Still here presentation:proposeboards

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One 60 page publication. STILL HERE. the content is based on reports and accounts of peoples encounters and experiences with the paranormal in the city of Leeds. With the use of primary research the publication uncovers 15 most spiritual active locations in Leeds. In response to the reports are illustrations for each location, some with spot illustrations to capture the dark essence of the stories. With short page comics visually telling the stories of 4 of the scariest encounters from the gathered reports.

This story might surprise you as it was 5.30 am and most stories of this nature happen at night. I was making my way to the Bus station at around 5.30am a trip I make every morning Monday to Friday. This morning I had set of pretty early and had time to kill before my bus arrived. the morning was pretty nice so I sat on the benches that look across to the graves on the banking, I sat here for about 10 minutes smoking a cig when something caught my eye, were the graves stood was bags blowing in the wind, elevated up but being brushed round in the air, it was the light that was reflecting off them that caught my attention. I thought this was odd as there was no breeze, no what so ever. I watched them for a few seconds and it was until the bags stopped moving and started to change shapes that I realised they are not bags at all, the floating objects manifested into the upper half of a human body, They was still now but getting clearer by the second. I could recognise 2 men and 1 female forms, the lower body was never clear, from the thighs down it was transparent, kind of diluted. I’m not good with history but I could tell the clothes was before the victorian times. after about 1 minute they vanish. they turned towards the banking and walked through it. I was on a train into Leeds, the train was stood still on the tracks for a while waiting for a signal change. I was sat at a table with an elderly lady sat opposite me. the train overlooked to the Chapple and looked down on a banking. as the train started up its engines and slowly started to move, the old lady gasped and said look quick, I looked out of the window down onto the banking and there stood 2 figures as clear as day, looking down on the verge of the banking. they looked to have been wearing long leather coats they looked old and almost hand made, with the thick stitching on the sleeves. people I’ve told, said that they were living people, but living people are not grey, these...people looked like they were out of a black and white photo! with a slight neon green or blue about them, hard to explain...but that’s how I know that what I saw wasn’t alive, it was a ghost.


This story might surprise you as it was 5.30 am and most stories of this nature happen at night. I was making my way to the Bus station at around 5.30am a trip I make every morning Monday to Friday. This morning I had set of pretty early and had time to kill before my bus arrived. the morning was pretty nice so I sat on the benches that look across to the graves on the banking, I sat here for about 10 minutes smoking a cig when something caught my eye, were the graves stood was bags blowing in the wind, elevated up but being brushed round in the air, it was the light that was reflecting off them that caught my attention. I thought this was odd as there was no breeze, no what so ever. I watched them for a few seconds and it was until the bags stopped moving and started to change shapes that I realised they are not bags at all, the floating objects manifested into the upper half of a human body, They was still now but getting clearer by the second. I could recognise 2 men and 1 female forms, the lower body was never clear, from the thighs down it was transparent, kind of diluted. I’m not good with history but I could tell the clothes was before the victorian times. after about 1 minute they vanish. they turned towards the banking and walked through it. I was on a train into Leeds, the train was stood still on the tracks for a while waiting for a signal change. I was sat at a table with an elderly lady sat opposite me. the train overlooked to the Chapple and looked down on a banking. as the train started up its engines and slowly started to move, the old lady gasped and said look quick, I looked out of the window down onto the banking and there stood 2 figures as clear as day, looking down on the verge of the banking. they looked to have been wearing long leather coats they looked old and almost hand made, with the thick stitching on the sleeves. people I’ve told, said that they were living people, but living people are not grey, these...people looked like they were out of a black and white photo! with a slight neon green or blue about them, hard to explain...but that’s how I know that what I saw wasn’t alive, it was a ghost.

Lawnswood Cemetry At the time I was working at Lawnswood cemetery in 2001. It was early morning spring, and at that time of year, the moisture from the ground creates a thick mist that blankets the graveyard so all ready this place was spooky but things like that never bother me. I was going to mark a couple of graves that would be dug out later that day ready for a burial the following day. I was doing my job, and mapping out the next grave, head down walking carefully so I didn’t trip in the mist...when everything seemed to just change, it got silent, so silent! I suddenly felt anxious, I tried to brush it off and told myself to stop being stupid and get on with my job. I looked over to the next plot that I had to mark and I swear that I saw a shadow just moving out of my vision behind a grave as if it had been watching me. I told my self it was because I had shaken my self up...I carried on. I walked to the next plot. I felt a push on the back of my shoulder, I quickly turned around ..freaked out I stared to walk away to find the path to leave. I found the path and started to walk with some pace...I could hear foot steps behind following me, I stopped and turned around and no one was there but the steps were getting closer, I made a run for it...the steps seemed to slow down but I wasn’t, I made it back to the gates and leant against the pillow to catch my breath. I lent there looking into the grave yard, trying to look for what basically chased me out...I couldn’t see anything. I was sure that I saw something by that grave. I know something pushed me...but nothing was in that grave yard but me.

Lawnswood Cemetry At the time I was working at Lawnswood cemetery in 2001. It was early morning spring, and at that time of year, the moisture from the ground creates a thick mist that blankets the graveyard so all ready this place was spooky but things like that never bother me. I was going to mark a couple of graves that would be dug out later that day ready for a burial the following day. I was doing my job, and mapping out the next grave, head down walking carefully so I didn’t trip in the mist...when everything seemed to just change, it got silent, so silent! I suddenly felt anxious, I tried to brush it off and told myself to stop being stupid and get on with my job. I looked over to the next plot that I had to mark and I swear that I saw a shadow just moving out of my vision behind a grave as if it had been watching me. I told my self it was because I had shaken my self up...I carried on. I walked to the next plot. I felt a push on the back of my shoulder, I quickly turned around ..freaked out I stared to walk away to find the path to leave. I found the path and started to walk with some pace...I could hear foot steps behind following me, I stopped and turned around and no one was there but the steps were getting closer, I made a run for it...the steps seemed to slow down but I wasn’t, I made it back to the gates and leant against the pillow to catch my breath. I lent there looking into the grave yard, trying to look for what basically chased me out...I couldn’t see anything. I was sure that I saw something by that grave. I know something pushed me...but nothing was in that grave yard but me.

(2006) near YTV. My wife, daughter and myself were on our way home from watching Leeds playing at Headingley. The time would be between 9.30 and 10.00 pm on a Friday. Very light cloud. Being a summer evening it was still quite light. We were travelling along Willow road towards Kirkstall road, when I noticed a black object in the sky above the Willow road/Kirkstall road traffic lights. My wife was driving so I got a good look at it. The object was a black humanoid, solid and had a black glow around it, It was quite a way up but I wouldn’t like to say how far up or how big it was. It was much larger than any human figure I’ve seen for sure. The object didn’t seem to move but just hung in the air. there was a sense of confusion whilst looking at it, yes we were confused to what this thing could be but there was an overwhelming felling that the thing in the sky was also confused. Lots of other people were looking at it too. It was there for a long time, then the police showed up and white van with orange flashing lights and made all the graphics move, they seemed to be in a hurry about it too. all these witnesses and not once was in brought up on TV in the paper nor was it online.

Abbey road - the traffic light that crosses the road from the abbey to the museum. I was stood waiting for the red man to go green, there was no traffic but I am one of those who is never too careful. as I stood there I noticed a white mist crossing the road to the right of the traffic lights in the mist I could see a woman, she was stunning! scary but stunning, long dark hair and a long dress, by her feet, walked a dog. it made as far as the kerb and faded away. I Just giggled to my self nervously as I was in disbelief to what I had seen, I dint start running until I was walking past the museum when it finally hit me that I just saw the spirit of a woman and her dead dog. I was taking a photo of the stone walls of the abbey I was taking close up shots of the textures and rot on the stone when a pair of eyes opened and looked up my lense as I snapped the photo...I developed the photo but it came out as if the film of that photo had been burnt.

Printed format. The printed formats will be aimed to be sold in several locations in Leeds Okay comics, travelling man, the Thacray museum, Kirkstall abbey gift shop, Kirkstall abbey museum, Leeds museum, Temple Newsam giftshop, royal armoires. This publishing plan is all ready in motion with conversations with store owner and managers.

Digital format The digital format will be sold at, Barnes and noble NOOK store, Apple I bookstore, Kobo, Google play books and smash words. The digital formats can be read on tablets and smart phones.

This publication is 3 locations, and two short 4 page comics short of being complete. the remaining locations and comics will be added leaving the publication complete by the 25th of may. I have a printing service that can have me 3 copies of my publication ready and posted to me with in 2 working days. the publication will be ready and exhibited in the extra ordinary exhibition

Remaining locations

Armley mills factory

Remaining comics

Temple Newsam - the running monk that chased away two parked cars

Town hall Haunted home - A bunch of friends summons the wrong kind with a seance

Armley prison

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