Where to Buy MigreLief? Now Available at CVS Pharmacy Stores Nationwide and on CVS.com We are excited to announce the availability of MigreLief Triple Therapy™ with Puracol, Original and Menstrual formula (+M) at thousands of CVS Pharmacy stores nationwide. You asked for it... you got it! MigreLief customers have often asked for more convenient access to MigreLief through retail chain stores. It was the #1 suggestion in response to our many surveys and we are thrilled to have made it happen. CVS is the first major drug store chain to carry MigreLief nationwide, with over 7,000 store locations across the United States. CVS we are pleased that easier access to MigreLief and higher visibility on CVS shelves will give the 30 million migraine sufferers across the United States a greater opportunity to discover this effective, nonprescription alternative to a lifetime of merely treating the symptoms of migraine. Proven Track Record - Healthcare Professionals and Consumer/Patients Trust MigreLief As a safe, nutritional approach to managing migraines, MigreLief has been the supplement of choice for chronic migraine sufferers since 1997, many of whom were introduced to MigreLief through their neurologists or other healthcare professionals. MigreLief was formulated to address the underlying nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that can cause migraines and are common to many migraine sufferers. As MigreLief's popularity continues to grow, migraine sufferers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to maintain healthy and normal cerebrovascular tone and function. ("Cerebrovascular" refers to the blood vessels that supply the brain.) MigreLief's Triple Therapy ingredients (3 mechanisms of action) help you to maintain the already normal cerebrovascular function you have on non-migraine days. (MigreLief Ingredients) New to the MigreLief Community? Here is why MigreLief should be your FIRST CHOICE if you suffer chronic migraine headaches: •
It works!
Triple Therapy ingredients are proven to lower the frequency and intensity of migraines and are listed in The American Academy of Neurology's Guidelines for Migraine Prevention.
Taken daily as you would a vitamin
Multi-patented formula
Addresses the underlying nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that can cause migraines
Helps to maintain normal cerebrovascular tone and function
No harmful side-effects
Safe for men, women and children over the age of 2.
Neurologists, leading headache clinics, pharmacists...recommend
May be combined with other migraine medications or used by itself
Created by Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S. -Chief Science Officer of Akeso Health Sciences and Concourse Health Sciences; Named as Principal Scientific Investigator in multiple NIH (U.S. National Institutes of Health) governmental grants studying the benefits of natural medicines on disease.
Be sure to look for MigreLief at a local CVS Pharmacy near you...AND TELL A FRIEND. (CVS Retail Store Locator) To the Best of Health, ~ The MigreLief Team