Jack O'Loughlin WWI Haiku Austria-Hungry. Russia, Serbia, and France. Germany and Britain. All countries in war. A bloody war with much death. A war no one liked. Austria-Hungary, wanted protected Serbia. Protected by Russia. Went to Germany. To help protect from Russia. Germany watched France. Serbia attacked. Russia acted on A–H. Germany, Russia. With weapons like tanks. Machine guns and gas grenades. War had made much death. Encased in armor. Tanks tore through much barbed wire. Rolled over trenches. Machine guns shot down, and killed men walking towards them. Dozens at a time. Gas used for trenches. Many men died in trenches. All from to much gas. Germany, A–H. Lost the war, America. A bad peace treaty. A–H lost land. Germany paid for damage. Germany disliked. THe eND By: Jack O'Loughlin