohio Special Olympics program provides year-round sports training and competition opportunities for more than 21,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics contributes to the physical, social, and psychological development of the athletes. Through successful

experience in sports, the athletes gain confidence and build a positive self-image which carries over into the classroom, home, job, and community. There are approximately 125 local and area events and Ohio Special

Olympics hosts eight statewide competitions each year, covering 22 sports. Nearly 2,600 athletes attend the Summer Games at the athletic facilities of The Ohio State University.

Handshakes, “high fives,� applause, and smiles were part of the heart-felt welcome Masons presented to the Special Olympics athletes as they marched into the stadium for the opening ceremonies. At right, the sign, which led the Masonic contingent into the stadium, says it all.


July / August 2007

Stan & Ollie Look-a-Likes Bring Fun To Festival Two Canton, Ohio Masons have established a nationwide reputation for portraying old-time comedy stars, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. As “look-a-likes,” the images of Dennis P. Moriarty and Dale E. Walter, both members of Trinity Lodge #710, are seen by hundreds of thousands of persons in their roles of “Stan and Ollie.” • For 18 years, Harlem, Georgia, has held an Oliver Hardy festival and for the last 13 years, Brothers Moriarty and Walter have been Grand Parade Marshals performing before some 35,000 persons. • Since 1999, the Georgia Welcome Center on I-20 at Augusta has on display an almost life-size photo of these “look-a-likes.” • Since 2002, Georgia’s classic “South on my Mind” travel

brochure has featured a picture of Ohio’s “Stan & Ollie.” • Since 2006, the brothers’ picture has been used on a amateur radio club certificate of membership, suitable for framing. Perhaps the highlight of their fame came last year, when Brothers Moriarty and Walter were made honorary members of Harlem Lodge #276 of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, even though they had never attended that Lodge while visiting there. (Oliver N. Hardy was a member of Solomon Lodge #20 at Jacksonville, FL.) The 19th Annual Oliver Hardy Festival will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2007, in Harlem, GA. Brother Moriarty has been a Mason for 36 years, and Brother Walter for 43 years. The are also know for their “clowning around”

Ohio Masons, who are “Look-a-Likes” indeed, ham it up in Harlem, Georgia

in the roles of “Sparkie” and “Pogo.” Brother Moriarty this year was elected Tyler of Trinity Lodge, replacing his father-in-law, Past Master Louis I Rice. Brother Walter continues as a candidate coach for the Lodge.

Briefly… • The Public Relations Society of America presented the Beacon a PRism Award of Merit for its efforts in 2006. The PRism is given to reflect excellence in the field of public relations and this award was given in the not-forprofit division for distinctive coverage of Grand Lodge of Ohio and Ohio Masonic Home news. Paul Quinn and Brett Turner of The Ohio Masonic Home and George Braatz, Grand Lodge Secretary, are responsible for the Beacon. Turner accepted the award at the Dayton chapter’s recent awards ceremony. Browning Masonic Community also won a PRism for public relations achievements in association with its 25th anniversary celebration in 2006.

• The Springfield Masonic Community team took third place in the consolation division at the recent Fourth Annual Springfield Rotary Mini Grand Prix. It was the first time in four years the team had received a trophy. Rachael Hickman and Laurn Werner were the consolation race drivers. Other team members for Springfield Masonic Community included drivers Kevin Duncan and Bill Standard and mechanical support person Donnie Asper. • Springfield Masonic Community recently achieved a perfect survey of its skilled nursing care area by the state. A perfect survey is rare. However, this is the second time in three

years that accomplishment has been achieved by the Springfield Masonic Community. • Western Reserve Masonic Community started the Western Reserve Travel Club in June. The club is a series of day trips to various points of interest in Ohio and surrounding states. Trips included Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater in Pennsylvania and a mystery dinner trip to Michigan. Trips still to come in August will include a visit to New York City and a casino area in Detroit, and will end with trips to Western Reserve for September’s Renaissance Faire. For more information on the day trips, call Great Day! Tours at 800-362-4905. July / August 2007


Calling All Masons Unique Study will Assess Needs of Brethren


he Grand Lodge of Ohio and The Ohio Masonic Home are looking out for you. Together, they are working on a study of the future needs of its members. In a firstof-its-kind study, members of the Masonic fraternity will be contacted in an effort to understand the need for future services. “The long-term care business is changing,” said Masonic Senior Services Head and Brother Greg Holm. “We want to understand those changes so we can be responsive to the needs of our Brethren.” It is estimated that there are 113,000-plus Masons in the state of Ohio, over half of which are over the age of 65. If you include Masonic wives and widows, there are more than 100,000 Masons, wives and widows over 65 eligible for support from the Masonic Senior Services I-CARE Program of

The Ohio Masonic Home to assist them to remain healthy, safe, and independent in their own homes. Masonic Senior Services would like to expand the current I-CARE programming and develop future programs based on older Masons’ needs. Before moving forward with these programs, however, Masonic Senior Services would like to assess the needs of older Masons and their wives or widows statewide. In the absence of any existing statewide data, Masonic Senior Services has contracted with the Scripps Gerontology Center to complete the “Ohio Masonic Fraternity Senior Members Survey” project. One of Scripps’ major tasks will be to develop a reliable survey that pinpoints the needs of the older Mason population. Starting in early fall, Scripps interviewers will contact approximately 800 Masonic households with members

who are 65 and over. Those who are randomly chosen will be asked to complete the confidential and voluntary, 15- to 20-minute interview. You may be called. Your participation is greatly appreciated. A good response will generate accurate findings which will allow for the development of programs that will benefit Masons and their families. “The fraternity responded to the needs of its members when it established The Ohio Masonic Home in 1892,” Holm said. “This study will allow us to respond to today’s Masons and to serve our Brethren for many more years to come.” For more information on the Scripps Gerontology Center, visit http://www. scripps.muohio.edu/research/index.html For more information on the I-CARE program, call Masonic Senior Services at 888/286-0010.

Masonry Being Passed On to Next Generations Robert J. Farley, center, says one the greatest days of his Masonic life occurred on March 31, 2007 (three days before his 80th birthday). On that day, 5 of the other 6 living male members of his family were raised as Master Masons as a part of the Grand Master’s One-Day Class. (The sixth male in the family is only 8 years old.) Worshipful Brother Farley is a Past Master of Garrettsville Lodge #246 and a 54-year Mason. The group includes his four grandsons and his sonin-law, and they are pictured with their mentors from March 31. From left in the front row are Alex Ellerhorst, Worshipful Brother Farley, Andrew Ellerhorst and Max Ellerhorst. From left in back are Past Master Larry Cates, Lodge Chaplain Fred Bell, Jeffrey Ellerhorst, Mentor Gary Paugh, and Mark Ellerhorst.


July / August 2007

Home Day Draws a Crowd Ohio Masonic Home Day 2007 delivered just what you’d want for a late spring Sunday. The June 3 event on the campus of Springfield Masonic Community drew Masons from across the state, Grand Lodge officers, residents from the Springfield campus, as well as Browning Masonic Community and Western Reserve Masonic Community and residents of the larger Springfield community. People enjoyed musical entertainment, food and goods of all types, a “trash and treasures” flea market, children’s games and activities, tours of the independent living garden villas and apartments, and the Home’s famous strawberry shortcake. The day was capped by one of the biggest Shrine Parades yet. The 24th annual Ohio Masonic Home Day will move to a different time of year in 2008 – September 7 – to cap the Grand Lodge of Ohio’s Bicentennial. Plan now to attend. Children were entertained by characters, played games, bounced in an inflatable jumping room, got their faces painted and enjoyed cotton candy, snow cones and popcorn.

One of the must-haves of Ohio Masonic Home Day is the strawberry shortcake made by Springfield Masonic Community residents and staff.

Most Worshipful Grand Master Michael A. Himes addresses the Home Day crowd with Grand Lodge officers prior to the Shrine Parade. The Springfield Bomb Squad and Bombettes Drill Team added youthful energy to the Shrine Parade with its drum line and marching. The team is supported by Champion Lodge #15 of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. July / August 2007


83-Year-old Master Wins Praise From A Brother on the Sidelines Dear Most Worshipful Grand Master: It is now 11 p.m. on Friday, March 16. I have just returned home from the annual inspection of JB Covert Lodge #437, which was in the Master Mason Degree. I unfortunately arrived after the Second Section had begun. After taking my seat, I quickly turned my attention to the degree. My first observation was the older gentleman portraying King Solomon. I was well aware of the fact that he was being helped when moving around the Lodge room. I was certain that this must have been a Past Master. When the Second Section was over, it became apparent that he was the Master when he started giving the Lecture and the Master’s seat was empty. I was correct, because he occupied the Master’s seat when he was finished. My thoughts led me to think he was a PM going through again. I could not have been further from the truth. In reality, this gentleman was the Master for his first time. He turned the floor over to RWB Chris Stamper, District Deputy Grand Master, for his report. RWB Stamper asked the Master how many years of service as a Mason he has had. The Master replied that he had been a Mason for six years. The next question asked was a personal one, and was, how old are you? To which the Master replied “83.” Amazing! My heart quickly began to fill with unspeakable joy, but the fullness of my joy did not come until after RWB Stamper

informed us that the Master had also been fighting a battle with cancer over the last year. I was speechless. It was then announced that he was cancer free for two weeks. The room erupted in applause! Everyone stood and gave this Master a standing Ovation. Tears of pride and joy ran down my cheeks as I thought of this man and what he had done. I can honestly say that never in my Masonic journey, was I more proud to be a Mason then tonight. I don’t want to make it look like I am picking on age at all but we all know that as we grow older our memory tends to slip. But WOW, this man stood before us as KS, the lecturer, and the Master at 83, learning all of this while receiving Chemo treatments and battling for his life. This Master’s Name is WB Tom Jones. I can only hope that my words can give you some of the feelings of joy and pride that I have for this man and for the Fraternity. I can assure you, however, that He stands as a JUST and UPRIGHT Mason. Though his service to the fraternity has been relatively short, it is worth much honor and praise. He upholds your theme beyond all measure and it is obvious that he has a love for Freemasonry. Your Friend and Brother, Daniel G. Bainum

Ohio Restaurant Legend Bob Evans Dies June 21 Bob Evans, of Gallipolis, age 89, founder of the restaurant chained named after him, passed away on June 21, of complications due to a stroke. Masonic services were conducted by Morning Dawn Lodge, No. 7, where Brother Evans had been a member for 63 years. Brother Evans, a 33rd Degree Mason, received the Rufus Putnam Distinguished Service Award from the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 2005. His entrepreneurial spirit and restaurant success will long be remembered by Ohioans.


July / August 2007

LIFE PLANNING Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Some change in memory is normal as we grow older, but the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are more than simple lapses in memory. People with Alzheimer’s experience difficulties communicating, learning, thinking and reasoning – problems severe enough to have an impact on an individual’s work, social activities and family life. There’s no clear-cut line between normal changes and warning signs. It’s always a good idea to check with a doctor if a person’s level of function seems to be changing. However, the Alzheimer’s Association has identified the following 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s: 1.

Memory loss. A person begins to forget more often and is unable to recall the information later.


Difficulty performing familiar tasks. Individuals may lose track of the steps involved in preparing a meal, placing a telephone call or playing a game.


Problems with language. People with Alzheimer’s disease often forget simple words or substitute unusual words, making their speech or writing hard to understand.


Disorientation to time and place. People with Alzheimer’s disease can become lost in their own neighborhood, forget where they are and how they got there, and not know how to get back home.


Poor or decreased judgment. Those with Alzheimer’s may dress inappropriately, wearing several layers on a warm day or little clothing in the cold.


Problems with abstract thinking. Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may have unusual difficulty performing complex mental tasks, like forgetting what numbers are for and how they should be used.


Misplacing things. A person with Alzheimer’s disease may put things in unusual places: an iron in the freezer or a wristwatch in the sugar bowl.


Changes in mood or behavior. Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may show rapid mood swings – from calm to tears to anger – for no apparent reason.


Changes in personality. The personalities of people with dementia can change dramatically. They may become extremely confused, suspicious, fearful or dependent on a family member.

10. Loss of initiative. A person with Alzheimer’s disease may become very passive, sitting in front of the TV for hours, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do usual activities.

Oldest OSU Cheerleader Receives Pharmacy Award From Alma Mater William Hays, a 52-year member of Sunrise Lodge #783, was recently presented the Distinguished Service Award by the Ohio State University College of Pharmacy – the highest award the college can present. Brother Hays, now 93 and living in Griggsville, IL, is also the oldest living cheerleader for the OSU Buckeyes. His latest honor signifies his contributions to the pharmaceutical profession and to the military. He was a military pharmacist during World War II, serving in medical hospitals all over the U.S. For many years, he worked as a pharmacist in the Columbus area, and is a Past President of the Columbus Academy of Pharmacy. In his cheerleading days in the 1930s, he was also known in Ohio as “Doc,” “Bill,” “O,” “Buckeye Bill,” and “Mr. Buckeye.”

Source: The Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org) July / August 2007


You Can Help Fight Dementia By Right Worshipful Brother Timothy B. Strawn CAE President, The OMH Benevolent Endowment Foundation

Dementia is a terrifying disease. Loved ones become unrecognizable. Memories are lost. At The Ohio Masonic Home, we are working to ease the strain of dementia and afflications such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. The Pathways Center for Alzheimer’s Care on the campus of the Springfield Masonic Community was designed to provide the highest possible levels of independence, growth and dignity to residents suffering from these illnesses. Thanks to your charitable contributions, The Ohio Masonic Home’s affiliated Benevolent Endowment Foundation was able to underwrite a recent educational workshop to teach professional caregivers the most current information on recognizing, treating and managing dementia. The program attracted 150 professionals from throughout Ohio. A follow-up workshop regarding memory training will be held in the fall. These workshops are funded from proceeds of the annual

Former Ohio State University Football Coach Earle Bruce, second from right, is one of several sports celebrities who play in the annual “Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic” each September. Foursomes are paired with one of the Legends for 18 holes.

Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic, sponsored by the William Blair Co. Scheduled this year for Sept. 17 and 18 in Fairborn (Dayton), the Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic provides an opportunity for participants to enjoy one or two days of golf and commaraderie with a sports celebrity, excellent meals and access to a host of treasures in the live and silent auctions.

3 Tubal Lodge Members Follow Similar Path In Scottish Rite Jon L. Filliez, left, currently serves as Sovereign Prince of Cyrus Council in the Scottish Rite Valley in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thomas W. Whitacre, right, serves as Sovereign Prince in Mystic Council of the Scottish Rite Valley in Canton, Ohio. James R. Filliez, center, a Past Sovereign Prince in Canton and brother of Jon, is an Active Member of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite. All are members of Tubal Lodge, No. 551, in Minerva, Ohio.


July / August 2007

Sports celebrities scheduled to participate in this year’s Golf Classic include coaches Earle Bruce and John Cooper, Cincinnati Reds All-Star Tommy Helms, Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions Quarterback Milt Plum, NCAA Basketball Official Ed Hightower and, of course, Minnesota Twins Cy Young Award Winner Jim Perry. And it’s all in the name of charity. That charity is funding the progressive work of The Ohio Masonic Home and its subsidiary operations in the area of dementia and Alzheimer’s care. You can be a part of it. Come out and play golf with a sports legend. Or, if you’re not a golfer, come to the dinner and auction. Contribute an auction item. Be a sponsor. You will make life better for our dementia residents. For more information, please contact Right Worshipful Brother Tim Strawn, President of the Endowment Foundation, toll-free at 1/888-248-2664.

McKinley Funeral Reenactment To Mark 100th Anniversary

A page of American history will come to life at noon on Saturday, September 22 when members of William McKinley Lodge #431 and Masons from across Ohio will reenact the funeral procession of President and Brother William McKinley. The procession will begin at the Church of the Savior United

Methodist Church and end at the National McKinley Memorial, covering a distance of about 1.1 miles. The procession will include a horse-drawn hearse, a casket draped with a 45-star American flag, and a rider-less horse. Among those who will participate in the reenactment are Michael A. Himes, Grand Master,

and representatives from the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Grand Council of Royal & Select Masons, Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, Ohio Priory, Knights of the York Cross of Honor, and perhaps even a contingent from Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the college social fraternity of which McKinley was a member. At the Memorial, Grand Master Himes will preside over the rededication of the building.

Thank You For Your Generosity We offer our grateful appreciation to the estates, individuals, groups, or other Masonic bodies who have supported The Ohio Masonic Home with gifts given between May 1 and June 30, 2007. $10,000 + Brister, C. E. Cox, John M. Ennis, John Gower, Margaret J. Sturdivant, Webster Young, John R. & Edith $5,000 - $9,999 Bowyer, Dallas W. & Helen B. Sheeler, Howard M. Veinott, Cyril & Dorothy and Cyril & June Memorials $2,500 - $4,999 Oberle, Betty Valley of Columbus, AASR Valley of Dayton, AASR $1,000 - $2,499 2nd District Officers Association Carlton, Lincoln L. Connelly, Ronald L. & Elaine Davis, Orlando W. Drain, Richard E. & Helen Fouch, Edward L. & Carol Grand Court Order of Amaranth Hosler, Bessie V. Karr, Thomas W. & Diana Niles-McKinley Lodge #794, F&AM Riekert, Lova D.

Davis, Robert J. Harmar Lodge #390, F&AM Harmony Chapter #43, OES Jefferson Lodge #90, F&AM Kelly, Floyd Lyndhurst Lodge #508,F&AM Madison Lodge #221, F&AM Magnolia Lodge #20, F&AM Malta Lodge #118, F&AM Minerva Lodge #98, F&AM Nicholson, Gary Paragon Lodge #788, F&AM Shrive, Harold George Solar Lodge #730, F&AM Tippecanoe Lodge #174, F&AM Valley of Youngstown, AASR Village Lodge #274, F&AM Williams, Gary B. & Pamela Woolpert, Keith D., M.D. & Jo Ann

$100 - $499 Amesville Lodge #278, F&AM Baist, George H. & Dorothy Beacon Chapter #593, OES Belpre Lodge #609, F&AM Boyce, Franklin Brookins, Gary J. Brown, Gordon P. Cassell, Timothy Center Star Lodge #11, F&AM Cook, Howard F. Cubbison, Robert W. $500 - $999 Adoniram-Joppa Lodge #517, F&AM DeVassie, Terry L. Dill, Wayne S. & Kay Allen Lodge #276, F&AM Dunkle, Donald F. & Nancy Alpha Lodge #729, F&AM Ehlers, Arther & Ermille Celina Lodge #241, F&AM Farber Corporation Clime, John R. & Mary Frazeysburg Lodge #490, Columbia Lodge #44, F&AM F&AM

George A. Holly Lodge #745, F&AM Gerard Lodge #428, F&AM Germantown Lodge #257, F&AM Harrisonville Lodge #411, F&AM Hartzell, Clarence L., III & Charlene Heights-Lion Heart Lodge #633, F&AM Henderson, Dean & Virginia Hildbold, Richard L. Holcomb, J. Robert & Antoinette Ionic Lodge #438, F&AM Johnson, Owen E., M.D. & Joyce Jones, Ernest L. Karth, Charles E. & Marjorie Latham Lodge #154, F&AM Lawrence Lodge #198, F&AM Ludwig, Gregory Earl McMakin Lodge #120, F&AM Morrow Lodge #265, F&AM Mt. Sterling Lodge #269, F&AM Napoleon Lodge #256, F&AM Negley Lodge #565, F&AM New Carlisle Chapter #57, RAM New Straitsville Lodge #484, F&AM Oak Harbor Lodge #495, F&AM Offutt, Carl T. Parks, W. Gary Peters, Robert M. & Olive Pfeifer, Carl E. & Norma

Rettig, Elizabeth May & Robert Reynoldsburg Lodge #340, F&AM Riekert, William P. Rogers, David Stephen Sackett, Floris A. Salmond, James R. Savan, Milan Schafer, Albert C. & Beatrice Schmitt, Betty J. Schult, Wayne R. & Mindy Scott, Anna Jean & Jack Seward, Dale L. & Geneva Somerset Lodge #76, F&AM Springfield York Rite Association Stapleton, Robert P. Star Lodge #187, F&AM Sulgrave Lodge #696, F&AM Sylvania Pyramid Lodge #287, F&AM Thompson, Glenn E. Toronto Chapter #221, RAM Triandria Lodge #780, F&AM Tyne, Michael D. & Rebecca University Heights Lodge #738, F&AM Valley of Cleveland, AASR Vaughn, Glen Versailles Lodge #290, F&AM Victory Chapter #210, RAM Warner, John G. West Milton Lodge #577, F&AM Whitacre, Jo Ann Winchester Lodge #236, F&AM Yuhasz, Rudolph P. Zuspan, Fredrick Paul

July / August 2007


“Mr. P” Goes to The Ohio Masonic Home Most Illustrious Companion James P. Parker, IV, KYGCH


n the Youngstown area, they call him “Mr. P.” Most Illustrious Companion James P. Parker, IV, KYGCH, earned the nickname when he took the Youngstownbased Associated Neighborhood Centers (ANC) from a small-time business that could barely make payroll and built it into the premier organization of its type. ANC supports inner-city neighborhoods and nurtures the impoverished. “We helped everyone, from children to seniors,” Jim said. Although his work at ANC was rewarding, “the best job I ever had was Youngstown DeMolay Chapter Advisor,” he said. “Watching the young men of DeMolay grow up and become professionals is rewarding.” Jim appreciates the optimistic nature of the DeMolay men. “They think they can do anything,” he said. “I’m not going to tell them any different.” This year marks Jim’s 50th with DeMolay. He became a member of Columbia Chapter #21 in Cincinnati in 1957 and served as an advisor

for more than 25 years. During that time, Jim’s sons James V and Jason were DeMolay state officers before joining Western Star Lodge. “I’m quite proud of them,” he said. “They joined for the same reason I did: they appreciate the fellowship of the type of men who become Freemasons.” Jim’s wife of 42 years, Barbara, is an Eastern Star, Associate Conductress of Miriam Chapter #278. Jim and Barbara have also been involved in Rainbow Girls and Job’s Daughters. “Our whole family was active together in Masonic youth groups,” he said. Jim first became interested in DeMolay at age 14 when his neighbor and best friend in Cincinnati joined. “He kept disappearing on Wednesday


July/August 2007 • VOLUME 14, ISSUE 4

In This Issue … Support of Special Olympics....Page 1 & 8 Springfield Campus Brings Family Closer to Home.............................Page 7 Home Day Draws a Crowd.......Page 11 You Can Help Fight Dementia.....Page 14

nights,” Jim said. “I finally confronted him. When he told me what he was doing, I decided I wanted to get involved.” That decision launched a long and accomplished tradition of service. In addition to his work with DeMolay, Jim has been active in “just about every branch of Freemasonry,” he said. Currently, he serves as Grand Master of the Grand Council, Royal and Select Masons of Ohio, as well as secretary of Poland Lodge #766. Additionally, he recently joined the Board of Trustees of The Ohio Masonic Home, serving out the unexpired term of recently deceased Most Illustrious Companion Dave Stickel. “I love The Ohio Masonic Home,” Jim said. “The Ohio Masonic Home has a team of dedicated professionals committed to tackling the challenges ahead.”

2655 W. National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504-3698 Web site: www.ohiomasonichome.org Web site: www.freemason.com

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