4 minute read

Green Exercise this Summer

Keep Moving & Make Outdoor Exercise Part of your Lifestyle!

There’s more to outdoor exercise than fresh air, vitamin D and exhilaration. Working out in your local green space can offer many benefits, simply step out of your home and go! Exercise provides a multitude of benefits to your health and well-being and natural environments can provide many more.


Going for a walk or bike ride for example, can mean that you exercise harder and for longer than if you were in the gym. Your body is encountering a constantly changing environment. You have to adapt to changes such as inclines, obstacles, terrain and weather, potentially providing a more challenging workout.

Not only does exercise provide the feel-good factor and help to clear your mind but outdoor exercise works your mind too. Your mind has to focus differently than it would on a flat floor, watching out for all the changes around you and mapping of direction.

Although gyms provide a social factor with being part of a club, green exercise can create a sense of belonging to your neighbourhood, getting to know your surrounding area and community.

When enjoying the outside, we need to pay attention to the weather. Be visible and wear clothing that helps keep you cool in the summer months. Keep hydrated too, your body loses water, electrolytes and salt from sweating.

Sunscreen and Skin Care

It’s important to protect and look after your skin. For great advice and guidance on sunscreen and pre/post workout skin care, see article by Yvette, Baytree Beauty.

Membership to a gym provides the chance to exercise in a safe, cool and friendly environment. With many providing options of classes, expert guidance, swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms. Having a healthy lifestyle is the best habit of all.

Green exercise provides the chance to enjoy being outside on your own or under socially distancing guidelines. Even better if you’re able to go to the countryside and enjoy nature whilst benefitting from exercise. Your options are limitless, most exercise can be performed and enjoyed outside.

Enjoy Movement. Do as much as you wish, the more you do the more energy you’ll have and the more mobile you’ll be, whether your preference is inside or out in the fresh air.

Green Exercise

Local Personal & Biomechanics Trainer, Pilates and Water Fitness Specialist; Marie at MG Fitness

The Diet Plate is perfect for lockdown ...

... it can be used in the privacy and safety of the person's home and is a great lifestyle tool, firstly because a person uses it to get to goal weight and then uses it to maintain their weight, I have had a lady use hers for 14 years and the most she ever gained after losing 4 stones was 5lbs back.

This is because as soon as she feels like she might be putting weight back on then she pulls the plate out and begins to use it to re-educate herself to the corr ect portion sizes for the different food groups.

Sam Smith

Lost over 12 KG / 2 Stone The Diet Plate worked for me, I lost 2 stone and reduced from a size 16 to a size 12. It taught me all about food and nutrition and what a true portion looks like. I will never go back to living like I did. When you get to your goal weight nothing quite feels like the sense of success you get when you try on a dress 2 sizes smaller and it slips right over your body.

James Dennis

Lost over 105 KG / 17 Stone After an injury which left me unable to exercise anymore, I started to gain weight at an alarming rate. It did not take me too long to reach a whopping 36 and a half stone. I used The Diet Plate every night and followed the plan. I started to lose weight and quite rapidly began to look much better.

The product is for the whole family to use, we have a child's plate and a male version too.

Debbie Headen

Lost over 24 KG / 4 Stone I followed the plan to the letter and was astonished at how quickly the weight was falling off and at how quickly my figure was coming back. I will never go back to the old Debbie, I love my life now. I love being slim and buying clothes that look just how the designer intended.

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