Hurricane Irma wasn’t just another storm – it was an event our community will never forget. As the storm tore through our area in 2017, we witnessed destruction on a scale our cooperative rarely sees. With wind gusting up to 60 m.p.h., Irma created dangerous conditions that limited our ability to safely restore power. Falling trees and limbs caused the most damage, including breaking 186 power poles.
Our employees worked tirelessly to help our members. But storms like that require extra help – that’s where our fellow cooperatives come in.
Co-ops, like Jackson EMC, are built on a set of shared cooperative principles. One of those principles is called “Cooperation among Cooperatives,” which reflects the deep commitment co-ops have to support one another. Throughout the year, and especially during National Cooperative Month in October, we emphasize these principles to demonstrate how they shape our operations and our values.
When there’s a hard-hitting storm, that’s when you’ll really see the principle of “Cooperation among Cooperatives” in action. The more destructive a storm, the more likely co-ops will need extra linemen to help restore power quickly and safely. In
some cases, damage is so significant that linemen from other states are called in to assist. This model of mutual aid is central to our cooperative mission – working together when it matters most. Co-ops across the nation, including Jackson EMC, have been committed to this since the 1930s, driven by the belief that we’re stronger together.
Because the national transmission and distribution infrastructure follows federal standards, linemen from other co-ops are immediately ready to help. With shared knowledge of the system, they can get to work quickly after a safety briefing, and we house and feed them during their stay, which often lasts several days or longer.
This model, called mutual aid, really highlights what it means to be a cooperative. Talk to any lineman who’s traveled to a fellow coop to restore power after a storm, and you’ll hear some incredible stories. Hurricanes Katrina, Hugo, Michael and Ian are some of the storms that caused unbelievable damage. They’ll tell you how grateful people were when the power came back on, and how they built lasting friendships with fellow linemen while working in tough conditions. For our members, mutual aid makes it possible for power to be restored quicker. For many in the community, seeing these
out-of-state bucket trucks represents more than just physical support – it’s a symbol of neighbors helping neighbors. It reinforces the cooperative value of unity, and in the face of disaster, it gives people a renewed sense of strength and solidarity. With more linemen on the job, we can get the lights back on quicker. There’s also a tremendous sense of the power of community when other linemen arrive.
Mutual aid is more than a practical solution – it shows the cooperative spirit. When coops need support, it’s reassuring to know that co-ops across the state and beyond are in this together, helping to get life back to normal, one power line at a time.
Do you have a story of how mutual aid helped your community during a storm? We want to hear from you. Your experiences are part of what makes Jackson EMC and our network of cooperatives so special. Share it with me at chip@jacksonemc.com
With lower demand for electricity in the colder months, you may enjoy savings on your bill from now until April.
Jackson EMC’s winter rates are among the lowest in the state. An average Jackson EMC member using 1,500 kWh per month saved $37 per month last winter compared to the statewide average for electric utilities.*
Public Service Commission’s Residential Rate Survey for Winter 2024 in the category for household electric consumption at 1,500
Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment, service charge and applicable taxes are also part of your total electric bill.
Your home is unique. That’s why you may need a professional to find where your home loses energy and recommend ways to fix them.
A home energy evaluation is the best way to make your home more energy-efficient, which can help lower your bills and make your home more comfortable. Jackson EMC offers a high-tech home evaluation, which includes a series of diagnostic tests that provide an accurate assessment of your home’s energy efficiency.
When the technician arrives, they’ll ask you questions about specific trouble areas in your home and your energy use habits.
The technician then conducts a comprehensive evaluation of your home. They’ll start with a visual inspection to ensure your insulation and air sealing meets current energy standards. Then, the technician will use specialized equipment to pinpoint potential energy problems areas and measure your home’s air infiltration.
The home energy evaluation is available for a base fee. Members can benefit from rebates to ease the cost. For more information, VISIT JACKSONEMC.COM/EVALUATION.
After the inspection, the technician will give you a prioritized list of recommendations of energy- efficient improvements and information about contractors in our participating network that can help do the work.
Members are encouraged to take action to improve their home’s energy efficiency. Once a participating contractor completes the work, your technician will follow-up with diagnostic tests to compare results. After improvements, if the home passes the testing process, you may qualify for rebates from Jackson EMC.
If you prefer to check your home’s energy efficiency yourself, use our DIY home checkup checklist. It can help you spot areas where you can save energy. You can also watch instructional videos at jacksonemc.com/kit.
Whether it’s a tropical storm, a powerful local thunderstorm or icy conditions, electric cooperatives are ready to respond.
Co-ops, like Jackson EMC, do everything they can to prevent or minimize potential power outages — including trimming tree limbs and vegetation near power lines and equipment, and regular maintenance on cooperative-owned equipment. But when Mother Nature has her own ideas, there’s a plan.
Every co-op has an emergency plan that includes a unique approach to emergency management and disaster recovery, called mutual aid. Co-ops can quickly get support from fellow co-ops to help restore power to members when disaster strikes. Earlier this year, Jackson EMC sent 15 crew members to Kentucky after powerful storms and tornadoes caused widespread power outages.
“We love what we do. And, we love helping other co-ops,” said Harry Reeves, vice president of training and safety at Georgia EMC, the statewide association of the state’s 41 electric cooperatives, including Jackson EMC.
Following the destruction caused by powerful Hurricane Hugo in 1989, Jackson EMC sent several linemen to help in power restoration efforts in South Carolina.
“Cooperation among cooperatives” is one of the guiding principles of co-ops. Mutual aid allows co-ops to “borrow” workers from other co-ops to restore power to areas hit by severe weather. The approach allows co-ops to scale up their workforce quickly, resulting in shorter outage times for members.
Lineworkers across Georgia and Alabama helped Jackson EMC restore power to more than 50,000 members when severe storms caused extensive damage to power poles and equipment in July 2023.
“The additional linemen make a difference in how quickly power can be restored,” said Tommy Parker, Jackson EMC’s vice president of operations. “It can be an extensive effort to manage the logistics of getting crews to where they’re needed, making repairs and moving on to the next spot.”
Every storm is different, Reeves said. Georgia EMC works closely with GEMA (Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency) to monitor potential major storms. “If we hear of a tropical storm forming, we start working on calling co-ops,” he said.
Lineman across the U.S. — from cooperatives in Texas, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio — came to Jackson EMC in 2017 to help with power restoration efforts after Hurricane Irma.
If a storm is expected to hit the east side of Georgia, Reeves said he’ll start calling other state-wide co-ops west of the state, such as Alabama or Mississippi. Likewise, a storm projected to hit the west side of the state means he’ll contact co-ops in South Carolina, North Carolina or Tennessee. The more impactful the storm, the further out Georgia EMC may ask for help.
Hurricane Irma was a devastating storm impacting our entire state. The powerful storm affected most of the co-ops in Georgia, meaning they couldn’t help fellow co-ops in the state. Irma was one of the most damaging storms in Jackson EMC’s history, resulting in 186 broken poles and about 55% of members losing power at some point. A total of 31 co-ops across the nation, including those from Texas, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio, helped Jackson EMC in its restoration efforts.
When a co-op knows it’ll need help, it will contact Georgia EMC to begin coordinating among participating co-ops. Once crews arrive at their destination, they’ll be briefed on safety procedures and assigned a crew leader to guide them in Jackson EMC’s
When Hurricane Michael hit south Georgia in 2018, Jackson EMC sent two rounds of line crews to help to help with the extensive effort to restore power for a fellow co-op.
service area, Parker said. Because the nation’s electrical grid is built to federal standards, line crews from any electric co-op have the knowledge to quickly provide support.
Supporting co-ops also coordinate housing, food and showers for participating line crews. Jackson EMC’s emergency response plan details how the co-op provides temporary housing and meals each day crews are helping to restore power. In some cases, a co-op may have so much damage in its area that staying in a hotel isn’t an option. That happened to Jackson EMC and other crews when they stayed in large tents after Hurricane Michael devastated south Georgia in 2018. In 2020, crews stayed in specialized trailers with enough beds to hold several linemen while helping to restore power in Alabama.
But, sometimes, line crews aren’t the only thing co-ops need. After extremely powerful storms, co-ops may need help restocking their warehouses with with supplies, repairing vehicles or answering their phones. In those cases, additional employees may be able to help. “Co-ops are so good about saying, ‘Hey, what do you need,’ and offering what they can to help,” Reeves said.
Mutual aid continues to be a vital part of how electric coops operate and serve members. The “cooperation among cooperatives” approach means power can be restored as quickly as conditions and safety procedures allow after major outage events.
Members are encouraged to follow Jackson EMC on our social media channels for the latest information when storms hit.
The Jackson EMC Foundation Board of Directors recently awarded a total of $89,240 to organizations.
$17,340 to Side by Side Brain Injury Clubhouse, Inc., to provide rehabilitation services for adults from Gwinnett County who are permanently disabled due to a traumatic brain injury.
$15,000 to Junior Achievement of Georgia, Inc., for program materials and supplies for the JA Biztown and JA Finance Park interactive programs that teach the concepts of financial literacy, business, entrepreneurship and career readiness to middle school students in Gwinnett and Hall counties.
$15,000 to Project Adam Community Assistance Center, Inc., an organization focused on the prevention and treatment of
alcohol and drug dependency for men in Barrow, Banks, Clarke, Gwinnett, Hall, Jackson, Madison and Oglethorpe counties, to provide food for its residential treatment center.
$15,000 to Sleep in Heavenly Peace GA-Belmont Chapter, in Gainesville, for supplies to build and furnish 80 beds for children ages 3-17 who sleep on floors or other inadequate situations without beds in Hall and Jackson counties.
$14,900 to Diamond in the Rough Youth Development, Inc., Snellville, whose mission is to prepare, inspire, nurture, and provide knowledge to girls 4-18 in Gwinnett County through a variety of preventive programs and activities for its Clusters Mentoring Program.
$12,000 to Latin America Association for its emergency rental assistance program for Gwinnett families in need.
The Jackson EMC Foundation Board of Directors recently approved grants totaling $143,700 for organizations.
$20,000 to Nothing But the Truth, Inc., Dacula, to purchase food for its Weekend Food Program, which serves children in need in Barrow and Gwinnett counties.
$15,000 to BackPack Kids to purchase food for its Backpack Feeding Program that will serve 75 children in Jackson County for 40 weeks.
$15,000 to The Block Community Outreach, Inc., Sugar Hill, to purchase fresh produce and shelf-stable foods for its Weekend Food Program for children in need in Gwinnett County.
$15,000 to Buford First United Methodist Church for its Sack Kids Hunger relief program that provides weekend food bags for children in need in Gwinnett and Hall counties.
$15,000 to Food to Kids Madison County, Inc., Danielsville, to purchase food for its Weekend Backpack Program, which provides food for the weekends to families who have been identified by counselors in four Madison County elementary schools as food insecure.
$15,000 to iServe Ministries, Inc., Jefferson, to purchase food and bags for its Bags of Love program, which delivers a backpack full of food for families in need in Jackson and Madison counties.
$15,000 to New Path 1010, Inc., Bethlehem, to purchase food for its Weekend Food Bag program to serve children in need in Barrow County.
$15,000 to Straight Street Revolution Ministries, Inc., Gainesville, to purchase food for its Backpack Love Program, which gives Hall County students in need a backpack filled with food for each weekend.
$12,700 to the Rotary Club of Banks County, Inc., to purchase food for its Food2Kids Backpack Program to serve children in need in Banks County.
$6,000 to Lumpkin County Family Connection, Dahlonega, to purchase food for its Backpack Buddies program, which provides meals, snacks and drinks each week to children and families in Lumpkin County identified by Family Advocacy as food insecure.
The Jackson EMC Marketplace makes it easy to find holiday deals and benefit from member rebates. The online energyefficiency store features instant rebates for Jackson EMC members for Level 2 EV chargers and smart thermostats. You can also shop for LED light bulbs, water-saving fixtures, air purifiers, power strips and more.
Shop the Jackson EMC Marketplace at jacksonemcmarketplace.com or scan the QR code
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Published monthly by the Communication Department of Jackson Electric Membership Corp., 825 Buford Dr., Lawrenceville, Ga. 30043. Subscription $3.50 per year as part of yearly membership. Periodicals Postage Paid at Lawrenceville, Ga., and additional mailing offices.
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Editor Kerri Testement, 825 Buford Dr., Lawrenceville, Ga. 30043
Jackson Electric Membership Corporation, 825 Buford Dr., Lawrenceville, Ga. 30043
Known bondholders, mortgages and other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities; Rural Utilities Services, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, D.C. 20250-1500, Cooperative Finance Corporation, 2201 Cooperative Way, Herndon, Va. 20171-3025
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1000 Dawsonville Highway Gainesville, GA (770) 536-2415
85 Spratlin Mill Road Hull, GA (706) 548-5362
850 Commerce Road Jefferson, GA (706) 367-5281
825 Buford Dr Lawrenceville, GA (770) 963-6166
55 Satellite Blvd., NW Suwanee, GA (770) 963-0305 or (706) 543-4009
“This recipe is always a hit among family and friends! It’s delicious and easy to bake. I like the fact that it is prepped in the same pan that it is cooked in so there’s less to clean up."
cup all-purpose flour
cup granulated sugar
Tbsp. baking cocoa tsp. baking powder cup milk Tbsp. vegetable oil tsp. vanilla flavoring
TOPPING INGREDIENTS: cup packed brown sugar cup baking cocoa cup very hot water 1 1/4 1 3/4
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the flour, granulated sugar, 2 Tbsp. cocoa and baking powder in an ungreased square 9x9 inch pan. Mix in the milk, oil and vanilla with a fork until smooth. Spread evenly in pan. Sprinkle brown sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa over batter. Pour hot water over batter.
Bake for about 40 minutes until the top is dry. Let the cake cool for about 10 minutes. The chocolate sauce will be very hot. Spoon the warm cake into bowls. Top with ice cream and/ or whipped cream.