We Are Jackson College - May 2019

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MAY 2019 / VOLUME 1 / ISSUE 3

College moving to 7-week classes to improve student success Helping students complete their college degree faster and more efficiently and recognizing that accelerated, compressed terms work better for students, Jackson College is scheduling more and more class sections to take place over seven weeks in addition to courses that take place over a traditional 15 week time period. Seven-week classes will offer the same number of instructional hours and the same content, but in “What I found was that half the time students more quickly as a 15-week figured out that they needed class. Students to really dive in. There is not should enroll a lot of time to waste, you in half of their have to get yourself into registered gear right away, treat it like classes in the it’s two classes. They learn first 7-week quickly that either you keep term and the up or you have to let it go. other half of Overall, my students actually their classes did better in that class than in the second the semester-long class. 7-week term. – Instructor Aaron Ensley, This will allow economics. students to concentrate on one or two courses intently rather than spreading their attention over four classes per term. Some courses will remain in a 15-week format, but by fall 2019, a wide majority of our courses will be run in a 7-week format. Typically, a student enrolled in all 7-week courses will be in class for roughly the same amount of “Time management is time as if he/she probably most important. were enrolled Plan for the unplanned. in all 15-week You have to stay motivated classes. Should an because the workload emergency arise is a lot more than one at some point 14-week class. If you keep in the semester, procrastinating and lose persisting to motivation, the outcome complete in seven is probably not going to weeks would be good.” be much more – Carli Harrington, manageable. student enrolled in Total financial aid seven-week classes award eligibility will not change. In compressed scheduling, a student’s credit hours for the semester are divided between two seven-week terms.

Students should make sure that they are only taking one or two (a maximum of three) 7-week courses at a time. For part-time students who work a full-time job, it is strongly advised to only “If a student can keep very take one 7-week engaged throughout the course at a time. seven-week courses, they This is because should be fine. A tip that I 7-week courses would give student about are of the same the seven-week classes rigor and equate is do not procrastinate, to the same finish your homework and instructional study for your exams, and and required show up to class. It might study hours as seem challenging, but with 15-week classes. better time management, Students should everything should be prepared to work well.” manage their – Laurence Setiawan, time very wisely international student and carefully, so they do not miss classes and can stay current with the readings and assignments each week. Just as students should do when enrolling in any class, students should block off sufficient times each week outside of class to devote to studying. Taking a course in a 7-week format will not negatively impact the transferability of that class at all. A student’s transcript will look identical whether they

“It just depends on what course it is. I do enjoy the seven weeks, but I think it depends on the class. Stay diligent and don’t overload yourself with too many seven-week courses. That will give you adequate time to study.” – Cornell Sample, student

TIPS FOR SUCCESS • • • • • • •

Mangage your time wisely Be prepared to hit the ground running Don’t overload classes Do not procrastinate Show up for class Plan for work outside the classroom Stay motivated

take a course in a 7-week format or a 15-week format. Visits to other colleges and “I enjoyed how fastrelated research paced the class was. Due have shown dates were quick so you that students have to have good time who enroll in management. I did not compressed have any negatives.” terms have higher – Paige Lemay-Smith, course success dual-enrolled high rates, drop fewer school student courses, and progress more quickly to complete. Colleges that have moved to compressed terms have seen significant jumps in retention and student completion rates for all students, and especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Jackson College is pursuing 7-week terms as part of our Total Commitment to Student Success (TCS2).

MARK YOUR CALENDAR JUNE 8 Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists Rose Run Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse, 7:30 a.m.

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JUNE 13 – JUNE 27 Front Porch Concert Series (see page 8) JUNE 15 Juneteenth Celebration, CP Federal City Square (see page 8) JUNE 24 – JULY 4 Summer Band Camp, Potter Center (see page 8) AUGUST 9 HealthWise health screening event, Health Laboratory Center and Justin Whiting Hall, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201-8399






SERVING THE UNIQUE, WHOLE STUDENT AT JACKSON COLLEGE Each person brings their own unique circumstances to their endeavors. Helping a student find success is indeed our unswerving commitment at Jackson College. Coming fall semester, new, seven-week classes are designed to help students be successful. Seven-week classes offer the same quality teaching, support, content and classroom hours, but in half the time as 15-week classes. Students will typically enroll in half of their classes in the first seven weeks, then take a week off, and then enroll in the next sevenweek term. In total, when fully deployed, there will be six seven-week terms to assist students in meeting their goals. Why is this significant? Our own research, as well as that obtained from other higher education institutions, has demonstrated that shorter class terms work better for students. They can focus more and go deeper into their subjects. Students do better on exams, are more likely to complete the course, and enroll in the next course in their degree sequence. Should they decide to take seven weeks off, or an unexpected detour comes up, such as an illness or death, they may start again in only a few weeks instead of months. In addition to seven-week classes, staff members are examining the unique needs and barriers faced by all of our students to help resolve them. A college food pantry, health clinic, Oasis Center and dental hygiene clinic are a few of these efforts. College officials are considering partnerships with countywide resources to help our students in additional ways. Our work is ongoing. Making education more accessible and providing services to help students – Jackson College is committed to student success – the unique, whole student.

Jackson Women’s History Council honors students, Diana Agy C ongratulations to Jackson College students and Associate Professor Diana Agy who were honored recently by the Jackson Women’s History Council at the 43rd Annual Susan B. Anthony Award Dinner! Receiving student essay scholarship awards were MacKenzie Smith, Kaytlyn Higgins, Lilia Helmbreck and Jesse Jordan, all Heritage Center volunteers and JC Writing Fellows. Helmbreck also received an Emerging Leader Award, recognizing her outstanding work with the Heritage Center. Student Salena Taylor received an emerging leader award. Taylor is studying business at JC and has started a “Truth Move Discussion Group” for women to discuss private issues they face. Associate Professor Diana Agy received a 2019 Susan B. Anthony Award for her efforts guiding the Jackson College Heritage Center; she was one of four honorees. She is the Peggy Maher Endowed

Chair for Regional History and director of the Jackson College Writing Fellows program. This recognition honors the legacy of Susan B. Anthony and celebrates the contemporary achievements of women and men. SBA Award recipients also received a proclamation from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recognizing the achievement.

Finding her future in history! Projects guide student to new path Jackson College’s Heritage Center has helped bring history alive for student Lilia Helmbreck of Concord. So much so, she plans to make history her career! Starting out in general education while she decided her major, Helmbreck was nominated to be a Writing Fellow with Professor Diana Agy, who also guides the Heritage Center. She started volunteering her time there, and then was hired as an assistant. History was a good fit. Helping to track down students who were World War II veterans and working on a script for an upcoming film, she found her niche. Helmbreck received an Emerging Leader Award from the Jackson Women’s History Council, recognizing her outstanding work with the Heritage Center. “I really love working with history and learning about the people from Jackson. It’s super cool; I wish more people knew about it,” she said. After Jackson College, she plans to transfer to Albion College to pursue a bachelor’s degree in history and a teaching certificate, with plans to work for a museum or teaching in her future. “There are so many cool things happening here for a community college. I didn’t expect to enjoy college as much as I do!”

The Jackson College Heritage Center collects and shares the stories of Jacksonians, who have helped shape American history. Students have contributed more than 20,000 service hours over the past 12 years, and in the past year have received two statewide awards in 2018. A new film from their latest project, “Going Home: A Story of Courage, Sacrifice and Friendship,” premiered April 27 in Potter Center. Learn more about the Jackson College Heritage Center at www.jccmi.edu/ heritage-center.

Dr. Daniel J. Phelan Jackson College President & CEO

We Are Jackson College • May 2019 • Volume 1 | Issue 3 We Are Jackson College is produced four times annually by the Marketing and Communications Department at Jackson College. If you have comments or questions about the publication call 517.796.8416. Publisher: Cynthia S. Allen • Editor: Dotty Karkheck Writer: Marilynn Fryer • Designer: Abbie Stein Photography: Marketing and Communications Staff JACKSON COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sam R. Barnes, Chairman • John M. Crist, Vice Chairman Sheila A. Patterson, Secretary • Donna L. Lake, Treasurer Matthew R. Heins, Trustee • Philip E. Hoffman, Trustee Dr. Edward A. Mathein, Trustee Dr. Daniel J. Phelan, President & CEO All rights reserved. No part of the material may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. It is the policy of Jackson College that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, marital status, or handicap, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to, discrimination in any program or activity for which it is responsible for or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Jackson College • 2111 Emmons Road • Jackson, MI 49201 517.787.0800 • visit www.jccmi.edu. Jackson College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org), a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The Higher Learning Commission 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604 (800) 621-7440 • hlcommission.org

Jackson College welcomed Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to campus in March. Several local business and community leaders joined in an economic roundtable discussion with the governor.

MAY 2019


Teacher education to return G

reat teachers are always in demand – now more than ever. New offerings at Jackson College will help meet that demand. The College discontinued teacher education because of declining enrollment and demand, but now there is a greater interest at the local, state and national levels with some teacher shortages. To help meet this demand, Jackson College will bring back a teacher education program this fall. “We are an institution that meets the needs of our public and our taxpayers, so we felt that it was important for us to explore revamping the education program,” said Dennis Baskin, dean of business and human services. TWO TEACHING PATHS The College will take a two-phase approach to teacher education. This fall introductory courses will allow interested students to learn about the teaching profession so they can decide if they want to transfer on to a university. Officials are working on transfer agreements with universities now to offer seamless transfer for students. A second phase will allow an alternative route to a teaching certificate for those who currently have a bachelor’s degree. Those who meet certain requirements, such as a minimum grade point, would be able to complete additional coursework in education to become certified through K-12. The College

Sam’s Book Flood promotes reading in young children is currently working with the Michigan Department of Education to offer this opportunity. “Perhaps someone has a business degree, but they no longer desire to be in business. Now, they want to be a teacher,” Baskin said. “They can go to the alternative certification entity, go through the process and become certified.” The College would collaborate with local school districts to offer job shadowing, mentoring and on-the-job training requirements for K-12 teachers. “It’s rewarding and prestigious to be a teacher. I think all professions have a connection with or impact from teachers. People who want to make a difference would want to explore becoming a teacher.”

Industry 4.0 is here; College plans new curriculum A new industrial revolution is underway, and Jackson College is working to prepare students for tomorrow’s jobs. The transformation in manufacturing is being called “Industry 4.0,” involving a transition from traditional manufacturing techniques to technologies with smart and autonomous systems. It involves the Internet of things, an extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects, and in manufacturing systems. Interacting and communicating with the Internet, things can be remotely monitored and controlled. For example, an app on a smartphone that lets you open your garage door,

or watch a camera of your home while you are away. As manufacturing leaders look to streamline processes, more and more, this is done with automation and robots, controlled by a computer. “These jobs are a combination of manufacturing with computer technology and cybersecurity,” said Jolene Chapman, dean, career and technical education. “They will call for a different kind of skilled worker and a smarter way of doing business.” To prepare for this new and emerging world, the College will welcome new faculty to join existing faculty for these efforts, and the new curriculum is under

development for the future in smart manufacturing. Students will need to have knowledge of computer coding and technology, as well as manufacturing skills. For someone thinking of a career in manufacturing, a broad skill set that offers experience in a range of subjects will be most valuable in the workforce. Visit www.jccmi.edu to learn more.

Manufacturing, trades labs offer flexible completion Jackson College is making it easier for students in manufacturing and skilled trades to get the classes they need! Jobs in advanced manufacturing and other trades, such as electronic technology, are in demand today in Michigan and across the U.S. To better suit the needs and schedules of students going into these fields, Jackson College now offers a flexible completion time, sometimes called open entry/open exit, when students in several classes can work in the lab to complete their courses. With online learning from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, students may complete lessons on safety before ever coming to class. Then, they may work at their own pace to complete their classes. Faculty will be available to answer questions at all times.

“This will offer a lot of flexibility. We are meeting students where they are,” said Jolene Chapman, dean, career and technical education. Students with different schedules, for example, someone who works a swing shift may want to get as much work done while on days and less when they go to nights, for example. Flexible completion time makes that easier. For students who need more structure, a pre-semester meeting will clearly lay out expectations. To learn more about advanced manufacturing, contact Associate Professor Matt Higgins, 517.990.1348.

By bringing books to children, instructor Elaine Themm is helping her brother’s memory live on. Themm lost her brother, Sam, about a year and a half ago. When Christmastime came, she considered how to spend the money she would have spent on a gift. Themm is a teacher and Jackson College history instructor who knows how important it is for young people to have books to read in the home. Giving books to children brought to mind the Icelandic tradition of giving a book and chocolate on Christmas Eve, called the Icelandic Book Flood. She considered donating to Sharp Park School because her own children attend there. If she could collect 330 books, each student at Sharp Park could have a book to read and keep. By gathering gently used books and putting them with chocolate, she reached her goal to get more children reading. A school event about holiday traditions allowed Themm to share the Icelandic tradition and gave the books to children. Children found books they were interested in “I heard from some parents that their kids were reading them at home and were excited to pick their own books,” she said. That sparked another idea, to give every child a new book. Forming a non-profit group named for her brother, Sam’s Book Flood, Themm plans to expand. This year she hopes to reach three elementary schools, and in five years, at least 15 elementary schools in Jackson County. With a six-member board guiding the new group, the web page www.samsbookflood.org will launch in May and efforts begin in earnest. “I just want to give back to the Jackson community. I’m from Jackson, and I’m proud to be raising my kids here,” she said.

V.P. selected for national fellowship Congratulations to Dr. Kathryn (Kate) Thirolf, vice president for instruction at Jackson College, on her selection for the Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence. There are 40 Aspen Presidential Fellows selected from across the country who will embark on a 10-month fellowship beginning in July 2019. Thirolf serves as vice president for instruction, the chief academic officer responsible for all functions related to teaching and learning at the College. “I am honored and humbled to be part of the next cohort of Aspen Presidential Fellows,” said Thirolf. “I am excited to connect with colleagues across the country about something I care deeply about—the unique and transformative impact that community colleges have to advance student success and strengthen communities.”



Friends graduate from high school, Jackson College together “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey Friends Shania Johnson and Kristaun Boykins have been there for each other for years.

Retired teacher still loves helping students Helping students succeed makes each day meaningful for instructor Carmelia Hawkins. Hawkins is a retired middle school math teacher from Albion. Although she retired, she wasn’t ready to totally give up teaching, so in 2015 she decided to teach part-time at Jackson College. Today she teaches a first-year college readiness course, Seminar in Life Pathways. In it, she helps students develop the skills, qualities and behaviors needed for academic and career success. “To see the growth in the students when you’re able to give them all of these tools that exist is amazing,” she said. “Simple tools that we take for granted are the strongest ones for student growth -- how to set goals, help for making wise decisions. What I enjoy is when you see students come alive and see them start using these tools; that’s the joy of being here.” Hawkins grew in her own love of education following her parents’ example. Her father, Robert Holt, now 101 years old, attended Lincoln University in Missouri before heading off to World War II, and he and Hawkins’ mother instilled an expectation of going to college in their children. Hawkins has brought her dad to class with her a few times. When he saw all the computers and resources available today, he gave his daughter a little lecture about how important it is to help students learn and excel. She helps other instructors as an instructional coach. Through observation and conversation about their technique, instructional coaches work to make each other better. All in the name of student success. “If you’ve ever had a dream, you can still achieve that dream,” Hawkins said.



Johnson and Boykins both hail from Saginaw and graduated together from Arthur Hill High School. This spring, the two friends will again don caps and gowns together as they graduate from Jackson College. Both came to Jackson College to study and to play a sport. Both have chosen career paths based on experiences. Johnson plays volleyball and studies biology with plans to become an orthodontist, after her own experience with braces when she was younger. Boykins plays

basketball and is completing her general studies. She plans to become a physical therapist, following her own experience with therapy following a knee injury. While at the College, both have lived in campus housing and served as resident assistants (RAs). Coming together with a friend from home in a new place helped ease the transition to college life. “It’s been a good experience. Having someone you know helps make things easier,” Johnson said. “The opportunity to play basketball and be part of a team has been great. And the opportunity to live on campus at a community college and still get the dorm life; that has been exciting. I enjoy helping out on campus,” Boykins said. After graduation, the two friends will head in different directions as Johnson plans to transfer to Eastern Michigan University and Boykins to Oakland University in the fall. But like true Jets, they know they will always soar together.

Jackson College offers students the opportunity to live on campus! With space for 500 residents, students find friends and activities, while finding one’s own space. “For a community college, our dorms are amazing,” said Markyia Douglas, a resident assistant who will graduate this May. “I am more successful here than I would be staying at home. It has taught me about different resources and ways to go about things. Being here on my own, I have to learn to do it on my own. And the people here are always welcoming. I really love that.”

For student Antaysia Baltimore-Allen, living in Campus View allowed her to step out of her comfort zone without going too far from home. “I chose Jackson College because it’s my hometown and I wasn’t totally ready to leave my family. My experience at CV3 has been amazing. Living on campus allows you to network and to learn how to communicate.” Student Matthew Lee of Adrian chose Jackson College to get away from home and get used to college and classes. He found the best of both worlds at the community college. “It’s a good experience. You have your own room, but you also have a common room so you learn to work and live with others.”

Student Kaitlyn Willis of Jackson fell in love with the campus when she came for a tour. She appreciates the opportunity to get the complete college experience before going on to a four-year university. “I have truly appreciated my roommates each year and view them as forever friends! I highly recommend the dorms because it gives you a great sense of community and it gives you an advantage when transferring to a university.” Openings are currently available. Visit www.jccmi.edu/housing for more information.

Money Smart Week What do college students like more than money? Jackson College students had a chance to win some cash while learning about money management during Monday Smart Week, presented with CP Federal Credit Union. With a GeoCache for College Cash event, students at Jackson, Lenawee and Hillsdale campuses could search for seven posters hidden throughout their campus and answer questions about financial literacy for a chance to win $500. The event started out with an inflatable money machine grab for cash, with $365 awarded! The local event is part of a larger initiative to offer free financial education across the U.S. CENTRAL CAMPUS 2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201 517.787.0800

MAHER CAMPUS 3000 Blake Road Jackson, MI 49201 517.768.7097

MAY 2019

Athletic Summer Camps


HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE TO FORM Area junior varsity and varsity boys basketball teams are invited to participate in a High School Summer League at Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse. Junior varsity teams will play on Wednesdays (June 5, 12, 19, 26); and varsity on Thursdays (June 6, 13, 20, 27), with the first game starting at 5 p.m. each day. Cost for one team is $400, two teams, $600. All entry fees must be paid in full by May 16; schedule will be sent by May 30. Teams are allowed up to two coaches, with two games per week, seven-game guarantee. There will be two referees per court. A one-day tournament will be played for each division, JV on June 26 and varsity on June 27. A team trophy will be awarded for the championship team in each division. Up to 12 championship shirts will go to the top team of each division. If you have any questions or to register, contact coach Marshawn Norris, NorrisMarshawL@jccmi.edu or 517.936.8942.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL VARSITY TEAM SHOOTOUT High school varsity teams are invited to come and compete against other varsity teams in the area in a shootout June 11 & 13. Each team is guaranteed three games in a shootout, first game starts at 5:30 p.m. Shootout is hosted by Jackson College’s women’s basketball team and coaches. Visit www.jacksoncollegejets.com to register online. Cost $150 per team. For more information, contact Heather Brown at 517.206.6397, or BrownHeatherM01@jccmi.edu.

YOUTH BASEBALL CAMP Boys ages 7-13 are invited to a Youth Baseball Camp on June 17-18 from 9 a.m. to noon. Campers will learn fundamental baseball skills. Cost is $85; Call 517.796.8592 to register or to request a registration form.

If you ask Sheila Patterson for help, she is there, ready and willing Sheila Patterson has helped her community by serving on the Jackson College Board of Trustees since 2008. Offering guidance that helps students succeed tops her priority list. “I serve because I care, it has been a passion of mine,” Patterson said. Managing the budget, increasing retention and graduation rates, and innovation to grow the College are constant challenges for the trustees. “We want to make sure we are catering to our students’ needs.” Attending a community college saves significant money for students, while giving them time to mature, get used to college and find their future path. “Jackson College cares about you (students). We want you to be successful here; we want you to grow here. You are not an ID number; you are a person we’d love to have here.”

PTK chapter takes top honors C

ongratulations to Jackson College’s Alpha Rho Lambda chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, named third finalist of most distinguished chapters out of 1,400-plus chapters at the recent Catalyst national convention! Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges. To be considered for a Distinguished Chapter Award, a chapter must submit entries for both the Honors in Action Project and College Project Award. A total of 2,340 entries were received in the 2019 Hallmark Awards competition. ADDITIONAL AWARDS RECEIVED INCLUDE: • Distinguished Theme Awards - Honors In Action, Theme “Economies of Everything,” focusing on the economies of the college student. • Distinguished Honors In Action Project Award • Distinguished College Project Award, “Mentoring Newly Enrolled Jackson County Early College Students (JCEC)” • Alumni Award of Appreciation – Nicole Cossum-Ready • Distinguished Officer Team Award; officers are: Askhahiran Devananda, Morgann Betterly, Alicia Mosby, Madison Record, Lawrence Setiawan; Nicole Cossum-Ready and Robert Lombrana, alumni vice presidents. JACKSON COLLEGE @ LISD TECH 1376 North Main Street Adrian, MI 49221 517.265.5515

• Michigan Regional Awards for Excellence in the following focus areas: Scholarship, Fellowship, and Transfer Readiness. • Michigan is a five-star level region and Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter has attained, for the eighth consecutive year, the five-star chapter level — the highest it can achieve. It is a REACH Chapter, which means that the chapter excelled in membership development during the 2018 calendar year; 238 students accepted PTK membership, which equates to 21 percent of our Phi Theta Kappa-eligible students.

Congratulations to the Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter and advisor Martha Petry for your accomplishments! To be eligible, students must complete at least 12 credit hours of course work with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. PTK is available at all Jackson College campuses, and now, in the Prison Education Initiative program for incarcerated students. To learn more, visit the website at www.jccmi.edu/phi-theta-kappa.

LETARTE CENTER 3120 West Carleton Road Hillsdale, MI 49242 517.437.3343

Patterson is a Jackson native who has lived and worked in the community all her life. A 1987 graduate of Lumen Christi High School, she earned her bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Spring Arbor College and later a master’s degree in business administration from Spring Arbor University. She has worked with Consumers Energy since 2002, currently serving as a senior business support consultant in process management for Supply Chain. In addition to serving as a trustee, Patterson serves on the Salvation Army Board, the Barkley and LuLu Foundation board, the CMS Club of Consumers Energy, Jackson Community Foundation’s Grant Committee and the NAACP, among others. She previously served on the Jackson Public School Board. “I have my hands in a little bit of everything. Serving comes naturally. At Jackson College, the most rewarding part of serving as a trustee is always seeing students graduate. That is a success.”

FLIGHT CENTER Reynolds Municipal Airport 3610 Wildwood Jackson, MI 49202 517.787.7012




Local leaders honored

At the end of each traditional academic year, Jackson College pauses to recognize local leaders who are making an impact. Learn more about the awards. THE DR. ETHELENE JONES CROCKETT DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD honors an alumnus who has gone above and beyond in their career and community. It is named in honor of the 1934 Jackson Junior College graduate who went on to become Michigan’s first AfricanAmerican obstetrician/gynecologist, director of the Crittenton Hospital clinics, headed the health care committee of New Detroit, Inc., and organized neighborhood health programs. Dr. Crockett was also the first woman president of the Christmas Seal Campaign.


Dr. Frederic Slete has been making people smile in Jackson for more than 30 years! Whether it is his career or his community, this dentist gives his best each day. Serving patients in private practice since 1983, Slete has established himself at the local, state and national levels of his profession. He belongs to several professional groups, including the Jackson District Dental Society where he helped to create a dental scholarship for Jackson College students. He continues to practice and to teach at both the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and Augusta University Dental College of Georgia. Believing that all professionals share a responsibility to be part of the success of the community where they work, he is active in the local area. Slete has served the Jackson Hosts Lions Club, the Jackson Chamber of Commerce, Jackson Citizens for Economic Growth, Blackman Township Land Development Finance Authority (LDFA) Board, Jackson Community College Alumni Association, and the Jackson College Foundation Board of Directors. “I am honored, humbled and thankful to have been chosen for this award,” he said. “To be selected is quite an honor.”

THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD recognizes an individual or individuals who demonstrate exemplary service to both the community and to the College. Honorees are selected for their care and concern, beyond self, for the welfare and educational advancement of this community that has been expressed, in part, through the College. It is the highest honor given by the College to our committed and involved community leaders, one similar to that of an honorary doctorate bestowed by universities.


Sen. Mike Shirkey, Clark Lake Republican, has served Michigan’s 16th Senate District since 2014. Shirkey’s Republican colleagues elected him to serve as Senate majority leader for his second term, beginning January 2019. Prior to joining the Senate, Shirkey served four years in the Michigan House of Representatives, representing the 65th District. Shirkey is the founder and owner of Orbitform, an engineering company that manufactures forming, fastening, joining and assembly equipment for a wide range of industries and applications. With a company motto of “solutions delivered,” he brings similar thinking to finding solutions that people need as a lawmaker. Locally, Shirkey served on the Columbia Central School Board in the 1980s and 1990s. He also is the past board chair of Allegiance Health System. Shirkey has been a strong supporter of Jackson College in Lansing. “Jackson College has grown exponentially in the last several years. Their impact on the economic comeback is not one we can ignore. They train students to join the workforce and become extremely valuable members of our society,” he said.

Jackson College earns Military Friendly® Designated Status Awarded Military Friendly Designated Status by VIQTORY, this recognizes the College’s services and support for veterans, active military, and their family members. The College’s Veterans Resource Center helps student veterans enroll in their education and find success in their courses. Veterans may receive guidance with their GI Bill education benefits and academic advising, all while enjoying space where they can connect with others. A Student Veterans of America group welcomes all student and family members. The College enrolls about 140 military-connected students each year. “This national status, along with our Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) gold-level recognition, lends credence to the Jackson College commitment to our military-connected student population,” said Randall Locke, veterans resource representative. “We strive to improve, and these external reviews and acknowledgments, complemented by the success of our students, let us know we’re on the right track.” Find the 2019-2020 Military Friendly® Schools list in the May issue of G.I. Jobs magazine; www.militaryfriendly.com.

THE SECOND LIEUTENANT ZENNETH A. POND SOARING YOUNG ALUMNI AWARD was created in honor of Jackson Junior College (JJC) alumni Zenneth Arthur Pond who dreamed of flying and became the first JJC student to receive his pilot’s license in the Civilian Pilot Training Course. In 1941, Pond enlisted in the Marines and later found a home as a “Bulldog” of Squadron VMF-223. In 1942, the Bulldogs became the first squadron to base out of Guadalcanal. After achieving the status of “fighter ACE,” Pond’s aircraft disappeared in a dogfight and was never seen again. Pond was given a posthumous promotion to captain and awarded the Navy Cross.


Dr. Jonathan Curtis receives the firstever Second Lt. Zenneth Pond Soaring Young Alumni Award, honoring excellence and leadership in an alumnus aged 35 and younger. Curtis has demonstrated those qualities admirably in his young career. He operates his own practice in Chelsea, Curtis Chiropractic, managing everything from patient care to day-to-day operations. He loves what he does because he loves to help people. Caring for his community, Curtis serves on the Board of Directors of the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, an ambassador for the Chelsea Chamber and previous ambassador of the Jackson Chamber of Commerce. He also coaches middle and high school basketball teams throughout the spring and summer in Chelsea. “When I learned that I had been recognized with the Zenneth Pond Soaring Young Alumni Award, I was humbly honored,” Curtis said. “I personally know so many great young Jackson College alumni and with this honor, I hope to inspire and continue to be a positive role model in our community.”

Men’s bowling rolls 7th in nation!


ongratulations to the Jets bowling team on an outstanding finish to their first season, taking 7th in the nation! “The men’s team surprised me like no other,” said coach Corey Daniels, who earned Coach of the Year honors in the regional championship for the MCCAA/NJCAA. “I knew the men would be fairly competitive, but nothing like this. They were easy to recruit as they approached me about joining and had a lot of dedication to winning. What an amazing accomplishment for our first-year program.” After winning the regional in February, the men’s team traveled to New York in March for the NJCAA National Tournament. Players Austin Hostetler, Ryan Saville, and Keegan Campbell all earned All-Region and All-MCCAA honors for the season.

John Kortz, Brock Fullerton and Andrew Richard rounded out this year’s team. While the men’s team went to nationals, the Jets women started the season without a full complement of team members but grew throughout, managing to end the season in the top half of the conference. The women’s team included Hannah Boobyer, Cami Emerson, Amanda Enners, Rachel Pelfrey, Maddie Spataro and Emily Tomblin. “This was a tremendous building block for our program,” Daniels said. Recruiting has already begun for next year’s teams.

MAY 2019

Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE)

Tiny homes planned for Central Campus


o better serve Jackson College’s diverse student population, administrators are exploring the possibility of bringing tiny houses to Central Campus! The College has offered on-campus, singleperson housing since 2007 when the first Campus View (CV) facility opened. Today there are three CV housing units, two apartment-style (i.e., fully equipped with appliances and furniture) and one dormstyle (i.e., furniture only). However, these serve full-time, single students on campus. Students who are non-traditional (i.e., beyond 24 years of age), young couples, senior citizens, or single parents with a child, currently do not have the opportunity to live on campus. President Daniel J. Phelan hopes to change that. “To advance our work in a Total Commitment to Student Success, TCS2, and to serve the unique, whole student,

we realized that there are some student populations we’re just not serving. Adding tiny homes to our housing stock will provide more flexibility, opportunity and appeal to unserved students. In light of the current and emerging needs of both our current and potential future students, we need to consider new ways of serving,” Phelan said. A small, Tiny Home Village, possibly five units, is tentatively set for this fall if all the necessary infrastructure work comes together. It would be located on the southeast side of campus, in an area close to the Jets Hangar, Childcare Center and Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse. Plans are still in the works at this time. For more information, call Student Housing at 517.990.1337, or visit www.jccmi.edu/housing

Central Campus beltway improvements continue; fitness trail planned A fully connected beltway around Central Campus, improved entries and exits to the Central Campus and a future fitness trail are in the plans for Jackson College! For years, the service road or beltway had ended on the east side campus by DaVinci Institute, and a little further south by the Jets Hangar and ABC Academy. The road now connects those points, with improvements to continue. Left and right turn lanes will be added to both the Emmons Road and Browns Lake Road entrances, helping with the distribution of traffic after events. Improvements will be made this year to the drive from the area north of Bert Walker Hall wrapping around to the south of Potter Center, improving the road’s base where necessary, adding a layer of asphalt, and fixing a problem with storm surge washout after heavy rains, said Jim Jones, vice president of facilities and information technology. Improvements are planned for the loading dock areas of the Potter Center to improve access for stage show commercial traffic and the college bookstore and to provide more parking. Once the road work is complete, construction of a new fitness trail around campus will begin. A walking path with stops along the way for different fitness activities is also in the works.

President Phelan part of higher education regulation Helping to shape higher education policy, Jackson College President Dr. Daniel J. Phelan is generally pleased with the outcome of a national committee debating higher education reforms in Washington, D.C. Phelan represented two-year public institutions of higher education as a non-federal negotiator on the Accreditation and Innovation Committee, part of the U.S. Department of Education’s Negotiated Rule Making (Neg Reg) process. Thirty committee members reviewed U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos’s proposed “Accreditation and Innovation” reforms, necessary for reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. It is an important step in the regulatory process that affects how colleges and universities educate students today. “Everyone there was very thoughtful and well-meaning, and came prepared,” Phelan said. “There were a variety of perspectives, but we came together and accomplished the work.” Phelan was one of only two negotiators from Michigan, and one of only two community college representatives asked to serve.

CCE at Jackson College is pleased to provide high-quality training programs. Our Workforce Training team works one-on-one with employers across multiple industries to develop trainings to meet current workforce demands. In addition, CCE offers continuing education to individuals seeking employment, skills enhancement, or personal enrichment. UPCOMING RAPID TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Google IT Support Professional Certificate This five-course certificate, developed by Google, includes an innovative curriculum designed to prepare you for an entry-level role in IT support. Through a mix of video lectures, quizzes, hands-on labs and widgets, participants will be introduced to troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, system administration and security. This course includes the following subject topics: • Technical Support Fundamentals • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking • Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User • System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services • IT Security: Defense against the Digital Dark Arts This is a grant-funded training, FREE for eligible participants. For additional information, please contact the Corporate and Continuing Education Department at 517.796.8610. FANUC CERT I – Handling Tool Operation and Programming This 32-hour course covers the tasks that an entry-level robotics associate needs to set up, record and/or troubleshoot programs on the FANUC Robotics Handling Tool Software Package. Students work with a real, industrial FANUC robot and learn the skills necessary to work in the advanced manufacturing industry. An additional 25 hours of self-study lab time must be completed to meet certificate requirements. • Monday through Thursday, June 17 – 20 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Jackson Area Career Center This is a grant-funded training available in partnership with the Advance Michigan Catalyst, Jackson College, Michigan Works! Southeast, Jackson Area Manufacturers Association, and the Jackson Area Career Center. For eligibility information, contact Stacy Reese at Michigan Works Southeast at 517.841.5627, extension 64229. CCE REDUCED-TUITION COURSES CCE has a limited number of reserved seats, at a reduced price, in credit-bearing classes to allow individuals not pursuing credit to explore our degrees, advance their skill-set, or for employers looking to train a small number of employees. Participants not seeking credit must register through CCE and purchase the required textbooks at the Jackson College bookstore. Prerequisites and/or professional work experience may be required for enrollment. • CCE 152: Circuit Analysis I, $934.20 – Starts June 3, 2019 • CCE 172: Materials/Metallurgy, $229.20 – Starts June 1, 2019 • CCE 103: Fundamentals of Welding, $567.90 – Starts May 30, 2019 • CCE 234: Ethical Hacking $551.55 – Starts June 11, 2019 • CCE 122: Basic Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) – Basic, $1,721.40 – Starts May 30, 2019 Teacher State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) CCE offers SCECHs, previously known as Continuing Education Units for Michigan K-12 certification renewal. Educators can now complete online courses, and earn 24 SCECHs for State of Michigan approved offerings. Classes must be listed on CCE’s SCECHs Instructor Center to be eligible for SCECHs. Cost: $119 per course. For more information and to register go to www.jccmi.edu/cce


MAY 2019


Music, community and more will be on the schedule when Jackson College hosts the Juneteenth Celebration featuring Motown and jazz music on Saturday, June 15 at 2 p.m. at the CP Federal City Square, Jackson. The Juneteenth Celebration and Resource Fair is a free community event. In addition to some great music, the afternoon will start with a helpful community resource fair – a job fair, health fair and education fair. The evening features a great outdoor musical concert

with Phase 5, a fan favorite from Detroit that recreates Motown’s greatest hits! Also performing will be Jackson’s R&B, soul and rock band Airtight, and DJ Matt Wade. Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration of freedom for African-Americans. It commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas, originating in Galveston in 1865. Today, Juneteenth commemorates African-American freedom and emphasizes achievement.

Awards will be presented to the top three finishers in each age group. All participants receive a T-shirt.

Step up for the 49th Annual Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists Rose Run June 8! The Rose Run features a new 10-mile run, along with the 10K and 5K runs and a 5K walk around the Jackson College Central Campus. “We wanted to add this new run since it’s popular. We hope it will draw more people to the Rose Run,” said Serafin Llerena, cross country coach. The 10-mile run will start at 7:30 a.m., while the 10K & 5K runs will start at 8 a.m. Kids can get involved with a half-mile Kids Run.

Register online or print a mail-in registration form at www.jacksonroserun.com. The cost for events is $25 in advance, $30 on race day. Kids Fun Run is free, or $5 with T-shirt. Registration and packet pick-up will be available Friday 5-7 p.m. and Saturday before 7:30 a.m. in the lobby of the Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse. Proceeds from the Rose Run will benefit the Jackson College cross country program.

Great music at the 2019 Front Porch Concert Series at Jackson College! Bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy these fun, free musical events! All concerts begin at 7 p.m. outside the Potter Center at Jackson College. (Concerts will move indoors in case of inclement weather). • River Jazz – June 13 • Trombonefest – June 16 • Jackson Community Concert Band Pre Fourth of July Concert – June 18 • Capital City Brass Band – June 27

Summer Band offers musical and marching instruction, culminating in a concert and participation in the Hanover Fourth of July Parade! Summer Band will meet JUNE 24 – JULY 4. Beginners with one to two years experience meet 9 - 11:45 a.m. each day, while intermediate students with two or more years meet 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Both groups will overlap for a 45-minute marching rehearsal at 11 a.m. Camp will meet in the Ruth Day Theatre, Potter Center on Jackson College’s Central Campus. A July 3rd concert will be held in Potter Center. Young musicians will benefit from full concert band

rehearsals, small-group and marching sessions. High school musicians interested in pursuing secondary instruments are invited to attend the beginning camp, or assist on their main instruments with beginners. Cost is $75 per student. To register, visit www.jccmi.edu. Have time to volunteer? Parents, high school and college students who can sit in with the group or lead sectionals may contact Director Dan Bickel, bickeldanielp@jccmi.edu.

sneak peek • The Guess Who • “Chicks with Hits”featuring Terri Clark, Pam Tillis and Suzy Bogguss • Postmodern Jukebox TICKETS ON SALE NOW! • Nebraska Theater Caravan’s “A Christmas Carol” • The Greatest Love of All: Tribute to Whitney Houston • Ballet Folklorico Nacional de Mexico • le Cirque Esprit • The Oak Ridge Boys


Watch for more information at www.jccmi.edu/pottercenter


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