Statement of intent

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Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice Credits 60 STUDIO PRACTICE Statement of Intent 
 Name Jack Newbert 
 Blog Address j-newbert1417

Date 20/12/16 

To develop my knowledge and understanding of photoshop - layer masks, effects, digital painting techniques, formats

To develop my final presentation and professional outcomes to my practice - attention to detail, context, layout, margins

To develop high standard pieces of work for my portfolio (concept art) character development, key art, key frames and applied illustration (comic art) story telling, lay out, speech, style, line work, colour

Themes / subject

Sci-fi, fantasy, present, horror, drama,

products / methods of distribution

(Concept) Key art, Cover art, Box art, concept, applied, vesta art. presentation boards.

(Comic art) Book illustration, publication, presentation boards.

Practical skill / media / formats

(Concept) character design, location design, thumb nailing, analog drawing, digital painting compositional roughs, development, research, photoshop. (Comic art) character design, location design, thumb nailing, digital painting, analog drawing. page development, research, indesign, photoshop. 
 Brief 1: YCN:Roald Dahl

Deadline 23rd of march 2016

Rationale: create one illustration/key frame of a child with magical creatures from a Roald Dahl noval. 
 Brief 2: Practice development 
 Deadline 15th may 2017

Rationale: create a body of work that develops my current skills to a higher standards. digital paintings, anatomy drawing, cartoon, comic book art. 
 Brief 3: colours may vary exhibition.


Rationale: create an illustration based on the theme of the exhibition ‘out of order” to hang and present the illustration in a professional environment 
 Brief 4: traveling man exhibition. 

Rationale: create an illustration based on the theme of the exhibition “fan art” to create the illustration with the required colour scheme. 
 Brief 5: publication/ comic book format . 
 Deadline 17 of may 2017

Rationale: create a publication based on research, the context of the publication will be inspired and created by interviews, statements and reports from people with experience of the chosen subject that will be found in my research.

Additional Project Proposals

Developments to be identified on presentation boards (digital format) final out comes to be applied to format. (digital format) issue, pdf

Contextual References

Roald Dahl novels, Roald Dahl films, book illustrations, comic books, comic book artists, concept artists, character design, tutorials, first hand research, second hand research,

BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced) Frezata sketchbook, Digital painting techniques, how to draw noir comics, star wars Ralph Mcquarrie, star wars the art of. horror comic books, sci-fi comic books. 
 MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details)

comic books, graphic novels, gamer, the empire, polly count, marvel comics, DC comics, darkhourse comics, image comics 
 ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) art station, its nice that, Instagram, Pinterest, polly count, marvel comics, DC comics, darkhourse comics, image comics. comic forums, concept art forums. 
 OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) star wars sage, disney films, tutorials, big heads, talks with mike magnolia,

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Deadline

1 YCN: Roald Dahl

To create a body of work that explores the character development of each chosen character.

create finals for each character

to research and create a body of work for the location/ scene

create final out come of the location.

create illustration of the created location and the characters

to be presented using presentation boards of development and finals (digital submission)

2 Practice development

To create a series of illustrations that allows me to practice necessary elements with in drawing that will develop my understanding and drawing skills.

character development

figure/anatomy drawing

digital painting.

to be presented using presentation boards of development and finals (digital submission)

3 colours may vary exhibition.

create a body of practical and research. to create a body of work of roughs, thumbnails and developments.

create final illustration.

to be presented using presentation boards of development and finals - exhibition. (digital submission)

4 traveling man exhibition.

to create a body of work that explores composition, roughs and character development.

to show my development skills

create final illustration

to be presented using presentation boards of development and finals - exhibition. (digital submission) 
 5 publication/ comic book format .

to create a body of contextual research and use that to create a comic book publication.

create a sketch book that documents my journey through my research and developments through out the comic.

create a body of work that explores character development.

to apply the comic illustrations to pages using indesign and photoshop to creating a publication.

to present the publication lay out by using an issue file ( digital submission)

to be presented using presentation boards of development and finals, its its rightful format (digital submission)

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.