ABPL20033 - Construction Analysis, Semester 1 - 2020 Dr Sofia Colabella, Subject coordinator Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 Jackson Comben 834398 26/5/2020 Lake Wendouree Residence ASSIGNMENT 2
FLIPBOOK SECTION 2D: construction stages, details and annotations
Stage 01 Site Preparation and Footings During this preliminary stage, the initial sketch for the proposed plan is drafted and then assessed by town planning. The plan is then approved if it complies with the regulations of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and work can begin on site. Firstly, temporary fences are installed for safety as well as facilities such as a site office, portaloos, electricity connection etc. In terms of construction, the initial stage is to demolish the existing house and vegetation. Once completed the site is levelled using an excavator, and the initial slab boundaries are laid out using laser measuring tools, these are clearly defined on site by timber hurdles installed on the perimeter. A geotechnical engineer must determine the soil bearing capabilities by conducting a soil profile. This profile determines how deep the trenches and footings must be. In the context of this project, the proximity of the lake plays a critical role in determining the required footings, as the soil has increased moisture compared to most sites. Excavation of trenches and footings is then completed, whereby blinding has been utilised to provide an increased bearing capacity, rather than using additional concrete which is costly. This blinding is in direct response to the context and conditions of site in terms of increasing bearing capacity. Timber hurdles are also installed on slab boundaries in preparation for the pouring of concrete, as well as any service pipes within the slab.
Clearly mark out what each nail refers to such as centreline, edge, trench etc. Demolition
Site Excavation
TIMBER HURDLE DETAIL Timber hurdles are installed around perimeter of site after it has been cleared. They’re positioned through utilising laser measuring tools Top soil Salty clay Mix Brown grey moist Salty clay Dark brown grey Moist and firm
Mini excavator digs trenches according to locations defined by timber hurdles
Existing vegetation and house to be demolished. Caution must be taken especially if asbestos is present
Very damp soft
As blinding is not excessive, it can be completed with using a shovel
Clay Brown mottle Moist and stiff
Refer to timber hurdle detail
Refer to Soil Profile Dotted line - existing ground line
Soil profile determines depth of clay under ground level (600mm) that blinding must reach. Refer to stage 1 plan for exact location
trenches to be excavated Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
Blinding minimum 200mm into clay STAGE 01 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 2
Stage 02 Ground Floor Structure In constructing the ground floor slab and its foundations, the process is consecutive beginning at the bottom and works upwards. Now that blinding has been installed, a 50mm layer of sand is spread to provide a consistent surface. In addition a 0.2mm polyethylene vapour barrier is also laid out to limit exposure to moisture. Once completed, trench mesh is inserted in trenches according specific locations that require reinforcement. The steel is typically located according to vertical support structures such as the placement of columns. Next the 110mm waffle pods are put in place. The advantages of using a waffle slab design compared to other forms is that it provides a higher energy rating and its simplicity in construction, but it was most likely utilised due to its ability to create a piered slab raised above the ground plane. However compared to other forms of slabs, additional care must be taken in detailing and ensuring appropriate drainage. Additional steel mesh is placed on top and now the concrete can be poured. It is essential that labourers work in a timely manner while concrete is still fluid. It’s moved into place via shovel, then a concrete vibrator is utilised to remove additional air pockets to further refine the concrete. In this process steel plates are also installed to provide connections for steel columns. And lastly screeding is performed to provide a consistent flat surface to the concrete slab and a trowel machine can then be used to polish. Once the process is complete the concrete must dry for about a week before additional construction can be completed. The full curing process takes approximately 28 days.
hydronic coils 1-N12 steel bar extend to lap 600mm with lower 3-N16 bars 110mm polyethelyne waffle pod 0.2mm polyethelyne vapour barrier 50mm sand bed Existing soil conditions
Blinding 200mm into clay
Formwork is installed on slab boundary to provide a frame for when slab is poured
Minimum 300mm
Cement mixer truck arrives on site. If the site is difficult to access, a pump system enables the concrete to be poured more easily
TYPICAL SLAB CROSS-SECTION SCALE 1:20 Workers move the concrete as it is being poured to prevent air pockets and ensure an even surface. This must be completed before the concrete dries, the wetter the concrete the more workable it is. Afterwards screeding occurs to flatten and level the surface, as well as a trowel machine to refine smaller areas Refer to Typical Slab Cross-Section for details Retaining wall, refer to Stage 2 plan for location
Isolated slab to provide further insulation for cellar, as it requires specific thermal qualities for its contents. Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
50mm styrofoam thermal insulation
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 02 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 3
Stage 03 Vertical Elements In this stage, vertical elements are now utilised. The majority of steel components arrive on site, predominantly consisting of beams and columns as well as joinery to provide load bearing capacity for the remaining house. Columns are placed and connected to the slab via base plates, then beams are installed horizontally through additional plates and/or welding to provide support for the intermediate ground structure. As these elements are heavy, a crane would have been utilised. Scaffolding would also be installed around the perimeter. This skeleton of steel framework provides the main source of bearing capacity for the entire house. Some steelwork including the kitchen bench is also installed at this time due to its uniformity with the rest of steel components. Additional walls are also constructed including brickwork and particular timber stud framework, as these also provide additional load bearing qualities. The timber framework is completed either on site by a carpenter or prefabricated. They must ensure lintels and openings have been accommodated for. Framework is then vertically placed according to the slab layout, and types of bracing is also required in the form of steel cross-bracing or timber plywood bracing.
100x100x5 square hollow section steel beam 2/90x45 kiln-dried hardwood column Scaffolding is installed around the external perimeter of site
Crane is used to lift steelwork into place 124x248 universal beam
450x63 laminated veneered lumber or 250 Parallel Flange Channel steel beam
LOAD PATH DIAGRAM 100x50x5 rectangular hollow section steel column
250 Parallel Flange Channel steel beam Brick walls and specific timber framework is also completed as these provide load bearing capacities. See stage 3 plan for wall details
200x100x5 rectangular hollow section steel column 89x89x6 square hollow section steel column
125x75x4 rectangular hollow section steel column 200x200 cast-in plate (galv) Full Strength Butt Weld (FSBW)to column. 4xN16 anchor bars to provide reinforcement drape fabric as required
Refer to Stage 2 for slab details Typical Steel Column Base Plate Scale 1:20 Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
89x89x5 square hollow section steel cross bracing to support load bearing capacity of columns by increasing tensile strength as opposed to compressive strength Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
additional steelwork including the kitchen bench is installed during this period. This is because steel is connected to foundations completed in stage 2
STAGE 03 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 4
Stage 04 Intermediate Floor Structure Now that vertical elements including load bearing structures are installed on site, process can now begin on the intermediate floor structure. Scaffolding is placed to provide bearing capacity while the intermediate floor structure undergoes construction. In the context of this project, a long reach webbed timber floor truss system have been utilised, sizing in 350 and 500mm deep. This system provides a light weight support that’ is beneficial with dissipating floor vibrations. They can be easily installed due to prefabrication, but they consist of extensive nails in its construction. The trusses are connected to steel components through bolting and nail fixtures. However steel is also used in the truss itself for additional support. The trusses are placed at 450mm centres in compliance with its engineering specifications. In terms of the staircase, additional bearers including angled support is placed underneath treading to provide bearing capacity. Once installed, 19mm Yellow Tongue Particleboard is fixed in panels that contain a slotting system, which are then nailed to the top of floor trusses. Thee panels must be off centred rather than in a grid like pattern a this provides additional bearing capacity. Now the intermediate floor structure is complete and is structurally sound to be used at a platform to complete the roof system.
Floor trusses carry and transfer the weight load through supporting elements and then down through foundations. The top and bottom chord are the horizontal members that frame the truss. The bottom chord especially carries both tension and compressive stress. Webbed members on the other hand aid in distributing axial stresses
Refer to Floor Truss Detail for specifications 19mm thick Yellow Tongue Particle board nailed to top of floor trusses
TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL Floor trusses are cantilevered which allows then to be placed on top of beams. Then they are fixed horizontally by nail plates
Truss constructed from 90x45 laminated pine
Refer to Truss Connection Detail
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 04 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 5
Stage 05 Roof System Similar to the intermediate flooring system, another truss network has been utilised. However thee trusses are more lightweight, as there is less load to support. The roof trusses are place at 600mm centres in compliance with its spanning specifications, and are placed on/connected to the timber framework. Other parts of the house including above the 3 bedroom contain very complex roofing forms and require used a rafter/batten system to achieve this design. Openings for skylights must be accommodated for. Once initial framing is completed, rafter battens are installed on top in addition to the roof blanket. This blanket provides insulation for the roof, as well as the battens being the connection for the Stramit Speed Deck 700, a type of klip-lok roof sheeting. Additionally water catchment and draining systems including box gutters and downpipes are also installed at this stage. These components including flashing must be a material that is resistant to weather damage, this project predominantly utilise stainless steel and zinc.
Roof blanket consiting of sarking, roof battens and Anticon 55 Lightduty blanket insulation 60mm
Refer to Roof Detail for specifications
Stramit Speed Deck 700 roof sheeting 0.42mm thickness
Parapet with zince flashing folded zince box gutter for flashing additional flashing Multi-grips framing anchor to each side of roof truss 120x45 treated pine
Refer to plan for roof truss spacing details
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 05 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 6
Stage 06 External Cladding and Windows External cladding is now constructed, predominantly consisting of 0.7mm zinc panels. However other exteriors include different materials such as brickwork and timber (shown in drawings). Windows are also installed and must comply with Australian Standards 1228 installation. Windows including the double height located in kitchen void will require a crane to be fitted. Most windows consist of double glazing to maximise thermal capacities and avoid over heating, especially on the West facing facade. In addition to this, a screening strategy ha also been deployed on the West facade. Timber battens and zinc panelling provides shade and limits solar heat gain. Similarly, although it is not directly linked to the construction process, the growing vertical vegetation on the front of the facade could be considered a type of cladding. The Vegetation is deciduous and perhaps also provides a thermal barrier in summer while withering in winter. Now that this process has been complete the house is now sealed and insulation can now be installed. Most insulation provides thermal qualities however insulation in the intermediate floor and around service pipes provide accoustic protection.
Anticon 55 Lightduty blanket insulation R-Value 1.3 Blanket Thickness 60mm
Bradford Anticon Roof Blanket insulation thickness 210mm
Refer to Exterior Wall detail for specifications
WINDOW DETAIL double glazed window
Bradford Soundscreen Plus insulation thickness: 120mm. This provides acoustic protection from first floor
42x90 kild dried spotted gum connected by 90x12 zinc blades 10mm cleat plate to beam
Bradford Anticon Roof Blanket insulation thickness 210mm
Refer to window detail
EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 06 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 7
Stage 07 Internal Partitions Now that the house is sealed and the exterior is complete, work can be undertaken in regards to the interior. Internal partitions in the form of timber stud frames are placed to divide spaces and define specific rooms. These walls can be distinguished from walls already completed as they are non-load bearing. However these walls might be exposed to lateral stress so cross wall bracing is (in most cases) utilised. Other internal partitions include the sliding door connected to the dining room. Work is also completed in regards to installing plasterboard, the predominant material for ceilings and wall finishes. Plasterboard is connected to suspended ceiling battens. Before this takes place a consideration must be made in terms of electrical services that are contained in walls. Openings must be accommodated for in terms of electrical services and mechanical services. Walll Tiles are also installed in bathrooms, laundry and powder room.
50x25 timber ceiling battens at 600 centres
Green represents plasterboard to be installed
300x100x6mm ceramic white tiles are installed on bathroom walls Timber stud framework defining upstairs bathroom. Refer to Timber Stud Framework for details
13mm plasterboard
6mm Villaboard fully taped and scrimmed See Stage 07 wall detail for specifications
15x15x1.6mm steel angle as shadowline. Glued to Villaboard Exposed brickwork remains the final finish
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 07 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 8
Stage 08 Joinery and Finishes Stage 08 is essentially the ‘final touches’ of the construction process. However this stage involves a significant amount of work. Finishings of surfaces are completed including tiling, timber floor and carpets, as well as any remaining interior wall and ceiling finishes. Variations of door frames arrive on site and are connected accordingly. Installation of services including gas, electrical and water connections are established as well as lighting and circuit boards. and additional flashing also occurs to ensure the building is completely waterproof. Joinery such as shelving, cabinetry and robes are constructed on site or prefabricated. Skirting are also placed and painting of specified materials is also completed.
Bathroom Joinery and service fittings are connected 130mm x 19mm tongue and groove timber flooring 300x100mm Ceramic white tile placed on top of hydronic slab coils
Tv unit installed into the wall
600x300 Pietra Bronzea Brushed tiles placed on slab Colour - Fugabella Eco 05 Anthracite Thickness - 12 to 15mm Kitchen joinery plus services including water eletrical and gas are connected. Appliances are also installed Image showing hydronic slab coils placed under tiles in uptairs bathrooms
Built in table for cellar
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 08 SECTION Scale 1:50
| p. 9
Stage 01 Site Preparation and Footings Demolition
Site Excavation
Timber hurdles are installed around whole perimeter, they allow the marking and placement of certain elements including trenches, waffle pods and site boundary
Waste pipe according to service pipes layout. Pipes must be wrapped in lagging to provide insulation and protection from concrete. This happens after site excavation has occured. Dashed line represents waffle pod layout
Mini excavator digs out trenches according to the ground floor slab plan, this also defines locations of waffle pods to be installed
Demolition is undertaken to existing house. Workers must be cautious of materials uncluding asbestos. Certain other materials may also be recycled including timber or roof sheets
Blinding is conducted in certain locations, they’re particularly positioned where steel columns and other load bearing aspects are present. This is because they require increased structural support
Site office and various amenities including portaloos, safety fences and eletrical services must be completed before construction can begin
STAGE 01 PLAN Scale 1:50
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
| p. 10
Stage 02 Ground Floor Slab
Screeding - Once concrete has been poured, workers flatten and smoothen a specific screeding tool as well as a level to ensure the surface is flat.
CONSECUTIVE PROCESS Location of steel base plate for steel column connections. As trench mesh is not present, blinding has been used for reinforcement Initial trenches and preparation completed in stage 1
https://www.allthingsflooring.com/2018/05/ concrete-vs-floor-screeds-what-is-the-difference/
Troweling - troweling is then completed to remove additional air pockets and further refine the surface. Although a trowel was most likely utilised, the finish does not have to be polished as tiles will be placed on top.
Hatching denotes blinding completed in the initial stage
0.2mm polyethelyne vapour barrier on top of 50mm sand bed
Support chairs for placing steel mesh Void former
Dashed line represents isolated slab in cellar, refer to Stage 2 Section for further details
Timber braces
N16 steel bar trench mesh are installed in trenches
110mm polyethelyne waffle pod
Steel pickets to provide reinforcement when pressure from concrete builds up
Concrete has been poured. Additionally is has been vibrated to remove any air pockets. It is then screeded to provide a flat, smooth surface. Because tiles will be installed on top, the concrete has not been polished
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
2-brick rebate (172mm typical)
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 02 PLAN Scale 1:50
| p. 11
Stage 03 Vertical Elements Refer to Retaining Wall Detail Crane is hired to lift heavy steel elements N12 steel rods penetrating into slab Concrete retaining wall blocks that slot into each other
Refer to Stage 03 Section for column details
Scissor lift is utilised by workers to reach the height level of specified beams
310x96 steel beam
250 Parallel Flange Channel steel beam 2/150x90x8 Unequal Angle steel lintel for above window and door
Load bearing brick wall laid out in strecher bond pattern. Brickworks utilised is standard 240x112x70 dimensions
Once columns and beams have been placed, they can be connected through steel bolt plates and then welded https://ascelibrary.org/doi/ abs/10.1061/%28ASCE%29ST.1943-541X.0001136
Example of steel column connection plate
Bolting fixtures Steel plate https://www.google.com/ url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsydneywelding.com.
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 03 PLAN Scale 1:50
| p. 12
Stage 04 Intermediate Floor Structure
particular trusses in other locations of the house involve steel web members for additional reinnforcement
Void over kitchen
Refer to particleboard diagram
Floor trusses are placed at 600 centres as specified
Floor trusses are supported my steel members recognised in stage 03
PARTICLE BOARD DIAGRAM Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 04 PLAN Scale 1:50
| p. 13
Stage 05 ROOF SYSTEM Zinc double lock system with 25mm standing seam on wrap shield by Vapro shield over 19mm marine plywood at 430mm centres
variation of roof planes requires skillful carpentry to complete. Scaffolding around the perimeter aids in construction
parapet with stainless steel flashing
Stramit Speed Deck 700 roof sheeting 0.42mm thickness
Roof trusss at 600mm centres
120x45 roof battens. This includes the roof blanket see stage 05 section for specifications
Refer to Roof Sheeting Diagram for installation and specifications
Blue lines represent watchmanet and runoff process through gutter network VM zinc box gutter. Autumn Red Pigmento PLUS Thickness: Nominal 0.7 mm. zinc 100mm diameter downpipe. Internal downpipes include UPCV insulated lagging for acoustic purposes
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Example of Zinc downpipe
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 05 ROOFPLAN Scale 1:50
| p. 14
Stage 06 External Cladding and Windows Timber screening at 280mm centres exterior timber cladding is completed over dining room. See stage 08 detail 1as this exterior is the same as the interior sliding door design
Windows including waterproof flashing is completed at this stage. Exterior cladding includes the already constructed brick wall
Glass to comply with AS1288 and grade A safety glass where applicable
Double glazed and double heighted window Cladding profile: double lock standing seam (25mm high) over Enkamat and breathable sarking SA-01 on 19mm marine plywood. Exterior screening is a shading strategy for the west facing facade. Refer to wall detail 1 for specifications.
Double glazed Viridian ThermoTech IGU (clear glass/ 12mm argon gap / clear Energytech) window
Not directly related to the construction process, but vertical vegitation could be considered a form of cladding
After external cladding and windows are completed insulation can be fitted as the house is now sealed
Zinc cladding is installed on the first floor exterior WALL DETAIL 1
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
| p. 15
Stage 07 Internal Partitions
42x90 and 42x42 spotted gum timber cladding in dining room. Exposed brick - Grampian blue dark blend Mortar colour: mid grey
plasterboard finish 300x100x6mm ceramic white tiles located on bathroom wall
plasterboard finish Sliding internal wall, refer to Stage08 wall detail for specifications
Refer to Wall Detail 2 for specifications
Every wall in room to be clad with ceramic white tiles
plasterboard finish
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
| p. 16
Stage 08 Joinery and Finishes Joinery including drawers are completed on site or prefabricated if they are more complex
Built-in furniture including robes are installed in bedrooms
Shelving in main living area is fitted to timber stud framework
Kitchen appliances are installed
600x300 Pietra Bronzea Brushed tiles placed on slab Colour - Fugabella Eco 05 Anthracite Thickness - 12 to 15mm Kitchen benches are also fitted including accommodation for appliances
Solar panels are installed on roof. They are propped on stands to orientate North as the roof is facing East
Construction Analysis - Semester 2 2020 Studio Leader: Jim Commadeur Tutorial 4 ABPL20033 Tutorial 4
Name: Jackson Comben Student Number: 834398
STAGE 08 PLAN Scale 1:50
| p. 17