vol. 3 issue 3
Winter 2016
American Honors students
excel in community Academic rigor, support, community and leadership opportunity – all are hallmarks of the new American Honors program at Jackson College. Jackson College welcomed its first class of students in the new American Honors program this fall. This new opportunity offers students academic rigor, personalized support, leadership and professional development opportunities. Currently there are 98 students enrolled, and students appreciate the benefits. Achieving in Community The American Honors program was a big reason for international student John Dinh’s decision to attend Jackson College. From Hanoi, Vietnam, this is Dinh’s first visit to the U.S., and he loves it here. “I meet a lot of new people, and the people are really friendly,” he said. “In American Honors, we love to dream. Each of us has a different dream, and we all dare to dream. We are all so different but we bond so much, that is the really awesome thing about American Honors.” Haley Martin of Brooklyn, Mich. is the first in her family to go to college. She wanted to get away from home and go to a university, but now she is so happy with her decision to attend Jackson College, where she is part of American Honors and plays on the softball team. “Personally I think it
John Dinh
Haley Martin
Melanie S mith
is the best decision I could have made,” Martin said. “I love the fact that they hold me to a certain standard, that I have to have a certain grade point. Playing sports, sometimes I can get overwhelmed, but then I hear them say ‘check out your math grade.’ I’m so thankful.” “You feel welcome; you get to know your peers and you start feeling more as part of a community,” said Melanie Smith of Jackson, Mich. a 29-year-old student returning to college. Coming from a difficult background, she was a high school dropout who returned to complete her GED. Now at JC, she was recruited for the American Honors program, and she is thankful for the benefits it offers, including a sense of community Smith hadn’t known before. “I really love that I can go and sit with my advisors and know who my advisor is. I don’t feel alone in my situation; if I’m struggling with something, I can go and talk to other students.” While it is an honors program, students shouldn’t be scared off. “I’m just a normal 19-year-old,” said student Bree Arkles of Jackson, Mich. now in her second year at Jackson College. “I’m not a brainiac or a whiz, but I’m definitely staying afloat. I like how it is a close-knit community, it helps me to stay focused and stay on task. I’m reminded of the bigger picture; day-to-day if I’m feeling discouraged, we’re all looking for the same results.”
Bree Arkles
Karissa Shay
About American Honors American Honors is a selective, nationally recognized honors program for students who want to transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree. The program offers the opportunity to take small classes with other honors students, engage in professional development and résumé building activities, participate in honors seminars and honors council, and receive personalized transfer advising from start to finish.
Karissa Shay of Reading, Mich. knew several friends who were entering honors colleges at universities, so she started exploring her options. When she heard about American Honors at JC, it was a perfect fit. “I love it a lot. I have three honors classes that are going well. I like all the projects we do, and they (classes) are a lot smaller so you get more one-on-one time with the teachers. I really like the smallness, it helps a lot.” Serving Others This fall, American Honors students completed more than 20 projects with many hours of service to the college and community as part of the Leadership in Action initiative. Projects included: Raising funds, collecting donations and volunteering for the JC Food Pantry, the AWARE Shelter, the Interfaith Shelter, Toys for Tots, Cascades Humane Society, and the JC Global Student Organization; collecting and donating books for area elementary school children; collecting and donating winter hats, coats and mittens to area elementary schools; implementing a student help hotline to provide students in crisis information on campus and community resource for help; and many more.
By beginning at the community college, students are able to reduce the cost of their education and graduate from the American Honors program well-positioned to receive scholarships from their four-year schools. Students are able to apply for transfer to any four-year university, as well as to a network of more than 65 of the top schools that are particularly interested in accepting American Honors graduates. Four-year schools in the growing American Honors Network include Amherst College, Purdue University, Western Michigan University, Georgetown University, The Ohio State University, Smith College, the University of Arizona and Taylor University. To learn more, visit www.jccmi.edu/ StudentServices/AmericanHonors/. The selection process is holistic and examines candidates’ leadership abilities, extracurricular activities, academic achievements, standardized test scores, and commitment to the ideals of the program. At Jackson College, the American Honors program has an office and student lounge in William Atkinson Hall, Room 107. Latisha Hurd is associate program director, and Mary Morrow is honors advisor. Interested students may stop by to learn more.
“The students have also proven to be leaders on campus as evidenced by their participation in Student Government, athletics, and all American Honors students participating in service learning projects this fall,” said Candy McCorkle, adjunct administrator and director of the American Honors Program.
American Honors staff Latisha Hurd (left), associate program director, and Mary Morrow, honors advisor.
Education adds up
for local economic impact
The College recently released results from an economic impact study by Economic
will receive a cumulative $3.30 in higher future income for every $1 they invested in their education, representing a return on investment of 14.3 percent. Associate degree completers will earn $1,276,000 over their working lifetime, an increase of $328,000
Modeling Specialists International (EMSI). Jackson College contributes significantly to
compared to someone with a high school diploma.
More learning equals more earning potential for students, a recent study shows, as well as a healthier local economy for the region!
the local economy, adding more than $254 million in income (present value) to the tricounty region of Jackson, Hillsdale and Lenawee counties, equal to approximately 2.5
That increased earning ripples out to businesses and the larger community, benefitting
percent of the region’s Gross Regional Product.
society as a whole. Today, tens of thousands of former students are employed in the tri-county area, and their skills help to make employers’ businesses more productive.
Having a college education leads to higher-paying jobs, which enables one to
Taxpayers – who support Jackson College through their state and local taxes – also
spend more freely, boosting the local economy. On
benefit from higher tax receipts and public sector savings. For
average, students
every $1 of public money spent on JC, taxpayers receive a cumulative return of $3.80 over the course of students’ working lives in the form of higher tax receipts and public sector savings – a 12.4 percent rate of return.
Professional degree
Doctoral degree
Master’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Associate’s degree
Occupational program
Some college, no degree
High school graduate, no college
Less than a high school diploma
PROJECTED ANNUAL SALARY We Are Jackson College | Winter 2016
Doctoral degree
Master’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Associate’s degree
Occupational program
Some college, no degree
High school graduate, no college
Less than a high school diploma
Professional degree
Tina Maule returned to college at 43 after losing two long-term jobs to plant closings. She found her dream with a career as a medical assistant. She currently works with Allegiance Family Medicine – Summit Woods office, and also fills in at other offices as needed. She has found a career she loves going to each day, and is active in her profession, having served as president of the Jackson Chapter of Medical Assistants for six years. “Thanks to Jackson College, or JCC when I went, for giving me the confidence I needed to become a certified medical assistant. It’s never too late for a college education!” Maule said. “I did it, and you can, too.” Typically, individuals with higher education tend to be less likely to have poor health habits, commit crimes, or claim welfare or unemployment benefits. The improved lifestyles of students result in a reduced demand for government-supported services, representing a savings to local government and taxpayers. The College’s employee payroll and expenses also support local businesses, much spent locally to purchase groceries, clothing and other household goods and services, which multiplies as it
Looking to the future at start of new year Permit me this opportunity to ask a few reflective questions as we begin the new year: Where are you headed in your life? Are you pleased with that path or do you seek something more? If this new year finds you ready for a new direction, consider your options at Jackson College. The College offers a variety of degree and certificate programs that can help put you in a new career, advance you in your current job, or help you build a new skill quicker than you think. In fact, we have many short-term credentials programs available, some that may be completed in as little as one semester. Attending college can help you realize your future in a variety of ways. Perhaps most significantly, more learning equals more earning — you increase your earning potential. At the same time, those with more education tend to be more recession-proof and they are better prepared for the changing nature of the workplace. To that point, research shows at least 65 percent of all future jobs will require some education beyond high school (Georgetown University – Georgetown Public Policy Institute). In particular demand today are jobs in the middle-skills area, trades, manufacturing technologies, information technologies, health careers and more. Stop by any Jackson College location and speak with one of our Student Success Navigators to learn more. Completing a college degree or other credential also shows a potential employer that you have the discipline and persistence to finish what you’ve started. While job-related skills are important, don’t discount the “soft skills” that often measure how far one goes in their job; persistence, discipline, time management and teamwork are important skills that developed with academic study. With so many valid reasons, why not attend Jackson College? Perhaps the biggest reason is that many think they can’t afford it. While a significant investment, it is also a permanent investment in yourself that can yield significant future earnings. Jackson College has grant, and needbased financial aid available, as well as scholarships, to make college affordable. I encourage you to talk with one of our Student Success Navigators, amazing people who will take the time to understand your goals and stay with you through your entire experience at Jackson College until you succeed. Completing a college degree is possible! As we celebrate this new year, think about the possibilities that are awaiting you!
passes through the local economy.
“Jackson College is a key economic player in the region, and a smart investment for students and taxpayers,” said President Daniel J. Phelan. “Earning a college credential not only helps the individual, but it helps the larger community. We all benefit.”
Daniel J. Phelan President, Jackson College
New website developed with students in mind With an eye toward better serving students, Jackson College will soon launch a redesigned website. An informative, appealing and active website is vital in today’s marketplace. Jackson College graphic/web designer Ashley Banks began looking over the College website about a year ago, considering the need for change. While smaller modifications are consistently underway on a large organization’s website, it is typical to redesign a website every three or four years, and the current website design is about four years old. The College’s website has more than 14,000 pages, with information on the College, Board of Trustees, programs, enrollment processes, completion requirements, personnel and departments, as well as Potter Center events and Corporate and Continuing Education. The redesigned website will have a new, contemporary look consistent with current trends to appeal to today’s students. Along with a new visual look, content has been reviewed, condensed and reorganized for ease of use. “We have been rethinking how we organize our content, really simplifying the ways we communicate,” Banks said. The website will be fully responsive, translating across all web platforms – from full desktop computer to laptops, to mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. While the College’s academic personnel have been busy creating new academic pathways to help better guide students to an academic degree or certificate, the website redesign has considered these changes for the future. Again, the goal is to better help students find their way to a college degree. “We’re excited to be able to offers students another option to find the information they need,” Banks said. “People can explore Jackson College from the comfort of their own homes with the website. We hope this redesign will better serve them and meet student needs.” For the College, the new website will utilize a new content management system, WordPress, a means of better handling the content and allowing access and ease of use among many developers. The College has contracted with Real Big Marketing of Jackson to consult with and develop a theme or design for the new website. Plans are for launch in mid-January. www.jccmi.edu
US-Brazil Connect a learning experience on many levels International study can be a great teacher. For Jackson College student James Morrison, it opened his eyes to things we take for granted in the U.S. Morrison has traveled to Brazil for two summers with the US-Brazil Connect program, an opportunity for JC students to serve as language tutors to Brazilian high school students. “I’ve always wanted to travel,” Morrison said. “I gained a new perspective. We can be so wrapped up in the haves and the have-nots in our country; you don’t realize how much you have over the rest of the world. There are things we take for granted, but I’ve learned not to.” Connection with fellow college students, the Brazilian students, and the Brazilian people overall made the trip worthwhile. “All the people we came in contact with were so genuine, kind and appreciative of why we were there,” Morrison said. Jackson is one of six community colleges across the U.S. that participates. The Jackson group welcomed 11 students and three faculty members in 2014 that traveled to Salvador in Bahia, Brazil. Instructor Terry Cox is currently recruiting for a group to go this summer 2016. A retiree of Ford Motor Co., Cox traveled the world on business and lived for three years in Japan. He began teaching math part-time at JC after retirement. As someone who grew up in the Midwest without much exposure to other cultures, he saw the value of the international studies program. Many of the students haven’t had travel opportunities, but again, in participating in the trip, they see how advantaged they really are. “We’ve had some students whose first airplane ride was flying to Brazil. It’s been a real eye opener,” Cox said. “While some students I work with may feel they are somewhat underprivileged, when they get to Brazil, they find out we really have it made.” To learn more, visit www.jccmi.edufuturestudents/international/brazil.htm.
We Are Jackson College | Winter 2016
Alumni & Foundation
Jackson College alumnus Phillip Vogelsang has built a
It was during his 40th class reunion at Vandercook
We are pleased to present this Jackson College Alumni & Foundation Update! In these pages you will find news of Jackson College alumni and events, updates from the
rewarding career as a civil engineer, for which he credits
Lake that Vogelsang decided he wanted to start a
Foundation and much more!
a great educational foundation at Vandercook Lake
scholarship. “I realized that Vandercook Lake and
High School and Jackson Community College.
Jackson Community College were the two schools
Vogelsang, a 1973 Vandercook Lake graduate,
that really had the greatest impact on me, as far as
was accepted to the University of Michigan, but
giving me some kind of direction and then giving me
necessity and convenience led him to choose Jackson
the means to do it with. I felt like I owed them more
Community College instead. He states it was the best
than any other institution I’ve been associated with.”
Alumnus pays it forward with scholarship
decision he could have made. The Vogelsang – Vandercook Lake High School “It was tremendous. The student body was terrific, it
Scholarship’s first recipient is JC freshman Trevor
was very welcoming. The faculty members were really
Ward, who graduated from high school in May.
good teachers,” Vogelsang said. “They were good at
Like Ward, future recipients of the scholarship will
what they did, and they were tough.”
be freshmen from Vandercook Lake High School who graduated with a minimum cumulative grade-
He attended the College for two years, completing an
point average of 3.0 and a history of taking part in
associate degree before transferring to the University
extracurricular and community-based activities. The
of Michigan to complete his bachelor’s and master’s
scholarship will provide up to $1,000 per year in aid
degrees. He said Jackson’s engineering program
for full-time students in any field of study.
was 100 percent more competitive than U-M. After graduating from Michigan, he went to Florida where he
“It’s for students who have the ability but need a
worked developing subdivisions, highways and more.
little help to get to where they want to go in life.
He continued there for 15 years before starting a family,
They may not think they can go to college, but
when he and wife, Kathleen decided they wanted to
just need some help,” Vogelsang said.
raise their children in Michigan. He is thankful for the opportunity to help Today, he is a senior project manager at AECOM, the
out future generations. “It’s not that hard to
largest engineering firm in the country. He works out
give something back. You don’t have to be a
of Grand Rapids, and has been involved with several
millionaire. A large number of people doing
projects around Michigan, including the Gordy Howe
what they can, will help a lot.”
Bridge connecting Detroit and Canada, and the Black River Bridge in Port Huron.
Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett Distinguished Alumni Award Dr. Ethlene Jones Crockett attended Jackson High School and graduated from Jackson Junior College in 1934. Dr. Crockett was director of the Crittenton Hospital clinics, headed the health care committee of New Detroit, Inc. and organized neighborhood health programs. As Michigan’s first female African-American obstetrician/gynecologist, Dr. Crockett received the Detroit Medical Society’s “Physician of the Year” award. She served on the boards of the Michigan Cancer Foundation, United Community Services and received the “Howardite of the Year” award from Howard University, which she attended after medical studies at the University of Michigan. Dr. Crockett was also the first woman in the 74-year history of the Christmas Seal Campaign to be president. Dr. Crockett was the keynote speaker during our 1972 commencement program. She passed away in 1979, but her achievements serve as a positive example to our college community.
Criteria for Nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award • The recipient shall be a person who has been in attendance at JJC, JCC, or JC preferably having received a degree from the College. • The individual shall display positive personal involvement for the betterment of mankind with his/her community, state, nation or world. • The individual should have ongoing contact with the College, but particularly have shown professional or a vocational growth that exhibits values and standards learned at JJC, JCC, or JC.
Doing all
Alumna Laura M.Stanton “In generality, if you had a pie, and divided it up, 75 percent of the people are judges, 24 percent are directors, and 1 percent are doers. Dr. Crockett was a doer to the max. I am a doer in a very small way compared to her. And to be associated with such a woman, I’m so grateful to Jackson College. Her legacy lives on.” Laura M. Stanton has spent her lifetime helping children and youth, first as a teacher, and later, with her husband, David, as the head of the Stanton Foundation. For her service to humanity, Laura M. Stanton is the 2016 recipient of the Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett Distinguished Alumni Award. Laura is an alumna of what was Jackson Community College, attending in the 1970s. She continued her studies at Eastern Michigan University to become a teacher, and taught for 20 years with Jackson Public Schools. She completed her master’s degree in reading, and served as a reading and instructional specialist. She is author of the bilingual children’s book “Animals/ Animales.” She retired from teaching in 1997, and in 1999 she and David finalized creation of the Stanton Foundation, dedicated to two very personal causes – education and adoption. During those years, Stanton became friends with Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, who had been adopted and himself formed the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Laura helped coordinate an “Only in America” presentation in 1999 at Hillsdale College, modeled after one Thomas had presented in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. It invited
400 Jackson County high school students to listen to people who had overcome challenges to become successful, and Thomas himself flew in as keynote speaker. Stanton helped coordinate the Wendy’s Charity Classic golf tournaments held annually at the Country Club of Jackson. Over 15 years, the event has raised $2.5 million for the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Wendy’s Wonderful Kids programs. An annual contributor and support of this LPGA Pro-Am, the Stanton Foundation has helped more than 200 children in foster care find their “forever family.” For several years, Stanton and her golden retriever, Biscuit, visited residents at Vista Grande Villa of Jackson. Stanton, a Catholic, is a lay minister, Eucharistic minister, lector and minister to the sick. She welcomed residents to visit with her and Biscuit. She also coordinated visits with Lumen Christi High School students and animals at Faith Haven. The Stanton Foundation started a scholarship at Jackson College benefitting non-adopted foster care children continuing their education. This year the recipient is
she can
devotes self to SERVICE student Justin Ealy, who hopes to someday work in social work. The foundation also sponsors a Teacher of the Year Award in Hillsdale County. “Every day I get up, I ask the Lord, how can I serve you today?” she said. She is grateful for each day and for all the wonderful people she has the opportunity to meet. When Stanton first learned she was the 2016 recipient of the Crockett Award, she was totally “blown away,” and got up and wept. “What a privilege and an honor,” she said. “In generality, if you had a pie, and divided it up, 75 percent of the people are judges, 24 percent are directors, and 1 percent are doers. Dr. Crockett was a doer to the max. I am a doer in a very small way compared to her. And to be associated with such a woman, I’m so grateful to Jackson College. Her legacy lives on.”
“Every day I get up, I ask the Lord, how can I serve you today?” she said. She is grateful for each day and for all the wonderful people she has the opportunity to meet.
Honor Roll of Crockett Award Winners 1979 Captain Robert F. Freitag 1980 Dr. Victor E. Linden 1981 James Ward Preston 1982 Mary E. Clark 1983 Dr. F. Jane Cotton 1984 Dr. F. I. Van Wagnen, Jr. 1985 Robert A. Whiting 1986 Jeannette R. Hatt 1987 Maxwell E. Brail 1988 Carole J. Schwinn 1989 Richard B. Firestone 1990 Shirley E. Zeller 1991 Dr. Wilbur L. Dungy 1992 James A. McDivitt 1993 Howard C. Woods, Sr. 1994 Dr. Edward A. Mathein 1995 Arthur E. Ellis 1996 Michael Johnson 1997 Jack C. Curtis 1998 Diana L. Midgley 1999 Anton Streiff 2000 Victor Cuiss 2001 Carl L. English 2002 Dr. Pearl Lee Walker McNeil 2003 Dr. G. Richard Watterson 2004 Robert D. Thomson 2005 Brian C. Walker 2006 Frederick L. Davies 2007 David S. Richmond 2008 Leonard H. Griehs 2009 Thomas R. Draper 2010 Lawrence L. Bullen 2011 William J. Maher 2012 Leland Bassett 2013 Dr. M. Richard Shaink 2014 Dr. George E. Potter 2015 John M. Crist 2016 Laura M. Stanton
College helps Ruttkofsky find her calling From factory to classroom,
Heather Ruttkofsky never saw herself as a “college person.” Today, she is a professional sonographer who teaches Jackson College students about the field she loves, and most importantly, how to help people. Ruttkofsky, of Onsted, graduated high school and went to work in a factory for 13 years, making salsa for $5 an hour. She was happy in the job and didn’t see much beyond it. One day, a co-worker who was going to visit Jackson College’s Lenawee campus asked if she was comfortable making $5 an hour, and did she ever see anything more in her future. Her friend – who had noticed Ruttkofsky’s helpful attitude even on the factory floor – suggested she come along to visit the College. Ruttkofsky picked up some flyers on both nursing and sonography, and enrolled in nursing courses at the Vo-Tech Center. “I went to the Vo-Tech because I remember believing that someone like me with my background wouldn’t fit into college. No one in my family went to college,” she said. When the nursing classes weren’t a good fit, Ruttkofsky thought she would just go back and work in the factory. She again spoke with her friend, who shared with her that it wasn’t about fitting into college; it was about finding a college and program that fit with you. So Ruttkofsky went back to take course placement and meet with an advisor, who although honest about the number of developmental courses she would have to take, also gave her a vision for her future. “She said that it doesn’t matter about the number of courses you have to take, it matters about who you want to become. If the job fits to make who you want to be, it doesn’t matter how long it will take you.” In 1994, she enrolled at Jackson College, first completing the emergency medical services (EMS) program. With her EMS license, she got a job as a phlebotomist, which helped her pay for college as she continued in the sonography program. She graduated with her associate degree in sonography in 2001. President Dan Phelan presented her degree at commencement and told her “You’ve picked the perfect career.” While he was likely referring to the demand for sonographers, the comment was further validation that she had made the right choice and was, indeed, a “college person.” After graduation, she went to work as a sonographer and was hired by Jackson College as a clinical instructor. She gained further study in vascular sonography, and in 2007, became vascular sonography program director. The job suits her well, as she is both scientifically curious and loves to help people. “I want to make a difference in how I make someone feel. I want to make a difference, and help people understand how they can help themselves.” As an instructor, too, she wants to help students understand how they can
Karen Hawley joins Foundation Board of Directors The Jackson College Foundation is pleased to welcome a new member to the Foundation Board of Directors, Karen Hawley. Hawley is co-owner with husband, Bart, of JTV, Jackson’s television station that celebrates 15 years this year. She wears many hats at JTV, including producer, show content scheduler and office manager. Active in the community, she is involved with the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Board Development Committee, vice president of the Friends of the Jackson District Library Board, Nominating Committee of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and chair of the Baker (College) Tea fundraiser. She is a past board member and president of Jackson Affordable Housing and the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Academy Advisory Board. In 2014, she was recognized at Jackson Business and Professional Women’s Person of Achievement. The Hawleys have two married sons, who each have gifted Karen with a grandchild – her greatest joys! In her free time, she enjoys reading and walking. “I am honored and pleased to accept this new position as member of the Jackson College Foundation Board,” Hawley said. “I am proud to support the students and mission of Jackson College.”
make a difference in a patient’s life, and help others who may feel like she did once. “Really, it’s a little selfish, but I want to be part of it. I want someone to say ‘That was one person who helped me to achieve my goals, when I didn’t think I could.’” Today, she is married to husband, Jerry, and they have a 9-year-old son. She continues to work at Allegiance Health as a sonographer as needed.
SAVE THE DATE AUG. 26, 2016 Starry, Starry Night Across America Feast for Knowledge
Dick Wendt Charities Raffle
Scholarship helps make PTK membership possible
offers thanks
Sometimes even a small amount can seem like a big hurdle
The Dick Wendt Holiday Raffle is an annual event in
their time.
which departments, individuals, local businesses and more contribute gifts for baskets, which are then raffled off. Each basket is valued about $100, and this year, 24 baskets were created and raffled off, as well as a couple of larger gifts including a bicycle and a suite at the Lansing Lugnuts Cooley Law School Stadium. Thank you to Siena Heights University, Spring Arbor University, The Grande Golf Course, Jackson Symphony Orchestra, Continental Services, Follett’s, JC Marketing Department, JC Community Relations Department, Comcast, JC Center for Student Success and TRIO, CPCFU, JC Human Resources Department, Workforce Development Department, JC Information Technology Department, JC Foundation, JC Institutional Research Department, JC President’s Office, Sandhill Crane Vineyards, Elements of Hair Design, Knight’s Restaurant, Subway, Slice of Spice, WSYM Fox 47, Pepsi, WILX, WLNS, Michigan International Speedway, Jackson Coffee Company, Simple Snapshots by Laura and J Alexanders for your support and contributions.
to a college student counting every dollar, and every hour of
Student Holly Slattery is grateful to the Jackson College Foundation for their assistance with a scholarship to pay membership fees to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Phi Theta Kappa invites members who have completed at least 12 credit hours at Jackson College and maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or above. The scholarship covered the $95 membership fee to be part of Phi Theta Kappa. “I consider it a great honor to be invited to join this honor society,” said Slattery, who is studying visual communication/graphic design and hopes to graduate in May. “Knowing this is the highest honor awarded to community college students makes me feel special and rather proud.” Slattery is thankful for the honor and the opportunities membership provides, such as being involved in research and leadership projects through Honors in Action, and access to scholarships. She is no stranger to volunteering. She had the opportunity to spend six
Harriet Myer’s legacy lives on in student emergency fund Students may run into obstacles, such as an unexpected car repair or medical bill, which could derail their college experience if not for the help of the Harriet Myer Student Emergency Fund. Harriet Myer was a counselor and former dean of women who was well-known for her concerns for the students. One of the many ways she helped students was by “loaning” them money for textbooks and other small needs so that they could continue their college studies. Her overwhelming concern for students won the admiration of JC faculty and staff. In the early 1970s, after Harriet’s death, the women of JC started a fund in her honor. When funding is available, grants are provided to meet one-time emergency needs that would otherwise prevent students from continuing their education. In fiscal year 2014-15, the Fund awarded $2,872.53 in aid to 19 students at Jackson College. The Harriet Myer Fund has been supported by on-campus fundraisers and donor gifts, including the Dick Wendt Charities Raffle held each holiday season. This year’s raffle raised a total of $2,869! Gifts can help
months in Seamill, Scotland in training work and then 12 weeks in Cypress and Turkey doing outreach through Youth With a Mission. “It was an amazing semester of opening my eyes to cross-cultural similarities and differences. More importantly, I developed a heart to make a difference in the world … beyond my own little corner of Jackson County!” She has also had training in photography through mission group, which led her to her study of graphic design. With this experience, she looks forward to more volunteer opportunities at Jackson College and Phi Theta Kappa, as she finishes her degree and hopes to someday use her skills to be “voice for the voiceless” through sharing stories, photos and situations, to make a difference in the world. The foundation scholarship is helping to make her dreams reality.
a struggling student overcome a hurdle to reach their goals. Contact the Jackson College Foundation for more information call 517.787.0244. www.jccmi.edu
For a lifetime of giving back to his community, Thompkins receives 2016 MLK Medal of Service
King Celebration to celebrate the memory of Maya Angelou
Bobby Thompkins, retired administrator for Jackson Public
The life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King
Jones is working in Miami and devotes his
Jr. has impacted generations. This January,
days to instilling entrepreneurial skill sets in
Jackson College will celebrate King’s legacy
the local youth and connecting them with
when it welcomes speaker Elliott Jones,
other Changemakers, so the youth have both
Service Award winner.
grandson of poet Maya Angelou, to the annual
the tools and support to impact society. The
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. The
celebration will also include presentation of
Thompkins is a Jackson native and high school and college
event will be held Saturday, Jan. 16 at 5:30
the Medal of Service Award to
basketball standout who has dedicated his life to helping
p.m. in the Robert Snyder Dining Commons,
Bobby Thompkins.
youth succeed. A graduate of Jackson Public Schools,
George E. Potter Center
he attended what was Jackson Community College from
on the Jackson
1962-64. He earned his bachelor’s degree in education
Central Campus.
students and senior citizens, and
State University.
Jones has
Center Box Office, 517.796.8600.
After college, Thompkins went to work as an administrative
encouragement and
intern at Jackson High School. Over his 31-year career with
inspiration to many.
JPS, he served as assistant principal, associate principal
After the passing
and principal at Jackson High, and associate principal and
of Angelou in 2014,
principal at the Middle School at Parkside. “It was
Jones honored her
rewarding to be able to touch young
memory by speaking
people’s lives,” he recalls, explaining
at both her North
he did all he could to help keep
Carolina and New
students in school.
York memorials. With
Schools, is the 2016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of
from Spring Arbor, and a master’s degree from Michigan
After retiring in 2003, Thompkins served on the JPS school board from 2005-2014. He
shared words of
Dr. Angelou’s same honesty, grace and charm, he reflected on
Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for may be purchased at the Potter
Maya Angelou and Dr. King The late poet Maya Angelou first met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1960, when she was a single mother and struggling actor. Angelou accepted a position as northern coordinator for the New York office of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the organization led by King. After hearing King speak at a church
his grandmother’s life.
in Harlem in early 1960,
NAACP and received the
Jones was born and
dancer who had appeared
NAACP community service
raised in Oakland, Calif.,
in a traveling production of
award. He’s received awards
by parents dedicated to
“Porgy and Bess” – resolved
from the Jackson Human
social justice. He always
Relations Commission
envisioned himself as an advocate for social
revue, “Cabaret for Freedom,” which was a
and a service award from
change. After attending St. John’s University
rousing success. Angelou worked only six
WIBM Radio. He has two
in New York, Jones moved to Miami, Fla., to
months with the Southern Christian Leadership
sons, Gary and Brian, a
pursue a career in community development.
Conference, but King’s impact lasted a
daughter, Kimberly,
Jones impacted the city of Miami by
lifetime. Angelou lived in Africa for several
and a grandson.
providing residents with more access to
years before returning to the U.S. in 1966, and
community programs, increased volunteerism
her first novel, “I Know Why the Caged Bird
and facilitated projects in the Liberty City
Sings,” was published in 1970. She went on to
neighborhood like The Sherdavia Jenkins
write four other volumes of her autobiography,
Peace Mural. Jones developed programs
published several volumes of poetry, and
to protect students and increase programs
appeared on Broadway and in films. She read
supporting early childhood education as
a poem, “On the Pulse of the Morning,” at Bill
director of community engagement at the
Clinton’s presidential inauguration. She passed
Miami Children’s Initiative.
away May 28, 2014.
has been a member of the
When he learned about receiving the King Medal of Service honor, Thompkins had one reaction: “God is good. He was here and he helped others; if I am working to help others, that is my purpose.”
Angelou – an actress and
to raise funds by staging a
Northwest soccer partnership scores goal with younger students Jackson College’s men’s soccer team has scored with the hearts of a group of Northwest High School students! For four Fridays over the fall, students in two special education classrooms at Northwest visited Jackson College and played soccer with Jets men’s soccer team members. These young students, many who have never played soccer before, worked at different stations with Jets players, learning soccer skills and having fun! The effort was the brainchild of Northwest special education teacher Judy Osterberg and JC’s Katie Fall, fieldhouse and athletics coordinator. Soccer coaches Saimir Rada, Minem Vilece, Richard Wierzbicki and Dave West agreed. “We as an athletic department have made community service a focus, with each
team charged with completing a service project,” Fall said. “Our students have loved the experience.” “It’s amazing – we love being around these young people,” said Lucas Silva, a sophomore at JC. Teammate Noah Jansen, also a sophomore, agreed. “It really makes our day to see how happy they are.” While the Northwest students were tentative at first, over the course of time they developed relationships with the Jets players, remembering names and making friends. “This soccer team, coach and Katie (Fall) has been so nice and accommodating,” Osterberg said. “It’s been so fun; our kids have not stopped talking about it.” In fact, players may continue meeting with the high school students over the winter months simply because the relationship building has been so effective, Osterberg said. Players and students did not want the experience to end. Teacher Kris Jones shared, “I think it’s an awesome opportunity for our kids to get beyond the ‘Mountie Nation’ and experience things they wouldn’t experience at school. These (JC) students are serving as local role models.” Jets players learn lessons they may not otherwise get on the playing field, one of the goals of community service.
“Our (Jets) players get to see how gifted we are. Dealing with and playing with these kids gives them more perspective on others and helps them to appreciate life more,” assistant coach Vilece said. Northwest student Jack Huver summed up the best part of the experience for him, “It’s fun; I like winning.”
College lauded for equity efforts For its efforts to help all students succeed, Jackson College received the 2015 Association of Community College Trustees Regional Equity Award. This award recognizes exemplary commitment by a community college governing board and its chief executive to achieve equity in education programs and services and in the administration of those programs and services. In recent years, Jackson College has launched several initiatives to promote equity and more efforts are underway. Jackson College’s current minority enrollment is at 18 percent, with 999 students of color enrolled. With the regional honor, Jackson College is now a nominee for a national equity award.
“Jackson College’s commitment to serving diverse student populations is from the top, including the Board of Trustees, president, faculty, administration and staff,” said Lee Hampton, director of multicultural affairs. “This commitment is far beyond lip service. Our Board of Trustees is often asking how they can do more to support diverse student populations. Our president is often visibly engaged in meeting with students and helping them to succeed. Our faculty is frequently going above and beyond to make sure students of color are supported and successful here are Jackson College.”
New sports management degree to be offered Jackson College will now offer an associate degree option in sports management! America today has seen a surge in interest in sports at all levels, from pee wee soccer to the professional leagues. Travel teams, recreational departments, non-profit organizations and more have seen an increase in demand for proper leadership and management. Individuals with knowledge of sports and coaching functions, as well as business acumen necessary for program and facilities management, are in demand. Jackson College will offer an Associate of Applied Science degree, and transfer to a university for completion of a bachelor’s degree is recommended to increase one’s job opportunities. The College’s program was designed to transfer to universities. Students will gain a background in business administration along with courses specifically designed for sports management majors. Speak to a student success navigator at any JC location to learn more.
With workers in demand,
Corrections Core offers fast track Hundreds of corrections careers are available with the Michigan Department of Corrections, and Jackson College can help put students into a job in just a few months! To help students meet the minimum 15 college credit hours of required course work to become a corrections officer, Jackson College will offer a Corrections Core class, CRJ 299, this winter at W.J. Maher Campus. This will be an accelerated six-week program in which students will attend class from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday, from Jan. 18 through Feb. 26, 2016. During that time, students will complete 15 credit hours – five classes – needed for future corrections officers. Students who qualify may receive financial aid or use veterans’ benefits. Students can earn a skill set credential from JC, and continue their studies toward a certificate or associate degree. Cost of the program will be equivalent to 15 contact hours tuition. For more information about the Corrections Core program at Jackson College, contact Mary Jo Kennedy, director of criminal justice programs, 517.990.1346 or KennedyMaryJo@jccmi.edu.
Basketball games to
‘Pink Out’ for Y’s Turning Point program
Support the Jackson College Jets men’s and women’s basketball and help a worthy cause during the Pink Out event, Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse. At the Pink Out, all gate revenue and donations collected will go the Jackson YMCA and the “Turning Point” program. Turning Point is targeted to help breast cancer fighters and survivors improve their emotional, physical and overall quality of life. Its goal is to help reduce the side effects of cancer treatment and aid in prevention and recurrence. Currently, there are 60 women enrolled, who receive a free membership to the Y for a year, free fitness classes, coaching and assessment from trainers. The program is support by the Y’s Strong Kids, Strong Communities campaign and Susan G. Komen Mid-Michigan. “Health and fitness are a really important part of any lifestyle, but perhaps the most important part of this program is the camaraderie that develops between the women and the emotional support. They are at all stages in their fight with breast cancer,” said Shawna Tello, development director and adult wellness director.
We Are Jackson College | Winter 2016
Hillsdale LeTarte Center Jackson College’s LeTarte Center, Hillsdale, reaches out to students throughout Hillsdale County to share the opportunities available close to home. Several times a year, Amanda Janes, center coordinator and advisor, visits high schools in to share information about financial aid opportunities for college, and in the spring, speaks to students about dual enrollment opportunities while still in high school. She presents workshops on how to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and assists students with the financial aid process in February. Financial aid workshops are open to the public. To reserve your seat for a workshop, visit http://www. jccmi.edu/hillsdale/FA_workshops.htm or call the Center. Upcoming financial aid workshops will be held: • Feb. 8, 5-7 p.m. • Feb. 29, 6-8 p.m.
LeTarte Center staff members present student success workshops each month to help current students boost study skills and more. For students that are interested careers in health care, the center hosts pre-admission sessions for nursing and allied health programs. Upcoming pre-admission sessions will be held: • Jan. 6, 5-6 p.m. • Jan. 28, 1-2 p.m. At the LeTarte Center, students may choose from an associate degree or certificate program, or take classes necessary for transfer to a university for those seeking a bachelor’s degree. The center also offers prerequisite courses for many of nursing and allied health programs. Students may take all courses required to satisfy the Michigan Transfer/MACRAO (Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) Agreement, which guarantees community college students have completed basic general education requirements necessary of the first two years at participating colleges and universities.
Jackson College encourages students who are thinking about college or those who wish to return to stop in or make an appointment to speak with a student success navigator. Call or stop by the center at 3120 W. Carleton Road, Hillsdale. For more information, visit the web site at www.jccmi.edu.
For more information call 517.437.3343
Jackson College @ LISD TECH Students can boost their college experience with Jet Power when Jackson College @ LISD TECH hosts several workshops this winter semester. Jet Power Workshops will help students find success in the classroom and the workplace. Free and open to all, workshops will run 12:30-1:30 p.m. in room 106. Topics include: Jet Power - Strategies for Success - Surviving College • Jan. 26 Scholarships – Jackson College has dozens of scholarships available to students. Learn more about how you can get free money for college! You won’t know unless you apply! • Feb. 9 Test Taking – Learn strategies to do your best on a test, as well as calming test-taking anxiety. • Feb. 23 Transfer to a Four-Year College – Seeking a bachelor’s degree? It’s important to plan. Learn important tips to ensure a smooth transfer to a university after Jackson College.
Jet Power - Strategies for Success - Career/Job Search • March 8 Résumés and Cover Letters – Learn how to craft your résumés and cover letter to get noticed! • March 22 Interview Skills – Ace the interview with tips and advice from the experts. • March 29 Practice Interview Skills and Résumé Workshop – Get practical help to get that job! • April 14 Job fair (pending) Put what you’ve learned over the past month to good use and find that job! Jackson College @ LISD TECH offers a variety of academic programs, many available entirely on the Adrian campus. Students may choose from an associate degree or certificate program, or take classes necessary for transfer to a university. JC courses satisfy the Michigan Transfer/MACRAO (Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) Agreement, which guarantees community college students have completed basic general education requirements of the first two years at participating colleges and universities. In addition, students can complete prerequisite
coursework for the following second admit programs – licensed practical nurse, diagnostic medical sonography, respiratory care, registered nurse and radiography. For students seeking a bachelor’s degree, Jackson College @ LISD TECH also offers an accelerated business degree option with nearby Siena Heights University. Call or stop by the front office at Jackson College @ LISD TECH, 1376 N. Main St., Adrian.
For more information call 517.265.5515
W.J. MAHER CAMPUS Jackson now has a new option for meeting facilities with the W.J. Maher Campus, 3000 Blake Road. With easy access to I-94 and U.S. 127, Maher Campus offers a variety of room sizes and styles. Rooms may accommodate groups ranging in size from 2-250. Options include learning studios with Internet access, whiteboards, overhead projector and screen, document camera and CD/DVD player with surround sound; breakout and conference rooms for smaller groups; and a conference center featuring advanced audio and video technologies and four walls of windows overlooking a wooded setting and outdoor patio. Computer labs for up to 26 participants are available for corporate training needs.
“Maher Campus offers newly renovated facilities, and we welcome groups to schedule a tour,” said Julie Hand, assistant dean of Maher Campus. Dining services can be arranged. Navigator Available Students can now meet with Maher Campus’s own student success navigator, who will work closely to advise and guide them through their college experience. The College has hired several navigators, for all locations, to offer more personal service and build supportive relationships to students. Stop in to meet with navigator Melissa Potter to learn more.
Additionally, Potter will be hosting several student workshops during the winter semester. Topics will include Study Skills; College 101; Money Savvy; Time Management and Goal Setting. For details and dates, please call 517.768.7068.
For more information call 517.768.7097
Jackson College @ LISD TECH builds mentoring program To help students at Jackson College @ LISD TECH succeed, the campus will launch a new mentoring program this winter semester.
2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201-8399
The Jackson College Community Mentoring Program will provide select students help acclimating to college, with the guidance of a volunteer mentor. The goal of the Community Mentoring Program, in partnership with the Lenawee College Access Network, will be to aid in the transition to college life, and help the students remain in college to graduate. It is often said that making at least one positive connection and knowing that one person cares can make the greatest impact, said Linda Jacobs, director of academic services at Adrian College and member of the LCAN Post-Secondary and Retention committee. “The Community Mentoring Program at JC results from the efforts of the Lenawee College Access Network’s collective energy of community members who are committed to increasing the numbers of individuals in Lenawee County holding postsecondary credentials,” Jacobs said.
A special Saturday registration will be held on all campuses Jan. 9, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Winter semester begins Jan. 18, 2016. For more information or to meet with a student success navigator for advising, call any Jackson College location.
Students (or mentees) are being recommended by high school counselors, community members and Mallory Frailing at JC. Students will sign a participation agreement in order to commit to the program and be assigned a mentor. Interested community volunteers and students may contact FrailinMalloryN@jccmi.edu, or 517.265.5515.
Outdoor enthusiasts invited to Sportsman’s Banquet Jackson College will host a sportsman’s banquet on Feb. 13 in the Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse, Central Campus. All are invited to this evening dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts. There will be a dinner with live auction for a variety of prizes, including: • Bear hunt in Canada • Deer hunt in southern Ohio • Turkey hunt in Delton, Mich. • Duck hunt • Raffle drawing for guns, hunting equipment, sporting goods, and more!
Mentors will help students throughout their freshman year to build an academic support network, strong social network with peers, become involved with college activities and promote skills and habits that bolster confidence and achievement. “We know that when students start to feel outside pressures, which are pulling them away from focusing on academics, they can use someone there to help them persist,” said Mallory Frailing, assistant Mallory Frailing director of admissions for off-campus programs. “My hope is for the mentoring program to assist students with achieving their dreams and persisting through their college education.”
Saturday registration for winter semester
Banquet dinner tickets are $45; contact Rick Smith at 517.796.8592. Sponsorships and Table Captains are also available. Proceeds from this event will benefit Jackson College baseball and volleyball.
Jackson college Egg hunt Mark your calendar for the Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Jackson College! Bring the kids out to join in the Easter fun! Updated information can be found at www.jccmi.edu/familyfun
Potter center coming events Moscow Festival Ballet: Cinderella | 8 p.m. Sat., Jan. 9 Hormonal Imbalance Starring: Sally Fingerett, Debi Smith, Nancy Moran and Deirdre Flint | 7:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 22 Steven Curtis Chapman | 7 p.m. Sat., Feb. 6 • Golden Dragon Acrobats | 4 p.m. Sun., Feb. 21 PFX – The Pink Floyd Experience | 7 p.m. Sun., Mar. 20 • Kansas | 7 p.m. Fri., Apr. 15 For ticket information, visit www.jccmi.edu/events or call 517.796.8600. Questions about JC programs and services described in this publication should be directed to Student Services at 517.796.8425. Comments or questions about the publication can be directed to the Marketing Department at 517.796.8416. Publisher: Cynthia S. Allen • Editor: Dotty Karkheck • Writer: Marilynn Fryer • Graphic Design: Abbie Stein • Photography: JC Marketing
Board of Trustees Samuel R. Barnes, Chairman • John M. Crist, Vice Chairman • Sheila A. Patterson, Secretary • Donna L. Lake, Treasurer Matthew R. Heins, Trustee • Philip E. Hoffman, Trustee • Dr. Edward A. Mathein, Trustee • Dr. Daniel J. Phelan, President