1 minute read
Avocado and Poached Egg on Toast
A simple but oh so tasty summery breakfast or light supper
Preparation Time: 10 mins Cooking Time: 10 mins Serves 4
• 4 fresh eggs
• 2 ripe avocados
J uice of one lemon
1 tsp chilli f lakes or 1/2 red chilli, f inely chopped
• 4 thick slices br ead, toasted
(sour dough bread is wonderful if you can g et it)
Heat a pan of lightly salted water to a simmer. Crack one of the eggs into a cup, then make a whirlpool with a spoon in the water and carefully tip the egg into the water. Repeat with a second egg. Cook each egg for 3-4mins until white is barely set. Remove eggs with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Bring the water back to a simmer and repeat with remaining eggs.
2. Meanwhile, halve and de-stone avocados. In a large bowl, roughly mash avocados, lemon juice and chilli.
Season to taste. Spread the avocado mixture over the toast, top each serving with an egg and serve immediately.