We are Jackson College - August 2019

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College to bring classes to Jackson’s King Center Connecting with the downtown community, Jackson College will offer classes at the Martin Luther King Community Center later this fall. The Center is located at 1107 Adrian St., Jackson, MI. “This is an intentional effort for the College to connect with the community of Jackson,” said Chief Diversity Officer Lee Hampton. “We have several students who live in the inner city community who either catch buses or Lee Hampton rides to campus. This is an effort to make classes more accessible to them.” Courses will count toward an associate degree or certificate program and will be taught by College faculty. Plans are to expand offerings in the future, with possible offerings such as business, entrepreneurship, technology-related opportunities and more. Residents will be surveyed for preferences on future courses, times and program offerings.

Two courses will be offered in the evening: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION (COM 240) Students will learn to improve communication in one-on-one and small group situations. In this course, students will examine basic verbal and non-verbal elements affecting communication between individuals in a family, peer group and work contexts (3 credits). SEMINAR IN LIFE PATHWAYS (SEM 140) A gateway course for college, students develop the hard and the soft skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed for academic and career success. Students will be guided through career choices and selecting an academic program of study (3 credits). The City of Jackson plans to renovate the King Center, College officials are in discussions on how to support those efforts.

“We are very excited about this new opportunity. I think this is something that will provide people in our community some essential and core classes, that are offered close to home,” said John Willis, director of the King Center. “Some people have transportation issues or other issues getting out to where the College is. Now they have the opportunity to take classes right here at the center.”

Esports joins sports lineup this fall! Jackson College will recruit a new team of athletes this fall for a new world – or worlds – of competition! Because of growing interest in competitive video gaming, esports will become the 13th Jets athletic team in 2019-20. Esports describes the world of competitive, organized video gaming. Competitors from different teams face off in games that have a specific goal, like winning a championship. An online streaming site, Twitch, allows enthusiasts to watch players in real-time. Esports attracts an audience of 380 million people worldwide today. Esports revenue is expected to surpass $1 billion in 2019, according to Newzoo, a marketing analytics company. To prepare for the new team, interviews have been conducted and a new coach, Brad Choate, has been selected. Choate also works in Information Technology for the College. “I’m looking forward to building a program that the College and community can be proud of. I’m also very excited to be able to offer more opportunities for our students to get involved and be a part of our great athletics program,” Choate said. A classroom in the Jets Hangar is being renovated to become an esports arena with computer gaming stations and multiple screens. The Jets team will complete in four games – Overwatch, League of Legends, Hearthstone and Rocket League. Athletes will have uniforms and participate in fitness, to be in their best shape for competition. The Jets will be part of the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE).

We are very excited about this new opportunity. I think this is something that will provide people in our community some essential and core classes, that are offered close to home.

Jackson College will offer courses that align with esports as well. Sports Management 100 (SMT 100) will embed components of esports in its curriculum. Students can also pursue a 3D Design & Animation certificate to prepare for the growing video gaming industry.

For more information about esports at Jackson College, please contact admissions at 517.796.8425, Option 1.

– John Willis

*****ECRWS SEDDM***** Postal Customer 2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201-8399






Are you pitch perfect? Vocal music program seeks students for new offerings High school graduates with choral experience are invited to Jackson College’s vocal music program, now under the leadership of Dr. Richard Hintze!

GREETINGS FROM JACKSON COLLEGE! Another academic year has arrived – I can’t wait! I do hope that you had an enjoyable summer with family and friends. At Jackson College, our staff has been hard at work sprucing up our facilities and grounds as well as working on new instructional and student support programs and planning for future projects. We continue with our Total Commitment to Student Success (TCS2), honing all that we do, from our facilities to our academic programs and processes, to help each unique, whole student succeed and reach their goals. I often hear from people that they don’t know what the College offers or what events are planned. This newsletter is one of our many communication channels wherein we share with our community all of our many activities. In this issue, we highlight the accomplishments of this year’s Alumni Wall honorees and introduce you to our new music instructor and vocal offerings, as we expand upon our arts and theater programs. You can also check out our new program in software engineering, a new location for class offerings at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Jackson, and a new sports team, ‘esports’. Each of these new initiatives comes in response to identified needs and requests from various members of our region. Please take a few minutes now to read about your community college – so much is happening! More projects are underway as well. Also, I encourage you to connect with us via our web page, jccmi.edu, or through one of our social media channels to stay up-to-date! Sincere best wishes, Dr. Daniel J. Phelan Jackson College President & CEO

We Are Jackson College • August 2019 • Volume 2 | Issue 1 We Are Jackson College is produced four times annually by the Marketing and Communications Department at Jackson College. If you have comments or questions about the publication call 517.796.8416. Publisher: Cynthia S. Allen • Editor: Dotty Karkheck Writer: Marilynn Fryer • Designer: Abbie Stein Photography: Marketing and Communications Staff JACKSON COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sam R. Barnes, Chairman • John M. Crist, Vice Chairman Sheila A. Patterson, Secretary • Donna L. Lake, Treasurer Matthew R. Heins, Trustee • Philip E. Hoffman, Trustee Dr. Edward A. Mathein, Trustee Dr. Daniel J. Phelan, President & CEO All rights reserved. No part of the material may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. It is the policy of Jackson College that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, marital status, or handicap, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to, discrimination in any program or activity for which it is responsible for or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Jackson College • 2111 Emmons Road • Jackson, MI 49201 517.787.0800 • visit www.jccmi.edu. Jackson College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org), a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The Higher Learning Commission 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604 (800) 621-7440 • hlcommission.org

Hintze joined the faculty in May as the new music instructor and director of choral activities. He has been recruiting students to sing as part of a new choral group. He looks forward to building Jackson College’s vocal music program. “We hope to perform quality musical literature from all historical periods,” Hintze said. “We want to make sure our concerts reach out to the community and are relevant and meaningful.” Students interested in being part of the vocal group are invited to contact Hintze and schedule an audition. They may come with a prepared piece, or perform a well-known piece such as the national anthem. Hintze previously taught at Spring Arbor University, the University of Arizona at Tucson, and Texas State University at San

Marcos. He is a member of the Michigan State Vocal Music Association (MSVMA) and a life member of the American Choral Directors Association. Two concerts are set for this fall: OCT. 20 – Concert with the Jackson Chorale at the First United Methodist Church of Jackson, 3 p.m. Oct. 27 – First Annual Jackson College High School Invitational, features college and high school groups, Harold Sheffer Music Hall, Potter Center, 5 p.m. For more information, e-mail HintzeRichardR@jccmi.edu.

College launches new software engineering degree Do you enjoy working with technology? Are you looking for a career that offers something new each day? Create the software that runs our computers, mobile phones and more with Jackson College’s new associate degree in software engineering. Software engineers explore the needs of users to design, develop, test, deploy and manage software applications. These applications connect a user to a computer, tablet, smartphone or mobile device. This software engineering program will feature coursework in databases, cloud computing, systems design, and multiple programming languages. Students will learn to create scalable programs, web applications and cloud-based software. Input from the computer information systems advisory committee helped shape this new offering. Job opportunities include applications developer, computer consultant, information technology analyst, programmer, software developer, or software engineer.

“All computer-related fields are in demand today; networking and security, programming and software engineering, all are up,” said Associate Professor Dianne Hill. VERSATILITY FOR TODAY’S CAREERS Mike Davis, web developer for Consumers Energy, works with clients to determine what they need, develops mock-ups of applications, and shares those with the client to get suggestions. He then redevelops the applications based on that feedback until they are happy with the product. “It’s always different, and you always learn something new,” Davis said. It helps to have a good mind for analysis and technical skills, in addition to good interpersonal skills of working well with others. To learn more, visit www.jccmi.edu/ program/computer-programming/

Scholarships change lives Student success comes first at Jackson College. An important piece of helping students be successful is providing scholarships to curb costs. The Jackson College Foundation collaborates with donors to remove the financial barriers that may prevent students from pursuing higher education. Jason Valente, foundation president, states that while Jackson College tuition may be modest by some standards, many students simply could not afford to attend without scholarship support. Scholarship funds lessen the financial worries students may face and offer them peace of mind to focus on their studies. All students are encouraged to apply to scholarships. Application for the 2020-21 academic year will be available online in mid-December. Visit www.jccmi.edu/foundation/foundation-scholarships/ where one convenient application will start the process.



Alumni Wall Honors

Jackson College recognizes notable and outstanding alumni on the alumni wall, located on the grand staircase in the Potter Center.

Twice each year, the alumni office has the distinct honor of inviting four alumni for recognition on our Alumni Wall of Fame. These are alumni who: • distinguish themselves in our community and beyond, • live out a life of service in both their professional endeavors as well as their personal, and, • hold a special place in their hearts for Jackson College. “Whether it is through a scholarship, special partnership with a corporation, or simply to pursue their academic goals in higher education, I’m always fascinated with their journey to Jackson College and encouraged by their positive experience with us,” said Brigette Robinson, director of annual giving and alumni relations. “We hope to not only highlight the success of our alums to the community but also provide inspiration to our prospective and current students, to let them know; they too can achieve their academic and professional dreams!”


A LY S S I A H A L L Alyssia Hall fulfilled a goal she set for herself and her children when she graduated from Jackson College. After completing the respiratory care program in 2014, she found a job in her field right away. Today, she is a respiratory therapist at Henry Ford Allegiance Health, giving excellent care to patients each day, as well as educating students and staff as a preceptor.

DR. ELIZABETH HOPPE Dr. Elizabeth Hoppe has touched the lives of nearly 3,000 eye doctors as an educator and administrator. Following her start at Jackson Community College, she went on to become a doctor of optometry. After practicing as an optometrist, she later completed her master’s and doctoral degrees in public health. She serves as Founding Dean of the College of Optometry at Western University of Health Sciences.

1945 R O B E RT L A Z E B N I K Robert “Bob” LaZebnik calls himself a “serial entrepreneur” for his many business ventures over the years. He founded LaZebnik Investment Co., incorporated The Commercial Exchange, purchased Airmaster Fan Co. out of bankruptcy, purchased the former Clark Equipment Plant and later incorporated the RHL Investment Corp. He has a love for sports cars and racing and is a longtime patron of the arts.




DR. FRED SLETE Dr. Fred Slete knew early on that he wanted to become a dentist. Since opening his practice in Jackson in 1983, his 30-plus years of dentistry have brought him many awards and honors. His commitment to the community is visible in the many civic groups that he serves. A noted author, presenter and author in his field, he has taught at The University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and Augusta University Dental College of Georgia.

Teacher education to return; 2 courses available this fall Great teachers are always in demand – now more than ever. New offerings at Jackson College will help meet that demand. Jackson College will bring back a teacher education program this fall. The College discontinued teacher education because of declining enrollment and demand, but now there is a greater interest, with some teacher shortages across the nation and in some areas of Michigan. The College will take a two-phase approach to teacher education. This fall, new education courses will be offered: EDU 221 EXPLORING TEACHING (3 credits) “What are the things prospective teachers beginning their formal study of teacher education should know?” Students will gain knowledge of the role of a professional teacher and education topics: schools, diverse students and their needs, historical and current education issues and trends, as well as philosophical and legal foundations in American education. Students will explore and experience key concepts and skills through reading, research, presentation of a lesson, development of a professional portfolio and teaching philosophy, documented technology and education site-based field experiences. Field experience is included. Offered Tuesdays, 6-8:54 p.m., Central Campus, Sept. 3 – Oct. 22. PSY 256 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3 credits) Application of psychological theories to the teachinglearning process. Principles of cognitive and social development discussed along with discipline, motivation, assessment, and evaluation. Offered Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1-2:27 p.m., Central Campus, Oct. 29 – Dec. 19. These introductory courses allow interested students to learn about the teaching profession so they can decide if they want to transfer on to a university. In the future, a second phase will allow an alternative route to a teaching certificate for those who currently have a bachelor’s degree. Those who meet certain requirements, such as a minimum grade point, would be able to complete additional coursework in education to become certified through K-12. The College is currently working with the Michigan Department of Education to offer this opportunity. “It’s rewarding and prestigious to be a teacher. I think all professions have a connection with or impact from teachers,” said Dennis Baskin, dean of business and human services. “People who want to make a difference would want to explore becoming a teacher.” To learn more, visit www.jccmi.edu, or call the Admissions Office at 517.796.8425.

Jackson College, EANGUS join forces to help student veterans Jackson College and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) have joined forces to help student veterans. Both organizations champion education as a path to future success, following the reasoning that regardless of what people do, education helps them do it better. This collaboration offers enhanced opportunities for the military-connected segment of our population through scholarships, additional benefit offerings, a legislative platform responsive to the needs of service-members and veterans, and a best-practices approach for capabilities advancing student and service-member success. The collaboration will provide elevated exposure for both concerns as we work toward our mutual goals. Education cultivates an aspiration to excellence. Jackson College offers innovative approaches to higher education, providing increased flexibility and enhanced support for those serving and those using benefits. Jackson College is recognized as a Military Friendly® School and has received gold-level recognition from the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency for its service to veterans and military-connected students. A Veterans Resource Center works with and guides students and families through the process of using G.I. Bill benefits, connecting them with helpful resources, finding their career fit and completing their college education.




Wayne State University to come to Jackson campus Jackson College students will notice a new university office on campus this fall! Wayne State University will have an office in James McDivitt Hall and offer classes on Central Campus! Wayne State will offer a business administration program to students, with a majority of classes here in Jackson. Students may complete a bachelor’s degree in business administration, requiring 122 credits. Students may complete up to 82 credits at Jackson College, and then complete 40 credits through Wayne State, offering cost savings. WSU requires that students enroll at its Detroit campus for their last semester.

“Wayne State has as a unique way that should be beneficial to students,” said Ashley Van Heest, director of transfer and scheduling. “Students may complete their Wayne State credits in one year, but they do want students to spend some time on their campus. They will put them up in student housing. WSU’s Mike Ilitch School of Business in Detroit will give students access for more employer connections and internships and externships.” These business connections include Little Caesar’s Arena, Amazon, and top health care, technology, manufacturing, government and nonprofit employers, along with great entertainment venues and restaurants.

“Business students will find a hot market for them,” she said. Students may start this fall. A Wayne State faculty member and advisor will be stationed in McDivitt Hall to offer guidance and advising to interested students. Work continues on the WSU office on Central Campus. Check back this fall for completion. Any student interested in transfer should speak with their student success navigator as early as possible about their intention. The navigator can then put them in touch with the Wayne State representative. “As with any of our transfer students, starting that conversation early is beneficial so we know the direction to take them,” said Stephanie Waffle-Stephenson, university transfer liaison.

Music, dance, comedy and more are in store with the Potter Center 2019-2020 season! THE GUESS WHO Sept. 21, 2019 7 p.m.


FOGHAT March 7, 2020 7 p.m.


THE NEWSBOYS Jan. 18, 2020 7 p.m.





POSTMODERN JUKEBOX Nov. 2, 2019 7 p.m.


THE OAK RIDGE BOYS May 8, 2020 7 p.m.

For details and ticket prices visit www.jccmi.edu/pottercenter or call 517.796.8600. Purchase 3 or more shows and receive a 10% discount. Discount does not apply to Late Nite Catechism.


SEPT. 10 7:30-9 A.M.

What does a successful community look like? Join us as the Enterprise Group of Jackson and Jackson College present the second annual Business Roundtable. This forum provides an opportunity for area business and community leaders to discuss topics important to the Jackson County economy. Our speakers will be: • Lou Glazer, president and co-founder of Michigan Future, Inc. • Dr. Leonidas Murembya, economic specialist at the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives Register at www.jccmi.edu/roundtable. Event is free to Enterprise Group investors; fee $25 for all others.

CORPORATE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION (CCE) at Jackson College Boost your employees’ skills with CCE’s high-quality training programs. Our team works one-on-one with employers across multiple industries to develop trainings to meet current workforce demands. CCE offers continuing education to individuals seeking employment, skills enhancement or personal enrichment. How can we help you? To learn more, visit jccmi.edu/cce, or call 517.796.8671.

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